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Nguyễn Gia Hào

Academic year: 2023

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In "The Prophet" by Kahlil Gibran, there are 26 subtitles, but the writer only takes 10 subtitles for research. The research results show of data analysis found 4 types of anaphora used in Kahlil Gibran's "The Prophet", namely pronominal anaphora there are 12 data (48%), lexical anaphora there are 6 data (24%), verb anaphora 5 data (20% ), and adverb anaphora found only 2 data (8%). The most dominant in the use of anaphora in Kahlil Gibran's "The Prophe" are pronominal anaphora types.

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menemukan jenis-jenis anafora yang digunakan dalam buku Kahlil Gibran "The Prophet" dan mendeskripsikan makna kontekstual dari masing-masing subtitle. Skripsi ini berjudul: “An Analysis of Anaphora in Kahlil Gibran's The Prophet” sebagai salah satu syarat untuk memperoleh gelar sarjana di Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, FKIP, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Metro. 5 Dedi irwansyah, Andianto, Ahmad Madzkur, “Menggunakan Sastra Islam untuk Mengajar Bahasa Inggris yang Etis”, Jurnal Pengajaran dan Penelitian Bahasa: Vol.

Gibran's work The Prophet by taking the research title "An Analysis of Anaphora in Kahlil Gibran's The Prophet".

Research Question

Objective and Benefit of the Study 1. The Objective of The Study

Benefit of The Study a. The English Students

The result of the research may be useful to the teacher of the English Education Department of IAIN Metro, who uses the approach of literature as a resource to teach English. This study will also provide information on how to teach anaphora in poetry to the teacher who will have a guide to choose appropriate learning material for students.

Prior Research

The aim of the research is to describe Arabic personal pronouns in short stories and classify them into anaphora and cataphora in selected stories by Muhsen Jabbar. Then, the result of the research is that there are 152 anaphoras in Muhsen Jabbar's novella, which consist of four independent pronouns and 148 suffixed personal pronouns. Thus, we can conclude that in Muhsen Jabbar's short story anaphora is found more than cataphora.8.

Kaayyoon qorannoo kanaa maalummaa wabiiwwan anafoorii haasaa Erdogaan keessatti argamanii fi wabii wabiiwwan anafoorii haasaa Erdogaan keessatti argaman murteessuu fi mala xiinxala qulqullinaa fayyadamuu ture. Sana booda bu’aan qorannoo isaa akka ibsutti, haasaa Erdogaan keessatti maqaa anafoorii, anafoorii gocha, maqaa jechootaa, maqaa anafoorii, anafoorii gochimaa fi anafoorii zeeroo akka jiran ibsa.9.

Research Metodology

  • Types and Characteristic of Research
  • Data Source
  • Data Collecting Technique
  • Data Analysis Technique
  • The Definition of Anaphora
  • Types of Anaphora
  • The Element of Anaphora

This study attempts to obtain scientific data, namely types and contextual meaning in Kahlil Gibran's The Prophet. In conducting this research, the author used the book containing Kahlil Gibran's The Prophet as a source of data. In Kahlil Gibran's The Prophet contains 26 subtitles, but the researcher used only 10 subtitles to be researched.

Tarigan said that anaphora is a style of repetition in the form of repeating the first word in each line or sentence.21. The element that is repeated (antecedent) of the repetition (anaphoric) can be in the form of a word, phrase, or sentence.

The Concept of Poem 1. Definition of Poem

Kind of Poem

The Element of Poem

It refers to the full spectrum of sensory experiences, including psychic sensation and internal emotions. The part of the poem that is important to know in order to create a beautiful poem is rhythm. The reader's poem is not interested in reading; the reader will have difficulty understanding the meaning.

The writer concluded that the poem must have awareness of rhythm as it not only supports the reader to understand the meaning but also the reader can understand the messages of that poem. Of course, rhyme is the repetition of the sound of the last word in two or more lines of the poem.

Biography Kahlil Gibran

  • Early years
  • Artistic Development
  • New York Years
  • The Prophet
  • Death

Gibran's mother decided to move again in 1895 to seek a better life with her family. Because Gibran's father, who worked as a tax collector, was accused of embezzlement and their property was confiscated. He was registered under the name Kahlil Gibran, known as it is now by his formal school.

Gibran was referred to the publisher and photographer Fred Holland Day, who introduced him to the art community in order to develop Gibran's talents. He returns to Boston in 1901 shortly after one of his sisters dies of tuberculosis. Gibran continues to work on his art with the support of his surviving sister, a seamstress.

He drew attention to 'prose poems', which were more accessible than traditional Arabic work and wandered around themes such as the loss of relationship with the environment and silence. Mary Haskell, she financed Gibran's enrollment at the Acedemie Julian in Paris, then moved to New York in 1911. At the end of 1914 he held an exhibition of his works, although the symbolism-influenced style had become obsolete in the art world at the time.

Mary Haskell helped Gibran produce a compendium of parables with The Ancestor (1920) and The Madman (1918. In this chapter, the writer divided into two parts the findings and discussions of the types of anaphora and contextual meaning. First, the types of anaphoria are classified into the book The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran Project Gutenberg translated by Adi.


There are four types of anaphora, they are: pronominal anaphora, lexical anaphora, verbal anaphora and adverbial anaphora. Furthermore, the writer sets the total number and percentage of each type of anaphora to make it clear that the research finding. Based on the table, the writer concluded that there are four types of anaphora in Kahlil Gibran's Prophet.

As can be seen from the table, data on pronominal anaphora (12), data on lexical anaphora (6), data on verbal anaphora (5) and data on adverbial anaphora (2). Based on question number two in the research question, the writer interprets and explains the meaning of the words, phrases, or sentences found in each prose poem.


  • The Coming of The Ship Pronominal
  • On Children
  • On Work
  • Joy and Sorrow
  • On Laws
  • On Teaching
  • On Friendship
  • On Prayer
  • On Pleasures Lexical Anaphora
  • On Beauty Verb Anaphora

Empty and dark I will raise my lantern and the night watchman will fill it with oil and he will light it too. Then, in the second data from the Arrival of the Ship, the night watchman is preceded by his anaphora. From data 2, the meaning is that the night watchman will fill and light his lantern in the void and darkness.

Furthermore, the data 3 they refer to the word of all the people, the people means all the people of Orphalese. The last of the pronominal anaphoric of pronoun from this prose poem, your souls refers to people of Orphalese. In data 5 Your souls means the soul of the people of Orphalese. it means that the souls of the soul are Orphalese.

Then, in data 10, the word could not speak is an explanation of the verb unsaid, explains what the word cannot express in his heart, because he cannot reveal the deeper secret. There is an adverb of time, which explains that your youth gave you dreams to dream of at twilight, in the middle of the day. The teacher who walks in the shadow of the temple, among his followers, does not give of his wisdom, but rather of his faith and his love.

There is an emphasis of four times in data 17, the emphasis of the word namely his followers, his wisdom, his faith and his love. Go to your fields and your gardens, and you will learn that it is the pleasure of the bee to gather honey from the flower, but it is also the pleasure of the flower to give its honey to the bee. Beauty is not a necessity, but "a burning heart and enchanted soul", a life that shows its holy face. The beauty a person feels is a reflection of their own inner beauty, heart, life and eternal nature.


In this chapter research is conclusion, moreover this chapter consists of two parts which are suggestions and conclusions. Moreover, in the second research problem, the author analyzed the contextual meaning of the anaphora in Kahlil Gibran's The Prophet. The author used The Prophet book Indonesian translation translated by Amos Adi as the first reference to analyze the contextual meaning.

Furthermore, the writer analyzes the appropriateness between the use of the word and sentence and the use of the dictionary.


Anaphora and cataphora of argumentative articles in the Indonesian opinion and editorial column "Journal vol 4 No.


The Blue Print of Observation Sheet

2 The anaphoric nature of a verbal noun phrase is determined syntactically, both descriptively and as a noun phrase and proper names. Adverbial anaphora occurs when the adverbial anaphora has an adverb or verb phrase as an antecedent.

Observation Sheet of Anaphora in Kahlil Gibran’s The Prophet

Observation Sheet of The Contextual Meaning of Anaphora Used in Kahlil Gibran’s The Prophet

If this is indeed the hour in which I lift my foot, it is not my flame that will burn there. They come from you, but not of you, and although they are with you, they do not belong to you. Contextual meaning in this section "About work" work is a natural part of life; work is a noble endeavor to fulfill life.

It means weaving a fabric with steps that you pull from your heart, as if your loved one were wearing this fabric. It is to build a house with affection, even if your loved one would live in that house. It is gently sowing the seeds and joyfully reaping the harvest, as if your loved one were eating the fruit.

Joy and sadness are inseparable sides of the same thing and complement each other, what brings joy also brings sadness. The knowledge of God and understanding of the earth cannot lead through one person, they must learn this understanding themselves. The musician may sing to you of the rhythm that is in all space, but he.

It is a depth that calls to a height, but it is neither the depth nor the height. This context in prose poem of On Pleasure is when someone feels happy it is like a song where we feel free even if it is not completely free but only the heart in the soul that feels blooming. For the bees the flower in the source of life, and for the flower the bee is a messenger of love and for both they are the joy of Go to your lands and you.

Biography of Author


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Conclusion After analyzing the data, the writer found that there are nine data sets that contain 14 figurative languages in the song lyrics that consisting of four types, namely: