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Ordinary Meeting of Council


Academic year: 2023

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This is page 1 of the minutes of the ordinary meeting of Hills Shire Council held on 27 October 2015. This is page 9 of the minutes of the ordinary meeting of Hills Shire Council held on 27 October 2015.

Screen Planting

Minutes of the duly called ordinary meeting of the Hills Shire Council held in the Council Chambers on 27 October 2015.

Kennel acoustic design and construction

Waste and Recycling Collection Contract

Exercise yard fencing – acoustic requirements

Noise Management

This is page 10 of the minutes of the ordinary meeting of the Hills Shire Council held on 27 October 2015.

Mechanical ventilation

Code of Practice

Compliance with Operational Management Plan

Compliance with Bushfire Report

Retention of Trees

Compliance with Critical Stage Inspections and Other Inspections Nominated by the Principal Certifying Authority

This is page 11 of the minutes of the ordinary meeting of Hills Shire Council held on 27 October 2015.

Approval to Install an On-site Sewage Management System

Installation/Amendment of System of Sewage Management

Hours of Operation

Maximum Number of Boarded Dogs

Kennelling Dogs Overnight

Final Acoustic Report

This is Page 12 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of The Hills Shire Council held on 27 October 2015.

Irrigation of exercise yards

This is page 13 of the minutes of the ordinary meeting of the Hills Shire Council held on 27th October 2015. A MOTION WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR JEFFERIES AND MOVED BY COUNCILOR TRACEY THAT the recommendation contained in the report be adopted.

Development in Accordance with Submitted Plans

This is Page 14 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of The Hills Shire Council held on 27 October 2015. No work (including excavation, backfilling or land reform) will be undertaken prior to the issue of the Construction Certificate, where a Construction Certificate is required. .

Construction Certificate

External Finishes

Building Work to be in Accordance with BCA

Adherence to Waste Management Plan

Property Numbering for Integrated Housing, Multi Unit Housing, Commercial Developments and Industrial Developments

This is page 15 of the minutes of the regular meeting of The Hills Shire Council held on 27 October 2015. Clear and accurate external signage should be posted at driveway entrances and on buildings.

Provision of Parking Spaces

These numbers, unless otherwise approved by the Council in writing, must be clearly displayed on all door entrances. It is important that all number plates throughout the complex are clearly visible to help emergency service providers find a destination with ease and speed in the event of an emergency.

Approved Plans to be Submitted to Sydney Water

Section 94 Contribution

This is page 16 of the minutes of the Hills Shire Council Regular Meeting held on 27 October 2015. On-Site Stormwater Detention - Upper Parramatta River Catchment On-Site Stormwater Detention (OSD) is required under Council Adopted.

Onsite Stormwater Detention – Upper Parramatta River Catchment Area Onsite Stormwater Detention (OSD) is required in accordance with Council’s adopted

Council Contribution Plans can be viewed at www.thehills.nsw.gov.au or a copy can be inspected or purchased from the Council Administration Centre.

Builder and PCA Details Required

Management of Building Sites – Builder’s Details

This is Page 17 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of The Hills Shire Council held on 27 October 2015.

Consultation with Service Authorities

Approved Temporary Closet

Compliance with BASIX Certificate

Compliance with Critical Stage Inspections and Other Inspections Nominated by the Principal Certifying Authority

Landscaping Works

This is page 18 of the minutes of the Hills Shire Council Ordinary Meeting held on 27 October 2015. Before the Certificate of Occupation is issued, verification of the design by a qualified designer is required to confirm that the development has been built in accordance with planning approval and details and has met the design quality principles in accordance with that approval.

Consolidation of Allotments

Maintenance of Landscaping Works

This is Page 19 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of The Hills Shire Council held on 27 October 2015. The development is carried out in accordance with the following approved plans and details, stamped and returned with this consent unless modified by other conditions of consent .

Planning Agreement

Compliance with Conditions of Masterplan

Level 3 Development Applications for Construction Works


Sydney Water Agreement for Future Works

Cycleways & Pedestrian Links

Tree Removal

This is page 20 of the minutes of the regular Hills Shire Council meeting held on 27 October 2015.

Trees Suitable for Street and Park Planting

Waste Management Requirements

Acoustic report

Waterways Requirements

Subdivision/ Engineering Works

This is page 21 of the minutes of the ordinary meeting of The Hills Shire Council held on 27 October 2015. The same requirement applies to the drainage of the second rain garden downstream of the new public road (NRP 01).

RMS Requirements

The final configuration and treatment of the shared pedestrian/vehicle area where the open space corridor intersects the new road should be considered in the level three development application phase at which point the likely pedestrian movements and volumes will be better understood here, so that assess whether a marked pedestrian crossing or a raised threshold is appropriate. The open space plan should be amended to replace the rock-lined channel between Caddies Boulevard and the proposed rain garden upstream of the new public highway (NRP 01) with a combined conduit/land stream path system, generally as reflected in the draft engineering plans prepared by Hyder.

Consistency with Aboriginal Heritage Impact Permit

This is page 22 of the minutes of the ordinary meeting of The Hills Shire Council held on October 27, 2015. This is page 23 of the minutes of the ordinary meeting of The Hills Shire Council held on October 27, 2015.

Rouse Hill Regional Centre Planning Agreement

Construction Certificate

This is page 24 of the minutes of the ordinary meeting of The Hills Shire Council held on 27 October 2015.

Building Work to be in Accordance with BCA

Property Numbering for Integrated Housing

Australia Post Mail Box Requirements

Planting Requirements


Adherence to Waste Management Plan

Management of Construction Waste

This is page 25 of the Minutes of the Hills Shire Council Ordinary Meeting held on 27 October 2015. Receipts from all landfill/recycling must be kept on site at all times and presented in legible form to any authorized officer of the Council asking to see them 12.

Provision of Domestic Waste Storage Areas

Any material moved off site must be transported in accordance with the requirements of the Environmental Protection Act 1997 and only to a site that can legally be used as a waste facility. The owner of each unit (or a representative acting on behalf of the owner) must arrange for the start of municipal waste service with the municipality.

Construction of Bin Hardstand Areas (Units 1-6)

This can be achieved through on-site source separation, i.e. a bin for scrap metal, a bin for wood, a bin for bricks and so on. The service must be arranged no earlier than two days before occupation and no later than two days after occupation of their unit.

Approved Subdivision Plan

Separate Application for Strata Subdivision

Subdivision Certificate Pre-Lodgement Meeting/ Check

Street Trees

This is page 26 of the minutes of the ordinary meeting of the Hills Shire Council held on 27 October 2015.

Recycled Water

Community Association Lot

Road Opening Permit

Protection of Public Infrastructure

Structures Adjacent to Piped Drainage Easements

Gutter and Footpath Crossing Application

Minor Engineering Works

This is page 27 of the minutes of the regular meeting of The Hills Shire Council held on 27 October 2015. All disused laybacks and driveways are to be removed and replaced with curb and gutter along with the repair and sod of the adjacent shoulder area of ​​the footpath.

Zero Lot Line Dwellings – Easement Encroachment

Any necessary adjustment or relocation of services is also required in accordance with the requirements of the relevant service authority. This is page 28 of the minutes of the ordinary meeting of the Hills Shire Council held on 27 October 2015.

Privacy Screen for Secondary Dwelling on Lot 289

Sydney Water Building Plan Approval

Security Bond Requirements

Security Bond – Road Pavement and Public Asset Protection

Sediment and Erosion Control Plan

This is Page 29 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of The Hills Shire Council held on 27 October 2015. A sign must be erected in accordance with Clause 98 A (2) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulations 2000.

Builder and PCA Details Required

Management of Building Sites – Builder’s Details

Approved Temporary Closet

Stabilised Access Point

Erosion and Sedimentation Controls

This is page 30 of the minutes of the ordinary meeting of Hills Shire Council on October 27, 2015.

Service Authority Consultation – Subdivision Works Before subdivision works commence

Public Infrastructure Inventory Report

Compliance with BASIX Certificate

Roof Water Drainage

Compliance with Critical Stage Inspections and Other Inspections Nominated by the Principal Certifying Authority

This is page 31 of the Minutes of the Hills Shire Council Ordinary Meeting held on 27 October 2015. Prior to authorizing work to begin, your Lead Certifying Authority must notify these inspections under clause 103A of the Regulations .

Standard of Works

An occupation certificate may not be issued and the building may not be able to be used or occupied when any mandatory critical stage inspections or other inspections required by the Principal Certifying Authority are not carried out. NOTE: Please be advised that inspections can only be carried out by the PCA, unless by prior agreement with the PCA and provided that person is an accredited certifier.

Critical Stage Inspections – Subdivision Works

Where the Council is appointed as the Principal Certifying Authority, notification of all required inspections is provided with the approval of the Construction Certificate.

Aboriginal Archaeological Sites or Relics

National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974

European Sites or Relics

Subdivision Earthworks – Lot Topsoil

Confirmation of Compliance with Zero Lot Line

Location of Dwelling

This is page 32 of the minutes of the ordinary meeting of the Hills Shire Council held on 27 October 2015.

Landscaping Prior to Issue of Occupation Certificate

Completion of Subdivision Works

Completion of Engineering Works

Public Infrastructure Inventory Report - Post Construction

Works as Executed Plans

Confirmation of Pipe Locations

Section 73 Compliance Certificate

Provision of Electrical Services

Provision of Telecommunication Services

This is page 33 of the minutes of the ordinary meeting of The Hills Shire Council held on 27th October 2015. This shall include the earthing of the existing telecommunications services in front of the site and the removal of all redundant poles and cables, unless otherwise approved by the Council in writing.

Subdivision Certificate Application

Site/Lot Classification Report

Building Adjacent to Proposed Boundary

Building Services

Prior or Concurrent Registration of Preceding Subdivision

Final Plan and 88B Instrument

This is page 43 of the minutes of the ordinary meeting of The Hills Shire Council held on 27 October 2015. The minutes of the above meeting were confirmed at the Council meeting held on 10 November 2015.

Prior to 1990, the council approved the use of two existing heritage buildings for commercial office purposes. 91/527 approved by the council for the erection of an advertising sign in connection with the approved use of heritage buildings for office purposes.

20/08/2015 Email received from the applicant’s planning consultant

State Environmental Planning Policy (Exempt and Complying Development Codes) 2008

The standards for that development are that the development must:. a) have the consent of the owner of the land on which the development is being carried out or, if a municipality or government agency has control and management of the land, the written consent of the municipality or government agency, and. b) not restrict vehicular or pedestrian access to or from the land or access to buildings on the land, and. The mobile coffee cart currently operates under these provisions of the SEPP, which limits opening hours to between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. each day.

Compliance with LEP 2012 (Permissibility)

Conducting the retail sale of food, drink and related products on land from a mobile point of sale such as a food truck, van, cart or other similar vehicle is the development specified for this code. A vehicle to be registered within the meaning of the Road Transport Regulations (Vehicle Registration) 2007, or a cart, bicycle trailer or the like must operate in accordance with the Guidelines for mobile food vending machines (NSW/FA/F1055/1302) published by the NSW Food Authority in February 2013, and all the requirements of the Food Act 2003.”.

The report concludes

The proposal does not adequately demonstrate how the operation of the coffee cart

Compliance with LEP 2012 (LEP Mapping Restrictions)

Is the site affected

Compliance with DCP 2012 Part C Section 4 – Heritage

Issues Raised in Submissions












To reduce speed and prevent a potential pedestrian accident on this section of Ferguson Avenue, it is suggested that a double center line sign be provided at the off-ramp No. To provide a dual center line at Ferguson Avenue, Castle Hill at off-ramp No. 17 as shown on the attached Site Plan.


The Committee approves the Traffic Management Plan as submitted by the Hills Shire Council Events Team. The signed Traffic Management Plan to be forwarded to the RMS and the Police for their consent to hold the event.


The recommendation of this report demonstrates the Council's intention to achieve a safer road network through the installation, renovation and modification of traffic facilities.


A 'Left Lane Ends' (W4-9) and a '100m' (W8-5) sign will be posted on the north side of Sanctuary Drive approximately 100 feet east of the Windsor Road curb. A 'Merge Right' (G9-73) sign will be installed on the north side of Sanctuary Drive approximately 50 feet east of the Bellcast Road curb.


Merge with Hornsby Shire

Hornsby Council used a similar methodology to The Hills Shire to calculate the cost of BTS. Hills Shire Council is able to operate independently and is ready for the future.


Table below details current rating for the different categories of rates for Hills,  Hawkesbury, and Hills plus Hawkesbury


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