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日本英語教育学会 第 41 回年次研究集会 論文集


Academic year: 2023

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Review of Literature on Vocabulary Learning Early studies on the vocabulary size of native

We can also assume that students need a greater depth of knowledge for high-frequency words than for low-frequency words. The importance of high frequency words over low frequency words is clearly revealed when the relationship between frequency and coverage is shown.

Table 1. Relationship between Vocabulary Size and  Coverage in the Brown Corpus
Table 1. Relationship between Vocabulary Size and Coverage in the Brown Corpus

Design and Development of AntLister

Creating a set of example sentences that highlight the various inflections and derivations close to the target word is achieved in a linear process. For each target word, all lists of base words are searched and the associated family members of the target word are extracted.

Results and Discussion

On the other hand, some teachers in the courses include explicit vocabulary teaching in the class. In the case of the CELESE materials, a complete list required several hours of processing time.

Table 2. Impact of coverage percentage setting on  the AntLister high-pass filter sentence selector  Coverage
Table 2. Impact of coverage percentage setting on the AntLister high-pass filter sentence selector Coverage


理工系学生向け英語リスニング研修(注)専門科目の学生も楽しく英語を学べる場があります。 。


図 1 Audacity 1.3.x を使って作成した課題のサンプル: [84], [85], [86], . . . , [89] が Sound Finder で切り出したユニット ([88] で文が終わる).この図は [85] が選択された状態で,これ を再生すると “trying to put things together which at first sight look different” という発話片 が得られる)
図 1 Audacity 1.3.x を使って作成した課題のサンプル: [84], [85], [86], . . . , [89] が Sound Finder で切り出したユニット ([88] で文が終わる).この図は [85] が選択された状態で,これ を再生すると “trying to put things together which at first sight look different” という発話片 が得られる)



Research questions

However, there have been only a limited number of studies on Japanese students' attitudes towards Japanese English. Additionally, Japanese university students' attitudes toward different Englishes may have changed in the 15 years since this study. This research provided quantitative and qualitative information on Japanese students' attitudes toward English varieties.



Chiba, Matsuura, and Yamamoto (1995), which was based on Matsuura, Chiba, and Yamamoto (1994), was one of the earliest studies in the field. The present study attempts to fill the gap in the previous studies by investigating Japanese university students' language attitudes towards Japanese English, American English and Chinese English. American English was chosen as it is the main target model used in the current Japanese education system (Matsuda, 2002; Yoshikawa, 2005; Matsuda, 2009).


Questionnaire A took the form of 7-point semantic-differential (SD) scales, which asked participants to express their impression of speakers by listening to the recordings. Instructions were written in Japanese at the beginning of the questionnaire and the English passage used in the database was also listed. All questions in the actual survey were in Japanese and took the form of 7-point rating scales.


From these files, one sample for each English was selected as material for VGT due to the characteristic accent and similarity of voice quality. In the present study, the SD scales used in McKenzie (2008a, p. 69) were used, as they were specifically developed for language attitude studies in a Japanese context. As the participants were Japanese university students who may vary in English ability, it was decided to use a Japanese translated version of these SD scales in the questionnaire.

Results and analysis

Dimensions underlying language attitudes: solidarity and status

The mean and SD for each English on the solidarity dimension is given in Table 2.1, and the value on the status dimension is given in Table 2.2. The third stage of analysis was to determine the underlying dimensions of the question items in questionnaire B (see Appendix). The second set of questions asked about the preferences of language teachers, that is, the preferences of Japanese teachers or native teachers in learning English.

Table 2.1: The solidarity dimension  Mean  SD  J1, J4, J7 av.  3.96  1.04  A1, A4, A7 av
Table 2.1: The solidarity dimension Mean SD J1, J4, J7 av. 3.96 1.04 A1, A4, A7 av

Relationship between language attitudes and motivation, teacher preference, and awareness of world

Relationship between attitudes and participants’


Language attitudes of Japanese university students toward Japanese English

32 However, there was also a clear difference between the non-native English speakers regarding solidarity, namely the score of Chinese English was significantly higher than the score of Japanese English. However, participants did not rate Japanese English significantly higher or lower compared to Chinese English. Accordingly, in relation to the first research question, this study found that Japanese university students have a complex attitude towards Japanese English.

Language attitudes and their relationships with factors of learning English

Given that the participants were Japanese students, it was expected that Japanese English would be rated higher. This result first shows that Japanese university students clearly distinguished native English from non-native English. Summarizing the two dimensions, non-native English people scored higher in terms of solidarity and lower in terms of status.

Social variables of participants and language attitudes

A possible reason behind this is that Japanese participants' ambivalent attitudes towards Japanese English are reflected in the intermediate score of Japanese English through the solidarity dimension. Although Japanese university students psychologically identify their English with non-native English speakers, as implied by the higher rating of non-native English speakers, they may not want to consider themselves too strongly as Japanese English speakers at the same time. On the other hand, Chinese English is not their “own” English, and the participants may have treated it as a different non-native English, without associating it with their own English.

Implications, limitations, and suggestions 1 Implications


First, more speech examples and more varieties of English could have been added to increase generalizability. In addition, more adjectives should have been added to the SD scales to ensure representativeness of each dimension. Third, follow-up interviews should have been conducted with some participants to collect more qualitative data so that it can be analyzed along with the statistical data used in this study.


Second, the correlation coefficients were not very high, and what this study noted about such relationships should be interpreted with caution.



日本人英語学習者による Garden Path 文処理における動詞サブカテゴリー知識の使用。この研究の結果は、文構造分析をより正確に行う日本人の英語学習者は、英語の文章を読むことが明確になったときに、動詞のサブカテゴリ情報の知識を利用して庭の道を避ける傾向があることを示しています。

表 1  授 業 シ ラ バ ス  日
表 1 授 業 シ ラ バ ス 日

方 法

刺 激 文

Ambiguous sentence with intransitive verb:. 3a) While the audience wept, the actor rested behind the curtain. Unambiguous sentence with a transitive verb:. 3d) While the audience watched, the actor rested behind the curtain. 4a) While the audience watched (,), the actor rested behind the curtain. Did the audience watch the actor. 4b) While the audience watched (,), the actor rested behind the curtain.

手 続 き

第41回日本英語教育学会学術集会講演論文集 第41回日本英語教育学会学術講演会講演論文集 日本人英語学習者の自発発話における母音伸長をL1談話戦略の観点から考察する。

Phrase-final Vowel Lengthening by Japanese Learners of English

  • データに基 づく学 習 活 動 の分 析 と検 証
  • 応 答 練 習 の 概 要
  • 句 末 の 母 音 延 伸 (PfVL) と い う 現 象
  • PfVL の 生 起 傾 向 の 調 査
    • 原 稿 読 み 上 げ 発 話 と 自 発 的 発 話 の 比 較 分 析 対 象 の 発 話 デ ー タ は , 学 生 に よ る 応 答 練 習 に お
  • 考 察
    • 自 発 発 話 に特 有 の現 象 としての PfVL

49-55、日本外国語としての英語教育学会編集、早稲田大学情報教育研究所、2012 年 3 月 31 日。この論文集はデジタル認知発達研究所が発行し、早稲田大学の学生向けです。これを行う英語の自発的な発話には、「フレーズ最終母音延長」と呼ばれる現象があります。大学1年生を対象とした教室で行われた応答演習の記録データを用いて、PfVLの発生傾向を調査した。 PfVL を引き起こす談話要因について、談話戦略に関する知見を参照しながら考察する。


Table 1. Relationship between Vocabulary Size and  Coverage in the Brown Corpus
Figure 2. Output from AntLister for the words "entertain" and "fact"
Figure 3. Performance Gains on TOEIC for  First-Year Students at CELESE (2007 to 2011)
Table 2. Impact of coverage percentage setting on  the AntLister high-pass filter sentence selector  Coverage


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