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Effect of 1500 m Run Training on Maximum Oxygen Volume (VO2max)

Dalam dokumen Prosiding Legal Pluralism Forest (Halaman 145-154)


Effect of 1500 m Run Training on Maximum Oxygen Volume

137 sports achievements. High School Period (SMA) is the most appropriate time to provide coaching for training. This is due to the age ranging from 15-18 years, entering the adolisensi period which is the most appropriate time to improve optimal physical abilities. In addition, this period is a period of rapid growth, characterized by complex biological developments. Seen from the school's achievements, in athletics in recent years, namely in run 1500 m decreased performance and has not won a race.

Run is an accelerated frequency of steps so that when running there is a tendency for the body to float, meaning that when running both feet do not touch the ground at least one foot remains touching the ground [3]. Run 1500 m, which is maintaining the determination of the steps when running is very important.

This is the first transition from sprinting and to regular running, and in each of these running segments, a constant step must always be maintained. An intermediate distance runner must learn to relax, maintain balance, control footwork, hip rotation and controlled arm movements. A basic guideline that must be kept in mind is the slower race, shorter stride distance, faster race, longer stride [4].

The intermediate distance running motion (1500 m) is slightly different from the sprint running movement, but in general there are many similarities. The difference is mainly in the way the feet tread, in the middle distance running the foot treads in a "ball heel-ball" is to tread on the toe of the heel and refuse with the toe, whereas in the sprint tread with the toes, the heel touches the ground very little. In addition, middle-distance running is done as if it is more economical, to save energy. The most important principle for middle distance

runners is "know oneself", meaning that they are able to master the running speed based on their abilities [5].

1500 m run training is a form of physical training of moving footsteps carried out in such a way that there is a floating attitude when doing step by step with 1500 m mileage. The advantage of this training is that it is very easy to implement, does not need much expense, does not need expensive equipment and can provide a pleasant experience in training, so that it will have implications for good physical conditions, especially on the VO2Max ability of students and sporting achievements at SMA Negeri 3 Singaraja

Research Method

This type of research is experimental (true experimental) with the research design used in this study is "The randomized control group pretest posttest design" [6]. The research design can be seen in the following chart.

In the research sample given 1500 m run training was athletic extracurricular male students of SMA Negeri 3 Singaraja in the academic year 2013/2014, amounting to 20 people. The instrument used to measure the ability of VO2Max is to use the bleeps test (multistage fitness test) with the validity and reliability of the test of 0.99. The length of training provided in this study was 4 weeks or 12 times training, with training frequency 3 times a week. The time for the training is in the afternoon at 16.00-18.00 WITA, located in the public

138 field of SMA Negeri 3 Singaraja and the Secata Singaraja field.

Before conducting data analysis, several requirements that must be met are the data normality test and the data homogeneity test. The data normality test is intended to show that the subjects/study samples are from normally distributed populations. The data normality test in this study used the Kolmogorov-Smirnov technique with the help of the Statistical Program Service Solution (SPSS) 16.0 program at the significance level α = 0.05. Homogeneity test data in this study using the Levene test with the help of a computer program SPSS 16.0 significance level α = 0.05 [7].

The results of data analysis are normally distributed and homogeneous, followed by parametric analysis.

Paired t test was used to analyze the mean increase in maximal oxygen volume between before and after training in the intra-group, on normally distributed and homogeneous data. The mean maximal oxygen volume (VO2Max) results, before and after intra-group training had p values less than 0.05, showed that the mean maximal oxygen volume (VO2Max) results in intra-groups were significantly different (p <0.05).

Hypothesis testing there is the effect of 1500 m running training on maximal oxygen volume (VO2Max), using inferential tests with independent t-tests on normally distributed and homogeneous data (parametric statistical tests). Decision making criteria that is a significance value less than 0.05 means that there is a significant increase in the treatment given between groups. Thus the average maximal oxygen volume before training is comparable. While the difference in maximal oxygen volume

(VO2Max) after training was significantly different (p <0.05).

Research Result

To determine the distribution of the study sample, normality tests were carried out using Kolmogorov-Smirnov and homogeneity of data with the Levene Test. Tests were carried out on data obtained in both groups both before and after the training.

1. Test the Normality and Homogeneity of the Research Group

To find out the data distribution of the study sample, normality test was done using Kolmogorov-Smirnov and homogeneity of data with the Levene Test, Table 1.

Table 1. VO2Max Data Normality and Homogeneity Test Results Before and After Training

Table 1. Shows that the analysis of data with normality and homogeneity test results of maximal oxygen volume results before and after training, obtained both groups have a p value greater than 0.05 (p> 0.05), which means that the maximum oxygen volume results before and after the training is normally distributed and homogeneous data variations so that further tests use parametric statistical tests.

139 2. T-paired test (paired-t test)

Different test results are used to determine and compare the maximum oxygen volume results before and after training.

Table 2. Results of VO2Max Average Difference Test Before and After Intra Group Training

Table 2. Shows that the average maximal oxygen volume results before and after training between the two groups has a p value less than 0.05. This shows that the mean result of maximal oxygen volume after training in each group occurred significantly (p <0.05). Thus the results of the average maximal oxygen volume difference before training between Group 1 and Group 2 are comparable. The difference in maximal oxygen volume after training is significantly different, meaning the difference in the end result is due to the different types of training for each group.

The mean maximal oxygen volume between before and after training in group 1 and group 2 had a p value less than 0.05 (p <0.05). This means that in group 1 and group 2 there were significant differences in the results of maximal oxygen volume between before and after training. So the hypothesis is proven, 1500 m running training can increase the maximum oxygen volume.

3. T-independent sample test

To find out the maximum increase in oxygen volume between the two groups both before and after the training.

The results of the significance analysis with the t-independent test, Table 3.

Table 3. Results of VO2Max Increase Test Before and After Intergroup Training.

Table 3. Shows that the average maximal oxygen volume before training between the two training groups has a p value greater than 0.05, whereas after training it has a p value less than 0.05.

This means that the mean maximal oxygen volume data before training between the two groups was not significantly different (p> 0.05). Thus the average maximal oxygen volume before training is comparable. While the difference in maximal oxygen volume after training was significantly different (p <0.05), it meant that the results of maximal oxygen volume between Group 1 and Group 2 were significantly different.

4. Percentage Increase in Maximum Oxygen Volume in Both Groups

After 4 weeks of training, there was a difference between increase and percentage. Percentage increase in maximal oxygen volume in both groups, using formula [8]:

140 Table 4. Maximum Oxygen Volume Percentage (VO2Max)

Table 4. Shows that the increase in maximal oxygen volume after training in Group 1 is greater than in Group 2. This shows that both treatment groups had an increased effect after running training.

The percentage increase in maximal oxygen volume in Group 1 training had a better effect than in Group 2 training. So the hypothesis was proven that the increase that occurred in group 1 with 1500 m run training was better than group 2 as a control in increasing maximal oxygen volume.


The effect 1500 m Run Training Influences VO2 Max Increase

Theoretically the results of this study can be explained that training is a physical movement or mental activity carried out systematically and repeatedly (repetitively) for a long period of time with a progressively increasing loading aimed at improving the physiological and psychological functioning system of the body at a time do sports activities in order to achieve maximum results [9].

Sports training with aerobic energy systems is a form of physical training that gives a burden to the organs of the body being trained. This loading will provide an opportunity to increase the ability of

the cardiorespiratory system to channel oxygen to all body tissues.

Training for all races from sprints, mid-range to long-distance running requires increased anaerobic and aerobic endurance. In the 1500 m run training the predominant uses an aerobic energy system, where aerobic endurance is controlled by the capacity of the heart, lungs, and respiratory system to provide oxygen to the muscles. 1500 m running training method with the gradual and progressive addition of weights from either set or repetition per exercise per week. As a form of training with the aerobic energy system, this method has a positive influence on the increase in VO2Max which is a dominant factor in showing the ability of one's body and VO2Max ability will give an idea of the amount of motor ability (motoric power) on one's aerobic process. The results of this study are supported by a research journal revealed by Pahalawidi in 2007 that athletic training (running) can improve physical fitness and student achievement, so that if an athlete is trained on VO2Max, then his aerobic endurance ability increases [10].

Physiologically VO2Max is influenced by the ability of the cardiorespiratory system to deliver blood to actively working tissue and the ability of muscles to use oxygen carried by the blood. Efforts to increase VO2Max can be done through training that can improve one or both of these factors. An increase in the cardiorespiratory system and the muscular system will increase the ability of VO2Max. Some changes that occur after doing aerobic endurance exercise (maximal oxygen consumption) [2]:

141 1) Cardiorespiratory Change

Cardiorespiratory changes caused by aerobic endurance exercise, also including the oxygen transport system.

The oxygen transport system also involves a circulatory, respiratory and tissue system to work together in one goal, namely releasing or delivering oxygen to the muscles that are at work.

With aerobic endurance exercise can increase the heart's response to activities and it can also be expected that trained people can work more efficiently at all their jobs. Capillary blood vessels in the muscles multiply to allow diffusion of oxygen in the muscles more easily, consequently having the ability to transport and use the average oxygen is greater than in untrained people. Because it can consume more oxygen per unit of muscle mass and can work longer.

2) Increased Muscle Endurance

Muscle endurance is related to the ability of a group of muscles to maintain an effort for a long time and the ability to supply oxygen during muscle contractions in progress. Most sports physiologists argue that this aerobic capacity is the best indicator of one's endurance. High aerobic capacity can only be achieved by doing endurance exercises on a regular basis. This is caused by changes in the mitochondria as an energy-producing system that contributes to an increase in respiratory capacity. Actually mitochondria are mainly involved in the use of oxygen for the production of ATP, while the oxygen present in mitochondria comes from muscle cells transported by myoglobin which functions to store and transport oxygen from muscle cells to mitochondria.

According to Wiarto (2013: 46) physical exercise can provide changes to all bodily system functions. Changes that occur during training are called responses. While the changes that occur due to ongoing and programmed training in accordance with the principles of training are called adaptations. The fast heart rate when exercising is a response from the heart, but after a long period of practice the heartbeat slowly becomes stable because the heart muscle strength increases to pump blood, this is the heart's adaptation to the physical exercise that is undertaken. The heavier physical activity undertaken while exercising, the greater the oxygen demand in the body, to compensate for this the heart and circulatory system must work more to meet the oxygen demand in body tissues [11].

In the 1500 m run training the predominant uses an aerobic energy system, where aerobic endurance is controlled by the capacity of the heart, lungs, and respiratory system to provide oxygen to the muscles. 1500 m run training method with the gradual and progressive addition of weights from either set or repetition per exercise per week. As a form of training with the aerobic energy system, this method has a positive influence on the increase in VO2Max which is a dominant factor in showing the ability of one's body and VO2Max ability will give an idea of the amount of motor ability (motoric power) on one's aerobic process. Maximum ability of heart function, lungs are the best assessment of a person's body's ability to measure maximum oxygen consumption. VO2Max has a profound effect on a person's physical endurance, namely in the use and transport of oxygen by muscles.

142 According to Hairy (1998: 89) the level of oxygen consumption depends on the size and level of one's activity. There are several factors that determine VO2Max including the capacity of the heart, the ability of the cardiorespiratory system to function properly, the function of the heart, the volume of blood, the number of red blood cells, the concentration of hemoglobin must be normal and the blood vessels capable of flowing blood from inactive tissue to active tissue, and tissues especially muscles must have normal capacity to use oxygen or have normal metabolism, as well as mitochondrial function [2].

The results of this study are supported by a research journal revealed by Purwanto (2012) that running training (jogging) can increase the level of physical fitness, so that if an athlete is trained on VO2Max with run training, then his aerobic endurance ability increases [12].

Conclusion and Suggestion

A. Conclusion

1500 m run training increases the maximum oxygen volume (VO2Max) for male students participating in the athletic extracurricular at SMA Negeri 3 Singaraja.

B. Suggestion

It is recommended for sports coaches, sports coaches, physical education teachers and athletes as well as other sports players to use a well-programmed 1500 m run as an alternative to improving physical fitness elements, especially maximal oxygen volume (VO2Max). For other researchers, if you want to conduct a similar study, use different variables and subjects or

research samples, taking into account the strengths and weaknesses of this study as a comparison.


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144 [26]


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Dalam dokumen Prosiding Legal Pluralism Forest (Halaman 145-154)