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The Dream Of Becky Brandon Found In Mini Shopaholic


Academic year: 2016

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I, HETTY MEILANY declare that I am the sole author of this paper. Except

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First of all, I would like to thank and praise to Almighty God, Allah SWT for

blessing and giving me health, strength and ease to accomplish this paper as one

of the requirements to get Diploma III certificate from English Department

Faculty of Cultural Science, University of North Sumatera.

Then, I would like to express a deep gratitude, love, and appreciation to:

• My beloved parents, Bapak Tanda Ginting and Ibu Hotmaida Hrp

(Almh). Thank you for all your motivation, advice, prays and loves. I present this paper for you.

• My beloved sister and brother, Julia Maya Sari Ginting, Dina Agustina

Ginting and Reza Faturrahman Ginting, I really thank for your support and love.

Dr. Matius C.A. Sembiring, M.A as the Head of Diploma III English

Study Program, who gives me a lot of knowledge.

Drs. Chairul Husni, M.Ed. TESOL as my supervisor and Drs. M. Syafi’I,

M.A as my reader who give me the valuable time in giving and constructive criticism in completing this paper.

Dr. Syahron Lubis, M.A as the Dean of Faculty of Cultural Science,

University of North Sumatera.

All lecturers in Diploma III English Study Program for giving me


• My beloved friends: Jumaidah, SPd. I (who have accompanied me during

working the paper), Mashitah Batubara (who give me any suggestion to work it), and Diki Setiawan (as my inspiring man to finished it), Dwi Khairani (support me to finished this paper) and Tri Eda Purba (who give me support and together with me during working this paper) . Thank you for

your supports, cares, and other things that help me to complete this paper.

Thank you for the nice friendship during our study. I will be missing the

days we spent together.

• My beloved Boyfriend, Suwarmauli Purba (as my spirit during working

this paper).

• All my friends in Class B Diploma III English Study Program/

SOLIDAS 2010. Thank you for your supports that help me to complete this paper. I will be missing you all.

Finally, I do realize that this paper is still far from being perfect. Therefore,

I welcome any constructive criticism and suggestions towards this paper.

Hopefully this paper can inspire and give knowledge for anyone in the future.

Medan, October 2013

The writer,

Hetty Meilany Ginting







1.1 Background of the Study

Humans have a tremendous power to create a masterpiece. Having

greatest power in human beings, we rarely prove it, because we often get stuck in

a comfort zone or a particular habit. So it is not always possible to find a better or

a significant change of fortune. Therefore a higher target stimulates the power of

the mind. New targets would move us to carry out the action. Moreover, if the

target is believed to be achieved, we are ready to face the challenge.

Similarly to the story of “Mini Shopaholic” found in Sophie Kinsella’s

novel, Becky Brandon, a woman who has a dream. She wants to be a wise mom

to her daughter, Minnie and be a good wife for her husband, Luke. She is also as

a shopaholic. To make her dream come true. She makes surprise party for Luke,

She could control herself hardly. Although, she has alienation to buy something

everyday. With having people to cut back, Becky decides to throw the surprise

party for Luke to cheer everyone up.

The writer chooses “The Dream” because Becky’s dream is so nice. She

wants everybody to keep spirit although having crisis of money in their country

at the time. Becky wants to make a surprise birthday party for Luke. She keeps the

secret from Luke. It is not easy. to involve his friends and Luke’s colleagues.

In the story of Mini Shopaholic written by Spohie Kinsella, the main character Becky, works as a personal shopping assistant. Her whole career is


a shopping monster in herself and her daughter. An event involving the financial

world causes Becky to create a special surprise party for her husband. She goes

through all sorts of imaginable ins and outs that cause her husband to be

concerned. In the midst of planning the party, she must plan her finances around

the party but events come and create a lack of funds. Suddenly, out of an

unexpected shadow of this book, an unexpected twist helps Becky get things right.

The secret plan will never be exposed. He mustered all the energy and mind to

keep it till Luke birthday. This novel tells about love, life, be a mother, and strong

woman. It is an interesting story that makes the writer excites to analyze it.

Art and literature have the strong relation. Those are two great things.

Literature is the art of telling to story to the someone, either orally or written. By

reading literary works, we can read the art of language it’s the beautiful thing if

we can recognize such things when we read the works.

Shaw (1977: 162) says that Literature is the writings in which expression

and form, in connection with ideas and concerns of universal and apparently

permanent interest, are essential features. “ Literature is frequentl, but unwisely,

applied to any kind of printed material, such as circulars, leaflest, and handbills.

The term is correctly reserved for prose and verse of acknowledged excellence,

the value of which lies in its intense, personal, and superb expression of life in its

varied meanings.


setting (the background of place and time), theme (the meaning and message in

novel), point of view (the position or stance of the narrator), and stytle (the words

that tell the story).

The writer uses “intrinsic approaches” by Wellek and Warren (1924:24)

which take all the informations from the text, the steps are: (a) Reading the text

carefully, (b) Sequencing informations of : plot, character, background, theme and

actions, (c) Summarizing from that informations.

The writer uses “library research” method, by collecting the informations

from books and searching the informations from internet by collecting,

sequencing and summarizing the data.

1.2 Problem of the Study

Based on above description, the problem of the study can be formulated

as follows :

• How Becky controls her hobby of shopping?

• How Becky keeps her secret of making surprise party for Luke for long

time and how can it be realized?

1.3 Scope of the Study

In this novel, the writer finds that the dream of Becky Brandon is very

fantastic and interesting to be analyzed. However, she just limits on the process


1.4 Purpose of the Study

The purposes of the study are as in the following :

• To find out the process of Becky’s dream to control herself for shopping.

• To find out how Becky makes a surprise birthday party come true for


1.5 Method of the Study

Research on literary work has long been usually carried out by using

library research. By using this research, the writer has to read some books to

collect the needed data. It is also needed to search internet to get addition data.

After the data have been collected, they are interpreted and analyzed. This method

is known as descriptive method. The writer uses library research in doing this


1.6 Reason of choosing the topic

The writer has chosen Sophie Kinsella’s novel Mini Shopaholic as the topic of her paper because she thinks that the novel is very interesting. In the

novel we get the moral teachniqs, about control our carnality to shopping, having



2.1. NOVEL

Novel is a lenght story which tells about life experience of human being. It

can be made base on imagination. The imagination is not really life experience, it

is impossible in real life.

“The novel is an impossible history, for history has become impossible. It

is powerd by a negative utopianism: it creats an image of an artificial

reality, but not of a better one as a prophet would. Modern novel are

Dystopias, the sting in the tail of the earlier desire to leave this world and

so was unable to return to it. This means.” (Coates, 1983: 17)

According to George Watson (1979: 3) “Novel is the name of a literar kind, and there is a story to tell about how, over the centuries, its substance has Widened and its conventions changed.” So it means novel is literary work, narrate. About the life in centuries ago. Of course, novel is a way to send message

in social, such as in novel find character that plays role hero and felon. Hero in

novel will be success but not felon will be loser. From this message the reader can

get inspiration that hero is good but felon is bad.

Novel can also content the knowledge, such as in novel message in novel

by Sparks there is found technical of diving and sail. This tecnical is important

to reader who likes to dive and sailing may be style of character to play action in

the ship or on the water. Reader will be interested in reading the novel if the

knowledge shown besides story in novel has sense to reader.


Makes the imagination improved became more criticism. Because the reader

Thinks what thing is good to support. In the beginning of novel is not interesting

In the ending, because it takes the attention the reader to read the whole story.

Watson (1979) said that:

“A novel is a way of learning about how things were or are cognitive

instrument; and those who distrust stories as evidence should consider

how often in conversation we use them to make points or answer

question.”“The end of the novel, like the end of children’s dinner-party,

must be made up of sweetmeats and sugar plums. That is a plain

directive from Trollope to the reader that is novel is a novel, and not

record of real events.” (P.3-4)

According to Watson (1979: 6) that “The novel is always subject to a comparison with reality, a critic has remarked of social fiction, and therefore found to be illusion. “ It means to reflect the life experience can interpret in a novel. Novel is also picturing of social life in fiction.

Novel is usually written in the past tense because the author tells story that

happens in the past, the author imagine the story firstly then interpret it in

writing so the imagination first then writing in the past tense. In addition novel is

written in past tense bacause it is a heritage of senior novelist, like saying of

Watson (1979) that:

“Why most novels are mainly composed in the past tense? And why is it that

when readers of critics recount the plot of a novel, or any part of one, they


The simplest answer to these question is that we conventionally associate

past tense with telling a story, and present tense with analysis. In ordinary

coversation, it is worth nothing, adecdotes are usually in the past tense, even

when they are offered as fictitious.”(P 6-9)

2.2 Character

Character is very important element in literary works such as novel, drama

or even poems. The character can be human, or even animal. In a novel, the

character usually dominated by human as the character, while the character in a

novel has his/her own personality equal to human. The personality of the

character will lead the character to act such emotional, behavioral, and all the

logical things that deals with the problems which be faced by the character.

Therefore, the character of the novel mostly has a value of a human in real life.

According to Abrams (1981: 20) says that character is the persons presented in

dramatics of narrative work who are interpreted by reader as being endowed with

moral and disposition qualities that are expressed in what they say and what they

do in action.

In novel, a character may be defined as a verbal representation of a human

being. Through action, speech, description, and commentary, authors portray

character who are worth caring about, rooting for and even loving, although there

are also characters you may laugh at, dislike, or even hate, to quote Robert and

Jacobs (1995: 131). There can be simplified that the character in a novel is a


creation of the characters in a novel from their action, gesture, speech, and

behaviour, these term can be used by the readers to identify the characters in a

novel, because the character in a novel has equal qualities as a person in real life.

The attemp of the author describes the character in a narrative work known as a

characterization. According to Di Yanni (1990: 36) says that characterization is

the means by which the writers preset and reveal the character.

The author of the narrative work esthablished the characteriztion by

showing two main distinctions as the alternative method for revealing the

characters in a narrative; they are indirect presentation or by showing and direct

presentation or by telling. In indirect presentation or by showing, the traits of the

characters are revealed by action and speech of the characters, the author presents

the characters talking and acting, this make readers infer to what motives and

disposition lie behind what the characters say and do. In direct presentation or by

telling, the characters are described by the author, the narrator, or by other

characters. They describived the motives and dispositional qualities of the

characters. According to Robert (1995:135) there are five ways to disclose the

character in a fiction.

a. Actions

What characters do is our best way to understand what they are. As with ordinary

human beings, fictional characters do not necessarily understand how they may be

changing or why they do the things they do. Nevertheless, their actions express


deceit, a scheming personality, strong inner conflics, or a realization or growth of

some sort.

b. Description, both personal and environmental

Appearance and environmental reveal much about a character’s social and

economic status, of course, but they also tell us more about character traits.

c. Dramatics statements and throughts

Althought the speeches of most characters are funtional—essential to keep the

story moving along—they provide material from which you can draw conclutions.

Often, characters use speech to hide their motives, though we as readers should

see through such ploy.

d. Statements by other characters

By studying what characters say about each other, one can enhance his or her

understanding of the character being discussed. Ironically, the characters doing

the talking often indicate something other than what they intend perhaps because

of prajudice, stupidity, or foolishness.

e. Statements by the author speaking as storyteller or observer

What the author, speaking with the authorial voice, says about a character is

usually accurate. And the authorial voice can be accepted factually. However,


or herself assumes the role of a reader or critic, and any opinions may be

questioned. For this reason, authors frequently avoid interpretations and devote

their skills or arranging events and speeches so that readers may draw their own


According to Nurgianto (1998: 176-191), charcters can be categorized

based different of point of view and observation as follows:

2.2.1Main Character and Peripheral Character

In a novel, there are several characters presented. Nevertheless, each of the

charcter has a different role. Based on the role of characters in developing the

plot, characters are distinguished into main character and peripheral character.

Main character is a character which is very important and usually

dominating the whole story in a literary works. He is often presented whether as

the doer of action or the one who is affected in the action. Main character in a

novel can be more than one; however its superiority values are not always to be

the same. Its superiority is determined by its domination, and its influence to the

development of plot as a whole.

Peripheral character is a character which is presented only once or a couple

of times in a story and it may be in a portion of narration which is relatively short.

The appearance of peripheral character in a story is less, not important, and its


2.2.2 Protagonist Character and Antagonist Character

Based on the function of appearance, characters are distinguished into

protagonist character and antagonist character.

Protagonist character is the most favorite character by the readers and

popularly called hero. Readers often identified themselves with certain characters,

giving sympathy and empathy to protagonist character. Because it presents

something which is conform to the readers’ point of view, norms manifestation,

and value. In short, all the things that the character felt, thought, and done, it all

represents the readers.

Antagonist charcter is stated to be the opposite of protagonist character

directly or indirectly, physically or physically. In other words, this character gives

a conflict to story.

2.2.3 Simple Character and Complex Character

Based on the characterization, character can be distinguished into simple

character and complex chararter. Simple character is a character that has only a

certain individual quality and one certain character. As a character of human

being, any possibility of his life is not revealed. He does not have any

characteristics and behavior that can give any surprising effect to the readers.

This kind of character is monotone, his behavior and charcteristics is flat and


Complex charater is a character which is different to simple character; the

character has a life side and personality that is revealed. He could have certain

characteristics that can be formulated, but he can present various charcteristics

and behavior, even may be has a contradiction and hard to be guessed. In

comparison with simple character, complex character is more resemble to the real

human life besides having some possibility of behavior and actions, he often gives

a surprise.

2.2.4 Static Character and Developing Character

Based on the criteria whether the character is developed or not, character

can be distinguistished into static character and developing character.

Static character is a character that essentially does not experience any

change and development as the result of events. This kind of character seems not

really involved and influenced by any environment changing that happened

because of a relationship among human being. Static character has a constant and

undeveloped behavior and characteristic, since the beginning to the end of the


Developing character is a character that experiences a change of

characterization in accordance with the developing and changing of event and plot

narrated. The character interacts with his environment, whether it is social, nature,

or even others, and all of it will influence his behavior and characteristic. Thus,


the middle , and until the end of the story accrding to the coherence of the story as

the whole.

2.2.5 Typical Character and Neutral Character

Based on the reflection of the character to the group of human, character

can be distinguished into typical character and neutral character. Typical character

is a character which is individually less presented, but more of its works or

nationality is presented, or some other things that possibly more represent. It is a

description and reflection or reference of one or group of people as a part of one

institute which exist in the real life.

Neutral character is a character that exists only for the story itself. It is an

amaginary that lives and exists only in fiction. He presents or presented for the

story or even as the storyteller, or the main character. His existence does not to

represent or to describe something outside hime, someone outside of his real life.

2.3 Plot

In a well-done story, all the action and inciden, speeches, thoughts, and

observation are linked together to make up an entirety, sometimes called and

organic unity. The essence of this unity is development and resolution of a

conflict-orconflics-in which the protagonist, or central character, is engaged. In

pattern in which the protagonist meets and resolves the conflict is called the plot,


based on interactions of causes and effects as they develop sequentially or

chronologically. That is, the story’s actions follow one another in time as the

protagonist meets and tries to overcome the forces of opposition.

2.4 Theme

Fiction necessarily embodies issues and ideas. Even stories written for

entertainment alone are based in an idea or position. Thus, writers of comic works

are commited to idea that human difficulties can be treated with humor. More

serious works many force characters to make difficult moral choices, in the

thought that in losing situation the only winner is the on who maintains honor and

self respect. Mystery and suspense stories rest on the belief that problems have

solutions, even if they may not at first seem apparent. Writers may deal with the

triumphs and defeats of life, the admirable and the despicable, the humorous and

the pathetic, but whatever their goal, they are always expressing ideas about

human experience.

2.5 Intrinsic Approach

According to Wallek and Warren, intrinsic appoach is the emphasis on the

analysis of the text. Intrinsic approach starts from the literature. History of modern

literature develoved after the emergence of romanticism. This flow can only

change the system of Neo-Classical tradition. In the 19 th century popular

literature examines the origin. Many methods based survey of modern literary


develoved a formal analysis to develop a formal analysis based on the parallels

between art and art history. Russian formalist movement in Czechoslovakia and

Poland to develop the study of the literature. Many novel not only see the

connection with the work of social structure, study of artistic methods, and

tecniques of narrative point of view.

Wallek and Warren (1973:75) say that the approach is based on the

intrinsic structural of point of text and literature. This means the intrinsic

approach emphasizes the inter text analysis by describing the elements of prose

that described previously. Relationship with the art of literature and art of music is

very diverse and complited. Sometimes they influence each other. Theory of art

and taste can be studied and related to the theory and literary tastes of artist.

Besides the issue of sources and influences, inspiration and coorperation, there is

another problem, namely literary works often produce the same result with the

result of a painting and musical. The term is just as vague metafon.

Futhermore Wallek and Warren said, one approach is to find the purpose

and theory of the artist creator. A more useful is based on the comparison of

works of art, social and cultural background the same, can unravel the background

of time, plece setting, and social background art and literature.

Futhermore, it Wallek and Warren said that the golden age of literature in

the days of Elizabeth is not matched by progress in the field of fine arts. The

various branches of art which Plastis art, literature, music has the evolution of


2.6 Dream

The dreams are like personal letters from the subconscious mind. If only

they were written in the same language we use in waking reality. Fortunately, we

have the ability to study our dreams and interpret the common dream symbols

they contain. Although there is no hard and fast rule book of universal definitions,

the following dream meanings offer a sound starting point for most people. It's

worth stating that dreams are not psychic premonitions of the future. They are

subtle, subconscious thought patterns expressing information and emotions we

aren't aware of while awake. All dream symbols are programmed by your own

subconscious self (even in lucid dreams, where the conscious mind is allowed to

play a role). Recognizing common dream symbols is a good way to

you can attach each of these triggers to a

think of the stimulus during the waking day, do a reality check. You'll soon repeat

the check during your dreams when you encounter these symbols and become



action. It means dream is something we want to achieve, we get, or we achieve. Because dream made more remarkable triumph. Dream act will make you more

consistent in trying. Dream will inculcate confidence to yourself to achieve

something out of the ordinary.

Moreover, if the target is believed to be achieved, then we are going to be

ready to face the challenge. After the new actions are more constructive to do over

and over again, then we had unwittingly done a lot of important things until we

arrived at the new zone, which we managed to achieve the desired targets. That is

why it is said that humans have a huge potential in the subconscious mind.



3.1 The way of Becky to control her hobby to shopping

In this novel Becky Brandon is the main character.

lives in a flat in fashionabl

Suze's wealthy, aristocratic parents. Becky work

magazine Successful Savings, that is a job that Becky dislikes. She says that no

one who works there is very excited about and that they all say they have just "fell

into", while in fact being unable to get better jobs.

Becky grew up i

Susan "Suze" Cleath-Stuart before she finally moved out with Luke Brandon.

Before moving to New York, she worked on a magazine called Successful


Becky met her future husband, Luke Brandon, CEO of Brandon

Communications (a

was working as a financial journalist. She helped him pick out luggage for his

girlfriend, Sacha. Becky did not know that Luke had a girlfriend and thought that

Luke liked her. She had an angry, tearful confrontation with him where she said

that she "wasn't a joke." She attracted his attention after she published an article


at the end of the first book. Luke and Becky marry in America in the PLAZA

Hotel on June 22, 2002 and also in England at Becky's parents' house on June 23,

2002. Becky and Luke have a daughter named Minnie Brandon who was born on

December 3, 2003.

Becky is a

works as a journalist for a gardening magazine but dreams to join the fashion

magazine Alette. On the way to an interview with Alette, she buys a green scarf. Her credit card is declined, so Rebecca goes to a hot dog stand and offers to buy

all the hot dogs with a check, if the seller gives her back change in cash, saying

the scarf is to be a gift for her sick aunt. The hot dog vendor refuses but a man

offers her $20. The job bores her.

Becky always shopping till over limit and has a mental illness that should

buy something in everyday. Luke so often was not happy with Becky’s behavior,

it is because spend the money to unnecessary items. Becky Brandon thinks that

having a daughter is a dream come true. A shopping friend for life, she said. But

two-year-old Minnie has a quite different approach to shopping. The toddler

creates havoc everywhere she goes, from Harrods to her own christening. Her

favorite word is “Mine!” and she’s even trying to get into eBay!


Becky admits to actually knowing very little about personal finance as

she is thousands of pounds in debt as is evidenced by a run through of her Visa

card bill. She becomes deeper in debt by uncontrollably spending on designer

homeware, clothes and beauty products. Even as she is thousands of pounds in

debt, Becky still receives letters offering her credit and department store cards.

She ofte

'investment' or necessary. Unfortunately for Becky, she considers things such as

birthday presents for her friends as necessary.

With people having to cut back, Becky decides to throw a surprise party

for Luke to cheer everyone up. She control her hobby, eventhough it’s too

difficult for her to do it.

3.2 The surprise party for Luke

When Becky along with her husband Luke Brandon, they wants to buy a

home of their own, so that they do not have to live with Becky's parents anymore.

They also face the problem of their young daughter, Minnie. She has already been

banned from four different Christmas grottos because of her naughty behaviour.

Minnie's inability to behave properly gives Luke doubts about having a second

child. He tells Becky that they are already having trouble controlling Minnie and

is unable to even contemplate having another child. The deal on house #4 has


“Either the vendor didn’t really want to sell (house #3), or they suddenly demanded loads more money (house #1), or the house didn’t actually belong to them but to their uncle in Spain and it was all a scam (house #4), or it burned down (house #2). I’d started to think we were jinxed, and then Luke said maybe we should wait till the Arcodas business was over.” (Mini Shopaholic, p.23)

With people having to cut back, Becky decides to throw a surprise party

for Luke to cheer everyone up. But when costs start to spiral out of control, she

must decide whether to accept help from an unexpected source—and therefore run

the risk of hurting the person she loves. Becky is also trying to plan a surprise

birthday party for Luke, without spending any money.

In addition to the difficulties of raising Minnie. She doesn't want to tell

him because he's dealing with both Minnie's misbehavior and the fact that

Brandon Communications' reputation was ruined by Iain Walker, the CEO of the

Arcodas Group. In spite of the photos as evidence to prove Arcades' wrongdoing,

Luke refuses Becky's request to take them to court and have them sued for

Poaching a Client's reputation. In her efforts to keep it a secret from him, Becky

encounters several obstacles. At first, her family and friends doubt her ability to

keep such a colossal secret. Becky also faces the financial problem of throwing a

grand party and must deal with Elinor, Luke's biological mother. Elinor wants to

get to know her granddaughter, Minnie, but Becky refuses to let her be a part of

her life. She has banned Elinor for the way she has treated Luke, his stepmother,

Annabel and especially her. She keeps the encounters with her a secret from her


misses Annabel whom was more of a real mother to Luke than Elinor, and thus

she liked her more.

When Becky is about to give up on the party, Elinor steps in saying she

will give her son (Luke) an 'unconditional gift, the kind his real mother would

have made'. Becky is stunned by her offer but accepts the financial offer, so that

Luke will have his surprise party after all. Elinor reconciles with her and tells her

that she knows why Minnie's been behaving badly. She was spoiled by her parents

too much and she could do with a strict regime of discipline. Becky asks Luke to

reconsider about having a second child and he does. Finally she can be realized



4.1 Conclusions

Dream is something that we want to achieve or we get. Because dream

makes more remarkable triumph. It act will make us more consistent in trying.

Dream will inculcate confidence to yourself to achieve something out of the

ordinary. Humans have a tremendous power to create a masterpiece. The greatest

power in human beings is in the mind. But we rarely prove the power of the

mind, because we often get stuck in a comfort zone or a particular habit. So it is

not always possible to find a better or a significant change of fortune. Therefore a

higher target stimulates the power of the mind, because new targets would move

us to carry out the action.

Moreover, if the target is believed to be achieved, then we are ready to

face the challenge. After the new actions are more constructive to do over and

over again, then we had unwittingly done a lot of important things until we

arrived at the new zone, which we managed to achieve the desired targets. That is

why it is said that humans have a huge potential in the subconscious mind.

In Sophie Kinsella’s The Dream Of Becky, the dream shows how it’s realized. Becky is trying to make a surprise birthday party for Luke, without

spending any money. Eventhough, people are having to cut back including all of

Becky's personal shopping clients and she and Luke are still living with Becky's

Mum and Dad. To cheer everyone up, Becky decides to throw a surprise birthday


In this instalment we see Becky as a mother, raising her two year old

daughter, Minnie, who is slightly wayward and becoming too fond of materialistic

items like her mummy, with her husband, Luke. Becky is still the same fun, vivid

character but motherhood has not helped her become more economical. In fact,

she now has excuses to shop more by buying items for Minnie.

Becky is also trying to plan a surprise birthday party for Luke, without

spending any money which of course leads to complete fiasco and a book which

reads like a screwball comedy. There are many more humourous situations and a

strew of events that had me shaking my head with affectionate disbelief at what


4.2 Suggestion

After analyzing The dream of Becky Brandon in Mini Shopaholic, I would hope that the reader can understand about the story and get more knowledge. I

also expect that the readers are interested in reading and discussing Sophie

Kinsella’s novel. The novel tells about morality that mother should be able to

give a good example for their children, teach the children in behave and to buy

only the things that are needed. Finally I hope that someday there is another



Shaw, Harry. 1972. Concise Dictionary of Literary Terms. United State of America: Mc Graw-Hill.

Kinsella, Sophie. 2010. Mini Shopaholic. United States of America: Deel, United States America

Nurgiantoro, Burhan. Pengantar Pengkajian Fiksi. Yogyakarta: Gajah Mada Random House Inc.

Robers, V. Edgar and Henry E. Jacobs. 1995. An Introduction to Reading and Writing. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc.

Siswanto, Wahyudi. 2008. Pengantar Teori Sastra. Jakarta: Grasindo. University Pres.

Stanton, Robert. 1965. An Introduction to Fiction. New York: The Free Perss. Yogyakarta: Jalasutra

Abraham, M.H. 1981. A Glossary of Literary Terms. New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston.

Kenney, William. 1966. How to analyze Fiction. New York: Monarch Press. Stanford, Judith A. 2003. Responding to Literature: Stories, Poems, Plays, and

Essays. New York: McGraw-Hill Inc

Stanton, Robert. 2007. Teori Fiksi Robert Stanton. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar. Taylor, Richard. 1981. Understanding the Elements of Literature: Its Forms,

Techniques and Cultural Conventions. London: The MacMillan Press Ltd. Watson, George. 1979. The Story of the novel. London: MacMillan Press Ltd.

Wellek, Rene & Austin Warren.1977. Theory of Literature. New York.

Teeuw, A. 1983. Membaca dan Menilai Sastra. Jakarta : Pt. GramediaPustaka Umum.


APPENDICES a. Biography of the Author

Madeleine Sophie Wickham (born Madeleine Sophie Townley; 12

December 1969) is a

under the pen name Sophie Kinsella.

Wickham lives i

she met in Oxford), the headmaster of a boys' preparatory school. They have been

married for 17 years and have four sons and a daughter, Freddy (b. 1996), Hugo


December 22, 2011). She is the sister of fellow writer, Gemma Townley and

Abigail Townley.

Madeleine Wickham was born in London. She did her schooling in

before turning t

While working as a financial journalist, at the age of 24, she wrote her

first novel. The Tennis Party was immediately hailed as a success by critics and

the public alike and became a top ten bestseller. She went on to publish six more

novels as Madeleine Wickham: A Desirable Residence, Swimming Pool Sunday,

The Gatecrasher, The Wedding Girl, Cocktails for Three and Sleeping


Her first novel under the pseudonym Sophie Kinsella (taken from her

middle name and her mother's maiden name) was submitted to her existing

publishers anonymously and was enthusiastically received. She revealed her real

identity for the first time when Can You Keep a Secret? was published in

December 2005.

Sophie Kinsella is best known for writing the

financial journalist who cannot manage her own finances. The series focuses on


two Shopaholic books were adapted into a


Twenties Girl, which was released in the UK in July 2009 was also

published under the name Sophie Kinsella. The latest addition to the Shopaholic


A new musical adaptation of her novel 'Sleeping Arrangements' by Chris

Burgess will premiere on April 17-May 12, 2013 in London at The Landor


b. Summary of the Novel

is owned by her best friend Suze's wealthy, aristocratic parents. Becky works as a

dislikes. She says that no one who works there is very excited about and that they

all say they have just "fell into", while in fact being unable to get better jobs. The

job bores her. Becky admits to actually knowing very little about personal finance

as she is thousands of pounds in debt as is evidenced by a run through of her Visa

card bill. She becomes deeper in debt by uncontrollably spending on designer

homeware, clothes and beauty products. The book emphasises that her cycle of

debt is not easily broken, as, even as she is thousands of pounds in debt, Becky

still receives letters offering her credit and department store cards. She often


or necessary. Unfortunately for Becky, she considers things such as birthday

presents for her friends as necessary.

On her way to a press conference held by Brandon Communications,

Becky notices a sale sign in the window of the Denny and George shop. She sees

that the scarf she has long craved for is on sale at a discount of 50%. Becky sees

this as a unique opportunity but realizes that she has left her Visa card at the office

and asks the shop assistant to reserve the scarf until she can retrieve her credit

card. The assistant reluctantly agrees to hold it until the end of the day only.

Upon arriving at the press conference, she is greeted by a staff member

of Brandon Communications, who mentions that there's been some surprising

news in the banking field and asks Becky her opinion on the news. Becky has no

idea what the woman is referring to and has to feign knowledge. After the staffer

leaves, Luke Brandon, head of Brandon Communications, realizing that she was

feigning knowledge of what was happening, tells her that one financial group

recently bought another, and it was recently rumored that Flagstaff Life was going

the same way.

Halfway through the conference Becky is given another errand by her

employer and realizes that she will not have time to return to the office for her

credit card, but only needs twenty pounds more to buy her Denny & George scarf.

She asks her friend Elly Granger if she can borrow some money, but Elly has

none. Luke hears Becky ask for twenty pounds, and stops the whole Press

Conference just so he can hand a twenty pound note to her, once she has made up


Right after she has bought the Denny & George scarf she bumps into Luke

Brandon and has to make excuses to leave, before he finds out that she's lied.

Later on during the week, Becky's flatmate Suze asks her to go to a

restaurant with her and her cousins, including Tarquin. There, Becky sees Luke

and his parents having dinner. The mother comments on Becky's scarf, and she

blabs about getting it as a bargain. Then she realizes her mistake, and abruptly

tells a suspicious Luke that her aunt died. Becky is mortified.

Luke runs into Becky after that and asks her to come shopping with him

at Harrods. Initially she really enjoys shopping with him for luggage and goes up

and down the shop wheeling around the luggage playfully, helping Luke choose

the best purchase. After he reveals that the luggage is actually for his girlfriend,

Sacha, Becky is very upset, telling Luke that she feels he's used her and not

treated her with respect.

Throughout the story, a man named Derek Smeath, who is the manager

of Becky's bank, is constantly trying to get hold of her so he can set up a

re-payment schedule for her overdraft. Becky always has some excuse as to why she

cannot send a cheque or meet with Mr. Smeath and his assistant, Erica. The

excuses range from a broken leg, a dead aunt, etc., etc., until it becomes obvious

to Mr. Smeath that Becky is quite unable to repay the overdraft. He becomes quite

insistent upon setting up a meeting with her.

Suze and Becky happen to be flicking through a magazine and see a list

of eligible millionaires. Tarquin is the fifteenth richest there, but also on the list


compliments Becky on her scarf and she continues the pretense that it's from her

deceased aunt. She further embroiders that her aunt had set up a charity for

children abroad to be given violin teachers. Tarquin writes out a cheque for

£5000, which would solve Becky's financial problems, but she feels she can't

possibly accept it, and painfully refuses. While Tarquin goes to the bathroom,

Becky sneaks a look at his chequebook, wondering if a millionaire gets to buy a

lot of lavish items. The content isn't extraordinary. Tarquin returns and Becky is

sure he saw her looking at the chequebook. Becky gives up trying to date Tarquin,

as he is just not her type, even if he is very rich.

At this point her bank manager is trying to arrange a meeting. Unable to

come up with any more excuses, Becky goes back home to hide at her parents'

house, lying to them when he calls and saying he is a

her next door neighbors made a financial decision based on advice that Becky had

absentmindedly given them and stand to miss out on thousands of pounds in a

windfall resulting from a bank takeover. The bank had sent an offer of a carriage

clock to people who would get the windfall, if they change their account to a

different plan. The bank knew of the planned takeover and upcoming windfall,

while the customers do not, but if they accepted the plan for which they are

offered a gift, the customers will not receive the windfall. Becky is horrified by

being partly culpable for her kindly neighbors losing out, and sets out to make

things right by writing an article that exposes the bank's duplicity. The article is a

success, and leads to Becky appearing on a daytime television show, The Morning


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