• Tidak ada hasil yang ditemukan


(ii) Translation into English and into Swedish.

(iii) Conversation and discussion of prescribed texts.

(iv) Outline of Swedish literary history.

The course is planned to attain a standard comparable with that of other First Year language subjects, but in its early stages it is adapted to the needs of those previously unacquainted with the language. Such students should get in touch with the head of the department during the preceding long vacation, and are strongly advised to attend the summer course in February 1963.

With a view to the oral test, each student is required to concentrate, under the lecturer's guidance on two works selected from the list prescribed for reading.

The quality of the work of the candidate throughout the year will be taken into account at the annual examination.


( a ) Prescribed textbooks:

*Hildeman, N. G., and Beite, A. M.—Learn Swedish. (Almquist och Wiksell, Stockholm, 1961.)

*Hildeman, N. G., Hildeman, P. A., Olsson, I. Practise Swedish. (Almquist och Wiksell, Stockholm, 1961.)

*Anderson, I.—Introduction to Swedish. ( Almquist och Wiksell, 1961.)

*Björkhagen, Im.-Modern Swedish Grammar. ( Svenska Bokförlaget. )

*Harlock, W. E.—Svensk=Engelsk Ordbok. ( Stockholm, 1959.) (b) Students are required to read the following books:

Bengtsson, F. G.—Röde




utg. Helge Gullberg. ( Svenska Bokförlaget, Stock- holm, 1960. )

Lagerkvist, P.—Sager, Satirer och Noveller, utg. Häggkvist. ( Svenska Bok- förlaget, Stockholm, 1960. )

Strindberg, A. Fröken Julie. (Aldus, Stockholm, 1961.) (c) Recommended for reference:


I. —A

History of Sweden. (Weidenfeld and Nicholson, 195G.) Gustafson, A.-A History of Swedish Literature.


See the regulations set out at the end of German part I.


Two 3-hourapers ( the first on translation and composition, the second on Prescribed authors; oral test of fifteen minutes.

ance in this First Year, and students must be approved by the faculty of Arts as candidates for the degree with honours before entering the Second Year of the honour school. The head of the department of Germanic Languages will normally recommend such approval for candidates who have gained at least second class honours in German part I and Dutch part I. Other candidates who wish to continue in the honour school should interview the head of the department of Germanic Languages, who will be guided in his recommendations by the merits of the case.

A student who has completed the First Year of the course for the ordinary degree, and has passed in German part I and Dutch part I, may, with the permission of the faculty, enter the honour school. Such a student must make special application to the faculty through the sub-dean, and if permission is granted, the faculty will prescribe what further work must be completed before the student is allowed to proceed to.

the final examination.

3. In their Second Year, candidates will take the honour course in German part II and Dutch part II, together with the remaining additional subject. Students taking course A will be examined at the annual examination at the end of the Second Year in Dutch part II only, and those taking course B in German part II only. Other subjects will be tested in class.

For students taking course C there will be no formal examination in German part II or Dutch part II at the end of the Second Year, but class tests in conversation and translation from and into the respective languages will be given, together with prescribed essays on literature.

4. In their Тhird Year, candidates in courses A and B will take the honour courses in German or Dutch part III and in addition Advanced Middle High German or Middle Dutch; candidates in course. C will take the honour courses in German part III and Dutch part III, omitting the special literary study.

The final examination will be held in two parts, part I at the end of the Third Year, and part II at the end of the Fourth Year, and will comprise the following papers;

Final honours part I at the end of Third Year—

Course A Course B

(1) (2j (3 (4) (5) (1) Unseen German translation.

(2) German essay.

(3) History of Modern German Literature.

(4) }Advanced Middle High German Language and Literature.

(5) A special literary study. Exam- ination by essay and, viva voce.

Unseen Dutch translation.

Dutch essay.

Modern Dutch Literature.

}Advanced Middle Dutch Lan- guage and Literature.

A special literary study. Exam- ination by essay and viva voce.

Course C

(1) Advanced unseen German translation and stylistic appreciation.

(2) Essay in German.

( 3 ) History of German Literature.

(4) }Advanced Middle High German Language and Literature.*

(5) Unseen Dutch translation.

(6) Dutch essay.

(7) History of Dutch Literature.

(8) }Advanced Middle Dutch Language and Literature.*

Final honours part II at the end of Fourth Year-

( 1 ) Special German subject, to be (1) Special Dutch subject, to be de- defined each year; examination fined each year; examination by by essay and viva voce. essay and viva voce.

(2) German texts for critical study. ((2) Dutch texts for critical study. . (3) }Germanic Philology. (3) }Germanic Philology.

Course C ( 1 ) German texts for critical study.

(2) Dutch texts for critical study.

(3) }Germanic Philology.*

• Studenta muet take Advanced Middle High German or Advanced Middle Dutch or Germanic


t Тhese cоursеs will be available in alternate years.

95 .

(4) Special German or Dutch subject, as under courses A and В.

A thesis in German or Dutch based on independent work during the preceding eight months will be submitted before the end of the third term on a subject approved by the heads of the German and Dutch sections of the school of Germanic languages.

Viva voce examinations will be held at the end of each year.

11. GERMAN PART I (Ions)

A course of five lectures per week, with tutorial classes, throughout the year.


As for the ordinary degree, together with a course on some aspects of the German classical drama from Lessing to Kleist.


As for the ordinary degree, together with the following prescribed textbooks:

Lessing, G. E.—Natlwn der Weise. (1779.) (ed. Primer, Harrap, or any other edition.)

Lessing, G. E. Die Erziehung des мeпschengeschlechts. (1780.) ( Issued by the department of Germanic Languages.)

Goethe—Iphigenie auf Tauris. (1787.) (ed. Jenkins, Nelson, 1958.)

Stahl, E. L.—Goethe: Iphigenie auf Tauris. (Studies in German Literature.

No. 7, Arnold, London, 1961.)

Euripides—Alcestis, Iphigenia in Tаuris, etc. (Penguin), or Iphigenie hei den Taurern. (Reclam, No. 737.)

Schiller—Wilhelm Te11. , (1804.) (ed. Garland, Hanap, 1950, or any other edition. )

Kleist, H. von—Prinz Friedrich von Homburg. (1810.) (ed. Samuel, Harrap, 1962.)


Three 3-hour papers ( the first and second as for the ordinary degree, the third on the additional authors prescribed for honours ); oral test of fifteen minutes.


A course of five lectures per week, with tutorial classes, throughout the year.


As for the ordinary degree, together with the study of Middle High German texts.


As for the ordinary degree, together with the following prescribed textbook:

*Bachmann, А.Mittelhochdeutsches Lesebuch. ( Any edition.) EXAMINATION

There will be no formal examination at the end of the Second Year. Class tests will be given in unseen translation, literature and Middle High German. Oral test of thirty minutes. Students taking course В will have to sit for the annual exami- nation in German part II (pass).



OF GERMANIC LANGUAGES, COURSES A AND 'C) A course of seven lectures per week together with tutorial assistance throughout the year.


(i) Study of selected works illustrative of German literature from the middle of the nineteenth century.

• Students must take Advanced Middle High German or Advanced Middle Dutch or Germanic Philology.

t These courses will be available in alternate years.



(ii) A course of lectures on the background of modern Germany from 1871.

(ice) A study of the German novel from the mid-19th century to the present.

(iv) A course of lectures on the history of German Literature which in 1983 will cover the period up to 1770.

(v) Advanced linguistic studies.

(vi) Special literary study. ( Subject for 1983: The Drama of Frank Wedekind.) ( vii) Advanced Middle High German. ( See below.)

For prescribed texts and reference books see German part III pass. For above (vi) material and bibliography will be provided by the lecturer in the subject.


Preliminary Final Examination. Four 3-hour papers (the first three as for the ordinary degree, the fourth on Advanced Middle High German); the special literary study will be examined by essays during the year; oral test of. 30 minutes.

Candidates are required to prepare under the lecturer's guidance for their major essay which forms part of the final examination of the school.

138. ADVANCED MIDDLE HIGH GERMAN (SCHOOL OF GERMANIC LANGUAGES, COURSES A AND C) A course of one lecture per week throughout the year with such assistance as is needed.


The Medieval German Love Lyric from 1150-1300.

*Bachmann, A.-Mittelhochdeutsches Lesebuch. ( Any edition.)

Further material and bibliography will be provided by the lecturer in the subject.


(SCHOOL OF GERMANIC LANGUAGES, COURSES A AND C) A course of three lectures per week throughout the year with such tutorial assist- ance as needed.


(i) Special subject: Schiller's Aesthetics.


Prescribed textbook:

*Schiller, F.—Übеr naive und sentimentalische Dichtung, 1795. (Mainland, Black- well, 1951.)

(11) A critical study of German Political Philosophy during the 19th century, based on the following textbooks:

*Kant, 1.—Zum ewigen Frieden (1795 ). ( Reclam, No. 1501.)

Schiller, F. Deutsche Grösse. Fragment. (1801.) (Available from the depart ment of Germanic Languages. )

*Novalis—Die Christenheit oder Europa. (1799.) ( Insel-Bücherei, No. 21, Bedlam, No. 7829, or any other ed. )

Fichte, J. 0.—Reden an die deutsche Nation. (1808.) ( Any edition.) Hegel, G. W.


Staat. ( Extracts, Meiner, Leipzig, 1911. )

*Heine, Н.—Deutschland. Ein Wintermärchen. (1841.) ( Reclam, No. 2253.)

*Nietzsche, F.—Die Geburt der Tragödie aus dem Geiste der Musik (1872).

(Reclam, No. 7131-2).

George, S.—Das neue Reich. (1928.) (ed. Steinberg—Fifteen German Poets, pp. 207-214, 273-278.)

Curtius, E. R.—Deutscher Geist in Gefahr. ( Stuttgart, 1932. ).

Spengler, 0.—Jahre der Entscheidung (1933). (Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag,. No. 12, Munchen, 1961.)

Моhhr, A. Die konservative Revolution in Deutschland, 1918-1932.

Grundriss ihrer Weltanschauungen. (Vorwerk, Stuttgart, 1950.) (iii) Germanic Philology. (See course, p. 99.)


Two 3-hour pa ers (the first on German texts for critical study, the second on Germanic Philology); the special subject will be examined by essays during the year; thesis in German; oral test of thirty minutes.



A course of five lectures per week, with tutorial assistance throughout the year.


As for the ordinary degree, together with a study of modern Dutch prose and poetry.


As for the ordinary degree, together with the following prescribed books:

van Leeuwen, W. L. M. E.—Epiek en Lyriek. ( Wolters, Groningen.)

van het Reve, G. K. De katsie Jaren van mijn Grootvader. ( Verzameld Werk, A'dam, 1956. )

Friedericy, H.


Raadsman. (Amsterdam, 1959.) Vestdijk, S.—Else Bdhler, Duits dieпstтeisje. ( Any edition.) EXAMINATION

Three 3-hour papers ( the first and second as for the ordinary degree, the third on additional translation); oral test of fifteen minutes.



A course of five lectures per week, with tutorial assistance throughout the year.


As for the ordinary de ee, together with a study of the nineteenth century author Ed. Douwes Dekker (Multatuli).


As for the ordinary degree, together with the following prescribed texts:

*Douwes, Dekker, E. (Multatuli)—Max Havelaar. (Any edition.)

Knuvelder, G.—Handboek tot de Geschiedenis der Nederlandse Letterkunde, vol. III (2nd ed.), pp. 365-386; vol. IV (2nd ed.,) pp. 110-125.

Couperus, L.—Van Oude Mensсhen de Dingen die voorbijgaan. (Any edition.) EXAMINATION

There will be no formal examination at the end of the Second Year. Class tests will be given in unseen translation and literature. Oral test of thirty minutes.

Students taking course A will have to sit for the annual examination hi Dutch part II (pass).



(SCHOOL OF GERMANIC LANGUAGES, COURSES B AND C) A course of six or seven Iectures per week, with tutorial assistance throughout the year.


(i) Study of selected texts of medieval and seventeenth century Dutch authors.

(ii) Study of Dutch poetry from 1880 to the present.

( iii) Advanced language study.

(iv) Special literary study. Subject for 1963: The modern novel.

(v) Advanced Middle Dutch.

(vi) A course of lectures on the history of the Dutch language.


Prescribed textbooks:

de Vooys, C. G. N.—Gesсhłedeпis van de Nederlandse Taal, 5th еd. (Wolters, Groningen, 1952. )

vaan Loey, A. C. Н.—Sohöпfelds Historische Grammatica van het Nederlands.

5th ed. (Zutfen, 1951.)

Lecoutere-Grootaers, C. P. F.—Inleiding tot de Taalkunde en tot de Geschiedenis van het Nederlands. 6th ed. (Groningen en Leuven, 1959.)

Forrescribed texts and reference books (i ), (ii) and ( iii ), see Dutch part III pass. Additional material and a bibliography will be provided by the lecturer in the subject.

Candidates are required to prepare under the lecturer's guidance for their major essay which forms part of the final examination of the school.