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Penerapan proses hirarki analisis dalam pembuatan keputusan investasi jalan tol dalam kota Bandung

Application on analytic hierarchy process on Bandung intra urban toll road investment decision making

Master Theses from JBPTITBPP / 2001-07-28 09:48:00 Oleh : Darwin Trisna, S2 - Highway Systems Engineering Dibuat : 1999-09-00, dengan 1 file

Keyword : Urban toll road, decision making Subjek : Transportation, economic aspects Nomor Panggil (DDC) : T 388.049 TRI

Sumber pengambilan dokumen : Program Magister Sistem dan Teknik Jalan Raya Program Pascasarjana ITB


memberikan keputusan yang relatif konsisten, walaupun beberapa preferensi berubah.

Deskripsi Alternatif :

This study undertakes a preliminary examination of some of the problems likely to be met in the implementation of a multiple criteria approach for evaluating urban toll road investment proposals. The multiple criteria methodology adapted in this study was the analytic hierarchy process (AHP), which was developed by SAATY in 1994. An assessment was made on prioritizing the construction phases of the Bandung Intra Urban Toll Road (BIUTR), which consist of West-East corridors (Northern West-East & Southern West-East) and North-South corridors (Pasirkaliki-Kopo, Kiaracondong, Rumah Sakit-Gedebage) as proposed by the pre-feasibility study carried out by PT Seecons & PCI.. The study shows that the evaluation with AHP give a simple analysis for assessing alternatives of urban toll road invesment. It provides a combination between qualitative and quantitative criteria. Different from other methodologies, the AHP can involve a number of opinions, a more thorough understanding of complex decision making process, and also provides a scale for judgement with fundamental values. Assessment with AHP gives optimum results by satisfying the greatest number of involved stakeholders. Each stakeholder has different preferences for priority of criteria, which depends on the respective interest in thecriteria: as an example, Jasa Marga ranks the criteria as follows: Network, Financial & Business Aspects, Traffic, Environmentand Managerial & construction Aspects. This is due to their responsibilities in managing and expanding the toll road concessions. In general, as synthesized from overall opinions, it was found that the network is the dominant criteria in this assessment with weighting 48.8%, followed by traffic (weighting 17%), environment (weighting 12.7%), financial & business aspects (weighting 11.6%0 and managerial & construction aspects (weighting 9.9%). The results of evaluation of BIUTR construction priorities shows that section-1 becomes first priority, followed by section-3, section-4, and the last is section-2. This is different from the recommended in the prefeasibility study, and is caused by several added criteria in this evaluation, and the judgement for criteria involving a number of stakeholder’s opinions. A sensitivy analysis shows that the evaluation has relatively consistent results, even when some preferences are changed.[

Copyrights : Copyright © 2001 by ITB Central Library.

Verbatim copying and distribution of this entire article is permitted by author in any medium,


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