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Soal PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 6

Muhammad Ulil

Academic year: 2023

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Tentu, berikut adalah 5 contoh soal pilihan ganda dengan materi teks naratif beserta kisi-kisi jawabannya:

Contoh Soal 1:

Read the following paragraph and answer the question:

Once upon a time, in a faraway kingdom, there lived a brave young prince named Henry. He had a loyal companion, a talking parrot named Polly. Together, they embarked on many adventures.

What is the name of the prince's loyal companion?

a. Henry b. Polly c. Kingdom d. Faraway Kisi-Kisi: Jawaban yang benar: b

Contoh Soal 2:

Read the following paragraph and answer the question:

In the enchanted forest, there was a hidden cave where a magical sword was said to be kept.

Many knights had tried to find it, but only one succeeded. Sir Arthur, a humble squire, managed to locate the cave and retrieve the sword. With its power, he became a legendary hero.

What did Sir Arthur find in the hidden cave?

a. A dragon b. A treasure chest c. A magical sword d. An enchanted forest Kisi-Kisi: Jawaban yang benar: c

Contoh Soal 3:

Read the following paragraph and answer the question:

Once there was a little girl named Red Riding Hood who lived in a village near the woods.

One day, her mother asked her to take a basket of goodies to her sick grandmother. On the way to her grandmother's house, she met a cunning wolf.

▸ Baca selengkapnya: contoh text news item beserta soal dan jawabannya


What was Little Red Riding Hood's task?

a. She was going to school. b. She was visiting her friend. c. She was taking a basket of goodies to her grandmother. d. She was playing in the woods.

Kisi-Kisi: Jawaban yang benar: c

Contoh Soal 4:

Read the following paragraph and answer the question:

In a small coastal town, there was a lighthouse that guided ships safely to the harbor. The lighthouse keeper, Mr. Jenkins, had been doing this job for over 30 years. He knew every inch of the lighthouse and the coastline.

What was Mr. Jenkins' occupation?

a. Ship captain b. Fisherman c. Lighthouse keeper d. Sailor Kisi-Kisi: Jawaban yang benar: c

Contoh Soal 5:

Read the following paragraph and answer the question:

Long ago, in a land of dragons and knights, there was a young princess named Eleanor. She was known for her kindness and bravery. One day, a fierce dragon threatened the kingdom, and Princess Eleanor decided to face the beast herself.

What was Princess Eleanor known for?

a. Her cooking skills b. Her singing ability c. Her kindness and bravery d. Her magical powers

Kisi-Kisi: Jawaban yang benar: c

Semoga contoh soal pilihan ganda dengan materi naratif text ini bermanfaat untuk latihan dan menguji pemahaman siswa tentang cerita-cerita naratif.

Tentu, berikut adalah 5 contoh soal pilihan ganda dengan materi Simple Present Tense beserta kisi-kisi jawabannya:

Contoh Soal 1:

Choose the correct sentence in Simple Present Tense:

▸ Baca selengkapnya: contoh soal pilihan ganda estimasi biaya konstruksi beserta jawabannya


a. She is going to the store right now. b. She went to the store yesterday. c. She goes to the store every day. d. She will go to the store tomorrow.

Kisi-Kisi: Jawaban yang benar: c

Contoh Soal 2:

Which of the following sentences is in the Simple Present Tense?

a. He danced at the party last night. b. They will visit the museum next week. c. She sings a song every morning. d. I am reading a book right now.

Kisi-Kisi: Jawaban yang benar: c

Contoh Soal 3:

Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb in Simple Present Tense:

She _____ (like) to swim in the pool on hot summer days.

a. liking b. likes c. liked d. like Kisi-Kisi: Jawaban yang benar: b

Contoh Soal 4:

Which sentence is in the Simple Present Tense?

a. They went to the beach yesterday. b. I am cooking dinner right now. c. She will call you later. d. He played soccer last week.

Kisi-Kisi: Jawaban yang benar: b

Contoh Soal 5:

Choose the correct sentence in Simple Present Tense:

a. We will travel to Paris next summer. b. She is writing a letter at the moment. c. They visited their grandparents yesterday. d. I go to the gym three times a week.

Kisi-Kisi: Jawaban yang benar: d

▸ Baca selengkapnya: contoh soal btq kelas 7 (beserta jawabannya)


Tentu, berikut adalah 5 contoh soal pilihan ganda dengan materi Simple Past Tense beserta kisi-kisi jawabannya:

Contoh Soal 1:

Which sentence is in the Simple Past Tense?

a. She is reading a book right now. b. They will visit the museum next week. c. He played soccer yesterday. d. I am going to the store.

Kisi-Kisi: Jawaban yang benar: c

Contoh Soal 2:

Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb in Simple Past Tense:

She _____ (sing) a beautiful song at the concert last night.

a. singed b. sang c. sings d. sing Kisi-Kisi: Jawaban yang benar: b

Contoh Soal 3:

Which of the following sentences is in the Simple Past Tense?

a. They are going to the beach tomorrow. b. I am eating breakfast right now. c. She danced at the party last night. d. He will play soccer next week.

Kisi-Kisi: Jawaban yang benar: c

Contoh Soal 4:

Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb in Simple Past Tense:

They _____ (travel) to Japan last summer.

a. travel b. travels c. traveled d. traveling Kisi-Kisi: Jawaban yang benar: c

Contoh Soal 5:

▸ Baca selengkapnya: contoh soal partograf beserta jawabannya


Choose the correct sentence in Simple Past Tense:

a. She is going to the store right now. b. She went to the store yesterday. c. They will visit their grandparents next week. d. I am reading a book at the moment.

Kisi-Kisi: Jawaban yang benar: b

Pilihan ganda complex Contoh Soal 1:

Read the following paragraph and answer the question:

Last weekend, Sarah and Tom (1) _____ (go) to the beach. They (2) _____ (have) a great time. Sarah (3) _____ (build) sandcastles, and Tom (4) _____ (swim) in the sea. In the evening, they (5) _____ (watch) a beautiful sunset.

Which verb form correctly completes each blank in the paragraph?

a. went, have, built, swam, watched b. goes, has, building, swam, watches c. went, had, built, swam, watched d. going, having, builds, swims, watching

Kisi-Kisi: Jawaban yang benar: c

Contoh Soal 2:

Choose the correct sentence in Simple Past Tense:

a. She is playing tennis yesterday. b. She plays tennis every Sunday. c. She played tennis yesterday. d. She will play tennis tomorrow.

Kisi-Kisi: Jawaban yang benar: c

Contoh Soal 3:

Which of the following sentences is in the Simple Past Tense?

a. They are eating pizza for dinner. b. I will visit my grandparents next week. c. She danced at the party last night. d. He is reading a book now.

Kisi-Kisi: Jawaban yang benar: c

▸ Baca selengkapnya: contoh soal tajwid essay beserta jawabannya


Contoh Soal 4:

Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb in Simple Past Tense:

He _____ (not come) to the party last night because he _____ (be) sick.

a. didn't come, was b. doesn't come, is c. didn't came, is d. doesn't came, was Kisi-Kisi: Jawaban yang benar: a

Contoh Soal 5:

Which sentence uses the Simple Past Tense correctly?

a. I am going to the store right now. b. They will play soccer tomorrow. c. She finished her homework yesterday. d. He is writing a letter at the moment.

Kisi-Kisi: Jawaban yang benar: c


Tentu, berikut adalah 5 contoh soal menjodohkan dengan berbagai materi tenses, termasuk Simple Past Tense, Simple Present Tense, dan materi narrative text. Anda harus

mencocokkan kalimat di sebelah kiri dengan waktu yang tepat di sebelah kanan:

Contoh Soal 1:

1. She usually _____ (read) a book before bedtime.

2. Last night, they _____ (watch) a movie at the cinema.

3. Once upon a time, there _____ (live) a brave knight in a castle.


1. Simple Present Tense: a 2. Simple Past Tense: b 3. Narrative Text: c Contoh Soal 2:

1. He _____ (play) soccer every Saturday.

2. Yesterday, she _____ (bake) delicious cookies.

3. In the story, the main character _____ (have) a magical amulet.


1. Simple Present Tense: a


2. Simple Past Tense: b 3. Narrative Text: c Contoh Soal 3:

1. They always _____ (go) for a walk in the evening.

2. Last summer, we _____ (visit) the Grand Canyon.

3. Once upon a time, there _____ (be) a mischievous monkey in the jungle.


1. Simple Present Tense: a 2. Simple Past Tense: b 3. Narrative Text: c Contoh Soal 4:

1. She _____ (read) a new book every week.

2. He _____ (travel) to France last year.

3. In the fairy tale, the princess _____ (wait) for her prince to rescue her.


1. Simple Present Tense: a 2. Simple Past Tense: b 3. Narrative Text: c Contoh Soal 5:

1. They usually _____ (eat) lunch at noon.

2. Yesterday, he _____ (swim) in the ocean.

3. In the legend, the hero _____ (defeat) the dragon.


1. Simple Present Tense: a 2. Simple Past Tense: b 3. Narrative Text: c

4. Tentu, berikut adalah 5 soal isian singkat dengan materi Simple Present Tense dengan tingkat kognitif C4 (analisis):

5. Soal 1: Tentukan kata kerja dalam bentuk Simple Present Tense yang benar untuk melengkapi kalimat ini: "She always ________ (enjoy) reading books in her free time."

6. Kisi-Kisi: Jawaban yang benar: "enjoys"


8. Soal 2: Pilih kata yang sesuai untuk melengkapi kalimat ini: "The sun _____ (rise) in the east every morning."

9. Kisi-Kisi: Jawaban yang benar: "rises"



11.Soal 3: Isilah celah dalam kalimat dengan kata kerja yang benar dalam bentuk Simple Present Tense: "My cat ________ (sleep) in my bed every night."

12.Kisi-Kisi: Jawaban yang benar: "sleeps"


14.Soal 4: Tentukan bentuk negatif dari kalimat ini: "They eat pizza for dinner."

15.Kisi-Kisi: Jawaban yang benar: "They don't eat pizza for dinner."


17.Soal 5: Pilih kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat ini: "She _____ (teach) English at the local school."

18.Kisi-Kisi: Jawaban yang benar: "teaches"


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