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Academic year: 2023



Teks penuh

First of all, the author would like to express his gratitude to the Lord Allah swt. The supreme and the master of the universe, while the creator of everything in this world, who still gives the writer good health, blessing, mercy so that he can finish this thesis. Finally, the author realized that this thesis cannot be considered perfect without criticism and suggestions.




Problem Statements

Does the patois patta’e language affect students’ pronunciation in eighth grade MTs Izzatul Ma’arif Tappina. Determining Student Pronunciation Ability in Eighth Grade MTs Izzatul Ma’arif Tappina. To find out whether the patois patta’e language affects the pronunciation of students in the eighth grade of MT Izzatul Ma’arif Tappina.

Significance of the Research

  • The Concept of Pronunciation a. Defenition of Pronunciation
  • The Consept of Regional Language a. The Definiton of Regional Language

Absolutely pronunciation is an element that is very important in English, pronunciation is one of the most important things that a student must master in order to communicate properly and fluently. A vowel is a tongue so it does not touch other parts of the mouth, teeth or lips and is a sound. The existence of a local or regional language is very close to the existence of an ethnic group which.

According to the above explanation, the researcher can conclude that a regional language is a unifying language or the language of an ethnic group, where this regional language is commonly used among people in a small area, a state, a province or beyond. area. This regional language is common and widely used in each region because it supports the customs of each region that form regional culture and national culture. An accent is a way of saying a word (accent) curve of the language or features owned by the person concerned in accordance with.

Suddenly, they immediately reported to Tomakaka that he saw someone in the middle of the forest, with a feeling of shock, Tomakaka immediately rushed.23. Previously, this area was a kingdom called the Binuang Kingdom (Pattae Tribal Kingdom) which was taken from the name of the Binuang Wood that grew along the banks of the Binuang River. The majority of the population in Binuang district are Pattae, the rest are Mandar, Bugis and Pattinjo tribes.

The potential resources of Binuang Sub-district are further developed to improve the well-being of the people. According to the above explanation, the researcher can conclude that the Pattae tribe generally inhabited the territory of the Binuang Kingdom, located in Polewali Mandar Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia. This tribe also produced a regional language, Pattae Regional Language, where the language spoken by the Pattae tribe, which generally inhabits the territory of the Binuang Kingdom, is located in Polewali Mandar Regency, West Sulawesi , Indonesia. Besides this language, this language is also found in various places such as Sulawesi-Selbar area.

Table 2.1 English Vowel Sound Chart
Table 2.1 English Vowel Sound Chart

Previous Research Findings

Third, a student from Maryam Nurlaila University of Muhammadiyah Buton conducted a study entitled “The Influence of Regional Language (Ciacia) on the Development of Indonesian for Children Aged 2 to 6 in Holimombo Jaya Village”. This study aims to describe the influence of regional language (Ciacia) on the development of Indonesian language for children aged 2 to 6 years in Holimombo Jaya Village, and the method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive method. The results of the study show that children in Holimombo Jaya Village are generally strongly influenced by the local language.

The influence of the introduction of the native language is due to the family environment and the environment in which the children play. 31. Fourth, Astuti Rahman from Alauddin State Islamic University in Makassar in 2016 with the title of the journal "Influence of Regional Languages ​​on Indonesian Language Learning Outcomes for Grade 1 Students of SD Inpres Maki, Lamba-Leda District, East Manggarai Regency" . This research is a correlational study. So the use of regional languages ​​in Indonesian language learning outcomes of grade 1 students of SD Inpres Maki produces a negative effect. In conclusion, the use of regional languages ​​in the learning outcomes of students of grade 1 in SD Inpres Maki has a negative effect.

Penelitian dengan peneliti yang meneliti sama membahas tentang pengaruh bahasa daerah berbahasa penelitian ini dipengaruhi oleh dampak aksen Pattae terhadap pengucapan anak-anak dalam bahasa Inggris. 31 Maryam Nurlaila, Dampak Bahasa Daerah (Ciacia) Terhadap Perkembangan Bahasa Indonesia Anak Usia 2 Sampai 6 Tahun di Desa Holimombo Jaya. 32Astuti Rahman, Dampak Bahasa Daerah Terhadap Hasil Belajar Bahasa Indonesia Siswa Kelas 1 SD Inpres Maki Kecamatan Lamba-Leda Kabupaten Manggarai Timur (Jurnal).

Conseptual Frameworks


Variable and Operational Definition 1. Independent Variable

This study used a form of quantitative associative research with a quantitative research design that examines the relationship between two variables. Quantitative research that was usually population-based was rarely necessary and even rarer, especially when the population was large or geographical. The independent variable (independent variable) is a single variable that is not affected by other variables.

In this paper, the researcher set the students' Pronunciation Skill as independent variable given the symbol Y. Dependent variable (dependent variable) is a variable that is influenced or caused by the existence of an independent variable.

Location and duration of the research

Subject of the Research

The questionnaire is a list of questions provided to others who are willing to respond (respondent) as requested by the researcher.3 The researcher used a questionnaire to collect data because it is simpler and many researches have ' using a questionnaire. The questionnaire is a good way to collect certain types of information quickly and relatively cheaply as long as the subject is sufficiently literate and as long as the researcher is sufficiently disciplined to drop questions that are superfluous to the main mask.4. The researcher asked questions to the students to obtain information about their factor influence of Patoes Patta'E languange.

Students' responses were analyzed using a 4-option Likert scale, namely, strongly agree, agree, disagree, and strongly disagree, and the items consisted of 10 items that referred to 3 aspects to the responses.

Technique of Data Analysis

Scoring Classification, to evaluate the students' pronunciation, the researcher uses the category can be seen in the table below. Pronunciation is slightly influenced by mother some small grammatical and lexical errors but many pronunciations are correct. No proof that you have mastered any language skills and areas practiced in the course.

The findings of the research were the answer to the statistical problems, which focused on the pronunciation skills of the eighth grade MT students. The above result conducted by the researcher with direct test, the researcher faced the students while registering for the validation test. The above table explained the students' pronunciation ability, which showed that the students who get the score of 40-50 range were 2 students and 51-70 range were 6 students and 71-80 range were 13 students.

The explanation of each score was symbol F (frequency) means that, the total of students who get score in certain interval. The result above was the accumulation of the score, which identified that dominant students get an interval 71 to 80 score; it should be present that more than half of the students showed average score which 63% of 21 students of VIII B class showed at MTs Izzatul Ma'arif Tappina.

Table 3.1 Score and Criteria Accuracy (Pronunciation)
Table 3.1 Score and Criteria Accuracy (Pronunciation)



  • Students Pronunciation Skill

This part also presents an analysis of the respondents' data in order to determine the description of the quality of the students' pronunciation. These sections were intended to answer the research question mentioned in the first chapter, which asked about the students' pronunciation skills and their influence on the students' regional language. For the most part, students showed a positive result when reading this text, which consists of many aspects of pronunciation; found several students who mispronounce several vowels at the beginning of the text mostly pronounce as a prominent relational language of the Pettae language.

The result of the research also clearly showed that the students who perform reading who pronounce /æ/ in poor pronunciation, other findings also wrongly in /ey/ vowel. The first research question concerns the students' pronunciation skill, which is clearly identified by the valid result of the score shown in the previous section above. From the results of the normality test, it was found that the students' pronunciation skill showed VIII B class (sig = 0.658> 0.05) and the Pattae Languange performed by questioner showed (sig=0.383>0.05) which was categorized as normally distributed .

Regression analysis/test is a study of the relationship between a variable, namely the explained variable (the dependent variable) and one or more variables, namely the independent variable. The above result really showed the impact of regional language on students performing; students mostly put every habit in their daily life towards every subject. This result was supported by many previous researches which also identified the impact of the regional language on students.

Mostly, students showed positive results when reading this text, which consists of many aspects of pronunciation; several students were found mispronouncing several vowels in the beginning of the text, they usually pronounce it as regional language of Pettae language.


Celce-murcia Marianne, Et A., Eds, 2010., Pengajaran Pengucapan Buku Kursus dan Panduan Referensi New York: Cambridge University Press. Febrianto, Interferensi Bahasa Bugis terhadap Penggunaan Bahasa Indonesia dalam Komunikasi Siswa SMA Negeri 2 Pitumpanua Kabupaten Wajo. Nurlaila Maryam, Dampak bahasa daerah Ciacia terhadap perkembangan bahasa Indonesia pada anak usia 2 sampai 6 tahun di desa Holimombo Jaya.

Meningkatkan Keterampilan Pengucapan Siswa Homophone Game Sebuah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas Pada Siswa Sains Kelas Sebelas Pertama SMA N 1 Nguter” Journal International Comperence On Indonesian Islam, Education And Science ICIES. Rahman Astuti, Pengaruh Bahasa Daerah Terhadap Hasil Belajar Bahasa Indonesia Siswa Kelas 1 SD Inpres Maki Kecamatan Lamba-Leda Kabupaten Manggarai Timur (Jurnal). Diskusi daerah dari perspektif budaya dan sosiolinguistik: peran dan pengaruhnya dalam pergeseran dan pemertahanan bahasa, Jurnal: Seminar Internasional Pemeliharaan dan Shiff Bahasa.


The Students Score



Questioner Items

  • Identitas Siswa a. Nama Siswa
  • Petunjuk




Table Number  Name of Tables  Pages
Table 2.1 English Vowel Sound Chart
Table 2.3 Voiced and Voiceless of Consonants Sound
Figure 2.3 Conceptual Framework


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