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The Translation Of Implicit Meaning In Eldest Novel


Academic year: 2017

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April 2015. Qualitative Research. Retrieved from

March 2015. Research Libraries. Retrieved from

Halliday, M.A.K. and Hasan, Ruqaiya. 1976. Cohesion in English. London and New York: Longman

Hatim, Basil & I. Mason. 1990. Discourse and The Translator. London and New York: Longman

July 2015. Eldest. Retrieved from

Larson, Mildred L., 1998. Meaning-based Translation: A Guide to Cross- Language Equivalance. New York: University Press of America Moentaha, Salihen. 2006. Bahasa dan Terjemahan. Jakarta: Kesaint Blanc Newmark, Peter. 1988. A Textbook of Translation. NewYork: Prentice Hall


Nida, Eugene A. & Taber, 1974. The Theory and Practice of Translation. Leiden: E.J. Brill

Paolini, Christopher. 2005. Eldest. New York: Laurel-Leaf

Paolini, Christopher. 2005. Eldest. Translated by: Sendra B. Tanuwidjaya. Jakarta: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama

Simatupang, Maurits D.S. 2000. Pengantar Teori Terjemahan. Depok: UI Press Suryabrata, Sumadi. 2008. Metodologi Penelitian. Jakarta: PT Raja Grafindo


Venuti, Lawrence. 2000. The Translation Studies Reader. London and New York: Rooutledge




3.1 Research Design

The writer applied qualitative method as a research design. It is a procedure of solving problems by describing and explaining the data towards the facts. According to wikipedia.org qualitative research is a method of inquiry employed in many different academic disciplines, traditionally in th

understanding of

Method that used in this research is descriptive method. Suryabrata (2008:75) says tujuan penelitian deskriptif adalah untuk membuat pecandraan secara sistematis, faktual dan akurat mengenai fakta-fakta dan sifat-sifat populasi atau daerah tertentu. (The purpose of descriptive research is to describe systematically, factual and accurate about facts and characterized of population or certain area.) Qualitative research is an inductive approach, and its goal is to gain a deeper understanding of person’s or group experiences.

3.2 Source of Data


17 Laurel-Leaf in 2005 and its translation by Sendra B. Tanuwidjaya entitled Eldestwhich was published by PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama in 2005.

According to Suryabrata (2008:35) penelitian ilmiah boleh dikatakan hampir selalu hanya dilakukan terhadap sebagiansaja dari hal-hal yang sebenarnya mau diteliti. Jadi penelitian hanya dilakukan terhadap sampel, tidak terhadap populasi. (Scientific research may mention almost on a part of the things that actually want to research. So the research conducted on a sample, not on population) Then, the sample has function to limit the data. The source data will be limited from the first until the tenth subtopic both version of novels.

3.3 Data Collecting Procedures

In collecting the data, the writer used library research by consulting some books and dictionaries to collect the theories. Library research according to wikipedia.com means is a library which contains an in-depth collection of material on one or several subjects. The library generally include primary sources and related material.


18 3.4Data Analysis

In analyzing data, the writer applied some steps as follows:

1. Reading the ST and the TT simultaneously. 2. Finding the implicit meaning in ST.

3. Classifying kinds of implicit meaning.

4. Marking the translation of implicit meaning in the TT.




This chapter describes the research and discussion on the translation of implicit meaning. Translation of the meaning to remain implicit implied or explicit with different consideration. Implicit meaning that found in Eldest in English version shorted into “ST” as Source Text and the translation of Eldest in Indonesian version shorted into “TT” as Target Text.

4.1 List of Implicit Meaning in Eldest Novel and Its Translation

No Source Text Target Text Kinds of kurcaci marah kepada elf itu karena menghancurkan harta mereka yang paling berharga.

climbed out onto the ground then turned and helped as many dwarves. (page: 6)

Kelompok yang terdiri atas sepuluh orang memanjat ke atas tanah, lalu berbalik dan membantu sepuluh yours. Many dangers exist that I cannot protect you from, Eragon.

(page: 27)

Bukan demi diriku kalau

kusarankan untuk menerima, tapi demi dirimu. Banyak bahaya yang tidak bisa kuhindarkan darimu, Eragon.

4 Perhaps Eragon managed to escape with the stone...

Mungkin Eragon berhasil meloloskan diri membawa


20 perhaps he felt that he had

to leave in order to protect it.

(page: 67)

batu itu... mungkin ia merasa harus pergi untuk melindungi batu tersebut. (page: 67)

meaning translated explicitly 5 Saphira touched Eragon’s

mind. He sensed several emotions in her, but what surprised him the most was her remorse and guilt. (page: 73)

Saphira menyentuh benak Eragon. Eragon merasakan sejumlah emosi dalam diri naga itu, tapi yang paling mengejutkannya adalah visible in the pool of lantern light before the timber gate. Among them were Orik ---

(page: 4)

Sementara Eragon dan

Saphira mengitari Tronjheim, tampak kelompok kecil di bawah

cahaya lentera gerbang kayu. Di antara mereka terdapat Orik ---

7 Eragon did not question her. “Urgals!” he cried , and leaped onto Saphira, ... (page: 6)

Eragon tidak meragukannya. “Urgal!”

serunya dan melompat ke punggung Saphira, ...

the Twins’ purple robes, torn and bloodied, and Murtagh’s tunic and both his lauther gauntlets. “They were strewn along the edge of black chasm, ...”

(page: 14)

Lalu ia menunjukkan salah satu jubah ungu si Kembar, tercabik dan berlumuran darah, dan tunik serta kedua sarung tangan kulit Murtagh. “Benda-benda ini bertebaran di tepi jurang gelap, ...” wordof honor that whether you agree or disagree with us, nothing of our discussion will leave this rooom.”

“... sebelum kami


21 Why would they want

that? (page: 22)

Kenapa mereka menginginkan begitu?

(page: 34)

10 “Wait,” commanded

Elessari, a stily glint in her eyes. “Your word, though Rider. Will you give it in fealty at the ceremony?” “Yes, you must do that,” agreed Falberd.

(page: 26)

“Tunggu,” kata Elessari, kilau sekeras baja terpancar di matanya. “Tapi, penunggang, kami membutuhkan janjimu. Apa

kau mau bersumpah setia dalam upacara nanti?” had to in order to protect the Varden. I would have done the same.

(page: 33)

Ayahku mengatakan apa yang menurutnya harus dikatakan untuk melindungi kaum Varden. Aku juga akan berbuat begitu.

entire life and more. It had been his past ... and his future.

(page: 44)

Tempat ini dulu merupakan seluruh hidupnya dan lebih. Ini masa lalunya... dan 13 Saphira! The energy that

would require! You told me yourself that you can’t use magic at will, so what makes you sure you can do this?

(page: 74)

Saphira! Energi yang dibutuhkan untuk itu besar sekali! Kau sendiri mengatakan tidak bisa menggunakan sihir sesuka hati, jadi apa yang meyebabkan kau yakin bisa melakukannya? clans. When a dwarf dies, we believe he must be sealed in stone or else he will never join his ancestors...”

(page: 80)

“Hal itu menimbulkan keributan di antara


22 (page: 78)

15 “... And I couldn’t catch Urgals on foot, though Arya might be able to.”

16 Movement flickered

through it, like the swish of a bird across a clouded moon... then nothing. (page: 15)

Gerakan-gerakan terlihat di dalamnya, seperti kelebatan burung melintasi bulan yang tertutup awan... lalu tidak terlihat apa-apa.

Kau sudah cukup kuat untuk pergi?

instead, Things have certainly changed for us. (page: 37)

Eragon memutuskan untuk pasrah, dan akhirnya berkata Situasi jelas telah berubah bagi kita.

“Kau sih mudah saja mengatakannya.”

eligible men than you, and the longer you delay, the more he presses me to conscent to a match of which he approves. He fears I will become an old maid, and I fear that too. I

“... Ada pria-pria lain yang jauh lebih layak daripada dirimu, dan semakin lama kau menunda, semakin ia

mendesakku untuk menerima perjodohan yang

disetujuinya. Ia takut aku menjadi perawan tua, dan


23 have only so much time or

choice in Carvahall. ... If I must take another, I will.” (page: 56)

aku juga begitu. Aku hanya sedikit memiliki waktu atau pilihan di Carvahall... Kalau aku harus menerima yang lain, aku akan menerimanya.”

(page: 59) 22 Albriech soon arrived at

the boulder. On his back was an overfull pack, which he dropped to the ground with a grunt. “I thought I’d never find you.”

“I’m surprised you did.” (page: 67)

Dalam waktu singkat Albriech tiba di batu besar. Di punggungnya terdapat ransel penuh sesak, yang dijatuhkannya ke tanah sambil mendengus. “Kukira aku tidak akan bisa menemukan dirimu.”

“Aku terkejut kau bisa menemukanku.”

Tapi, pemimpin baru harus dipilih, pemimpin yang akan memenangkan lebih Nasuada into a seat.

(page: 28)

You haven’t greeted me. Have I offended you?” “No, Nasuada...” (page: 32)

“Jadi kita bertemu lagi, Penunggang. Kau belum what’s she said? This is very important.

Yes, said Saphira. (page: 35)

Apa kita bisa percaya ia akan memegang kata-katanya? Ini sangat penting.


24 27 Eragon frowned, but

followed her. Where are we going? No answer. Saphira, please.

(page: 37)

Eragon, mengerutkan kening, tapi mengikutinya. Kita ke mana? Tidak ada jawaban. Saphira, please.

approach your father as I had planned. He would laugh at me, and rightly so. ...”

(page: 55)

“Katrina... Aku tidak bisa mendekatimu seperti rencana semula. Ia pasti akan menertawakanku dan berhak berbuat begitu. ...” (page: 58) 29 Baldor followed closed

behind, both of them carrying strung bows. Neither spoke as they studied their surroundings for signs of the deer.

“There,” said Baldor in a low voice, pointing at a set of tracks leading toward a bramble on the edge of the Anora.

(page: 57)

Baldor mengikuti dengan rapat di belakangnya, mereka berdua menyandang busur yang terpasang talinya. Tidak satu pun berbicara sementara mereka, mencari

tanda-tanda kehadiran si rusa. “Di sana,” kata Baldor pelan, menunjuk sederetan jejak menuju sesemakan duri di tepi Anora.

(page: 60) arms. “Here, put these on. They are more appropriate for a funeral than your own attire....”

(page: 79)


25 4.2 The Analysis of Implicit Meaning Found in Eldest Novel

This analysis discuss about the implicit meaning found in Eldest Novel by Christopher Paolini and its translation into Eldest by Sendra B. Tanuwidjaya.

4.2.1 Implicit Referential Meaning Explicitly

1. ST: Still, the dwarves were furious with her for destroying their most prized treasure. (page: 5)

TT: Sekalipun begitu, para kurcaci marah kepada elf itu karena menghancurkan harta mereka yang paling berharga. (page: 22)

In the data, there are subject implicitation of personal referen ofher. It is not translated become kepadanya but kepada elf itu which means more specific than kepadanya because the actor is stated explicitly.

2. ST: A group of ten men climbed out onto the ground then turned and helped as many dwarves. (page: 6)

TT: Kelompok yang terdiri atas sepuluh orang memanjat ke atas tanah, lalu berbalik dan membantu sepuluh kurcaci naik. (page: 22)


26 dan membantu sebanyak kurcaci naik. It sounds strange in the receptor language. Then, as TT above, there is an equivalence between ST and TT.

3. ST: It is not for my own sake that I say accept, but for yours. Many dangers exist that I cannot protect you from, Eragon. (page 27)

TT: Bukan demi diriku kalau kusarankan untuk menerima, tapi demi dirimu. Banyak bahaya yang tidak bisa kuhindarkan darimu, Eragon.

(page 38)

In data 3 above there is personal referent yours. The word yours refers to for your own sake and it implies become yours. In the translation, it made explicit become demi dirimu. It is not translated dirimu. It would be make ambiguity. So the translator make it clearer into demi dirimu.

4. ST: Perhaps Eragon managed to escape with the stone... perhaps he felt that he had to leave in order to protect it. (page 67)

TT: Mungkin Eragon berhasil meloloskan diri membawa batu itu... mungkin ia merasa harus pergi untuk melindungi batu tersebut.(page 67)


27 5. ST: Saphira touched Eragon’s mind. He sensed several emotions in

her, but what surprised him the most was her remorse and guilt. (page: 73)

TT: Saphira menyentuh benak Eragon. Eragon merasakan sejumlah emosi dalam diri naga itu, tapi yang paling mengejutkannya adalah penyesalan dan perasaan bersalah yang dirasakan naga tersebut. (page: 72)

The data above contains subject implicitation of personal referen of he. He implied the third singular male. He here refers to Eragon. In TT, it is explicitly mention as Eragon. If it was written in TT still he it would be made ambiguous. Because in TT, pronoun can not be signified wether it is masculin or feminine. So the translator opt to made it as explicitly become Eragon to avoid ambiguity. Implicitly

6. ST: As Eragon and Saphira rounded Trounjheim, a small group become visible in the pool of lantern light before the timber gate. Among them were Orik ---(page: 4)

TT: Sementara Eragon dan Saphira mengitari Tronjheim, tampak kelompok kecil di bawah cahaya lentera gerbang kayu. Di antara mereka terdapat Orik --- (page: 21)


28 implied with mereka, because pronouns are also found in the Indonesian language.

7. ST: Eragon did not question her. “Urgals!” he cried , and leaped onto Saphira, ... (page 6)

TT: Eragon tidak meragukannya. “Urgal!” serunya dan melompat ke punggung Saphira, ... (page: 22)

The data above has a person third singular word that ‘he’ is implicit person which refers to previous sentence. Usually the pronoun ‘he’ can be translated into he in the TT. In TT, the word ‘he’ becomes omitted. This is done to avoid the repetition of the word.

8. ST: Then she revealed one of the Twins’ purple robes, torn and

bloodied, and Murtagh’s tunic and both his lauther gauntlets. “They were strewn along the edge of black chasm, ...”(page 14)

TT: Lalu ia menunjukkan salah satu jubah ungu si Kembar, tercabik dan berlumuran darah, dan tunik serta kedua sarung tangan kulit Murtagh. “Benda-benda ini bertebaran di tepi jurang gelap, ...” (page: 29)


29 On the TT there is no word of plural objects, therefore the translation used the word the things. Although in this case the referent they remain implicit in the TT, it is not made explicit in the TT, that is because it has been well represented by the word the things. This may be done to avoid repetition of words.

9. ST: “... before we reveal who it is, you must give us your word of honor

that whether you agree or disagree with us, nothing of our discussion will leave this rooom.”

Why would they want that? (page: 22)

TT: “... sebelum kami beritahukan siapa orangnya, kau harus berjanji bahwa entah kau setuju atau tidak dengan pilihan kami, tidak sedikit pun dari diskusi ini boleh menyebar keluar.”

Kenapa mereka menginginkan begitu?(page: 34)

The data above has demonstrative reference that. The demonstrative reference that refers to the speech in the previous sentence: there is nothing of our discussion will leave this room. In translation the demonstrative reference is implied become begitu.

10. ST: “Wait,” commanded Elessari, a stily glint in her eyes. “Your word,

though Rider. Will you give it in fealty at the ceremony?”


30 TT: “Tunggu,” kata Elessari, kilau sekeras baja terpancar di matanya.

“Tapi, penunggang, kami membutuhkan janjimu. Apa kau mau bersumpah setia dalam upacara nanti?”

“Ya, kau harus melakukannya,” Falberd menyetujui. (page 38)

In data above has demonstrative pronoun that. It refers to the previous sentence that the Rider have to give in fealty. Then it made implicit by that. In the translation, the demonstrative that still made implicit contain in the word –nya. The word –nya explain things previously spoken in context.

11. ST: He said what he thought he had to in order to protect the Varden. I would have done the same. (page 33)

TT: Ayahku mengatakan apa yang menurutnya harus dikatakan untuk melindungi kaum Varden. Aku juga akan berbuat begitu.(page 29)

The data above contain comparative referentthe same. Therefore, the substitution done the same refers to protect the varden. In the TT, translator opt for keeping the substitution implicit as begitu.

12. ST: This place had been his entire life and more. It had been his past ...

and his future. (page 14)

TT: Tempat ini dulu merupakan seluruh hidupnya dan lebih. Ini masa lalunya... dan masa depannya. (page 50)


31 this place. In the TT translator opt to make it still implicit. It is done to avoid repetition.

13. ST: Saphira! The energy that would require! You told me yourself that

you can’t use magic at will, so what makes you sure you can do this? (page 74)

TT: Saphira! Energi yang dibutuhkan untuk itu besar sekali! Kau sendiri mengatakan tidak bisa menggunakan sihir sesuka hati, jadi apa yang meyebabkan kau yakin bisa melakukannya? (page 72)

The data above has demonstrative reference this. It refers to the previous sentence that Saphira want to make Isidar Mithrim put together again. Then it made implicit by this. In the translation, the demonstrative this still made implicit contain in the word –nya. The word –nya explains things spoken previously in context.

14. ST: “That has been a matter of contention among the clans. When a

dwarf dies, we believe he must be sealed in stone or else he will never join his ancestors...” (page 80)

TT: “Hal itu menimbulkan keributan di antara klan-klan. Kalau ada kurcaci yang meninggal, kami yakin ia harus dimasukkan ke batu, kalau tidak ia takkan pernah bergabung dengan leluhurnya.... “ (page



32 The events compared here are, ‘when a dwarf dies he must be sealed in stone’ and ‘he will never join his ancestors.’ The referential comparative else is translated implicit become kalau tidak.


4.2.2 Organizational Implicit Meaning Translated Explicitly

15. ST: “... And I couldn’t catch Urgals on foot, though Arya might be able to.”

“Then ask her to.”(page: 9)

TT: “... Dan aku tidak bisa mengejar Urgal dengan berjalan kaki, sekalipun Arya mungkin bisa.”

“Kalau begitu mintalah Arya melakukannya.” (page 25)

The sentence then ask her to above has an explicit a verb. Verb which has been ellipted is ‘catch’. If it is written in full sentence then the elipsis sentence above would be read then ask her to catch. This is an accordance with the translation of which reads Kalau begitu mintalah Arya melakukannya. Here, translator do explicit the meaning.

16. ST: Movement flickered through it, like the swish of a bird across a


33 TT: Gerakan-gerakan terlihat di dalamnya, seperti kelebatan burung

melintasi bulan yang tertutup awan... lalu tidak terlihat apa-apa.(page 29)

This is an example of implicit information found in the ST and the meaning in the TT made explicit. The word nothing when it was written in full sentence it would be there is no movement seen. In the translation is made explicit into tidak terlihat apa-apa. This is done to conform with the applicable sentence patterns in the target language so that one interpretation and ambiguity can be avoided.

17. ST: Are you strong enough to go? We have to. (page 17)

TT: Kau sudah cukup kuat untuk pergi?

Terpaksa. (page 31)

The sentence we have to above has an explicit verb. Verb which has been ellipted is ‘go’. If written in full then the elipsis sentence above would be We have to go. This is an accordance with the translation of which reads Terpaksa, here translator do explicit the meaning.

18. ST: Resigned to wait, he said instead, Things have certainly changed for us. (page 37)

TT: Eragon memutuskan untuk pasrah, dan akhirnya berkata Situasi


34 The data above has implicitness of passive sentence. The sentence resigned to wait indicates the implicity of actor. In translation the translator opt to make the actor explicitly. The actor, Eragon is written explicitly to avoid ambiguous.

19. ST: “Easy for you to say.” (page 49)

TT: “Kau sih mudah saja mengatakannya.” (page 54)

The sentence “Easy for you to say.” is an ellipsis sentence. This data implied an object. The object here implied by it when it written full sentence it would be “Easy for you to say it.” In the translation the sentence is made explicit. The translation will felt awkward if not written in explicit like “Kau sih mudah saja mengatakan.” To get sentence pattern corresponding to the language in the TT, the translation should be made explicit “Kau sih mudah saja mengatakannya.”

20. ST: You speak of humans as if you weren’t one.” (page 41)

TT: “Kau membicarakan manusia seakan dirimu bukan manusia.” (page 49)

Substitution word one in data above contained implicitness. The word one has implied the word human, according to previous sentence. The substitution word one should be translated explicitly become manusia in the target text. It is done to avoid ambiguity.


35 delay, the more he presses me to conscent to a match of which he approves. He fears I will become an old maid, and I fear that too. I have only so much time or choice in Carvahall. ... If I must take another, I will.” (page 56)

TT: “... Ada pria-pria lain yang jauh lebih layak daripada dirimu, dan semakin lama kau menunda, semakin ia mendesakku untuk menerima perjodohan yang disetujuinya. Ia takut aku menjadi perawan tua, dan aku juga begitu. Aku hanya sedikit memiliki waktu atau pilihan di Carvahall... Kalau aku harus menerima yang lain, aku akan menerimanya. (page: 59)

The data above has implicitness in ellipsis sentence. The ellipsis I will has implied an object. it refers to take another. It it written full it would be I will take another. In the translation, the sentence was made explicitly to be aku akan menerimanya to make the meaning become clearer. If it did not make explicit it would be aku akan. It would be sound awkward so the translator made it explicitly.

22. ST: Albriech soon arrived at the boulder. On his back was an overfull pack, which he dropped to the ground with a grunt. “I thought I’d never find you.”


36 TT: Dalam waktu singkat Albriech tiba di batu besar. Di punggungnya

terdapat ransel penuh sesak, yang dijatuhkannya ke tanah sambil mendengus. “Kukira aku tidak akan bisa menemukan dirimu.”

“Aku terkejut kau bisa menemukanku.”(page 68)

The sentence “I’m surprise you did.” is an ellipsis sentence. This data implied an object. The object here implied by it when it written full it would be “I’m surprised you did it.” In the TT, the sentence is not made implicit. The translator made in explicit. He opted to make the translation explicit, that is what Albriech has done stated clearly in TT. It is stated in the TT become “Aku terkejut kau bisa menemukanku.”

23. ST: “However, a new leader must be chosen, one who will win us even more glory.” (page 88)

TT: “Tapi, pemimpin baru harus dipilih, pemimpin yang akan memenangkan lebih banyak kemegahan bagi kita.” (page 84)


37 Translated Implicitly

24. ST: The boy was dismissed, then Jormundur helped Nasuada into a

seat. (page 28)

TT: Bocah itu diperintahkan pergi, lalu Jormundur membantu Nasuada

duduk. (page 39)

The data above has implicitness of passive sentence. The sentence the boy was dismissed has implicity of the actor who told the boy to go. But because the actor is not the focus, so the actor become implied. In translation the actor still not the focus, so its existence does not need to be made explicit. It is translated good ia a way in pattern in the target text.

25. ST: “So we meet again, Rider. You haven’t greeted me. Have I offended you?”

“No, Nasuada...” (page 32)

TT: “Jadi kita bertemu lagi, Penunggang. Kau belum menyapaku. Apa aku menyinggung perasaanmu?”

“Tidak, Nasuada...”(page 41)


38 implied by ‘tidak.’ Translator do not need to make it to explicit because the meaning can captured well in the TT.

26. ST: Can we trust her to hold to what’s she said? This is very important. Yes, said Saphira. (page 35)

TT: Apa kita bisa percaya ia akan memegang kata-katanya? Ini sangat penting.

Ya, kata Saphira. (page 43)

The data above have ellipsis clause, which lies in the word ‘yes.’ This word is the answer to the question that only require a yes or no only. By looking at the question, we can know that the word yes is implied something. When written in full sentence, the answer will sound Yes, we can trust her. In the translation, the answer is still implied by yes. Translator do not need to make it to explicit because the meaning can captured well in the TT.

27. ST: Eragon frowned, but followed her. Where are we going? No

answer. Saphira, please. (page 37)

TT: Eragon, mengerutkan kening, tapi mengikutinya. Kita ke mana? Tidak ada jawaban. Saphira, please. (page 45)


39 Saphira: Where are we going. But Saphira des not answer so Eragon ask her twice in order to Saphira could answer his question.

In the TT, it still made implicit by word please. The translator opt to keep this implicitly and also written in English. But it also good if ‘please’ can be translated into Indonesian as ‘Kumohon’. It would be made the reader confused who did not know the meaning of ‘please.’

28. ST: “Katrina... I cannot approach your father as I had planned. He would laugh at me, and rightly so. ...” (page 55)

TT: “Katrina... Aku tidak bisa mendekatimu seperti rencana semula. Ia pasti akan menertawakanku dan berhak berbuat begitu. ...” (page 58)


40 4.2.3 Situational Implicit Meaning Explicitly

29. ST: Baldor followed closed behind, both of them carrying strung bows. Neither spoke as they studied their surroundings for signs of the deer. “There,” said Baldor in a low voice, pointing at a set of tracks leading toward a bramble on the edge of the Anora. (page 57)

TT: Baldor mengikuti dengan rapat di belakangnya, mereka berdua menyandang busur yang terpasang talinya. Tidak satu pun berbicara sementara mereka, mencari tanda-tanda kehadiran si rusa.

“Di sana,” kata Baldor pelan, menunjuk sederetan jejak menuju sesemakan duri di tepi Anora. (page 60)

The sentence there in the data above has implicitness in the movement signal pointing at a set of tracks that can be indicated by hand gestures. The existence of this movement have implied the sentence: there is a set of tracks leading toward a bramble on the edge of the Anora. In the TT, it still made implicit but also contain the clue which have similar meaning in the TT.

30. ST: Orik thrust a bundle of clothes into Eragon’s arms. “Here, put

these on. They are more appropriate for a funeral than your own attire....” (page 79)


41 The sentence here in the data above has implicitness in the movement signal thrust a bundle of clothes that can be indicated by hand gestures in the previous sentence. The existence of this movement have implied the sentence: here, a bundle of clothes. In TT, it still made implicit with the word ‘ini’. The translation also contain the clue which have similar meaning in the TT. Implicitly

31. ST: “You have endured so much loss, and yet your strength has never failed you. Will you return to farm now?”

“Aye. Farming is all I know.” (page 54)

TT: “Kau kehilangan begitu banyak, tapi kekuatanmu tidak pernah memudar. Kau mau kembali ke tanah pertanianmu sekarang?”

“Aye. Aku hanya tahu bertani.” (page 58)




5.1 Conclusions

Based on the analysis in Chapter IV, the writer has found that there were implicit meanings in Eldest novel by Christopher Paolini. The writer could give the conclusions as follows:

1. There are kinds of implicit meaning found in ST. They are implicit referential meaning, implicit organizational meaning and implicit situational meaning. The most dominant implicit meaning found in the ST is implicit referential meaning. Implicit referential meaning can be divided into three kind: personal referent, demonstrative referent and comperative referent according to Halliday and Hasan (1976: 333-338). The implicit meaning that often appear in the ST is personal referent. Personal referent is used to identify individuals and things or subjects that are named at some other point in the text. Personal referent that most to apper such as he, she, it and yours. The demonstrative referent such as this, that also often to appear in this novel.


43 2. The translation of the implicit meaning from ST into TT also there are two

way. They are translated as explicitly and some are translated still implicit. It depends on the contain of the text. We can see from the way of translator interpreting and conveying the meaning. Some of implicit meanings are still translated as implicit if the meaning in the target text can be caught easily, easy to understand and does not make ambiguous. An implicit meaning can be translated implicitly if the entailment of the references is clear and understandable. If the target text has grammatical system which allows it and also if the implicit meaning is familiar and comprehensible by the target readers.

But some also need to be translated explicitly. It is done to make good translation in the TT. The translator may get the meaning clearly but have to make sure the readers who read the TT can get the meaning easily as well as possible. In order to reach the goal, translator needs to make the implicit meaning found in ST become explicitly in the TT. An implicit meaning should be translated explicitly if it causes ambiguity or vagueness in the target language.

5.2 Suggestions


44 Meaning is an essential part in translation because it is the important thing in transferring the meaning so the reader can read clearly and understand it. If the translator conveys what the original author wants to convey with the wrong meaning, then it will lead to the target readers to misunderstanding.

A study of implicit meaning in both in English and Indonesian might be conducted by investigating the differences and similarities of both languages, wether it is implicit referential meaning, implicit organizational meaning and implicit situational meaning.

And as suggestion for those who are interested in observing or doing a research about translation especially in implicit meaning, research about implicit meaning is still rare to find. It will be interesting to find out and explore more about implicit meaning that perhaps not every people pay attention of this but the translator has to.




2.1An Overview of Translation

Some linguists give their ideas as the definition of translation. Newmark (1988:5) says that it is rendering the meaning of a text into another language in the way that the author intended the text. According to Larson (1998:3) translation is basically a change of form; these forms are referred to as the surface structure of a language; the form of the source language is replaced by the form of the receptor (target) language. Then, Simatupang (2000:2) says “menerjemahkan adalah mengalihkan makna yang terdapat dalam bahasa sumber ke bahasa sasaran dan mewujudkannya kembali di dalam bahasa sasaran dengan bentuk-bentuk yang sewajar mungkin menurut aturan-aturan yang berlaku dalam bahasa sasaran.” (Translation is shifting meaning that be found in source text and made it back into target text with natural forms as possible according to the rules in the target text.)

From the definitions above, translation is transferring meaning from source language into target language which the forms look as natural as possible, and must obey the rules applied in the target language.

2.2Implicit and Explicit Meaning

2.2.1 Meaning


9 language to the from of a second language by way semantic structure. It is meaning which is being transferred and must be held constant.


Discover the meaning Re-express the meaning

(Larson 1998:4)

Larson (1998:41) says translation then is communicating the same meaning in a second language as was communicated in the first. But to do so adequately, one must be aware of the fact that there are various kinds of meaning.

According to Larson, the translator must be aware of the implicit and explicit information which is being communicated. When people speak or write, the amount of information included in the text will depend on the amount of shared information that already exists between the speaker (writer) and the addressee. When we talk about something, we leave out some of the information because the addressee already knows these facts and might even be insulted if they were included.

Krushelnitskaya (in Moentaha 2006:80) says ada dua cara penggunaan eksplikasi dan implikasi yang menarik untuk ditanggapi, (1) kalau dalam bahasa terjemahan tidak ada cara pengungkapan yang implisit, maka eksplikasi wajib

Translation Text to be



10 digunakan dalam proses terjemahan dan (2) kalau dalam bahasa terjemahan ada cara pengungkapan paralel, baik yang eksplisit, maupun yang implisit, pilihannya ditentukan oleh faktor-faktor yang sama seperti faktor-faktor yang menentukan pilihan kata dari beberapa kata yang ada dalam deret sinonim. (There are two ways to use explication and implications that interesting to response, (1) if the translation language there is no disclosure way for implicit, the explication shall be used in the translation process and (2) if there is a way translation parallel disclosure, either explicitly, or implicitly, the choice is determined by the same factors as the factors that determine the choice of words of somewords in the series of synonyms.)

Moentaha (2006:80) states praktik terjemahan menunjukkan, meski dalam bahasa terjemahan ada cara paralel untuk pengungkapan tingkat isi yang eksplisit dan yang implisit, tapi bagaimanapun juga, eksplikasi pengungkapan kalimat teks asli, pada akhirnya akan juga menjadi wajib digunakan dalam proses terjemahan, sesuai dengan analisis semantisnya. Hal ini bisa terjadi, kalau sarana pengungkapan implisit BS tidak sesuai maknanya dengan makna sarana pengungkapan implisit BP. (Translation practice shows, although there is a way language translation parallel to the disclosure of the contents which are explicit and implicit, but anyway, explication disclosure in original text, in the end will also be required to be used in the translation process, according to the semantic analysis. It could be happen, if the disclosure implicit meaning in the target text does not fit with the disclosure implicit meaning in source text.)

2.2.2 Implicit Meaning


11 process of understanding the implicit meaning, the responders sometimes have to try hard to get the proper interpretation by the imagery or interpretation. Responders need to know certain things like reference, situation and context. Knowledge of context will help responders to get the right interpretation.

In an attempt to understand and achieve the correct message of a source language text, the terms of reading the line and reading between the lines should be maintained. Reading the line refers to reading with a view to know the explicit meanings, while reading between lines means reading to know the implicit meanings.

According to Larson (1998:41), implicit or explicit meaning can be distinguished into three kinds of meaning:

1) implicit referential meaning 2) implicit organizational meaning 3) implicit situational meaning Implicit Referential Meaning

Larson (1998:44) said that referential meaning means the kind of meaning when the word refers to a certain thing, event, attribution or relation which a person can perceive or imagine. A sentence has meaning because it refers to something that happens or may happen or is imagined as happening. Referential meaning is what the communication is about. It is the information content.


12 In this case, for example, someone asks, “How many people come?” the person asked may answer, “Ten.” In this context it is clear that “ten” means “Ten people came.” The reference to people and came is left implicit in the answer.

The other case, all language have grammatical forms which are obligatory, for example, in English, it is obligatory to make explicit whether a noun is singular or plural. One cannot say, “I saw dog walking down street.” One must say, “I saw some dogs walking down the street,” or “I saw a dog walking down the street.” Number must be made explicit in English, but in many languages, including Indonesian it can be left implicit.

There are three different types of implicit referential meaning: personal reference, demonstrative reference and comparative reference.

Personal reference is a pronoun that refers to a particular person, group or a thing. It can take the place of nouns and noun phrases. In the other words, the personal reference is a reference by means of function in the speech situation, through the categories of person. The category of personals includes the three classes of personal pronouns (I, h, she, it, you, they, we), possessive pronouns (mine, yours, his, hers, theirs, ours) and possessive adjectives (my, his, her, their, your, etc.)

Demonstrative reference is a reference by means of location. Halliday and Hasan (1976) argue that demonstrative reference is essentially a form of verbal pointing. The speaker identifies the referent by locating it on a scale of proximity.


13 Implicit Organizational Meaning

According to Larson (1998:45) organizational meaning means certain information that may be old information, some new; certain information may be the topic (what is being talked about) of the discourse, other information commenting on the topic; and some information may be more central to the message; that is, more important or more prominent. It is the organizational meaning that puts the referential information together into a coherent text. Organizational meaning is signaled by deictics, repetition, groupings and by many other features in the grammatical structure of a text.

In many languages, leaving some information implicit is one feature used to signal organizational meaning. Part of the information which occurs in the semantic structure is left implicit in the grammar in order to indicate old information, in order to add cohesion and in some cases even to mark theme or focus.


14 meaning of focus would need to indicate a special suffix on the word school marking focus.

Less explicit forms are often used to signal organizational meaning. For example, pronouns, pro-verbs, and other substitue words are less explicit than the nouns and verbs which they are refer to. It is important that the translator be aware of the need to adjust these in translation. Implicit Situational Meaning

Situational meaning means the message that produced in a given communication situation. Larson (1998:46) states that the relationship between the writer or speaker and the addressee will affect the communication. Where the communication takes place, when it takes place, the age, sex, and socialstatus of the speaker and hearer, the relationship between them, the presuppositions that each brings to the communication, the cultural background of the speaker and the addressee, and many other situational matters result in situational meaning.

A text may be completely unintelligible to someone who does not know the culture in which the language is spoken because there is so much situational meaning. When translating into another language, the original situational meaning may need to be included in a more overt form if the same total meaning is to be communicated to the readers.


15 sick,” or “My son is sick.” The information my son was not needed to identify Peter when talking to herhusband who knew very well who Peter was.

Often in normal conversation, there is much which is going on in the situation which makes it possible to understand exactly what is meant without using many words. For example, a mother seeing her child about to put his hand in the fire, cries out, “No!” The child understands the message, “Don’t put your hand in the fire!” all of the information is carried by one word, “No,” because of the situation. In a different situation “No!” might mean something very different, as when used to answer the question, “Did you go to town today?” In that case, the implied information is not found in the situation but in the question which had been asked; that is, in the linguistic context.

2.2.3 Explicit Meaning




1.1Background of the Study

Today is an era where information and communication move fast. There are many things that we want to know from a foreign country in foreign language, ranging from education to entertainment. In this case, translation is absolutely necessary to convey the information from one language into another language.

Translation is used for multilingual notices has at last appeared increasingly conspicuously in public places; for instructions issued by exporting companies; for tourists publicity, where it is too often produced from the native into the ‘foreign’ language by natives as a matter of national pride; for official documents, such as treaties and contracts; for reports, papers, articles, correspondence, textbooks to convey information, advice and recommendation for every branch of knowledge.

Man as a creature who want to know many information and share the ideas often uses the translation product as their source of information. Books, movies and a variety of other information, for example. Those that are stated not in mother language need to be translated. So that people could easier to understand the knowledge obtained the literary works and the other information.


2 text with forms that look as natural as possible according to the rules that apply in the target language. In this case, the translator has to capable in languages and need to understand the culture in the target language.

The translator has to be a good translator so that the reader can get the meaning of the literary work. Nida and Taber (1974:12) mention translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source-language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style. The source language text that want to be transferred into target language must consider the closest natural equivalent meaning. It implies that the meaning of the target text must be equivalent with the source.

The translator needs to get the message from the source language. Then he puts on the message into target language so the listener or the reader can get the message clearly. It is important for translator to make the product could be read as well as from source language.

In order to convey meaning as well as from source language text, a translator must be aware of the fact that there are many kinds of contextual meaning. One of concern in conveying accurately is by examining the implicit information.


3 While, explicit information is information that is informed clearly and uncomplicatedly so that the people can catch on easily and do not have a vague or incorrect information regarding. This explicit information is stated by lexical items and grammatical forms.

According to Larson (1998:38) implicit meaning can be distinguished into three kinds of meaning:

1) implicit referential meaning

2) implicit organizational meaning

3) implicit situational meaning

A good translator has to be able in identifying various implicit meaning that are found in the particular text. This ability is essentially needed to avoid possible mistakes so that the audiences do not find difficulties of understanding the message in the novel, movie and other texts. For example:

Source text (ST): Movement flickered through it, like the swish of a bird across a clouded moon... then nothing. (Paolini 2005: 15)

Target Text (TT): Gerakan-gerakan terlihat di dalamnya, seperti kelebatan burung melintasi bulan yang tertutup awan... lalu tidak terlihat apa-apa. (Tanuwidjaya 2005: 29)


4 is done to conform with the applicable sentence patterns in the target language so that one interpretation and ambiguity can be avoided.

Then this is the other example:

ST: Then she revealed one of the Twins’ purple robes, torn and bloodied, and Murtagh’s tunic and both his lauther gauntlets. “They were strewn along the edge of black chasm, ...” (Paolini 2005: 14)

TT: Lalu ia menunjukkan salah satu jubah ungu si Kembar, tercabik dan berlumuran darah, dan tunik serta kedua sarung tangan kulit Murtagh. “Benda-benda ini bertebaran di tepi jurang gelap, ...” (Tanuwidjaya 2005: 29)

This is the implicit information found in the ST and still made implicit in the TT. They refers to the previous sentence. Pronoun they in this sentence implies

nonanimate object plural. Objects that are implied by the referent of they in this sentence is one of purple robes, tunic and lauther gauntlets.

On the TT there is no word of plural objects, therefore the translation used the word the things. Although in this case the referent they remain implicit in the TT, it is not made explicit in the TT, that is because it has been well represented by the word the things. This may be done to avoid repetition of words.


5 In this modern era, there are so many books including novels that are translated into Indonesian. The literary work chosen by the writer to be analysed is a novel entitled Eldest (2005). Eldest is an English novel written by Christopher Paolini as the ST. It is translated into Indonesian by Sendra B. Tanuwidjaya as the TT. The English version contains 1016 pages and the Indonesian version748 pages.

Eldest is the second novel in the

sequel to

was released in paperback in September 2006. Eldest has been released in


including new information and art by both the illustrator and the author. According to wikipedia.org other editions of Eldest have been translated into different languages. Eragon novel has been played in a movie with the same title ‘Eragon’.

This novel was chosen because in this novel contained of implicit meanings that are signaled by cohesion, continuity, grouping and patterns of prominence. It is also New York Times’ first Bestseller’s novel (2006) that means many people are interested in reading it and may be the readers are aware of the implicit meanings that are found in this novel.


6 1.2Problems of the Study

The problems are formulated as follows:

1. What kinds of implicit meaning are found in ST? 2. What are the translation of implicit meaning in the TT?

1.3Objectives of the Study

The purposes of the study can be summarized as follows: 1. To find out the implicit meaning in ST.

2. To find out the translation of implicit meaning in the TT.

1.4Scope of the Study

In order to present a clear and systematic analysis, the writer make a certain limitation on the problems being studied. It only discusses about the study of implicit meaning as found in the ST and the translation into TT. It was taken from the first until the tenth subtopics. The writer only covered the study of implicit meaning in the source text and the translation in the target text. In order to get valid data, the writer decide to read the novel and its translation subtopic by subtopic.

1.5Significances of The Study


7 And also by paying attention to the perspective of semantics and other study of linguistics.



Skripsi ini berjudul “The Translation of Implicit Meaning In Eldest Novel”. Skripsi ini menganalisis tentang makna implisit yang ditemukan pada teks sumber yang berjudul Eldest dalam bahasa Inggris dan terjemahannya pada teks target yang berjudul Eldest dalam bahasa Indonesia. Teori yang digunakan dalam menganalisis data adalah teori yang dikemukakan oleh Mildred L. Larson (1998). Teori ini menjelaskan mengenai makna implisit.Skripsi ini juga menggunakan teori Halliday and Hasan (1976). Metodologi yang digunakan pada skripsi ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif. Tahapan dalam metodologi yang digunakan pada skripsi ini adalah tahap membaca novel, tahap menemukan data, tahap pengklasifikasian data dan tahap penarikan kesimpulan. Dari hasil penganalisisan, dapat disimpulkan ada tiga macam makna implisit yang ditemukan di teks sumber. Dan juga, terdapat dua cara penerjemahan makna implisit pada teks target, yaitu diterjemahkan secara eksplisit dan beberapa diterjemahkan tetap implisit.



The thesis entitled “The Translation of Implicit Meaning In Eldest Novel”. This thesis analyze about the implicit meaning that found in the source text entitled Eldest in English version and the translation in target text entitled Eldest in Indonesian version. The theory applied in analyzing the related data is proposed by Mildred L. Larson (1998). This theory explains about implicit meaning. This thesis also used the theory of Halliday and Hasan (1976). The methodological research applied in this thesis is descriptive qualitative method. The steps of research are reading the novel, finding the data, classifying the data, analyzing the data and drawing conclusion. From the analyzed data, it can be concluded that there are three kinds of impicit meaning found in the source text. And also, there are two ways the translation of the implicit meaning in target text, they are translated as explicitly and some are translated still implicit.












A Thesis By

Cristine Falentina Reg. No. 110705061

Supervisor Co-Supervisor

Dr.Roswita Silalahi,Dip.TESOL,M.Hum Drs.Yulianus Harefa,M.Ed.TESOL NIP: 19540528 198303 2 001 NIP: 19610703 198601 1 001

Submitted to Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara Medan in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Sastra in Department of English



iii Approved by the English Literature Department the Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara (USU) Medan as Thesis for the Sarjana Sastra Examination

Head, Secretary,


iv Accepted by the Board of Examiners in partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree of Sarjana Sastra from the English Department, Faculty of Cultural Studies, University of Sumatera Utara.

The Examination is held on the Faculty of Cultural Studies, English Department

University of Sumatera Utara onAugust 27th 2015

The Dean of Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara

Dr. H. Syahron Lubis, M. A NIP: 19511013 197603 1 001

Board of Examiners

Dr. H. Muhizar Muchtar, M.S ...

Rahmadsyah Rangkuti, M.A, Ph.D ...

Dr. Roswita Silalahi, Dip TESOL, M.Hum ...

Dr. Syahron Lubis, M.A ...





Signed :








Signed :



Praise the Lord. Firstly, I would like to thank to Father in Heaven, Lord Jesus, because of Him I can live and pass every single day and night. I can feel every bless that He has given to me. I can face every problem that always make me stronger than yesterday. It’s only by His grace.

Secondly, I realize that I can not finish this thesis only by my power, so I want to say thank a lot to many people that help me, give me motivation and advice while do this thesis. They are:

1. My beloved parents, Bangkit Simamora and Risma Lumban Batu. I dedicate this thesis for them, who have gave all their heart to me. They never stop to give me love, advice, support, motivation, whose their spirit never die just to fight for their children. I will learn how to thank you, although I can not thank you enough to give you back as much as all your kindness to me. I also thank to my dear brother Agum Daniel F. Simamora and my dear little sister Nadya Madeline Simamora for their support and pray. I will do my best.


viii 3. Dr. Roswita Silalahi, Dip. TESOL, M.Hum as my supervisor and Drs.

Yulianus Harefa, M.Ed. TESOL as my co-supervisor. I want to say thank and deep appreciation to these persons, for your guidance, education, and suggestion during the working of this thesis. Thank to every kindness and pray, may God give you more blessing.

4. All the lecturers of Department of English who have shared their valuable knowledge and for their contributions during my academic for 4 years. 5. My roommate, Lusi Astri Simamora who patiently and kindly accompany

me for 4 years during my study in USU. A friend to share everything along this recent years. Thanks for help and attention that you have given to me. I really appreciate it.

6. Friends in English Literary 2011 who support me kindly and patiently Raja Guntar Simamora, Elysabeth Nababan, Herta Gultom, Febby Priscilla, Evcis Soniamiar Nainggolan, Elsa Gloria, Shinta D. L. Hutabarat, Nova Kristina, Anna Simbolon, Karina Pratiwi, Ridho V. Ambarita, Sola Josua Simanjuntak, Fadillah Eka Prayogi, and all my friends who kindly and nicely help and support me. We did it, Guys and all of you can make it done. Let’s fight!

7. My lovely friends, Mezbah Simanjuntak, Guster C. P. Sihombing, Hendro H. Siboro for your support to me. I really glad to know each of you. You are such my sister and brothers for me.


ix 9. My friend who kindly accompany me to share many things: Lisbet

Ambarita, who nicely accompany me to help me during this last year. A good friend to share about this thesis. Also to Derianta Tinambunan who kindly accompany me through bad and good times. Thanks for everything you have given to me, love, care and many things. You are also like my sister to me. I learn from you a lot.

10. My cousins Herman, Putri, Anita, Theresia, Kak Nella, Kak Mesri and all my big family who always support me until I can finish my study for 4 years. And all of my friends that I can not mention them one by one who support me and care to me. Thanks to be my good friends.

Medan, October 2015 The Writer

Cristine Falentina



Skripsi ini berjudul “The Translation of Implicit Meaning In Eldest Novel”. Skripsi ini menganalisis tentang makna implisit yang ditemukan pada teks sumber yang berjudul Eldest dalam bahasa Inggris dan terjemahannya pada teks target yang berjudul Eldest dalam bahasa Indonesia. Teori yang digunakan dalam menganalisis data adalah teori yang dikemukakan oleh Mildred L. Larson (1998). Teori ini menjelaskan mengenai makna implisit.Skripsi ini juga menggunakan teori Halliday and Hasan (1976). Metodologi yang digunakan pada skripsi ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif. Tahapan dalam metodologi yang digunakan pada skripsi ini adalah tahap membaca novel, tahap menemukan data, tahap pengklasifikasian data dan tahap penarikan kesimpulan. Dari hasil penganalisisan, dapat disimpulkan ada tiga macam makna implisit yang ditemukan di teks sumber. Dan juga, terdapat dua cara penerjemahan makna implisit pada teks target, yaitu diterjemahkan secara eksplisit dan beberapa diterjemahkan tetap implisit.



The thesis entitled “The Translation of Implicit Meaning In Eldest Novel”. This thesis analyze about the implicit meaning that found in the source text entitled Eldest in English version and the translation in target text entitled Eldest in Indonesian version. The theory applied in analyzing the related data is proposed by Mildred L. Larson (1998). This theory explains about implicit meaning. This thesis also used the theory of Halliday and Hasan (1976). The methodological research applied in this thesis is descriptive qualitative method. The steps of research are reading the novel, finding the data, classifying the data, analyzing the data and drawing conclusion. From the analyzed data, it can be concluded that there are three kinds of impicit meaning found in the source text. And also, there are two ways the translation of the implicit meaning in target text, they are translated as explicitly and some are translated still implicit.









CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION ... 1.1 Background of the Study ... 1

1.2 Problems of the Study ... 6

1.3 Objectives of the Study ... 6

1.4 Scope of the Study ... 6

1.5 Significances of the Study ... 6

1.6 Method of the Study ... 7

CHAPTER II : REVIEW OF LITERATURE 2.1 An Overview of Translation... 8

2.2 Implicit and Explicit Meaning ... 8

2.2.1 Meaning ... 8

2.2.2 Implicit Meaning ... 10 Implicit Referential Meaning ... 11


xiii Implicit Situational Meaning ... 14

2.2.3 Explicit Meaning ... 15

CHAPTER III: METHOD OF RESEARCH 3.1 Research Design ... 16

3.2 Sources of Data ... 16

3.3 Data Collecting Procedures ... 17

3.4 Data Analysis ... 18

CHAPTER IV : ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS 4.1 List of Implicit Meaning in Eldest Novel and Its Translation...19

4.2 The Analysis of Implicit Meaning Found in Eldest Novel ... 25

4.2.1 Implicit Referential Meaning ... 25 Translated Explicitly ... 26 Translated Implicitly ... 27

4.2.2 Implicit Organizational Meaning ... 32 Translated Explicitly ... 32 Translated Implicitly ... 37

4.2.3 Implicit Situational Meaning... 40 Translated Explicitly ... 40 Translated Implicitly ... 41



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