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Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra



Registration Number: 2122220015






Siregar, Susiyanti. 2016. Terms of Address by Mandailing Community in Wedding Ceremony Video. A Thesis English and Literture Department, Facultyof Language and Arts, State University of Medan.

Linguistics is the scientific study of language and socio basically similar to social or related to people in the society. Sociolinguistics is branch of linguistics and terms of address is one of sociolinguistics major. This study deals with the Terms of Address by Mandailing Community in Wedding Ceremony Video. This study aims to find out the kinds and factors that influence the terms of address by Mandailing community in wedding ceremony video. This study conducted by using descriptive qualitative design. The data of this research were taken from the transcript of Mandailing wedding ceremony video. The data were collectedby observation technique. After analyzed the data it was found that there were 203 kinds of terms of address,315 factors that influnced the terms of address and also there were some the terms of address used it’s not by Mandailing address terms.The most dominant kindthe terms of address are used by Mandailing community in wedding ceremony isKT (147 times) 72,41%. And The most dominant rarely used by Mandailing community in wedding ceremony video is T (13 times) 6,40%. The most frequent factor that influenced the terms of address by Mandailing community in wedding ceremony video is FR (146 data) 46,35%. Andthe less factor that influenced of the term of address by Mandailing community in wedding ceremony video is TS (1 data) 0,31%.




All praises is to Allah the lord of the universe. Due to his blessing, eventually, the

writer could finish this graduating paper without anyobstacle. Our blessing and praises to our

prophet Muhammad who has brought us from the darkness to the lightness.

This thesis was written in order to fulfill one of the requirments to obtain the S1

deggree of Sarjana Sastra at English Department in Faculty of Language and Arts, State

University of Medan.Therefore, the writer would like to thanks to:

Prof. Dr. Syawal Gultom, M. Pd., the Rector of State University of Medan.

Dr, Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum., the Dean Faculty of Language and Arts, State

University of Medan.

Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd.,the Head of English and Literature Department, Dra,

Meisuri, M.A., the Secretary of English and Literature Department and as her

Reviewer, Syamsul Bahri, S.S., M.Hum., the Head of English Literature Study

Program And as her Academic Advisor, Nora Ronita Dewi, S.Pd.,S.S.,M.Hum., the

Head of English Educational Program, Faculty of Language and Arts, State

University of Medan.

Prof. Dr. Sri Minda Murni, M.S. and Drs. Muhammad Natsir, M.Hum., as her

Thesis Advisor their invaluable advices, giving some corrections as well as giving

encouragement to the researcher during the process of writing thesis.

Citra Anggia Putri, S.S., M.Hum., as her Thesis Reviewers

All Lectures in English and Literature Department who advised and guided the



Eis Sri Wahyuni, M.Pd., as the Administration Staff of English and Literature

Department for helping the researcher in preparing all the fulfillment in conducting

this thesis.

Beloved parents, Ependi Siregar and Sarbani Rambe, for their prayer and also

thanks for the love and great care all the time from her brother and sister; Henni,

Mara Adam, Satuan, Budiman, Rizki Wahyudi and Bakti Rifaldi.

Her friends and her boyfriend, Hesti, Rina, Sadariah,Datoek Muda Benny who

always share their info and always support. And also thanks to all ELIT A and B


Finally, the writer wants this graduating paper can give benefit and useful thing to the


Medan, August 2016

The Writer

Susiyanti Siregar









A. Background Of The Study ... 1

B. The Problem Of The Study ... 4

C. The Scope Of The Study ... 5

D. The Objective Of The Study ... 5

E. The Significance Of The Study ... 5


A. Terms Of Address ... 7

1. Definitionof Address Of Terms ... 7

2. Kinds The Terms Of Address ... 9

a. First Name (FN) ... 10

b. Title Last Nmae (TLN) ... 10

c. Title Only (T) ... 11

d. Last Name (LN) ... 11

e. Pet Name (PN)... 12

f. Kinship Terms (KT)... 12



B. Kinship Term ... 17

C. Mandailing Community... 19

D. Review Of Previous Of The Study ... 20


A. The Design Of Research ... 22

B. The Source Of Data ... 22

C. Technique Of Collecting Data ... 22

D. Technique Of Analyzing Data ... 23


A. Data ... 26

B. Data Analysis ... 26


A. Conclusions ... 38

B. Suggestions ... 39






Table 4.1.Kinds of Terms of Address by Mandailing Community ... 27

Table 4.2.Factors that Influenced the Term of Address by Mandailing





A. The Background of the Study

Sociolinguistics is interdisciplinary science which is derived from two

basic elements: socio and linguistics. Linguistics is the scientific study of

language and socio basically similar to social or related to people in the society

(Siburian, 2014: 1). Language as a meaning has a very important function in daily

life. Language cannot develop in a vacuum and there is no society alive without

language. Language helps people to know each other and especially to get an

information. This is the reason for people use language, because language is a

network of relationship.

In communication process, there isa time where people should greet their

speaker. The way of greeting is called as the terms of address. Addressing is how

someone addressee another one, therefore, address is the general use of these

form, in the sense of „the manner of referring to someone in direct linguistics

interaction‟, has provided sociolinguistics with a major field of study (Kurt:2011).

With the development of globalization and the expansion of the

intercultural communication, the contact between people from different countries

or regional, cultures and ethnics are becoming more and more frequent

(Yang:2010). It is inevitable to use terms of address which differ because of the

diversity of culture.



Terms of address are culture dependent and change in the course of time

as old criteria become obsolete and come to be replace by new criteria, and other

criteria may be added to create a new system (Taavitsainen and Jucker, 2003) in

Yang journal.

Every country has two or more languages spoken by the people and also

has regional language used throughout the country. In English or American people

can be addressed by his name, his title his name plus his name, or by nothing at

all, that is, no-naming form or when someone has in doubt as to how to address

another they can actually avoid the difficulty by not using any address term at all.

they can say Good morning as well as Good morning, Sir/Mr Smith/Susie. In other

languages such avoidance may be either impolite or deficient.

Brown and Ford (1961:378) in Fasold (2000) state that speaker may use

more than one form of theproper name for the same addressee, sometimes saying

title last name (TLN), sometimes first name (FN) or last name (LN) or anickname,

sometimes creating phonetic variants of either first name (FN) or the nickname.

However,the choice is not arbitrary.

English never has one characteristic to address someone. For example,

people will call mom to address their mother, but it will be different from formal

situation, such as their mother as a speaker in seminar they will call “mrs” to their

mother.In Indonesia which has many different customs, someone will call him/her

older sister as “kakak” and younger sister as “adek”. From the example above, it

can be seen that the value of respect of someone will different when he/she



Wardhaugh (2006:268) has his own types of address terms. He states that

the types of address terms are first name (FN), title plus last name (TLN), title

alone (T), last name (LN), pet name (PN), and kinship term (KT).

Indonesia has national language that is used in formal situation and

regional languages is used in informal situation which function has a symbol of

the people‟s regional identity. For example, in North Sumatra‟s society have some

regional languages, these are Karo language, Pakpak language, Mandailing

language, Toba language, and many more.

Mandailing language is one of the regional languages spoken by

mandailing ethnic community and also it is part of bataknese. Mandailing

language or Mandailing community is different from other language. It is such in

communication process, Mandailing community use special address terms.

Nasution (2005) says that in Mandailing community to create a harmonious

relationship should be based on ethics to address someone. Addressing in

Mandailing community is influenced by culture. Culture means the characteristics

one society with many aspects; such as age, sex, status, level of position, and level

of education that they used to address someone.

Mandailingcommunity do not arbitrary to address someone. Theydo not

allowto call someone by her name especially to the older addresee. It is impolite

to address someone by her name and also the address someone with personal

pronoun such as “you” , “kamu” in bahasa or “ ho” in Mandailing.

In mandailing community, there is some aspect which influence the way of



context. Kinship term are terms for blood relations and for affine (Braun, 1988) in

Yang journal (2010), indicating the relationship between one person and his


The researcher has made a survey or questionnaire for Mandailing people

about the use terms of address byMandailing community.From the answers of

respondent, the researcher has found some issues. The first,the result shows that

by thirteen respondents, just one respondent use addressing terms correctly, it is

7,69%. And twelve respondent use addressing terms incorrectly, it is 92,31%.

Second, there is the most dominant incorrect where they use addressing terms to

their mother. There are ten respondent (76,92%) use addressing terms to their

mother incorrectly, so it means only three respondent (23,07%) use addressing

terms to their mother correctly. Based on result of survey, many Mandailing

community do not know how use the terms of address anymore.

The researcher has also found in wedding ceremony that Mandailing

address terms are not fully used anymore. Based on survey and all explanations

above became the reason why researcher choose this topic. By considering what is

written above this study analyzed about terms of address by Mandailing comunity

in wedding ceremony video. This study usesWardhaugh‟s theory.

B. The Problem of the Study

The problem of the study are formulated as the following:

1. What kinds of the terms of address are used by Mandailing



2. What factors influenced the terms of address by Mandailing

community in wedding ceremony video?

C. The Scope of the Study

This study describes one of thesociolinguistics aspects or general topics in

sociolinguistics.The researcher is focused on finding the terms of address by

Mandailingcommunity in wedding ceremony video. By explaining, terms of

address in sociolinguistics that it focuseson the finding kinds and factors that

influence the terms of address.

D. The Objectives of the Study

The objectives of this study are:

1. To find out what kinds of the terms of address are used by Mandailing

community in wedding ceremony video.

2. To find out what factors influenced the terms of address by Mandailing

community in wedding ceremony video.

E. The Significance of the Study

The significance of this study are:

1. For younger who wants to enrich and to improving their knowledge or

their ability in Mandailing language

2. For Students, to obtain more about the terms of address by Mandailing



3. For keeping the Indonesian linguistic document as well as for the

documentation of regional government of Mandailing, especially in

wedding ceremony video.

4. For the next researcher who are interested in conducting the research





A. Conclusions

Based on data and data analysis in chapter IVabout terms of address by

Mandailing community in wedding ceremony video. The first conclusion is

concerned with kinds of the terms of address by Mandailing community in

wedding ceremony video. The second conclusion is related to factors that

influenced the terms of address by Mandailing community in wedding ceremony

video. As follows:

1. There are sixkindsof the terms of address by Wardhaugh’s theory.

They are first name (FN), title plus last name (TLN), title (T), last name

(LN), pet name (PN), and kinship term (KT). From six kinds, there were

only five kinds used in Mandailing wedding ceremony video. They were

FN, TLN, T, PN, KT with the total kinds of address termsused by

Mandailing community in wedding ceremony videoare 203 data. The

most dominant kindthe terms of address are used by Mandailing

community in wedding ceremony isKT (147 times) 72,41%. The most

dominant rarely used by Mandailing community in wedding ceremony

video is T (13 times) 6,40%. And LN is never used by Mandailing

community in wedding ceremony video. So, it means that Mandailing



community are usually use the terms of address by their relatives/family

relationship or kinship terms.

2. In this research,factors that influenced the terms of address by

Wardhaugh’s theory are divided into seven. They are gender (G), age

(A), family relationship (FR), occupational hierarchy (OH), transactional

status (TS), race (R) and degree of intimacy (DI). The total data factors

thatinfluenced the kinds of address terms by Mandailing community in

wedding ceremony video are 315 data. The most frequent factor that

influenced the terms of address by Mandailing community in wedding

ceremony video is FR (146 data) 46,35%. Andthe less factor that

influenced of the term of address by Mandailing community in wedding

ceremony video is TS (1 data) 0,31%. it means that all factors were used

by Mandailing community in wedding ceremony video. And then based

on the data, factor that influnced of mandailing address terms is usually

FR or by their relatives.

B. Suggestions

After collected and analyzed the data, some suggestion are

given as follows:

1. It suggested that the reader of this thesis is important to know what

kindsof the terms of address are used by Mandailing community and

what factors influenced the terms of address by Mandailing community,



2. The researcher suggest to reader who want to know about Mandailing

language, especially Mandailing community who doesn’t know

Mandailing language anymore. It is better to learn throughMandailing

wedding ceremony video because in wedding ceremony it’s almost use

the terms of address.

3. For futher researchers, who wants to use of address terms usage as the

object of the research or for researcher who wants to analyze of address

terms from different perspective. Terms of address can be found in

every language, it’s not just mandailing language but also the other


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Table 4.1.Kinds of Terms of Address by Mandailing Community ...............    27


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