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A Brief Description Of Speaking As A Language Skill


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Submitted to Faculty of Letters University of North Sumatra

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Accepted by the Board of Examiners in partial fulfillment of the requirements for

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The examination is held on the 20 May 2009

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Drs. Syaifuddin, M.A. Ph. D

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I, VIOLA SISKA GINTING, declares that I am the sole author of this paper.

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Name : Viola Siska Ginting

Title of paper : A Brief Description of Speaking as a Language Skills

Qualification : D-III/ Ahli madya

Study Program : English

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Penyusunan kertas karya ini adalah sebagai salah satu syarat untuk menyelesaikan kuliah di Departemen Diploma Tiga Bahasa Inggris, Fakulatas Sastra, Universitas Sumatera Utara. Penulis memilih judul “A Brief Description of Speaking as a Language Skills” karena penulis menyadari bahwa masalah tentang speaking perlu dibahas.

Dalam berkomunikasi, baik lisan maupun tulisan diperlukan suatu wadah dalam penyampaian ide dan pikiran. Berbicara adalah salah satu alat yang digunakan untuk berkomunikasi secara lisan. Kertas karya ini mendeskripsikan secara singkat mengenai kegiatan berbicara sebagai suatu keterampilan berbahasa yang memerlukan proses dan langkah-langkah pencapainnya.

Mengingat minat dan kemampuan pelajar dewasa ini masih jauh dari yang diharapkan, maka penulis merasa tertarik untuk mengemukakan kembali dalam suatu tulisan langkah-langkah, cara, karakteristik, dan keterampilan dasar yang harus dikuasai dalamm kegiatan berbicara serta fungsi dan manfaat yang diperoleh dari kegiatan berbicara itu.



Firstly, I would like to express my gratitue to Allah SWT, the Almighty,

merciful and the most gracious who has blessed me with health and given

capability in finishing this paper. Then, I never forgot to say shalawat to our big

prophet Muhammad SAW who has brought us to the life full of knowledge and

science like we have now.

Secondly, I would like to express my appreciation to those who have given

me advice, motivation, and help in accomplishing my paper.

1. Drs. Syaifuddin, M.A, Ph. D. As the Dean of Faculty of Letters,

University of North Sumatra.

2. Drs. Syahyar Hanum, DPFE as the Head of Diploma III English Study

Program who has agreed the tittle and proposal of my paper and for her

advice and help.

3. Drs. Yulianus Harefa, MEd. TESOL as my Supervisor who has spent

his time in correcting this paper and giving advice and guidance to

finish my paper.

4. Drs. Siamir Marulafau, M.Hum as my reader who has helped and

supported me in accomplishing my paper.

5. All lecturers in Diploma III English Study Program who have taught

and given me a lot of knowledge.

6. My beloved parents, Kh. Ginting and M. Damanik who have supported


motivation and always pray for me so that I am always healthy and can

accomplish my paper.

7. My dearest young sister Cindy Liasna who has given me much spirit

and support to complete this papper.

8. My best friends Dewi, Ermayulis, Yennika and Nadya who helped and

given me some motivations and spirit.

9. All of my friends in Diploma III English Study Program.

Finally, I realize that this paper is far from being perfect and without any

help, support, and spirit from my beloved parties, this paper could not be


Medan, 20 May 2009 The Writer,







5.1 Source ... 21

5.2 Encoding the Message ... 21

5.3 Transmitting the Message ... 21

5.4 The Receiver ... 21

5.5 Decoding the Message ... 22

5.6 Feedback ... 22


6.1 Conclusions ... 23

6.2 Suggestions ... 24



Penyusunan kertas karya ini adalah sebagai salah satu syarat untuk menyelesaikan kuliah di Departemen Diploma Tiga Bahasa Inggris, Fakulatas Sastra, Universitas Sumatera Utara. Penulis memilih judul “A Brief Description of Speaking as a Language Skills” karena penulis menyadari bahwa masalah tentang speaking perlu dibahas.

Dalam berkomunikasi, baik lisan maupun tulisan diperlukan suatu wadah dalam penyampaian ide dan pikiran. Berbicara adalah salah satu alat yang digunakan untuk berkomunikasi secara lisan. Kertas karya ini mendeskripsikan secara singkat mengenai kegiatan berbicara sebagai suatu keterampilan berbahasa yang memerlukan proses dan langkah-langkah pencapainnya.

Mengingat minat dan kemampuan pelajar dewasa ini masih jauh dari yang diharapkan, maka penulis merasa tertarik untuk mengemukakan kembali dalam suatu tulisan langkah-langkah, cara, karakteristik, dan keterampilan dasar yang harus dikuasai dalamm kegiatan berbicara serta fungsi dan manfaat yang diperoleh dari kegiatan berbicara itu.




1.1 Background of The Study

Language is a tool of communication. It plays an important role in

human life. Peoples can not be separated from language because it is one of their

needs for communication. As human being, one interacts with another through


The understanding of language is not limited in our own language. We

need to understand other languages. Especially, the International language which

will enable us to communicate to another people with different languages, or for

International communication. There are so many languages that we can learn as

our second or foreign languages.

English is an International language. There are four skills that have to be

mastered in learning English, they are: listening skills, reading skills, writing

skills, and speaking skills. These are four skills have the close relation that finally

makes people able to speak.

Speaking is a course. According to Harefa (2006), the main purpose of

the course is to teach communicative competence, that is, the ability to

communicative in English according to the situation, purpose and roles of the

participants. Speaking is a language skill that used to communicate directly, face

to face with other people. Speaking is very important in language skill.

Realizing that facts, I am interested in explaining anymore that speaking


advantages which is very important to be known. The most important is to

increase the knowledge.

1.2 Scope of the Study

In this paper, I will discuss about the language skills, but I limit the

discussion only on the way to be a professional speaker of English. It is

considered to identify the basic skill in speaking activity and explain the stages in

speaking in the target language (English) correctly.

1.3 Objective of the Study

Dealing with the background of study, the objective of this writing is I

want to inform the readers that speaking in English is not difficult and it is really


1.4 Significance of the Study

• To provide material to help the readers developing their conversation


• To motivate other researchers who want to do the research with the same



1.5Method of the Study

In this paper, I use library research that is done by reading some books

related to the topic of this paper. Some related topics are read and collected in

order to find some important information which can be helpful to complete this



2.1 Definition of Language Skills

Language skill is an ability to use language well in order to do the

process of communication whether spoken or written by practicing and doing

many practices.

There are four language skills that have to be mastered in learning a

language, they are listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills.

1. Listening Skills

Listening skill is a receptive skill in the oral mode which uses the sense of

hearing. Listening is an activity of thinking. It is not only using the sense

of hearing, but also the combination of sense of hearing and thinking


2. Speaking Skills

Speaking skill is a productive skill in the oral mode.

3. Reading Skills

Reading skills is an active process of receptive skill in the written mode

intends to absorb and store information in order to increase knowledge.

4. Writing Skills

Writing skill is a productive skill in the written mode.

The relationships among these four skills above can be shown in the


Oral Written

Receptive Listening Reading

Productive Speaking Writing

(Tarigan, 1980: 1, 1981: 2).

Each of these four skills has the close relation, it can not be separated

each other to do the communication well by language. The relationships among

these skills ca be explained as a series of thinking process. Firstly, we listen by

using the sense of hearing and thinking. Then, we speak to say what we have

listened. We need to absorb and store information; therefore the next step is to

read something to increase the knowledge the knowledge such as, newspaper,

books, journal, statement, report, etc.

These skills are used in communication. Listening and speaking are used

in oral communication means, while reading and writing are used I written


In acquiring the language skills, we usually pass an organized relation

that starts from learning a language when we were children, then speak. After that

learning to read and write. Each skill certainly has close relation with processes

that provided language. Language reflects minds. Tarigan (1980:1, 1981:2) states

“The more skilled somebody used the language, the more bright and clear his or

her way of mind. Skills only can be gotten and mastered through practice and do a


2.2 Definition of Speaking

Barnhard (1980: 46) explains that “speaking is a fine art “. It is the art of

thoughts. Speaking therefore, is an art that affords the greatest pleasure. It does

not cost money, it is all profit and it completes our education.

Johnson (1982: 6) says that “speaking and talking are different in

meanings”. These two words are often interred changeably used in our language.

Speaking as Johnson says is what we call communication that comes from our

deepest most authentic, passionate, and centered place. Speaking is defined as

being conscious of what we are saying. It also means saying exactly what we say.

Speaking means to reside in one’s word to speak from the heart.

Speaking is the most easily acceptable and the most teachable of all the

arts. What we need is to do in order to become a good speaker to find a subject

that interests us. Brumfit (1981: 151) then explains that “speaking as the thing is

going two or more people talk to each other, or an equal about people they know

things have been experience or doing, their plans for the future and so on”. A

good speaking should be planned spontaneously: the reader should not feel that is

premeditated. So in this case, we need a good preparation. Speaking has both

formal and functional characteristic. Ellis (1985: 80) mentions that “long labels

these input and interactional features respectively”. The input features are two


a. Those involve simplification within the grammatical rules structures of

the language.


Interactional features consist of the specific discourse functions

performed native speakers. These do not differ in kind from those observed in

speaking involving just native speakers, but there are differences in the frequency

with specific functions are used. With references between input and interaction

features and between grammatical and ungrammatical simplifications, three types

of speaking can be identified:

1) Speaking consisting only of interactional adjustments ( i.e. there are no

formal simplifications );

2) Speaking consisting of interactional and grammatical input

adjustments (i.e. there are no ungrammatical simplification );

3) Speaking consisting of interactional adjustments as well as both

grammatical and ungrammatical input adjustment.

Which type of speaking occurs is the result of various factors concerned

with the proficiency of the learner and the role relationship between the

participants. Sharpe (2000:48) states that “speaking is the process of an interaction

between participants in order to obtain some information or news”. She also

mentioned that there are some kinds of speaking, and short speaking, including

the details, idiomatic expressions, assumptions, prediction, topic, and implication.

She explained more details as follows:

(1) Details are specific facts stated in a speaking. In some short speaking, we

will hear all of information that we need to answer the problem correctly. We


(2) Idiomatic Expressions are often heard in a speaking. When we hear a

speaking between two speakers, we must listen for the idiomatic expressions.

We will be expected to recognize them and restate the idiom or identity or

attitudes of the speakers,

(3) Suggestion is a recommendation. In some short speaking, we will hear

words and phrase that make a suggestion, such as you should, why don’t you or why not. When we hear the words and phrases that introduce a suggestion,

we must be able to recognize and remember what that speaker suggested, and

who made the suggestions.

(4) Assumption is a statement accepted as true without proof or

demonstration. In some short speaking, an assumption is proven false, and the

speaker or speakers who had made the assumption express surprise. When we

hear a speaking between two speakers, we must be able to recognize remarks

that register surprise, and draw conclusions about the assumption that the

speakers may have made.

(5) A prediction is a guess about the future based on evidence from the

present. In some short speaking, we will be asked to make prediction about the

future activities of the speakers involved,

(6) Implications means that we will hear words and phrases or introductions

that will suggest how the speaker felt, what kind of work or activity they were


(7) A topic is a main theme in a speaking or in a piece of writing. When we

hear a speaking, we must be able to identify the main topic from among

several secondary themes that support the topic,

(8) Academic speaking are speaking between students and professors or other

academic personnel in the college or university,

(9) Class discussion is speaking that occur in classroom.

2.3 Definition of Skill

Skills are the things which are done well, such as sewing, fixing things,

typing, helping other solve problems, and speaking in front of large group of


Skill is an ability to do something well. Skill is not an instant way.



3.1 Speaking as a Language Skill

Speaking is language skills which use to communicate indirectly, by face

to face with others. Pinker’s the Language Instinct (1994: 15 in Brown, 2000: 5) a

sophisticated statement such as:

Language is a complex, specialized skill, which develops in the child

spontaneously, without conscious effort or formal instruction, is deployed with

out awareness of its underlying logic, is qualitatively the same in every individual

and its distinct from more general abilities to process information or behave


Using language effectively is a key to successful communication. Like

your delivery style, your language should be natural and concise. Language is the

primary vehicle to achieve that goal. Frederick Beuchner in Byrns (1997: 220)

describes the importance of language this way:

Words have color, depth, texture of their own, and power to evoke vastly

more than they mean; words can be used to make things clear, make things

vivid, make things interesting, and make things happen inside the one who

reads them or hears them.

Byrns (1997: 220) states that “Your language is your signature and reveals

much about your character, values, attitudes, knowledge, and motivation.

Language is the primary channel for communicating ideas. Your language tells


education. Use language that is natural to you. Using language effectively means

using words that convey your meaning.

3.2 The Way to Increase Speaking Skill Ability

The beginning speaker is concerned with what she or he is going to say.

There are many questions to ask yourself: What is my passion? How do we learn

to do this? How do we take baby steps to truly train our ears to hear, to really


Good in speaking is not born with the ability to speak effectively; develop

the ability to speak well as the result of commitment and hard work. The key to

success in speaking is practice. The more you prepare, the more proficient,

relaxed and confident you will become.

One of the best ways to show that you understand something is to be able

to explain it in your own words. When you translate the ideas of another into your





about how word is spelled, write it phonetically. You can check the spelling later

when you expand your notes. Koch (2004: 166) explains that “unless the listener

understands the message, communication does not take place. If you want to be

understood, articulate your words carefully and pronounce them correctly. Speak

with adequate volume and emphasize important points so that the other members

of the group know exactly where you stand”.

People tend to adequate the ability to speak well with the ability to think

well. Remember, every time you speak you are communicating something about

who you are to others. If you want to learn how to become a speaker, you would

do well to learn from the best. After you learn from the best, do not stop educating

yourself. The best speaker is who continue to improve their craft. You have to do

the same thing.

To speak well is to communicate well. Speaking comes naturally to human

beings. Most children when they reach the age where they can talk, will start to

progress from their babbling to childish bantering to speaking and then to talking,

talking and talking (non-stop!).

The time to stop talking is when the other person nods his head affirmatively

bur say nothing (anonymous). Many of people have some difficulty knowing what

to say when we meet new people or talk with people we do not know well.

Fortunately, there are specific strategies that we can use when we want to start,

continue, or end. Fragiadakis (2000: 43-53) describes the specific strategies:


You will insight into how you communicate in a group and, as a result,

make more conscious efforts to improve your interactive communication

skills. Analyze whether in a discussion you:

 Made an effort to check that others understood what you said

 Gave explanations, definitions, and examples when necessary

 Asked for clarification when you did not understand

 Paraphrased what others said to find out if you understood correctly

encouraged others to speak

Analyze your strengths and weaknesses as a language learner to help you

focus on how to improve your language learning. It is not enough to

realize that you got an answer right or wrong. Try to understand why you

were able to do well or why you did not succeed

Develop an organized, systematic approach to learning vocabulary.

Glossaries and vocabulary lists by themselves are not adequate study aids

for acquiring new vocabulary. One method is to create vocabulary study

cards that allow you to categorize, label, personalize, and apply new


Whether speaking in formal or formal situations, we often make a point or

explain something by telling a story about something that happened to us or to

someone we know, or by using an example from something we have read.

Use your background knowledge to guess the meanings as unfamiliar


Ask native English speakers to explain idioms and other expressions that

you do not understand. This will not help you learn the expressions, but it

will also give you more opportunities to speak English with native

speaking. If you do not understand an explanation, ask for a sample

sentence with the expression. You might also ask about what age group

commonly uses the expression and how to pronounce certain words.

Choose a user-friendly English – English dictionary, and then be an active

user of it. Some dictionaries are easier to use than others, so find one that

works to you. If you have an English – English dictionary that you find

easy to easy, you will be more likely to consult it often.

Record yourself speaking as a way to get self – feedback on content and

delivery of your presentations. This will help you focus on areas you need

to improve.

Keep track of when, where, and how much you use English by using an

English Use Record. This will help you find ways to maximize your

opportunities to use the language skills that you want to improve most.

Become a more active and supportive member of your discussion group.

Try to find a balance in the way you participate in a discussion rather than

being to quite too dominant.

Imitate clear native – speaker models to practice and improve your

pronunciation. You might want to choose one character from a television


Develop the ability to monitor your pronunciation as you speak. This will

help you to speak English more clearly. To do this you will need to speak

slowly and carefully, and self – correct when possible. The more you do

this, the more you will “self – monitor” eventually improve your


Speaking is not talking down to people. Speaking is not a one-way street. To

be able to touch another person’s heart, mind and soul, we need to pause after we

speak to allow the other person to speak. But speaking is only one part of the

human equation. The other part is listening. To speak well and connect to the

other party is also to listen well. Be attractive and accessible to all. Speaking is not



Speaking is the most easily acceptable and the most teachable of the arts.

What we need to do in order to become a good speaker is to find a subject that

interests us. De Broer (1982:151) states that “speaking as the thing is going when

two or more people talk to each other, on an equal, about people they know things

have been experience or doing, their plans for the future and so on”. A good

speaking should be planned spontaneously; the reader should not feel that is

premeditated. So in this case, we need a good preparation. Speaking has both

formal and functional characteristics.

Richards (1985:84) explains that “there are three kinds of speaking that

usually performed”, they are:

1) Discussion

2) Dialogue, and

3) Interview

He also stated that no skill is difficult to asses with precision as speaking

or speaking ability, and for this reason it seemed wise enough to defer our

consideration of oral production test until last. Moreover, some of the problems

involved in the evaluation of speaking skill occur testing. Like writing, speaking

is a complex skill requiring the simultaneous use of a number of different abilities

that often develop at different rates. Richards (1985:81) explains that “either four

or five components are generally recognized analysis of the speaking process”,


1. Pronunciation ( including the segmental features vowels and consonants

the stress and intonation patterns )

2. Grammar

3. Vocabulary,

4. Fluency (the case and speed of the flow speaking)

5. Comprehension

4.1 Discussion

All discussions involve talk in good quality. Discussion has several

distinctive features. If a discussion is regarded as a useful learning experience, it

should be involved a minimum of argument, persuasion, and propaganda. It

should be purposeful, systematic exchange of ideas, facts, and opinions. The

participant should concentrate on helping each other to reach a better

understanding of the issue involved, rather than trying to convince each other that

personal view is somehow the correct view. Koch (2004: 1159) says that “no

matter which form of discussion you are involved in, be yourself”. Speak in a

conversational manner with which you feel comfortable. If you try to change your

way of speaking, you are liable to sound stilted and unnatural.

Brown (1983:130) says that “discussion should involve in objective,

informed and reflective thinking”. Objective thinkers realize that the subject being

discussed has many aspect and they are, therefore ore oared to present ideas and to


reasoning. The situation of speaking of this kind is a formal one. The participant

can not use their own style or nasty words during the process of speaking, because

they will not reach the aim of the speaking.

4.2 Dialogue

Richards (1985:110) explains that” in dialogue there could be one person

to a person individually or one person to more than one person”. It is impossible

to have a dialogue among many people involved, because no body would listen at

the same time the others are speaking. A dialogue is almost the same as

discussion. If there is to be a useful learning experience, it should involve a

minimum of argument, persuasion, and propaganda. In a dialogue, the situation ca

happen either in informal or formal ones. The style that they use can be varied.

But the most important thing in the dialogue is a good interactive communication

among the participants that the aim of the dialogue could be reached.

Brown (1983:130) explains that “dialogue could be an exchange of ideas,

experiences, facts and etc, but dialogue can have varieties and unlimited topics

that the participant chooses in their speaking content”. In the dialogue s, the topics

that they present are varied; it can be up to date, the past or even the future event

that they consider as an important topic to be talked about.

Koch (2004: 162) states “A dialogue is an interchange and discussion of

ideas between two people. It is highly successful when both participants know

their subjects well. The dialogue can be a useful classroom exercise. It is an


should be carefully planned so that both participants know where the discussion is


4.3 Interview

Compared to the kind of speaking above, interview is slightly different.

Brown (1983:136) states that “interview needs a person as the object to be asked

for by can a person or more than one person as the subject of the interview”. The

term of interviewer is used here as the person who asked different questions to the object of the interview, meanwhile the person who is called interviewee as the

object to be asked for.

According to Koch (2004: 162) “A carefully planned interview can be an

excellent way to communicate information. In the discussion interview, the

participants should plan the questions in advance so both will know where the

discussion is going. A good interviewer can elicit a wealth of information from a

well-informed interviewee”.

In the interview, there is only one topic related to the question to be asked for

the object or interviewer. This usually happens in a certain purpose, for examples:

vacancy for a job. In here the interviewer has the rights to ask different questions

without any denial from the object or interviewer. The object has to answer all the

questions that the interviewer asked for. The very formal situation sometimes is

not good for interviewer, because he has no rights to defend or back to ask for




Processes are an important type of subject. Much of our knowledge is a

matter of learning a process that according to Byrns (1997: 267).

Lesikar (1978:336) states that “a simple model of speaking process”, as


Sender news Receiver

This model shows three elements of essential speaking. If one of the

elements is missing, the speaking can not run well. For example, someone can

send a message, but whenever there is no one who receiver or hears the message,

the speaking can not run. The sender plays an important role to send his/her news

to the receiver. But the sender should be able to send the news successfully in

order the receiver may get the news or information correctly.

Although the model is simple, the speaking process is complex. The

example of the complexity is “telephone”, in which the sender sends a message,

but possibly the receiver receives or hears the message which is not meant by the


Lesikar (1978:336) also suggest that there are some important elements

too in order to obtain a good speaking. He suggested that the elements could be

source, encoding the message, transmitting the message, the receiver, the

decoding the message and feedback. If one of these elements is missing a good

speaking can not be obtained successfully. For more details of this explanation


5.1 Source

The source or the sender plats a first steps role in speaking process. The

source depends on kind of the message, the composition, which is used, and the

channel through what news is sent.

5.2Encoding the message

It changes the news in the form of verbal or nonverbal symbols that can

transfer the comprehension like words of either written or spoken, numbers,

gestures, or activities.

5.3Transmitting the message

This is speaking choice towards the media or the distribution channel.

Spoken speaking may be sent trough telephone, dicta phone, people or video tape

etc. This can be done personally or group. The advantages of this spoken speaking

are that the chance to interact the source and the receiver that may bring to the

nonverbal speaking ( gestures, sound intonation, and others ) Meanwhile written

speaking can be sent through memos, letters, reports, notes, bulletin etc.

5.4The receiver

Basically, the receiver receives the message by using his or her five

senses, they are seeing, hearing, tasting, touching and smelling. The transmitting


5.5 Decoding the message

This covers the interpretation of symbols by the receiver. The background,

culture, education, environment, and the disturbance around them influence this


5.6 Feedback

After the message is received and interpreted, the receiver may send the

news back towards the sender. So, speaking is continually process which never


From the explanation above, the researcher may conclude that speaking

process is essential to smoothen the speaking among the students in which there

are some elements that should be noticed for the students in order the speaking

will run well, namely: the source, encoding the message, transmitting the

message, the receiver, decoding the message and feedback. These elements are the

process of a good speaking so that the students may have no difficulties in



6.1 Conclusions

Language is the main things for us to have a communication in each other.

When we have a conversation with each other its prove that we able to understand

what is our friend to say and its prove, that we knows a language. Language is

human and non-instinctive method of communicating ideas, feelings, and desires

by means of system of sound and sound symbol. Language is very important in

human live it is the one of instruments to express our emotions, ideas, feeeling

desire and also as amedia to sharing the information in to our friends. In knowing

a language we can create new sentences and understanding new sentences created

by any one. Language can be broken for who used it, in a smaller element like

teenager, and youth, and in bigger element is all people who’s used it.

Language is one way to convey ideas from one people to others. By

language, someone can express his ideas, opinions and other expressions. Human

can not build an interaction with each other without using language.

In the process of speaking, speaking of course, takes place between the

speaker and listener. However, speaking does not take place if what is said by the

speaker can not be comprehended by the listener. So, in building up a good

speaking with other people of the same or different tribes or nation people should

use language which can be comprehended by both persons involved in the


Language plays an important role in our life. It has a good relationship

with various aspect of human life. The development of human is influenced by

language, feeling, and their experience with other through language or one

language of language function.

6.2 Suggestions

By writing this paper, I hope the Readers will know and get the

understanding about speaking as a language skill.

I hope this paper will be beneficial for all of the people who feel that

speaking activity is not an important thing to be done and it can be a motivation



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