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The Effect of Using Direct Method on Students' Vocabulary Mastery


Academic year: 2017

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(A Quasi-experiment Sudy at First Grade of SMA. Triguna Utama, Ir. H.

Juanda, Tangerang Selatan)


Fandi Ahmad 207014000046






Ahmad Fandi. 2011. The Effect of Direct Method on Students’ Vocabulary Mastery (A Quasi-experiment Study at the First Year of SMA Triguna Utama.) Thesis, Degree of Strata-one (S-1) of English Language Education Department Program of Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’Training “Syarif Hidayatullah” State Islamic University Jakarta.

Key words: Direct Method, and Vocabulary Mastery



Skripsi, Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Program Strata 1 Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. Pembimbing: Dr. Alek, M.Pd.

Kata kunci : Metode langsung, dan Kosakata



In the name of Allah the Beneficent, the Merciful

In the name of Allah the most Gracious and Merciful. Alhamdulillah, all praise be to Allah the Most Graceful and the Merciful, after such a hard work,

finally the writer could finish research and finish the report in the form of the

minor thesis (skripsi), entitled “The Effect of Direct Method on Students’

Vocabulary Mastery” (A Quasi-experiment Study at the First Grade of SMA Triguna Utama).The “skripsi” is presented to English Education Department, faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta, as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of

Strata 1 (S1).

In finishing this “skripsi” the writer got guidance and motivation from people around his. Therefore, he would like to express her gratitude to them, they

are: her beloved family, especially her parent: her mother Suryani and her father

Makmun. Her brothers Fachrul Rozi and M. Misbahuddin. Her sister Hannah

Musfirroh, for their patience, their love and their support to the writter in her life.

Furthermore, the writter would like to express her gratitude to her advisor Mr. Dr.

Alek. M.Pd, for his valuable guidance, support, motivation, advice and suggestions during the writing of this skripsi in which without his help this skripsi

would probably never reach its accomplishment.

In returns, the writer would like to convey her thanks directly to:

1. Drs. Syauki, M. Pd, the head of English Department, his concern and mind for better English Education will be a historical point and

considerable sample for the next terms.



4. All the lecturers and all UIN secretariat officers, for their endless support.

5. The writer wishes to express her gratitute to all members of 2007 class

English Education Department,especially for my best friends M. Cheris.

Maulana. Abdillah, Muhammad Hanafi, Alex Rauf Kurniawan, Sofiana

Zahara, Dewi Novianti, Hikmah Irfaniah, Runi Laila Sari, Aris Hakim,

Hikmah Hirfaniah and for their knowledge sharing, helped and motivated

to finished this skripsi and great friendship.

Finally the words are not enough to be expressed, except praise be to Allah

the worlds for blessing, and guidance. May their good deeds be accepted by Allah SubhanahuWata’ala.Amin.


viii This skripsi is dedicated to my beloved parents

Mr. Makmun (My Dad) and Mrs. Hapipah Wareni (my mom)

Thanks for your great love

May ALLAH SWT bless both of you.

With Love













A. Background of the Study ... 1

B. Formulation of the Problem ... 3

C. Objective of the Study ... 3

D. Significant of the Study ... 3


A. Vocabulary Mastery ... 5

1. Definition of Vocabulary ... 5

2. Definition of Mastery ... 8

3. The influence of Students Mastery ... 8

4. Vocabulary Mastering ... 10

5. Definition Vocabulary Mastery ... 12

6. Types of Vocabulary ... 14

7. The Function of Vocabulary ... 15

8. How to Teach Vocabulary ... 17

9. Importance of Learning Vocabulary ... 19



2. Characteristic of Direct Method ... 22

3. Function of Direct Method ... 22

4. The Steps of Using Direct Method ... 23

5. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Direct Method ... 25

C. Grammar Translation Method 1. Understanding Grammar Translation Method .... 26

2. Characteristics of Grammar Translation Method 28 3. Techniques of Grammar Translation Method ... 29

4. Disadvantages of Grammar Translation Method 30

D. Previous of Study ... 37

E. Framework of Thinking ... 38

F. Research Hypothesis ... 26


A.Place and Time of the Research ... 40

B.Method of the Study ... 40

C.Population and Sample ... 40

D.Instrument of the Study ... 41

E. Method of Data Collecting ... 41

F. Method of Data Analysis ... 42


1. Data Description ... 44

2. Data Analysis ... 50

3. Test of Hypothesis ... 54





Appendix Lesson Plan of Control Class ... 60

Appendix Lesson Plan of Experiment Class ... 81

Appendix The Table of Specification of Vocabulary Test ... 100

Appendix The Research Instrument ... 86

Appendix Students’ Scores of Pretest and Posttest ... 114



Using Direct Method ... 44

Table 4.2 The Interval Class of Gained Score of the First Class Were

Taught by Using Direct Method ... 45

Table 4.3 The Score of the Individual Students Were Taught by

Using Grammar Translation Method ... 47

Table 4.4 The Interval Class of Gained Score of the First Class

Were Taught by Using Grammar Translation Method ... 49

Table 4.5 The Comparison of Score Between Students Were

Taught by Using Direct Method and Grammar



Class Were Taught by Using Direct Method ... 47

Figure 4.2 The Interval Class of Gained Score of the First


1 A. Background of the Study

Vocabulary is one of the important aspects in teaching English

language. Another aspects should teacher know is to be creative and patient

in finding, choosing, and simplifying the materials which make the students

mastery the vocabulary.

There are many factors that make the students’ vocabulary is low. They came from the internal factor and the external one. The internal means

factors from the inside of the students themselves such as motivation,

interest, intelligence etc. And the external is factors from the outside of the

students that affect their learning process such as economic background, learning materials, and teachers’ performance including their teaching methods.

Large vocabulary helps us to express our ideas precisely in

communication. Vocabulary knowledge enables language use, language use

enables increase of vocabulary knowledge, and knowledge of the world

enables the increase of vocabulary knowledge and language use and so on.

Mastering vocabulary is not easy, yet other aspects of the language are

considered such as; sound, and structure. Vocabulary is one of the most

important elements in a language. We cannot speak the language well if we do

not master it. No matter how well we learn grammar, how successfully the

sound of the foreign language is mastered, without words to express a wider

range of meanings, communication in the foreign language just cannot happen

in any meaningful way.

Teaching English as a foreign language is not similar to teaching of

vernacular. We know English is different from other languages whether on the

vocabulary, phonology, and structure system. Those have great deal of

influence to Indonesian students in learning English. Developing student’s


for the teachers. In addition, to help students in mastering English, many

teachers have used different methods for the same purpose, to understand, to

learn and to remember vocabulary more easily. In Indonesia, the usual

technique to handle this problem is by supplying a list of words added with the

definition of them, or allows the students to consult a bilingual dictionary or

teacher mentions the definition of every single word of the passage.

There are many methods that can be used in teaching or learning

vocabulary. However, there are some advantages and disadvantages in every


Based on the fact above, it is necessary for anyone who concerns in

teaching English to find out the easier technique of the method, which can improve student’s motivation for improving his or her vocabulary.

Methods in teaching vocabulary usually help the students to memorize,

and give the opportunity for students to self-assess their progress in learning

vocabularies. The teacher is hoped to be smart to choose an approach and

method of teaching that is suitable for the condition and the need of the

learners, so the goal of teaching and learning can be achieved.

Based on the method the teacher would decide the procedures, the

activities and the instruments that are needed in teaching-learning process,

even though there are other factors that determine the success of teaching

learning process.

From the description above the writer chooses this study to examine the

effectiveness of the direct method of teaching English in enhancing the students’ English achievement especially on vocabulary achievement.

Direct method is not new. Its principles have been applied by language

teachers for many years. Most recently, it was revived as a method when the

goal of instruction became learning how to use a foreign language to




The direct method has one very basic rule. No translation is allowed. In

fact, the direct method receives its name from the fact that meaning is to be

conveyed directly with the target language through the use of demonstration and visual aids, with no recourse to the students’ native language.2

By using this method, the teacher does not have to translate every single

unfamiliar word. Through Direct method, the students will be more active in

developing vocabulary, because they will not depend on their teacher.

Based on the discussion above, the writer wants to know whether there

are some differences in student’s vocabulary achievement if they learn

vocabulary through direct method.

B. Formulation of the Problem

Based on the background above, the formulation of the problem’s

of this research identified as follows. Is there any effect of using direct method towards students’ vocabulary mastery?

C. Objective of the Study

Based on the formulation of the problem above, the objective of this

research was to get empirical evidence about the effect of using direct method

on students’ vocabulary mastery.

D. Significant of the Study

The significance of this writing might be expected as follows:

1. The Teachers

The result of this study hopefully can give useful contribution for the

institution and the practice of foreign language teaching.

2. The Students

The research is expected to be useful input for the students to encourage

them to master and improve their English vocabulary.



3. Other Researcher

Finally, the researcher who are interested in the teaching of English at

Junior High School get useful information from the result of this study and




A. Vocabulary Mastery

Vocabulary is very important in English teaching and learning. If the

learners do not know the meaning of the words, they will have difficulty in

understanding what they see, read, and learn. Their vocabulary will increase if

they read more words. This reason makes vocabulary very important; a bad

vocabulary will cause bad understanding of the text.

Vocabulary has an important role in determining the successful

achievement of each skill. Daily communication needs vocabulary. The more

vocabulary the learners have, the more easily they will communicate and

express what they want to say. The four language skills that are listening,

speaking, reading, and writing always include vocabulary in their activities.

By having a lot of vocabularies learner will be easier to show their ideas,

making compositions, and many other activities dealing with language. In

other words, by knowing and understanding the vocabulary, learners will

successfully achieve the four English language skills.

1. Definition of Vocabulary

Vocabulary is considered to be the main focus of learning a foreign

language since there is a belief that learning a foreign language is similar to

learning its vocabulary, in order to comprehend more about why vocabulary

has an important role in learning the language, it is better to look at the

definition of the vocabulary first.

In Webster’s dictionary, we can see that vocabulary is defined as follows: a) A list or collection of words and phrases usually alphabetically

arranged and explained or defined

b) A sum or stock of words employed by a language group individual

or work or in relation to a subject: scope of language


c) A list of a foreign language textbook of the words and phrases taught

or used1

According to Hornby, vocabulary is:2

a. All the words that a person knows or uses

b. All the words in a particular language

c. The words that people use when they are talking about particular subject

d. A list of words with their meaning, especially in a book for learning foreign


The writer observes that this definition is different from the definition before.

The writer summarizes that vocabulary is all the words that a person knows

and uses in a language with their meanings. In this definition the writer get

complete meaning.

Mastery of a language is taken to mean the ability to use or even to

understand all the words of the language, then none of us can be said to have

mastered his own native language. In other words, we know the word for those

areas of life or some fields with which we have had some experience. However, none of us can know all the “words” of our language.

Knowledge of new words and new meaning keep increasing as we grow

older and we are often very conscious of this growth and change. As we all

may know, vocabulary is very important to improve our knowledge. We can

find all information that we want by understanding our reading. As the

English teachers, we can give our student some ways to make them interested

in mastering their vocabulary. We do not much time just for looking up the

difficult word in dictionary.

Schmitt Broadly defined “We must consider what we mean by vocabulary. The first idea that probably springs to mind is words, a formulation that is admirably adequate for the layperson”.3


Philip Babvock Gove, Webster’s Third New International Dictionary (Massachusetts: Heinle Publisher, 1996), p. 2560.


AS Hornby, Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English, Sixth Edition, (London: Oxford University Press, 2000), p.1447



Acquiring vocabulary is a very important tool to master a language. It is

impossible to learn a language without vocabulary, as Zimmerman said:

Vocabulary is central to language and of critical importance to the typical

language learner.4

Murcia said that “Vocabulary can be defined, roughly, as the words we teach in the foreign language.”5

In other references by Richards and Renandya, it is stated that vocabulary

is a core component of language and provides much of the basic for how well

learners speak, listen, read and write.6

From the previous definitions above, it has come into the conclusion that

vocabulary is a set of words known to a person or other entity, or that are parts

of a specific language. Vocabulary gives a big even the biggest contribution in

learning new language.

However, learning vocabulary is not an easy thing especially. The

students often face difficulties in memorizing and using the word in a

sentence. That is why teachers should encourage themselves to be creative in

selecting the approach and the method of teaching English in order to make it

easier and fun in learning a new vocabulary.

2. Definition of Mastery

Several definition about mastery based on Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged that the definition of mastery is (1) great skillfulness and knowledge of some subject or activity; the state of being

cognitively skillful; (2) power to dominate or defeat; the state of excelling or

surpassing or going beyond usual limits; the state that exists when one person


Cheryl Boyd Zimmerman in Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition by James Coady and Thomas Huckin, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997), p. 5.


Marianne Celce Murcia, Teaching English as a Second Language or Foreign Language, Second Edition (Massachusetts: Heinle Publisher, 1991), p. 60.



or group has power over another; (3) the act of mastering or subordinating

someone; social control by dominating.7

Based on Webster’s revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913) that the definition of mastery is (1) the position or authority of a master: dominion:

command: supremacy: superiority; (2) superiority in war or competition;

victory; triumph, (3) contest for superiority; (4) a mastery operation; a feat; (5) specifically, the philosopher’s stone (6) the act process of mastering; the state of having mastered.

From some definition above, the writer concludes that mastery is the

great skillfulness and knowledge of some subject or activity and the

positionor aouthority of a master.8

3. The Influence of Students Mastery

In teaching and learning process, some students still get problem in their

learning. It can be showed by their low score or achievement in their subjects.

In English matter, some students may be not master about grammar. As

known in Indonesian language there is no complex rule like grammar.

There are many factors that contribute the influence of students’ mastery. Those factors are divided into two categories; they are internal factor and

external factor.9

a. Internal factor

This factor comes from inside of the students. It is divided into two aspect;

physiological aspect and psychological aspect.

1) Physiological aspect.

This aspect is about the conditions of students’ body from every part of the body. For instance, when the students got headache, they could not

study well. The condition of the body can influence students’ intensity

and spirit in studying. So if their bodies are healthy, they can study


http://www,thefreedictionary.com/mastery, 29 Agustus 2011.


http://dictionary.die.net/mastery, 29 Agustus 2011.



well, can receive the information about what they are learning and can

get a good achievement. However, if they are not, it will influence too.

2) psychological aspect

This factor emphasizes on the inside conditions of the students. It consists of students’ intelligence, talent, interest, motivation, mental health and special types of learner.

a) Intelligence

The level of intelligence which the students have has given the

influence in their learning. If the students have to resolve their

problems which are over than their competences or their potentials,

they will face the difficulties, especially in their learning. The

higher IQ that students have, the smarter they are. And the higher

intelligence that students have, the higher achievement they will


b) Talent

Talent is the basic potential or competence which is gotten form

born. Everyone has different talent. Someone will be easy learning

something that is suitable with his/her talent. And someone who

learns something that is not suitable with his/her talent. And

someone who learns something that is not suitable with his/her

talent will get bored, give up and unhappy.

c) Interest

Interest is a tendency and a high spirit or a big desire to something. The students’ interest can be seen by the way students follow the learning process, complete or incomplete their not and pay

attention to the italic word in those learning. They will study hard

to get what they want happily. Nevertheless, for those who have

less interest in learning process they will study just as long as they


d) Motivation

Motivation is as inner factor that functions for making, basing and

pointing to the learning. Motivation separates into two main

categories: extrinsic motivation, which is concerned with factor

outside the classroom, and intrinsic motivation, which is concerned

with what takes place inside the classroom.10 Students’ motivation

can determine the good or bad in their learning achievement. The

higher motivation they have, the higher learning success they will


e) Mental health

In learning process, there is not only about intelligence but also

about their mental health that will make the good result in learning

process. In addition, if the students get successful in their learning,

they will have self-esteem.

b. External factor

External factor is the factor that comes from out of the individual. This

factor involves social environment and non social environment.

1. Social environment

The social environment here is the human environment outside

students who have contact directly with them such as family, school,

neighbors and mass media.

Family is the first center of education. But it can be the cause of

learning difficulties if the families give less attention to their children.

Social environment in school such as teachers, staff administration and

classmates can influence the students. The teacher can be a cause for

learning difficulties when:

a) Unqualified teachers

b) Bad relationship between the teacher and the student

c) High learning standard from the teacher

d) No skill in diagnosing the students learning difficulties



e) Unsuitable method

1) Non social environment

The factors which include the non social environment are location of students’ house, the school’s building, learning instrument, curriculum, and school timing.11

Other expert, Abin S. Makmun in his book Psikologi

Kependidikan:Perangkat Sistem Pengajaran Modul, state that causes for learning difficulty are:12

a. Feeling insecurity

b. Phobia

c. Immaturity

d. Habits and wrong attitude

e. Nervous

f. Lazy, not cooperative and buck passing responsibility

g. Excessively absent

h. Anxiety and feeling down to concentration

i. Large population in the classroom making uncomfortable

j. Much activity out side classroom “extrakulikuler”

k. Often changing school or program

l. Course of study out of date

m. School site that is very noisy and strange

4.Vocabulary Mastering

Vocabulary mastering is how the teachers teach a list of a word with

their meanings, especially in a book for learning a foreign language to the

students. Vocabulary teaching includes some of the most complex

problems in the field of education. Vocabulary teaching is influenced by

ideas on the nature of language in general, by ideas on the particular

language being taught, and by ideas on how the language is learned.


M. Dalyono, psikologi pendidikan, (Jakarta; PT. Rineka Cipta, 1997), p. 230.



According to Allen, three techniques can be used for teaching


1) Alphabetical order: Even for a list of new words, alphabetizing way is

appropriate in helping students to find a word.

2) Showing the meaning of words through pictures, explanations in mother

tongue, and definitions in simple English.

3) Drawing attention to meanings before drilling words.27

The characteristic of students is complex. So it makes the teacher

difficult to engage with them. Before the teacher teach the students new word,

they is hoped to understand the characteristic of their students. Teaching

vocabulary through objects and actions, the teacher has to do a great deal of talking and acting in order to establish some link in learners’ mind between what is said and what is done.

5. Definition Vocabulary Mastery

Mastering vocabulary is the ability to get and receive a lot of words, by

having and mastering it, we will know the meaning of vocabulary in the

context it can also help to avoid making the mistakes in identifying a

language with dictionary and guide us in making the equivalence of the

second language to native language, so that mean:

a. Helping us master kinds or levels of meaning. In mastering the kinds or

levels of meaning such as the words with their lexical meaning are, they

are by no means the only essential meaning in the symbols and devices of

a language and also the lexical content the various words as listed and

defined in a dictionary.13

b. Vocabularies find in a language, this is because the languages we use

consist of vocabularies. Whatever else people may do when, they come

together whether they play, flight, make love, they talk; we live in a world


Virginia French Allen, Techniques in Teaching Vocabulary, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1983), pp. 10—13



of words.14 Television furthers more of words. As a hardly moment of our

waking lives is free from word, we talk to our pets sometime we talk to


c. words can express our ability. When a person demonstrated his speech in

front of the public, his word can bring ourselves to the other world, his

ability in speech is well known all over the world, and that all start from


d. vocabulary is involved in all aspects in student learning and that can

improve their skill in English, whether in Listening, in Speaking, Reading

or Writing. Student cannot speak well if they do not know vocabulary,

they also do not listen carefully if they do not know vocabulary, they may stuck in Reading if they do not know vocabulary. So it’s mean that vocabulary helps students to learn the Language and improve it. In writing

vocabulary function as a tool to express a successful learning, it shows a

good feedback to the learning. According to William D. Baker, he said that “Writing as a language skill which needs a lot of words in it because no words no writing”. In reading the reading section of each book contains materials on techniques of reading studying, as well as on such skills as

test taking test and reasoning.

From those can be conclude that vocabulary is involved in each aspects

of our live, and that mean it is crucial to be acquire, especially when we talk.

6. Types of Vocabulary

In language learning, vocabulary is an essential component that links the

four skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing all together. There are

many clarifications made by the experts in language area about the kinds of

vocabulary. According to Aebersold and Lee vocabulary is divided into two:

a. Receptive Vocabulary is the vocabulary that readers have a general sense of a word’s meaning but are not sure of its many meanings or nuances of meaning.


b. Productive vocabulary is the vocabulary that people actually use to speak

or write.15

Furthermore, Schmitt mention vocabulary into two parts. “Being able to understand a word is known as receptive knowledge and is normally

connected with listening and reading. If we are able to produce a word of our

own accord when speaking or writing, then that are considered productive

knowledge (passive and active are alternative term).” 16

Dealing with the characteristics of the words, Nation divided vocabulary

into two kinds:

1. Receptive knowledge

Receptive knowledge is involves knowing how to recognize the

word when it is heard or when it is seen, being able to distinguish it from

word with a similar form, being able to judge if the word form sounds

right or looks right, being able to recall its meaning when it is met, being

able to see which shade of meaning which most suitable for the context

that it occurs in, and being able to make a various associations with other

related words.

2. Productive knowledge

Productive knowledge involves knowing how to pronounce the

word, how to write and spell it, how to use it in correct grammatical

patterns, and using word to stand for the meaning it represents and being

able to think of suitable substitutes for the word if there are any.17

Cameron stated that “The words of a language split into two groups

according to how they are used to construct sentences, namely:

1. Content words are those that carry a lexical meaning, even out of the



Jo Ann Aebersold and Mary Lee Field, From Reader to Reading Teacher, (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1997), p. 139


Schmitt, Vocabulary in Language Teaching, ……..p. 4



2. Function words seem to be mainly used to carry grammatical meaning.”18

According to Gass and Sclinker, vocabulary is classified into two kinds;

they are Potential Vocabulary and Real Vocabulary. Potential vocabulary

consist of words learners will recognize even though they have not seen them

in second language, and the real vocabulary is words the learners are familiar

with after (and because of) exposure.19

No matter how many experts classifying vocabulary, words are a part of people’s way of living or words are tools to communicate in language which used by a person for showing and telling their opinions and ideas.

7. The Function of Vocabulary

Before discussing vocabulary function, first of all we should know the

meaning of it. Vocabulary is total number of words which (with rules for

combining them) make up a language, or (range of) words known to, or used

by, a person, in trade, profession, etc13.

The word “use” has a meaning as the function or the advantage. So we can say that from the definition-above the vocabulary use is the function or the

use of words which are used in language. It means that when we use words,

we should know the function or the use of our words our vocabularies because

it can guide us in understating the language which we learn.

Moreover, vocabulary is central to both the system and the use of

language. The words that we pronounce write and organize into sentences and

other grammatical combinations. Words are also, what ordinary users think of

as language. For, they are accessible and reflected more fully the whole


Lynne Cameron, Teaching Language to Young Learners, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001), p. 82.


Susan M. Gass and Larry Sclinker, Second Language Acquisition: an Introductory Course Second Edition. (New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates inc, 2001), p. 374.



culture and respond more quickly to changes in society than do other aspects

equivalence of the second language to the native language.

Here is some of the vocabulary use: Helping us master kinds or levels of


In mastering the kinds or levels of meaning such as the words with

their lexical meaning are, they are by no means the only essential meanings in the symbols and devices of a language and also the lexical content of the

various words- the words as listed and defined in a dictionary.15 In the sentence “The old man killed the little bear”, the dictionary does tell us the kind of beings to which the words man and bear refer it will explain the particular type of action for which the word will is a symbol. And it will give us some notion of the qualities included in the meanings of such words as old and little. This is however practically all the help the dictionary can give. It does not tell us whether old is to be taken as a characteristic of the man or of the bear; or whether the bear or the man or both are little. The dictionary

cannot tell us whether, in this particular sentence, the man bear performed the

action. So the syntactical, the positions in which old and little stand in relation to man and bear give us the essential meaning that it is the man that is old and bear that is little. The fact that the old man precedes the word killed and that the little bear follows that word. Killed conveys the meaning that the man Rather than ear performed the action. Here, syntactical meaning absolutely

essential to any understanding of the utterance expressed by the word order.


Suzanne Romaine, The Cambridge History of the English Language, Vol. IV (Cambridge: UK, 1998), p. 57



Morphological meaning or the forms of the words. The form of the word man (in contrast with men) and the form of the word bear (in contrast with bears) signals the feet that there was but one man and but one bear. In

similar fashion the form of the word killed indicates the fact that the action has already occurred. It is not now in process nor projected for the future.16

8.How to Teach Vocabulary

Vocabulary is basic to communication. If people do not recognize the

meaning of the key words used by those who address them, they will not be

able to participate in the conversation. If they want to express ideas or ask for

information, they must be able to produce words to convey their meaning.

Thus vocabulary learning is very crucial in developing competence in a

second or foreign language.

In teaching vocabulary, the teachers are hoped to have some techniques

in order to make students familiar with the vocabulary so that they understand

new word easily. The techniques functions not only to help the students grasp

the meaning of new words quite easily, but also to vary the teaching activity in

order to avoid the boredom on the part of students. Harmer mentions that the

following aids can help to explain new vocabulary are: 26

a. Realia

This is the word to refer the use of real objects in the classroom. Thus the words „book’, „pencil’, or „chair’, can be easily explained by showing students a book, a ruler, or a chalk. This is clearly satisfactory for certain

single words, but the use of realia is limited to things that can be taken

easily from the classroom.

b. Pictures

Pictures are clearly indispensable for the language teacher since they can

be used in so many ways. Pictures can be used to explain the meaning of

vocabulary items: the teacher can draw pens, rulers, pencils, and books in


Charles C. Fries, Teaching and Learning English as Foreign Language, p. 18.



the blackboard/whiteboard, or have magazines picture of trucks, bicycle,

train, or bus onto cardboard. The teacher might bring in a wall picture

showing three people in a room that could be used for introducing the

meaning of the sentence, for instance: there are three people in the


c. Mime, action, and gesture

It is often impossible to explain the meaning of words and grammar either

with realia or in picture. An action, in particular, is probably better explained by mime. Gesture is useful for explaining words like „from’, „to’, etc. or indicating that the past is being talked about (the teacher gestures backwards over his shoulder)

d. Contrast

A visual element sometime may not be sufficient to explain meaning and contrast can be used. Thus, the meaning of “full” is better understood in the context of “empty”, “big” in the context of “small”, etc.

e. Enumeration

The word “vegetable” is difficult to be explained visually. If, however, the teacher rapidly lists (or enumerates) a number of vegetables, the meaning will become clear. The same is true of a word like “clothes”. f. Explanation

Explaining the meaning of vocabulary items can be extremely difficult

just as grammatical explanations. It will be important in giving such

explanations to make sure that the explanations include information about

when the item can be used. For example, it would be unsatisfactory just to say that “mate” is a word for “friend” unless you point out that it is colloquial informal English and only be used in certain context.

g. Translation

For many years, translation went out of fashion and was considered as


doing so; a lot of time can be saved. If the students do not understand a

word and the teacher cannot think how to explain it, he can quickly

translate it.

Translation then, seems a useful measure if it is used sparingly, but it is

hoped to be used with caution. These aids and measure may be useful for

explaining the meaning of a word or a sentence.

9. Importance of Learning Vocabulary

Vocabulary mastery is really important in learning English. Vocabulary,

much more than grammar, is the key to students understanding what they hear

and read in school; and then communicating successfully with other people.

Although their structure is low, if they master on vocabulary, it will make

them better on their English skills.

Recently methodologists and linguists emphasize and recommend

teaching vocabulary because of its importance in language teaching. Ur states “Vocabulary is the most important aspect of language to teach. You can understand a reading text and make your self understood with almost no grammar, but you can’t get anywhere without vocabulary. It is more important than reading strategies for understanding a text. It is also the best single measure of proficiency.”20

Thornby quotes Wilkins’ statement that “Without grammar very little can

be conveyed, without vocabulary nothingcan be conveyed.”21

A good store of words is crucial for understanding and communication.

A major aim of most teaching programs is to help students to gain a large

vocabulary of useful words. In every lesson, students have to introduce new

words and practice them, making clear the meanings and the ways in which

each can be used.

Furthermore, a good mastery of vocabulary helps the learners to express

their ideas precisely. By having many stocks of word, learners will be able to


Penny Ur, Teaching Vocabulary: Going Beyond the Textbook,

http://www.etai.org.il/handouts/rishon/vocabularyand%20textbooks.doc, March 22nd , 2010.



comprehend the reading materials, catch other talking, give response, speak

fluently and write some kind of topics. On the contrary, if the learners do not

recognize the meaning of the words used by those who address them, they will

be unable to participate in conversation, unable to express some ideas, or

unable to ask for information.

10. Problems in Learning Vocabulary

In learning vocabulary, students might get some difficulties. Some

factors that often cause this problem are:22

a. Pronunciation

Research shows that words that are difficult to pronounce are more

difficult to learn. Potentially difficult words will typically be those that

contain sounds that are unfamiliar to some groups of learners such as

regular and lorry for Japanese speakers. b. Spelling

Words that contain silent letters are particularly problematic, such as

foreign, listen, climbing, honest, etc.

c. Length and complexity

Long words seem to be no more difficult to learn than short ones. But, as a

rule of thumb, high frequency words tend to be short in English, and

therefore the learner is likely to meet them more often, a factor favoring their „learn ability’.

d. Grammar

Also problematic is the grammar associated with the word, especially if

this differs from that of its first language equivalent.



e. Meaning

When two words overlap in meaning, learners are likely to confuse them.

Make and do are a case in point: You make breakfast and make an appointment, but you do the housework and do a questionnaire.

f. Range, connotation and idiomatic

Word that can be used in a wide range of contexts will generally be

perceived as easier than their synonyms with a narrower range.

Learning vocabulary seems to be one of the easiest things about learning a language, but it’s also one of the hardest things to do. It is because learning vocabulary does not only learn about the meaning of word. When learning

vocabulary, students will also learn about other aspects of word such as usage,

pronunciation, grammatical, and so on. So it often makes difficulties for the

students to comprehend the vocabulary.

B. Direct Method

1. Definition of Direct Method

People can learn vocabulary through many methods. One of the methods

is through direct method. The direct method is not new. Its principle has been

applied by language teachers for many years. Most recently, it was revived as a

method when the goal of instruction became learning how to use a foreign

language to communicate.28

The direct method, which arrived at the end of the ninetieth century, was

the product of reform movement which was reacting to the restrictions of

grammar translation. Translation was abandoned in favor of the teacher and the

students speaking together, relating the grammatical forms they were studying

to objects and pictures, etc. in order to establish their meaning. The sentence

was still the main object of interest, and accuracy was all important.29


Diane Larsen Freeman, Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching.(Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000), p. 23.



The direct method has one very basic rule. No translation is allowed. In

fact, the direct method receives its name from the fact that meaning is to be

conveyed directly with the target language through the use of demonstration

and visual aids, with no recourse to the students’ native language.30 The direct

method, in rejecting the use of translation developed as a reaction to such

highly intellectual approaches to language learning31. As Schmitt state, direct

method emphasized exposure to oral language, with listening as the primary

skill. Meaning was related directly to the target language without the step of

translation, and explicit grammar teaching was done played. Direct Method had

its problem. It required teacher to be proficient in the target language.32

2. Characteristics of Direct Method

The major characteristics of learning vocabulary through direct methods are:

A.The teacher introduces a new target language word or phrase, he

demonstrates its meaning through the use of realia, pictures, or

pantomime; he never translate it into the students’ native language.

B.Students speak the target language great deal and communicate as if they

were in real situations.

C.Grammar is taught inductively; that is the students are presented with

examples and they figure out the rule or generalization from the example.

An explicit grammar rule may never be given.

D.Students practice vocabulary by using new words in complete sentences.33

3. Function of Direct Method

Teachers who use the Direct Method believe that students need to

associate meaning and the target language directly. In order to do this, when

the teacher introduces a new target language word or phrase, he demonstrates


Freeman, Techniques and Principles.., p. 23.


Jeremy Harmer, How to Teach Vocabulary.(London: Longman.2002), p.78.


Norbert Schmitt, Vocabulary in Language Teaching, (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2000), p. 12.



its meaning through the use of realia, pictures, or pantomime. He never translates it into the students’ native language. Students speak in the target language a great deal and communicate as if they were in real situation34.

4. The Steps of Using Direct Method

There are some techniques that can be used in teaching English by using

the direct method, they are:

A.Reading Aloud

The students take turns reading sections of passage, play, or dialog out loud. At the end of each student’s turn, the teacher uses gestures, pictures, realia, examples, or other means to make the meaning of the section clear.

B.Question and Answer Exercise

This exercise is conducted only in target language. Students are asked

questions and answer in full sentences so that they practice with new

words and grammatical structure. They have the opportunity to ask

questions as well as answer them.

C.Getting Students to Self-correct

The teacher of this class has the students self-correct by asking them to

make a choice between what they said and an alternate answer he supplied.

There are, however, other ways of getting students to self-correct. For

example, a teacher might simply repeat what a student has just said; using

a questioning voice to signal to the student that something was wrong with

it. Another possibility is for the teacher to repeat what the student said,

stopping just before the error. The student knows that the next word was


D.Conversation Practice

The teacher asks students a number of questions in the target language,

which the students have to understand to be able to answer correctly. In the

class observed, the teacher asked individual students questions about

themselves. The questions contained a particular grammar structure. Later,



the students were able to ask each other their own questions using the

same grammatical structure.

E. Fill-in-the-Blank Exercise

All the items are in the target language; furthermore, no explicit grammar

rule would be applied. The students would have induces the grammar rule

they need to fill in the blanks from examples and practice with earlier parts

of the lesson.

F. Dictation

The teacher reads the passage three times. The first time the teacher reads

it at a normal speed, while the students just listen. The second time he

reads the passage phrase by phrase, pausing long enough to allow students

to write down what they have heard. The last time the teacher again reads

at a normal speed, and students check their work.

G.Map Drawing

The class included one example of a technique used to give students

listening comprehension practice. The students were given a map with the

geographical features unnamed. Then the teacher gave the students directions such as the following, “Find the mountain range in the West. Write the words „Rocky Mountains’ across the mountain range.” He gave instruction for all the geographical features of the United States so that

students would have a completely labeled map if they followed his

instruction correctly. The students then instructed the teacher to do the

same thing with a map he had drawn on the blackboard. Each student

could have a turn giving the teacher instructions for finding and labeling

one geographical feature.

H.Paragraph writing

The teacher in this class asked the students to write a paragraph in their


could have done this from memory, or they could have used the reading

passage in the lesson as a model.35

5. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Direct Method a. Advantages

According to M.E.S. Elizabeth and DigumartiBhaskara,

The advantages of direct method, there are:36

1) This Method lays more emphasis on oral work. That ensures good

pronunciation to the learners.

2) For teaching the idioms of English, this method is more suitable.

3) There is direct bond between thought and expression. So it helps the

learner to have fluency in speech. It helps the students to have good

command over the language.

4) Psychologically, this method is very sound because the teacher

proceeds from particular to general and from concrete to abstract.

5) It makes the teaching of English easy and pleasant.

6) It helps the teacher and the learner to cover up more syllabuses inless


b. Disadvantages

According to M.E.S. Elizabeth and DigumartiBhaskara, Disadvantages

of direct method, there are37:

1) There is need of really competent teachers for teaching English by using

this method. But we have dearth of such teachers. Sometimes the teacher

fails to make the students understand the meaning of a particular word

because the use of mother tongue is not allowed.


Freeman, Techniques and Principles, pp. 30—32.


M.E.S, Elizabeth and DigumartiBhaskara, Method of Teaching English, (New Delhi Discovery Publishing House, 2007), p. 55.



2) In this method, there is over emphasis on oral work. Reading and writing

process of the language get less attention.

3) This method, cannot be used successfully for the average and the below

average students.

4) It is an expensive method because the teacher has to use some aids for


5) This method does not lay emphasis on the selection and gradation of

language material which is very important.

6) At the early stages, sometimes this method may fail miserably.

Another is simply addressed by Neena Dash and M. Dash, there are38:

1) The direct method promotes the oral aspect of language learning.

Reading and writing are neglected.

2) This is a difficult method of teaching and learning English. Only the

clever student and the intelligent teacher can gain by this method.

3) There are certain words which cannot be taught by this method. Words

such as honesty, integrity, truth, tremble; faints, etc. can best be

explained translation method than the direct method.

4) Even if all words can be explained by the direct method it will be lengthy

and time taking.

5) This method discards the teaching of formal grammar. But grammar is an

essential branch of language learning and this cannot be overlooked.

C. Grammar Translation Method

1. Understanding Grammar Translation Method

The grammar translation method is not new. It has had different names, but

it has been used by language teachers for many years. At one time it was called

classical method since it was first used in teaching of the classical language, Latin

and Greek (Chastain 1988). Earlier in this century, this method was used for the

purpose of helping students read and appreciate foreign language literature. It was

also hoped that, through the study of the grammar of the target language, students



would became more familiar with the grammar of their native language and this

familiarity would help them speak and write their native language better. Finally,

it was thought that foreign language learning would help students grow

intellectually; it was recognized that students would probably never use the target

language, but the mental exercise of learning it would be beneficial anyway.

Grammar Translation Method is a way of studying a language that

approaches the language first through detailed analysis of its grammar rules,

followed by application of this knowledge to the task of translating sentences and

texts into and out of the target language23.

Typically, grammar translation methods did exactly what they said. Students

were given explanations of individual points of grammar, and then they were

given sentences which exemplified these points. These sentences had to be

translated from the target language (L2) back to students’ first language (L1) and

vice versa.24

In grammar translation method, the students are given detailed explanation

about the grammatical pattern in their native language. Then, the sentences in

their language were translated into the target language.

One of the problems with Grammar Translation Method was that is focused

on the ability to analyze language, and not the ability to use it. In addition, the

emphasis on reading and writing did little to promote an ability to communicate

orally in the target language.25


Jack C. Richard & Theodore S. Rogers. Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching, a Description and Analysis. (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2001), p. 5.


Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching. (England: Pearson Education, 4th ed, 2007), p.63



2. Characteristics of Grammar Translation Method

There are some principles were described by Richards and Rogers of

Grammar Translation Method are:

1)The goal of foreign language study is to learn a language in order to read

its literature or in order to benefit from the mental discipline and

intellectual development that result from foreign language study,

2)Reading and writing are the major focus; little or no systematic attention is

paid to speaking or listening.

3)Vocabulary selection is based solely on the reading texts used, and words

are taught through bilingual words lists, dictionary study, and


4)The sentence is the basic unit of teaching and language practice.

5)Accuracy is emphasized

6)Grammar is taught deductively

7) The student’s native language is the medium of instruction.26

The major characteristics of Grammar Translation Method can be summed

up in the following list:

1. Instruction is given in the native language of the students.

2. There is little use of the target language for communication.

3. Focus is on grammatical parsing, i.e., the form and inflection of words.

4. There is early reading of difficult text.

5. Typical exercise is to translate sentences from the target language into the

mother tongue.

6. The result of this approach is usually an inability on the part of the student

to use the language for communication.

7. The teacher does not have to be able to speak the target language.27


Richards and Rodgers, Approaches and Methods, p.5-6



The writer may conclude that Grammar Translation Method only emphasize

on reading and writing and neglect listening and speaking skills, whereas the

listening skill is necessary to developed speaking skill. The Role of the students

in the classroom is as passive one; they only absorb and then reconstitute what

they have absorbed.

3. Techniques of Grammar Translation Method

There are some useful techniques associated with the Grammar Translation

Method as described in the following list:

1. Translation of a literary passage

Students translate a reading passage from the target language into their

native language. The reading passage then provides the focus for several

classes: vocabulary and grammatical structures in the passage are studied

in subsequent lesson.

2. Reading comprehension questions

Students answer questions in the target language based on their

understanding of the reading passage.

3. Antonyms/synonymy

Students are given one set of words and are asked to find antonyms in the

reading passage. A similar exercise could be done by asking students to

find synonyms for a particular set of words.

4. Cognates

Students are taught to recognize cognates by learning the spelling or sound

patterns that correspond between the languages. Students are also asked to

memorize words that look like cognates but have meanings in the target

language that are different from those in the native language.

5. Deductive application of rule

Grammar rules are presented with examples. Exceptions to teach rule are

also noted. Once students understand a rule, they are asked to apply it to


6. Fill in the blanks

Students are given a series of sentences with word missing. They fill in the

blanks with new vocabulary items of a particular grammar type, such as

prepositions or verbs with different tenses.

7. Memorization

Students are given lists of target language vocabulary words and their

native language equivalents and are asked to memorize them. Students are

also required to memorize grammatical rules and grammatical paradigms

such as verb conjugations.

8. Use word in sentences

In order to show that students understand the meaning and use of a new

vocabulary item, they make up sentences in which they use the new words.

9. Composition

The teacher gives the students a topic to write about in the target language.

The topic is based upon some aspect of the reading passage of the lesson.28

From the list of techniques which is used in Grammar Translation

Method, the writer may infer that language does not to teach primarily to learn

oral communication but to gain reading proficiency in a foreign language.

4. Disadvantages of Grammar Translation Method a. It is an unnatural method

The natural order of learning a language is listening, speaking, reading and

writing. That is the way how the child learns his mother tongue in natural

surroundings. But in the Grammar Translation Method the teaching of the second

language starts with teaching of reading. Thus, the learning process is reserved.

This poses problems.

b. Speech in neglected

The Grammar Translation Method lays emphasis on reading and writing.

In neglected speech. Thus, the students who are taught English through this



method fail to express themselves adequately in spoken English. Event at the

undergraduate stage they feel shy of communicating through English. It has been

observed that in a class, which is taught English through this method, learners

listen to the mother tongue more than that to the second / foreign language. Since

language learning involves habit formation such students fail to acquire habit of

speaking English. Thus, they have to pay a heavy price for being taught through

this method.

c. Exact translation is not possible

Translation is indeed, a difficult task and exact translation from one

language to another is not always possible. A language is the result of various

customs, traditions and modes of behavior of speech community and these

traditions differ from community to community. There are several lexical items in

one language, which have no synonyms/ equivalents in another language. For instance, the meaning of the English word „table’ does not fit in such expression as the „table’ of contents „table of figures’, „multiplication table4, „time table’ and „table the resolution’, etc. English preposition are also difficult to translate. Consider sentences such as „We see with our eyes’, „Bombay is far from Delhi’, „He died of cholera’, „He succeeded through hard work’. In these sentences „with’, „from’, „of, „through’, can be translated into the Hindi preposition „se’ and vice versa. Each language has its own structure, idioms and usage, which do not

have their exact counterparts in another language. Thus, translation should be

considered an index of one’s proficiency in a language.

d. It does not give pattern practice.

A person can learn a language only when he internalize its patterns to the

extent that they from his habit. But the Grammar Translation method does not

provide any such practice to the learner of a language. It rather attempts to teach

language through rules and not by use. Researchers in linguistics have proved that

to speak any language, whether native or foreign entirely by rule is quite


through practice and not by just memorizing rules. The person who have learnt a

foreign or second language through this method find it difficult to give up the

habit of first thinking in their mother tongue and then translating their ideas into

the second language. They, therefore, fail to get proficiency in the second

language approximating that in the first language. The method, therefore, suffers

from certain weakness of which there is no remedy24.

3. Vocabulary

Before discussing vocabulary use, first of all we should know the meaning

of it. Vocabulary is total number of words which (with rules for combining them)

make up a language, or (range of) words known to, or used by, a person, in trade,

profession, etc13.

The word “use” has a meaning as the function or the advantage. So we can say that from the definition-above the vocabulary use is the function or the use of

words which are used in language. It means that when we use words, we should

know the function or the use of our words our vocabularies because it can guide

us in understating the language which we learn.

Moreover, vocabulary is central to both the system and the use of

language. The words that we pronounce write and organize into sentences and

other grammatical combinations. Words are also, what ordinary users think of as

language. For, they are accessible and reflected more fully the whole culture and

respond more quickly to changes in society than do other aspects of language14.

Mastering vocabulary is the ability to get or and to receive lots of words.

By having and mastering vocabulary, we will know the meaning of vocabulary in

the context. It can also help to avoid making the mistakes in identifying a

language with the dictionary and guide us in making the equivalence of the second

language to the native language.


http://purwarno-Linguistics.blogspoi.com/20Q6/Ql/grainniar-lranslation-method- 13.html


Hornby, Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary., p. 1959



Here is some of the vocabulary use:

a. Helping us master kinds or levels of meaning

In mastering the kinds or levels of meaning such as the words with their

lexical meaning are, they are by no means the only essential meanings in the

symbols and devices of a language and also the lexical content of the various

words- the words as listed and defined in a dictionary. In the sentence “The old man killed the little bear”, the dictionary does tell us the kind of beings to which the words man and bear refer it will explain the particular type of action for which

the word will is a symbol. And it will give us some notion of the qualities

included in the meanings of such words as old and little. This is however

practically all the help the dictionary can give. It does not tell us whether old is to

be taken as a characteristic of the man or of the bear; or whether the bear or the

man or both are little. The dictionary cannot tell us whether, in this particular

sentence, the man bear performed the action. So the syntactical, the positions in

which old and little stand in relation to man and bear give us the essential meaning

that it is the man that is old and bear that is little. The fact that the old man

precedes the word killed and that the little bear follows that word. Killed conveys

the meaning that the man Rather than hear performed the action. Here, syntactical

meaning absolutely essential to any understanding of the utterance expressed by

the word order.

Morphological meaning or the forms of the words. The form of the word

man (in contrast with men) and the form of the word bear (in contrast with bears)

signals the feet that there was but one man and but one bear. In similar fashion the

form of the word killed indicates the fact that the action has already occurred. It is

not now in process nor projected for the future.

b. Developing Reading Skill

The reading action of each book contains materials on techniques of

reading and studying, as well as on such skills as test taking and reasoning. Major

emphasis is placed on the vocabulary development. Use of the dictionary, use of


Table 4.3  The Score of the Individual Students Were Taught by
Figure 4.2 The Interval Class of Gained Score of the First
Table 4.1 The Score of the Individual Students Were Taught by Using Direct Method
Table 4.2 The Interval Class of Gained Score of the First Class


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