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In the name of Allah SWT, the most gracious and the most merciful whom she would like to express her sincere gratitude, Allah the Almighty who has given her the blessing health, strength and patience in the process of completing this thesis which entitle “Idiom Translation Strategies in English Version of Hirata’s Edensor” as a partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Degree of Magister Humaniora at the Postgraduate of English Applied Linguistics Study Program, State University of Medan. Then, praises are also addressed to our prophet Muhammad SAW who guided us to the better life.

In the completion of this thesis, the writer wishes to acknowledge her deepest gratitude for all generous guidance and assistance which has been given to her by a lot of people. The writer would like to express her highest appreciation to Prof. Dr. Sri Minda Murni, M.S as her first advisor and Dr. Zainuddin, M.Hum as her second advisor, for their generous assistance, guidance, advice, and precious time they spent on supervising and guiding this thesis.

The writer would also like to express her gratitude to Dr. Rahmad Husein, M.Ed as the Head of English Applied Linguistics Study Program and Prof. Dr. Sri Minda Murni, M.S as the Secretary of English Applied Linguistics Study Program who have assisted her in processing the administration requirements during the process of her studies in the Postgraduate School of the State University of Medan, and not forget special thanks to the all lecturers of the English Applied Linguistics Study Program who have given their valuable knowledge to her in their lectures.


An un-expressible gratitude to her beloved parents, Ir.H.Rajikan and Dra.Hj. Sri Hayati, who has given their love, prays, patience, motivations and supports in keeping encouraging the writer to finish her study. And also special thanks for her brother and sister, Bayu Pratomo, SST, M.P and Astri Wulandari for their sincere and support, there is no suitable words that can fully describe their everlasting love ad express how much she loves them.

At last, it is honor for her to convey thanks to Angga Pradana, SST who has motivated and supported her. Then, last but not least thanks to her beloved classmates of LTBI A1 XXIV for sharing the joy and pain together, beautiful moments, sweet memory and keep our friendship going, and all of those who supported her in any respect during the completion of this thesis.

Medan, March 2016 The Writer,





ABSTRAK ………...……… ii



LIST OF FIGURES ……….………. viii

LIST OF APPENDICES ………...………. ix

CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION ……….………..….... 1

1.1 The Background of the Study ……….….……… 1

1.2 The Problems of the Study ……….……….. 6

1.3 The Objectives of the Study ………. 7

1.4 The Scope of the Study ………..…….. 7

1.5 The Significance of the Study ………..…… 7


2.1 Translation ……… 9

2.1.1. Types of Translation ……….…..………...…… 10

2.1.2. Approaches in Translations ………...……. 14

2.1.3. Translations Process …………...………..……….. 15

2.1.4. Form and Meaning in Translations ……… 16

2.2 Idioms ………. 18

2.2.1. Characteristics of Idiom ………...…….………. 20

2.2.2. Types of English Idiom …….…………....…….…….….. 22

2.2.3. Types of Indonesian Idiom ……….…...……… 24


and Form ……….. 27

2.3.2. Translating an Idiom by Using an Idiom of Similar Meaning but Dissimilar Form ……….……….…………... 28

2.3.3. Translation by Paraphrase ……….. 29

2.3.4. Translation by Omission ……… 30

2.4 Context on Translation ………...…. 31

2.4.1. Linguistic Context ……….………. 32

2.4.2. Paralinguistic Context ……….... 33

2.4.3. Social Cultural Context ……….. 35

2.4.4. Style Context ……….. 37

2.5 Relevant Studies ……….……….………… 38

2.6 Conceptual Framework ……….……….. 40


3.1 Research Design ……….………. 42

3.2 The Data and the Source of Data ……….………... 42

3.3 The Instrument of Data Collection ……….………. 43

3.4 The Technique of Data Collection ………....……….. 43

3.5 The Technique of Data Analysis ……….……… 45

3.6 The Trustworthiness of the Study ….……….. 47


4.1 Data Analysis ………...….………….………. 51

4.1.1 Kinds of Idiom Translation Strategies in Edensor Novel into its English Version ……….... 53 Using an Idiom of Similar Meaning and Form ……...…. 53 Using an Idiom of Similar Meaning but Dissimilar Form ………. 56 Paraphrase Strategy ……….. 58 Baker’s (2011) Non-Applicable Strategy to the Data (Word for Word Strategy) ……… 60

4.1.2 The Context of Idiom Translation Strategies were Applied in Edensor Novel into its English Version …..……...…….……… 62 Linguistic Context ……… 63 Social Cultural Context ………..…….. 65

4.2 Findings ………..….……… 67

4.3 Discussion …..………....….… 68






Pages APPENDIX 1. The Types of Idiom Translation Strategies were found

in Edensor Novel into Its English Version ……….. 77

APPENDIX 2. Similar Meaning and Form ..……… 92

APPENDIX 3. Similar Meaning but Dissimilar Form ………...…….. 93

APPENDIX 4. Paraphrase Strategy ………...….. 94





1.1.The Background of the Study

Translation has become an activity of enormous importance in

recent decades. We live in an increasingly internationalized world where

ever-growing numbers of individuals are in continuous contact with

foreign cultures and languages both in their professional lives as well as in

more informal contexts, usually via mass media. The more

internationalized the world become, the greater the importance of

translation and qualified translators also grows.

Since translation has become increasingly important on both

national and global level, it is definitely a subject worth a closer study.

Obviously, there is a wide range of topics which could be investigated in

terms of translational aspects. The present study focuses on the translation

of one of the most fascinating and innovative aspects of language: idioms.

Idiom is a combination of words that has a meaning that is

different from the meanings of the individual words themselves (Larson,

1984:3). When used in everyday language, they have a meaning other than

the basic one you would find in the dictionary. Every language has its own

idioms which develop according to the culture of the source language.



they are the part of communication. Idioms are expressions of “at least two

words which can’t be understood literally and which function as a unit

semantically” (Beekman and Callow 1974 quoted in Larson 1984).

Different with other kind of phrases, idioms need certain strategy

to translate them, since idiom is a number of words which, when taken

together have different meaning from the individual meaning of each word

(Seidl and McMordie, 1988:13). Some idioms have metaphor feeling in it.

Beside of having metaphor feeling in it, idioms also can be

different from one country to another. It happens because the differences

of culture between the SL area and the TL area. Culture plays an important

role in the course of the idiom interpretation. Only by having a solid

foundation of the culture of the target language, the translator can catch the

implied meaning. Therefore, sometimes there are idioms from the SL

which do not have any equal idioms in the TL.

In the study of idiom translation strategies, there are numerous

studies that have described and raised many issues on the different

strategies in their way in translating idioms. Motallebzadeh and Tousi

(2011) analyze Persian translation of Mark Twain's Adventures of

Huckleberry Finn. The result shows that in most cases the translators had translated the SL idioms into TL non-idioms.

An MA thesis by Mustonen (2010) investigated the types of

strategies a translator uses to translate English idioms into Finnish. The



translation. It was found that the translator of the English novel used two

main strategies: translating an idiom with an idiom and translating an

idiom with a non-idiom. The researcher found that the preferred strategy

used by the translator was translating the source text idiom with a

non-target text idiomatic term.

Furthermore, a study by Strakšienė (2009) discussed the strategies

of translating idioms and highlighted the difficulties that translators face

when translating idioms from English into Lithuanian. The research has

shown that translation strategies used are paraphrasing, idiom with the

similar meaning and form, idiom with the similar meaning but dissimilar

form and omission. To examine strategies of translating idioms, the

researcher used two books by Agatha Christie, analyzing each novel

separately to compare the translation of idioms into Lithuanian. The study

showed that the Lithuanian language lacks equivalent idioms from those

found in the two English books. It was concluded that the strategy of

paraphrase was the most preferred one in translating idioms from English

into Lithuanian to address the problem of non-equivalence.

From the research findings of some studies above, we can see that

idioms from different languages are translated by using different strategies

to be held the equivalence of meaning constant and understandable to the

reader. Analyzing the opposite, the researcher would analyze the idioms

translation strategies from Indonesian idiom into English. The researcher



found when translating Indonesian idioms into English. The idioms

translation of Andrea Hirata’s novel, Edensor, which was translated into English with the same title Edensor, wasanalyzed.

A large number of novels have been published in Indonesia in

every genre. Spreading Indonesian novels abroad can be an effective

means to introduce the culture and values of Indonesia. Unfortunately,

only a few Indonesian novels or other literary works arepublished in other

countries in this era, and Andrea Hirata’s novel Edensor is one of the works published abroad. Edensor is the third novel of the Laskar Pelangi (The Rainbow Troops) quartet written by Andrea Hirata. This novel becomes best selling in Indonesia andhas been translated into English and

some languages. It brought Andrea Hirata to achieve awards in some

events, such as the winner of General Fiction New York Book Festival

2013 in USA and the winner of Buchawards 2013 in Germany. In line

with this phenomenon, there are some studies that conduct researches

about Edensor. Permatasari (2014) analyzed the translation shift of verbs and verb phrases in Edensor novel. Sheconcluded that there are two shifts of translation found in her research namely category shift and level shift.

Susanti (2012) analyzed the moral values in Edensor novel. Moral values that found in the novel as never give up, nationalism, empathy to each

others, strength of heart, optimism and thinking positively, believe in God,



However, as far as the researcher knows, the idiom of the novel has

not been studied earlier. This novel contains extremely colorful language

and plenty of idioms, metaphors and other figurative expressions, which

makes it an ideal piece of literature for investigating Indonesian idiomatic

expressions as well as their English translations. After read the novel, the

researcher found that there are some Indonesian idioms that translated

without using the translation strategies that had been proposed by Mona

Baker. Some data below:

1. SL : Aku tak merasa pulang dengan tangan hampa

(Edensor original version, page 264 line 19) TL : I didn’t feel like I had come back empty handed

(Edensor English version, page 223 line 17) Based on Kamus Idiom Bahasa Indonesia, tangan hampa means

tidak mendapat apa-apa (get nothing). In this context, tangan hampa is translated into empty handed. It can be seen that the translator rendered the meaning of the SL idiomatic expression into

a non-idiomatic one. The noun tangan is translated into its English matching noun hand, and also the same case with adjective hampa is translated become adjective empty. Thus, the idiom was rendered easily by the translator word for word as empty handed.

2. SL : Matanya berkaca-kaca

(Edensor original version, page 225, line 1) TL : His eyes went glassy



Based on Kamus Idiom Bahasa Indonesia, berkaca-kaca means

mata berlinang karena dilanda rasa haru (the emotion in the eye). The basic word of berkaca-kaca is kaca. In Bahasa Indonesia, kaca means glass. Regarding the translation of the idiom to glassy it can be seen that the translator rendered the meaning of the SL

idiomatic expression into a non-idiomatic one. The adverb

berkaca-kaca is translated into its matching English adverb glassy. Thus, the idiom was rendered easily by translator word for word as


Those facts indicate there is another strategy used by the translator

when translating Indonesian idiom into English besides using similar

meaning and form, using similar meaning but dissimilar form, translation

by paraphrase and translation by omission. This phenomenon is interesting

to be explored more deeply how idiomatic expressions which enrich

meaning translated from SL into TL in Edensor novel and the translation strategies that used by the translator when translating idioms in the

Edensor novel into its English version.

1.2. The Problems of the Study

In line with the phenomenon above, the problems of the study are

formulated as in the following:



2. In what context the strategies are applied in translating Indonesian

idioms in Edensor novel into its English version?

1.3. The Objectives of the Study

Based on the research problems formulated above, this study has

some objectives as follow:

1. To describe the types of idiom translation strategies in Edensor novel

2. To describe the context of idiom translation strategies are applied

in Edensor novel

1.4. The Scope of the Study

This research focused on idiom translation strategies found in

Edensor novel and its English translation in Edensor novel English version. The researcher used idiom translation strategies theory proposed

by Mona Baker.

1.5. The Significance of the Study

This research is expected to have both theoretical and practical

significance for the readers, English teachers and also English student.

Theoretically, the findings of this research are expected to be useful as a

means deploying and supporting the theories presented in the study of



research can hopefully spur for the holding of research deeper for further

research. Practically, this research can be used as an illustration, reference,

a source of understanding and study of the translation strategies and




5.1. Conclusions

Having analyzed the data, conclusions of this study are drawn as

the following:

1) Four types of idiom translation strategies were found, namely using

an idiom of similar meaning and form, using an idiom of similar meaning but dissimilar form, translating an idiom by paraphrase and translating idiom by word for word.

2) The linguistic context and cultural context were applied in

translating Indonesian idioms in Edensor novel into its English version. The context of prose translation not only preserves the

meaning but also the sense of language, stylistic needs and to make

his transmitted message effective and convey the same impression

of the SL. The existing cultural context in a novel in the source

language is acceptable in the target language. Even though the

product of translation changes the structural of grammar, the

meaning, characteristic and style of language contained in the

source language (SL) is still equivalent.

5.2. Suggestions

This study has investigated some types of idioms, the strategies



version and the context were applied in the idiom translation strategies.

Based on the conclusions stated above, this study has some suggestions to

the readers as provided in the following items:

1) The word for word strategy can be added as the part of idiom translation strategies’ theory.

2) The findings of this work are tentative and may not be considered

effective for non-literary texts. In this literary text research was found

that linguistic context and social cultural context were applied. Further

studies on the translation of culture-bound idioms in various text types

such as social, religious, and political texts (non-literary text ) should

be carried out because it is possible to find out another context beside




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Figure 2.1. Translation Process by Larson ………………..……….…...….…… 15


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