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Nguyễn Gia Hào

Academic year: 2023

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The main aim of this research was to find out the grammatical cohesion errors that appeared in the undergraduate thesis summary of students of the English Education Department of State Islamic Institute Metro in the year 2016/2017. The result of this research data showed that grammatical cohesion was used in the abstract. After analyzing this phenomenon, there were 4 items (9%) with addition errors, 19 items (40%) with omission errors, 22 items (47%) with malformation errors, and 2 items (4%) with abstract order errors. of students' graduation thesis.

Selain itu, wawancara menunjukkan bahwa mereka memiliki pengetahuan abstrak yang baik, tetapi sulit bagi mereka untuk membuat hubungan gramatikal yang sesuai dalam kalimat. Karena masih banyak kesalahan koherensi gramatikal pada rangkuman dimana kesalahan malformasi merupakan kesalahan yang paling banyak dilakukan oleh siswa. Tujuan utama dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menemukan kesalahan kohesi gramatikal pada disertasi Program Studi Bahasa Inggris IAIN Metro tahun 2016/2017.


  • Background of The Research
  • Focus of Research
    • Problem Limitation
    • Problem Formulation
  • Objective and Benefits of the Research
    • Objective of the Research
    • Benefits of the Research
  • Prior Research

Based on this, the researcher briefly proposed to analyze the grammatical cohesion errors in the summary of the students' final thesis. In this study, the researcher focuses an error analysis of grammatical coherence on the summary of students' bachelor thesis. What are the types of grammatical cohesion errors on students' summary of their undergraduate thesis in State Islamic Studies of Metro in academic year.

Why does the students grammatical cohesion error appear in their bachelor thesis summary in State Islamic Studies of Metro in academic year 2016/2017. To know the type of grammatical coherence in students' summary of their undergraduate thesis in State Islamic Studies of Metro in academic year 2017/2018. To know why the grammar cohesion error of the students in their summary of bachelor thesis in State Islamic Studies of Metro in academic year 2017/2018.


The Concept of Writing

  • Definition of Writing
  • Process of Writing
  • Characteristic of Good Writing

Before the writer begins to write and in order to get the writing product right, he must format the writing and put the word on paper.11 This step is often drafting. According to Kristine, “the drafting is the step where the writers really start writing. Drafting a product can be refined to develop by putting all the terms related to the topic in the margins so that the writer can easily check an appropriate word when elaborating the topic.

Finally, the writer has asked the reader to comment and suggest and reflect and revise. As the third and final step in the writing process, revision is a series of strategies designed to reexamine and reevaluate the choices that have made the piece of writing. In revision, the writer tries to make sure that the readers can. In addition, the writer can write other information that contrasts with the topic sentence as long as it supports the topic sentence.

The Concept of Scientific writing

  • The typical Structure of Abstract

In addition, the authors must be able to compose the scientific writing in the right format and guidance. The title is the primary point of the scientific writing to be read. Abstract is a short piece of writing or short summary of the scientific writing that gives the information about what the researcher is writing.

In addition, the abstract is a summary of the scientific writing written after conducting the research. Meanwhile, not all writers read the entire scientific writing but read only the abstract. It is widely known that the abstract is an important part in the scientific writing, which realizes the information of the whole writing.

The Concept of Grammatical Cohesion

  • Definition of Cohesion
  • Types of Grammatical Cohesion

For this reason, the researcher must write the result of the research in a summary. It is the way in which the meaning of a text can be linked both grammatically (grammar) and lexically (vocabulary). Therefore, the existence of written cohesion is that the teacher can understand the meaning of the text.

An and ax are both heads in the noun group, do and know are both verb groups. It functions as the Head of a verbal group, in the place occupied by the lexical verb, and its position is always final in the group. Ellipsis is the omission of part of a sentence under the assumption that a preceding sentence or context will make the meaning clear.40 On the other hand, ellipsis occurs when an essential structural element is removed from a sentence or clause and is recovered only by reference to an element in preceding text.41 Halliday and Hasan also claim that ellipsis is the omission of one or more items from a construction.

The word right in the question acts as a modifier, but as the head of the answer. Reference is one where the relation of reference is considered to have expression in a text and entities in the world, and the relation of reference between expressions in different parts of text.43 It is also relation between a text element and something else by reference to which it is interpreted in the given case. It is a reference by means of function in the speech situation, through the categories of person.45 The category personal includes the three classes of personal pronouns, possessive.

They refer to the location of something, usually some entity, person, or object that participates in a process, so they appear as elements within a nominal group. They refer to the location of a process in space or time and usually do so directly, not through the location of some person or object involved in the process, and they usually function as a clause rather than as elements within a nominal value. group. Conjunctions are words that connect clauses into a sentence.48 The fourth type of cohesive relationship in grammatical cohesion is therefore a conjunction.

Based on the categories of grammatical cohesion above, the writer tended to achieve all the categories.

Table 1: Personal Reference  PERSONAL  REFERENCE
Table 1: Personal Reference PERSONAL REFERENCE

The Concept of Errors Analysis

  • Definition of Error Analysis
  • Classification of Error

Because the errors cannot be lost through the process of language learning, it is certainly necessary treatment to help reduce and avoid the errors that usually happen in the use of language. In order to prepare the most suitable treatment to be applied, it is first of all absolutely important to know specifically about the errors. From the outline above, the researcher deduces that analysis of errors is a study of identification, description and classification, the noticeable from mature grammar of native speakers the las purpose of error.

In this research, the researcher wanted an error analysis of grammatical coherence on the students' abstract of the State Islamic Institute of Metro. This is to classify the errors by both the language component and the particular component affecting the errors. Some of the modified structures are omitting necessary elements and adding unnecessary ones in a sentence.

For example: preschool education is very important for children, their brains are active during this time. Misformation errors can be characterized by using the wrong form of a word or structure. Comparative taxonomy classifies errors based on comparing the structure of second language errors with other types of constructions.

Unlike the three types of errors above, this classification relates to the errors from the perspective of both the listener and the reader. This section deals with the misunderstanding of the listeners and the readers taken from what speakers say or what writers write. In this research, the researcher would apply the surface category taxonomy to analyze the summary of students' scientific writing of PBI students in the State Islamic Institute of Metro.

Therefore, the researcher would analyze the common errors of grammatical cohesion found in the student's abstract, which include omission errors, collocation errors, malformation errors, and misordering errors.


  • The Characteristic and Type of The Research
  • Data Source
  • Data Collection Technique
    • Documentation
    • Interview
  • Data Analysis Tecnique
  • Approach

The above sentence the researcher found error by omitting conjunction of omission (pre-test was 55 and in post-test was). In the sentence above, the researcher found error by omitting conjugation of omission (the text, more than and retelling text, they). In the sentence above, the researcher found error by omitting conjunction of omission (is to know the use and the research is guided).

In the sentence above, the researcher found error by omitting conjunction of omission (they don't, research was and used successful criteria). In the sentence above, the researcher found error in the omission of conjunction of omission (illustrated the mean). In the sentence above, the researcher found error in the omission of conjunction of omission (Use of shared and 77.9 there).

In the sentence above, the researcher found the malformation error in the conjunction used (in turn). In the sentences above, the researcher found the malformation error in the reference used (These and students). In the sentence above, the researcher found the malformation error in the link used (and the documentation).

In addition, the researcher, the researcher suggested that the sentences be corrected to be as follows:. In the sentences above, the researcher also found the malformation error in the reference used (in contrast and in). Then the researcher, the researcher suggested that the sentences be corrected to be as follows:.

In the sentences above, the researcher found an error in referring to incorrect information (students and theirs).

Figure 1 : The Component in Data Analysis ( Interactive Model) by Miles and  Huberman 58
Figure 1 : The Component in Data Analysis ( Interactive Model) by Miles and Huberman 58


Description of Research Setting

  • Profile of IAIN of Metro

In the sentence above, the researcher finds fault in the omission of conjunction of omission (students are they). Furthermore, the researcher suggested that the sentence should be corrected to be as follows: .. the students are that they have low vocabulary 2) Corpus 2. Next, the researcher suggested that the sentence should be corrected as follows: .. the research illustrated that the average of the student's score 9) Corpus 9.

In the sentences above, the researcher found the error in omitting the conjunction of omission (speaking, they and illustrated the average. In the sentences above, the researcher found the malformation error in the conjunction used and reference (or, because and technique).

Figure 3. The Sketch Location of Campus 1 IAIN Metro
Figure 3. The Sketch Location of Campus 1 IAIN Metro


Table 1: Personal Reference  PERSONAL  REFERENCE
Figure 1 : The Component in Data Analysis ( Interactive Model) by Miles and  Huberman 58
Figure 3. The Sketch Location of Campus 1 IAIN Metro
Table  6.  The  frequency  of  grammatical  cohesion  error  existing  in  the  abstract


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Based on the students’ interviews above, the writer found that most of the students faced difficulties in determining and using the forms of regular and irregular verbs and still had