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The Analysis ofl fluence Green Advertising ard Green product to Consumer Involvement a{fect to Purchasing Decision Ades Mineml Water ( Case Study: Studeot of Indonesia University)


Academic year: 2017

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( Case Study Student University of Indonesia)


Rara Anggun Tias

ID : 109081100004



























Presented to the Economic and Business Facutty

To Fullfrll the Requirements To Holds a Bachelor of Economics





** ,.

























Thursday August 1"r, 2013 has been conducted on the student comprehensive exanination:

l. Name : Rara Anggun Tias



: 109081100004 3. Depaftrent

4. Thesis tide

: Management

: The Analysis


fluence Green Advertising ard Green product to Consumer Involvement a{fect to Purchasing Decision Ades Mineml Water ( Case Study :

Studeot of Iodonesiai University)

After cereful observation and attention to appearence and capabilities relevant fot comprehensive examination process,


was decided that the above stude[t passed


the comprehensive exami[atiotr was accepted as one of rcquirements to obtain a Bachelor of Economics in The Faculty of Economics and Business SyarifHidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta.

Jakarta, August 1"1, 2013

Zaenal Muttaqin, MPP ID:19790503 201101 1 006

Sri hidayati, S.Ag., M.Ed lD: 19770608 20ll0l 2 003



Today is Fiday September 27n, 2013 has beeD conducted on the student thesis examination:



: Rara AnggunTias 2. Student Number : 109081100004



: Management

4. Thesis


: Analysis ofThe Influence on Green Advertising and

Grcen Product to Consurner Involvement and AIIect Purchasing Decision


Ades Mineral Water (Stusy Case: Student University oflndonesia)

After careful obseflation and atkntiotr to appearance and capabilities relevant for thesis examination process,


was decided that the above student passed and the thesis was accepted as one of the requirements to obtain a Bachelor of Economics


The Faculty


Economics and Business Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta.

Jakarta, September 27, 2013

1. Leis Suzanawaty, SE, M.Si. TD. 19720809 200501 2 004

2. Sri Hidayati, S.Ag, M.Ed rD. 19770608 201101 2 003










Expert Examiner 3. Ade Suherlan, MBA" MM

rD. 19800525 200912



4. DR. H A. Dumyati Basho


rD. 19700106 200312




ID Faculty






RaIa AnggunTias


Economy and Business

Iatemational Marketing Managemeut

Hereby declare that this thesis is my own work which is the result


researclL processing, and analysis ofmy own, and do not constitute plagiarism or replication oflhe works or research results ofothers.

If proven this thesis plagiarism or replication, then the thesis is considered to fall and had to do some research for a new thesis composing and the test repeated.

Such statement was made,

with all

the consequences that aris€ later became my responsibility.

Jakart4 11 September 2013



Curiculum Vitae

A. Personal Data

1. Name : Rara AnggunTias

2. Place and Date Birth : Curup, 22 September 1991

3. Religion : Islam

4. Status : Single

5. Adress : Jln. Nurul Huda no. 17 RT 02/01 Desa

Cempaka Putih Kab. Tanggerang Selatan

6. Nationality : Indonesia

7. Email : anggunr@yahoo.co.id


B. Family Data

1. Father : Subroto

2. Mother : Sri Widiayanti

3. Children : First Daugther from three brothers

C. Formal Education Data

1. 1997 – 2003 : SDN 102 Curup

2. 2003 – 2006 : SMPN 2 Curup




This research aims to analyse of Green Advertising and Green Product influence to consumer involvement and affect purchasing of Ades mineral water in Indonesia University Depok. Purposive sampling method has been selected to obtain data required at this study. The research utilizes 100 respondents and overall of respondents are student Indonesia University who are buying and consume Ades Mineral Water.

Analytical method used is path analysis. The result of this reseacrh shows that: green advertising and green product have significant influence simultaneously and partially on consumer involvement on first structural equation. The second structure equation shows that: the green advertising, green product and consumer involvement have significant influence simultaneously on purchasing decision. Green advertising and green product have not significant influence partially on purchasing decision, but the variable consumer involvement have significant influence partially on purchasing decision.




Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menanalisis pengaruh green advertising dan green produk terhadap keterlibatan konsumen dan dampaknya pada keputusan pembelian pelanggan pada air mineral Ades di Universitas Indonesia Depok. Metode Purposive sampling telah dipilih untuk memperoleh data dalam penelitian ini. Penelitian ini menggunakan 100 responden dan keseluruhan responden adalah mahasiswa Universitas Indonesia yang sudah membeli dan mengkonsumsi air mineral Ades.

Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah path analysis. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa green advertising dan green produk secara simultan dan parsial berpengaruh signifikan pada keterlibatan konsumen pada persamaan struktur pertama. Pada persamaan struktur kedua menunjukkan bahwa green advertising, green produk dan keterlibatan konsumen berpengaruh significant terhadap keputusan pembelian pelanggan. Secara parsial Green advertising dan Green produk tidak berpengaruh significant terhadap keputusan pembelian, tetapi variabel keterlibatan konsumen dan keputusan pembelian secara parsial berpengaruh significant terhadap keputusan pembelian.




Assalammualaikum Wr. Wb

Alhamdulillahhirobbil alamin all praise and thanks to ALLAH SWT for all

his guidance and favor, which always gives hints of inner strength and as well as

health. So that I can complete this thesis to attain a Bachelor of Degree Economic

Program Study International Management at the Faculty of Economics and

business of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah, Jakarta.

In the process of drafting this thesis author very aware of all the

shortcomings, but with the blessing of ALLAH SWT, hard work, prayers, and

never ending support given by families, friends, and faculty supervisor. This

thesis can be solved eventually, the profuse gratitude I say to:

1. Mama and Papa are no cease making me as a child the best, thank you for

your support and prayers and tears given during this time. Insyaallah there

will be no useless. Thank you for always there beside me, without prayer

and support you guys I was not anything in the world. Love you Ma.. Pa..

2. Mr. Prof. Dr. Abdul Hamid, MS as the Dean of the Faculty of Economics

and business of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.

3. Mr. Dr. Ahmad Dumyathi Bashori, MA as the Supervisor I, for the advice

that was given to me during the guide in this thesis.

4. Mrs. Cut Erika Ananda F,SE, MBA as the Supervisor g II, for the advice

that was given to me during the guide in this thesis.

5. All the Lecturers and employees of the Faculty of Economics and business

of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah over all the outpouring of knowledge,



6. For both my brother Anti and Jaka thanks to always entertain me when I

was exhausted and replace it with a smile and laughter. Love you Both.

7. To Fitri Aiyasofia, Vera Suciyati, Tatiek Meta Devi, Rama Virda Ayu,

Firas Azhari, Lukman Qomar thanks for everythings guys, don't know

how I'm here without you and Thank you for willing to hear all those

stories and give support each time, hopefully we can achieve our dreams

and our friendship will continue until our parents later. You all rock guys!

8. To the grandmother who always give spirit and continuous prayer to me

for quickly pass, thanks ya Grandma may always given you health and

abundant sustenance from ALLAH SWT.

9. To my friends in international management class 2009, thank you for

togetherness during the lecture, wish you could quickly guys to complete

the thesis and will never forget all the wonderful memories ever

undertaken when it became a class mate.

10. To other parties who participated help, can not I mentioned one by one, I

say thanks for everything

The author realize there are still many limitations, but the author hopes

that the thought-provoking contributions may pass can give benefit to the reader.

Wassalammualaikum Wr. Wb

Jakarta, 11 September 2013






IN Cover

Statement of Authenticity Scientific Work ... i

Curiculum Vitae ... ii

Abstract ... iii

Abstrak ... iv

Foreword ... v

Content ... vii

List of Table ... x

List of Figure ... xii

List of Attachment... xiii

Chapter I Preliminary A. Background ... 1

B. Problem Statement ... 9

C. Research Objective ... 10

D. Benefit Of Research ... 11

Chapter II Review of The Literature A. Marketing Definition ... 12

B. Advertising Definition ... 14

C. Advertising Purpose ... 15

D. Green Advertising Definition ... 17

E. Atittude Toward Green Advertising ... 20

F. Product Definition ... 21

G. Product Classification ... 22



I. Consumer Involvement ... 27

J. Purchase Decision Definition ... 30

K. Previous Research ... 33

L. Frame of Mind... 38

M. Hypothesis ... 38

Chapter III Research Method A. Scope of Research ... 41

B. Sample Collection Method ... 42

C. Data Collection Method ... 43

1. Primary Data ... 43

2. Skunder Data ... 43

D. Analysis Data Method ... 44

1. Validity and Reability Test ... 46

a. Validity Test ... 46

b. Reability Test ... 46

2. Path analysis ... 47

a. Coeffisien Determination (R2) ... 49

b. F Test ... 49

c. T Test ... 50

E. Variabel Operational Research ... 51

1. Research variabel ... 51

2. Operational Definition ... 51

Chapter IV Analysis A. General Describtion of Research Object ... 56

1. Company Hostory PT. Coca-Cola Bottling Indonesia ... 56



3. PT. Coca-Cola Company Environtment Program ... 59

B. Analysis and Explanation ... 62

1. Validity Test ... 62

2. Reliability Test ... 64

C. Discovery and Discussion ... 65

1. Characteristic and Data Responden ... 65

2. Responden Rating ... 68

D. Analysis Result ... 88

1. Path Analysis ... 88

a. Relationship Test between sub Variabel ... 88

b. Hypothesis Test ... 92

1) Koefisien Determination (R2) ... 92

2) F Test ... 95

3) T Test ... 99

4) Diagram Path Analysis ... 110

5) Influence Calculation ... 111

Chapter V Conclusion and Implication A. Conclution ... 114

B. Implication ... 115

Bibliography ... 117




Number Decription Page

3.1 Likert Scale ... 44

3.2 Operational Variabel Definition ... 52

4.1 Validity Test Result... 63

4.2 Reliability Test Result ... 64

4.3 Respondent Gender ... 65

4.4 Responden Frequensi Perfaculty ... 66

4.5 Ades Mineral Water Environmental Advertising themed ... 68

4.6 The Examples A New Lifestyle For Safeguarding The Environment ... 69

4.7 Applying the Information Obtained in the advertising Everyday ... 70

4.8 The Advertising Messages That Carried It Well On The Consumer ... 71

4.9 Characterized by eco Friendly Advertising... 72

4.10 The Eco Friendly Logo On Advertising ... 73

4.11 Environmentally Friendly Packaging ... 74

4.12 Characterizes Green Product Packaging ... 75

4.13 The Quality of the Ades Mineral Packaging and Water Supplied Have Been Very Good ... 76

4.14 The Affordable Price Ades Mineral Water ... 77

4.15 The Experience Of The Bad Environment Makes The Ades Mineral Water As An Eco-Friendly Product Options ... 78

4.16 Products that are Fun and Interesting When it consumed and After it Consumed ... 79

4.17 Benefits Provided for Environmental by Ades Mineral Water ... 80

4.18 Easily Recyclable and is Able to Reduce Environmental Waste ... 81



4.20 Purchase of Ades Mineral Water because Eco Friendly Products ... 83

4.21 The Purchase Based on Recommendations from Friends/tv ads/Brochures/Banners ... 84

4.22 The Interesting New Way In Safeguarding The Environment... 85

4.23 Ades Mineral Water Product is better than similar eco friendly Products86 4.24 The Content after purchase of products of Mineral water Ades ... 87

4.25 Corelation Coefficient ... 89

4.26 Sub Variable Testing ... 91

4.27 Coefficient Determination Strucrure I ... 92

4.28 Coefficient Determination Structure II ... 94

4.29 Analysis of Varian (ANOVA) Structure I ... 95

4.30 Analysis of Varian (ANOVA) Structure II ... 97

4.31 Result Partial Test Structure I ... 99

4.32 The Influence of Green Advertising and Green Product to Consumer Involvement ... 102

4.33 Result Partial Test Structure II ... 103

4.34 The Influence of Green Advertising and Green Product to Consumer Involvement and Affect Purchasing Decision ... 107

4.35 Partial Test Result Structure II after Trimming ... 106

4.36 The Influence of Green Advertising and Green Product to Consumer Involvement and Affect Purchasing Decision after Trimming ... 109

4.37 Coefficient Determination Structure II after Trimming ... 109

4.38 Direct and Indirect Influence Green Advertising (X1) to Consumer Involvement (Y) ... 111

4.39 Direct and Indirect Influence Green Produk (X2) to Consumer Involvement (Y) ... 112




Number Description Page

2.1 The Five Ms of Advertising ... 15

2.2 Model of Consumer Problem Solving ... 31

2.3 Frame of Mind ... 38

4.1 Ades Mineral Water ... 57

4.2 Green Advertising Message of Ades Mineral Water ... 59




Number Description Page

1 Research Quesioner ... 119

2 Validity and Reliability Test Data... 122

3 Path Analysis Quesioner Data ... 123

4 Respondent Frequncy Distribution ... 126

5 Validity and Reliability Test Result ... 133





A. Background

The environment is the most influential in our lives, when awareness for

safeguarding the environment is reduced can imagined what would happen on our

Earth. Since the last decade of the world awareness of the importance of

environmental conservation is increasing very rapidly. This increase is made clear

by the presence of large concerns the possibility of environmental catastrophe that

threatens not only health, but even to our survival and our descendants. As we

know problem about acid rain, greenhouse effect, air pollution and water levels

are already at very dangerous, fires and deforestation that threatens the amount of

oxygen in our atmosphere, until the waste problem that makes the dizziness of

local government.

According to Wibowo (2011) insightful marketing environment is the

company's response to the demands of marketers or that the company is more in

favor of the environment along with the severity of the damage to the

environment. The increasing demands of the community, among others, the

impact of a society that is increasingly concerned about the environment and

health. In the context of the consumer movement in Indonesia, concern for the

environment is not yet of which occur in countries of Europe, America and other



research done by Frontier, one of the leading market research agencies in

Indonesia, concern for the environment have not been characteristics of

consumers in Indonesia generally. However, with increasingly deadly

environmental damage occurred, reinforced by the rapid development of

information technology that drives the creation of global consumers, predicted in

a period of time which is not too long-the number of consumers insightful

environment in Indonesia will increase by leaps and bounds. To that end,

consumer characteristics mapping needs to be done pro environment in Indonesia

in order to create the consumer who loves the environment and increase the use of

green products for health.

Focus on Green Marketing, marketing responsible environmental

orientation. The concept of environmental marketing it can keep growing due to

the growing number of consumers who want a more comfortable environment

conditions, and consumers already feel that much of the pollution caused by

companies that do not pay attention to the environment of business activities that

they are running. So basically a successful business is a business that has a high

sensitive of the surrounding environment (Endang, 2007). Green marketing

campaigns or programs go green, now is becoming a new movement

manufacturers or companies that are committed to developing the marketing

environment (green marketing) against environmental liability products that his



packaging that can be more easily recycled by consumers to be more

environmentally friendly.

Green marketing is not only known by business world but there are also

green advertising and green products. Both are part of the green marketing and

when a company is launching a green theme on the agenda since it is advertising

and products is the most important part to proceed to the next step. For an

attribute theory green advertising is advertising are created to influence the

homemakers to buy and use environmentally friendly products in their day

activities (Nik Tehrani: 328) and green product is the product's manufactured

using organic materials such as long-term durability, packaging, recycle and

reduce and sustainable design standards (Nik Tehrani: 12). So, companies are not

only selling goods to consumers but the company also gives information about the

way of life is good and the company also thought will be given to the impact that

the environment after it is finished products used by consumers.

Therefore now in Indonesia have been many companies that carry the

green theme in any of its activities such as in the manufacture of advertising on

TV or create an event themed green. The use of advertising also rated effective for

making the public aware of how important it is to keep the environment, one of

the advertising that is often used is the media TV because votes are more easily

understood by the consumer and more often seen than load the news or Balliho. It

will also divert people's interest from the beginning was not so paying attention to



purchase. Society will lot of switch on green products that many on offer by the

market although the selling price of green products are slightly more expensive

than normal but the community will prefer to use products with green because it

already knew would be beneficial.

When you see the fact that there are in Indonesia right now, in the year

2012 the average percentage of the waste disposed to landfill and drawn amounted

to 41.28 percent 35,59 percent burned, buried 7.97 percent, thrown carelessly

(into a river, channel, path, etc.) 14.01 percent, and processed (recycled) only 1.15

percent especially from year to year the production and consumption of bottled

water are rising steadily and in 2012 the production of bottled water reached 19

billion liters, While plastic bottles is a disposable product. Specifically for the city

of Jakarta with a population of approximately 10 million citizen, producing tons

of garbage per day, 6500, comprising 53% of household waste and 47% of the

garbage industry. This can be deduced from the fact if the waste is a major

problem that must be solved by the enterprenuer since most of the garbage is the

result of industrial businesses. It is also a challenge to the enterpreneur to create a

business that not only keeps consumers remain loyal and secure in consuming

goods but also creating products that will not harm the environment after it is

consumed by the consumer.

Based on research conducted by the Ministry of the environment of some

industries, then there are 4 reasons to cause the industry to put environmental



because of the realization that the natural resources (matter and energy) is very

limited, then anything should be done to reduce their use. Therefore, the industry

must devise recycling and efficiency in the use of any material and energy in the

production process, which it has implications on the reduction of production costs.

Second, the Image of the environment because it has a positive attitude towards

the environment is a good thing to be able to grow the next image to enlarge

market share. Third, environmental and market opportunities because the market

demands of the business and corporate world in terms of environmental

management system, which subsequently developed into the granting of

certification ISO 14001, then this gives a positive impact on the business world.

Fourth, adherence to environmental regulations because although "law

enforcement" Government is still weak, however in the event of violations in

environmental management or the existence of public complaints as a result of the

impact of an industrial activity, then it will negatively impact the reputation of the

industry and to achieve the goal, then a company must create a system inputs,

processes and outputs are integrated so as to allow the achievement of a company



Here are some list of some names of companies that are already doing green


When compared to the total waste that reaches 41.28% in 2013 with

amount of total companies now there is many companies that yet awere about

their waste in environment . This is where the importance of the application of

green advertising and green products not only in sales but also in business

activities, as green products and green advertising aims to provide information on

how to care for the environment after using products so as not to be bad for the

environment as well as sell products made from materials which are harmless and

easily recycled by the environment.

Ades mineral Water is a brand of drinking water available in Indonesia. It

is marketed as "pure, safe, and trusted drinking water". The Coca-Cola

Company acquired the Ades bottled water brand for $20 million in 2000 as part of

its $45 million investment in the country since 1999. In the process of making the

bottle Ades wear fewer plastic material so easily broken. With the volume of

empty bottles broken after smaller, it will save space in the trash. And then also

produces carbon emissions footprint smaller when the garbage transported. Ades

would like to sweep the young generation who have the power to make changes,

open to new opportunities, and is ready to make it happen in real action. The



Ades is also aware of its social responsibility, than that of the stages of

manufacture of mineral water bottles to mineral water filling into packaging Ades

strives to reduce the impact that may be caused by the operations that affect the

environment. Products of mineral water produced by Coca Cola Amatil Indonesia

is accompanied with its environmental care campaign Select, drinking and broken.

Through these ads Ades Indonesia urge people to squeeze or bruise mineral water

bottles whose contents have been drunk. After the empty bottles, broken in pieces

and then dumped in the trash.

By using the right marketing strategy without leaving the concern will be the

social environment as well as that submitted by Ades Mineral water through

media advertising (green advertising) expected the consumer can keep the

surrounding environment in order to create a healthy environment.

The research will be conducted at University of Indonesia because

University of Indonesia as green campus that have pysical building and 170 ha

green lanscape buffer, 30 ha wafer ecosystem, 100 ha city forest are inculding

conservation forest, supporting facilities and infrastructur environment buffer of

12 ha. University of Indonesia also establish the green metric ranking of world

universities in april 2010 to provide detailed profiles of participating who wish to



Based on the explanation above, the reseaearcher is interested to

investigated "Analysis of the influence Green Advertising and Green Product

to consumer involvement and affect of purchasing decisions Ades Mineral

water", to know how program the Green Advertising and Green Product of the

Ades Mineral water to consumer involvement and affect of purchasing decision



1. Problem Statement

a. Is there any significant relationship between Green Advertising and

Consumer Involvement to Ades Mineral Water?

b. Is there any significant relationship between Green Products and

Consumer Involvement to Ades Mineral Water?

c. Is there any significant relationship between Green advertising and Green

Product to Consumer Involvement of Ades Mineral Water?

d. Is there any significant relationship between green Advertising and

Purchasing Decision to Ades Mineral Water?

e. Is there any significant relationship between Green products and

Purchasing Decision to Ades Mineral Water?

f. Is there any significant relationship between Green Advertising and Green

Product to Purchasing Decision of Ades Mineral Water?

g. Is there any significant relationship between Consumer Involvement and

Purchasing Decision to Ades Mineral water?

h. Is there any significant relationship between Green Advertising and Green

Products to Consumer Involvement and affect of Purchase Decision Ades



2. Research Objectives

Based on problems that have been formulated, then the purpose of the

research is to:

a. To analyze the relationship between Green Advertising against the

decision of the purchase of Ades Mineral water.

b. To analyze the relationship between Green Product purchasing decisions


Ades Mineral water.

c. To analyze relationship between green advertising and green product to


Mineral water

d. To analyze the relationship between green advertising against the

consumer involvement of Ades Mineral water

e. To analyze the relationship between green product against the consumer

involvement of Ades Mineral Water

f. To analyze the relationship between consumer involvement toward

purchasing decision of Ades Mineral water

g. To analyze the relationship between green advertising and green product

to consumer involves of Ades Mineral water

h. To analyze the relationship between Green Advertising and Green Product

to consumer involvement and affect of purchasing decision against Ades



3. Benefit of Research

Based on this research, it will provide the following benefits:

a. For Researchers as a marketing management theory application in College

earn at the moment and at the same time being able to understand and

analyze the existing problems at the company.

b. For the company as your thoughtful donation and contribution on the

company that implements the concept of Green Marketing and Green


c. To the University of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah as donations literature

library in the form of scientific theses, and can be read by other students

and can be made into a guideline on the research to come.

d. For the reader to supplement knowledge and information and can be used

as an overview or a guide for undertaking research in other knowledge that




Review of The Literature

A. Marketing Definition

According to Kotler Gary (2008:6) marketing is the process by which

companies create value for customers and build strong relationships with

customers in order to capture value from customers in return. The goal of

marketing is to make a sale is not needed anymore. Sales and advertising is only

part of the marketing mix a larger set of marketing tools that work together to

satisfy the needs of customers and creating relationships with customers.

The aim of marketing is to make selling superfluous and to know,

understand the customer so well that the product or service fits him and sell it self.

Ideally, marketing should result in a customer who is ready to buy. All that should

be needed then is to make the product or service available Kotler Keller (2009:45).

Marketing becomes the important thing for a company that will sell goods to

consumers in the market since before starting to market goods and services

company will usually can research about their consumer behavior regarding the

items to be sold in the market and marketing also became important to consumers

because of consumer marketing will know more about the product to be bought



Marketing activities and assemble fully integrated marketing program to

create, communicate, and deliver value for consumer. Marketing activities come in all

forms. According to Kotler Keller (2009:63) classified these activities as

marketing-mix tools of four broad kinds:

a) Product: Product variety, Quality, Design, Features, Brand name, Packaging,

Sizes, Services, warranties, Returns

b) Price: List price, Discounts, Allowances, Payment period, Credit terms

c) Promotion: Sales promotion, Advertising, Sales forces, Public relation, Direct


d) Place: Channels, Coverage, Assortments, Location, Inventory, Transport

In its own marketing concepts stated that these objectives of the

Organization depend on the knowledge of the needs and wants of target markets

and delivering the desired satisfaction better than competitors. Focus and customer

value is a path to sales and profits, as well as looking at marketing is not as

hunting activities but as gardening. The work done is not to find the right product

for customers who want to be marketed but find the right product to the customer

so that the customer feels the need to be provided they are looking for and they



B. Advertising Definition

Koter Keller (2009:538) advertising is any paid from non personal

presentation and promotion of ideas, goods, or services by an identified sponsor.

Advertisement can be a cost –effectiveness way to disseminate message whether

to built a brand preference or to educate people. It mean when use advertising for

promote the sale of goods that the company wanted to also try to display or deliver

messages contained in those advertisements as using cultural elements or provide

education messages contained in the ads that are shown to people who see the ads

can also add insight into their thinking.

In developing an advertisement program, marketing managers must always


15 Then they can make five major decision known as “the five Ms”

Figure 2.1 The Five Ms of Advertising

Source : Kotler Keller Marketing Management (2009)

C. Advertising Purpose

The advertising objectives must flow from prior decisions on target

market, brand positioning and the marketing program. An advertising goal is a

specific communication task and achievement level to be accomplished with a

specific audience in a specific period of time. Mission

Sales goal

Advertising objectives




Kotler Keller (2009:539) advertising objectives also can be classified

according to whether their aim is to inform, persuade, or remind reinforce.

a. Inform

1) Tell the market about new products

2) Advocated the usefulness of certain new products

3) Inform the market about the price change

4) Run the work product

5) Describe services available

6) Correcting a wrong impression

7) Reduce buyer fears

8) Creating a corporate image

b. Pursue

1) Creating a brand preference

2) Push the turn to your brand

3) Change the perceptions of customers buy now

4) To persuade customers to buy now

c. Remind

1) Remind customers that the product may be necessary in the near future

2) Reminding customers where to buy these products

3) Maintain these products remain in the minds of consumers during the



4) Maintain highest product awareness in the minds of consumers

However advertising help companies in marketing their product,

can not deny advertising was instrumental in forming the image of a

product that will be marketed to the public.

C. Green Advertising Definition

Green Advertising is advertising are created to influence the

homemakers to buy and use environmentaly friendly products in their day

activities ( Nik Tehrani : 328) and accoarding to Umit Cengis (2012:209)

green advertising is defined as any advertising that explicitly or implicitly

addresses the relationship between a product/service and the biophysical

environment, promotes a green lifestyle with or without highlighting a

products/service and presents a corporate image of environmental

responsibility. So, green advertising is the advertising persuade

consumers to use stuff made from materials that are not harmful to the

environment such as packages that use recycling materials, phosphate free

detergents, refill containers and less plastic then giving information for

customer how to protect environment.

According to Nasution (2001) green advertising models can

include a series of elements that are used to communicate the concern for



can be said an insightful environment if it meets one or more of these


a. Either an implicit or explicitly shows the relationship between

biophysical environmental products or services. For example the

advertised product contains a low carbon footprint so that contribute to

global warming decreases or does not contain CFC so it is safe for the

preservation of the ozone layer.

b. Promoting a life style environmentally. For example, using public

transportation rather than private vehicles to reduce the use of fossil

energy or planting trees around the House to reduce carbon dioxide.

c. Presents a corporate image that contains the environmental

responsibility, for example, bring up the certificate ISO 14001,

economic label or the carbon footprint in their advertising

Green advertising is on the rise, as an ever-increasing number

of manufacturers are informing their consumers about

pro-environmental aspects of their products and services, Designing water

and energy saving products, using recycled and biodegradable

materials and supporting environmental causes are prominent

environmental claims in the advertising. So, generally Green

advertising is required to invite the consumers are aware of the



sustainability. This is form of marketing goods to consumers and at the

same time invite them to make a change in their environment. For

example, advertising-oriented environment may contain one or more

of the following things: the color green, the natural landscape,

eco-labels, statements of concern for the environment, the treatment of raw

materials, production process is environmentally friendly and can be


Umit Cengis (2012:210) green advertisement has the difference

with advertising, generally, the most pointed difference is:

1) Advertising is often abstract and gives consumers understanding about

basis of green advertising.

2) Message in advertising more clearly then advertising generally for

make consumer understand about environmant consern and also give

information about product life cycle, production made from

environmentally friendly materials and environmental friendly logo


20 D. Attitude toward Green Advertising

The behavior of consumer who give more attention to the

environment, the trigger for more companies to innovate in terms of

products and how to display those products. Now there's a little

company that makes advertising on the environment is vying for

consumers interested in trying to use the products they market.

Accoarding to Gurbuz (2012:60) changing consumer behavior

and prefer to consume the green-themed items make the marketers or

companies try more creative in marketing its products. In Green

advertising marketers seek to change the habit of consumer was not so

pay attention to health is becoming more health noting like we know

Green advertisement is one of the most important tools which green

advertisers use to promote social awareness about eco-friendly products

and assist their sales. In order to achieve their target, these

communication tools use some information and claims such as “how the

advertiser firm can eliminate environmental damages” and “how the

firm can assist the environmental development. Additionally these

eco-friendly claims can be served by integrating with positive environmental


21 E. Product Definition

Kotler Gary (2008:266) the product is all the things that could be

on offer to the market to attract attention, acquisition, use, or

consumption that can satisfy a desire or need. The product includes

more than just the tangible goods. In a broader sense, the fission

products include objects, services, events, people, places, organizations,

ideas, or a mix of these entities.

In the market the product to consumers, marketers must also

consider what goods should be sold and make the consumer feel

satisfied and you buy the item according to the Kotller Keller (2009)

there are five level in the manufacture of a product:

a. Core Benefit is the service or benefit the customer is really buying.

b. Basic Product is products that complement the core benefit

c. Expected Product is a set of attributes and conditions buyers

normally expect when they purchase this product.

d. Augmented Product is exceeds consumers expectation customer

expectations. In develop countries, brand positioning and

competition take place at this level.

e. Potential Product is encompasses all the possible augmentation and



Here is where companies search for new ways to satisfy customers

and distinguish their offering.

F. Product Classification

Marketers usually classify products based on product

characteristics, durability, appearance, and use (consumer and industry).

According to Kotler Keller (2009: 359) product can be classified into

several groups:

a. On the basis of durability and appearance

1) Goods are not durable (non durable goods) is a tangible goods

normally consumed in one or several times of use. For

example: soap and drinks

2) Durable goods (durable goods) is tangible goods normally used

many times. For example: wardrobe and clothes

3) The service (service) is intangible, inseparable, and easily

exhausted. For example: hair and reparations

b. Based on the use of

According to Kotler Armstrong (2008; 269) products are

divided into two major groups based on the type of consumer who



1) A consumer product is a product that is purchased by the final

consumer for personal consumption. Marketers usually classify

these products even further based on how consumers buy them.

2) Convenience product is a consumer product that is usually

often and soon purchased the benchmarking effort with

customers, and the minimum purchase. For example: soap,

candy, newspapers, and fast food.

3) Shopping product is a consumer product that is more rare was

purchased and customers compare the suitability, quality, price,

and style of the product very closely. For example: furniture,

clothing, cars, household appliances.

4) Specialty product is a product with unique characteristics or

brand identification in which a group of significant buyers

willing to do business with. For example: brand and car variant

type, clothing design designer.

5) Unsought product is a consumer product that may not be

known to the customer or the product that is probably known to

the consumer but normally consumers do not think to buy it.



c. Products industry is a purchased product for further processing or

for using in running a business.

1) Raw materials and spare parts are goods that fully enter the

resulting product. For example: agricultural products, product


2) Capital goods industry is a product that helps carry out

production or buyer, including material installation and

accessories. For example: the factory, offices, generator

3) Equipment and business services are goods and services did not

help the development of a durable and final product processing

G. Green Product Definition

Green Product is product manufactured using organic materials

such as durability, packaging, reuse and recycle and sustainable design

standards ( Nik Tehrani :12) and accoarding to Tan Chai (2010:29) green

product is known as an ecological product or environmental friendly

product. Defined green product as the product that will not pollute the

earth or deplore natural resources, and can be recycled or conserved. It is

a product that has more environmentally sound content or packaging in

reducing the environmental impact. In other words, green product refers



content, reduced packaging or using less toxic materials to reduce the

impact on the natural environment.

Currently consumers began switching by using

environment-based products to be used in their daily life, this is because the level of

consumer awareness of the importance of safeguarding the environment

and health began to increase rapidly. It is therefore now a lot of

companies that produce goods that are closely related to the

environment, the production sector in a variety of ways can be done. One

of them is with the concept of green sustainable product. Green

product criteria must have a product that is durable, it does not contain

toxins, created from materials which can be recycled and have a

minimalist packaging, of course it is not a green product in full, due to the

criteria of the product above is still using energy or resources that

generate the emissions during the manufacturing process, so green

product is where a product delivers the impact as small as possible in its

effects on the environment.

The function of the Green Product according to Zulkifli in

Zaharia, (2008) include:

a. Remedy: extend the life of the product by fixing some parts,

b. Customize back: adding age products by adding the charge,



d. Using return: designing products that can be used over and over,

e. Recycle: the product may be reprocessed and converted into raw

materials to be used to manufacture the same product

f. Reduce: using fewer raw materials or emit less waste.

According to Tan Chai (2010:30) there are general belief about

environmental activists that through purchasing environmentally friendly

products or green products

1) Quality of the product, green products must be based on the best

materials because the product is not just consumed by consumers alone

but after use will be processed by the environment or disposed of.

2) Product with recyclable packaging or ecofriendly product make

consumers faithful in the use of green products.

3) Price may be more expensive then another product, but it is not the

main factor in preventing consumers from purchasing green products if

they are pro-environment.

A very important Rule in a green product is minimizing the

disappointment of consumers thus making consumers try and buy a green

product. Consumers usually feel that many attribute to make a product to

be good. The good strategies give the proof environment in several

categories at the same time, such as water pollution, garbage and the


27 H. Consumer Involvement

According to Peter and Olson (2010:84) involvement refers to

consumers perceptions of importance or personal relevance for an object,

even, or activity. Consumers who perceive that a product has personally

relevant consequences are said to be involved with the product and to

have a personal relationship with it. The concept of involvement means so

much to understand and explain the behavior of consumers, consumers

will also be more in knowing about the products needed, such as looking

for information or directly observing about that product.

Mowen (2002:83) the involvement of the consumer is

perceived personal or consumer interest with respect to the acquisition,

disposition, and consumption of goods, services, or ideas. With the ever

increasing involvement, consumers have a greater motivation to observe,



The most important factors affecting the level of consumer

involvement are:

a. Types of products into consideration

b.Characteristics of the communications received by consumers

c. Characteristics of the situation where the consumer operations

d.Consumer Personality

Consumer involvement become important things when

consumer decide to purchase the goods, consumer will be a part in the

process. They find the information as much as possible for complete what

they need. Two types for consumer involvement:

1) High Involvement.

Situation when Consumer has strong influence willingness for find the

information about the product

2) Low Involvement

Situation when consumer has little or no motivation to learn and find

information about the product

Mowen (2002:84) the level of involvement affect whether

consumers will shift from exposure to attention, and eventually got to a



involvement situation and enduring involvement. Involvement situation is

occurred during the short time and period is associated with a specific

situation, and enduring involvement occurs when consumers show

interest is high and consistent of a product and often spent his time to

think about the product.

There are 5 components of dimensions consumer involvement:

a. Experiences of Self importance

Products that help people to express a concept of themselves to


b. The Hedonic importance

Products that can be fun, exciting, exhilarating, fascinating and


c. Practical relevance

The fundamental product or useful for reasons of benefit

d. Purchase risk

Products that create uncertainty because a poor choice would


30 I. Purchase Decision Definition

According to Peter and Olson (2010:160) consumer purchase

decision making is the process of integrating that combines the

knowledge to evaluate two or more alternative behavior and choose one

of them. The result of the process of integrating this is an option that is

presented as cognitive desire behavior. All behavior is based on

deliberately on the desire that results when consumers consciously

choosing among alternative actions.

The form of the solution of a problem experienced by consumers

is decided to buy an item in order to meet the needs of consumers. A

consumer perceives a problem because the desired consequences have not

been attained, the consumer make decisions about which behavior to



According to Setiadi (2008) there are several models of problem


solving that identifies five basic stages:

Figure 2.2 Generic Model of Consumer Problem Solving

Source : Nugroho J. Setiadi Prilaku Konsumen (2008)

Problem recognition

Search for alternative solution

Evaluation of alternatives




a. Problem Recognition

Buying process begins when the buyer is aware of the existence of the

problem needs. The buyer is aware there is a difference between the

real conditions with the condition that she wanted.

b. Search for Alternative Solution

A consumer who started his interest has occurred will be compelled to

seek more information.

c. Evaluation Alternative

Consumers form a preference for the brand contained on your device

of choice. Consumers also form the purpose of buying for brands they


d. Purchase

The consumer decides what items to be purchased as part of life's


e. Post purchase use and revaluation of chosen alternative

After the purchase of a product consumer does will experience some

degree of satisfaction or dissatisfaction. The consumer will also be

involved in the actions after the purchase and use of products that will


33 J. Previous Research

Title/Researcher Result/Conclusion

Setyo Ferry Wibowo


Environmentally and


characteristics related

to the decision to buy

eco-friendly products

1. The positive Association between concern for the environment

with eco-friendly product buying decisions means that the

higher consumer concern about the environment then stages a

pre purchase decision making will be increasingly oriented

towards the environment that led to the greater consumer

confidence that the decision to buy eco-friendly products is


2. Positive Associations between sources of reference group

opinion with a decision to buy eco-friendly products can be

defined: the greater consumer confidence that their opinion will

be a source of reference by social groups, then the pre purchase

decision making stages will be more oriented towards the

environment that led to the greater consumer confidence that

the decision to buy eco-friendly products has done is


3. Positive relationship between the orientation of brand's decision



Title/Researcher Result/Conclusion

Felisitas Marlanda

Prima B, Suprapti

Supardi, Nuning



Type Of Consumer

Behavior Of Organic

Vegetables In



1. There is any significant between consumer involvement and

decision making process of purchasing organic vegetables in

supermarkets because of consumer involvement in Sidoarjo

District belongs to the high score 28,73 (> 24).

2. There is no any significant between a brand of organic

vegetables in supermarkets, with the significance of Sidoarjo

0,132 (> 0.05) means that consumers are aware of only a slight

difference between various brands of organic vegetables



Title/Reseracher Result/Conclusion

Umit Alniacik and

Cengiz Yilmaz


The effectiveness of

Green Advertising:

Influences of claim

specificity, products


relevance and




1. There is not any significant difference between the

communication effectiveness of different claim types

concerning the high environmental relevance product.

2. H1 is only supported for low environmental relevance product.

Further, these results provide empirical support for H2 that

proposes a significant influence of product’s environmental

relevance on the association between claim specificity and

advertising effectiveness.

3. In the low environmental relevance product’s advertising,

specific environmental claims elicit better attitudes toward the

ad and the brand; and they produce greater purchase intentions



Title/Reseracher Result/Conclusion



Analysis of the

influence of Green

Product and Green

Advertising Against

the involvement of

consumers and their

impact On Consumer

purchasing decisions

on corporate Lakmie


1. Green Product Variables (X1) indicates a significant influence

to be variable involvement of consumers (Y) simultaneously

and Green advertising (X2) upside down with the involvement

of influential consumers (Y). Partially variable Green product

(X 1) showed a significant effect of consumer involvement (Y),

Green advertising (X2) showed a reverse relation to effect of

consumer involvement variable (Y).

2. Green product Variables (X1) and consumer purchasing

decisions (Z) has the influence of the contribution was not

significant, because the Green product (X1) cannot create the

purchasing decisions of consumers (Z) directly. consumer

engagement (Y) against the decision of purchase (Z) Laksmie



Title/Researcher Result/Conclusion

Esen Gurbuz, Murat

Akin and Ozgur



Content Analysis of

“Green” Claims in


1. There was no significant environmental awareness messages

found in these sectors content analysis advertising, and it is

evaluated as an important weakness while the importance of


38 K. Frame of Mind

Figure 2.3 Frame of Mind

e 1 e 2






L. Hypothesis

According to Naresh K Malholtra hypothesis is a unproven statement about

factor or phenomenon that is of interest to the researcher. Hypothesis is a possible

answer to the research question because they are statement of relationship or

propositions rather than merely question to which the answer are sought.

On the basis of problems in proposing and research purposes as well as a

review of the literature, hence the conclusion while on the take are as follows: Green


( X1 )

Green product

( X2 )

Consumer Involvement

( Y )

Purchasing Decision



a. Testing the relationship of the variable X 1 with variable Y

H0: Variable X1 does not have relationship with variable Y

H1: Variable X 1 have relationship with the variable Y

b. Testing the relationship of the variable X 2 with variable Y

H0: Variable X 2 does not have relationship with variable Y

H1: Variable X 2 have relationship with variable Y

c. Testing the relationship of the variable X1 and X2 with variable Y

H0: Variable X1 and X2 are not having relationship with variable Y

H1: Variable X1, and X2 have relationship with variable Y

d. Testing the relationship of the variable X1 with variable Z

H0: Variable X1 does not have relationship with variable Z

H1: Variable X1 have relationship with variable Z

e. Testing the relationship of the variable X2 with variable Z

H0: Variable X2 does not have relationship variable Z

H1: Variable X2 have relationship with variable Z

f. Testing the relationship of the variable Y with variable Z

H0: Variable Y does not have relationship with variable Z

H1: Variable Y have relationship with variable Z

g. Testing the relationship of the variable X1 and X2 with variable Z

H0: Variable X1 and X2 are not having relationship with variable Z



h. Testing the relationship between X1, X2 with Y and affect to variable Z

H0: Variable X1 and X2 are not having relationship with variable Y and affect

to variable Z

H1: Variable X1 and X 2 have relationship with variable Y and affect to





A. Scope of Research

This resecrh was conducted to analyze the influence of green advertising

and green product to consumer involvement and affect purchasing decision of

Ades Mineral water.

The research will be conduct at Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic

University Jakarta, its implementation in June 2013 until the completion writing,

determination of the target is consumer who have purchased Ades Mineral water.

The case studies of Ades Mineral Water student Universitas of Indonesia in

Depok because University of Indonesia as green campus that have pysical

building and 170 ha green lanscape buffer, 30 ha wafer ecosystem, 100 ha city

forest are inculding conservation forest, supporting facilities and infrastructur

environment buffer of 12 ha. University of Indonesia also establish the green

metric ranking of world universities in april 2010 to provide detailed profiles of

participating who wish to make the necessary step to promote suistainable


This research used a method quantitative causal research that aims to

clarify the effect independent variabel Green Advertising (X1) and Green Product

(X2) to dependent variable Consumer Involvement (Y) and Purchasing Decision



B. Sample Collection Method

The sample is a portion of the existing population. In this study the sample

used is a student of the University of Indonesia in Depok expected they already

understand about this research, so as to provide the answers that best fit the field

study done. The respondent is a student of the University of Indonesia in Depok

who had done a purchasing decision on Mineral water products Ades.

Sampling conducted in this study using the method of Purposive sampling,

which the population elements are purposively selected based on the judgement of

the researcher. The resercher, exercising judgement or expertise, chooses the

elements to be included in the sample, because reserarcher believe that they are

representative of the population of interest or are otherwise appropriate Malholtra



C. Data Collection Method

1. Primary Data

Research Data obtained directly from the source directly based on

the questioner that will be shared to the consumer of mineral water

product Ades. Primary Data in this study are data obtained directly from

the respondent in the form of answers and comments on the research

questions and statements in the questionnaire. The questionnaire about

Green Advertising, Green product, Consumer Involvement, and

purchasing decision on Ades Mineral Water. Respondents were asked to

fill out a questionnaire on the answer sheet provided. Then the

questionnaire answer sheet collected, selected, processed, and analyzed by


2. Secondary Data

Secondary Data is data that is obtained indirectly through the

media middleman. Secondary Data used in this study come from a variety

of sources that can be obtained, namely from journals, books, thesis

earlier, and internet media research topics related to search and collect a



D. Data Analysis Method

To find out how Green Advertising and Green products influence the

Consumer Involvement and impact on the purchasing decision Ades Mineral

Water, then it can be measured using the likert scale. Likert scale is widely

used rating scale that requires the respondents to indicate the degree of

agreement or disagreement with each of a series of statements about the


stimulus objects Malholtra K Naresh (2003:256).

Table 3.1 Likert Scale ratings

Researcher decides do not use one point of Likert Scale “Neutral”

because the aim of researcher for reducing error when evaluating the result

of questionnaire that will be distribute. According Malholtra K Naresh

(2003:266) in Scale Evaluation has measurement error, which result in the

measurement or observed score being different from the true score of the

characteristic being measured.

Description Research

Strongly Agree 4

Agree 3

Disagree 2



Factor potential sources of error in measurement:

a. Characteristic of the individual that influence the test score, such as

intelligence, social desirability, and education

b. Short term or transient personal factors, such as health, emotions,


c. Situational factors, such as the presence of other people, noise, and


d. Sampling of item included in the scale: addition, deletion, or changes

in the scale items

e. Lack of clarity of the scale, including the instruction or the items


f. Mechanical factors, such as poor printing, overcrowding of items in

the questionnaire, and poor design

g. Administration of the scale, such as differences among interviewers

h. Analysis factor, such as differences in scoring and statistical analysis

Next the data obtained by use of a questionnaire, to which his

analysis results will be presented in the form of a table. The results in the

form of a table are analyzed based on variable Green Advertising and

Consumer Engagement towards Green products as well as their impact on



1. Validity and Reliability Test

a. Validity Test

Validity is a measure that indicates the extent to which the

measuring instrument was able to measure what it wants to quantified.

(Malholtra, 2003:269).

Validity of the test done by comparing the value of rcalculate with

rtable for the degree of freedom (df) = n – 2, in this case n is the number

of samples. 30-2 = 28 and gained 0.05 alpha rtable = 0.361. If rcalculate is

greater than rtable then the grain question or otherwise valid indicators,

if rcalculate is lower than rtable the grain of questions or indicators were

declared invalid.

b. Reliabity Test

Reliability is the extend to which a scale produces consistent

results if repated measurements are made on the last Malholtra (2003:

267). The value of variable reliability demonstrated by the Cronbach

Alpha coefficient. A variable is said to be the Alpha Cronbach

coefficient of Reliability when > 0.60, when the variable is said to be



2. Path Analysis

The Path analysis mod


Figure  2.1 The Five Ms of Advertising
Figure  2.2 Generic Model of Consumer Problem Solving
Figure  2.3 Frame of Mind
Table 3.1 Likert Scale ratings


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