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Academic year: 2017



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sejauh mungkin bahwa hal itu mencerminkan asumsi naif tentang kebebasan pribadi (cf. Bargh & Chartrand, 1999; Skinner, 1971).

Dalam pandangan ini, manusia mewakili saling bergantung dengan elemen yang bersama-sama terdiri dari entitas sosial yang lebih besar, baik familial, romantis, atau masyarakat di alam. Dengan latar belakang ini, orang terus mempengaruhi dan pada gilirannya dipengaruhi oleh satu sama lain dalam berbagai cara. Pengaruh sosial adalah perantara interaksi manusia, dan meskipun operasinya mungkin halus dan kadang-kadang transparan kepada individu terlibat, namun memiliki efek yang meluas. Dalam hal ini memiliki keutamaan pengaruh dalam sosial, G. W. Allport (1968) mendefinisikan bidang sosial psikologi sebagai "upaya untuk memahami. . . bagaimana pikiran, perasaan, dan perilaku individu dipengaruhi oleh sebenarnya, membayangkan, atau tersirat keberadaan orang lain. ".





lepas dari beberapa aspek-aspek yang ada didalamnya, seperti:



demikian, orang akan mengadopsi sikap baru, mengembangkan preferensi untuk satu sama lain, mengubah frekuensi perilaku tertentu, atau mengambil kegiatan baru karena mereka berperilaku untuk melakukannya. Hal ini dirasakan adil untuk mengatakan perspektif ini tidak pernah mencapai status utama dalam psikologi sosial, tapi orang mungkin berpikir bahwa pengaruh sosial akan menjadi pengecualian.

Bases of Social Power


kesiapan untuk orang lain-meskipun memiliki atribut tersebut tentu tidak ada salahnya dalam kondisi tertentu. kekuatan sosial bukan berasal dari berbagai sumber yang berbeda, masing-masing memberikan bentuk yang sejalan kontrol perilaku. Dalam (1959; Raven, 1992, 1993) umumnya dianggap sebagai pernyataan definitif tentang berbagai basis kekuasaan sosial dan manifestasi masing-masing dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Mereka mengidentifikasi enam landasan seperti: reward, pemaksaan, keahlian, informasi, kekuatan referen, dan otoritas yang sah.


Limitations of External Control






dengan cara yang efisien dan mencapai konsensus sosial yang diperlukan untuk terlibat dalam aksi kolektif.



keterlibatan mereka akan membantu. Kedua keprihatinan kondisi di mana orang dalam arti menjadi terlalu peka dengan tujuan kelompok.



dapat berguna dalam menghubungkan berbagai tingkat realitas sosial (Nowak & Vallacher, 1998a, 1998b; Nowak, Vallacher, & Burnstein, 1998; Nowak, Vallacher, & Zochowski, 2002).


menunjukkan bahwa perubahan sosial yang cepat terjadi dengan cara yang sangat mirip dengan fase transisi dalam fenomena fisik.

Implications for Cultural Differences Pada jaman modern seperti sekarang rmemiliki tenggang rasa berguna dalam memahami dan memprediksi perbedaan antara budaya dalam dinamika pengaruh sosial dan organisasi kemasyarakatan. Dalam masyarakat yang menghargai kemerdekaan dalam pengambilan keputusan dan penilaian, besarnya pengaruh diri sejalan kuat dan beroperasi dengan mengorbankan pendapat dan harapan orang lain.






Aspek-aspek yang muncul untuk menjadi fitur umum dari pengaruh di topik yang berbeda dan menghubungkannya dengan proses psikologis fundamental, di antara mereka koordinasi elemen individu untuk membuat unit tingkat tinggi yang koheren. saran kami dalam hal ini adalah sebanyak mungkin untuk melakukan interaksi sosial dengan masyarakat sebanyak heuristik sebagai integratif.



The belief that we are the people who determine our own destiny certainly is among the most fundamental of human nature. It becomes a self-perception that is seen by many as one of the requirements for the adjustment process, allowing us to face the challenges of uncertainty with confidence and perseverance (cf. Alloy & Abramson, 1979; Deci & Ryan, 1985; Kofta, Weary, & Sedek , 1998; Seligman, 1975; Taylor & Brown, 1988), and also equally be a social care center because it has a direct connection to a personal attribution and responsibility (cf. Baumeister, Stillwell, & Heatherton, 1994; Shaver, 1985). It is an attitude adaptive significance, which means that a person's actions are autonomous, independent and largely withstand the external forces are routinely performed in everyday life (eg, Langer, 1978; Taylor & Brown, 1988) and may eventually be used as philosophical can be maintained as far as possible that it reflects the naive assumption about personal freedom (cf. Bargh & Chartrand, 1999; Skinner, 1971).


whether familial, romantic, or public in nature. With this background, the continued influence and in turn are influenced by each other in various ways. Social influence is the mediator of human interaction, and although operations may be subtle and sometimes transparent to the individuals involved, but have a widespread effect. In that it has the virtue of influence in the social, G. W. Allport (1968) defines the field of social psychology as "an attempt to understand... How thoughts, feelings, and behaviors of individuals are influenced by the actual, imagined, or implied presence of others.".


the influence of various social functions, both for individuals and for society.


In bersosial and public relations people or groups work together or in conflict, interaction or relationship of formal or informal, direct or indirect. From this it can be concluded that with us to join the organization we learn to respect the opinions of others, understand and appreciate the nature of others, learn to express their opinions, learn to become adults, spirited leadership, gain insight, adds to the experience, self-learning and many more positives obtained in the organization. At first I have properties that tend to be shy, but it actually makes me to serve targeted ventured to interact extensively with the world around, one is to follow the activities of the organization. There are so many organizations that exist in school, I gave an example of what organization I have ever attended, namely OSIS.


benefits of organizing visible. We and our friends had a discussion, planning, with friends to make the activities attractive as possible by bringing the strange food, wearing funny gear. after I and the other members who have prepared everything well, began the event MOS for new male and female students of my school. After some of the activities carried out, finally completed activities implemented smoothly and according to plan. From this experience we can say that in social interactions have a mutual relationship that involves social and humanitarian aspects of the two sides, such as emotional, physical and interests. It is also not free from some of the aspects contained in it, such as:



role of such capacity in regulating behavior (Bandura, 1986; Zajonc, 1980). Nevertheless, several studies based on the assumption of the behaviorist represented in social psychology (Byrne, 1971; Staats, 1975). In connection with social influences, this perspective shows that the only people motivated to do things related to the achievement of unpleasant consequences or to avoid unpleasant consequences. Thus, people will adopt new attitudes, develop a preference for one another, change the frequency of certain behaviors, or take on new activities because they behave in order to do so. It is only fair to say this perspective has never achieved the status of a major in social psychology, but one might think that social influence will be an exception.

Bases of Social Power


fortune, or the capacity and readiness for others-even though it has these attributes certainly no harm in certain circumstances. social power does not come from a variety of different sources, each providing a consistent form of behavior control. In (1959; Raven, 1992, 1993) is generally regarded as a definitive statement about the basis of social power and manifestation respectively in everyday life. They identified six bases such as: reward, coercion, expertise, information, strength referent, and legitimate authority.


information related to the nature of infinite power. Knowledge alone can serve as a reward for the person who can control himself within the organization, even with that knowledge we can help someone who at first did not know something to knowing.

Limitations of External Control



To date, social influence has been described as a one-way street. One person has a principle that he wants to impose on others. Although the influence of the strategy is certainly done for the purpose of control and manipulation, broadly defined social influence serves that function much better in everyday life. At the beginning it is difficult to discuss all aspects of social relationships without accession an important role to influence the process. Social influences that allow individuals to coordinate their opinions, moods, evaluation, and behavior at all levels of social reality, from social groups to the community. The process of social coordination is one aspect with all the parties to the exchange in influencing and accepting influence from each other. Ways and means of coordination are discussed as a function-both adaptive and maladaptive tendencies fundamental human.



difficult period. Yet for all the effort spent in the service of manipulation, sometimes all that is needed to influence a person to convey their own attitude or action in accordance with the person's preference. In certain cases, only express their opinions, strategies, or desire that has enough power to bring someone who is in line with one point of view. Forms of influence captures the essence of conformity, a phenomenon commonly calculated as proof of a person's mentality. There is not reflective quality to many examples of conformity, but this aspect allows people to coordinate their thoughts in an efficient manner and achieve social consensus necessary to engage in collective action.



social entity, of course, but they also need to feel that this section is uniquely their own. Coordinating role in achieving social accountability. The first, related to conditions in which to cancel their personal responsibility to do their part to achieve a common goal or to take initiative in a group setting where their involvement would help. The second concerns the conditions in which people in the sense of being too sensitive with the objectives of the group.



which it serves, and each individual in turn creates a social context for other people through his interaction with them. The nature of this interdependence is difficult to understand, but recent advances in the study of complex systems (Schuster, 1984) proved to be useful in connecting the various levels of social reality (Nowak & Vallacher, 1998a, 1998b; Nowak, Vallacher, & Burnstein, 1998; Nowak , Vallacher, & Zochowski, 2002).

Social Change and Societal Transitions


simulation results showed that rapid social change occurs in a manner very similar to phase transitions in physical phenomena.

Implications for Cultural Differences

In this modern era of tolerance rmemiliki useful in understanding and predicting the differences between cultures in the dynamics of social influence and community organizations. In a society that respects the independence in decision-making and assessment, the influence of strong self-line and operating at the expense of other people's opinions and expectations.



Organitation life for the community is needed, it can not be denied given that the basic nature of a human being is a social creature. Social influence is deeply embedded in every aspect of interpersonal functioning, any attempt to discuss it apart from all the topics and research traditions define the basic influence processes depiction of phenomena such as changes in attitude, self-concept of flexibility, or the development of a close relationship. People have a natural tendency to bring their beliefs, preferences, and actions in line with those around them, and this trend became evident in the absence of overt manipulation strategy or smooth. This tendency for synchronization between is what allows only a collection of individuals to become a functional unit determines a higher level of social reality.



with the community as much social interaction as an integrative heuristic.




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