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The Darkness In Kill Me If You Can By James Patterson And Marshall Karp


Academic year: 2016

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Submitted to Faculty of Cultural Study, University of North Sumatera in partial fulfillment of the requirements for DIPLOMA (D-III) in English

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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Bismillahirahmaanirrahim

First of all, I would like to thank and praise to the Almighty God ALLAH SWT for blessing and giving me opportunity, health, and ability to accomplish this paper. Afterwards, invocations and greetings I deliver to the last Prophet Muhammad SAW who has brought us into the time of humanities.

I would like to thank to Dr.Drs. Ridwan Hanafiah, S.H.,M.A. as the Dean of Faculty of Culture Studies. Then, I would like to thank to Dr. Matius C.A.Sembiring, M.A., the Head of Diploma III English Study Program, who has shared his time to guide me in the process of my study. I would like to dedicate a deep gratitude to my supervisor, Dr.Drs. Ridwan Hanafiah, S.H.,M.A., for the valuable time to give the correct and give constructive criticisms in completing this paper. Then, I would like to express my sincere gratitude and appreciation to all lecturers in English Diploma Study Program for their valuable guidance and knowledge that they gave to me during my study.


Dessy Oktaviani Masriyanto, Okky Sari Indriaviani Masriyanto, and Poppy Wahyuni Masriyanto. They are always pray and waiting me to finally this paper.

And the last, My big family in East Java : Happy Septian Rizal (Mas), Bude Sri Masdiati , Pakde Marfianto, Tante Enik, Tante Dessy Novarini (Ririn). In Tebing : Ratna Sari Dewi Nst and Madi Thank you so much, they always pray and support me not to easy giving up, then remember me in Medan to success in my study. Love you so much for them.

To my lovely friends in English Diploma III 2010 : Dicy Setiawan, (Dicot), Maya Regina (Bibeh), Nelfi Okmita (Ufi), Johana Laura, Fatimah Zahra (Memeh), Siti Romadiana (Bu Haji), Ivana Je, Atika Akhmar, Rummy Hadina, Siti Fiqih Fauziah (Ivo), Mariana, Selly, Diah Asri Utami (Bundbund), Dwi, Deviana, and Retno (Embem).

Special thanks to Raden Andry Mustika Hadi (Zombon), My big Family, Muhammad Ikhsandy Wibowo (Asenk) for your love me always, take care, advices, prayers to accomplish my study, always give me supports and motivations which you have given during my study.


faculty of science culture for your cares, advices and supports me. Also thanks to my all friends at English Diploma III 2010, and the last of the campus organizations ( S.W.D : Seoul West Dance in Cikal - USU to all members ) thank you very much for all of you, for your attention and support to me.

Finally, I realize that this paper is still far from being perfect. Therefore, I welcome any constructive criticisms and suggestions to this paper. I hope this paper would be useful for the readers.

Medan, June 2013 The writer,




3. ANALYSIS … ………..………...….. 14


4.1 Conclusion ……….... 25

4.2 Suggestion ……….... 27

BIBLIOGRAP ………... 28






1. INTRODUCTION 1.1Background of the Study

Literary work is the result of human imagination that is both beautiful and a wonderful impression on the soul of the reader. The image is the power of thought to imagine or create images based on true events or person experiences. According to the literary genre can be divided into three, namely: prose (fiction), poetry and drama. There are three types of literary genres, the writer just focuses on the study of prose fiction. For more systematic understanding so that we will advance understanding outlined prose (fiction) in the opinion of some figures.


character's personality based on certain psychological theories have been carried out by students, especially students program of study.


1.2Problem of the study

The problem of this study are:

1). What is the theme of this novel?

2). What and who are the characters of the player of the novel “Kill Me If

You Can”? 1.3Scope of the study

The writer believes that there are many important aspects of the novel that can be discussed. In writing the paper the writer only focuses about the darkness side of the character. In learning about the darkness in the novel, the first step is main characters..

1.4Purpose of the study The purposes of the study are:

1). To know what are the motives to kill the Walter Zelvas.

2). To find out who kill the Walter Zelvas, Vadim Chukov and Marta Krall..

3). To find out why the killers kill Walter Zelvas, Vadim Chukov and Marta Krall.


4. To describe the characters of the novel. The writer describes the character who play in a novel.

1.5Method of the Study



Theme is the idea underlying the literature. The theme is sometimes supported by the depiction of the background; the work of others is implied in the characterizations. The theme even is a factor that binds to the events in a single groove.” Thus, the theme is a major thought as a literary work that is implied in the characterizations (Sudjiman, 1967:51). The author tries to understand the whole problem internally by studying a number of issues in relation to the existence of an individual as well as the relationship between the individual and society.

Theme or themes refers to the result of general and abstract thinking of writing. In this part, idea becomes the general thinking of the novel. In literary study the consideration of themes relates to meaning, interpretation, explanation, and significance. Though themes are usually extensive and complex, separate ideas may be named by a single word.

Theme as the deliver part in a novel must be related with the other elements to build a good story. As a necessary part in a novel, it is important to build a good story. As a necessary part in a novel, it is important to know clearly what the theme is. Because it just have a little bit different with an ordinary sentence. Roberts and Henry (1993:361) stated that word or sentence contains idea. As what is stated in the following:


predicate before we can use it as a basis of understanding. It is important to recognize than an assertion of an idea is not the same as an ordinary sentence.”

We can say that a single word as an idea after we build it into a sentence. This needed a subject, predicate and the other supporting parts like in an ordinary sentence. But we need to know deeper that even though both build on subject and predicate, an idea is not the same as an ordinary sentence. We need to recognize the both parts by analyzing the meaning of the sentence or the idea.

Without any consideration to analyze the sentences, it could be difficult to recognize which one of both. Ideas are presented along with the expression or implication that certain conditions and standards should be highly valued. Hamalian and Karl (1967:322) emphasized that all stories should has theme as they said all stories have a theme or purpose, no matter how deviously the author choses to present it. At one time authors stated their purpose, but such a procedure has become old-fashioned; no self-respecting writer at present will do more than imply this theme. He suggests is through character, atmosphere, setting, plot, and style-thus theme is a kind of composite statement which requires our comprehension of numerous other elements.

To show the theme, the author may tells by the other elements parts of the novel. There are character, atmosphere, setting, plot and style. It could be more interesting to concluding the theme if we recognize it.


dangerous, and the most open to wild error. If you want to find meaning, you must to put yourself in the writer’s hands and efface part of yourself. Otherwise every story, regrettably, will sound exactly like you.

We really challenge to find the theme. But be careful it is enjoyable in the other hand, also dangerous. Because a little mistake will bring the story and the reader can be confuse. So we can imagine as the real author of the story to make easier us to find the meaning or the theme.

Stanton (1965:3) classifies the background along with the characters and plot into the facts. The third reason it is this which will be encountered and can be factually imagination by the reader if reading a fiction or three things here that are concrete footing and clear.

From the explanation above the writer can conclude that setting is the environment that surrounds an event in the story, the universe which interacts with events in progress or the background where, when, and social circumstances into a characters to do and something about the incident.


Staton (2007:7) stated that theme gives a strong explained about the unity of what is happening in the story, and tell about the story of life in a common context. The purpose of theme is to give a shape and effect in our mind, so make the story easy to remember.

A good theme has to represent the entire story in the novel. Sometimes the theme shapes in to the fact that comes from the human experience. It is explored by the story and then gives impression for each of event in life. The theme of the novel is more than its subject matter, because an author’s technique can play as strong a rule in developing a theme as the action of the characters do. Sometimes because of the length of novels and the various characters, conflict, and scenes, found within them, reader can look at different aspects of the work to uncover different interpretations of the meaning of the tale.


To assess the character can be seen by what is said and what is done. The identification is based on its consistency, in terms of consistency of attitude, morality, behavior, and thinking to solve, to look and behave in the face of each event. As quoted by Fananie (2001:87), the character actors of fiction to emerge from a number of events and how these characters react to events encountered.

Character is the actors or actress who takes a part in the story. They are who play their own position as a protagonist or antagonist, and as the main character or the supporting character. The protagonist usually plays as a good or a kind character and could be the winner in the end of the story. The antagonist becomes the bad one and the loser. The main character become the central of the story and supporting character plays as who support the antagonist or be the protagonist character.


Second, under scribed appearance, the author does not describe the characteristic of the characters directly. Character is built through the habit of thinking, ways of making decision in the face of every event, travel career, and the relationship to other character, including comments from one character to another character. To describe the characteristic of the characteristic in this model can’t be seen only in one event within a certain time unit, but must be seen from the sequence of events as a whole. Model such as this is sometimes associated with past events.

Staton (2007:45-46) says that story hinges on the actions undertaken by its main character, or protagonist, a term drawn from crying an ancient Greek tragedy (literally “first debater”) that is more useful in discussions of fiction than such misleading term as hero or heroine. Additionally, stories may contain an opposing character, or antagonist, with whom the protagonist is drawn into conflict.

Character plays a great novel. By the character we could know the situation and condition of the player. The character many be sad, happy, the darkness, murder, mad or etc. A character may be defined as a verbal representation of a human being.

The character is called as the main character if it fills the three conditions, namely: most involved with the meaning or theme, most relate to other characters and most takes of the storytelling.


when they read it. Being sad if the characters sad and on both side. Roberts (1995:131) added that through action, speech, description, and commentary, authors portray characters who are worth caring about, rooting for, and even loving, although there are also characters you may laugh at, dislike, or even hate.

Hamalian and Karl asserted that Finally, character is of interest for the very personal reason that we want to see how the other people live, how they make a decision and react to responsibility, how they pursue their goals. Think of characters in stories and novels as real people, and then let your imaginations go.

Point of view is the “narrative point of view,” how the story is told more specifically, who tells it. There are two distinctly different types of point of view and each of those two types has two variations.

In the first person point of view, the story is told by a character within the story, a character using the first person pronoun, ‘I’.


Different points of view can emphasize different things. A first person protagonist narrator would give us access to the thoughts of the main character. If the author does not want us to have that access, he could use the first person observer, for example, or the third person dramatic.

Point of view direct to the way of the story telling in a novel. It is the way of perception which is used by the author as a device to appear characters, action, setting and many kinds of events which may from the story in a fiction to the readers Coyle (1998:248).

According to Peck (1994:68) stated that Point of view is a technique that is used by author to find and tell the meaning of his artistic work to the readers. The author expects that the readers can accept his technique. Point of view has psychological connection to the readers, and the readers need clear perception about the point of view. The readers understanding about the novel will be influenced by a clear point of view. Point of view is not only considered as the way of dramatic limitation but also considered as serving the thematic definition, because a novel offers values, attitude, and life perception which is controlled and served by the author intentionally through point of view.


Setting in literature is an element of the place, time, and the circumstance that led to a story occurs. Setting is also a state of the environment in the event when the story takes place. Aminuddin (1987:67) says, “Setting is the background of events in a work of fiction in the form of location, time, or event, as well as physical function and psychological function.”

This opinion is a based on that setting, there are three types of physical and psychological function in a novel.

Welek and Warren (1962:221) said that in addition to explaining the function of the setting as a depiction of a place (space) and time, the setting is also very closely connected with the characters. It means with the depiction of the setting of all the events, circumstances and the atmospheres are carried out by the figures can be felt by the reader. Precise depiction of the setting will be able to give a certain atmosphere and make the story more vivid. Another opinion about the setting that Stanton (2007:35) suggests is: “Setting is the environment that surrounds an event in the story, the universe that interacts with the events taking place.”

So, this opinion that setting is also an environment that interacts with the state of events that are taking place.



There are six main characters that darkness in this novel, namely: Matthew Bannon, Walter Zelvas, The Ghost, Vadim Chukov, Nathaniel Prince, and Marta Krall.

1). Matthew Bannon

Matthew Bannon is a poor art student living in New York. He's a master candidate in Fine Arts at Parsons in Manhattan. He has found the love of his life in Katherine Sanborne, a professor of Fine Arts at Parson's. He was originally from Hotchkiss, Colorado, his father wanted him to follow family tradition and join the Marines, his mother hoped he would be more artistic like her. So he compromised, four years n the Marines with tours to Iraq and Afghanistan, then he moved to New York to study art.


It way just an ordinary day in New York when Grand Central Station was suddenly filled with gunshots and two huge explosions. Everyone thought it was a terrorist attack and people poured out of the building as fast as they could before they were caught up in another attack like 9/11. As Matthew was running out of the terminal he saw a man lying on the floor in front of an open locker. By the time he reached the man he was dead, but Matthew took what was in the locker. A bag, a bag filled with diamonds. Matthew took it and ran. He thought he life was really going to change. After selling these diamonds he'd be a very rich man.

He finds a duffel bag filled with diamonds during a chaotic attack at Grand Central Station. Plans for a worry-free life with his gorgeous girlfriend Katherine fill his thoughts--until he realizes that he is being hunted, and that whoever is after him won't stop until they have reclaimed the diamonds and exacted their revenge.


in his expensive aesthetic education can prepare him (or us) for the adventures that lay before him in this new James Patterson thriller.

Matthew Bannon had a plan to kill Marta Krall, with her back to the room told her hotl and reasonable to take photos. When they returned to the room matthew, matthew pretend that Marta also follow him down. And when Martha looked down, matthew told to turn around. Matthew began to turn around, right hold of the pen and the pen that she plugs into her eyeball up Roberts fell and died.

Patterson (2011:215-216) says, "I turned, and her eyes dropped to my crotch for an instant. I grabbed the Rapidograph pen from the table, and plunged the steel tip directly into the gel of Marta Krall's right eye. She gasped, and I forced it deeper - into her brain. Her long legs went out from under her. She collapsed into me but I let her fall.

Matthew is quite likeable and whilst his romance with his girlfriend Katherine is identical to every other romance in Patterson’s books it comes across o.k. The twist that many reviewers mention is as plain as the nose on your face. I was pleased it was revealed early on so it eliminated the tedium of having figured it out.


As clever-clever we cover lies. it will to dismantle well. lying is bad for yourself, because problems arise lie that makes us regret. Regret always comes too late, before the comings of regret do not ever lie to others.

Patterson (2011-272) says,“I want my girlfriend back.” Matthew said. “And I want my diamonds,” Chukov said. “I have them right here,” I lied. “I’ll trade you. You can have your goddamn diamonds-just give Katherine back to me. Untouched. Unharmed.”

2). Walter Zelvas

Walter Zelvas is members of the international Diamond Syndicate have brought run diamonds worth $ 16,000,000 from his job. The Ghost is assassin greatest the worlds, who has just release his hit most high-profile: killing Walter Zelvas, member of the international Diamond Syndicate.

Patterson (2011:58) says, “Zelvas went home. That night, for the first time since he was a little boy, he sobbed into his pillow. He had slowly stolen a fortune in diamonds from the syndicate so that one day he could run off with his beloved Natalia. But now he despised her. He would leave without her. Just him. And the diamonds.”

Walter Zelvas is he worked for the Russian mob. Among other things, they

run a global diamond-smuggling operation, and Zelvas was taking off with a bag

full of diamonds that he stole from them.

Walter is the boyfriend of Natalie Zelvas. He intends to darken this


the son of the Prince Nathaniel, Nathaniel Prince of a father having sex with his

own daughter. Thus making Zelvas sorry, and he had to throw away his feelings

for Natalie. Zelvas disappointed after listening to all the stories the truth about the

family of Nathaniel Prince Vadim Chukov mouth. Natalie has destroyed all hopes

for Natalie worked with Prince Nathaniel. Now the thought Zelvas is Going away

from the city of New York with a diamond without Natalie traitor. Zelvas will

take away the diamonds themselves. And forget about Natalie.

Carry off the possessions of others do not either, because it would be

disastrous that cause harm yourself to people who take things people who are not

their rights.

3). Vadim Chukov

Vadim Chukov is a messenger unto from the Prince Natahaniel to find his diamond. And Vadim Chukov hired both assassins is the Ghost and Marta Krall to find diamonds. And mission Vadim is ordered Marta to kill Ghost.

Vadim Chukov hires both the Ghost and his fiercest competitor, Marta Krall, to find the diamonds. But as Matthew celebrates his newfound riches by taking his girlfriend, Katherine, on a spontaneous holiday, he sends the killers racing around the world to try to find him.


Krall looked surprised. Nothing would make her happier than to eliminate the Ghost. And now someone was willing to pay her to do it.

And now Chukov has two rival assassins to track him down. Once he has a diamond back, he would be happy to pay to kill Marta Krall Ghost. He smiled to himself. In an ideal world, he thought, they will kill each other.

Vadim Chukov is work for Prince Nathaniel. Prince Nathaniel sent

Chukov her place for the diamonds. Chukov paid for the hard work, should look

back Chukov diamond's Prince Nathaniel that has changed hands to another

person or stolen during the attack scene in Grand Central Terminal.

Vadim chukov was assigned to look for diamonds. And look for people

who can kill people who have taken the prince Nathaniel diamond. Then Vadim

plan to kidnap girlfriend Katherine Matthew Bannon, Katherine is a negotiating

tool for Chukov. He will be Katherine for the diamond trade, so Matthew handed

back the diamond".

Patterson (2011-271) says, “I could hear Katherine crying as Chukov grabbed the phone and screamed at me. “Bannon, can you hear what’s happening to your girlfriend?” “Let her go,”I said. “This is between you and me.”said matthew. “You and me?” he bellowed. “I don’t even know who the fuck you are. But I’ll bet you know who the fuck you are. But I’ll bet you know who I am. I’m chukov, the man whose diamonds you stole, and I want them back!”

4). The Ghost


member of the international Diamond Syndicate. There's only one small problem: the diamonds he was supposed to retrieve from Zelvas are missing.

He is never hired for easy jobs, and he has been hired to kill a Russian Mafia member named Walter Zelvas. Zelvas has been smuggling diamonds from the other mafia members, and is now a target of his superiors, that’s the reason for the killer. This killer calls himself the ghost and is dressed as a beggar in Grand Central Terminal. Zelvas goes into the restrooms after a quick glance around, and the Ghost follows him. He drew his gun and came slowly and quietly up to Zelvas. Zelvas looked in the silver on the urinal and swung and smacked the gun. After a short struggle Zelvas gets stabbed in the neck by a piece of broken glass and runs out.

Patterson (2011:7) says, “Zelvas ran screaming from the bloody bathroom, one hand pressed to his spurting neck and the other firing wildly behind him. The Ghost dived to the floor under a hail of ricocheting bullets and raining plaster dust. A few deft rolls and he managed to retrieve his Glock. The Ghost sprinted to the doorway and saw Zelvas running across the terminal, a steady stream of arterial blood pumping out of him. He would bleed out in a minute, but the Ghost didn’t have time to stick around and confirm the kill.”

Now, the Ghost is on Bannon's trail--but so is a rival assassin who would like nothing more than to make the Ghost disappear forever. Comes a high-speed, high-stakes, winner-take-all thrill ride of adrenaline-fueled suspense. His train was delayed another thirty minutes.


man he knows little of, but nevertheless heard enough about. He is involved in the Russian mob and described having Neanderthal features, yet he is a skilful assassin when needed to be. After minor problems the Ghost vanishes from the scene of the terminal bathrooms leaving behind a lethally wounded Zelvas.

Meet the Ghost to many he's known as the world greatest assassin. He has

just pulled off his most high-profile hit: Walter Zelvas. Who happened to be an

upper member of the International Diamond Syndicate. Although he was

successful in Eli sting his target, he failed to revived diamonds, and now they are

missing and with the help of an inside tip, he is on Matthew Bannon's trail.

However, the Ghost isn't the only assassin that is in town. He is being

hunted by the assassin himself. She is ruthless and cold blooded and will not

hesitate at a chance to take an out one of the best assassin's in the world. Not only

is hired to take out the Ghost, but Matthew Bannon as well.

Killing it is not good for us because by killing the same as throwing God's

creation. Killing is not good in terms of religion, because it kills the same with

sin. Homicidal maniacs usually have a high ego and no conscience. Impact of

poor people who are around us, e.g.; the people we love will be subject to disaster


5). Nathaniel Prince

Nathaniel Prince is a father from three children and wife. Twenty years ago Nathaniel wife, Nathaniel cousin, son, and daughter were crossing the road when a taxi came speeding around the corner and hit them. His wife and children were dead before they hit the ground. Daughter is in critical condition. The driver never stopped. And now Nathaniel’s next to life with her daughter. She is Natalia.

Nathaniel is a devoted father. Over the next six months he was sitting at the bedside of his little girl, singing to him, nursing him back to health. At night chukov sit with him and they would talk about revenge.

Now, Nathaniel Prince wants a professional killer and asks Chukov to hire a hit man to kill a man carrying a diamond they are missing at the time of death at the hands Zelvas Grand Central Terminal.

Patterson (2011:89) says, "I don't care what they want," Prince said. "They're mercenaries. I pay, I make the rules. I want you to find the bastard who took my diamonds, and I want his fingers chopped off, one by one. And if Krall doesn't want to do it, find somebody who will."


But, that night at the Atlantis Hotel in Nassau, he still held out hope that Chukov would recover the diamonds and he could humble himself to Arnoff and other members of the syndicate. But within hours of the meeting, Chukov and five of his men were dead and the diamonds were lost forever.

6). Marta Krall

Marta Krall was as a beautiful as she was intelligent, as intelligent as she was deadly. She was nearly six feet tall, with white-blond hair, a former model who could make a man’s heart beat faster just by walking into a room. But for the right amount of money she could make a man’s heart stop. Permanently. She’s German assassin, six foot tall, short cut blonde hair, former fashion model, attractive, hates The Ghost. Likes to torture before she kills.

Patterson (2011:92) says, “Marta studied the picture. “Sexy guy,” she said. “I almost hate to kill him. Not really, but a little. I’d prefer to play with him first, though.” “Just find out what he did with my diamonds. Can you do that?”

“With one hand tied behind my back,” she said, staring at the Russian with sea green eyes. “And both hands tied behind us.” They negotiated her price, a high one.”

At the first time, she was about her dark. Marta Krall was anything but slow and stupid. Contract killing was more than her profession, it was her passion. She was the queen of the slow death.


Marta was confident that Gravois would identify the handsome guy in the photo. His life depended on it. As for tracking down the Ghost, she had a better resource. And he was right here in New York City: Ira.

Marta had a rule when on a job: Never leave an impression that can't be forgotten, controlled, or erased. Part of that meant never taking a taxi to a contract killing. Cab drivers remembered too much. She walked from the hotel to Times Square, then blended into the evening rush hour and caught the downtown number 1 train to Sheridan Square.




to sell his diamonds. When he finally does he heads only to find his now ex has been kidnapped by the baddies and he has to get her back. He gets the help of some ex marine buddies and happy endings ensue. In my newly found attraction to best-sellers I came over this one. James Patterson is a very well-established American author who has written over seventy-five novels since his first 1976.

Kill me if you can is a thriller novel centering the art student Matthew Bannon. He started out his career in the Marines, following in his father’s footsteps, but on agreement after finishing, he began to study art. He is studying at one of the most prestigious art universities in the country, and whether he has talent or not could be debatable, but he is told to have influences of a young Edward Hopper (whom I personally like). Bannon has nothing special to show for in life, but he is in love with his professor Miss Katherine Sanborne a she seem to have an attraction for him as well.

The strength of the novel lies in the story. It is not complex, not intricate and definitely not deep but it is dam enjoyable. “Kill me if you can” implies a man running from someone fearing for his life, and that is exactly what this story is. A mad, breathtaking, sprint of a novel that is enjoyable to read in one or two sittings.


4.2 Suggestions



Roberts, Edgar V. and Henry E.Jacobs. 1993. Literature : An Introducing to

reading and writing. New York: Pretince Hall, inc.

Burroway, Janet. 2003. Imaginative Writing The Elements of Craft. New York: \

Penguin Academics.

Taylor, Richard. 1981. Understanding the Elements of Literature. London and

Basingstoke: The Macmillan Press Ltd.

Ronald Carter and John Mcrae. 1997. The Routledge History of Literature in

English. New Fetter Lane, London.

Raymond Chapman. 1982. The Language of English Handbook : A Guide to

Literature Studies. UK: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

Sudjiman, Panuti. 1988. Memahami Cerita Rekaan. Jakarta: PT. Dunia Pustaka


Nurgiyantoro, Burhan. 1995. Teori Pengkajian Fiksi. Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada


Kenney, William. 1966. How to Analyze Fiction. New York: Monarch Press.

Semi, M. Atar. 1984. Anatomi Sastra. Padang: FPBS IKIP.

Stanton, Robert. 2007. An Introduction to Fiction. New York: Holt, Rinehart and


Siswanto, Dr. Wahyudi. 2008. Pengantar Teori Sastra. Jakarta: PT. Grasindo.

Roberts, V. Edgar and Henry E. Jacobs 1995. An Introduction to Reading and

Writing. New Jersey: Pretince Hall Inc.

Hamalian, Leo and Fredderick R.Karl. 1967. The Shape of Fiction. United States

Of America: McGraw-Hill, Inc.

Fananie, Zainuddin.2001. Telaah Sastra. Surakarta: Muhammadiyah University


Sudjiman, Panuti. 1988. Memahami Cerita Rekaan. Jakarta: PT Dunia Pustaka


APPENDICES A. Summary of the novel “Kill Me If You Can”

Matthew Bannon is a starving artist in New York. One day in the Grand Central subway he stumbles upon gun fire between two men who are part of a diamond syndicate. I guess youcould say Matthew Bannon finds himself in the wrong place at the wrong time. Zelvas with his dying breath reaches for the top locker. Very observant and a critical thinker Matthew decides to find out what is so important in the locker. He finds diamonds, diamonds and more diamonds in a doctor's medical bag.

With millions and millions worth of diamonds on him Bannon had to take his stash and get out of town fast. Not looking like himself thanks to a makeup artist he goes to France with his girl friend, Katherine. The descriptions of the places are wonderful. The authors describe different foods and different wines. It was hard not to run to the internet and find these glorious places where gangsters and hit men hang out along with normal people who have only seen gun fights in the movie and on t.v.


Along with all this grandeur, I especially felt emotionally moved by the occupational hazards of being a subway driver or engineer. I can not grasp or imagine the feelings of Mr. Perez the subway driver. While driving his subway, he suddenly sees a man lying on the tracks, and he does not have enough time to stop the train. Then, further along he sees a man running on the tracks. It is a scene he will always remember. His life is changed just as much as Matthew Bannon and Katherine's life. Mr. Perez describes himself as "messed up for a while." From KILL ME IF YOU CAN I learned that life is a maze. At times you don't know whether to sit, stand, lie down or run. Matthew Bannon chose to make a run for it. What should he have done with the diamonds? I'll bet each of us would have a different answer. I would have ran up the subway stairs without the diamonds. However, I'm not a character created by JAMES PATTERSON & MARSHALL KARP.

Trailing him is the Ghost, the world's greatest assassin, who has just pulled off his most high-profile hit: killing Walter Zelvas, a top member of the international Diamond Syndicate. There's only one small problem: the diamonds he was supposed to retrieve for Zelvas are missing. Now, the Ghost is on Bannon's trail—but so is a rival assassin who would like nothing more than to make the Ghost disappear forever. From "America's #1 storyteller" (Forbes) comes a high-speed, high-stakes, winner-take-all thrill ride of adrenaline-fueled suspense.


B. The Biography of James Patterson & Marshall Karp

- Biography about :

ames B. Patterson (born March 22, 1947) is an American author. He is largely known for his novels about fictional psychologist protagonist of theMichael Bennett,

, aseries,

as well as many stand-alone thrillers, nonfiction and romance novels. His books have sold more than 270 million copies.

His Early life and education:

Patterson was born in Newburgh, New York, on March 22, 1947, and received a Bachelor of Arts in English from Manhattan College, along with a Master of Arts in English from Vanderbilt University.



After, Patterson retired from advertising in 1996. His Career:


He devoted his time to


The novels featuring his character consultant, are his most popular and the top-selling U.S. detective series in the past ten years. Patterson has written 95 novels since consecutive No. 1 New York Times bestselling novels, and holds

of 76, which is also a

of all hardcover novels sold in the United States; in recent years his novels have sold more copies than those of


Patterson's awards include the the Year, the International Thriller of the Year awar Book Award for Author of the Year. He is the first author to have No. 1 new titles simultaneously to have two books on Novel Tracker's top-ten list at the same time. He appeared on the FoxTVshow in various episodes of


often said that collaborating with others brings new and interesting ideas to his stories.


Footnote in his career:

The New York Times Magazine. Retrieved May 6, 2012.


Retrieved 2011-09-14.


4. ^

5. , January

20, 2010

6. Savannah Book Festival. Retrieved October 23, 2012.


The New York Times. Retrieved May 5, 2010.

Patterson currently lives in Palm Beach, Florida, with his wife, Susan, and son, Jack.

His Personal Life:

His Bestselling Author of Novel:


The Thomas Berryman Number (1976) 288 Winner of the First Novel by an American Author , Season of the Machete (1977), The Jericho

Commandment (1979), Virgin (1980)

(1989), The Day America Told The Truth (1991)

See How They Run (1997)


Can (2011)

Second Honeymoon (2013), Middle School: My Brother Is a Big, Fat Liar (2013),

Treasure Hunters (2013), a


- Biography of:

arshall Karp, has written and produced numerous TV shows, plays, and movies. He is the author of the Lomax and Biggs book series. It’s been a great life so far. I’ve been a writer all my life. Commercials, TV sitcoms, a play, a movie, and nobody wanted to know much about me. Now I’m author, and people are stalking me. Well, maybe not stalking, but they sure have a lot of questions.

His Personal Life:

He was born in Manhattan, but grew up in a small factory town across the river in New Jersey. But New York was a magnet for me. Happily I had family to visit in Harlem, Brooklyn, The Bronx, and every year I’d spend the summer with my aunt and uncle in Queens. His movie, Just looking is loosely based on those summers. It’s about a 14-year old boy, who is fascinated with sex, but it’s 1955, so what’s he supposed to do? Well, in the movie, he does what I did in real life.



In high school my favorite English teacher, Comelius O’Connor, encouraged me to write. But I knew his parents would be happier if I got a real job, so I went to Rutgers University to study biology and become a dentist. Really, a dentist.

Fortunately, I flunked biology. But I did well in English composition, and I was writing for the school paper, so I muddled through as an English major, with no real plans for what to do after graduation. After writing a couple of pilot series for ABC-TV, NBC hired Karp as writer-producer for the hit show Amen. But he got homesick while in Hollywood, moved back east, and went back into advertising. When the dot com days came around, Karp started an internet advertising agency, Compelling Content, and sold the company five years later, at which time he started writing full time.


bridges, wrote letters to the girl back home, drove the 860 mile round trip to Chicago with my friend Barry Labovitz as many weekends as we could, and not much else.

Marshall Karp's writing career has spanned a wide range of fields, from advertising and marketing to television, screen, and stage. He is the author of the play Squabbles and the screenwriter for the 2000 film Just Looking. He has written four novels featuring the detective team of Lomax and Biggs: The Rabbit Factory (2006)

His Career:

(2011), Flipping Out (2009)

(2010). Karp lives in the Mid-Hudson Valley of New York.

Trapped in a corner office, Karp wrote a play, "Squabbles," which attracted the attention of network executives. He created "Everything's Relative," a CBS comedy starring Jason Alexander, moved to LA to become writer/producer for the NBC hit, "Amen," then served as writer/co-executive producer for ABC's "Baby Talk" and several other long forgotten TV series. A feature film, "Just Looking," directed by Jason Alexander, was released in 2000.

Karp returned to NY, and in 2006 he fulfilled a long-time fantasy by killing many of the people he worked with in Hollywood. His first novel, "The Rabbit His Bestselling Author of Novel:


Factory (2006)," set in a Disneyesque studio, introduces LAPD Detectives Mike Lomax and Terry Biggs. Three more Lomax and Biggs mysteries followed ("Bloodthirsty (2010)," "Flipping Out (2009)," and "Cut, Paste, Kill (2010)"). In 2011 he coauthored the #1 NY Times bestsellers "Kill Me If You Can (2011)" with James Patterson. A second collaboration, "NYPD Red," followed in 2012. "NYPD Red 2" will be released in March 2014.


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