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an undergraduate thesis - IAIN Repository - IAIN Metro Lampung

Nguyễn Gia Hào

Academic year: 2023

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Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa teknik Hot Seat memiliki hasil yang positif dalam meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara siswa kelas sepuluh SMAN 1 Batanghari. Tujuan utama penelitian ini tidak hanya untuk meningkatkan keterampilan berbicara, tetapi juga kegiatan pembelajaran di SMAN 1 Batanghari dengan menggunakan Teknik Kursi Panas Peneliti mencoba membuktikan bahwa Teknik Kursi Panas dapat menjadi metode pembelajaran untuk meningkatkan keterampilan berbicara siswa. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa teknik Hot Chair sebagai strategi memberikan hasil yang positif dalam meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara siswa kelas X SMAN 1 Batanghari. Hal ini dapat dibuktikan berdasarkan nilai pretest yaitu 45, posttest I adalah 64 dan posttest II adalah 75.


Problem Identification

Problem Limitation

Problem Formulation

Objective and Benefits of the Study 1. Objective of the Research

Prior Research

  • The Nature of Speaking Performance
  • Types of Classroom Speaking Performance
  • Speaking Assessment

2M Idris, The Effect of Hot Seat Strategy on Students' Speaking Skills in Al-Kautsar Islamic Modern Boarding School Pekanbaru, (2014). The similarity between the third previous research and this research to make students effective and active in the speaking class. Based on the above preliminary researches, it is found that all the previous researches are aimed at improving the speaking skills of students by using the hot sitting technique.

Concept of Hot Seating Technique

  • The Nature of Hot Seating Teachnique
  • The Benefit of Hot Seating Technique
  • The Implementation of Hot Seating Technique to Improve Speaking Performance Speaking Performance

Patrick and Lyn state that hot seating is a technique where one person assumes the role of a character and is questioned by the rest of the class. 15 Hot-seating is a technique in which one student plays a role and is questioned by all students in the class. Patrick Smith and Lyn Dawes explain the application of hot-seating technique in speech teaching as follows:17 a.

Action Hypothesis

Students decide individually or in pairs what questions they want to ask and can directly ask the character in the hot seat to find the answers, they have to think of the best questions and also the best ways to ask them.

Variable and Definition Operational Variable 1. Operational Variable

Research Setting

Subject and Object of Study

The Concept of Classroom Action Research

This figure describes the order of the research, which is preceded by a preliminary study and followed by usually some variation in planning, action, observation and reflection. The researcher makes a plan on how to stimulate the students through the technique and based on the cycle. 22Jean McNiff and Jack Whitehead, Action Research: Principles and Practice, (New York: RoutledgeFalmer, 2002) Second Edition, p.15. In this cycle, the teacher prepared some plans to carry out four steps such as planning, acting, observing and reflecting in the classroom.


  • Pre-teaching activity
  • While teaching activity
  • Post Teaching

The teacher asks the students to complete the material and the teacher motivates them to speak in class.



  • Cycle 2
  • Post Activity

In the third phase, the researcher observes the students' activity, their cooperation and records the learning process. After comparing the distribution of pre-test and post-test scores, the researcher reviewed and reflected on the teachers' opinion and performance whether it was positive or negative.

Data Collecting Technique

  • Test
  • Observation
  • Documentation
  • The Field Note

The researcher provides a speech topic to be paired with a description of something such as a friend of his bench. After handling, determine the impact of the technique, whether it is able to improve the student's speaking performance. In order to know the student's speaking ability, the researcher uses the form of a question.

In this present research, observation is used to know the speaking performance of students in the learning process. In this case, the researcher observes the students directly in the classroom and obtains information about the students' activity in the learning speech process. The real teacher also observes the researcher teaching in the classroom and the implementation of CAR based on the observational notes he has taken previously.

The information obtained from this observation is used as a basis to determine the planning for the next cycle. Documentation is the method used to extract information from the written source or document. In this present researcher the researcher also uses documentation to know all the data like.

The implementation is done with the students by describing someone in their class and doing it in tenth grade.

Data Analysis Technique

Criteria for success

  • Description of SMAN 1 Batanghari
  • The mission of the school
  • Description of the Research

In this chapter the researcher would like to present the result of this research which explains the answer of problem formulation. The vision of SMAN 1 Batanghari is to become a school that achieves achievements based on faith and piety. In this research, the researcher as an English teacher and Mr. Candra Jaya, M.Pd as the associate.

The test type was a speaking test that asked students to practice English dialogue. The researcher gave two sets of topics which are "Planning to go to a famous place and planning to buy something". Based on the above data, it can be concluded that the successful students were less than the unsuccessful students.

Table 4. Students’ Speaking Pre-test Grade
Table 4. Students’ Speaking Pre-test Grade


At the beginning, the researcher introduced the speaking theme based on the syllabus for the English subject in the tenth grade. Furthermore, the researcher gave the example of English dialogue about Planning to Give a Special Gift to Mother. Then the researcher asked the students to find out their own pair to practice English dialogue in the hot seat.

Finally, the other students give the question to the students sitting on the hot seat, sharing their ideas and adding other students' statements. In the second meeting, the researcher began the lesson by praying, greeting, checking the attendance list and asking the students' condition. The activity was continued by giving more explanation about the intention of using hot seating technique for understanding. Furthermore, the researcher gave the sample dialogue about the planning to go to Dewata Bali Island.

The researcher asked the students to pay attention to the researcher. Then the researcher asked. Moreover, on October 21, 2019, the researcher gave posttest 1 conducted in cycle I with similar task on pre-test before. That kind of test was a speaking test that asked the students to redo the English dialogue with their friend.

Plans to celebrate mom's birthday and plans for a long weekend.”

Table 7. The Students’ Speaking Grade of Post-Test 1
Table 7. The Students’ Speaking Grade of Post-Test 1


Based on the above result, it can be seen that the post-test score 1 is higher than the pre-test score.

Post-test 1

The criterion of successful students in mastering the material must get the minimum mastery criteria, at least 70. Source: Activity of students in the tenth grade of MIA 2 of SMAN 1 Batanghari October 21, 2019.

Table 9. The Students’ Learning Activity Observation in Cycle I
Table 9. The Students’ Learning Activity Observation in Cycle I

The Student's activity


Based on the result observation in the learning process in cycle I, it is concluded that the Minimum Mastery Criteria (MMC) of the research has not yet been achieved in the learning process.

Deviation Explanation

  • Planning

From the pretest result, the researcher got the average of 45, so the result was unsatisfactory. Based on the activities of cycle I, the process of cycle II was focused on the problem of cycle I. Then the researcher and the collaborator planned to give the material to the students in speaking performance using hot seating technique.

To implement this technique, the researcher prepared everything that was needed in the learning activities. First, the researcher prepared the chairs in front of the class, the speech topic and the students' worksheet. The researcher and the colleague prepared a lesson plan, an observation sheet of the students' activities, identified the problem and looked for the causes of the problem in the first and last learning activities.

The researcher also planned to provide an evaluation to measure the students' mastery over the materials given. The researcher continued the material in the last meeting, the topic of discussion of this meeting is intention. Furthermore, the researcher gave the example of the English dialogue in the topic Post-Graduation Planning of Senior High School.

Furthermore, on 28 November 2019, in the third meeting, the researcher gave post-test II to the students.

Figure 5. The Comparison of Percentageof theStudents’ Completness  Grade on Pre-test and post-test I
Figure 5. The Comparison of Percentageof theStudents’ Completness Grade on Pre-test and post-test I

Total 30 Students 100 %

Based on the above result, it could be concluded that the percentage of students who obtained MMC is higher than the percentage of students who did not obtain MMC. In the learning process, four indicators were also used to know the activities of the students, just like in the learning process before. Based on the result of the observation sheet in cycle II, the researcher indicated that the learning process in cycle II was successful.

Post-test 2

Source: The speaking performance of the students in the tenth grade of class X of SMAN 1 Bataghari, October 24, 2019. The percentage of the speaking performance of the students in cycle II The table above showed that the activity of the students increased in cycle II. The activity of the students with a high percentage was that the students paid attention to the teacher's explanation 85%, then the students asked /.

Table 15. The Students’ Learning Activity Result in Cycle II
Table 15. The Students’ Learning Activity Result in Cycle II

Learning activities

    • Result of Students Learning a. Result of students Pre- Test Grade
    • The Result of Students’ Learning Activities in Cycle I and Cycle II The students‟ learning activities data was gotten from the whole
  • Suggestion
  • Materi Pembelajaran

From the above table, it could be seen that the grade for the students in post-test II was different. It was higher than after test 1 in cycle I. It means that the indicator of success of this research had been achieved which was >75%. In this research, to know the students' speaking performance after implementing the treatment, the researcher conducted post-test I.

The researcher presented a posttest II to measure the students' ability after the treatment. It was higher than post test 1 in cycle I. This means that the success indicator of this research was achieved, which was >75%. students got a grade of 70. Comparison of grades in the pre-exam, after exam I in cycle I and after exam II in cycle II.

The grade percentage comparison of students' speaking performance of pre-test, post-test I and post-test II. Based on the results of the pre-test, post-test I and post-test II, it was known that there was a positive significant improvement in the students' grade. The Comparison Grade of Students Speaking performance in Pretest, Posttest I in Cycle I and Posttest II in Cycle I.

It is supported by improving the students' grade from pre-test to post-test I and from post-test I to post-test II. 2. The result of the learning activities of the students in Cycle I and Cycle II The data on the learning activities of the students are obtained from the whole The data on the learning activities of the students are obtained from the learning activities of the entire students on the observation sheet. Based on the result of the pre-survey, it can be concluded that there was an improvement in the average grade and total of the students who passed the test from pre-test, post-test I to post-test II . It is concluded that there is improvement on the full grade of the students and the total of the students who passed the least from pre-test, post-test I to post-test II.

Figure 8. The Precentage of Comparison of  Students’ grade on Post-test I and Post-test II
Figure 8. The Precentage of Comparison of Students’ grade on Post-test I and Post-test II



Figure 2   The Percentage of  The Students‟ Grade in Pre-Test ......................    34  Figure 3   The Percentage of  The Students‟ Grade on Post-Test I ................
Table 4. Students’ Speaking Pre-test Grade
Figure 2. The Percentageof theStudents’ Grade in Pre-test
Table 5. Speaking Criteria Symbol


Dokumen terkait

In cycle 1, the students’ activities were described as follows: there were 17 students can be describing in an objective way or interpret or responded to subjectively by using picture