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Academic year: 2023

Membagikan "列管毒性化學物質及其運作管理事項第一項附表一"


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(1)列管毒性化學物質及其運作管理事項第一項附 表一、第二項附表二、第三項附表三及第四項附 表四修正草案總說明 列管毒性化學物質及其運作管理事項(以下簡稱本公告)於九 十六年公告施行,迄今十一年,歷經十一次修正,係依現行毒性化學 物質管理法第七條、第十一條規定,授權中央主管機關得依管理需 要,公告毒性化學物質及其管制濃度、大量運作基準,並修正不合需 要之管理事項。 因應聯合國持久性有機污染物斯德哥爾摩公約管理趨勢,十溴 二苯醚原為第四類毒性化學物質,修正為第一、二類毒性化學物質, 並將管制濃度加嚴修正為百分之一,大量運作基準為五十公斤,及增 列短鏈氯化石蠟為第一類毒性化學物質,管制濃度為百分之一,大量 運作基準為一百公斤,另修正六氯-1,3-丁二烯之禁止運作事項與得使 用用途,俾與國際公約接軌。 本公告修正草案重點如下: 一、 修正十溴二苯醚為第一、二類毒性化學物質,並將管制濃度加 嚴修正為百分之一,大量運作基準為五十公斤;增列短鏈氯化 石蠟為第一類毒性化學物質,管制濃度為百分之一,大量運作 基準為一百公斤。(修正公告事項第一項附表一) 二、 增列十溴二苯醚、短鏈氯化石蠟及六氯-1,3-丁二烯之禁止運作 事項。 (修正公告事項第二項附表二) 三、 修正六氯-1,3-丁二烯及增列十溴二苯醚、短鏈氯化石蠟得使用 用途。(修正公告事項三附表三) 四、 增列十溴二苯醚及短鏈氯化石蠟之規定期限完成相關事項。 (修正公告事項四附表四). 第 1 頁;共 6 頁.

(2) 公告事項第一項附表一修正草案對照表 修正規定 附表一 公告毒性化學物質及其管制濃度與大量運作基準一覽表 列管 編號. 序 號. 091. 01 十溴二苯醚. Decabromobiphenyl ether. 194. 01 短鏈氯化石蠟. CH Cl Short-chain chlorinated x (2x-y+2) y x=10-13 paraffins (SCCPs) y=1-13. 中文名稱. 英文名稱. 化學文摘 社登記號碼. 分子式. C12Br10O. 管制 濃度. 現行規定 附表一 公告毒性化學物質及其管制濃度與大量運作基準一覽表. 大量運作 毒性 基準 分類. 公告 日期. 列管 編號. 序 號. 091. 01 十溴二苯醚. 1163-19-5. 1. 50. 1,2. 88.12.24 89.10.25 107.○○.○○. 85535-84-8. 1. 100. 1. 107.○○.○○. 中文名稱. 英文名稱 Decabromobiphenyl ether. ,. 第 2 頁;共 6 頁. 分子式 C12Br10O. 化學文摘 社登記號碼. 管制 濃度. 大量運作 基準. 1163-19-5. 30. --. 毒性 分類 4. 公告 日期 88.12.24 89.10.25. 說 明 一、為配合十溴二苯醚列入持久性 有機污染物斯德哥爾摩公約 附件 A(消除對象清單)管 理,並符合毒性化學物質管理 法第一類及第二類毒性化學 物質特性,爰修正十溴二苯醚 管制分類為第一類、第二類毒 性化學物質,並將管制濃度修 正為百分之一。 二、為配合短鏈氯化石蠟列入持久 性有機污染物斯德哥爾摩公 約附件 A(消除對象清單)管 理,並符合毒性化學物質管理 法第一類毒性化學物質特 性,爰增列短鏈氯化石蠟為第 一類毒性化學物質,管制濃度 為百分之一。.

(3) 公告事項第二項附表二修正草案對照表 附表二. 列管 編號. 序 號. 修正規定 公告列管毒性化學物質禁止運作事項一覽表. 化學物質 中文名稱. 禁. 止. 運. 作. 附表二. 事. 項. 091. 01. 十溴二苯醚. 1.禁止用於加熱家用電器、熨斗、風扇、浸入式加熱器、直接或間接觸電子元 件者的塑膠外殼及零件之添加劑,上述添加之重量百分比濃度高於 10%以上 者。 2.禁止用於製造含阻燃特性之衣服及紡織品玩具。. 150. 01. 六氯-1,3-丁二烯. 禁止製造、輸入、販賣及使用。但研究、試驗、教育用途者,不在此限。. 194. 01. 短鏈氯化石蠟. 禁止使用於製造玩具及兒童用品。. 列管 編號. 序 號. 現行規定 公告列管毒性化學物質禁止運作事項一覽表. 化學物質 中文名稱. 第 3 頁;共 6 頁. 禁. 止. 運. 作. 事. 項. 說 明 一、參據持久性有機污染物斯德哥 爾摩公約附件 A(消除對象清 單)及國際管制之管理規範, 增訂十溴二苯醚之禁止運作事 項。 二、參據持久性有機污染物斯德哥 爾摩公約附件 A(消除對象清 單)及國際管制之管理規範, 增訂短鏈氯化石蠟之禁止運作 事項。 三、參據持久性有機污染物斯德哥 爾摩公約附件 A(消除對象清 單) 、附件 C(非蓄意排放)及 國際管制之管理規範,增訂六 氯 -1,3- 丁 二 烯 之 禁 止 運 作 事 項。.

(4) 公告事項第三項附表三修正草案對照表 附表三 列管 編號. 序 號. 修正規定 公告列管毒性化學物質得使用用途一覽表 化學物質 中文名稱. 用 途. 091. 01. 十溴二苯醚. 1.研究、試驗、教育。 2.用於已停止大量生產的交通運輸工具零件,這些零件屬於以下一種或多種類 別:動力系統和引擎室應用,例如電池線路、電池連接線、車用空調管路、 傳動系統、排氣歧管襯套、引擎室隔熱層、引擎室接線和線組(引擎線路等)、 速度感測器、軟管、風扇模組、爆震感測器;燃油系統應用,如燃油軟管, 燃油箱及車體下油箱;點火裝置及應用於點火裝置,例如:安全氣囊點火電 纜、椅套/織物(僅指與安全氣囊相關處)及安全氣囊(前方及側邊);懸吊及內裝 應用,例如:飾板組件、隔音材料及安全帶。 3.交通運輸工具元件符合下列一種或多種類別:強化塑膠(儀表板及內裝飾 板)、引擎室或儀表板(接線板/熔斷器、高安培電線及電線外被(火星塞高壓 線));電子及電路設備(電池外殼及電池托盤、發動機電子控制連接器、音響 組件、衛星導航系統、全球定位系統及電腦系統);織物,例如後障板、內裝、 車頂、汽車座椅、頭枕、遮陽板、內裝鑲板及地毯。 4.在中華民國一百零七年十二月三十一日以前已被認可通過且在一百十一年十 二月三十一日以前已取得之飛機及其備品。 5.具阻燃特性之紡織品,不包括衣服及玩具。 6.使用於塑膠外殼及零件之添加劑,且這些塑膠外殼及零件是用於放置加熱家 用電器、熨斗、風扇、浸入式加熱器、直接或間接觸電子元件者,或需符合 阻燃劑標準者,上述添加之重量百分比濃度低於 10%以下者。 7.用於建築隔熱之聚氨酯泡沫。 8.前述交通運輸工具的特定豁免應於這些運輸工具服務年限達到或於中華民國 一百二十四年十二月三十一日終止,並以兩者較早達到者為準,而對於在一 百零七年十二月三十一日以前已申請通過特定豁免,且在一百十一年十二月 三十一日以前已取得之飛機及其備品,應於服務年限到達後終止。. 150. 01. 六氯-1,3-丁二烯. 1.研究、試驗、教育。. 短鏈氯化石蠟. 1.研究、試驗、教育。 2.用於天然及合成橡膠產業中製造輸送帶之添加劑。 3.礦業及林業橡膠輸送帶之零件。 4.皮革產業,限定於皮革加脂劑。 5.潤滑油之添加劑,限定於汽車引擎、發電機和風力發電設備、油氣探勘鑽井 以及石油煉製生產柴油。 6.室外裝飾燈管及燈泡。 7.防水及防火塗料。 8.黏合劑。 9.金屬處理。 10.軟質聚氯乙烯之增塑劑(玩具及兒童用品除外)。. 194. 01. 現行規定 公告列管毒性化學物質得使用用途一覽表. 附表三 列管 編號 150. 序 號. 化學物質 中文名稱. 01. 六 氯 -1,3- 丁 二 烯. 用 途 1.研究、試驗、教育。 2.彈性物之溶劑。 3.熱傳導液體。 4.變壓器與液力流體,去除 C4 或更高碳氫化合物之流洗液體。. 第 4 頁;共 6 頁. 說 明 參據持久性有機污染物斯德哥爾摩 公約之管理方式及豁免用途,新增 十溴二苯醚、短鏈氯化石蠟及修正 六氯-1,3-丁二烯得使用用途。.

(5) 公告事項第四項附表四修正草案對照表 附表四. 修正規定 已運作公告列管毒性化學物質應於規定期限完成相關事項一覽表. 附表四. 現行規定 已運作公告列管毒性化學物質應於規定期限完成相關事項一覽表. (一)孔雀綠、順丁烯二酸、順丁烯二酸酐、對位乙氧基苯脲、溴酸鉀、富馬酸二 (一)孔雀綠、順丁烯二酸、順丁烯二酸酐、對位乙氧基苯脲、溴酸鉀、富馬酸二 甲酯、芐基紫、皂黃、玫瑰紅 B、二甲基黃、甲醛次硫酸氫鈉、三聚氰胺、α甲酯、芐基紫、皂黃、玫瑰紅 B、二甲基黃、甲醛次硫酸氫鈉、三聚氰胺、α苯並吡喃酮應於規定期限完成相關事項一覽表 苯並吡喃酮應於規定期限完成相關事項一覽表 孔雀綠、順丁烯二酸、順丁烯二酸酐、對位乙氧基苯脲、溴酸鉀、 富馬酸二甲酯、芐基紫、皂黃、玫瑰紅 B、二甲基黃、甲醛次硫酸 規定事項 氫鈉、三聚氰胺、α-苯並吡喃酮規定期限完成相關事項 依規定作成運作紀錄、釋放量紀錄並定期申報。 中華民國一百零七年二月十五日起開始記錄並依規定定期申報。 完成容器、包裝、運作場所及設施之標示並備安 中華民國一百零七年七月十五日前完成改善。 全資料表。 依規定取得製造、輸入、販賣、使用、貯存、輸 中華民國一百零八年一月十五日前取得。 出之核可文件。 其他本表未列事項。 中華民國一百零七年二月十五日起依有關規定辦理。 毒性化學物質. 孔雀綠、順丁烯二酸、順丁烯二酸酐、對位乙氧基苯脲、溴酸鉀、 富馬酸二甲酯、芐基紫、皂黃、玫瑰紅 B、二甲基黃、甲醛次硫酸 規定事項 氫鈉、三聚氰胺、α-苯並吡喃酮規定期限完成相關事項 依規定作成運作紀錄、釋放量紀錄並定期申報。 中華民國一百零七年二月十五日起開始記錄並依規定定期申報。 完成容器、包裝、運作場所及設施之標示並備安 中華民國一百零七年七月十五日前完成改善。 全資料表。 依規定取得製造、輸入、販賣、使用、貯存、輸 中華民國一百零八年一月十五日前取得。 出之核可文件。 其他本表未列事項。 中華民國一百零七年二月十五日起依有關規定辦理。 毒性化學物質. (二)月桂酸五氯苯酯、全氟辛烷磺酸(濃度 0.01%以上未達 1%)應於規定期限完 (二)月桂酸五氯苯酯、全氟辛烷磺酸(濃度 0.01%以上未達 1%)應於規定期限完 成相關事項一覽表 成相關事項一覽表 毒性化學物質 月桂酸五氯苯酯、全氟辛烷磺酸(濃度 0.01%以上未達 1%)規定 規定事項 期限完成相關事項 依規定作成運作紀錄、釋放量紀錄並定期申報。 中華民國一百零八年一月一日起開始記錄並依規定定期申報。 依規定提報危害預防及應變計畫。 中華民國一百零八年七月一日前完成提報。 完成容器、包裝、運作場所及設施之標示並備 中華民國一百零八年七月一日前完成改善。 安全資料表。 運送毒性化學物質。 中華民國一百零九年一月一日前依規定辦理。 備緊急應變工具及設備。 中華民國一百零八年七月一日前完成改善。 依規定提報應變器材及偵測與警報設備之設置 中華民國一百零八年十月一日前完成提報。 及操作計畫。 依規定組設毒性化學物質聯防組織 中華民國一百零八年十月一日前完成。 完成偵測及警報設備之設置。 中華民國一百零九年一月一日前完成設置。 依備查之危害預防及應變計畫內容實施。 中華民國一百零九年一月一日起實施。 專業技術管理人員之設置。 中華民國一百零九年一月一日前完成設置。 依規定取得製造許可證、輸入許可證、販賣許 可證、使用登記文件、貯存登記文件或核可文 中華民國一百零九年一月一日前取得。 件。 其他本表未列事項。 中華民國一百零八年一月一日起依有關規定辦理。. (三)全氟辛酸、蘇丹 1 號、蘇丹 2 號、蘇丹 3 號、蘇丹 4 號、蘇丹紅 G、蘇丹橙 G、 蘇丹黑 B、蘇丹紅 7B、二乙基黃、王金黃(塊黃)、鹽基性芥黃、紅色 2 號、 氮紅及橘色 2 號應於規定期限完成相關事項一覽表. 毒性化學物質 月桂酸五氯苯酯、全氟辛烷磺酸(濃度 0.01%以上未達 1%)規定 規定事項 期限完成相關事項 依規定作成運作紀錄、釋放量紀錄並定期申報。 中華民國一百零八年一月一日起開始記錄並依規定定期申報。 依規定提報危害預防及應變計畫。 中華民國一百零八年七月一日前完成提報。 完成容器、包裝、運作場所及設施之標示並備 中華民國一百零八年七月一日前完成改善。 安全資料表。 運送毒性化學物質。 中華民國一百零九年一月一日前依規定辦理。 備緊急應變工具及設備。 中華民國一百零八年七月一日前完成改善。 依規定提報應變器材及偵測與警報設備之設置 中華民國一百零八年十月一日前完成提報。 及操作計畫。 依規定組設毒性化學物質聯防組織 中華民國一百零八年十月一日前完成。 完成偵測及警報設備之設置。 中華民國一百零九年一月一日前完成設置。 依備查之危害預防及應變計畫內容實施。 中華民國一百零九年一月一日起實施。 專業技術管理人員之設置。 中華民國一百零九年一月一日前完成設置。 依規定取得製造許可證、輸入許可證、販賣許 可證、使用登記文件、貯存登記文件或核可文 中華民國一百零九年一月一日前取得。 件。 其他本表未列事項。 中華民國一百零八年一月一日起依有關規定辦理。. (三)全氟辛酸、蘇丹 1 號、蘇丹 2 號、蘇丹 3 號、蘇丹 4 號、蘇丹紅 G、蘇丹橙 G、蘇丹黑 B、蘇丹紅 7B、二乙基黃、王金黃(塊黃)、鹽基性芥黃、紅色 2 號、氮紅及橘色 2 號應於規定期限完成相關事項一覽表 蘇丹 1 號、蘇丹 2 號、蘇丹 3 號、蘇丹 4 號、蘇丹紅 G、蘇丹橙 G、蘇丹 黑 B、蘇丹紅 7B、二乙基黃、王金黃(塊黃)、鹽基性芥黃、紅色 2 號、 規定事項 氮紅及橘色 2 號、全氟辛酸規定期限完成相關事項 依規定作成運作紀錄、釋放量紀錄並定期申報。 中華民國一百零八年一月一日起開始記錄並依規定定期申報。 完成容器、包裝、運作場所及設施之標示並備安 中華民國一百零八年七月一日前完成。 全資料表。 依規定取得製造、輸入、販賣、使用、貯存、輸 中華民國一百零九年一月一日前取得。 出之核可文件。 其他本表未列事項。 中華民國一百零八年一月一日起依有關規定辦理。 毒性化學物質. 蘇丹 1 號、蘇丹 2 號、蘇丹 3 號、蘇丹 4 號、蘇丹紅 G、蘇丹橙 G、蘇丹 毒性化學物質 黑 B、蘇丹紅 7B、二乙基黃、王金黃(塊黃)、鹽基性芥黃、紅色 2 號、 規定事項 氮紅及橘色 2 號、全氟辛酸規定期限完成相關事項 依規定作成運作紀錄、釋放量紀錄並定期申報。 中華民國一百零八年一月一日起開始記錄並依規定定期申報。 完成容器、包裝、運作場所及設施之標示並備安 中華民國一百零八年七月一日前完成。 全資料表。 依規定取得製造、輸入、販賣、使用、貯存、輸 中華民國一百零九年一月一日前取得。 出之核可文件。 其他本表未列事項。 中華民國一百零八年一月一日起依有關規定辦理。. 第 5 頁;共 6 頁. 說 明 增列十溴二苯醚及短鏈氯化石蠟 之規定期限完成相關事項。.

(6) 修正規定. 現行規定. (四)十溴二苯醚(濃度 1%以上未達 30%)及短鏈氯化石蠟應於規定期限完成相關 事項一覽表 毒性化學物質 十溴二苯醚(濃度 1%以上未達 30%)及短鏈氯化石蠟規定期限完 規定事項 成相關事項 依規定作成運作紀錄、釋放量紀錄並定期申報。 中華民國一百零八年七月一日起開始記錄並依規定定期申報。 依規定提報危害預防及應變計畫。 中華民國一百零九年一月一日前完成提報。 完成容器、包裝、運作場所及設施之標示並備 中華民國一百零九年一月一日前完成改善。 安全資料表。 運送毒性化學物質。 中華民國一百零九年七月一日前依規定辦理。 備緊急應變工具及設備。 中華民國一百零九年一月一日前完成改善。 依規定提報應變器材及偵測與警報設備之設置 中華民國一百零九年四月一日前完成提報。 及操作計畫。 依規定組設毒性化學物質聯防組織 中華民國一百零九年四月一日前完成。 完成偵測及警報設備之設置。 中華民國一百零九年七月一日前完成設置。 依備查之危害預防及應變計畫內容實施。 中華民國一百零九年七月一日起實施。 專業技術管理人員之設置。 中華民國一百零九年七月一日前完成設置。 依規定取得製造許可證、輸入許可證、販賣許 可證、使用登記文件、貯存登記文件或核可文 中華民國一百零九年七月一日前取得。 件。 其他本表未列事項。 中華民國一百零八年七月一日起依有關規定辦理。. 第 6 頁;共 6 頁. 說. 明.

(7) Commentaries of Draft Amendment of Paragraph 1, Attached Table 1; Paragraph 2, Attached Table 2; Paragraph 3, Attached Table 3; and Paragraph 4, Attached Table 4 of Listed Controlled Toxic Chemical Substance and Its Handling Management Items. Listed Controlled Toxic Chemical Substance and Its Handling Management Items (herein referred to as the Notice) was promulgated in 2007. The Notice has entered into force for 11 years and it has been amended 11 times since then. The Notice is pursuant to Article 7 and Article 11 of the current Toxic Chemical Substances Control Act (herein referred to as the Act). The authorized Central Competent Authority may, based on management requirements, officially announce toxic chemical substance, its control concentration standards and large-scale handling standards, and amend management items that fail to meet requirements. In order to align with the management methods of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants, which administered by the United Nations Environment Programme, Decabromodiphenyl ether was amended its toxic chemical substance classification from Class 4 to Class 1 and Class 2, its control concentration standard was tightened to 1 %, and large-scale handling standard was set at 50 kg. In addition, Short-chain chlorinated paraffins was added to Class 1, its control concentration standard was set at 1 %, and large-scale handling standard was set at 100 kg. The prohibited handling items and permitted applications of Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene was also amended in the Notice. The points of the draft amendment of the Notice are as follows: 1.. Decabromodiphenyl ether was amended its toxic chemical substance classification to Class 1 and Class 2, its control. 第 1 頁;共 7 頁.

(8) concentration standard was tightened to 1 %, and large-scale handling standard was set at 50 kg; Short-chain chlorinated paraffins was added to Class 1, its control concentration standard was set at 1 %, and large-scale handling standard was set at 100 kg. (Amendments of Paragraph 1, Attached Table 1 of the Notice) 2.. The prohibited handling items of Decabromodiphenyl ether, Short-chain chlorinated paraffins and Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene was added. (Amendments of Paragraph 2, Attached Table 2 of the Notice). 3.. The permitted applications of Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene was amended and the permitted applications of Decabromodiphenyl ether. and. Short-chain. chlorinated. paraffin. was. added.. (Amendments of Paragraph 3, Attached Table 3 of the Notice) 4.. The completion of related items within designated deadlines of Decabromodiphenyl ether and Short-chain chlorinated paraffins was added. (Amendments of Paragraph 4, Attached Table 4 of the Notice). 第 2 頁;共 7 頁.

(9) Comparison Table of Draft Amendment of the Announced Items of Paragraph 1, Attached Table 1 Amended Regulation Current Regulation Attached Table 1 Official Announced List of Toxic Chemical Substances, Its Control Attached Table 1 Official Announced List of Toxic Chemical Substances, Its Control 1. Concentration Standard and Large-scale Handling Standard Concentration Standard and Large-scale Handling Standard Regulatory SeCon- rial trol No. No.. Chinese Name. English Name. Chemical Formula. 091. 01 十溴二苯醚. Decabromobiphenyl ether. 194. 01 短鏈氯化石蠟. CH Cl Short-chain chlorinated x (2x-y+2) y x=10-13 paraffins (SCCPs) y=1-13. CAS No.. C12Br10O. 1163-19-5. Control LargeClassiConcen- scale tration Handling fication Standard Standard. 1. 50. 1,2. 100. 1. , 85535-84-8. 1. Announced Date. 88.12.24 89.10.25 107.○○.○○. Regulatory SeCon- rial trol No. No. 091. Chinese Name. 01 十溴二苯醚. English Name. Decabromobiphenyl ether. Chemical Formula. C12Br10O. CAS No.. 1163-19-5. Control LargeConcenscale Classi- Announced Date tration Handling fication Standard Standard 30. --. 4. 88.12.24 89.10.25. 107.○○.○○. 2.. 第 3 頁;共 7 頁. Commentaries In order to align with the management methods of the Annex A (Elimination) of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants, additionally, Decabromodiphenyl ether presents the characteristics of Class 1 and Class 2 toxic chemical substances in the Toxic Chemical Substances Control Act, hence, Decabromodiphenyl ether was amended its toxic chemical substance classification to Class 1 and Class 2, its control concentration standard was tightened to 1 %. Since Short-chain chlorinated paraffins was listed in Annex A of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants, to link up with the convention, additionally, it presents the characteristics of Class 1 toxic chemical substances in the Toxic Chemical Substances Control Act, hence, Short-chain chlorinated paraffins was added to Class 1, its control concentration standard was set at 1 %..

(10) Comparison Table of Draft Amendment of the Announced Items of Paragraph 2, Attached Table 2 Amended Regulation Current Regulation Attached Table 2 Official Announced List of Prohibited Handling Items of Toxic Chemical Attached Table 2 Official Announced List of Prohibited Handling Items of Toxic 1. Substances Chemical Substances. Regulatory Control No.. Serial No.. Chinese Name of Chemicals. 091. 01. 十溴二苯醚. 150. 01. 六氯-1,3-丁二烯. 194. 01. 短鏈氯化石蠟. Prohibited Handling Items. Regulatory Control No.. Serial No.. Chinese Name of Chemicals. 1. It is prohibited to use as additives in plastic housings and parts used for heating home appliances, irons, fans, immersion heaters that are in direct or indirect contact with electrical parts, at concentrations higher than 10 % by weight of the part. 2. It is prohibited to use in production of clothing and textile toys that require anti-flammable characteristics. It is prohibited to manufacture, import, export and use, excluding for research, testing, education applications.. Prohibited Handling Items. 2.. It is prohibited to use in production of toys and children's products.. 3.. 第 4 頁;共 7 頁. Commentaries Refer to the Annex A (Elimination) of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants and International Regulations, the prohibited handling items of Decabromobiphenyl ether was added. Refer to the Annex A (Elimination) of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants and International Regulations, the prohibited handling items of Short-chain chlorinated paraffins was added. Refer to the Annex A (Elimination) and Annex C (Unintentional Production) of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants and International Regulations, the prohibited handling items of Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene was added..

(11) Comparison Table of Draft Amendment of the Announced Items of Paragraph 3, Attached Table 3 Amended Regulation Current Regulation Commentaries Attached Table 3 Official Announced List of Permitted Applications of Toxic Chemical Attached Table 3 Official Announced List of Permitted Applications of Toxic Chemical Refer to the management methods Substances Substances and specific exemptions of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent ReguReguOrganic Pollutants, the permitted Selatory Selatory rial Chinese Name Chinese Name applications of Decabromobiphenyl Conrial ConApplications Applications No of Chemicals of Chemicals trol trol No. ether and Short-chain chlorinated . No. No. paraffins was added and the 1. Research, testing, education. 1.Research, testing, education. 2. Parts for use in vehicles that have ceased mass production, and with such parts 2.Solvent for elastomers. permitted applications of 六氯-1,3-丁二烯 falling into one or more of the following categories: powertrain and under-hood 150 01 3.Heat transfer liquid. Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene was applications such as battery mass wires, battery interconnection wires, mobile 4. Transformer and hydraulic fluid, and as a washing liquor for removing C4 and air-conditioning (MAC) pipes, powertrains, exhaust manifold bushings, higher hydrocarbons. amended. under-hood insulation, wiring and harness under hood (engine wiring, etc.), speed sensors, hoses, fan modules and knock sensors; fuel system applications such as fuel hoses, fuel tanks and fuel tanks under body; pyrotechnical devices and applications affected by pyrotechnical devices such as air bag ignition cables, seat covers/fabrics (only if airbag relevant) and airbags (front and side); suspension and interior applications such as trim components, acoustic material and seat belts. 3. Parts for use in vehicles that falling into one or more of the following categories: reinforced plastics (instrument panels and interior trim); under the hood or dash (terminal/fuse blocks, higher-amperage wires and cable jacketing (spark plug wires)); Electric and electronic equipment (battery cases and battery trays, engine control electrical connectors, components of radio disks, navigation satellite systems, global positioning systems and computer systems); Fabric such as rear decks, upholstery, headliners, automobile seats, head rests, sun visors, trim panels, carpets. 4. Aircraft for which type approval has been applied for before December 31st, 2018 and has been received before December 31st, 2022 and spare parts for those aircraft. 5. Textile products that require anti-flammable characteristics, excluding clothing and toys. 6. Additives in plastic housings and parts used for heating home appliances, irons, fans, immersion heaters that contain or are in direct contact with electrical parts or are required to comply with fire retardancy standards, at concentrations lower than 10 % by weight of the part. 7. Polyurethane foam for building insulation 8. The specific exemptions for parts used in vehicles specified above shall expire at the end of the service life of vehicles or in December 31st, 2035, whichever comes earlier; The specific exemptions for aircraft and its spare parts for which type approval has been applied for before December 31st, 2018 and has been received before December 31st, 2022 shall expire at the end of the service life of those aircraft.. 091. 01. 十溴二苯醚. 150. 01. 六氯-1,3-丁二烯. 1. Research, testing, education.. 短鏈氯化石蠟. 1. Research, testing, education. 2. Additives in the production of transmission belts in the natural and synthetic rubber industry. 3. Spare parts of rubber conveyor belts in the mining and forestry industries. 4. Leather industry, in particular fatliquoring in leather. 5. Lubricant additives, in particular for engines of automobiles, electric generators and wind power facilities, and for drilling in oil and gas exploration, petroleum refinery to produce diesel oil. 6. Tubes and bulbs for outdoor decoration. 7. Waterproofing and fire-retardant paints. 8. Adhesives. 9. Metal processing. 10. Secondary plasticizers in flexible polyvinyl chloride, except in toys and children’s products.. 194. 01. 第 5 頁;共 7 頁.

(12) Comparison Table of Draft Amendment of the Announced Items of Paragraph 4, Attached Table 4 Amended Regulation Current Regulation Commentaries Attached Table 4 Official Announced List of Completion of Related Items within Attached Table 4 Official Announced List of Completion of Related Items within The completion of related items Designated Deadlines of Announced Toxic Chemical Substances Designated Deadlines of Announced Toxic Chemical Substances within designated deadlines of Decabromobiphenyl ether and (1) List of completion of related items within designated deadlines of Malachite green, (1) List of completion of related items within designated deadlines of Malachite green, Short-chain chlorinated paraffins Maleic acid, Maleic anhydride, (4-Ethoxyphenyl) urea, Potassium bromate, Dimethyl Maleic acid, Maleic anhydride, (4-Ethoxyphenyl) urea, Potassium bromate, Dimethyl was added. fumarate (DMF), Benzyl violet 4B, Metanil yellow, Rhodamine B, Butter yellow, fumarate (DMF), Benzyl violet 4B, Metanil yellow, Rhodamine B, Butter yellow, Sodium hydroxymethanesulfinate, Melamine, and Coumarin. Sodium hydroxymethanesulfinate, Melamine, and Coumarin. Completion of related items within designated deadlines of Malachite green,Maleic acid, Maleic anhydride, (4-Ethoxyphenyl) urea, Toxic Chemical Substances Potassium bromate, Dimethyl fumarate (DMF), Benzyl violet 4B, Items of the regulations Metanil yellow, Rhodamine B, Butter yellow, Sodium hydroxymethanesulfinate, Melamine, and Coumarin. Record handling and release quantities and report Begin recording them from February 15th, 2018 and reporting them them regularly pursuant to the regulation. regularly pursuant to the regulation. Complete the marking of containers, packaging, handling sites, and facilities, and prepare the safety Complete the improvements before July 15th, 2018. data sheets. Obtain the approval document of manufacturing, import, selling, usage and storage pursuant to the Obtain the approval document before January 15th, 2019. regulation. Other items that do not listed in this table. Handle them pursuant to the regulation from February 15th, 2018.. Completion of related items within designated deadlines of Malachite green,Maleic acid, Maleic anhydride, (4-Ethoxyphenyl) urea, Toxic Chemical Substances Potassium bromate, Dimethyl fumarate (DMF), Benzyl violet 4B, Items of the regulations Metanil yellow, Rhodamine B, Butter yellow, Sodium hydroxymethanesulfinate, Melamine, and Coumarin. Record handling and release quantities and report Begin recording them from February 15th, 2018 and reporting them them regularly pursuant to the regulation. regularly pursuant to the regulation. Complete the marking of containers, packaging, handling sites, and facilities, and prepare the safety Complete the improvements before July 15th, 2018. data sheets. Obtain the approval document of manufacturing, import, selling, usage and storage pursuant to the Obtain the approval document before January 15th, 2019. regulation. Other items that do not listed in this table. Handle them pursuant to the regulation from February 15th, 2018.. (2) List of completion of related items within designated deadlines of Pentachlorophenyl (2) List of completion of related items within designated deadlines of Pentachlorophenyl laurate and Perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS) (concentration greater than 0.01 % laurate and Perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS) (concentration greater than 0.01 % but less than 1 %) but less than 1 %) Completion of related items within designated deadlines of Toxic Chemical Substances Pentachlorophenyl laurate and Perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS) Items of the regulations (concentration greater than 0.01 % but less than 1 %) Record handling and release quantities and report Begin recording them from January 1st, 2019 and reporting them them regularly pursuant to the regulation. regularly pursuant to the regulation. Report risk prevention and response plans Complete the report before July 1st, 2019. pursuant to the regulation. Complete the marking of containers, packaging, handling sites, and facilities, and prepare the safety Complete the improvements before July 1st, 2019. data sheets. Transporting the toxic chemical substances. Handle it pursuant to the regulation before January 1st, 2020. Prepare the emergency response kits and facilities. Complete the improvements before July 1st, 2019. Report the installation and operation plan of response equipment and detection and alarm Complete the report before October 1st, 2019. equipment pursuant to the regulation. Establish a toxic chemical substance joint Complete the establishment before October 1st, 2019. prevention organization pursuant to the regulation. Complete the installation of detection and alarm Complete the installations before January 1st, 2020. equipment. Implement the content of the risk prevention and Begin the implementation from January 1st, 2020. response plans pursuant to the future reference. The employment of professional technical Complete the employment before January 1st, 2020. management personnel. Obtain the manufacturing permit, import permit, sales permit, usage registration document, storage Obtain the permit or document before January 1st, 2020. registration or approval document pursuant to the regulation. Other items that do not listed in this table. Handle them pursuant to the regulation from January 1st, 2019.. Completion of related items within designated deadlines of Toxic Chemical Substances Pentachlorophenyl laurate and Perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS) Items of the regulations (concentration greater than 0.01 % but less than 1 %) Record handling and release quantities and report Begin recording them from January 1st, 2019 and reporting them them regularly pursuant to the regulation. regularly pursuant to the regulation. Report risk prevention and response plans Complete the report before July 1st, 2019. pursuant to the regulation. Complete the marking of containers, packaging, handling sites, and facilities, and prepare the safety Complete the improvements before July 1st, 2019. data sheets. Transporting the toxic chemical substances. Handle it pursuant to the regulation before January 1st, 2020. Prepare the emergency response kits and facilities. Complete the improvements before July 1st, 2019. Report the installation and operation plan of response equipment and detection and alarm Complete the report before October 1st, 2019. equipment pursuant to the regulation. Establish a toxic chemical substance joint Complete the establishment before October 1st, 2019. prevention organization pursuant to the regulation. Complete the installation of detection and alarm Complete the installations before January 1st, 2020. equipment. Implement the content of the risk prevention and Begin the implementation from January 1st, 2020. response plans pursuant to the future reference. The employment of professional technical Complete the employment before January 1st, 2020. management personnel. Obtain the manufacturing permit, import permit, sales permit, usage registration document, storage Obtain the permit or document before January 1st, 2020. registration or approval document pursuant to the regulation. Other items that do not listed in this table. Handle them pursuant to the regulation from January 1st, 2019.. 第 6 頁;共 7 頁.

(13) Amended Regulation Current Regulation (3) List of completion of related items within designated deadlines of Perflurooctanoic (3) List of completion of related items within designated deadlines of Perflurooctanoic acid (PFOA), Sudan 1, Sudan 2, Sudan 3, Sudan 4, Sudan red G, Sudan orange G, acid (PFOA), Sudan 1, Sudan 2, Sudan 3, Sudan 4, Sudan red G, Sudan orange G, Sudan black B, Sudan red 7B, Diethyl yellow, Basic orange 2, Auramine, Red No. 2, Sudan black B, Sudan red 7B, Diethyl yellow, Basic orange 2, Auramine, Red No. 2, Azorubine and Orange 2. Azorubine and Orange 2. Completion of related items within designated deadlines of Sudan 1, Sudan 2, Toxic Chemical Substances Sudan 3, Sudan 4, Sudan red G, Sudan orange G, Sudan black B, Sudan red 7B, Items of the regulations Diethyl yellow, Basic orange 2, Auramine , Red No. 2, Azorubine, Orange 2 and Perflurooctanoic acid (PFOA). Record handling and release quantities and report Begin recording them from January 1st, 2019 and reporting them regularly them regularly pursuant to the regulation. pursuant to the regulation. Complete the marking of containers, packaging, handling sites, and facilities, and prepare the safety Complete the markings before July 1st, 2019. data sheets. Obtain the approval document of manufacturing, import, selling, usage and storage pursuant to the Obtain the approval document before January 1st, 2020. regulation. Other items that do not listed in this table. Handle them pursuant to the regulation from January 1st, 2019.. Completion of related items within designated deadlines of Sudan 1, Sudan 2, Toxic Chemical Substances Sudan 3, Sudan 4, Sudan red G, Sudan orange G, Sudan black B, Sudan red 7B, Items of the regulations Diethyl yellow, Basic orange 2, Auramine , Red No. 2, Azorubine, Orange 2 and Perflurooctanoic acid (PFOA). Record handling and release quantities and report Begin recording them from January 1st, 2019 and reporting them regularly them regularly pursuant to the regulation. pursuant to the regulation. Complete the marking of containers, packaging, handling sites, and facilities, and prepare the safety Complete the markings before July 1st, 2019. data sheets. Obtain the approval document of manufacturing, import, selling, usage and storage pursuant to the Obtain the approval document before January 1st, 2020. regulation. Other items that do not listed in this table. Handle them pursuant to the regulation from January 1st, 2019.. (4) List of completion of related items within designated deadlines of Decabromobiphenyl ether (concentration greater than 1 % but less than 30 %) and Short-chain chlorinated paraffins. Completion of related items within designated deadlines of Toxic Chemical Substances Decabromobiphenyl ether (concentration greater than 1 % but less than Items of the regulations 30 %) and Short-chain chlorinated paraffins Record handling and release quantities and report Begin recording them from July 1st, 2019 and reporting them regularly them regularly pursuant to the regulation. pursuant to the regulation. Report risk prevention and response plans Complete the report before January 1st, 2020. pursuant to the regulation. Complete the marking of containers, packaging, handling sites, and facilities, and prepare the safety Complete the improvements before January 1st, 2020. data sheets. Transporting the toxic chemical substances. Handle it pursuant to the regulation before July 1st, 2020. Prepare the emergency response kits and facilities. Complete the improvements before January 1st, 2020. Report the installation and operation plan of response equipment and detection and alarm Complete the report before April 1st, 2020. equipment pursuant to the regulation. Establish a toxic chemical substance joint Complete the establishment before April 1st, 2020. prevention organization pursuant to the regulation. Complete the installation of detection and alarm Complete the installations before July 1st, 2020. equipment. Implement the content of the risk prevention and Begin the implementation from July 1st, 2020. response plans pursuant to the future reference. The employment of professional technical Complete the employment before July 1st, 2020. management personnel. Obtain the manufacturing permit, import permit, sales permit, usage registration document, storage Obtain the permit or document before July 1st, 2020. registration or approval document pursuant to the regulation. Other items that do not listed in this table. Handle them pursuant to the regulation from July 1st, 2019.. 第 7 頁;共 7 頁. Commentaries.



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