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An Analysis Of Main Character In Confessions Of A Shopaholic Novel By Sophie Kinsella


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Submitted to Faculty of Letters, University of Sumatera Utara in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Literature Department.




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Accepted by the Board of Examiners in partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree of Sarjana Sastra from the English Literature Department, Faculty of Letters, University of Sumatera Utara, Medan.

The examination is held on the Faculty of Letters, University of Sumatera Utara on December 30, 2010.

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First of all, I would like to thank to the Almighty God,Allah SWTand the

ProphetMuhammad SAWas the messenger. Praise is to Allah SWT for blessing

me in compldeting this thesis and the mercy that has been given to me.

A great many thanks is dedicated to Dr. Syahron Lubis, M.A, as the

Dean of Faculty of Letters, University of Sumatera Utara. Dra.Swasena Mardia

Lubis, M.Hum., as the Head of English Departement and also as my supervisor

who has shared her time in guiding me while I was studying in this program and

gives me advices and critics that are very helpful and forRahmadsyah Rangkuti,

M.A as the Representative of English Department and also as my supervisor who

has shared his knowledge and time in guiding me in finishing this thesis. And

thank to all lecturers in English Department for giving me the knowledge.

The most special thank is dedicated to my beloved parents, my father the

late Samar Kandi Siregar, and my mother Rita Ros Nida Damanik who has

given me love, care, support and always pray for me. To my beloved sister and

brothers thanks for the love and for a big support in finishing this thesis.

Last but not least I would like to thank to my beloved boyfriend Achmad

Marzuki Lubis, and also my friends, keluarga tubby: Kak Na, Shinta,Dyta for

your attention, loyalty and to all my classmates, thanks for being nice friends of






ABSTRAC ... ii


CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Analysis ... 1

1.2 Problem of the Analysis ... 3

1.3 Objective of the Analysis ... 3

1.4 Scope of the Analysis ... 4

1.5 Significance of the Analysis ... 4

1.6 The Review of Related Literature ... 4



3.2 Defenition of Shopping Addiction ... 13

3.3 Criteria (characteristic) from Shopping Addiction ... 13

3.4 The Types of Shopping Addiction ... 13

3.5 Factors causes shopping Addiction ... 14

3.6 the Effects of Shopping Addiction ... 15

3.6.1 Emotional Effects of Compulsive Shopping ... 16

3.6.2 Financial Effects of Compulsive Shopping ... 16

CHAPTER IV FINDING AND ANALYSIS 4.1 Rebecca Bloomwood ... 18


5.1 Conclusion ... 20 5.2 Suggestion ... 21 BIBLIOGRAPHY






1.1 The Background of the analysis

Basically, literature comes from Latin Language, littera which means the smallest element of the alphabetical, refers to written or printed words.

Literature can be seen as creation of human,s activities that live in social life with all problem. Generally, literature contents of problem which complete the human needs. That is why; it has it s own world as the creation of man to the life of it s own creation whether it is written which is useful to be understood, or used by the societies. As said in Wellek and Warren s theory of literature:

The term literature seems best if we limit it to the art of literature that is to imaginative literature. They are certain difficulties with so employing the term; but in English, the possible alternative such as fiction or poetry are eitmy already, pre-empted by narrow meanings or, like imaginative literature or belies letters are clumsy and misleading. One of the objections to literature is its suggestion of limitation to written or printed literature; for clearly, any comyent conception must include oral literature. (Wellek, Warren 1997:3).

Thus, literature is the writing or study of books valued as works of arts which can be divided into three genres, such as prose fiction, poetry, and drama (Wellek and Warren,1997: 3030). Prose fiction includes novels, short stories, romances, parables, myths. In this write I want to explain about literature which is written from the novel.


In this analysis is about story of novel, we know that novel is a part of literature. So, there are two ways to analyze a literature, namely instrinsic and extrinsic. The intrinsic unsure is everything which is included in litetature work such as, theme, characters, setting, plot, symbols, point of view and the language. And the extrinsic unsure is everything which inspiring the writing of literature namely the background of the writer life, beliefs and point of view, also the customs, politics, historical problems, economics and psychological life. In this writing, the writer discuss the novel through the intrinsic unsure and extrinsic unsure, namely character and psychological life. Character is product. Characters are the figures in the book. Character is one important element in fiction, especially novel. This element is the center role in which the story will live, be understood, and enjoyed by the readers. Without character, readers will not understand why the action happens. Therefore, the story is mainly developed through the character with her characteristic that create a story and each of it is portrayed in different psychological. Literature can be studed and analyzed by using the theory of psychology.

The psychology of literature, as the topic, includes almost everything we want to know about literature because literature is a product of the mind, a particular by-product of the human psychological make up.

Psycology studies such a wide variety of human behaviours, experiences, interactions and it also suggest ways to improve the quality of human life

In paper of Loise Dudek (1974). Psychology is a half-science, and we may get further what it than if we were to approach the problem through philosophy and theology, which don't seem to have much in the way of new insights to contribute to the enlightened modern mind.

In this writing, the writer discuses the main character which is in novel of


about the tradition glamorous and making her become shopping addiction (shopaholic).

She spent a lot of money and spent a limit from her credit card to take a devine silk blouse in the window of that ultra-trendy boutique, many shops which she visits averyday, and buys clothes from many popular label like Armany, Millets, NK Malone, etc, and not just it, she always goes to save herself to popular and glamorous places like; popular restaurant, popular footspa, popolar boutique, popular anything. And lately she has been chased by dismal letter from Visa and the Endwick Bank letter with large red sums she can t bear to read and they are getting ever harder to ignore. She tries cutting back; she even tries making more money. But none of her efforts succeeds. Her only consolation is to buy herself something just a little something ...

1.2 The Problem of the Analysis

Trough this novel, the writer has some problems which needs to identify. The problems that the writer identified as having relation to:

1. is shopping addiction reflected in this novel?

2. What are the factor causes shopping addiction to Rebecca Bloomwood in the novel.

1.3 The Objectives of the Analysis

The Objective of this thesis is to find out and clarify the intrinsic elements as portrayed in the novel Confensions Of A Shopaholic. the obfectives of this analysis are:

1. To find the reflection of shopping addiction in the novel.


1.4 The Scope of Analysis

The writer tries to limit scope of writing since literature has a wide field of shopping. I only discusses the main character only namely Rebecca Bloomwood who suffers shopping addiction (shoppaholic) in the novel written by Shopie Kinsela "A Confessins of a shoppaholic".

1.5 The Significance of the Analysis

The significance of this analysis is to enrich literary studies, especially in literature through novel as one genres of it besides drama and poetry. I hope this analysis could become reference for further study of literary works whatever forms they will be.

1.6 The Review of Related Literature

In supporting the data of the analysis, I get some several books have been related to the analysis. Some of them can be mentioned as follow:

1. Theory of Literature by Rene Wellek and Austin Warren(1963) This book provides same explanations about approaches in analyzing a literary work. This book is very useful because in analyzing Confensions Of A Shopaholic , the writer uses approach which is introduced by Rene Wellek. Moreover, based on this book the writer gets and understanding about intrinsic approach and about literature generally.

2. Dudek, Louis. 1974 (Paper delivered before the Canadian Council of Teacher of English, Saskaton, Saskatchewan ) //http: www. Google.com

This paper tells about psychology of literature. This paper helps me to understand the psychology literature in completing my thesis about this novel.




2.1 Research Methods

This thesis was being done by using library research. I use some books and many other sources as references that I think related to the subject matter that is being analyzed. Those books are the analyses such us; literature, novel, intrinsic and extrinsic unsure.

That are written by many scholars and I also browse some opinions about the intrinsic element, extrinsic element, psychology approach shopping addiction from the internet to add my understanding.

In this anlysis, the writer uses both of two unsure in literary work in analyzing the novel, that are intrinsic unsure and extrinsic unsure. The writer choose a character in the intrinsic unsure and choose the psychological approach in the extrinsic unsure, it;s talk about shopping addiction.

Wellek and Warren explain a relation between literatures and psycology that there are of psychological approach in literary work namely author s mind, writing process, character s mind, and audiances mind.

Istilah psokologi sastra mempunyai empat kemungkinan pengertian. Yang pertama adalah studi psikologi pengarang sebagai tipe atau sebagai pribadi. Yang kedua adalah studi proses kreatif. Yang ketiga studi tipe dan hukum hukum psikologi yang diterapkan pada karya sastra. Dan yang keempat mempelajari dampak sastra pembaca. (Wellek & warren, 1995: 90)

2.1.1 Novel

The term novel comes from Italian word novella which means something new and small, a term applied to a newly story talking place a long time ago. Novel are gerally thought of as containing about forty-five thousand words or more, it means that it is to be read at a long time. Novel rises as something that people may undestood with the same principle in daily life.


the representation of character occurs either in a static condition or in the proces of development as the result of events or actions

Richad Gill in his book martering english literature that (2006: 59) A novel is about the world. That is a very sweeping statement, so some qualificationa are necessary. The world about us is the world of human interactions. The way we engage with each other, what we want from each other, and what we hope and fear for each other is the stuff of the novel. Novels are social; they are about people. Yet they are not about people in the way in which, say, a televison documentary or an articel in a magazine is about people. People in novels are people, but they are not the same as the ones we meet every day. They are fictional; they have been made up. From that defenition so we know that a novel is a world made in word which has some links with the world we know outside literature.

Because novels are veried, we can to know about the element of novel that explained from the book Richad Gill (2006: 7-8) we can to know the point to the following element:

 It is a composition, usually in prose, concerned with the acts and speech of imagened characters.

 A story is told; there is a teller of the tale.

 It is a story in which the events are related in a particular order and for a particular reason.

 The events are imagined as taking place in specific places.

 The characters and events from a fictional world, which may be close to or remote from our everyday world.

 The totality of characters and events adds up to something. We can find meanings in the work.


Work of fiction usually focus on one or few main character who undergo a change of attitude or character as they interact with other characters and deal with a problem.

2.1.2 Intrinsic Element Character

As reader, we find we are drawn into the lives of characters: we listen to them, observe their actions, try to understand their thigking, feel for their plights, judge their motives, recoil from their attitudes, appreaciate their wit, and wonder at their insights. Character is the most important thing in a story. An existence of a character make every story becomes special and specific, because the characteristics of character can make differentiation in story. Such existence is presumed in the performance as audience, readers or the actors. Character exists not only in a human being form, but also in other form, for example animal, and also unliving thing as long as the living thing contribute important event that can create plot.

A character occupies a strategic position to bring and convey massage, moral, or something that is purposely converged to the reader. Abrams (1985:21) says that Characters are the person presented in a dramatic or narrative work, who are interpreted by the reader as being endowed with moral and dispositional qualities that are expressed in what they say the dialogue, and by what they do the action .

In studying a character is standing a trait. A trait is a quality of mind or habitual mode of behavior, such as never repaying borrowed money, or avoiding eye contact, or always thingking one self te center of attention. Sometimes the traits encounter are minor and therefore negligible. But often a trait maybe a person s primary characteristic (not only in fiction but also in real life)


1. Physical

Physical level supplies such basic facts as age, size, sex, the posture. This is the easiest and simplest level of characterization because it only reveals external traits.

2. Social

Social level of characterization can be seen through his or its economic status, occupation, religion, family, social relationship, education background and all factors which place a character in his environment. 3. Psychological

This level of characterization reveals habitual responses, attitudes, desires, motivation, intellectual which led to action. Because feeling, thoughts and behavior define a character more fully than through two others level and because literary work usually arises from desires in conflict, the psychology level is the most essential part of characterization.

4. Moral

Moral decisions more clearly differentiate characters than any other level of characterization. A moral decision usually causes a character to examine his own motives and values and in the process his true is revealed both to himself and to readers.

a. Main Character

In the novel, there are several characters present. And each of the character has a different role. Based on the role of characters in developing the plot, character are distinguished into main or major character.


b. Peripheral Character

There are some characters that are presented only once or couple times in a story, and it may be in relative short narration. According to Nurgiantoro (1998: 177) stated that peripheral is the character that appears once or sometimes in the novel, it may exist relatively in short portion; and peripheral character usually appears only if there is any connection with the main character, directly or indirectly.

2.1.3 Extrinsic Element

. In addition, there are also external elements in short stories included. Voters are called extraneous. extrinsic factor is the outer part of the work of short stories which have no direct connection with the contents of the story. can work, however, to think about when and how the situation of the work is. Personality

Personality comes from Latin Language is : Persona, and may word have multiple meanings and personality is certainly no exception.

Different people use the word personality in different ways. The general public often uses the term to represent a value judgment, if you like someone, it is because he or she as a good personality or lost of personality . A boring person has no personality .

Personality Defenition in Lawrence A. Pervin s book Personality Teory and Research (2005: 6) personality refers to those characteristics of the person that account for consistent patterns of feeling, thingking, and behaving .

Personality has been suggested here, others are possible. Alternative definitions should not be construed as right or wrong, rather, they may be more or less useful in directing us to importand areas of understanding.

In the other defenition of personality is mention in mischael s book (2003: 3) is:


It can be also said the personality patterns of behavior and to qualitiesinside the person that account for these regularitiest, as opposed, for example, to looking exclusively at qualities in the environment that account for such regularities. The regularities of interest to us include te thoughts, feeling, and overt behaviors of people. Of particular interest to one another, or cohere, to from the unique, distinctive individual. Addiction Behavior

Many people make definition of addiction is different, so we define an addicton is related to drugs, addiction to use the drugs with compulsive and can not be control (Diclemente: 2003). But nowadays there are the development of addiction that explain the definite behavior and have a potensial as a addiction behavior like, internet, pornografi, games, relationship and so on. Because of that the Oxford (1985, dalam Diclement, 2003) explain that addiction is definite behavior that repeatedly, compulsive, self-destructive, and very difficult to stoped and to changed it.

Million of people suffer from compulsive behavior patterns that have an addictive quality there are smoking, dringking, gambling, drug abuse, overeating and until shopping. Often they give up the trouble some behavior for a period time, only to find that returns. Although many people claim a psycologycal basic for addictive behavior, two points are:

1. In some of these compulsive patterns, no true phsyological addiction exists. Yet a phsyological craving remains. Generally, periods of intense craving are associated with feeling of threat and anability to cope with events.

2. Many people are able to go through an extended period of abstinence, only to experience a relapse of overeating after weight loss, habitual smoking afterabstinance, and shopping addiction, and so on.


waiting the problems. Addiction is pattern from the behavior that have bad consistency for the addict and his or her family.

2.2 Data Colection

The first step, the writer read the novel on and on to get full understanding about what is being told about and to find out the intrinsic and extrinsic elements that are contained in the novel. The writer don t read the English version only, but also the translation version. The primary source of the data is the text itself. The writer underlined and collected the important things from the novel such as the information about the characteristics of each character, the way the characters interact with others, and the ideas that the characters posses in facing an event in the novel.

2.3 Data Selecting

In the second step is selecting the data. For all the information that had collected in the first step were being selected and only the very significant data or related data were used in the process of making the analysis of this thesis. The selection is based on the characters and psychological side is shopping addiction that are discussed, because the selected data is used to support the character that is being discussed.

2.4 Data analyzing

In writing this thesis, the writer use library and field research. In the library research, I collect and read some books and thesis which relate to this topic.




3.1 Shopping Addiction

In this analysis, the writer uses theory of addiction behavior that focus on shopping addiction. Shopping becomes the person s main way of coping with stress, to the point where they continue to the shop excessively even when it is clearly having negative impact on other area so their life. Like other behavior addictions, shopping addiction is controversial idea. Many experts balk at the idea that excessive spending can constitute an addiction, believing that there has to be a psychoactive substance which produces symptoms such us physical tolerance and withdrawal for an activity to be a true addiction.

A tradition more and more grow it is one of tradition that present addiction behavior is a shopping addiction. Robert and Sepulveda (1999, in Hyojkin dkk, 2003) from thesis Hamanda (2008: xvi) is the shopping tradition is grow up to be a stronger motivation that shaped from individual and society.


3.2 Defenition of Shopping Addiction

For behavior adaptive shopping is namely for shopping Addiction or

compulssive buying. In thesie Hamanda explain the term for somebody experience shopping addiction is a shopaholic. The definition of compulssive buying is the cronic shopping , repeatedly and become a priority respons in athe negative situation and the negative feeling (O guinn and Faber, 1992 in Edwards, 1993: 67).

According Karen O Connor (2003) with shoping a shopaholic can not anticipation a reward like a gambler, but a thingking and idea when they shoping, they have an objective and wants to be happy and optimist.

The person whos be a shopaholic have a contented with shopping that give a life and make her to forget her sadness. The shopping addiction it is same with the other behavior like drugs, and make a biochemical change in individual that give a happinest in herself, something that she want, would be make feel a happinest and make dessapear a sadness and broken heart.

3.3 Criteria (characteristic) from Shopping Addiction

There are several characteristics that shoping addiction shares with other addiction. As with other addictions, shoping addicts become preoccupied with spending, and devote significant time and money to the activity. Actual spending is important to the process of shopping addiction; window shoping does not constitute an addiction, and the addictive pattern is actually driven by the process of spending money.

The study an analysis explain a compulsive buyer usually having a low confident, and have high an imagination, high depression, high worried and high obsession ( Scherhorn dkk, 1990 dalam Edward, 1993).

3.4 The Types of Shopping Addiction


a good starting point for identifying how a shopping addiction may manifest itself. In all of the "types" you'll find one constant: people spending money in the mistaken belief that their new items will fill a void within them.

1. Image shoppers: People who do things such as picking up the tab, buying expensive cars, and other highly visible displays of apparent wealth. 2. Bargain shoppers: Buying stuff because it's a good price, regardless of

whether or not it will be used.

3. Codependent shoppers: People who make purchases in order to win the love an approval of others, either by way of gifts or by demonstrating affiliation with a given group or social status.

4. Trend shoppers: People who impulsively buy trendy items such as the latest phones or clothing in order to demonstrate their belonging to a peer group.

5. Bulimic shoppers: People who shop and then purge by bringing things back in a surge of guilt. Financially this is better than building up debt, but psychologically this is a destructive behavior.

6. Collector Shoppers: People who buy in order to complete or add to a collection. Again, the purchases often are made in secret and cause intense feelings of guilt or anguish.

Compulsive shoppers have some other patterns as well as what they buy. Two separate studies of addictive shoppers polled their subjects to find the items they bought compulsively. These are the items that were most-commonly bought on compulsive shopping binges, in the order of purchase frequency.


3.5 Factors Causes Shopping Addiction

You may not be really aware that your online shopping addiction may be coming from some internal problems. Possible problems such as:

1. The need to be accepted 2. Emotional deprivation

3. To cover up loneliness and depression

4. To feel up the need of disappointment, anger or fear 5. To feel a sense of control

The above problems are considered negative behavior brought about by online shopping addiction. You are into it for the wrong reasons. Understandably, you could have certain negative emotions in you such as anger, loneliness, fear and similar others. You also want to have a sense of control. Perhaps you have turned to online shopping to give you satisfaction and fill the needs of these negative emotions, but then these are just temporary. You would likely feel these emotions over and over again and in your mind the only solution is online shopping. This is not good and you must be able to realize that at the soonest possible time.

Shopping addiction also have effect the somebody to make a shopping is a fugitive of the problems in a life and supporting to be a shopping addiction (O Connor, 2005). Social condition, environment, characteristic, a pattern of communication in their family also have a related with shopping addiction.

3.6 The Effects Of Shopping Addiction

The Effects of Shopping Addiction

1. Financial losses 2. Guilt feelings

3. A Sense of Euphoria


The above effects are negative in most ways. Since you are not in control of your spending habits, you would use up all your credit cards and money sources to continually do it. Buying would make you feel happy, with a sense of euphoria; but later on it would be the onset of guilt feelings. You ll be missing out activities with family and friends. The mixed feelings you have in you would possibly lead to more emotional distress. You are emotionally drained on how to keep up with your finances and at the same time distressed on how to put a stop to your online shopping addiction.

3.6.1 Emotional Effects of Compulsive Shopping

The shopping and spending activity itself is associated with a feeling of happiness and power which is immediately gratifying. The after effects of remorse and guilt drive the spender back to purchase again to be able to achieve that brief but intense emotional high. Research has shown that many compulsive shoppers and spenders also suffer from mood disorders, substance abuse or eating disorders. As with any addiction, the person becomes dependent on the behavior to relieve negative feelings that cause them distress and discomfort.

3.6.2 Financial Effects of Compulsive Shopping

Financial problems may occur if money is borrowed or there is excessive use of credit to make purchases. Often the extent of the financial damage is discovered only after the shopper or spender has accumulated a large debt that necessitates a drastic change in lifestyle to resolve. Recovery groups such as Debtors Anonymous have formed to help compulsive shoppers and spenders return to normal, appropriate patterns of buying.



4.1 Rebecca Bloomwood

Rebecca Bloomwood is young woman in London. She is a journalist in Successful Saving magazine, it is a financial magazine. She live with her bestfriend in apartment, her friend love her, they love each other like a sister. Rebecca Bloomwood have a nickname Becky or Bex. Her parents always call her Becky but her bestfriend call her with name Bex .

Rebecca very like to shopping everything in all of popular brand and than she always wants and obsession to became a popular woman in London.

It makes my eyes look bigger, it makes my haircut look more expensive, it makes me look like a different person. I ll be able to wear it with everything.people will refer to me as the Girl in the Denny and George Scarf (Kinsella.Confessions of a Shopaholic. 2009: 15-16)

She is a beautifull woman and humoris woman, she don t like so seriously.

Rebecca Bloomwood looks confident if she wear the clothes from popular brand like Gucci, Celvin Clein, Armani, D&K, Christian Dior, Denny and George and so on. She wants to be a class women in London.

She is very like shopping and all about sale in brands shop. So she never control her shopping everyday, everymont, every year.

In the window of Denny and George is a discreet sign. It s a dark green with cream lettering, and it says: SALE .

(Kinsella.Confessions of a Shopaholic. 2009: 14)


She is always image a brand and she hope to becaming a trendy woman.

I m really thingking about a gorgeous black top I saw in Joseph and wether I can afford the trousers as well

(Kinsella.Confessions of a Shopaholic. 2009: 19)

She always panic if she can buy something tat she want, than make her like a crazy woman.

What? I stare at the phone in horror. No, I can t pick up a boody report. I need to pick up my VISA card! I need to secure my scarf.

(Kinsella.Confessions of a Shopaholic. 2009: 23)

Oh God. I close my eyes and think quickly. An hour here. Rush back to the office, pick up my VISA card, back to Deny and George, get my scarf, rush to Westminster, pick up the report.

(Kinsella.Confessions of a Shopaholic. 2009: 23)

I m too concerned about my scarft. What if I don t make it back in time? What if someone puts in a higher offer? The very thought makes me panic.

(Kinsella.Confessions of a Shopaholic. 2009: 23)

Of course! I ll pay cash for the scarf. No one can argue with cash. I can get £100 out on my cash card, so all I need is another £20, and the scarf is mine.

(Kinsella.Confessions of a Shopaholic. 2009: 24)


She is becoming depression, worried, and panic it cause her shoping can,t be control. She spent a lot of money and spent her limit in her credit card. And than the bank sent a bill to her, the bank wants she paid

OK. DON T PANIC. Don t panic. It s only a VISA bill. It s a piece of paper; a few numbers. I mean, just how scary can a few numbers be? (Kinsella.Confessions of a Shopaholic. 2009: 1)

Oh shit. My heart starts to thump. What did you say? Did you say I ve got glandular fever?

(Kinsella.Confessions of a Shopaholic. 2009: 39)

You were supposed to say I was in bed with glandular fever and a broken leg

(Kinsella.Confessions of a Shopaholic. 2009: 39)

I lie in bed starting up at the ceiling and, for the first time in months, calculate how much I owe to everybody. Te bank, VISA, my Harvey Nicholas card, my Debenhams card, my fenwicks card and now Suze, too.

It s about .. lets think .. it s about £6,000 (Kinsella.Confessions of a Shopaholic. 2009: 40)





Based on the analysis described in chapter IV, the writer concludes that: In analyzing the main character of the novel, the writer uses the psychological approach. The main character of the novel is Rebecca Bloomwood who is a journalist and she is a nice women but she have a dream to be a glamour woman, she spent a long time to shopping then she have a terapy shopping to answer her problem. However lately Rebecca chased chase invoice. She know that she have to stoped to shooping, but she can t do that. She try to cutting back, she even try to making more money. But none of her efforts succeeds. She became comfused to get out of her trouble, until finaly she consoled herself with buy anything, and shopping, always shopping. Finally, a story arises that she actually cares about, and her front-page article catalyzes a chain of events that will transform her life-and the lives of those around her forever.

The writer finds that each person has a different personality there is one can control her or his shopping addiction, and there is one can t control her or his shopping addiction. But it all depends for someone who have psychological condition like a shooping addiction. The writer finds that Rebecca has a psychological condition is a shopping addiction which ultimately makes shattered her financial condition, even her life until she lied her family, her bestfriend. And she looks of panic and fear which resulted grieving families to see the her condition, and it is because she has been terrorized by manager from Endwich Bank because she has overlimit from her credit card and have some of this month she never pay installment her credit card.





Damono, 2003: 3) in Sosiologi Sastra in http://wijayalebs

wordpress.com/2010/04/30/sosiologi sastra/

Gill, Richard. Mestering English Literature, Palgrave Mac Milan, New York: 2006.

Kinsella, Sophie.Confessions of a shopaholic, A Dell Book, New York: 2009. Kinsella, Sophie. Confessions of a shopaholic (Pengakuan Si Gila Belanja),

PT.Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta: 2009.

Moeljosoedjono, Hamanda Kesumaratih. Attachment Style pada wanita yang mengalami shopping addiction, Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia: 2008


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