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A Skripsi

Submitted to the Faculty of Language Education In a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

For the Degree Sarjana Pendidikan

Written by: Suriyana 20120540088

English Education Department Faculty of Language Education Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta


i A Skripsi

Submitted to the Faculty of Language Education In a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

For the Degree Sarjana Pendidikan

Written by: Suriyana 20120540088

English Education Department Faculty of Language Education Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta


iii I am a student with the following identity:

Name : Suriyana

NIM : 20120540088

Program Study : English Education Department

Faculty : Faculty of Language Education

University : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Certify that the skripsi entitled “Students’ Perception on the Implementation of English Extracurricular Activities at SMA Muhammadiyah 5 Yogyakarta” is

definitely my own work. I am completely responsible for the content of this skripsi. Others’ opinion or findings included in this skripsi are quoted in accordance with

ethical standard.

Yogyakarta, August 29th 2016

The researcher



blessing, guidance, and strength so that I could finish my skripsi. I am willing to present my thanks to my beloved parents Bapak

H.Syaripuddin, S.P. and Ibu Hj.Fatimah. Thank you very much for your prayers, supports, advices, and helps in my life. Your love is beyond any words, may Allah SWT always bless you. I greatly indebted to my beloved brother, Surya Abadi, S.IP and Faisal Anwar who always supports me. I wish also to express my sincere thanks to my beautiful twin Suriyani who always advises me to be a diligent person in writing my skripsi at all times.

Then my gratitude belongs to my beloved supervisor, Mr. Puthut Ardianto S.Pd. M.Pd. thank you so much for your valuable guidance, encouragement, patient, your time, and also your suggestion, and thanks for helping me in finishing this skripsi. I also thank to my proposal examiners, Ms Puput Arfiandhani, S.Pd., MA. for

all suggestions and valuable comments to improve my skripsi. I also place my thanks to all lecturers of English Education Department of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta.

My gratitude to the headmaster of SMA Muhammadiyah 5 Yogyakarta Bapak Drs. Suyanto who has given me permission to conduct my research there, for





Approval Sheet ... ii

Statement of Work Originality ... iii

Acknowledgement ... iv

Table of Contents ... vi

Abstract ... 1

Chapter One : Introduction ... 3

Background of the Research ... 3

Statement of the Problem... 5

Limitation of the Problem ... 6

Research Question ... 6

Objective of the Research ... 7

Significance of the Research ... 7

Outline of the Research ... 8

Chapter Two : Literature Review ...10

Perception ...10



School Curriculum in Indonesia ...13

The History of Curriculum in Indonesia ...13

Structure of High School Curriculum in Indonesia ...14

Curriculum in SMA Muhammadiyah 5 Yogyakarta ...15

Extracurricular Activities ...16

Definition of Extracurricular ...16

The Advantages of Extracurricular ...17

Types of Extracurricular ...18

English Extracurricular Activities ...18

The Implementation of English Extracurricular Activities at SMA Muhammadiyah 5 Yogyakarta ...19

The Participant ...20

The Activities ...21

The Problems in Learning Language ...24

Language Exposure ...25



Research Setting ...30

Participant of the Research ...31

Data Collection Method ...32

Analysis of Data ...33

Chapter Four : Finding and Discussion ...35

Chapter Five : Conclusion and Recommendation ...52

Conclusion ...52

Recommendation ...57

References ...59

Appendixes ...64

Appendix 1 ...64

Appendix 2 ...67

Appendix 3 ... 111



in intra-curricular activity. Extracurricular activity was important for the students to support their learning. Students will get benefit if they join the extracurricular activity. However, this extracurricular activity was not very famous among the students, not many students want to join the extracurricular activity. From 230 students only fifteen students who wanted to join the extracurricular activities. This research aims to reveal how the English extracurricular activity was administered at SMA Muhammadiyah 5 Yogyakarta and to know the problems found in the

implementation of English extracurricular activity at SMA Muhammadiyah 5 Yogyakarta. The methodology that was employed in this research was qualitative research, which describes the existed phenomenon. Qualitative research could give detailed information related to this research. Specifically, it used the descriptive qualitative as the design. In addition, this research was conducted at SMA Muhammadiyah 5 Yogyakarta and involved four students as the participants. In collecting the data, the researcher used semi structure interview.



usually conducted on Tuesday. It was implemented in the classroom or in library. There were two teachers of the English extracurricular activities. The teachers were also teaching in the intra-curricular activities. The students revealed that there were active and non-active students and enthusiastic and less enthusiastic students in participating the English extracurricular activities. Related to the second research question, it revealed that there were three problems found in the implementation of English extracurricular activities at SMA Muhammadiyah 5 Yogyakarta, namely problems from students (student’s motivation), problems from teacher, and problems from school (facilities).


Chapter One


This chapter presents the background of the study, statement of the problems, limitation of the problem, formulation of the study, and the objective of the study. The significance of the study and the outline of the study are also presented in this chapter.

Background of the Research

Schools nowadays facilitate students not only with intra-curricular activities but also extracurricular activities. Intra curricular is learning activities carried out within the class and should be done by students in the school. Extracurricular is learning activities carried out either inside or outside of the class, which is not part of the formal situation that students do at schools. Students are not required to take the activities. Extracurricular is an important part of education but it is not an obligation for the students. Students who participate in extracurricular activities generally get benefit from these activities. There are four advantages of attending extracurricular. For example, students will get a better score, will achieve higher educational achievement, will join the class activity more regularly, and will have greater self-concept (Niki, 2009).


activities that are done by students outside of learning intra-curricular activities, under the guidance and supervision of a unit of education. A unit of education is a primary school, junior high school, senior high school, and vocational high school.

SMA Muhammadiyah 5 Yogyakarta is one of the high schools in Yogyakarta that has already conducted several extracurricular activities. One of the activities is English extracurricular called MUMA English Club. However, it seems that the students have low interest to participate in the English extracurricular activity in school. In fact, not many students want to join the extracurricular activities. There are only fifteen students who participate in English extracurricular activities although the total number of students of the schools are 230 students. This fact is also supported by a statement from one of the teachers of SMA Muhammadiyah 5 Yogyakarta, who said that the involvement of students in English extracurricular activities over the years was only minority, the students were less aware of the importance of learning English through the extracurricular activities.

In this research, the researcher highlighted a problem. According to the researcher’s experience when doing the internship program at SMA Muhammadiyah


work in pairs then gave some tasks such as arranging the sentences which had been designed randomly, and they walked around the class to see their friends’ answers.

This happened because most of them were not able to do the assessment. In addition, when the researcher gave the task such as practice in front of the class the students were not serious to practice. They did not feel enthusiastic trying to speak English and practice with their friends.

Based on the background above, the researcher concluded that extracurricular activities are an important part for the students. Unfortunately, the students were not interested in joining the extracurricular activities. Students’ interest, ability and students’ willingness in joining English as intra-curricular activity was low. In

addition, the students’ interest, ability and students’ willingness to join the English as extracurricular was also low. Wording this condition, the researcher believed that extracurricular activities are appropriate choice for students to take the chance and extra time in learning English off the classroom. Based on these points, the researcher tried to figure out the students’ perception on the implementation of English extracurricular activities at SMA Muhammadiyah 5 Yogyakarta. Statement of the problem


extracurricular is called MUMA English Club. However, only a few students

participate in this activity. From all students at SMA Muhammadiyah 5 Yogyakarta, only 15 students participated in English extracurricular activities. This minority of participation is interesting to be discussed seeing the advantages of the extracurricular activities. Specifically, this research is going to reveal the students’ perception on the

implementation of the English extracurricular activities at SMA Muhammadiyah 5 Yogyakarta and its problems.

Limitation of the Problems

The researcher limits this research in investigating the students’ perception of

the practice of English extracurricular activity. This research will focus on finding out the students’ perception on how English extracurricular activities is administered at

SMA Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. Also, the research will reveal the problem in the implementation of English extracurricular activity at SMA Muhammadiyah 5 Yogyakarta.

Research Questions

Based on the background and the statement of the problems above, the researcher formulates two research questions as mentioned in the following sentences:

1. How is the MUMA English Club administered according to the students’



Objectives of the Research

The objectives of this research are:

3. To find out how is the MUMA English Club administered according to the students’ perception?

1. To discover the problems in the implementation of English extracurricular activity at SMA Muhammadiyah 5 Yogyakarta.

Significance of the Research

This research also offers some significances for some parties, namely the students, the researcher, the institution, and the other researchers.

Students. The result of this study can promote the understanding of some problems found in the implementation of English extracurricular activities. Therefore, the students can pay attention and try to solve this problem. And the information of this research hoped can give more knowledge for the students.

Teachers. Through this research, the teacher will motivate all their students to join English extracurricular activity. The teacher also can encourage their student to learn English successfully. And through this research, the teacher can evaluate the English extracurricular activities to be better to implement for next years.


its students to join the English extracurricular activity. Also, the school could improve the students’ interest in learning English especially by joining English

extracurricular activity. The formation of English extracurricular is expected to become a fun and effective group of study. It is also expected that English extracurricular activity can support the enjoyable learning to get the high achievement.

Other researchers. This research can encourage another researcher to continue this research to a deeper research. Then the future researcher also can take some points to conduct particular research in a similar theme. In addition, this research can be used as their references.

Outline of the research

This research consists of five chapters. Those chapter have sub-chapter. The first chapter is introduction. This chapter consists of the background of the research, statement of the problems, limitation of the problems, formulation of the research, the purposes of the research, significance of the research and the outline of the research. The second chapter is literature review. The researcher puts several theories that related with the content of this chapter. This chapter consists of students’ perception, school curriculum, extracurricular, English extracurricular, the implementation of English extracurricular activities at SMA Muhammadiyah 5 Yogyakarta, the


participant of the research, data collection method and data analysis. The fourth chapter is finding and discussion. It talks about findings of the research and


Chapter Two Literature Review

There are some parts that will be discussed in this chapter. Some theories that are appropriate with the topic will be presented to support the researcher’s opinion.

The arguments mostly focus on perception, school curriculum, extracurricular, English extracurricular activities, and English extracurricular at SMA

Muhammadiyah 5 Yogyakarta. Perception

People have different opinion towards perception. Therefore, the researcher provides an explanation about perception according to several experts. The researcher also explains the process of perception and factors that influence perception.

Definition of perception. There are several opinions related to the

explanation of perception and every individual may has the different statement in describing their perception because it is measured as something that is subjective. Fildman (2012) said that perception is selecting, interpreting, analyzing, and integrating stimulus through the sensory receptor. According to Wang (2007), “perception is a set of internal sensational cognitive processes of the brain at the

subconscious cognitive function layer that detects, relates, interprets, and searches internal cognitive information in the mind” (p. 2).


experience (Gregory, 1997). Besides that, Segall, Campbel, and Herskovit (1968) said, “Perception is an aspect of human behavior, and as such it is subject to many of the same influences that shape other aspects of behavior” (p.5). In addition, Peterson

(2012) mentioned that perception is a frequent and energetic process that influences how people realize their world, themselves, and others in it, and the final formation of meaning.

The term perception is often called as a point of view or someone’s opinion,

description, supposition, and how someone perceived the world around them because in perception there is someone’s response about a thing or object. Perception has a lot of senses, one of them is the process or manner by through an individual arranges, organizes, chooses, and interprets their sensory receptors in order to give significance to their backgrounds or to take something which happens in individuals surrounding field and condition. Therefore, a perception which refers to this study is an opinion, description, and assumption about the program of extracurricular activities, which has been implemented at SMA Muhammadiyah 5 Yogyakarta.

Process of perception. Perception is the result of someone’s opinion that passed through a process. There are three steps in the process of perception. According to Wood (2013), the process of human perception is namely selection, organization and interpretation.


influenced by what we see and we do not see. The second is an organization. When someone has selected the stimuli they need to organize the stimuli into arrangements and principles, which will support them to know the information on what we pay attention. The theory that explains about how to organize the experience is called constructivism. This theory said that the experience arranged and interpreted by applying the cognitive structure that is called schema (Burleson and Rack 2008 in Wood, 2013). The last is interpretation. Interpretation is a subjective process to explain about the perception that happens to us which aimed to give sense towards the information. We arrange several explanations to interpret the sense to various situations. This point can be affected by some factors, for example life experience, perception, expectancy, cultural factors, need and interest and structure of references.

Figure 1. Process of perception (Wood, 2013)


• Quality of the phenomenon • Self indication • Ourselves • Culture


• Cognitive schema


School Curriculum

This section consists of four parts to be discussed, namely school curriculum in Indonesia, the history of curriculum in Indonesia, structure of high school

curriculum in Indonesia and curriculum in SMA Muhammadiyah 5 Yogyakarta. School curriculum in Indonesia. Not only in education, the term of a curriculum very familiar in every single aspect of education, but also at the whole world life. Pedagogically, a curriculum is the set of courses, and their contents

offered at an educational institution. Indeed, there are several opinions that are related to the explanation of curriculum. An explanation from the Regulation of Education number 20 the year 2003 about National Educational System. Indicates that

curriculum is a set of plan and regulation which deals with the goals, contents, materials and ways that are used as a guide of learning activities process to achieve the education goals including national education goals.

In addition, in the Act of the National Education System year’s 1989 chapter 1 article 1 also mentions that curriculum is a set of plan and regulation dealing with the contents, lessons and ways that are used as guide of teaching and learning process. Furthermore, Lunenburg (2011) defined, “There are many conceptions and

definitions of the curriculum: as content, as learning experiences, as behavioral objectives, as a plan for instruction, and as a nontechnical approach” (p.5).


logical consequence of the change the political system, social, cultural, economic, and science. The entire national curriculum is designed based on the same basis which is Pancasila and 1945 Constitution. The difference is the emphasis on basic education goals and implementation approach. There are many curriculum developments in Indonesia. Hidayat (2013) mentioned they are: Rencana pelajaran 1947 (lesson plan 1947), curriculum 1952, curriculum 1964, curriculum 1968, curriculum 1975/1976, curriculum 1984, curriculum 1994, and curriculum 2004 (KBK)/ Curriculum Based Competency (CBC) and curriculum 2006 KTSP (School Based Curricular).

Structure of high school curriculum in Indonesia. The structure of high school curriculum covers substance learning taken in one level of education for three years, start from class X (first year) to class XII (final year). The structure of the curriculum is arranged based on the graduate competency standards (Mulyasa, 2008).


Curriculum in SMA Muhammadiyah 5 Yogyakarta. SMA

Muhammadiyah 5 Yogyakarta has been applying KTSP (School Based Curricular) as the curriculum of the school. The curriculum in the school is developed in accordance with a unit of education, characteristics of the school, social and cultural local

community, and characteristics of the students (Mulyasa, 2008). He further stated the content of curriculum KTSP included a number of subjects that must be taken in school. In addition, the Muatan Lokal (local content) and self-development also become the part of the curriculum content. Deeper in these contents, the school will have to conduct intra-curricular and extracurricular activities as the motor of the curriculum.

Intra curricular activities are activities that have been carried out at the time hours (Viningsih, 2013). The activities are in the form of the process of learning and teaching in the classroom. The curriculum covers the subject that had been

determined in school curriculum content. Meanwhile, extracurricular activities are the activities that are carried out outside teaching hours. It is outlined in the school


Extracurricular Activities

This section consists of four parts to be discussed namely the history of extracurricular, definition of extracurricular, the type of extracurricular, and the advantage of extracurricular.

Definition of extracurricular. Extracurricular is learning activities carried out either inside or outside of class. Based on the Act of Minister of Education and Culture (Permendikbud) Number 62 Year 2014, extracurricular activities are the curricular activities that are done by students outside of learning intra-curricular activities, under the guidance and supervision of a unit of education. According to Massoni (2011), extracurricular is a learning activity where the student participates in the school which is not part of the formal situation that a student doing at a school. He also mentioned that “extracurricular activities are a part of students’ everyday life.

They play important roles in student’s live” (p.86).

In addition, extracurricular activity is student activities related to school and generally have no academic recognition (Nikki, 2009). Bartkus, Nemelka, and Gardner (2012) said that extracurricular activities are defined as academic or non-academic activities that are conducted under the supports of the school but occurred outside of normal classroom time. Schlesser (2004) defined that extracurricular activities are one of the foundations of groups and provide appropriate intelligence for most students. In the other hand, Lunenburg (2010) mentioned that extracurricular activities are supposed to be integrative in the environment because they draw


In this research, the extracurricular activities held at SMA Muhammadiyah 5 Yogyakarta. It is define as an additional activities to give the students opportunity to improve their English. This activities done by the students outside the regular class activities and it is still under the supervision of the school.

The advantages of extracurricular. Students who participate in

extracurricular activities generally get benefits from these activities. There are some advantages of attending extracurricular activities such as: students tend to get better score, higher educational achievement, join the class activity more regularly, and have greater self-concept (Niki, 2009). In the other side, participation in

extracurricular activities provides many important outputs for students in today’s

world. It provides them with challenges, alternative resources, and life-long learning experiences (Schlesser, 2004).

Besides the advantages above, there are another advantages that mentioned by some experts. According to Guest and Schneider (2003), “Adolescents' participation in extracurricular activities is often associated with positive behavioral outcomes such that activities directly shaping adolescents' development” (p.89). Feldman and


skills and collaborates with other people. Besides, extracurricular activities are able to facilitate student’s talent, interest, and creativity differently.

Types of extracurricular activity. There are many types in extracurricular activities. According to Massoni (2011) extracurricular activities include academic and non-academic or sports versus non-sports. There sample of academic activities are debate, publication, contest, school club and student council. The example of non-academic activities include athletic, music, drama, contest, and various social event. Those extracurricular activities are selected by school to provide the learner with non-academic activities (Guest and Schneider, 2003).

Additionally Eccles et al (2003) aggregated that the extracurricular activities into five categories namely prosaic activities such as church attendance, performance activities such as school band, drama, and dance, Team sport activities such as one or more school sport team, School involvement, such as students’ government and

cheerleading, academic club, such as debate, foreign language, math, science fair, or tutoring in academic subject.

English Extracurricular activities.


classroom. Yang (2014) indicated that extracurricular English learning activities are the extension and auxiliary form of English classroom teaching.

Extracurricular program is a supporting program in intra-curricular learning in school. This activity develops students skill based on students’ interest and talent.

The implementation of the extracurricular activity also supports the achievement of education. Based on the Act of Minister of Education and Culture Number 62 Year 2014 about extracurricular for the educational level, extracurricular activity is done by the students outside the learning intra-curricular activities under the guidance and supervision of a unit of education which aimed at developing student’s talent,

interest, the ability, personality, cooperation, and independence.

In addition, the point of the English extracurricular activities conduct by the school is to give the students chance to improve the student’s English skills and have more exposure and time in learning English. According to Mulyasa (2007),

extracurricular activities are certain program held outside the school regular time for supporting and improving students’ skills.

The implementation of English extracurricular activities at SMA Muhammadiyah 5 Yogyakarta.


English Club. Muma English Club is the activity that is constructed for students and expected to improve their English skill. This activity is not an obligation for the

students. Muma English Club (MEC) aims to create the students to be able to use English language well and properly in daily life, to prepare themselves to face the globalization era, and to prepare students’ positive future. Besides that, students can improve their English language ability for the purpose of achievement in learning activities that is related to English.

The English extracurricular activities are held once a week. The day of this activity is not determined because the teachers adjust with the students’ other

activities. The schedule can be either on Tuesday or Saturday, it depends on the students learning activities schedule. The teachers who are responsible for the English extracurricular are Mr. Novian Faqih, and Mrs. Lina Malahayati. Both of them are the English teachers at SMA Muhammadiyah 5 Yogyakarta.

Creating English extracurricular activities is beneficial for the students as the students could have extra time and experiences to learn English. Therefore, English extracurricular activity can help the students improve their capability in English language. By having more exposures in English from the activities provided at the extracurricular activities program. The following is explained more about the participants and the activities of the English Extracurricular activities.


of the English extracurricular activities are students of grade X and grade XI at SMA Muhammadiyah 5 Yogyakarta. Students grade XII are not suggested to participate because they prepare themselves to sit the National Examination (UN) and most of them are taking the courses outside of the school.

The activities. Semester program is the activities that have been designed by the teachers of SMA Muhammadiyah 5 Yogyakarta for the students who participate English extracurricular activities. These activities are carried out outside the formal class activities. Students implement these activities once in a week in every semester. These activities consist of some activities namely, regular speaking activity, making English wall magazine, monthly writing activity, fun speaking activity with

foreigners at Malioboro street, live report of cultural activities and delivering the English material such as simple dialog, daily conversation, games, speech, debate, poetry reading and storytelling. However, from those all extracurricular activities only four activities that applies in SMA Muhammadiyah 5 Yogyakarta. Those activities are speech, debate, storytelling and poetry reading.


personal and social impacts and benefit. Second, the benefit of reading poetry. Through the reading poetry students can train their reading ability. According to Stange and Wyant (2008) who stated that reading poetry is one of methods for improving reading ability. Furthermore, Tompkins (2005) as cited in Stange and Wyant (2008) said that poetry does not only support reading but also could improve the enjoyment of language learning. The third is advantage of speech. Speech can help students to improve the fluency of student’s speaking. Scrivener (2005) said,

speech helps students to become more fluent and confident in the speaking.

Storytelling has a lot of benefits for the students. The last is benefits of storytelling. According to Miller and Pennycuff (2008), storytelling is one way to help students improve their oral language ability, reading comprehension, and writing ability.

In addition, there is an incidental program which means that the program has not been scheduled yet in the semester agenda, such as English competition and English broadcasting in local radio (Radio Republik Indonesia). SMA


The List of Semester Program



1st Month 2nd Month 3rd Month 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 Orientation and the introduction of MEC activity

Regular Speaking Activity

Delivering the material and English activity:  Simple dialog

 Daily conversation  Games

Delivering the material and English activity:  Speech

 News Reading  Story telling  Debate

Making English Wall magazine Writing activity


The problems in learning language

The language learner may face some problems during the teaching and learning process. According to Verghese (2009) as cited in Raja and Selvi (2011) there are eight problems that impact students in learning language, those are attitude, self-confidence, and students’ motivation, duration of exposure to the language, classroom condition, environment, family background, and availability of

competence teachers. However, motivation is very important for the students in learning English. According to Othman and Shuqair (2013) who said, the motivation of learner greatly affects their willingness to take part in the process of learning. In addition Humaida (2012) stated that, motivation has been extensively recognized by both teacher and students as one of the key factors that influence the frequency and success of second or foreign language learning.


The other factor that demotivated the students in learning is facilities of the school. According to Mushtaq and Khan (2012), there are some factors that affect the student academic performance, and these factors are: students’ communication skills,

learning facilities, proper guidance and family stress. In addition Karemera (2003) as cited in Mushtaq and Khan (2012) stated, students’ performance is significantly

correlated with satisfaction with academic environment and the facilities in the institution.

It can be concluded that there were some problems in learning language as stated by the theorist. The problems might be encountered or faced by the students who are learning language through English extracurricular activities.

Language Exposure

In many ASEAN countries including Indonesia, English is not used as daily language. It is learned as a foreign language. According to Kirkpatrick (2012) English is taught as the first foreign language and many countries only used an English as English foreign language. They only get the English in the formal school. However, English is very important to know because todays, English used as variety activities such as, used as lingua franca between the countries to communicate with other people. To enable the students to communicate with foreign people more easily, they should learn the English since now.


subject for secondary school, unfortunately, the time for the students to practice English language in the formal school is very limited. It was not enough for the students to learn the English effectively. Moreover the effective time in teaching English toward developing student’s English proficiency take 3 up to 5 years, and

educational English proficiency can take 4 to 7 years (Kenji, 2000). While the

students’ learning time in English class for senior high school is only one meetings in

a week which consists of 90 minutes for each meeting. Therefore, it is better if the teacher gives additional activities such as English day to increase the students’ proficiency.

Language exposure is very important to improve the students’ proficiency.

While in Indonesia, the students are get less language exposure outside the classroom. However, one of the good things that SMA Muhammadiyah 5 Yogyakarta has


Conceptual Framework

SMA Muhammadiyah 5 Yogyakarta has been applying KTSP as the curriculum of the school. The content of curriculum KTSP includes a number of subject that must be taken in school. Deeper in these contents, the school will have to conduct intra curricular and extracurricular activities as the mechanical of curriculum. Intra curricular activities are activities that have been carried out at the time hours. The activities are in the form of the process of learning and teaching in the classroom. Curriculum covers the subject that had been determined in school curriculum content. Meanwhile, school’s curriculum provides an extracurricular activity for the students. Extracurricular activities is a part of the regular school curriculum, the term of extracurricular are school activities conducted by students beyond their study hours. It is important to provide in every school. There are many kinds of extracurricular activities and SMA


Muhammadiyah 5 Yogyakarta and students’ perception on the problems faced in implementing the English extracurricular at SMA Muhammadiyah 5 Yogyakarta.

The implementation of English extracurricular activities at SMA Muhammadiyah 5 Yogyakarta can be seen at Figure 1 below.

Figure 2. Conceptual Framework

? ?

Students’ perception on the problems faced in implementation the English extracurricular at SMA Muhammadiyah 5 Yogyakarta Students’ perception on how the

English extracurricular (MEC) is administered at SMA

Muhammadiyah 5 Yogyakarta

Muma English Club Extracurricular Curriculum at SMA Muhammadiyah 5



Chapter Three


This chapter presents the description of the methodology of this study. It consists of five parts namely design of the study, research setting and participants, data collection method, and analysis of data.

Design of the study

This research investigated the students’ perception on the implementation of English extracurricular activities. The researcher expected to find out the answers to the research question: (a) how is the English extracurricular activity administered at SMA Muhammadiyah 5 Yogyakarta? (b) What are the problems in the

implementation of the English extracurricular at SMA Muhammadiyah 5

Yogyakarta? According to Creswell (2012), the characteristic of qualitative data collection is to classify the categories of data that will be addressed in the

researcher’s research questions. It makes the researcher challenged to conduct the research using qualitative research. Therefore, the use of qualitative research design could give detailed information related to this research.

Specifically, this study employed descriptive qualitative as the design of this research because the result repot about opinion of people that was not countable. Hence, this research was suitable to use descriptive qualitative research. According to Lambert and Lambert (2012) “a qualitative descriptive study focuses on discovering


observations and examination of record, reports, photographs, and documents” (p.256).

Research Setting

This study was conducted at SMA Muhammadiyah 5 Yogyakarta on April 2016. The researcher chose SMA Muhammadiyah 5 Yogyakarta as the research setting of this study because of some reasons. First, SMA Muhammadiyah 5

Yogyakarta facilitated the students with English learning at extracurricular activities. Second, the researcher had experienced in the internship program in SMA 5

Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, and the researcher had already known some teachers in SMA Muhammadiyah 5 Yogyakarta. Therefore, it made the researcher easier to gather the data and it was accessible. The third, based on the observation and the researcher’s experience when doing practicum there, the researcher found out that there were only few students who participated in English extracurricular activities at SMA Muhammadiyah 5 Yogyakarta. Therefore, the researcher was curious to find out the students’ perception on the implementation of English extracurricular activities at SMA Muhammadiyah 5 Yogyakarta.


Participant of the Research

From two hundred and thirty students at SMA Muhammadiyah 5 Yogyakarta, there were fifteen students who participated in the English extracurricular activities. The participants of this study consisted of four students. The four participants were from Grade X. According Mason (2012) as cited in Bond (2013), “It is still better to have a smaller number of interviews that are creatively and interpretively analyzed, than to increase the sample size where the researcher may run the risk of running out of time and fail to analyze content properly” (p.2).

To select the participants, the researcher used purposive sampling. Creswell (2012) defined that purposive sampling is selecting people who are able to help and to understand the researcher’s happening and also to increase a complete

understanding. The reason on choosing participant used purposive sampling because the researcher wanted to know some information and problems from the interviewees. Besides, there were some benefits of using purposive sampling. Creswell (2012) further showeds purposeful sampling supplies beneficial information, support people learn about the phenomenon, and provide opinion to quieted people.


about this activities. This could be seen from their attendance. Second, the participant are those who had the highest scores in English extracurricular activities. The reason why the researcher chose the most active participants was because they were assumed to be able to give explanation in answering the interview questions. Therefore, they could answer the researcher question clearly and gave detail information. This could be seen from teacher suggestion. These criteria prevailed for some participants that were interviewed.

Data Collection Method

In this qualitative research, the researcher used semi structure interview to collect the data. Bernard (2006) “a semi structured interview is open ended, but follows a general script and covers a list of topics”. (P.210). In addition he stated that

“In situations where you won’t get more than one chance to interview someone, Semi structured interviewing is best. Semi structured interviewing is based on the use of an interview guide. This is a written list of questions and topics that need to be covered in a particular order. (p 212).

The interview questions administered to the four students of SMA


There were two questions in the interview exploring students’ perception in the implementation of joining English extracurricular. There were some categories in the first question namely, participation, activities, and implementation. It categories were selected because it reflects the implementation and could answer the research question. The interview used Indonesia language in order to ease the participants to give clear detailed information from their answers.

Analysis of Data

After the data was gathered, the researcher transcribed the data from the recorder into written text. Craswell (2012) pointed out that transcription is the process of transforming audiotape recordings or field notes into text data. Craswell (2012) further states “during qualitative data collection, you will collect text or words through interviewing participants or by writing field notes during observations”

(p.239). He further explained this necessitates a need to convert these words to a computer document for analysis. Alternatively, you might listen to the tapes or read your field notes to begin the process of analysis. After that, the researcher conducted member checking to the interviewees to fix the data and to keep it valid. According to Craswell (2012),


and realistic, if the themes are accurate to include, and if the interpretations are fair and representative. (p.259).

To analyze the data, the researcher used coding analysis. Craswell (2012), coding is the process of segmenting and grouping text to form descriptions into written text data. The object of the coding process is to make sense out of text data, divide it into text or image segments, label the segments with codes, examine codes for overlap and redundancy, and collapse these codes into broad themes.

There were three steps of coding. First, the researcher did open coding. Open coding is transcribed the result of the interview from the recorder into written text. Second, the researcher used axial coding. Axial coding is a procedure for


Chapter Four Finding and Discussion

This chapter presents the findings to answer the research question based on the interview data. The finding of this study reports the data from the interview to reveal this study based on the research questions. This chapter is divided into two parts to answer the two research questions. The first research question is students’ perception about how English extracurricular activities were administered at SMA Muhammadiyah 5 Yogyakarta. The second was about the problems found in the implementation of English extracurricular activities at SMA Muhammadiyah 5 Yogyakarta.

Students’ Perception on How the English Extracurricular Activities were administered at SMA Muhammadiyah 5 Yogyakarta.

The English extracurricular activities administered at SMA Muhammadiyah 5 Yogyakarta were dealing with: the activities of the English extracurricular, the

implementation of the English extracurricular activities, the setting of the

implementation, participation and facilitator. Those will be explained in detail below. The activities of the English extracurricular activities. The first question that was asked by the researcher in the interview was about the activities that was conducted in the English extracurricular and how they perceived about the activities. Two out of four participants stated that debating was more interesting than the other activities. It was proven by Ika who said, “I was not interested in learning reading


speech only like reading the text, and storytelling was also tell a story. It was not very please for me. I liked debate since in debate I could argue my opinion with other students”. She also explained “in my opinion debate can improve students’ communication and speaking skills. Hence in debate the students was exercise to speak up and argue our opinion”. The other participant named Dina stated, “Debate

was very important for me because I could practice speaking in English more, beside that I could interact with my friends by using English language and I could have the opportunities to improve my communication skills”. However, Salsa mentioned that

she only liked debating and reading poetry. Furthermore, she explained “debating and

reading poetry were pleasing for me, it could add more experiences and knowledge”. For salsa speech and storytelling was also can improve the student’s English skills, for example improve students speaking skills. In addition can also make the students fluency and confident to speak up. As also stated by Putri, “reading poetry is a pleasure for me, I am very happy when I can read the English poetry, I think reading English poetry is good for student, it could make the students train to read sentences in English and make the students encourage to speak in English”.


was in accordance with the data obtained from the table of agenda of the English extracurricular activities at SMA Muhammadiyah 5 Yogyakarta.

According to the participants, debate was more interesting than the other activities. Three participants said, debate was good for them. They liked debate although they did not have same reason in giving their perception. Further, the participants stated that they would have opportunity to improve their communication and speaking skill by joining debate activities. The finding was in line with Bellon (2000) students who participated in debate activity would get the benefit from this activity, such as improved communication skills. It was also supported by Akerman and Naele (2011), who said that, students who participated in debate activities got the benefits such as, academic achievement, critical thinking, communication and

argumentation skills, personal and social impacts and benefit.

However, some students also liked reading poetry. The participant clearly stated that, reading poetry could make the students train to read the sentence in English and make the students encouraged to speak in English”. It is in line with

Stange and Wyant (2008) who stated that poetry is one of methods for improving reading ability. Furthermore, Tompkins (2005) as cited in Stange and Wyant (2008) said that poetry not only supports reading but also could improve the enjoyment of language learning. In addition students perceived that speech and storytelling was also can improve the student’s English skills, for example it can improved students


with Scrivener (2005) who said, speech helps students to become more fluent and confident in the speaking. In addition Miller and Pennycuff (2008) stated that, storytelling is one way to help students improve their oral language ability, reading comprehension, and writing ability.

The implementation of English extracurricular activities at SMA Muhammadiyah 5 Yogyakarta according to the students’ perception. The next question, the researcher asked the participants about the implementation of English extracurricular activities. The data showed that there were three participants who said that the implementation of English extracurricular activities at SMA Muhammadiyah 5 Yogyakarta was good enough since it could improve students’ skills. It was

evidenced by Putri, “In my point of view, until now, the implementation of English extracurricular activities was good enough because through this activity, I could improve my English language skills such as speaking and listening”. She also stated,

“from not knowing a debate, until I knew debate; from not knowing a speech, until I understood what speech is; and from not knowing a poetry until I am able to read the poetry”. Furthermore, Salsa also highlighted the same idea in her statement by saying

“in my opinion, extracurricular activities in our school was good enough but the school should increase the lesson that was given to us to improve our skills”. In

addition, Dina also stated, “Actually, it was quite good. Unfortunately, we did not


Meanwhile, one participant was against the other three perception, saying that the implementation of English extracurricular activities at SMA Muhammadiyah 5 Yogyakarta was not effective since the schedule of the extracurricular activities were not regularly and determinately conducted. It was mentioned by Ika “the

implementation of English extracurricular activities was not effective because the schedule of the English extracurricular activities was not regularly and determinedly conducted”.

The finding showed that, three participants mentioned that the implementation of English extracurricular activities at SMA Muhammadiyah 5 Yogyakarta was good. Through this extracurricular activity, the students could improve their English skills such as speaking and listening. The finding was in line with Mulyasa (2007) who said that extracurricular activities were activities which were held outside the regular class. It was used for supporting and improving students’ English skills. However,

one participant said the implementation of English extracurricular activities at SMA Muhammadiyah 5 Yogyakarta was not effective.

Setting of the implementation. Four of the participants revealed that English


it was not enough to make the students master in English. However, this activities were good for me, I am pleased with the holding of this activity, and this activity was actually good because this activities can lead the students to have a better skill in English. Then students actually could get the additional science besides learning activities. Dina also agreed with Putri, she said “learning English once in a week was not enough for me because in a short time, I did not get a lot of lesson. In Dina’s opinion, this activity was good but she think that once a week was not enough since to make the students master in English, they should learn regularly. The students would be master in English if they often learn the lesson. He continues by saying “I am not very interested in activities performed once a week, because I wanted this activities were implemented regularly. I expected this activity implemented twice in a week.


students can get the science and knowledge, and get the additional lesson outside the classroom. I was also interested, because I think it was very useful for me. It can add the knowledge.

From the data, it can conclude that English extracurricular activity was conducted once a week. Two out of four participants perceived that once in a week was enough for them to learn English in extracurricular activities because the students also have learned English in the intra-curricular activities. Contrary, there were two out of four participants perceived that it was not enough because in a short time they did not get a lot of lesson, and it was not make the students master in English.

However all the students perceived that once a week were actually good to implement the activities because this activities can lead the students to have a better skill in English. The students pleased with the holding of this activity, then students could get the additional science besides learning activities. Three out of participants were also interested in activities that performed once a week, However one out of four

participants said she was not very interested in activities that performed once a week, because she wanted this activities were implemented regularly. She expected this activity implemented twice in a week.

The participants also revealed that the implementation of English

extracurricular activities were conducted around 90 minutes in each meeting and it was done after school. Putri stated, “the implementation of English activities were


was enough to learn the English”. In my opinion it was good. I was interested, for me 90 minutes was appropriate time during the class and I think it was not too long, so the students were not boring in the class. Salsa also added, “the implementation of English extracurricular activities was usually conducted until 90 minutes, but it depended on our English teacher”. Salsa also stated that “90 minutes was enough for

me because I would learn the English outside the extracurricular activities”. I think it was good. 90 minutes was not very long so that I did not feel bored when I learn in the classroom.

Then, Ika stated “the implementation of English extracurricular activities was done 90 minutes for each meeting”. It was also supported by Ika “extracurricular was


From the data it can be conclude that English extracurricular activities that were implemented was around 90 minutes in each meeting. The students said that 90 minutes was enough for them because they was also learned the English outside the extracurricular activities. Students perceived that the activities that conducted around 90 minutes were good. It was appropriate time during the class and it was not too long, so the students were not boring in the class. The students also said that 90 minutes was effective in learning. During 90 minutes, they can get some points from the lesson.

The English extracurricular activities were usually conducted on Tuesday. All the participants agreed to learn on this day. Putri stated, “Tuesday was fine for the students to perform the English extracurricular activities”. I like on Tuesday. For me it is fine. For me myself I have a lot time so I can join this activity in all days. In other statement she said “I like this activity which was conducted on Tuesday because

we also have free time in Tuesday. There was no any other activities except English extracurricular activities. I was interested because there was no other activities on Tuesday. So I think it was very effective if it was implemented on Tuesday. Then, when the students wanted to conduct a competition, the implementation day of

English extracurricular activities would be determined by the English teacher of SMA Muhammadiyah 5 Yogyakarta. As Putri stated, “it depended on the situation, for


leaving the school. He said in other statement she was happy if this activity was conducted on Tuesday because the students did not have any activities. All students can join this activities on Tuesday. The other participant named Ika stated that “extracurricular activities were conducted once a week on Tuesday. I like Tuesday because the schedule was not very busy. I also agreed with other days. If this activity was implemented on Tuesday so in the weekend was not too busy. So it would be better if it was done on Tuesday, Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. Dina also stated “this activity was conducted on Tuesday. I think it was good because on Tuesday the

students did not have any other activities. The students can join this activity. There was no same activities with the schedule of Extracurricular on Tuesday. So I think Tuesday was appropriate day to implement this activity.

It can be conclude that English extracurricular activity was usually conducted on Tuesday. The students like this activity which was conducted on Tuesday because they have free time in Tuesday. There was no any other activities except English extracurricular activities. The students perceived that Tuesday was fine for the students to perform the English extracurricular activities, because the students have a lot time on Tuesday so they can join this activity on that day. The students said that it was very effective and appropriate day to implement the activity.


now it was only done in the school. All participants in this research exposed that English extracurricular activities were only done in the classroom or in library. This evidence was supported by Salsa who stated, “so far the implementation was in the

classroom, but we also planned to implement outside the school such as: at Malioboro street”. I like learning in the class, but sometime I wanted to learn outside the class. I

was not so interested learning in the class, sometime I felt bored learning in the class. Putri said “extracurricular was done in the classroom and in library. I thought it was pleasure if the students learned in the classroom. When the students learned in the classroom they can focus without any annoyances. Therefore I was interested and happy if we learned in the classroom.

Ika said “extracurricular activity was done after leaving the school, it was implemented in the classroom. I think learning in the classroom was fine. I like learning in the classroom, but I will be more interested if the students can learn outside the class. So students can explore and directly practice. Dina stated “so far extracurricular activities were still done in the class. There was good and bad thing, I said it was good because students can learn without any disturbances. I said it was bad because students will be bored if they only learned in the classroom. However, I was not so interested if this activity was only done in the classroom. I wanted to practice outside the classroom in other to get the knowledge and avoided the


students also perceived that they will be more interested if the students can learn outside the class. Sometime they felt bored learning in the class. So students can explore and directly practice outside the classroom in other to get the knowledge.

From the data which was gotten from finding, the researcher classified the setting of the implementation into some points which are: time, day and place of the implementation of English extracurricular activities. As revealed in finding, English extracurricular activities were done after school. Based on the Act of Minister of Education and Culture (Permendikbud) Number 62 Year 2014, extracurricular activities are the activities that are done by students outside of learning intra-curricular activities, under the guidance and supervision of a unit of education

Facilitator. The data that have been analyzed showed that the teacher of

English extracurricular activities were Mr. Helmi and Mrs. Maira. They were also teaching in intra-curricular activities. Sometimes, the English teacher invited the guest teachers to teach the English extracurricular activities. It was mentioned by four participants. As Putri said, “the teachers were Mr. Helmi and Mrs. Maira. In other

statement, Putri also mentioned that “Mr. Helmi and Mrs. Maira taught English in intra-curricular activities”. She also stated the teacher were good in teaching, they could make the students relax and enjoyed the situation. I like both my teacher

because they were very pleasant. Putri also stated that the guest teacher once taught in English extracurricular class. Here was her statement, “for debate activity, they


Besides that, Salsa had the same perception with Putri. As Salsa confirmed, the English teachers who taught in English extracurricular were Mr. Helmi and Mrs. Maira. She stated Mr. Helmi and Mrs. Maira were a nice teacher, their style in teaching were different than the other teachers in this school. She stated in other statement “I myself was very pleasure to them. I was interested when they gave a

lesson. It was also evidenced by Ika, “the teachers who taught in English

extracurricular were Mr. Helmi and Mrs. Maira. She explained that both of teachers made the students interested in learning English when they taught in the classroom. I thought both of them were good and pleasure. The other participant named Dina stated, “the teachers who taught in English extracurricular were Mr. Helmi and Mrs Maira. She also mentioned, I think Mr. Helmi and Mrs. Maira made the students interested in learning, sometime Mr. Helmi taught too fast so it made me hard to get the lesson. In other statement she said I like both of them.

It can be conclude that the teachers were good in teaching, they could make the students interested in learning, and their style in teaching were different than the other teacher in that school. The students said that they like both their teacher because they were very pleasant. Then they were also a nice teacher, both of teachers made the students interested in learning English when they taught in the classroom. It is line with Harmer (1998) who said, one of quality which good teacher in possess are an ability to give interesting classes.

Participation. This research revealed that there were active and non-active


extracurricular activities. It was supported by Salsa, “there were students who were

active such as often asking questions. Also students who were not active for example, they only join the activities but actually they were not interested in joining the

lesson”. In addition, there were students who were serious to follow the lesson but

sometimes they made jokes in the class”. Dina stated, “some students were

enthusiastic in joining the activities, and some students were not serious”. She also

mentioned that the students were very serious in participating the lesson but sometimes they were joking in the class. It was evidenced by Putri who said “there were enthusiastic and less enthusiastic students, because there were a few students who were active in the class. Some students who were not active in the class only keep silent and they did not want to ask questions in the class whether they understand the lesson or not”. In addition Ika mentioned that “the students

participated less, because of lack of coordination from the teacher so that the students were not active in the class.


Students’ Perception on the Problems Faced in the Implementation of the English Extracurricular Activities at SMA Muhammadiyah 5 Yogyakarta

To answer the second research question, the researcher asked about the problems found in the implementation of English extracurricular activities at SMA Muhammadiyah 5 Yogyakarta. Based on what participants reported, the researcher found some problems faced by the students in the implementation of English extracurricular activities at SMA Muhammadiyah 5 Yogyakarta, and they were divided into three categories, namely: problems from students, problems from of facilitator and problems of school.

Problems about students. The first problem faced in the implementation of English extracurricular activities was found on the students. The students were not interested in participating in the English extracurricular activities. Here are the participant’s statements. Putri stated, “the students were not interested in joining the English extracurricular activities. Students who join this activity were students who were interested in learning English. The other student should be forced so that they would join the English extracurricular activities”. In addition, when the competition was approaching, the student was very hard to be controlled. Dina stated, “some

students often sneaked out from English extracurricular activities”.

Based on the data above, it could be seen that the first problem in the

implementation of English extracurricular activities was students’ motivation. From


supported by Othman and Shuqair (2013) who said, the motivation of learner greatly affects their willingness to take part in the process of learning. In addition Humaida (2012) stated that, motivation has been extensively recognized by both teacher and students as one of the key factors that influence the frequency and success of second or foreign language learning.

Problems of facilitator. The second problem found in the implementation of English extracurricular activities was from the facilitator. The absence of the teacher made the students lazy to participate in English extracurricular activities. In addition, there was lack coordination between the students and the teacher when they wanted to conduct the English extracurricular activities.

Salsa also said, “in my opinion, the problem in the English extracurricular activities was that the students feel hard to understand the lesson if the teacher teaches too fast. Sometimes in English extracurricular activities the teacher were absent and cancel the class because they were busy”. Putri also said, “There was no coordination between the teacher and the students”. In addition, Dina said that teacher

substitution made the students confused in learning. Dina continued in her statement, “sometimes the teachers were substituted. This made the students confused”.

Based on the information above, the facilitator was one of the problems in the implementation of English extracurricular activities at SMA Muhammadiyah 5 Yogyakarta. The teacher style such as teaching too fast made the students hard to understand the lesson. The teacher attendance also influenced the students’ interest in


large part in his or her management of the classroom environment. In addition, he explained about the kind of language teacher use with students. It should at all time be understandable, especially when giving lessons, it should be clear and well stage (not speaking to fast). Therefore, Dornyei (2001) as cited in Othman and Shuqair (2013) said, teacher skills in encouraging the students should be realized as central to teaching effectiveness.

Problems of school. The last problem found in the implementation of English extracurricular activities were from the school. The participants mentioned that there was lack of support from the school as well as lack of facilities. Ika said, “lack of the

facilities”. Salsa also stated, “in my opinion the problem was the lack of the facilities,

so we felt hard to learn”. Putri, “it was lack support from the school”.

Based on the information above, it could be concluded that the school was one of the problems in the implementation of English extracurricular activities at SMA Muhammadiyah 5 Yogyakarta. The school did not support the students to make them interested in learning. The lack of facilities such as place also could become a

problem for the students in learning. It is in line with the result of research that written by Mushtaq and Khan (2012), there are some factors that affect the student academic performance, and these factors are: students’ communication skills,


Chapter Five

Conclusion and Recommendation

The result of the research that has been acquired in the previous chapter then it would be concluded in this chapter. Then, the researcher also gives

recommendation for the students at SMA Muhammadiyah 5 Yogyakarta, the teacher, the institution and also future researcher.


One of the ways to enhance English skill at school was by joining English Extracurricular activities. English extracurricular activities were important for the students to support their learning. SMA Muhammadiyah 5 Yogyakarta conducted the English extracurricular activities for the students. However, not many students want to join the extracurricular activity. From 230 students only fifteen students who wanted to join the extracurricular activities. Hence, the objective of this research were to find out how the English extracurricular activities were administered at SMA Muhammadiyah 5 Yogyakarta and to discover the problems in the implementation of English extracurricular activities at SMA Muhammadiyah 5 Yogyakarta.


activities. Then some students also like reading poetry. The students perceived that through reading poetry students could practice and learned more about reading the English sentences and encourage them to speak in English. The second point of the first research question was the students’ perception on the implementation of English extracurricular activities. The data showed that there were three participants who said that the implementation of English extracurricular activities at SMA Muhammadiyah 5 Yogyakarta was good enough since it could improve students’ skills. Meanwhile, one participant was against the other three perceptions, saying the implementation of English extracurricular was not effective since the schedule of the English

extracurricular activities were not regularly and determinedly conducted. Additionally, implementation was divided into three categories namely setting, facilitator and participation. Hence, the setting was also classified into three parts namely time, day and place. The first was about students’ perception on the setting of the implementation which included the time. The participants revealed that English extracurricular activity was conducted once a week. Two out of four


the students to have a better skill in English. The students pleased with the holding of this activity, then students could get the additional science besides learning activities. Three out of participants were also interested in activities that performed once a week, However one out of four participants said she was not very interested in activities that performed once a week, because she wanted this activities were implemented regularly. She expected this activity implemented twice in a week.

The data revealed that the English extracurricular activities that were implemented was around 90 minutes in each meeting. The students said that 90 minutes was enough for them because they was also learned the English outside the extracurricular activities. Students perceived that the activities that conducted around 90 minutes were good. It was appropriate time during the class and it was not too long, so the students were not boring in the class. The students also said that 90 minutes was effective in learning. During 90 minutes, they can get some points from the lesson.


Figure 1. Process of perception (Wood, 2013)
Table 2.1 The List of Semester Program
Figure 2. Conceptual Framework


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