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Academic year: 2017



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A Thesis

Submitted to the English Applied Linguistics Study Program in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of

Magister Humaniora


FENNY FRISKA SORMIN Registration Number : 8126 111 008







Thanks to God, the Lord of the universe who has given me the opportunity to accomplish this thesis. Thanks so much my dear God. It is also impossible to be accomplished without guidance, support and valuable knowledge from many people whose names cannot be mentioned all.

First, the writer would like to express her sincere gratitude to Prof. Amrin Saragih, M.A., Ph. D as her first adviser and Prof. Dr. Busmin Gurning, M. Pd as her second adviser, for their valuable advice, guidance, constructive comments and previous time spent on supervising and commenting the process of writing until it comes to its present form. Second her special gratitude goes to the Head of English Applied Linguistics, Dr, Rahmad Husein, M. Ed who has generously encouraged her in completing this study, all lecturers for her valuable knowledge and instruction they have implemented to her during the years studying and librarians of the State University of Medan for leading some useful books and other sources that are needed in writing this thesis.

The writer also would like to sincerely thank to anonymous participants who contributed suggestions, critics and advises to this study. My deepest gratitute goes to Prof. Dr. Berlin Sibarani, M. Pd, Dr. Rahmad Husein, M. Ed, and Dr. Eddy Setia, M. Ed., TESP, without their excellent academic guidance and support, this thesis would not have been possible.


Geby Permata Elisabeth Sormin for their full love, support, care, and prayers. And also, her gratitude goes to all of her big family for their love and support.

Finally, a special gratitude is addressed to all her beloved best friends especially Mariana Natalia Siburian, S. S, M.Hum, Dwi Maya Novitri, M.Hum, for their unconditional love, care, support for the writer. All her classmates LTBI A1, moreover Roikestina Silaban, S.S, M.Hum, Rosi Agustina Naibaho, S.Pd, M.Hum, Azizah Nur Husda. Kartina Rambe, Sri Minda, Ricky Barus, Bang Amri, Irma, Dahlia, Isra Mitari, Meylin Lumban Batu, Mahya Humaira, Yoni, Kak Fitri, Bang Yudha, and many others for their friendship and encouragement in finishing this thesis. For her special man, her partner in crime, her flashlight whenever she’s

stuck in the dark, he would always be there, Herry Budianto Manullang, S.E., for his fully love , care and time, so the writer coud finish her thesis.

Last but not least, she must confess that she has done her most to accomplish this thesis but she realized it is still far from being perfect. Therefore, any constructive, criticism, suggestions or comments will be highly appreciated.

Medan, 05 April 2016 The writer



Sormin, Fenny Friska. 8126111008. Figure of Speech Used in The Toba Batak Wedding Ceremony Generated by The Philosophy of Dalihan Na Tolu. Medan: Postgraduate School Program of State University of Medan, August 2016.

The aims of this study are to describe the kinds of figure of speech and to discover the existence of figure of speech that is delivered by Hula-hula, paranak, and dongan tubu in Toba Batak wedding ceremony. This research was conducted by using qualitative descriptive design. The data were the utterances gathered from

umpasa that are delivered by Hula-hula, paranak, and dongan tubu of 2 Toba



Sormin, Fenny Friska. 8126111008. Gaya Bahasa yang digunakan dalam Pernikahan Batak Toba yang dihasilkan oleh Filsafat Dalihan Na Tolu. Tesis. Program Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Medan, Maret 2016.

Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menjelaskan jenis-jenis gaya bahasa dan mengetahui keberadaan gaya bahasa yang disampaikan oleh Hula-hula, paranak,dan dongan

tubu dalam pernikahan Batak Toba. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan

desain kualitatif deskriptif. Data pada penlitian ini adalah umpasa yang disampaikan oleh Hula-hula, paranak, dan dongan tubu di Medan dan Dolok Sanggul. Data dianalisa dengan menggunakan analisa deksriptif. Data dihadirkan dengan menggunakan analisis dari Sudaryanto (1993). Hal itu dimulai dengan mengidentifikasikan data yang dibutuhkan dalam penelitian ini, menggolongkan data sesuai dengan teori-teori gaya bahasa dan menganalisa data sesuai dengan teori yang digunakan. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah (1) Ada 7 dari 10 jenis-jenis gaya bahasa yang ditemukan di dalam umpasa di pernikahan Batak Toba di Medan dan Dolok Sanggul yakni simile, metafor, personifikasi, simbol, alegori, hiperbola, dan ironi. (2) Gaya bahasa yang paling dominan di dalam pernikahan Batak Toba di Medan dan Dolok Sanggul adalah simile yang menunjukkan persentase 55.5% dan 47% dari gaya-gaya bahasa lainnya. (3) Masyarakat Batak Toba cenderung menyampaikan umpasa melalui simile dimana membandingkan antara dua hal yang berbeda dengan menggunakan istilah (seperti,bagaikan) dan menggambarkan kualitas pertama dari kedua untuk menanamkan makna kiasan yang melekat dengan yang lainnya. (4) Masyarakat Batak Toba sering menggunakan umpasa yang sama di setiap upacara pernikahan. Sebagai tambahan, gaya bahasa yang disampaikan oleh pembicara-pembicara seperti

Hula-hula, paranak, dan dongan tubu yang digunakan di dalam pernikahan Batak




2.1 Figure of Speech ...10

3.3 Procedures of Data Collection ...38

3.4 The Instrument of Data Collection ...39

3.5 Technique of Data Analysis ...39


3.6.1 Credibility ...40

3.6.2 Transferability ...41

3.6.3 Dependability ...42

3.6.4 Confirmability ...42


4.1 Figures of Speech Used in Toba Batak Wedding Ceremonies ...43

A. Figure of Speech in Toba Batak Wedding Ceremony in Medan On February 16th, 2015...43

B. Figure of Speech in Toba Batak Wedding Ceremony in Dolok Sanggul On August 15th, 2009 ...57

4.2 The Dominant Figure of Speech ...66

4.3 The Ways How Figures of Speech Reflect Toba Batak Culture ...68

4.4 The Reason of Using Figure of Speech ...73

4.5 Findings ...75

4.6 Discussions ...76


5.1 Conclusions ...80

5.2 Suggestions ...81




Table 4.1 Figures of Speech used in Toba Batak Wedding Ceremony

In Medan ...43 Table 4.2 Figures of Speech used in Toba Batak Wedding Ceremony



Appendix 1 Map of Sumatra ...85

Appendix 2 Figure of Speech in Toba Batak Wedding Ceremony ...86

Appendix 3 Photo Documentation of Toba Batak Wedding Ceremonies ... 93

Appendix 4 Glossary Terms of Toba Batak Wedding Ceremony... 99

Appendix 5 Interview Transcripts ... 102



1.1 The Background of Study

Language is a mean of communication among human being. We can not live alone, so we need communication with another to fulfill our necessities. All languages events consist of a piece of language in social context. They give names to concepts of cultural importance and mark certain conceptual categories in their grammars, e.g. differences between male and female, differences between one and more than one, so forth. Every different social context determines that particular form of language. The language informs the way we think, the way we experience, and the way we interact with each other (Thompson : 2003).


As Trudgill in Thompson (2003) argues that, language is closely associated with social structure and culture value system. And he also states that language as a social phenomenon is closely tied up with the social structure and value system of society. It means that language cannot be separated with the social structure and culture value system. By language, a culture will be exist.

Language is adaptable and lends itself to imaginative usage. We can express the same idea in different ways. We may make a direct informative statement of fact or we may use figurative language, language that has an emotional appeal. Figurative language goes beyond the literal meanings of words to achieve particular effect. It is well known that figure of speech or figurative language is often used in speaking and writing to express ideas and emotions, and to affect the views and attitudes of others. However, there is increasing evidence that the use of figurative language varies depending on the nature of the communicative activity, or, more specifically, depending on factors such as topic, audience, mode of communication, situational context, and so on.


that the figures of speech help to communicate the experience because they appeal to the reader’s own experience. The figure of speech gives depth and richness to the experience. According to Francis in Masruri (2012), figurative means imitation, meanwhile language is a set of signals and the structures and can be studied by human being. In other words, the figure of speech is a way of saying something and meaning something else in order to bring about impressive effect.

Three of the most important figures of speech are simile, metaphor, and personification. Metaphor and simile are both used as a means of comparing things that are essentially unlike. The only distinction between them is that in simile the comparison is expressed by the use of some word or phrase, such as like, as, than, similar to, resembles, or seems. According to Arp & Perrine in Rose (2003), figure of speech can be divided into ten namely simile, metaphor, personification, apostrophe, metonymy, symbol, allegory, paradox, overstatement or hyperbole, and irony.


language and secondly the national language. They use the national language either in formal or informal situation.

Batak society is not a homogeneous entity. They consist of various subethnic of Batak who have different identity and cultures. Toba Batak Language (TBL) is one of the ethnic languages in North Sumatera, which is used by the Batak Toba people to communicate within or in the areas in wedding ceremony. Batak Toba culture is one of the Indonesian cultures. The effect of developing the Batak culture itself is not only to enrich the varieties of Indonesian cultures but also to develop norms and qualities.

According to Carle (2001), the ceremonies of the Batak people in detail but have some basic elements in common, such as the self-representation as three social kinship group known as dalihan na tolu or investor worship. Dalihan Na Toluis the principle tradition of Batak. It is a triangle bond between brothers, sisters, and brothers of the mother. In Toba Batak ideology, the use of language is known to speak based on the palse and speak softly. It means that when Batak Toba people speak, they should speak based on the place, context, and should be polite. In social interaction, Toba Batak language has functions as a medium of communication and also as a medium of cultural expression, for example in wedding ceremony.

In a Batak wedding ceremony,dalihan na toluof the groom anddalihan

na toluof the bride will be involved. They have to say some speech in the


Most important, language used in a wedding ceremony such as Toba Batak Wedding Ceremony always uses figurative language to express an essential aesthetic purpose, widening and deepening the range of preception and response to the word of objects and ideas. It is too danger if the utterances of speakers in wedding ceremony break the norms, principles and even the rules in society and it can be received by people. Because Toba Batak people especially Hula-hula and

paranak have to understand and develop the way they deliver their speech in the

wedding ceremony so that they can to express ideas and emotions, and to affect the views and attitudes of others.

As we know that there is umpasa in Bataknese tradition. The meaning of

umpasa in the Bataknese tradition has a deep meaning in delivering advice,

blessing, hope, and health. So they may not add misinformation to deliver it, so it has meaningless, and break its meaning. The speakers or parhata must have a skill in communicating and delivering umpasa well. They must be able to deliver in speech well, especially in expressing it. It means that the speakers can develop it depends on its context. It Bataknese tradition, the more he can deliver it, the more tremendous is regarded.


Marriage is the most important part in someone’s life, especially for the Bataknese in which the marriage ceremony consists of a long process of activities which are divided in three steps.

1. Marhusip (Limited Discussion)

In this ceremony, each side is represented by the mediator practiced secretly, Marhusip is where the groom’s side directly consults the bride’s side on the dowry, usually only very colse relatives are invited. Marhusip literally means ‘to whisper’. It refers to offering aspect. In the first stage of a traditional wedding, where the whispering which takes place as the bride’s parent instruct their negotiations.

2. Marhata Sinamot & Marpudun Saut (Discussion on the bride’s


The second step after marhusip in Bataknese traditional wedding is called marhata sinamot & marpudun saut. This step is the discussion oof the financial aspects. Marhata sinamot is a public announcement of the agreed-upon bride-price and the form of the ceremony.

3. Marunjuk (Marriage Blessing)

Marunjuk is the performance of marriage ceremony which is


From the three steps above, it is necessary to discuss the use of figure of speech in the traditional Toba Batak wedding ceremony. It is known that there are some ceremonies in Batak Toba society, such as birth ceremony, death ceremony, the ceremony to enter a new house, and the wedding ceremony. Wedding ceremony is chosen to be analyzed in this thesis since a wedding has a significant role in one’s life. In performing the cultural event in Bataknese, there are three components of Bataknese are interconnectedn namely Dalihan Na Tolu which takes important part in Bataknese cultural event that takes a long process of talks

and discussions during the wedding ceremony. Based on the explanation above, the writer is interested in analyzing and

exploring deeply about the figures of speech in Toba Batak wedding ceremony that are used by Hula-hula and Paranak. All of the figures of speech will be explained. It aims to make Batak Toba culture exists, the researcher feels that it is important to conduct the study on the use of figures of speech at Toba Batak wedding ceremony generated by the philosophy of Dalihan na Tolu. The figure of speech can be a device to maintain Toba Batak’s culture. The writer also hopes that the finding of this study will give many contribution to all people to be proud about their culture and introduce Toba Batak wedding ceremony process deeply.

1.2 The Problems of the Study

Related to the background of the study, the problems of the study are formulated as the following.


2. What kind of figure of speech is dominantly used in Toba Batak wedding ceremony generated by the philosophy of Dalihan Na Tolu? 3. How does figure of speech reflect Toba Batak culture in the wedding ceremony?

4. Why is the figure of speech used in the Toba Batak wedding ceremony?

1.3 The Objectives of the Study

Related to the problems , the objectives of the study are.

1. Describe figures of speech in the Batak Toba wedding ceremony.

2. Derive the dominantly used figures of speech in Toba Batak wedding ceremony generated by the philosophy of Dalihan Na Tolu.

3. Elaborate the way of figure of speech reflects Toba Batak culture. 4. Elaborate the reason the figures of speech used in Toba Batak wedding ceremony.

1.4 The Scope of the Study

There are several kinds of Toba Batak ceremony and one of them is in wedding ceremony. In this case, the study is limited on figure of speech that is used in the Toba Batak Wedding Ceremony generated by the Philosophy of

Dalihan Na Tolu who lives in Medan and Dolok Sanggul areas and are involved


neighbour. This study is intended to discover the existence of figure of speech that is delivered by Hula-hula,Dongan Tubu, and paranak in Toba Batak wedding ceremony.

1.5 The Significance of the Study

The writer assumes that the research findings will be useful theoretically and practically.

1. Theoretically, the findings of the study potentially add up new horizon in theories of sociolinguistics. In addition the findings can be references for further studies. It can be regarded as the additional resources for lectures in teaching sociolinguistics, especially these who are not fully aware of Batak Toba people. They can learn how the Batak Toba culture is performed and aplied in Batak Toba society. In addition, it is intended to discover the application of the theoretical aspects. 2. Practically, the findings are expected to be a guidance for those who




5.1 Conclusions

After analyzing the data, this thesis on the use of figure of speech in Toba Batak wedding ceremony has revealed some conclusions. The conclusions are taken as the following :

(1) Toba Batak society used figure of speech on their wedding ceremony. Figures of speech that were used in Toba Batak wedding ceremony are simile, metaphor, personification, symbol, overstatement/hyperbole, allegory and irony.

(2) The use of simile to be dominantly. It could be seen from the percentage of figure of speech in Medan and Dolok sanggul. Similes in Toba Batak wedding ceremony in Medan uttered 55.5% while similes in Toba Batak wedding ceremony in Dolok Sanggul uttered 47%. It showed that Toba Batak society especially the speakers in delivering the umpasa tent to speak with denoting one kind of object or idea is used in place of another to suggest a likeness or analogy between them. The speakers in Toba Batak wedding ceremony made an implicit comparison to explain the content of their umpasa.

(3) Figure of speech reflected Toba Batak cultural values such as Kinship, Religi, Hagabeon (descendants), hamoraon (wealth), and


intimate relationship with their Creator and they tent to rely on everything in God, Hagabeon was an expression that expects to be given later newlywed son 17 and daughter 16. Hamoraon was one of the underlying cultural values and encourage the Batak people, especially the Toba, to find a lot of property. Hasangapon was a consideration to be private, perfect humans are a high status in life, and no ridicule from others. When a certain degree he also has

hamoraon (wealth) and he has hagabeon (descendants) These

cultural values which becoming their life principle of their society. (4) The figures of speech which were uttered by the speakers such as

Hula-hula, tulang, and dongan tubu used in Toba Batak wedding

ceremony as a prayer and a guidance to the bridegroom for starting their newlife.

5.2 Suggestions

It is suggested to those who concerned with Toba Batak culture to learn about the use of figures of speech used in Toba Batak wedding ceremony. The suggestions are as the following:

(1) The lecturers who play an important role in teaching sociolinguistics. By studying vernacular culture especially Toba Batak culture.


comprehensive situations, since Toba Batak people are rich with umpasa are used for different cultural ceremony with different umpasa. These are the content of umpasa as for prayer, advise, hope, prosperity, long life, etc.

(3) This research is recomended to the Toba Batak people as the finding of this research to develop of the conceptual knowledge of the Toba Batak people to implement certain action in the weddin ceremony in the Toba Batak society.

(4) It is suggested to all of us as the writer or reader who read this thesis in order to understand the types of figure of speech and the usage of the figures of speech are different between one to another cultures.


Figures of Speech used in Toba Batak Wedding Ceremony
Figure of Speech in Toba Batak Wedding Ceremony ..................86
Figurative language is the one that uses figures of speech. Figurative


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