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Ahmad Zainul Abidin

Fakultas Hukum dan Ilmu Sosial, Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha, Email: ahmadzainulabidin57@gmail.com

Info Artikel Abstract

Masuk:1September2022 Diterima:23Oktober 2022

Terbit:1 November 2022 Keywords:

Corruption, prevention

Corresponding Author:

Ahmad Zainul Abidin, email:

ahmadzainulabidin57@gmail .com

This study aims to pinpoint the elements of power abuse in corruption cases as well as the preventative measures adopted by civil officials. Corruption has the potential to damage a country's economic foundation. The government is unable to progress growth for the benefit of the populace because acts of corruption have stolen substantial sums of state money. Each person who commits corruption is accountable for returning the proceeds to the government as an asset. This study method uses a descriptive approach to describe and explain how corruption happens in Indonesia.


The eradication of corruption is one of the main concerns that is taking place in Indonesia today.

Because, every layer of power and government—executive, legislative, and judicial—from the national to the regional level seems to have adopted corruption as a custom and culture. claims that the word


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"corruption" or "corruptus" comes from Latin. The word later appeared in several European languages, including English and French, as "corruption", in Dutch as "korruptie", and lastly in Indonesian meaning "bribed". Encyclopedia Indonesia provides the following definitions of corruption crimes:

Corruption (derived from Latin Corruption is the same as bribery; from corrumpere is equal to destructive) (derived from Latin Corruption is the same as bribery; from corrumpere is the same as destroying). 1 Whereas the Big Dictionary of Indonesian (Wasito: 2001: 597) defines corruption as the theft or misappropriation of public funds (or funds belonging to a company) for the benefit of oneself or the benefit of others. Many experts also offer a classification of corruption crimes according to this idea.

Mohtar Mas'oed (1997:25) defines corruption as behavior that deviates from the official requirements of public office to benefit oneself, immediate family, or other relatives economically or socially. In addition, according to Baharudin Lopa (1987: 6), corruption crimes include bribery and manipulation and other wrongdoing that endanger the general welfare and interests of the people.

News about corruption is always rampant or becomes a topic of discussion in the wider community because the majority of the perpetrators revealed are individuals or government officials in power, both at the central, regional, and DPR levels, who have the authority and authority. control function to support the running of the state. internal government supervision (APIP) and the TUN Court (State Administrative Court), to conduct monitoring and testing regarding, and eradication of post-conflict norms. ratification of Law Number 30 of 2014 concerning Government Administration (Government Administration Law), especially Articles 17 to 21, which regulates the prohibition of abuse of authority by government agencies and / or officials, as well as the granting of authority to government officials.

Research Methods

The research methodology of this research is qualitative descriptive writing. which aims to present a summary of the social background or the investigation and clarification of a phenomenon.

The qualitative approach is one in which the researcher serves as the main instrument for studying the state of natural objects. In this work, a descriptive approach is used to describe and explain how corruption occurs in Indonesia. This method is usually used in research that focuses on in-depth


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observation. Meanwhile, it uses qualitative techniques to identify the best initiatives for the eradication of corruption in Indonesia.


The word corruption comes from the Latin word "corruptio," and its verb form is "corrumpere,"

which means "rotten, smelly, broken, shaken, reversed, and bribed," according to Wikipedia. The behavior of public officials, including politicians and civil workers, who by abusing the general power held and entrusted to them, unjustly and unlawfully enriches oneself or those closest to him, is defined as corruption, according to his terminology. Transparency International defines corruption as the actions of public officials, including politicians and civilian workers, who take advantage of their positions of trust to benefit themselves or those close to them unjustly and criminally. In theory, corruption can exist in any type of government. The severity of corrosion varies, with the weakest levelof the corruption epidemic currently sweeping the country starting with education. The advancement of people's welfare, one of the goals of the Indonesian state, depends heavily on the leadership role of anti-corruption education. If corruption still permeates almost every aspect of the life of this country, it will be a challenge for the country to achieve its goals. For this reason, it will be discussed further how important anti-corruption education is in helping to eradicate corruption that plagues this country. During this time, formal knowledge gained in schools dominated the educational progress of science and technology. however, to achieve the potential of science and technology, spiritual intelligence is to have a noble faith capacity, feel always protected by Allah SWT, love charity, discipline in worship, patient, honest, and honest, and skilled in gratitude. Meanwhile, kinesthetic intelligence fosters self-awareness by maintaining physical health, gaining weight through halal food, and other practices. Biyanto in Agus Wibowo mentioned several factors that make anti-corruption education must be implemented immediately in schools to universities, including: In general, it can explain various misconceptions about the eradication of corruption. This is because until recently only formal legal definitions were used to define corruption. 2



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Meanwhile, various types of spiritual intelligence are having a noble faith capacity, feeling always protected by Allah SWT, love charity, discipline in worship, patient, honest, and honest, and skilled in gratitude.

Meanwhile, kinesthetic intelligence fosters self-awareness by maintaining physical health, gaining weight through halal food, and other practices. Biyanto in Agus Wibowo mentioned several factors that make anti-corruption education must be implemented immediately in schools to universities, including: In general, it can explain various misconceptions about the eradication of corruption. This is because until recently only formal legal definitions were used to define corruption.

(Asmorojati,W.S. 2017).

Contemporary corporate anti-corruption programs can currently be implemented in several ways, including the Integrity System, Anti-Corruption Program, GCG Compliance Program, and Anti- Bribery Management System. At its core, one of its goals is to protect the corporation from criminal activity and corruption problems. According to John Sandage (2014: 31), the business sector has an important role in fighting corruption by creating effective internal anti-corruption policies and practices and assisting the government in creating and strengthening public anti-corruption infrastructure.

Corporations profit from anti-corruption initiatives. Anti-corruption initiatives are becoming more common in businesses around the world as a way to reduce their legal, business, and reputational risks.

To demonstrate business The following advantages can be achieved if carried out in an open and transparent manner: (1) Sustainable growth; (2) Cost savings; and (3) Reduce the likelihood of being punished or experiencing negative results (IT, 2016). Businesses are aware of this action as a form of defense. Anti-corruption initiatives are carried out through compliance programs in a number of countries, and such initiatives can be considered when deciding whether to lower fines or penalties against businesses that violate the law, especially in the case of bribery. In Indonesia, the KPK established seven anti-corruption initiatives that must be implemented for business actors to maintain the integrity of business development, including (1) identifying corruption, (2) enforcing a code of ethics, (3) internalizing anti-corruption values, (4) training and socialization, (5) corporate social responsibility, (6) leadership, and (7) addressing policy conflicts of interest. 3

3 I. Saputra (2017). Implementation of Nilai Pancasila in Indonesia's fight against corruption. Journal of Ilmiah Pendidikan Pancasila & Kewarganegaraan (JPPKn), 1 (2).


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The internal anti-corruption program of the corporation is not enough to completely eliminate the possibility of corruption. According to the World Bank (2008), there are three methods of creating anti-corruption programs that can be utilized to create a low-risk corporate climate: (1) Internal strategies based on risk assessment, implementation of compliance programs, and provision of anti- corruption guidelines, (2) External strategies involving the exchange of guidelines and knowledge best practices with stakeholders, and (3) collective action methods, which involve collaboration with business partners, other players in the same sector, and other stakeholders. Collective action is needed to help build a common understanding in creating a business environment with minimal risk of corruption because the internal programs that the organization implements face a competitive environment that is financially harmful and cannot change the business environment.(Dwi Siska Susanti,dkk, 2018)

Every civilization shows some form of corruption, and history shows that almost all nations experience the problem of corruption. Not very, considering how corruption continues to develop and change according to the times, how to eradicate it, and how corruption itself develops. Public demands are considered in the preparation of anti-corruption laws, but the problem is getting worse. Millions of rupiah and even billions or even trillions of rupiah have been lost by the state. On the other hand all posts have rates and require legislative approval. This failure severely damaged the country's finances and economy and slowed progress, which adversely affected the Indonesian people in the form of social damage that was difficult to heal. (2007) Marpaung (2001: 27) Regions in Indonesia have also been plagued by corruption, and North Sumatra is no exception. According to research conducted by Syamsul Arifin since 2000 ICW also noted that provinces other than North Sumatra also recorded quite large corruption cases, consisting of the provinces of East Java, Riau, and South Sulawesi whose total corruption cases reached 20 cases, and Bengkulu which ranks second with 23 cases. Center for Financial Transaction Reporting and Analysis findings. Corruption serves as a visual representation of how easily control can be abused and made for personal gain for one's own benefit. Development is severely harmed by corruption, which has also deceived the people into hiding the depravity of the corruptors. 4

4Dampak Melawan Hukum Dalam Tindak Pidana Korupsi, E. Z. Lubis, 2017. Public Administration Journal, 7(2), 107–116.

Jurnal Administrasi Publik


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If development is not accompanied by development oversight to secure public assets that will be threatened by corrupt officials, equitable development will not be achieved adequately. Without control, there will be a lot of leaks, and this violation may eventually stop the progress. Therefore, monitoring must be continued asone must be careful when conducting supervision; careless monitoring has the opposite effect in aiding development and actually makes it more difficult to implement. It is important to understand that development supervision is a component of many different developments and is not a stand-alone part. Participating in the facilitation of development and obtaining development results is the main objective of supervision. Not out of distrust, not to expose mistakes, not to hurt anyone, but rather to ensure that all development plans are successful.(Elvi,Z.L. 2017)

Pancasila is not a firm and rigid legal system. So that many parties who have a common interest in preserving and upholding the values of Pancasila can participate in its implementation and help its growth and development in all areas of life. The stronghold of morality and the forefront in determining the future morality of an action in the eyes of God Almighty, the implementation of Pancasila values can start from family life in the context of overcoming corruption. In addition to the family element, religious leaders also play an important role in educating the public about corrupt practices and the conflicts they cause with their teachings. In an effort to limit the potential for corruption, the relationship between the clergy and society developed into a symbiosis of mutualism. Families can serve as a reminder to each other that acts of corruption undermine society by instilling each other's principles of justice and civility. The Indonesian nation has a long history of being known for being friendly, trustworthy, and cooperative. Family members must constantly develop the notion that being honest is a way of building relationships with others. Dishonest people undermine politeness and cause others to distrust him. Meanwhile, the environment, in this case community leaders, can practice the second precept principle by inviting the community to set a good example in all their activities, especially in terms of financial openness. State organizers can continue learning at home and in the community by following in the footsteps of those who have successfully implemented anti-corruption behavior. These three components can be powerful weapons in the fight against corruption that violates decency and human values. The saying "a speck of indigo spoils a pot of milk" refers to corruption.

When one Indonesian commits corruption, it affects everyone in Indonesia. Corruption eats away at national unity because it hinders the growth of the nation because some of the components of


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development financing are corrupt. Corruptors are also a bad example for the younger generation because it instills the idea that to be rich, one must be corruptsi.

Therefore, a national anti-corruption effort is needed that includes all interested parties from all regions as well as local communitiesya ng affected. In fact, the fourth precept can begin with the active participation of democratic actors, in this case the governmental, legislative, and judicial institutions, each of which is authorized by the people to govern the state. The arrest and prosecution of corruptors in all three agencies is a significant enforcement effort. However, how to stop corruptive behavior by paying employees appropriately, respecting public figures who oppose corruption, and increasing anti- corruption knowledge through various active participation activities in the three institutions is equally important.(Saputra,I. 2017)

Corruption can be said to be an extra-ordinary crime, so extraordinary law enforcement is needed in extra-ordinary measures to eradicate it. The practice of corruption is considered an unusual crime due to its far-reaching effect on society. They threaten not only national civilization but also global civilization because they are not limited to the borders of one country but can spread to other countries. In this sense, three things about corruption, inal cream activities,and government finances are the focus of discussion. Onlya civil and criminal perspective can be used to analyze violations of the law in connection with the eradication of corruption. Both of these elements occur because the results of corruption harm the state. Therefore, any action that has the potential to harm the state is considered illegitimate, and the corruptor must make indemnities so that the state's finances can be recovered. But in terms of law, state management, corruption is not an act against the law; rather, it is an abuse of power5. Every act of abuse of authority cannot be denied to be an unlawful act in a criminal act of corruption, so in the view of the state administration the act of violating the law is equated with an abuse of authority. According to Article 2 paragraph (1) and Article 3 of Law No. 31 of 1999 Jo.

Law No. 20 of 2001 Eradication of Corruption Crimes, if there is the word "can" in the phrase "which can harm the state finances or the country's economy", then legally the loss of the state can berelated to the discretion of officials. Despite the fact that the word "can" has a fairly broad definition, yet it conveys the idea that there may or may not be something. As a result, law enforcement officials may

5 Legal Liability in the Return of Assets from Corruption in Indonesia, by Jamillah (2015), in Jurnal Mercatoria, 8(2), pp.



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act arbitrarily or arbitrarily in carrying out legal proceedings, which is contrary to the principle of justice mandated by the 1945 Constitution. handling corruption cases, not to related people who can attract a large number of people. (Jamilah,2015)

If a public figure, such as a politician or civil servant, commits acts of corruption resulting from the abuse of his office or authority, then he must do so in an ethical and legitimate manner. Starting from here, abuse of authority often occurs due to diverse interpretations. If taken seriously, abuses of authority mostly target elected or appointed leaders. for something to take authority with this status.

Public officials must deliberately abuse their positions of authority. This shows that he is aware of what he has done, indicating the existence of an intention or mens rea when the deed is done. On the one hand, there is a procedure for transmitting the objectives of the authority. Therefore, a person in a position assigned by an authorized official must perform such actions. To prove the unlawful element must involve public officials and not private parties. Public officials have an obligation to enforce the law when acting in their official capacity. This is because abuse of power, uncontrolled power, or corruption cannot occur ina vacuum. It must be acknowledged that there are prohibitions that cannot be followed, including prohibitions on exceeding authority, prohibiting abuse of authority, and prohibiting arbitrary acts, in an effort to combat the problem of abuse of authority. As a result, several attempts were made, such as: 1. To prove whether government officials have abused their positions, it is necessary to conduct an administrative correctness test, which shows that those who commit corrupt behavior usually hold office or authority to exercise certain authorities. In line withthis investigation, it is required by Law Number 30 of 2004 concerning Government Administration, which regulates the administrative channels for the eradication of corruption. 2. The anticorruption law shall be used if it has been done and it has been established that the abuse of authority is committed in accordance with official processes and is associated with factors of abuse of authority of Article 3 which may affect the state or its economy. A legal remedy called the Regulation of Abuse of Authority in the Crime of Corruption can be used to address issues related to the crime of corruption causedby abuse of power.

Gezag, sometimes known as authority, is formally recognized as control over a particular population as well as a specific area of government. Legislative or executive authority can be the source of this authority. (Lumunon,V.J. 2022)


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Indonesia's initiatives to reduce corruption are divided into two categories: criminal acts (through legal process) and non-penal (through court proceedings). The policy of applying criminal law, repressive acts (destruction, enforcement, and eradication) committed after a crime has been committed, and repressive acts committed in general as preventive measures are examples of penal efforts. The nonpenal eradication of corruption includes prevention policies without punishment, policies to influence public opinion about crimes and punishment through the mass media as well as preventive policies, and policies to influence public opinion about crimes and punishment through the government (Wijayanto, 2008: 40). Consequently, modernization and digitization bring about rapid changes in various aspects of human life, including the adjustment of behavior patterns that make humans more aloof, materialistic, and rigid. Building nonpunitive anti-corruption techniques through strengtheninglocal values is essential given the tremendous impact of corruption and unsatisfactory management of corruption through the criminal justice system. Language defines wisdom as knowledge and insight necessary in certain circumstances, and local designates a place where something grows and develops that is different from what is found in other areas (Fahmal, 2006: 20).

"Local wisdom" is a noble idea that directs community efforts to protect and manage the environment sustainably, in accordance with Law Number 32 of 2009 concerning Environmental Protection and Management. Local wisdom, according to Sedyawati, refers to the knowledge contained in the traditional culture of ethnic groups. This knowledge can take many different forms, including thinking that includes various patterns of behavior and results of material culture (Sedyawati, 2006: 382).

According to Verse (1986: 40-41): "Local wisdom plays an important role against the invasion of alien civilizations." Filtering and organizing foreign cultures; accommodating aspects of foreign cultures;

incorporating aspects of foreign cultures into indigenous cultures; and directing the development of culture. Each particular society has a unique character, identity, and personality derived from the heritage of its ancestors.6 (Setya, K. W. (2022)

Of course, it is not only law enforcement officers who have duties and responsibilities in the eradication of corruption. However, community involvement is also necessary. In this case, community involvement is in the form of seeing how the government is run. Social groups, the commercial sector,

6 K. W. Setya (2022). AS AN EFFORT TO ERADICATE CORRUPTION IN A NON-PENAL MANNER CABLAKA AS LOCAL WISDOM. Journal of Economics, Social Sciences, and Humanities (Esochum), 1(2), 67-82.


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and nongovernmental organizations must play an active role in society to prevent and eradicate corruption. Participation in society can be: a) Participation through mass media, including contemporary social media platforms as well as newspapers, magazines, radio, and television. Through the media and social media, there are allegations of corruption cases allegedly occurring in government agencies or accusations of state officialscommitting corruption. For example, rallies were held outside the parliament building, KPK building, and other places. Many nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) are currently engaged in the fight against corruption. They actively and methodically carry out tasks that are crucial in corruption prevention efforts, such as exposing official misappropriation, providing advice and criticism on the use of departmental budgets, reporting allegations of departmental corruption, and so on. (Nansi, W. S., & Sudirman, A. 2022)

By forming an anti-corruption organization called the Corruption Eradication Commission and drafting a document of laws and regulations, efforts to eradicate corruption (KPK) have been carried out. However, despite many new inventive and systematic methods of operation, the number of corruption cases is actually increasing rather than decreasing. To date, the criminal justice system remains the main means of combating corruption. This is in accordance with the idea that corruption can be eradicated by imposing the most severe criminal sanctions on the perpetrators. In fact, a number of cases show that the legal apparatus of the criminal justice system does not fully eradicate and prevent systemic corruption from occurring. Therefore, those who are proven to have committed corruption should still be punished, but there must be additional initiatives to punish offenders and stop corruption.

In other words, the eradication of corruption that has permeated the system and culture cannot rely on only one approach. An anti-corruption strategy must exist alongside the anti-corruption system developed by many stakeholders to eradicate the corruption system. Using Lawrence M. Friedman's Legal Systems Theory, which argues that a legal system consists of three components—legal substance, legal structure, and legal culture—judging from the need for an anticorruption system, 34 You can use this principle as a tactical way toeradicate corruption. The legal framework of the criminal justice system is what handles corruption cases, ranging from the police, prosecutors, district courts, prisons, to the KPK as a stand-alone anti-corruption institution. Legal culture, that is, how society acts and reacts to corruption. The enforcement and prevention of corruption crimes must be able to combine criminal and non-criminal efforts in the anti-corruption plan itself. The criminal justice system,


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sometimes known as the litigation system, is the subject of criminal effort in question. Corruption cases are also supported by nonpenal initiatives, which are procedures outside the criminal justice system. In keeping with the recent development of the modus operandi of corruption cases, improvement. A clear and precise implementation of the rules and regulations relating to the situation of corruption is required. In an effort to be prepared to face potential legal pitfalls in the prosecution of corruption cases, it was done. One of the provisions governing the prosecution of money laundering crimes isthe provisions of the Money Laundering Law. Then, to secure the reporting of corruption cases, especially by the wider community, it is necessary to establish a Law on The Protection of Witnesses and Victims of Corruption Crimes. In addition, the KPK needs legal tools to improve its negotiating position while fulfilling its fundamental mission to root out corruption and take appropriate action. (Pahlevi, F. 2022)7 Conclusion

Law No. 31 of 1999 Jo. Law Number 20 of 2001 concerning the Eradication of Criminal Acts, both of which regulate criminal acts including corruption, Corruption is an extraordinary (extraordinary) crime, and usually, both individuals and businesses are responsible for this crime.

Corruption is a form of crime. This has a significant impact and the ability to harm the economy of the entire country, which will ultimately result in the country being less prosperous. This is clearly contrary to the objectives of the state as stated in the 1945 Constitution.


As a student, I am of the opinion that the criteria of the Eradication Law must be met so that state administrators can be held criminally liable for abusing their positions of authority. Corruption Crimes Therefore, it is the responsibility of law enforcement to thoroughly research and collect evidence that can meet the requirements of the Corruption Law so that public officials can exercise their authority effectively.

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