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Nguyễn Gia Hào

Academic year: 2023

Membagikan "AN UNDERGRADUATE THESIS - IAIN Repository - IAIN Metro"


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The average result score for the pre- and post-test shows that there is progress. The main objective of this thesis is to fulfill a requirement to obtain the S-1 degree in English Education at IAIN Metro Lampung. Akla, M.Pd, as Dean of Tarbiyah and Teacher Education Faculty at IAIN Metro Lampung.

All speakers from the English Education Department of IAIN Metro Lampung who have given their thoughts and shared their experiences with the researcher. Principal, teacher, staff of SMK Ma'arif 2 Penawaja Pugung Raharjo who give permission for the author to conduct the research in this school.


The Background of The Study

There are many teaching and learning methods that can be applied in the teaching and learning process. In cooperative learning method there are some techniques that can be used, one of the cooperative learning technique is drama technique. Furthermore, from the data above, it can be seen that only students of 25 students have a good score in English, from this we know that most of the students are getting good enough value.

Secondly, students have a lack of vocabulary, which makes them unable to speak English. The third, students shy to speak English and make them passive learners during the teaching and learning process.

Problem Identification

Problem Limitation

Problem Formulation

Objectives and the Benefits of the Study

  • The Objectives of the Study
  • The Definition of Speaking Ability
  • The definition of Ability
  • The Defiition of Spaking Ability
  • The skill aspects of students speaking ability at eleventh Grade of SMAN 01 Sendang Agung
  • The Speaking Ability among to the eleventh Grade of SMAN 01 Sendang Agung
  • The Assesment of Speaking Difficult
  • Testing Speaking

So natural and integral is speaking that people forget how they once struggled to achieve this skill until, that is, they have to learn how to do it again in a foreign language. 3 Speaking involves a process of constructing and sharing meaning through the use of oral language. 4. Based on the functions of speech above, the writer concludes that the function of speech has an important role in speaking. In learning English Live and practice the teachings of the adopted religion Live and practice honest, disciplined, responsible, polite, responsible and proactive behavior and show attitude as part of solving various problems in effective interaction with the social environment and natural and in placing oneself a reflection of the student'.

Some activities work poorly during the school year, others work as our relationship with individual children and the class as a whole develops. You will find that some strategies are more successful than others depending on the age and development of the learner. One of the benefits of spoken language is that the process of thinking as you speak allows you to manifest a certain amount of performance lag, pauses, backtracking, and corellation. e) Spoken language.

The Concept of Drama Technique 1. The definition of drama teachnique

  • The aspect of drama teachnique
  • The principle of drama technique to teach speaking ability
  • The Procedure of Teaching Speaking Ability Through Drama Technique

For the most part, effective use of vocabulary for the task with some examples of appropriateness. Some errors in the use of sentence structures and grammatical forms, but these do not interfere with understanding. The use of interactive strategies is generally adequate, but sometimes there is some difficulty in maintaining the interaction consistently.

A drama is created primarily to be performed in public by a group or performance, each pretending to be one of the characters in the. Have the students choose one of the characters in the game and write a critique of the role-playing game, listing any flaws. .. 11Right there . f) Get your drama students involved.

Action Hypothesis

Design of The Research

Setting of The Study

Object Of The Study

Action Plan

  • Data Collection Methods
  • Indicator Of The Research
    • The Number of Student’s SMAN 01 Sendang Agung
    • The Condition of Building
    • The Organization Structure of SMAN 01 Sendang Agung
    • The Site Sketch of SMAN 01 Sendang Agung Figure 3 Figure 3

In the step, the researcher observes the process of teaching learning using formal observation. Furthermore, to know the gain, the researcher will compare between pre-test and post-test. In planning, the researcher makes lesson plan and the researcher will teach the students using the lesson plan.

The researcher conducted a pre-test to know the students' speaking ability before giving treatment and it was used as a comparison score with post-test. Based on the result of the pretest result, the researcher has identified and found the problems after taking the students' pretest scores. The researcher started this meeting by praying, greeting, checking the students' attendance list and asking the students' condition.

A researcher as a teacher who reported on the improvement of students' speaking ability with the help of drama technique. The percentage of students' speaking performance results in the pre-test and post-test 1. After the treatment in the 2nd cycle, the researcher conducted the post-test 2 on Saturday, June 22, 2019.

Based on the result of the observation sheet in cycle 2, the researcher indicated that the learning process in cycle 2 was successful. Percentage of the result score of students' speaking performance in post-test 1 and post-test 2.

  • Suggestion

It can be seen by the test, the average of the pre-test was 63.5, with the percentage of success being 30%, in the post-test I, the average score was 67.6, with the percentage of success being 70% and in post -test II the average score was 76.11, the percentage of success being 85%. It can be concluded that the use of drama technique can improve speaking ability through the student. The implementation of The cooperative leaning Method conveyed an alternative way in the learning process to improve speaking ability.

This conclusion can be seen from the result of the students' average in pre-test was 63.5 and the result after test cycle I was 67.6. It can be deduced that the result of the students in cycle II was higher than cycle II. This means that the use of the cooperative learning method can improve the students' mastery of speaking skills.

It would be better for the English teacher to use the cooperative learning method as an alternative way of teaching English, especially to improve students' speaking ability. As a principle, it is suggested that this teaching method be considered positively as an alternative way of teaching English, especially for teaching speaking skills, by allowing students to use other supportive educational media. Other researchers are suggested to develop this research with new innovations and hopefully the result of this research can be a reference.

Homby, A, S Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary Of Current English, sjette udgave, New York, Oxford University Press, 2000.






Before Malin entered the ship, Malin's mother hugged him tightly as if she didn't want to let him go. Narrator: Many years later, Malin Kundang became a wealthy merchant with a large ship, lots of merchandise, many ship crews and a beautiful wife. The villagers recognized him and the news spread quickly in the town: Malin Kundang became a rich man and now he is here.

Mom: "Malin, you're back, son!" said (Malin Kundang's mother and without hesitation, she . came running to hug Malin Kundang) "I miss you so much." Narrator: Furious, she cursed Malin Kundang that he would turn into stone if he did not apologize. His big ship wrecked and it was too late for Malin Kundang to apologize.

METODE PEMBELAJARAN 1. Metode cooperative learning

He was thrown from his ship by the wave, fell on a small island and suddenly turned to stone.



Guru memberikan apresiasi atau jawaban atas pertanyaan yang muncul, serta jawaban dari siswa lain mengenai penggunaan pengucapan, kelancaran, gramatikal, kosa kata, interaksional dalam dialog. Mengumpulkan informasi dari berbagai sumber, termasuk media cetak dan elektronik, tentang penggunaan pengucapan, kelancaran, tata bahasa, kosa kata, interaksional dalam dialog. Reformulasi temuan dari berbagai sumber belajar mengenai penggunaan pengucapan, kelancaran, gramatikal, kosa kata, interaksional dalam dialog.

Penyajian kesimpulan berdasarkan temuan penggalian dari beberapa sumber ajar yang berkaitan dengan penggunaan pengucapan, kelancaran, tata bahasa, kosa kata, interaksi dialog. Berikan hasil belajar atau temuan tentang penggunaan pengucapan, kelancaran, tata bahasa, kosa kata, interaksi dialog di depan kelas.


Menyusun teks lisan dan tulis untuk menyatakan, meminta, dan menjawab ungkapan memberi saran dan tawaran, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks. Perbandingan perbedaan ungkapan memberi dan menanggapi nasihat yang berbeda dalam bahasa Inggris, perbedaannya dengan bahasa Indonesia. Menyusun teks ekspresi yang memberikan saran, pesan dan nasihat, secara lisan dan tertulis, berdasarkan cerita yang akan diceritakan (simulasi dan kegiatan terstruktur lainnya).

Melakukan wawancara dan menulis, memberi saran dan penawaran serta menanggapi secara lisan dan tulisan dengan menirukan model/contoh yang diberikan/diperiksa.


Every lady could come to that party, then the guard came to Cinderella's house. Unfortunately, her stepmother did not give her permission to go there and always gave her heavy tasks and punishments. Just go back to the kitchen and clean the pot until it shines, after that you have to clean the garden, and hurry, Go……Go….Go….

Then, When Cinderella Came Lately; The prince was surprised by her and fell in love with her. Actually, we might like this with Prince Julie: What do you say, we, I think it's just me. The next day, the Prince and his guards searched for the owner of that glass shoe.

METODE PEMBELAJARAN 3. Metode cooperative learning

Alice juga tidak bisa menggunakannya.) (Sesuatu terasa di dapur) Pangeran: Apa itu. Siswa lain menjawab pertanyaan yang muncul tentang penggunaan sapaan, permintaan, izin, permintaan maaf dalam dialog. Guru memberikan pujian atau jawaban atas pertanyaan yang muncul dan reaksi dari siswa lain mengenai penggunaan sapaan, permintaan, izin, permintaan maaf dalam dialog.

Mengumpulkan informasi dari berbagai sumber termasuk media cetak dan elektronik mengenai penggunaan sapaan, permintaan, izin, alasan dalam dialog. Reformulasi temuan dari berbagai sumber belajar mengenai sapaan, permintaan, izin, alasan dalam dialog. Penyajian kesimpulan berdasarkan hasil penggalian dari beberapa sumber belajar terkait ungkapan sapaan, permintaan, izin, permisi dalam dialog.

Komunikasikan hasil belajar atau temuan tentang ungkapan sapaan, permintaan, izin, permintaan maaf dalam dialog di depan kelas.


PENILAIAN HASIL BELAJAR 1. Teknik Penilaian : Unjuk kerja


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