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FLT Vibes


Academic year: 2023

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Tom with a small smile “the person always hides everything that makes noise in him, it is hidden until old age, and in the old days it makes patterns like wrinkles. Neighbor with a sad face "Pack my belongings as you see." Tom laughed “I know, I can tell you why. This was shocking news about Tom, he liked his neighbor's daughter "why move?" The neighbor shouts.

Tom's eyes opened wide, "Okay, okay!" Tom was talking to himself as he walked “what's going on. The neighbor was angry and said, "Why are you crying?" The girl didn't say anything. Neighbor "damn, this house is full of ghost memories." Girl "don't say that." She then gets into the car, followed by her father as he curses incoherently.

At least tell me where you're going!” The car went to its new destination. On the first day of class, you might ask students to use adjectives before their names as they introduce themselves. Finally, it helps the teachers a lot to remember the names of the students.

Memes can be an important pedagogical tool for teaching twenty-first century students.

هوجولا صصق

Financial accountant Brandon Stanton, born in 1984, found himself in a personal and financial dilemma after being fired from a private company. He looked for a long time for a job that would help him with life's difficulties, but he got nothing. After he bought the camera, he immediately started photographing landscapes and special buildings.

After a while he was stopped by the sad expressions that showed on the faces of the family on the train. He looked deeply into the picture and found stories that he could not find in landscapes and specific buildings. He decided to adapt a new step in which he photographs people instead of inanimate objects.

He didn't take pictures of the Statue of Liberty, Broadway landmarks, or Times Square. He has taken photos of passers-by in New York, but after getting their permission this time. The hardest thing was having the courage to step up to ask them before I took the picture.

However, the stories he saw and the comments he encountered made him extend his stay in New York until further notice. He was asking everyone where he is going, what is the hardest thing you have faced in life. He collected the photographs of the faces he encountered in a book that became a bestseller.

He turned from a laid-off worker into a popular photographer sought after by large companies, institutions and individuals. Facebook hosted him at their headquarters to photograph their staff and much more with his spontaneous humanitarian lens. Brandon's greatest success was when he broke free from his fear and asked passers-by to take pictures of them and won their responses.

دربلا نم ديدشلا ءايعﻹا امهباصأ دقو نازوجع ناجوز لخد ةفصاع ةليل يف تلاو

نئابزلاب ائلتمم قدنفلا ناك وه كلذ ناكو صاخلا هريرس مهيلع ضرع هنإف ،

امهل حاتملا ديحولا ناكملاكلذ نيجوزلا ضفر مغرو

ميركلا فظوملا رصأ دقف ،

هفقوم ىلعا كلذ هتجوزو زوجعلا لجرلا عدو حابصلا يفو

ﻻاقو بيطلا باشل


قدانف لضفﻷ اريدم ام اموي نوكت نأ يغبنيكريمأ

نيقرتفم اكحضو .

فقوملا كلذ باشلا فظوملا يسنسني مل زوجعلا نكلو ،

نيماع دعبو . مت ،

يدم يف لئاه قدنف ءاشنإزوجعلا لجرلا كلذ هبحاص ناكو كرويوين ةن

دقو ،

فلا كلذ ةيؤرل بلقلا ميحر باشلا كلذ يعدهل ًﻼئاق ريبكلا قدن

قدنفلا وه اذه

تنأ هريدتل هتينب يذلا . «

ةرهشلا بحاص ايروتسأ فوردلاو قدنف وه كلذ ناكو

ةيملاعلاقدنفلل ريدم لوأ تدلوب جروج باشلا فظوملا نييعت مت ثيح ،

مايلو هبحاصلو قدنفلل اصلخم هتافو ىتحو اماع نيرشعو ةثﻼث رادم ىلع لظ روتسأ فوردلاو

قوط نم انجرخي ،

ةيداملا ةايحلافصولا قوفي ايماس ًاروعش انحنميو ،

On a stormy night, an elderly couple entered a hotel and were received by a young employee with all care and concern, after suffering a terrible fatigue of cold and exhaustion. As the hotel was full of customers, the employee offered them his bed because it was the only place available, although the couple declined, the generous employee insisted on his offer. In the morning, the old man and his wife bid the good young man farewell and said, "You should be manager of the best hotels in America, some say." They both left laughing.

After two years, a huge hotel was built in New York, and the owner was an old man, he invited a soft-hearted employee to see the huge hotel and said to him: "this is the hotel I built for you to manage". It was the internationally famous Waldorf Astoria hotel, where a young man, George Boldt, was employed as the hotel's first director. He remained loyal to the hotel and its owner William Waldorf Astor for twenty-three years.

Part of the translation group project translated by students of group (E): Reem Alshehri/Ohood Albraidy/Bushra Yahya/Raghad Mohammed.

باتك نم

34;ةايحلا عم صقرلا"

يوسوملا يدهم :بتاكلل

اح تاعقوت ﻼب ةايحلا ىلع لبقأ ولخت نلف ةيدرو اهلك نوكتس ةايحلا نأ نم ةمل

مث ، نﻵا هلمع نكمي ام لضفأ قيقحتل َعساف ، لاحملا نم لامكلاا

اًنيسحت رج

راض ابورح ضخت ﻻ ققدت ﻻو ، تاموصخلا يف كتايح ضقت ﻻو كسفن عم ةي

تو ، كيف تليق ةلمج لك فلخ ، كيلإ ءاسأ نم لك بساح

نكلو ام ركذتب عراس

يثك معن نم هكلمت..ةر

Find the best thing that can be done now, and then make small improvements in your life every day. Reduce planning and thinking time and get to work quickly before life is wasted. Live your life like a bird that leaves its nest every morning and eagerly seeks its bread without expecting anything, but will be satisfied with everything. Don't focus on the big problems because they will be difficult to solve, nor on the shortcomings that you lack.

Ignore the littlest things that flatter around you and consider them as part of your life. Do not enter into an inner war with yourself and do not spend your life arguing. Pay no attention to every word said to you, and no one will offend you, but hasten to remember the many blessings you have.

Part of the translation group project translated by students of Group (C): Nojoud Alshaya/Reema Alahmari/Fawzyah Alshehri/Intisar Asiri/Renad Obaid.

ةحنجأ اهل انفادهأ

We must identify them, and recognize them, plan to work with them and then achieve them. Have you ever sat down with yourself to really acknowledge your dreams and goals you want to achieve. If you want to achieve your satisfaction with yourself, then you need to know what you want and why.

Each of us has special tools than the other, we were not created on a single human pattern or thought, and we are not alike in our goals. Ideas have wings that fly away and then fall on the fertile soil that grows the fruit, make the fields of your thoughts full of fruits, dear reader. The importance of goals lies in the ability to control life situations and time management, as well as the ability to reduce pressure.

You are able to gain more knowledge and influence the lives of others to achieve success. We work hard and persistently for it, we will succeed and achieve in one year what cannot be achieved in years with faith in God, as clear goals will definitely open the doors of success, willing God. It is worth noting that a study was conducted by a behavioral research team from Harvard Business School, where the study was applied to a random sample of 100 senior students at the university and asked them: what each of them wants to be ten years from now.

They all answered that they want to be influential forces in the world of business and finance. Ten years later, the same research team followed up on the entire sample and found that the ten people who set their goals in writing ten years ago had a wealth equal to 96% of the total wealth held by others. Finally, friends, from now on decide, plan, set your goals and start with the smallest ones.

Write your goals in a paper and stick them in front of your eyes and work hard for them and by the end of the year 1441 AH you will be proud of yourself, victorious over your losses, strong before the challenge, God willing.

ة فطاع تامزأ

ديفرــع ة



يحانج ُتقرغ لب


تب اذكهنيح


كتل ِخ

ادبؤم ًاعبرتم




تبرت يتلا َكعل ِض ىلع



جوعﻷا يركفكتاحمِمو




ج ِرحدتُملا


ارجه ّيلإ دعو



فكأو ِثيدحلانع


تنُك دقف ٍليدب ريخ


ىمسأو ًاقيفر



دعأ ِتاعاس

بايغلا ُرظتنأو


ىلإ دُعينإف


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