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Teaching preposition of location based on total physical responce : an experimental study at SMP Islamiyah Darul Irfan Sawangan Depok


Academic year: 2017

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(An Experimental Study at SMP Islamiyyah Darul Irfan Sawangan Depok)

A paper

Presented to the Faculty of Tarbiya and Teacher’s Training In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Strata 1


ABDUL ROHIM NIM. 102014023775









(An Experimental Study at SMP Islamiyyah Darul Irfan Sawangan Depok)

A Paper

Presented to the Faculty of Education and Teacher’s Training In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for The Degree of Strata 1


ABDUL ROHIM NIM. 102014023775

Approved by Advisor

Drs. Nasrun Mahmud, M, Pd. NIP. 150 041 070








The Examination Committee of the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher’s Training Certifies that the skripsi (scientific paper) entitle “Teaching Preposition of Location Based on Total Physical Response”. Written by Abdul Rohim, registration number: 102014023775 was examined by the committee on July, 7th 2009, and was declared to have passed, and therefore, fulfilled one of the requirements for the academic title of ‘S,Pd.’ (Bachelor of Arts) in English Language Education at the Department of English Education.

Jakarta, 9th of July, 2009


CHAIRMAN : Drs. Syauki, M, Pd. ( ________________ ) NIP. 150 246 289

SECRETARY : Neneng Sunengsih, S, Pd. ( ________________ ) NIP. 150 326 910

EXAMINERS : 1. Drs. Syauki, M, Pd. ( ________________ ) NIP. 150 246 289

2. Bahrul Hasibuan, M, Pd. ( ________________ )

Acknowledgement by:

Dean of Tarbiya and Teacher’s Training Faculty



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1. Skripsi ini merupakan hasil karya asli saya yang diajukan untuk memenuhi salah satu persyaratan memperoleh gelar Strata 1 di Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

2. Semua sumber yang saya gunakan dalam penulisan ini telah saya cantumkan sesuai dengan ketentuan yang berlaku di Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.

3. Jika di kemudian hari terbukti bahwa karya ini bukan hasil karya asli saya atau merupakan hasil jiplakan dari hasil karya orang lain, maka saya bersedia menerima sanksi yang berlaku di Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.

Ciputat, 15 April 2009

Abdul Rohim




In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful, all praise be to Allah Lord of the Worlds, who has given Mercy and Blessing so that the writer can accomplish his paper. Peace and salutation be upon the Prophet Muhammad SAW, and his family, companions and his faithful forever,

This paper is presented to English Education Department, Faculty of Tarbiya and Teacher’s Training, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta a partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Strata 1 (S1).

In this occasion, the writer also would like to give his great appreciation, honor and gratitude to Drs. Nasrun Mahmud, M, Pd. As his advisor, for his time, guidance, kindness, contributions, and patience in correcting and helping him in finishing this paper.


His sincere great attitude goes to:

1. Prof. Dr. Dede Rosyada, MA. The Dean of Faculty of Tarbiya and Teacher’s Training.

2. Drs. Syauki, M, Pd. The Head of English Education Department

3. Neneng Sunengsih, M, Pd. Secretary of English Education Department and all the staff.

4. All inspiring lecturers of English Education Department who have taught the writer during his study at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. 5. The staff and officer of the libraries of UIN Syahid, Pakuan University,

and Atmajaya University who have given him permission to the writer to use their books,

6. The Principle of Islamiyyah Junior High School (SMP Islamiyyah) Darul Irfan Sawangan Depok, who have given a great chance to carry out the research at his school.

7. The writer would like to give his greatest thanks to his best friends Ahmad Fadilah and Iji Sihabuddin who have supported him, shared their ideas with him and build powerful moment together.

Finally, the writer realizes that this paper is still far from being perfect, constructive criticism and suggestion would be acceptable to make this paper better.




A. The Background of Study ... B. The Limitation of Study ... C. The Formulation of Study ... D. The Purpose of Study ... E. The Method of The Study ... F. The Organization of Paper ... CHA


A. Preposition ... 1. The Definition of Preposition ... 2. The Type of Prepositions ... 3. The Form of Preposition ... 4. The Function of Preposition ... B. Total Physical Response ...

1. The Background of Total Physical Response ... 2. The Characteristic of Total Physical Response ... C. Teaching Preposition of Location Through Total Physical





Appendix II

ER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY AND FINDINGS ... A. Research Methodology ... 1. The Objective of The Research ... 2. The Place and Time of Study ... 3. The Method of Study ... 4. The Population and Sample ... 5. The Technique of Data Collecting ... 6. The Technique of Data Analysis ... B. Research Findings ...

1. The Description of Data




A. Background of the Study

English is one of the international languages learnt in almost all of the countries in the world. We know that is very important that must be learnt in our country from elementary school until university.

According to AS Hornby, “a language is a system of sounds and words used by human to express their thoughts and feelings”.1 As an international language, English has important role in the globalization era. With English, we can develop science, technology, art, business and make some relations with people in other countries in the world. With English, available a lot of vacancies in the private enterprise or in the state enterprise or even in the foreign enterprises. Finally we can increase our standard of living.

Based on the statement above, teacher, especially English teacher must able to teach with some methods. So students can understand and master English, finally they can use it in their life.

There are many methods that can be used in teaching-learning activity. Those methods to make easy teacher teaches and to make easy students understand it. The teacher usually uses the easiest and the simplest methods in teaching-learning activity. He / She can combine them with social interactions and physical actions, such as visit the museum or having tour.


AS Hornby, Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English, (Oxford University Press, 1995), fifth edition, p. 662



In the classroom, teacher usually uses the simple words and show off their physical actions in front of his / her students. Therefore students can understand the words. In English teaching that method is called TPR (Total Physical Response). “TPR is a method that built around the coordination of speech and actions, it attempts to teach language through physical activity”.2 This method teaches a language with physical activity, teacher drills the words and the students response with physical action.

The purpose of physical action, in order the students understand of the teacher’s utterances directly. But besides that, the teacher must use the model of action based on what his / her utterances.

Examples: the teacher commands to the student to “stand up”! and immediately stand up as his / her motion and the student stand up. Next say “Sit down”! And immediately sit down. Repeat the utterances “Stand up”! and “Sit Down”!. “Each followed by appropriate action until all response confidently without hesitation”.3

By observing the hesitation or non-hesitations of students, teacher can decisive as to how many more times the teacher should model to the students. It is done to know student’s readiness to try it alone. After that teacher gives the students a chance to show their understand and to decrease their dependency to the teacher.


Jack C Richard and Theodore S. Rodgers, Approach and Method in Language Teaching,

(New York: Cambridge University Press, 1986), p. 87 3



When we think the students are ready to try it themselves like stand up, sit down or other word in the form of command which the student as a group can act out, as we progress in a routine, it is important to vary order of comments. So that students do not memories a fixed sequence. After observing the group, we can continue individually, but we must certain students in order more confident to try it alone.

“The commands are given firmly but with gentleness, and pleasantness”.4 So the teacher must apply the kindness and compassion, they can signaled though tone of voice, gesture, and facial expressions. Through TPR, “the input is usually immediately comprehensible in the first presentation. Then the student demonstrates by carrying out the comments”.5

The main idea of English teaching in Indonesia, especially for junior high school is for the students to master the four skills, they are listening, speaking, reading and writing. Besides the four skills, Grammar is also must their English correct. Without grammar the students will find many problems to build up the sentences and express their ideas for communication activities, but if the students dominate grammar, they can speak and write correctly. According to Penny Ur, “there is no doubt that a knowledge-implicit or explicit of grammatical rules is essential for the mastery of the language: you cannot use words unless you know how they should put together”.6 And according to Paul Robert, “Grammar is a body of generalization about how people says thing. In order to make


Ibid, p. 56 5

John W. Jr. and Patricia Richard Amanto, Method that Work-A Smorgasbord of Idea of Language Teacher, (Cambridge: New Bury House Publisher, Inc. 1983), p. 59




generalization, we must first agree on the meaning of terms for the thing we wish to talk about.”7

The main purposes of studying grammar may be presented as follow:

a. To establish the system and provide a terminology for the description of spoken language and written language.

b. To supplement and if necessary modify the description by close and extended examination of language in action in speech situation and in written context.

c. To pass judgment on usage as correct or wrong

Without mastering grammar, the student cannot speak, read, listen or write well.

English curriculum for SLTP 1994 states: “Penguasaan unsure-unsur bahasa digunakan untuk mendukung kemampuan berkomunikasi baik lisan maupun tulisan.”8

From that background, the writer want to teach Prepositions of location through TPR (Total Physical Response) for the first grade students of MTs Islamiyah sawangan Depok.

B.Limitation of The Study

In this paper, the writer limits his study on the subject matter learning prepositions. To make the writer’s study more effective, the writer limits it only to


Paul Robert, Understanding Grammar, (New York, 1954), p. 2 8



prepositions of location consisting of (On, in, between, among, above, below, beside, under, next to, behind, beside, and in front of) for the first grade students of MTs Islamiyyah Sawangan Depok.

C.Formulation of The Study

Based on the statement above, the writer would to formulate this problem as follow: “Is there a significant difference between pre-test and post-test in teaching prepositions of location through Total Physical Response?”

D. Purpose of The Study

The purpose of the study, the writer want to know “how far effectiveness of using TPR’s method in teaching prepositions of location”, for first grade students of MTs Islamiyyah Sawangan Depok. In addition, the writer expect that this paper will be useful for himself and other people in general.

E. Method of The Study

In doing the research, the writer uses the experimental research by doing the observation in teaching preposition of location through TPR (Total Physical Response) and gave the test to the first grade students of class “A” of MTs Islamiyyah Darul Irfan Sawangan Depok.

F. Organization of Paper



Chapter I is introduction, containing background of study, limitation of the study, formulation of the study, purpose of the study, method of study and organization of paper.

Chapter II is theoretical framework this chapter discusses preposition, definition of preposition, types of preposition, form of preposition, and functions of preposition, and then total physical response, background of total physical response and characteristics or total physical response.

Chapter III is using TPR (Total Physical Response) in teaching prepositions of location. Research methodology is divides into five items. They are method of research, objective of research, place and time of teaching population and sample and instruments of research. And then research findings. It is divides into three items. They are data description, data analysis and data interpretation.




A. Preposition

1. Definition of Preposition

In English, prepositions have an important class as function of words. Preposition has little meaning in the dictionary sense but whose main purpose in the language to relate other words each other and to form grammatical structures. Here some definition of preposition.

According to the Oxford Advance Learner’s Dictionary: “A preposition is a word or group of words (e.g. in, from, to, out of, on behalf of) used before a noun or pronoun to show e.g. place, position, time or method.”1 A Preposition never stand alone, they always in a phrase.

According to Thomson and Martinet state: “Preposition are normally place before noun or pronoun.”2

According to the Merriam Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary: “Preposition is a function of word that typically combines with a noun phrase to form a phrase which use.”3

“A preposition is a word that introduce a phrase minifying another word or part of a sentence.”4

2. The Type of Preposition


A.S. Hornby, Opcit, p. 991


A.J. Thomson and A.V. Martinet, A Practical English Grammar, (Oxford University Press, 1968), fourth edition, p. 91


Merriam Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, (An encyclopedia Britanica Company, 2003) Eleventh edition, p. 981


Marjorie Farmer and Friends, Composition and Grammar II, Steps in Writing Process, (USA: Laidlaw Brother Publisher, 1985), p. 338



According to Celcee-Murcia and Lansen Freemen, There are nine preposition sommonly used in english. Listed alphabetically, they are: “at, by, for, from, in, of, on, to, and with.”5

a. Place-position 1. Position

a) The point itself -In

Example: put your t-shirt in the wardrobe. (in gives the area of something enclosed a container, a drawer, a room, a building, the word)


Example: There are no inside the house. (Inside emphasizes the containment) -On

Example: put the dishes on the table. (On indicates the surfaces of something a floor, a wall ceiling, a desk, a street)

-On the top of

Example: he is standing on the top of the desk. (on the top of emphasizes the uppermost horizontal surface. It is used with an object that has some height) -At

Example: he is at school. (At church, at the store). “at refers to a general mere presence at a place is indicated.”6


Coleman South, Teaching Some Prepositions, English Teaching Forum, vol. 34, No. 1 January, 1996




After the verb above, at refers to a place a smaller than a city or town. E.g.: he has arrived at the airport (at the station, at the library). And in refers to a place larger than a city or town. E.g.: he arrived in California (in Brazil, in Europe). For city, in more usual, but at may also be used, especially in reference to traveling. E.g.: the plane arrived in (or at) Singapore an hour.

b) Higher or lower that a point Higher


Example: the plane flew over the mountain (over is felt to be generally higher than a point).


Example: “He lives on the floor above us. (Above is felt to e directly than a point).”7



Example: a cat sleeps under the table. (Under is felt to be generally higher than a point).


Example: he sweeps the dirt under (Neath) the rug. (Underneath expresses the idea of close under, especially so as to be hidden).

Example: beneath a tree lay a dog fast a sleep. (beneath expresses the idea of directly under, with some space between)




Example: he lives on the floor below us (“below is felt to be directly lower than a point”).8

c) Neighboring the point Near

Example: he lives near the university. (near has the most general meaning of neighboring a point) by is a synonym for near. Close to means very near.

Next to

Example: the theater is right next to the post office. (With nothing else between them)


Example: the tug pulled up alongside tanker. (Adjoining persons or things considered as lined up, or side by side).


Example: he sat between his two sons. (on each side of a person or thing that has among is used-He sat among all his grandchildren.


Example: he sat beside his wife during the party. (on one side of a person or thing that has two sides).


Example: the museum is just opposite the post office. (directly facing someone or something else”).9


Ibid, p. 166



3. The Forms of Preposition

Preposition may take the form of:

1. “Single word (simple prepositions): at, in, on, from, to, etc”.10 2. Complex prepositions.

e.g.: “because of, on the top of, by means of addition to, instead of, other than, out of such as, up.”11

These prepositions consist of more than one word. They make take of: a. Two-word prepositions generally end in a common simple preposition. As : such as

For : as for, but, except for, save for From : apart from, aside from, away from

Of : a head of, because of, devoid of, inside of On : defending on

To : according to, next to, close to With : along with, together with

b. Three-word preposition, most commonly consist of a simple present + noun + another simple prepositions

As : as far as, as well as

L.G. Alexander, Longman English Grammar, (New York: Longman Group, 1994), p. 144


Geoffrey Leech, Benita Cruickshank and Roz Ivanic, an A-Z of English Grammar and used,



With : at variance with, in comparison with.

c. Four-word preposition, similar to three words prepositions, except that they include the definite or in the indefinite article end of in of: as a result of, on the ground of on the part of, at the expense of, for the sake of, in the case of, in the event of, in the light of, with exception of. At one extreme, many complex prepositions have close parallel in the form and / or meaning with simple prepositions. Compare:

“As well as v besides on the top of v over

4. Function of Preposition

“Preposition connects a noun structure to some other word in the sentence.”13 Preposition are always followed by noun or pronoun. They are connective word that shows relationship between the noun following them and of the basic of the sentence elements: subject, verb, object or compliment. They usually indicate relationship such as place, direction, time, date, manner, agent, travel movement, reference, possession, separation, and condtion between their objects and parts of the sentence.

Some example in the sentence: 12

Douglas Biber, at all, Longlman English Grammar of Spoken and Written English, (Edinburg: Person edition limited, 2000), p. 75-76




a. At: presence or contact usually used in reference to smaller place. Example: they are at the playground

b. In: enclosure, being surrounded by something. Example: Mary is in the supermarket now

c. On: in contact with the top surface of the other object. Example: there are book on the table

d. Between: in the space separating two thing Example: they are walking between two hills

e. Above/over: higher than, up in a perpendicular direction form. Over and above are often interchangeable.

Example: the picture is above the bed. f. Below: at the point lower than.

Example: the temperature was below freezing point. g. Under: lower than, down in a perpendicular direction form.

Example: a cat is under the table.

h. Beside/besides: means “next to” not to be confuse with besides which means “addition”

B. Total Physical Response



James Asher (1977), the developer of total physical response (TPR), actually began experimenting with TPR in the 1960s, but it was almost a decade before the method was widely discussed in professional circles. Today TPR, with its simplicity as its most appealing facet, is a household word among language teachers.

Total Physical Response (TPR) is a language teaching method built around the coordination of speech and action. It attempt to teach language through physical activity.

“TPR combines a number of other insights in its rationale.”14 Principles of child language acquisition are important. Asher (1997) noted at children. In learning their first language. Appear to do a lot of listening before they speak, and their listening is accompanied by physical response (reaching, grabbing, moving, looking and so forth). He also gave some attention to right brained learning. According to Asher “motor activity is a right-brain function that should precede left brain language procession.”15

In Total Physical Response (TPR) classroom learners involved in a great deal of listening and acting. Larsen-Freeman view “in the Total Physical Response, student listen and response to the spoken target language commends of their teacher.”16 Asher underlines his theory that child’s language learning based on motor activity. He claims that speak directed to young learners consists of primarily of commands such as “walk to the door”, “open the door”, “sit down


H. Douglas Brown, Teaching by Principles an Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy, (San Francisco State University: Prantice Hall-Inc, 1994), p. 64

15 Ibid 16



please”, etc. in which children are required to carry out the instruction by performing the activities physically.

“Asher emphasizes on the developing comprehension skill before the learner is taught to speak.”17 He links his emphasizes to a movement in foreign language teaching with comprehension approach, which believe that: (a) Comprehension abilities preceded productive skills in learning language. (b) The teaching of the speaking should be delayed until comprehension skills are established. (c) Skill acquired through listening transfer to other skills. (d) Teaching should emphasize meaning rather than form. (e) Teaching-Learning activities should minimize learner’s stress.

2. The Characteristic of Total Physical Response

Total Physical Response (TPR) is one of the language teaching method has some characteristic, they are:

a. Specific instructional of Total Physical Response are not elaborate. Whatever goals will be reached in teaching learning process, they should be obtained through the imperative drills based on the particular needs of the learners.

b. Total Physical Response requires to the meaning firs rather than to the other forms items.

c. “Grammar is thus taught inductively. Grammatical features and vocabulary items are selected not according to their frequency of need or




use in the target language situation, but according to the situations is which they can be used in the classroom and the ease with which they can be learned.”18

d. In the Total Physical Response classroom, imperative drills are the major activity. They are typically use to elicit physical actions and activity on the part of the learners.

e. In the Total Physical response, “the teacher is the director of all student behavior.”19 It means the teacher should decide selectively to choose the materials will be presented in the classroom.

f. In this method students are listeners and performers to their teacher commands.

g. Teacher should be tolerant when student make errors, it means the correction should be carried out in an unobtrusive manner, not very noticeable in unpleasant way.

C.Teaching Preposition of Location Through Total Physical Response

In the teaching activity, the writer only teach prepositions of location such as: in front of, next to, behind, on, in, under, above, below, between, among, and beside.

In this term each student needs table, a pencil case, containing ruler, a pencil, a pen, a correction pen and a rubber.


Ibid, p. 92




Before start the lesson, the teacher introduces the method will be used to study preposition of location. The teacher explains in bahasa Indonesia “you will study English in a way that similar to the way you learn bahasa Indonesia.” The teacher stands up in front of the table and say: “I stand up in front of the table.”, after that, he moves to the back of the table and say: “I stand up behind the table”, the teacher does these activities for several times.

The teacher calls three students to come to the front of the class as volunteers and stand with him, “I front of the table that lined up facing other students.” He tells the other students to listen and watch.

In English the teacher says: “stand up in front of the table.” As he says it, he stands up in front of the table and he signals for the three volunteers to stand up in front of the table. They all stand up in front of the table. “Stand up next to the table”, he stands up next to the table with the tree volunteers. “Stand up behind the table”, he says and stands up behind the table with the volunteers. The teacher and the three volunteers do these activities for several times according to the teacher commands. After several times the three students do these without their teacher for several times.



The teacher takes a pencil case and a pencil. The teacher says: “I put my pencil case on the table.” The teacher puts the pencil case on the table. “I put my pencil under the pencil case”, the teacher puts the pencil under the pencil case. “I put the pencil in the pencil case”, he does these activities for several times.

Teacher calls other three students to come forward. He orders the students to take their pencil and pencil case. The students take them and come forward.

In English, the teacher says: “put the pencil case on the table.” As he says it, he puts the pencil case on the table and he signals for the three volunteers to put the pencil case on the table. They all put the pencil case on the table. The students follow the teacher’s placement of object without say anything. The teacher says: “Put your pencil case on the table.” The teacher puts the pencil case on the table with the three students. “Put your pencil in the pencil case”, he puts the pencil in the pencil case with the three students. He does these activities for several times. The students do these activities without their teacher for several times.

Finally, the teacher approaches the other who has been sitting observing him and their classmates and tells them to take their pencil case and pencil.



The teacher satisfied that the students have mastered the six prepositions of location.

Now the teacher introduces new two prepositions of location. He takes his pencil case and his bag. He puts his bag on the table; He puts the pencil case on the bag. He tells all of students to arrange the object according to him. “I put the pencil case above the table.” He puts his pencil on the pencil case. “I put the bag below the pencil.”

Now the teacher calls three students to perform his commands. He tells the students to bring a bag, a pencil case and a pencil. In this time the students perform his command by themselves. The teacher says: “Put your pencil above the bag.” The students put the pencil on the pencil case meanwhile the pencil case I on the bag. “Put your pencil below the bag.” The students put the pencil under the pencil case meanwhile the pencil case on the pencil. The teacher commands his commands for several times very quickly. The three students perform his commands perfectly.



teacher call one student again to come forward. He asks to the student to follow his commands. He says: “stand up between two students. Stand up beside Gilang. Stand up beside Adit. Stand up among five students. The student does these actions perfectly. Then the teacher calls other student to do like his friend based on his commands. The other students to do these actions perfectly. Then the teacher calls other student to do like his friend based on his commands. The other students to do these actions perfectly too. The teacher does these actions for several times.

The teacher asks to all of the student to give some commands what he says, if he say right, all of students must say “true”, but if he says wrong, all of students must say “false”. The teacher stands up behind the table and say: “I stand up behind the table.” The students answer “Right.” The teacher stands up in front of the table and say: “I stand up next to the table.” The students answer: “wrong.” The teacher does these activities for several times and he uses also other prepositions of location.

The teacher calls three students and bring a book, a pencil, a pencil case. Then the teacher ask one of them to give some commands to other students. The students says: “Put your pencil above the table.” The two students put their pencil on the book. Then the teacher calls three students again to do like their friend for several times.

In the last activity, the teacher gives the students some exercise to know how far the student’s understanding about prepositions of location.




A. Research Methodology

1. The Objective of The Research

The objective of the study is to know the effectiveness of teaching prepositions of location taught by using TPR (Total Physical Response) and how far TPR method can increase students’ mastery of prepositions of location.

2. Place and Time of Study

The study was held at SMP Islamiyyah Darul Irfan Sawangan Depok, which is located on Jl. Raya Muchtar No. 136 Sawangan Depok 16651. It began by doing observation in the school.

The research was held September, 3th to 10th for two meeting every class (experiment and controlled classes), consisting of presenting and giving the test. After data were collected, the writer began to analyze them.

3. The Method of Study

In writing this paper, the writer did the research by presenting the lesson and giving the test to know whether there is significant difference between students’ mastery of prepositions of location taught by using TPR (Total Physical Response) and without TPR.

4. The population and Sample

The population of the study is of 70 students from the eighth grade of SMP Islamiyah Darul Irfan Sawangan Depok from two classes. The sample was taken



by random sampling system namely only 40 students where 20 students from experiment by using TPR (Total Physical Response) and 20 students from controlled class without TPR. Sampling is done in order to get representative data.

5. The Technique of Data Collecting

In this research, the writer used the test to collect the data. The pre-test and post-test were given to the students. The pre-test was done in order to know the students’ mastery of prepositions of location before they are taught by using TPR or without TPR. While the post-test was done to know students’ mastery of prepositions of location after they are taught by TPR or without TPR.

6. Technique of Data Analysis

The last step is processing d\the data. The data are taken from both experiment and controlled class and also their difference. To find out the result of the treatment, the writer compares the students’ post-test score of both classes using the t-test.1

Before using the t-test formula, the writer has to seek the standard deviation of the variable and standard error mean of variable by using formula as follow:

2. Determining Standard error mean:




SEM1 and SEM2

The next step is seeking the standard error mean difference of variables by using formula as followed:

SEM1 – M2 =


Then the last is determining t-test by using formula:



B. Research Findings

1. Description of Data



Table 1

The Result Calculation of the Post-test of Both Experiment Class and Controlled Class

It show that the score of both classes are on average level, means that the students’ achievement in studying prepositions of location by using TPR (Total Physical Response) is generally high. Though there is a difference in minimum and maximum standard of each class. The table shows that the experimental class higher standard.

From the table above the writer gets the calculation using the t-test formula:

a. Determining Mean with formula:



b. Determining Mean II with formula:


c. Determining the Standard of Deviation of Variable I:

∑ .

√ . .

d. Determining the Standard of Deviation of Variable II:

∑ .

√ . .

e. Determining Standard Error Mean of Variable I:

. .

√ . .

f. Determining Standard Error Mean of Variable II:

. .

√ . .

g. Determining S andard Me n Differt a ence of M1 and M2:

= √ . .

= √ . .



h. Determining to formula:

. .



. .

i. Determining t-table in significance level 5% and 1% df: df = (N1 + N2) – 2 = (20 + 20) – 2 = 38

The writer gained t-table:

S.L. 5% = 2.02

S.L. 1% = 2.71

j. Comparison between t-score with the t-table:

t-score = 2.20 < 13.26 > 2.71

From the comparison above, it show that t-score or t-observation (to) is

higher than t-table (tt). It shows that the treatment given is accepted.

2. The Test of Hypothesis

The writer’s hypothesis describe in chapter one is “there is any significant difference between students’ mastery of prepositions of location taught by TPR (Total Physical Response) and without TPR”

The statistic hypothesis states that if to is higher than tt, it means that there is significant difference and Ha is accepted.



this chapter, the writer uses the degrees of significance of 5% and 1%. In the table of significance are 2.02 and 2.71. Comparing the to with each value of the degree of significance, the result is 2.02 < 13.26 > 2.71. Since to score is the table is higher than tt score obtained from the result of calculating, the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted and the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected.

As Drs. Anas Sudjiono states that:

1. “Jika to lebih besar atau sama dengan tt maka hipotesis nihil ditolak; sebaliknya hipotesis alternative diterima atau disetujui. Berarti antara dua variable yang sedang kita selidiki perbedaanya, secara signifikan memang terdapat perbedaan.”

2. “Jika to lebih kecil dari pada tt maka hipotesis nihil diterima atu disetujui; sebaliknya hipotesis alternative ditolak. Berarti bahwa perbedaan antara varibel I dan II itu bukanlah perbedaan yang berarti atau bukan perbedaan yang signifikan.”2

It means that using TPR’s method in teaching prepositions of location has significance influence to the students’ mastery of prepositions of location as seen from the result of statistic calculation both experiment class0 and controlled class. It can conclude TPR’s method has higher influence in teaching prepositions of location for the second grade of SMP Islamiyyah Darul Irfan Sawangan Depok.






Based on the data described previously, the conclusion can be drawn that the use of TPR is teaching prepositions location has good influence and that all are indicated on the result of the research. It can be seen from the different of mean scores of the post test.

The result of the analysis of the research shows the value of to

(t-observation) is higher than the value of tt it means that TPR method can be

understood easily in studying prepositions of location.


There are some suggestions that can be given in relation to the writer’s conclusions as follows:

a. The English teacher must always give students motivation and give opportunities to be active in a classroom or other

b. The English teacher should be innovative in developing the teaching-learning activities in classroom. It hopes in order to students has more interesting in studying English.

c. In KTSP syllabus the expected objective can be develop their competencies in learning process, so the teacher should use variation techniques which suitable to student with different types of learner.



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Brown H. Douglas, Teaching by Principles: an Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy, (San Francisco State University: Prantice Hall-Inc, 1994)

Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Penyempurnaan/Penyesuaian Kurikulum 1994: Garis-garis Besar Program Pengajaran (GBPP) Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Satuan Pendidikan SLTP/MTs, (Jakarta: Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 1994)

Farmer Marjorie and Friends, Composite and Grammar II, Step in Writing Process, (USA: Laidlaw Brother Publisher, 1985)

Frank Marcella, Exercise for Non-Native Speakers Part II, (Inc. 1972)

Frank Marcella, Modern English: A Practical Reference English guide, (New York University: Prentice-Hall, Inc, 1972)

Jr. John W. and Patricia Richard Amanto, Method that Work a Smorgasbord of Idea of Language Teacher, (Cambridge: New Bury House Publisher, Inc, 1983)

Laresen, Diana-Freeman, Teaching and Principles in Language Teaching, (Hongkong University Press, 1984)

Leech Geoffrey, Benita Cruickshank and Roz Ivanic, An A-Z of English Grammar and Used, (Longman, 2003), New Edition

Merriam Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, (an Encyclopedia Britannica Company, 2003)

Penny Ur, Grammar Practices Activities, (Cambridge University Press, 1998) Richard Jack C. and Theodore S. Rodgers, Approach and Method in Language


South Coleman, Teaching Some Preposition, English Teaching Forum, Vol 34, No 1 January 1996

Sudjiono Anas, Pengantar Statistik Pendidikan, (Jakarta: Raja Grafindo Persada, 1994)


Table 1


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