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Nguyễn Gia Hào

Academic year: 2023



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THE IMPLEMENTATION OF EXPERIENCED LEARNING TO INCREASE STUDENTS' PERFORMANCE IN WRITING RETEXT IN THE EIGHTH GRADE. The primary goal of this study is to find out whether the implementation of experiential learning as a method can improve student performance in writing recount texts. It was proven by the students' score in the post-test was better than the pre-test.

It was evident that using the experiential learning method could increase students' achievement in writing narrative text. Internalization : One of the processes in the experiential learning method, when the students explain the exercise to the teacher. Participation : One of the processes in the experiential learning method where students become personally involved in a classroom activity.

Transference: One of the processes in the experiential learning method when the teacher connects classroom learning with the real world outside the classroom or with the students' life context.


Problem Identification

Problem Formulation

Research Benefit

  • The Concept of Writing a. Definition of Writing

To give information to English teacher that experiential learning can be applied in the teaching of writing and it can be an effective learning method to solve the problems in writing retelling text. The researcher gave writing tests to the students to analyze their scores on content, organization, vocabulary, grammar and mechanics. In addition, a success of the students' performance in learning English can be determined by many factors.

While the external factor relates to the learning environment, the concern of the parents, the style or approach the students use in learning, the learning facilities and the professionalism of the teacher.12 Simplicio suggests that teachers should be prepared to accept the different methods, strategies and approaches to instruction.13. Student writing performance can be influenced by the student himself and by all aspects of teaching and learning, especially by the teacher's specific teaching style. Cantor argues that experiential learning is both the learning process and the method of teaching.20 According to Bart, experiential learning is an attempt to use human experience as an aspect of the learning process.21 Furthermore, Kros and Watson argue that experiential learning is the process of building new knowledge through the transformation of experience.22.

Furthermore, in second language acquisition (SLA), experiential learning encourages students to develop target language skills through the experience of working together on a specific task.23 Additionally, based on the Association for Experiential Education (AEE), experiential learning is a method in which the teacher is directly involved to motivate students and review or reflection is focused to increase. Bower, "Utilizing Kolb's Experiential Learning Theory to Implement a Golf Scramble", International Journal of Sport Management, Recreation & Tourism Vol p. In line with the above quote, it can be concluded that experiential learning is a method of teaching speaking or writing skills , as the students'.

Nunan mentions some principles of experiential learning which are encouraging students to participate actively in small collaborative groups, emphasizing the process over the product, teaching learning, social and communication skills, encouraging self-directed learning and promoting intrinsic rather than extrinsic motivation. 25. In conclusion, the main principle of experiential learning is that the students are central to the learning. It engages students to be active learners by transferring their experiences in the learning process.

Experiential learning emphasizes students' intrinsic motivation, which will greatly influence their success in writing narrative text. Haynes defines the experiential learning method as including a number of steps that offer the student a collaborative and reflective learning experience that helps him or her fully learn new knowledge and new skills.27 Experiential learning in the ESL classroom is based on the principle that language learning is facilitated , when students participate in task work and when learning includes the following stages:.

Table 2. Scoring Guidance  a.  Content
Table 2. Scoring Guidance a. Content

Phase of Experiential Learning Method. 28

  • Teaching Writing Recount Text by Using Experiential Learning
  • Action Hypothesis
    • Subject of The Study
  • Object of The Study
  • Action Plan
    • Classroom Action Research

In the exposure phase, a topic is presented and students are given the opportunity to reflect on their experiences and connect the learning topic; in the participation phase, students are personally involved in participating in a classroom activity; in the internalization phase, an informative exercise is started by the teacher and the students have the opportunity to reflect on their participation in the activity; and finally, in the transfer phase, the teacher connects the classroom learning to the real world outside the classroom or to the students' life context. In conclusion, the process of the experiential learning method includes four steps that the teacher and the students must take. Increased student motivation is the result of increased interest in teaching and learning.

Second, students face an experiential learning situation that usually has little prior experience to support them in a new context. Teaching narrative written text using the experiential learning method can make students more interested and motivated because in the learning process the teacher always shows his experience when explaining the material. In this step, the teacher recalls the students' past experience in their lives or previous knowledge in the learning process.

Based on their own past experience, the teacher tells it with the retelling text that its function is to retell someone's past event, and it will become the pre-writing activity to make it easier for students to write a retelling text. When the students do the task, the role of the teacher is to guide and help them if they face any difficulties and after completing the task, they have to revise their result of the writing. The importance of the final stage of experiential learning method is that students are able to connect classroom learning with the real world outside the classroom by asking why learning in writing and group work is important to students' real life.

Based on the framework of the theories and assumptions above, the researcher formulates the hypothesis by implementing experiential learning, the students. Subject of the study are the students of class VIII.5 of State Junior High School 1 Punggur. The researcher chooses this class because most of the students in this class have low writing performance.

The purpose of the study in this research is the students' writing at the eighth grade of Junior High School 1 Punggur. To increase the students' writing performance, the researcher uses experiential learning method in the teaching of writing.

The cycle of classroom action research by Hopkins 38

  • The Steps of Research
  • Indicator of Research
  • Data Collecting Method
    • Observation
    • Test
    • Documentation
    • Field Note
  • Data Analysis Method
  • Result of the Research
    • Action and the Learning Product at Cycle 1 a. Planning
    • Action and the Learning Product at Cycle 2
  • Interpretation
    • The Result of Pre-Test
    • Learning Result at Cycle 1
    • Learning Result at Cycle 2

This was the reason why the researcher implemented the experiential learning method to increase students' performance in writing retelling text. As the researcher explained before, she wanted to implement experiential learning to increase students' performance in writing retelling text. In this step, the teacher asked the students to create short narrative text about their holiday in pairs.

The teacher started the lesson by praying, greeting, checking the attendance list of the students and asking about the condition of the students. The researcher started the meeting by praying, greeting, checking the attendance list of the students and asking about the condition of the students. The students' test score in the post test 1 was better than the test in the pretest before.

From the result of the .. observation, the whole percentage of students' activities in the first and second meeting could increase, and the average was 64.48%. d. In general, there was an increase in students' performance in writing retelling text by implementing experiential learning in this cycle. The teacher began the learning process by asking, greeting, checking the students' attendance list and asking the students' condition.

From the students' stories, the teacher came to the conclusion that he used the simple past tense to tell the past events. It was the reason why the researcher implemented experiential learning to increase students' achievement in narrative text writing. It was intended to recognize students' ability to write narrative text after treatment.

From the post-test score 1, it could be seen that there was an increasing score from the students' pre-test scores. From the result of post test 2, it turned out that there was an increase in the learning result of the students. From the above data, it can be concluded that there was an increasing percentage of student activities from cycle 1 and cycle 2.

Therefore, the researcher concluded that implementation of experiential learning method could increase the students'.

Table 4. Distribution of Students’ Score at Pre-Test  No  Interval  Frequency  Percentage  Note
Table 4. Distribution of Students’ Score at Pre-Test No Interval Frequency Percentage Note




Azhar, "Definisi, Pengertian dan Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Prestasi Belajar", i http://azharm2k.wordpress.com. Bower, Glenna .G, "Utilizing Kolb's Experiential Learning Theory to Implement a Golf Scramble", International Journal of Sport Management, Recreation &. Brown, Douglas, Teaching by Princip An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy Second Edition, San Francisco University: Longman, 2001.

Fatemeh Mollaei og Hamidreza Rahmana, "Experiential Education Contributing to Language Learning", International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Vol 2, 2012. Heaton, Human, Security Report /The Cuses of Peace and the Shrinking Cost of War, New York: Oxford University Trykke. Hoessein Valid Dastjerdi et al, "Quality of Iranian EFL Learners' Argumentative Essays: Cohesive Device in Focus", bind 2, 2011.

Isah Cahyani, "Peran Experiential Learning dalam Perankasa Motivasi Pembelajar BIPA" at www.ialf.edu/kipbipa/papers/CahyaniIsah.doc, January 2013. Knutson, Sonja, "Experiential Learning in Second-Language Classrooms", TESL Journal/ Revue TESL Du Canada Vol 20, 2003. Kolb, D.A., Experiential Learning: Experience as a Source of Learning and Development, Prentice Hall: Englewood Cliffs, 1984.

Kumar Singh, Yogesh, Fundamental of Research Methodology and Statistics, New Delhi: New Age International Publishers, 2006. Raj Subedy, Bidja, “Factors Influencing High School Student Achievement in Nepal”, International Education Journal Vol 4, 2013. Valid Dastjerdi, Hussein et al., “Quality of Iranian EFL Students' Argumentative Essays: Coherent Apparatus in Focus,” Part 2, May 2011.

Al-Hafidz, “Using Shared Writing Strategy in a Recount Text for High School Students,” Juornal of English Language Teaching Vol 1, Maret 2nd 2013. Yer Kong and Jay Rasmussen, Experiential Education: A Way to Know What You Know, Bethel University.


Table 1. Students’ Writing Learning Result  No  Score  Category  Frequency  Percentage
Table 2. Scoring Guidance  a.  Content
Table 4. Distribution of Students’ Score at Pre-Test  No  Interval  Frequency  Percentage  Note
Table 7. Students’ Score in Pre-test


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