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Dalam dokumen Prosiding Legal Pluralism Forest (Halaman 122-127)


Quality Analysis of Service to the Level of Tourist Satisfaction in

114 Published feedback will affect the image of a tourist attraction. Then the image of a tourist attraction will affect the perception of tourists who will visit. Tourists today are very critical and sensitive to a certain product image, including tourism products.

The unsatisfied tourist visit to the Tegenungan waterfall will have an impact on the number of visits and the development of the tourist attraction itself.

Based on the formulation of the problem, the objectives of this study are: 1) To measure the level of visitor satisfaction at the Tegenungan waterfall tourism object so that it can improve or develop the quality of service; 2) To identify the potential that must be developed to increase the number of visitors in the Tegenungan waterfall tourism object.


This research is a qualitative descriptive study with a survey method.

The type of data used is qualitative data which is then analyzed using the SPSS Statistics 22.0 program. The research was carried out by Tegenungan waterfall tourism object located in Gianyar Regency, Ubud District, Kemenuh Village, Banjar Tegenungan. The location selection is done purposively with the consideration that Tegenungan waterfall tourism object has the potential to be developed. The population in this study are tourists visiting Tegenungan waterfall. Samples were taken by the non-probability sampling method using accidental sampling techniques obtained by as many as 50 people. Accidental sampling technique according to Sugiyono (2013:

77) is taking respondents as samples based on coincidences, that is, who happens to meet or meet with researchers when conducting res

The majority of respondents were from Indonesia and were the first visit.

The purpose of visiting is on vacation. The

results of descriptive analysis of the results of research into the quality of service satisfaction of tourists in the tourist attraction Tegenungan Gianyar waterfall are as follows. Where based on the level of tourist satisfaction with tangible factors in the Tegenungan Waterfall attraction, 8%

of respondents were very satisfied, 38%

were satisfied, 8% of respondents were quite satisfied, 42% were dissatisfied, and 4% of respondents felt very dissatisfied.

The level of tourist satisfaction with the reliability dimension, as many as 12% of respondents were very satisfied, 38% were satisfied, 10% of respondents were quite satisfied, 32% were dissatisfied, and 8% of respondents were very dissatisfied.

The level of tourist satisfaction with the assurance dimension at the Tegenungan waterfall attraction, 42% were satisfied, 14% of respondents felt quite satisfied, 34% felt dissatisfied, and 10% of respondents felt very dissatisfied. Tourist satisfaction with the empathy dimension (empathy) shows, 16% of respondents felt very satisfied, 30% felt satisfied, 14% of respondents felt quite satisfied, 32% felt dissatisfied, and 8% of respondents felt very dissatisfied. While the level of tourist satisfaction with the responsiveness dimension shows, 14% of respondents felt very satisfied, 32% felt satisfied, 16% of respondents felt quite satisfied, 34% felt dissatisfied, and 4% of respondents felt very dissatisfied.

Analysis of service quality on the level of tourist satisfaction in Tegenungan waterfall tourism object in Gianyar, the majority of respondents tended to be satisfied with the three dimensions of service quality, namely the 50% reliability dimension, the responsiveness dimension with a 46% percentage, the empathy dimension with a 46% percentage.

Whereas in the dimensions of physical evidence the level of satisfaction and dissatisfaction is at the same level that is as much as 46%. And the majority of

115 respondents were dissatisfied, namely the collateral dimension with a percentage of 44%. From the number of percentages between the categories of satisfaction and dissatisfaction in the five dimensions of service quality, the results of the study stated that respondents tend to feel satisfied. This shows that in general the services provided are good but there is still something that needs attention.

Tourist satisfaction is motivated by the quality of the services provided is quite good, but there are still two dimensions of service quality that are less satisfactory in terms of infrastructure, guarantee for people, management attention, and cleanliness. Judging from the number of tourist dissatisfaction percentages that are classified as large, namely 44% in the assurance dimension and 46% in the physical evidence dimension, this indicates that management needs to prioritize these two dimensions of service quality to be improved, so as not to cause negative reviews which will harm management itself later. The results of this study are consistent with the results of research by Ellen Grace Tangkere and Lorraine. W.

Th. Sondak (2017) which shows that in general visitors to the Temboan Peak attraction are satisfied with the quality of services provided by the manager of the Temboan Peak attraction at the level of 75.59%.


Based on the results of the study concluded that analysis of service quality is known to the level of tourist satisfaction in Tegenungan waterfall, Gianyar Regency, most of them have a satisfied attitude on the dimensions of reliability, responsiveness and empathy, while on the dimensions of physical evidence, tourists who feel satisfied and dissatisfied are located at the same level which is as much as 46%. And the majority of tourists who

are dissatisfied are on the guarantee dimension. If seen from each dimension are as follows:

1. The quality of the Tegenungan waterfall tourist attraction viewed from the dimensions of physical evidence (tangibility) has a comparison between the categories of satisfaction and dissatisfaction, namely 46%: 46%. It can be concluded that on the dimensions of physical evidence (tangibility) tourists who feel satisfied and dissatisfied are at the same level.

2. The quality of the Tegenungan waterfall tourist attraction viewed from the reliability dimension has a comparison between the satisfied and dissatisfied categories, namely 50%:

40%. In the reliability dimension, the majority of tourists are at the level of satisfaction.

3. The quality of the Tegenungan waterfall tourist attraction viewed from the assurance dimension has a comparison between the satisfied and unsatisfied categories that is 42%: 44%.

In the assurance dimension, the majority of tourists are dissatisfied.

4. The quality of servants seen from the dimensions of empathy (empathy) has a comparison between satisfied and unsatisfied categories that is 46%: 40%.

It can be concluded that on the empathy dimension (empathy) the majority of tourists are at the level of satisfaction.

5. The quality of the Tegenungan waterfall tourist attraction viewed from the responsiveness dimension (responsiveness) has a comparison between the satisfied and unsatisfied categories that is 46%: 38%. It can be concluded that in the dimension of responsiveness (responsiveness) the majority of tourists are at the level of satisfaction.


116 Based on the conclusions of the results of this study, several suggestions can be submitted to the management of Tegenungan waterfalls as follows:

1. Management of Tegenungan waterfall attractions, need to pay more attention to service quality on tangibility and assurance dimensions, such as:

Management needs to pay more attention to the cleanliness of public facilities such as toilets, changing rooms, and parking lots, and river cleanliness, especially in parts that are lacking attention is paid to the officers, such as in the bushes or trenches, because in this section there are still plastic trash that is caught and seen by tourists, giving rise to the impression of a lack of management attention to environmental cleanliness. Then in the security dimension, security officers and lifeguards did not die too often.

2. Potential Tegenungan waterfall attractions can still be developed to increase tourist satisfaction by providing some additional attraction services. For example, management can improvise in providing services to tourists such as the Pancoran water vehicle located next to the temple of Tirtha Mertha Jiwa, supporting facilities should be provided to carry out a procession of bathing (licking) in the water, such as recurrence and saput water, so that it will create a sacred impression. when tourists take a shower in the Tirtha Mertha Joran water, which makes the experience of visiting Tegenungan waterfall more memorable.

Then it can invest a portion of its income to buy attraction equipment such as flyingfox and provide training to officers to operate the attache.


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Dalam dokumen Prosiding Legal Pluralism Forest (Halaman 122-127)