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Community Participation in The Development of Tourism Village and Their Impact on The Community’s Economy

Dalam dokumen Prosiding Legal Pluralism Forest (Halaman 71-76)

Dewa Putu Oka Prasiasaa,1,*, Dewa Ayu Diyah Sri Widarib,2

a STIMI Handayani, Denpasar-Bali, Indonesia

b Akademi Pariwisata DenpasarDenpasar-Bali, Indonesia



Tourism Village is one form of application of sustainable community based tourism development. The development of a tourism village based on local wisdom requires the participation of people who are always innovating and creative in developing their villages. The development of a tourism village can have direct and indirect economic impact. This research aims to identify the concept of community participation, the development of tourism villages, community participation in the development of tourism village, tourism village development towards economic improvement, and analyze community participation in the development of tourism village and their impact on improving the community’s.

Keywords:participation, tourism village development, economic improvement

I. Background

Tourism development policy is directed to be the main and excellent sectors, meaning tourism is able to become foreign exchange producers, encourage economic improvement, increase the local revenue, empower the economy communities, expanding employment and opportunities to strive, nurturing national personalities and religious values, and preserving the functioning and quality of the environment.

The potential of tourism attraction both natural and cultural nuance generally located in the village, so that various potential tourist attraction needs to be developed so that people benefit from the the village potential, among others by making it a tourism village.

If such potential is not developed, according to [1] it affects the decrease in public income.

Therefore, through the development of tourism villages, natural environment and cultural in the village will be preserved and quality.

The development of tourism village is relevant to the shifting model of tourism development that pays more attention to social and ecological aspects as well as the economic development of rural communities.

The World Tourism Organization (WTO) reported in 1995 has developed an alternative tourism that respects the natural environment and cultural. [2] stated that a tourist village is a form of tourism, a small group of tourists live in or near a traditional life or in remote villages and study the local village and neighborhood life. Furthermore [3] defining a tourism village is a form of integration between attractions, accommodation, and supporting facilities presented in a society's life structure that blends with the prevailing ordinances and traditions.

II. Research Objectives

This research aims to analyses the concept of community participation, tourism village development, community participation in tourism village development, tourism village development of economic improvement, and

63 community participation in tourism village development and its impact on increasing community economy.

III. Research Methods

Related to research was document study studies, this research used methods of secondary data analysis by collecting materials in the form of research results, reference books, articles on journals, proceeding reports, theses, or dissertations of both national and international. From the various theories and concepts gained from these sources, it is further summarized, analyzed, and created the syntax of articles.

IV. Discussion

A. Community Participation

According to [4] participation is a force that the community has to overcome its current issue in order to achieve a better life in the future. Participation is also a redistribution of power that enables the underrepresented people to be involved in planning future development. While [5] it is said that participation is a special form of interaction and communication relating to the sharing of authority, responsibility, and benefits. Theodorson in [5] suggests that in a daily sense, participation is a person's involvement (individual or citizen) in a particular activity. The intended involvement is not passive but is active by the concerned.

Thoughts on community participation by [6] means participating in the community in development, planning, implementation, supervision and evaluation, and enjoying development outcomes. Thus, the success of national development determined by the level of community participation, both in contributing inputs and in enjoying the results. In the context of tourism, [7] states the orientation of tourism development needs to place the above fact as a fundamental consideration in developing capacity and capability in society. The goal is to improve

the service and the central role of society in tourism in accordance with the expectations and abilities that have.

The development of tourism villages in Indonesia is more facilitated by the country, while people tend to be passive.

Consequently, in responding to state-sponsored innovations in the development of tourism villages still face a number of crucial issues [8]. Bottom up planning forces local communities to think and move to design and decide a pattern of tourism development that favored communal interests. While [9] it confirms that participation is a willingness to help the success of the program according to everyone's ability without necessarily sacrificing its own interests.

B. Tourism Village Development

According to [2] the tourism village is a form of tourism, a small group of tourists living in or near traditional life in remote villages and learning the village lifestyle and local environmental. While [3] states the tourism village is a form of integration between the attractions, accommodation, and supporting facilities presented in a community life structure that blends with the ordinances and traditions that apply.

The Ministry of Culture and Tourism created a program called Community Based Tourism (CBT). Community-based tourism can be classified as 7 (seven) as found in Development of Community Based Tourism:

Final Report 2003 [10] namely: Basic Visitor Facilities, Basic Visitor Facilities plus Tourism Theme, Handicraft Villages, Hotels and Villages Communities, Traditional Tourism Villages, Community Close To Primary Tourism Attraction, and Integrated and Organized Community Based Tourism.

In relation to the concept of tourism village development, [11] defines the development of tourism villages as a process that emphasizes ways to develop or promote

64 tourism villages. More specifically, the development of tourism village is interpreted as efforts to complement and improve the tourism facilities to meet the needs of tourists. In addition, an important component that needs to exist in the development of tourism village itself is the participation of local people, local norms system, local customary system, and according to [12] plus local culture.

C. Community Participation in Tourism Village Development

Community Based Tourism is a model of development that provides opportunities to rural communities to participate in tourism development. The idea of activities and management is done entirely by the community and the benefits are felt directly by local people. Thus, the community-based tourism role of local communities as stakeholders is the most important element in the development of tourism villages [4].

Through the development of tourism village is expected to be equalization in accordance with the concept of sustainable tourism development.

Based on [13] the principles of community-based tourism include:

recognizing, supporting, and promoting public ownership of tourism; involving community members from scratch in all aspects; encouraging community pride;

improving quality of life; ensure environmental sustainability; retain unique character and local culture; cross-cultural learning; respect cultural differences and respect human dignity; distribute benefits evenly among community members;

contributions to community activities.

The uniqueness of tradition and culture inherent to the village community is the driving of tourist villages. According to Weaning (2001) in [4] the success of tourism village development depends on the level of acceptance and support of local communities.

Local communities serve as hosts and become actors in the development of tourism villages on the planning, supervision, and implementation stages. The illustrations expressed by Wearing (2001) in [4] confirm that the local community is equally important to the government and private sector as stakeholders in tourism development.

[14] emphasizes that community participation is an important component for the growth of empowerment. According to [15] there are two perspectives on seeing community participation in tourism. Both perspectives are local community participation in the decision making process.

Timothy emphasizes the need to involve communities in decision making by accommodating local people's wishes and objectives in developing and absorbing tourism benefits.

Communities in the development area should be encouraged to identify their own objectives and directing the development of tourism to improve the fulfillment of local community needs. In addition to participating local people in decision-making, Timothy considers the importance of involving stakeholders namely government, private, and other community members to take part in decision making and see the importance of tourism education for local communities to increase community capacity, especially in accepting tourist benefits.

D. Tourism Village Development Towards Economic Enhancement

The law of RI No. 10 of 2009 on tourism describes multi-dimensional and multidisciplinary tourist, as a manifestation of the needs of every person and country as well as the interaction between tourists and local people, fellow tourists, governments, local governments, and entrepreneurs.

Furthermore, [16] state tourism has institutional aspects and the benefits of human activity aspects. As the institution can

65 be seen from the management side, namely how tourism planned, managed, and marketed to tourists. In terms of benefits, according to [17] tourism is a benefit for tourists and local people. According to Tibout in [18] the impact of tourism for the local economy is very high, because the money that tourists spend is a fresh money for the local economy that can affect the local economy and can be directly enjoyed by the community.

Regional economic development is the process of managing resources which among local governments, communities, and the private sector partnered to create new jobs and stimulate the development of economic activity within the region [19]. Each effort of district economic development aims to increase the number and type of employment opportunities for local communities. To achieve the objectives, local governments and communities jointly take regional development initiatives.

E. Community Participation in Tourism Village Management and It’s Impact on Improving Community Economy

Local community participation is an important component of sustainable development, aims to meet the needs of current and future generations, while protecting natural resources. In the implementation there are external and internal factors that affect the participation of the community. Internal factors include age, gender, occupation, education and knowledge. While external factors include environment, weather, stakeholders, and community leaders. Meanwhile, according to [20] the obstacles of the participation of society consist of 3 obstacles namely operational, structural, and cultural.

Through the development of tourist villages, people are given insight into tourism and the ability to take advantage of the potential and attractiveness of its village.

Tourism is an activity that has a wide dynamic impact in which various businesses can be created through tourism activities. The main components in tourism activities are tourist attraction supported by other components, such as transportation, accommodation, restaurants, cultural attractions and souvenirs. These components provide facilities and services directly in fulfilling the needs of tourists visiting a tourist destination. From the activities of the tourism component will arise other business activities that are indirectly related to tourism activities, it called induced impact.

V. Conclusion

Community participation in tourism is explicitly explained in the law of RI No. 10 year 2009 about tourism, which starts from the planning, implementation, management or utilization, enjoying the results, and evaluation.

Participation is considered as the right of citizens to be involved in the decision making process at every stage of development. This signifies community participation as an important key to the success of tourism village development. In its implementation, community participation is influenced by factors that both support and inhibit.

Community participation in tourism village development (direct and indirect) has an impact on economic enhancement in tourism village development area, whether direct or indirect.


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