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increasing students' participation in speaking class trough


Academic year: 2023

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The aim of this research is to find out the improvement of students' participation in speaking class and students' speaking skill in terms of fluency dealing with confidence and poise in eleventh grade students of MA Manongkoki Kabupaten Takalar. This means that there has been an improvement in students' participation during the learning process and students' fluency in speaking with confidence and poise.


Research question

How the Word in the Hat game is implemented in the teaching of speaking to increase the participation of MA Manongkoki grade eleven students. How to improve students' fluency in speaking skills of MA Manongkoki eleventh grade students.

Objective of research

Significant of research

For the teacher, it is expected that the teacher can do this research as motivation or reference to create a strategy in the teaching of the English language, so that the teacher and the students can achieve the goal with the material. For the further researcher, it is expected that the further researcher can make this research as a reference and find another new unique technique that can be implemented in the classroom.

Scope of the research

This chapter will show the previous research which correlates with this research and will discuss the teaching of speaking and participation as part of the classroom activity and the application of word on the hat game in the teaching of speaking.

Previews research

  • Aspect of speaking
  • Element of speaking
  • Principles of teaching speaking

In this case, the speaker must not only know what to deliver, but also know how to deliver it. Therefore, most students are not disciplined in using the target language in the learning process.

The concept of Word On Hat Game Technique 1. Game

  • Word On Hat Game
  • Participation

Word matching can be a strategy that will bring many benefits to both the teacher and the students. Student participation in the learning activities, especially in the form of interaction between students.

Definition of Classroom action research

Research design

  • Planning
  • Action
  • Observation
  • Reflection

It meant like analyzing and understanding the weakness of the strategy in the first cycle. Analyze the result of the first cycle and make a plan to repair the weakness of the strategy in the first cycle. To make a plan again for the scenario of the learning process from the result of the first cycle.

The observation in cycle 2 is that in every meeting you can see the result of the implementation of the strategy.

Research variable and indicators

Based on the results of the researcher's observation, the researcher can conclude that the Word on the Hat game strategy can improve the student's. The population in this survey; in the eleventh grade, there were two classes, one class of exact programmers and one class of social programmers, the total number of students for the eleventh grade was 60 students, where each class consisted of 32 students in the exact class and 28 students in the social class. The subjects of the research were eleven grade XI students. class in the academic years 2015-2016.

Research instrument

Oral test: it was used to obtain data on the students' speaking ability after performing the actions in each cycle.

Technique of Data Collecting

Fairly good 6.6-7.5 They sometimes speak hastily but reasonably well about smoothness Fair 5.6-6.5 They sometimes speak hastily, reasonably well about smoothness. Very poor 0.0-3.5 They speak very hastily and more sentences are not appropriate for fluency and little to no communication. After collecting the students' data, the researcher classified the students' score.

This chapter discusses the findings of the study and the interpretation of the data analysis includes the result of the data collected through observation and test.


  • The Improvement of the Students’ Participation in speaking class on cycle 1
  • The students’ participation in speaking class on cycle 2
  • The Improvement of the Students’ Participation in speaking class from cycle 1 to cycle 2

Data on student participation based on observations from the researchers in the first cycle can be seen in the table below. Data from the students' participation in cycle 2 during the learning process can be seen in the table below. Almost all the students became active and enthusiastic when they played the word hat game.

The table explains that the average participation of students in the speaking class is in the process of teaching and learning through the observation sheet of the researcher.

Table 1: Students’ participation score on cycle 1
Table 1: Students’ participation score on cycle 1

The students’ speaking fluency on Diagnostic test

The first time when the researcher made observations of the students, besides observing the participation of the students, the researchers also conducted a diagnostic test to determine the students' speaking fluency which consists of confidence and smoothness, and based on the results of diagnostic tests, the researcher obtained data about students' speaking fluency in the table below;. From the data above, we can clearly see that the data about the ability of students is low, even far away from the standard score, based on which researchers have started to create lesson plans based on the material to be taught by putting the word on hat combine play in several meetings in cycle 1.

The students’ speaking fluency on cycle 1

The students’ speaking fluency on cycle 2

From the explanation above, it can be seen that when the researcher performed the action in the 1st and 2nd cycle, the average score of the students improved. The above table proves that the information gap technique in the teaching and learning process can improve students' speaking fluency after taking action in the 1st and 2nd cycles. In order to clearly see the improvement in students' speaking fluency, the following table is presented.

The graph above shows the improvement of the students' score in cycle 2 which is higher that cycle 1.

Table  7:  The  improvement  of  the  students’  speaking  fluency on cycle 1 to cycle 2
Table 7: The improvement of the students’ speaking fluency on cycle 1 to cycle 2

The improvement of the students’ speaking fluency

The table above indicates that there is improvement in the students' speaking skills from diagnostic test after cycle 1 to cycle 2 in which the students' average score. From the graph above, we can see that students improve fluency from a diagnostic test that scored only 4.14%, and then increased in one cycle is 6.7%. It is clear that applying the word strategy game at a hat not only increases the participation of students from cycle 1 to cycle 2, but also improves the fluency of students.


  • The improvement of the students’ participation in speaking class
  • The improvement of the students’ speaking fluency dealing with self- confidence and smoothness.confidence and smoothness

It shows that the implementation of the Word in the Hat game strategy can stimulate students' activity in the teaching and learning process. In other words, the Word on Hat Game strategy is a good way that can be used to increase student participation in the speaking class. Improving students' speaking fluency which deals with confidence and fluency.awareness and fluency.

After taking action in Cycle 1 using the Word-in-Hat game strategy, the percentage of students who pass the test on confidence and fluency are: 1 student (6%) becomes fair, 10 students (31%) quite good, 16 students (50%) become good, 4 students (12%) become very good.



This chapter presented the conclusion and suggestion based on the findings and discussion of the data analysis. Future researchers are suggested to develop their research findings to investigate speaking issues at every level of students, especially in upper secondary school. Please come up to the class and then tell about an experience that makes you very happy and how you express it to other people.

Find another narrative story, then read a retelling in front of the class in your own words!.






  • Teks monolog berbentuk procedure, contohnya



The teacher will give the material, (the material is a text and the content of the text consists of some information. The teacher puts a word related to the information of the text in the students' hat (only one student wearing The students not wearing a hat should speak and they give clues to their friend.

The students wearing the hat must guess the word on the hat that is related to the clue given by his/her friend.


Memberikan motivasi kepada siswa yang kurang dan tidak mampu mengikuti materi soal teks monolog sederhana berbentuk prosedur. Siswa diberikan pekerjaan rumah (PR) yang menghubungkan materi dengan soal teks monolog sederhana berbentuk prosedur.


Mendiskusikan materi dengan siswa (Buku: Bahan Ajar Bahasa Inggris mengenai soal teks monolog sederhana berbentuk retelling. Memberikan kesempatan kepada siswa untuk berkomunikasi secara lisan atau presentasi mengenai soal teks monolog sederhana berbentuk retelling. Siswa diminta untuk membahas contoh soal dalam buku: Bahan ajar bahasa inggris mengenai soal teks monolog sederhana berbentuk retelling.

Siswa diberikan pekerjaan rumah (PR) meliputi materi terkait soal teks monolog sederhana berbentuk cerita.



Nina dan Grup B mengikuti Pak. Baiklah, pertama-tama kita pergi ke tanaman tropis yang aneh dan Bu. Nina membacakan kami beberapa informasi. Mata Pelajaran: Kelas/Semester Bahasa Inggris: Memahami makna teks tulis fungsional pendek dan esai sederhana berbentuk recount, narasi, dan prosedur dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan.

Siswa dapat menampilkan teks monolog lisan berupa cerita E. Muara Kaman yang terletak di sepanjang Sungai Mahakam, Kalimantan bagian timur.



Diskusikan materi dengan siswa (Buku: Bahan Ajar Bahasa Inggris tentang Teks Tindak Pidato Soal: Mengenal, Bertemu dan Berbagi. Siswa diminta mendiskusikan contoh soal dalam Buku: Bahan Ajar Bahasa Inggris tentang Teks Soal Tindak Pidato: pengenalan, pertemuan dan berbagi Siswa diminta membuat rangkuman materi sehubungan dengan teks pertanyaan tindak tutur: pengenalan, pertemuan dan berbagi.

Siswa diberikan pekerjaan rumah (PR) mengenai materi terkait soal teks pidato: perkenalan, pertemuan dan perpisahan.





Pemberian stimulus berupa pemberian materi pertanyaan teks berbagai tindak tutur dalam wacana lisan interpersonal/transaksional: dalam berbagai peristiwa gembira dan gembira. Membahas materi bersama siswa (Buku: Bahan Ajar Bahasa Inggris mengenai teks pertanyaan berbagai tindak tutur dalam wacana lisan interpersonal/transaksional: dalam berbagai peristiwa dengan gembira dan bahagia. Membiasakan siswa membuat teks kalimat tanya berbagai tindak tutur dalam wacana lisan interpersonal/transaksional . : dalam berbagai acara bahagia dan beruntung.

Siswa diberikan pekerjaan rumah (PR) terkait materi mengenai teks soal, berbagai tindak tutur dalam wacana interpersonal/lisan.


Table 1: Students’ participation score on cycle 1
Table 2: the students’ participation score on cycle 2
Table  3 :  The  Improvement  of  the  students’  participation  in speaking class
Tabel 4: Students; speaking fluency on Diagnostic test


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