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The Alienation Of Three Main Characters In The Novel "The Wizard Of Oz" By L. Frank Baum (A Study Of Marxism)


Academic year: 2017

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The Alienation of Three Characters in the Novel

“The Wizard of Oz” by L. Frank Baum


Background Of The Study


How is the alienation portrayed in the three

characters in the novel “The Wizard Of Oz”?

How do the three characters overcome the



To describe how the alienation faced by three

characters in that novel

To describe how the three characters

overcome the alienation


Significant to knowledge

The research is expected to give

contribution to the development of literature in

Faculty of Letters in Indonesia University of

Computer, and can also be useful for student of

English Department who want to learn or make

a research about Marxism especially on


Framework of the theory













“An immediate consequence of the fact that man is estranged

from the product of his labor, from his life activity, from

his species being is the estrangement of man from man. If

a man is confronted by himself, he is confronted by

another man. What applies to man’s relation to his work,

to the product of his labor and to himself, also holds of

man’s relation to the other man, and to the other man

labor and object of labor. In fact the proposition that

man’s species nature is estranged from him means that

one man is estranged from the other, as each of them is

from man’s essential nature” (Karl Marx in Mcszaros,


Alienation from the product

Alienation from the act of production

Alienation from the species being

Alienation from the fellow man


Alienation from the Product

“. . . the object which labor produces –



confronts it as something alien, as a

power independent of the producer. The

product of labor is labor which has been

embodied in an object, which has become

material: it is the objectification of labor.

Labor’s realization is its objectification.

Under these economic conditions this

realization of labor appears as loss of


Alienation from the Act of Production

“The relation of labor to the act of production

within the labor

process. This relation is the

relation of the worker to his own activity as an

alien activity not belonging to him; it is

activity as suffering, strength as weakness,

begetting as emasculating, the worker’s


physical and mental energy, his personal life

for what is life but activity?

as an activity

which is turned against him, independent of


Alienation from the Species Being

“both nature and his spiritual species

-property, into a being alien to him, into

a means of his individual existence. It

estranges from man his own body”


Alienation from the Fellow Man

“. . .When man confronts himself, he

confronts the other man. What applies to

a man’s relation to his work, to the

product of his labor and to himself, also


Method of collecting data

1. Reading the novel

2. Collecting the data

3. Analyzing the data

4. Making conclusion


Analyzing Data

Data I

“I’m not feeling well,’ said the

Scarecrow, with a smile, „for it is very

tedious being perched up here night and

day to scare away crow” (Baum,


Data II

. . .

It was a lonely life to lead, for I

had nothing to think of, having

been made such a little while

before” (Baum, 1993:27).


Data III

“. . .

I tried to walk after them, but my feet

would not touch the ground, and I was

force to stay on that pole” (Baum,






(A Study of Marxis m)


Submitted to fulfill one of the require ments of Sarjana Sastra Degree







The skripsientitled “The Alienation of Three Main Characters in the Novel ‘The Wizard of Oz’ by L. Frank Baum” attempts to analyze the alienation faced by the three main characters; the Scarecrow, the Tin Woodman, and the Lion. In order to describe and analyze the data found in the novel, the writer uses descriptive method and Marxism of alienation. Marx states that alienation is divided into four; they are alienation from the object, alienation from the act of production, alienation from the species being, and alienation from the fellow man. According to the analysis, the writer concludes that the alienation not only happened to the lower class, but also happened to the upper class. The alienation that happened in upper class is presented by the Lion character, and the alienation that happened in lower class is presented by the Scarecrow and the Tin Woodman character. Social class gives the important role in the alienation faced by them, among others, dissatisfaction in their job, dissatisfaction of themselves, and dissatisfaction of their status. The Scarecrow is alienated from the object, from the act of production, from the species being, and from the fellow man. The Tin Woodman is alienated from the species being and the fellow man. The Lion is alienated from the species being and the fellow man. The alienation makes them go together to the Emerald City to ask from the Oz to resolve their problem. Their adventure makes them realize that they have already had what they want.




Skripsi yang berjudul “The Alienation of Three Main Characters in the Novel

‘The Wizard of Oz’ by L. Frank Baum” adalah penelitian yang berupaya untuk menganalisis keterasingan yang dihadapi oleh ketiga tokoh utama; Scarecrow,

Tin Woodman, dan Lion dalam novel tersebut. Agar dapat mejelaskan dan menganalisis data yang telah di temukan, penulis menggunakan metode deskriptif dan teori keterasingan Karl Marx. Marx menyatakan bahwa keterasingan dibagi menjadi empat yaitu keterasingan dari objek, keterasingan dari tindakan produksi, keterasingan dari hakikat sebagai manusia/ makhluk hidup, dan keterasingan dari orang lain. Berdasarkan dari hasil penelitian, penulis menyimpulkan bahwa keterasingan tidak hanya dialami oleh kalangan bawah, tetapi dialami juga oleh kalangan atas. Keterasingan yang dialami oleh kalangan atas digambarkan melalui tokoh Lion, sedangkan keterasingan yang dialami oleh kalangan bawah digambarkan melalui tokoh Scarecrow dan Tin Woodman. Kelas sosial memberikan peranan penting dalam masalah keterasingan yang dialami oleh ketiga tokoh utama tersebut. Antara lain, ketidak puasan dalam pekerjaannya, ketidak puasan terhadap dirinya sendiri, dan ketidak puasan akan status sosialnya. Scarecrow teralienasi dari objek, tindakan produksi, hakikat sebagai makhluk hidup, dan terasing dari orang lain. Tin Woodman terasing dari hakikatnya sebagai makhluk hidup dan orang lain. Lion terasing dari hakikatnya sebagai manusia dan orang lain. Keterasingan tersebut membuat mereka pergi bersama ke Emerald City meminta penyelesain kepada Oz untuk menyelesaikan masalah yang mereka hadapi. Perjalanannya ke Emerald City, menyadarkan bahwa apa yang mereka inginkan telah mereka miliki.



First of all, the writer gives praise and thankfulness to Allah S.W.T because His

blessing and grant this skripsi can be finished, and also to our prophet, Muhammad S.A.W. The writer expresses acknowledgement for the following people:

1. My beloved parents, mom and dad. Thank you for your advices and support, both

of you always make me strong to face the life. Your love give a power for me to

finish this skripsi, even though we are not living together but your advices, support, and love still in my deep heart, I really love you all

2. My lovely sisters, Pupu, Teyang, and Ika, thank for your support when I’m feeling give up. Especially my sister Pupu, you always wake up in the dawn to wake me

up and cook for me, I love you so much all

3. Miss Nenden Rikma Dewi, S.S thank you for your support and advice. It make s

me strong to finish my skripsi, thank you so much

4. My best friend Meslina (ka Mes), thank you for being my best friend in giving

support and making a joke in every day, especially when I’m falling down, it really helps me

5. My beloved someone, thank for your support, pray, and advices. May Allah give

us the best and success too

6. All my friends and my classmate, Aci, Uchi, Rina, Lanita, Donna, Harry, Puri,


Andra, Oline, thank you for being my friends and giving support to me. Good luck

and success four your life

7. My lovely best friends, KASUKABE, kiki, uyut, mas joe, moo, motz, vt-chan,

ceu-ceu, shin, wiwi, thanks for being my best friends. As our promise, we will be

best friend till the end (ampe nene, ampe kake) and success for us.

8. My senior, mimih Widy, teh Trie, teh Ima, teh Riris, a Iqbal, a Galih, bang Ali,

thank you for supporting me and success for all of you guys

9. My junior, Siti, Yolanda, Resty, Cheu-cheu, Vivi, Anggit, thanks for your support

and keep your spirit to face the challenge

10. The writer thanks to F(x) and 4Minutes, thanks for your support by your song. It

gives me spirit during doing this skripsi in the morning, afternoon, night, and until finished.

11. The last but not least my lovely soul mate, Foeyaa, always gives your time to

listen my complaints and sighs, and accompanying me when there is no one in my

side. You always make me laugh with your joke and expression. Thank you so


The writer expects that this skripsi is useful for the reader and the writer too. The writer knows that this report is not excellent, so the critics and advices are really










1.1. Background to The Study 1

1.2. Research Questions 3

1.3. Objectives 3

1.4. Significance to Knowledge 3

1.5. The Framework of the Theory 4


2.1 Literature 6

2.1.1 Character 7

2.1.2 Characterization 7

2.2 Marxism 9

2.2.1 Alienation 10 Alienation from the Object 12 Alienation from the Act of Production 12 Alienation from the Species Being 14



2.2.2 Social Class 15


3. 1 Research Object 17

3. 2 Research Method 18

3.3.1 Data Collection 18

3.3.2 Data Analysis 19


4.1. The Alienation and Overcoming Faced

by the Scarecrow Character 20

4.2 The Alienation and Overcoming Faced

by the Tin Woodman Character 27

4.3 The Alienation and Overcoming Faced

by the Lion Character 31


5.1 Conclusion 36

5.2 Suggestion 37






1.1 Background to the study

A novel is one of literary work that is used by author to convey their idea.

In a novel, we can see many social problems in society because the author mostly

writes a story according to his experience or the event that happen in society.

Therefore, the story in a novel is also reflected the real life. We can analyze the

conflict in the novel with several approaches or theories, and one of them is

Marxism. Marxism is one of the theory that most be used by researcher.

There are some researchers who use Marxism. One of them is a student of

Indonesia University of Computer, Juniarti Eka Sapitri in her skripsiSocial class in The Princess Casamassima Novel by Henry James, she talks about how social class give an effect in some aspect like dealing with the society, getting education

and job field, marriage, and political position. Different from her skripsi, the writer focuses on the theory alienation which is caused by social class.

Marxism is developed by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels that are

commonly known as a political and social ideology. It relates with economic

production and human that is causing alienation between two opposite sides;

capitalist (bourgeoisie) and worker (proletariat). Marx says that alienation is

caused by division of labor, and he adds that alienation has four main aspects,



alienated from his species being, and alienated from fellow man (Mcszaros,


The story in “The Wizard of Oz” novel contains an alienation conflict

which reflected in main characters. The three main characters: Scarecrow, the Tin

Woodman, and the Lion have different conflicts that make them become alienated.

The Scarecrow wants to get a brain to walk out from his job which has been

forced him to do what the Munchkin wants to. The Tin Woodman want s a heart

that has lost because of the Wicked Witch. He wants to have a heart again for

coming back to the Munchkin maiden and marry her. And the Lion wants to get

courage to show to the people that he is proper to be called as a king. This, they

make adventure to the Emeralds City to meet the great Oz for asking his help.

The conflict which is faced by them makes them be alienated from the

object, their activity, their species being, and fellow men. The conflict above is



1.2 Research Questions

There are two research questions which are asked by the writer during the


1. How is the alienation portrayed in the three characters in the novel of

“The Wizard of Oz"?

2. How do the three characters overcome the alienation?

1.3 Objectives

According to research question, there are two objectivities in this research:

1. To describe how the alienation faced by three characters in that novel.

2. To describe how the three characters overcome the alienation.

1.4 Significant to Knowledge

The research is expected to give contribution to the development of

literature in Faculty of Letters in Indonesia University of Computer, and can also

be useful for student of English Department who want to learn o r make a research

about Marxism especially on alienation. Besides that, the research gives more



1.5 Frame work of the Theory

In the research, the writer uses alienation theory by Karl Marx. He says

that alienation is caused by division of labor, in which the job is divided into some

classes. The workers do not contribute in whole production, but they only have a

portion work in the production. Besides, they do not own the product because it is

owned by capitalist. The division of labor as the root cause of the whole complex

of alienations. There several types of alienation, there are alienation from the

object, alienation from the act of production, alienation from species being, and

alienation from fellow man (Mcszaros, 1970: 14-15).

First is the alienation from the object, it means that people are alienated

from the object that they have produced. Second, the alienation from the act of

production which means that the activity belongs to someone else. Third,

alienation from species being which means that someone is alienated from himself.

And the last is alienation from the fellow man, it means that peop le in one place

are alienated with another man.

Besides alienation theory, the writer also uses characterization theory to

analyze the main character in the novel The Wizard of Oz. The method which is

used are telling and showing method. Telling method is direct commentary by

author to the character and showing method is indirect commentary by author to



The structure below is structure of the frame of the theory.













This chapter describes the theory that used to analyze the data. Before

discussing the theory of alienation, it is also important to know what literature is

in the first hand. Then it describes Marxism about alienation.

2.1 Lite rature

Literature is media to express our feeling by written document. Mario Klarer

stated that literature is referred to as the entirety of written expression, with the

restriction that not every written document can be categorized as literature in the

more exact sense of the word (1998:1). Not all of the written document can be

categorized as literature, like a newspaper or magazine it cannot be called

literature. To distinguish the literature with a common paper, Klarer also adds that

in definition of literature, it usually adds an aesthetic or artistic word (1998:1).

The written documents that can be categorized as literature are poetry, prose,

biography, drama, short story and novel.

Novel is the literary work that written by author to express and to convey an

idea, mostly base on his experience. E. M. Forster (1879-1070) the English

novelist stated that novel should be more than 50,000 words in length (Milligan,

1983: 14). In the book of Studying the Novel an Introduction, (Hawthorn, 2001) says that a novel is a narrative, longer and more complicated than short story. It



entertaining, novel is also a critic or reflection of the problem in the real life. The

problem itself can be reflected by character in the novel.

2.1.1 Character

The character in the novel can be human, animal, or thing that makes

an action and dialogue. “Character, after all, are a constructs which we make out of their reported actions, the words they are given to say and the

commentary made on them by their creator” (Milligan, 1983: 150). The readers consider a character in the novel to seem like real man. They want to

know the character; even the personality, hobby, background from the

character that relate to the story, either the major or minor character. Major

character is character who becomes the main focus in the story and leads the

story from the beginning until the end. It is also called as main character.

Whereas, minor character is character that support the story. He does not

become the focus one but also important in the story itself (Card, 1988:59).

2.1.2 Characterization

According to Albertine Minderop, characterization is a method that is

used by author to portray the characteristic of a character in the novel

(2005:2). She also adds that there are two methods in characterization, the



melalui penampilan tokoh, karakterisasi melalui tuturan pengarang ( Minderop, 2005:4). Pickering and Hoeper quoted by Minderop explain that:

“One method is telling, which relies on exposition and direct commentary by the author. In telling a method preferred and practiced by many older fiction writers the guiding hand of the authors is very much evidence. We learn and look only at what the author calls to our attention” (Minderop, 2005:4).

According to the statement above, character can be found from the

authors comment on the character directly. It is the example of the telling

method that is quoted from Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Minister’s Black


“Mr. Hooper’s eyes were so weakened by midnight lamp, as

to acquire a shade. After a brief interval, forth ca me good Mr. Hooper also, in the of his flock. Turning his veil face from one group to another, he paid due reverence to a hoary heads, soluted the middle aged with kind dignity as their friend and a spiritual guide, greeted the young with mingled authority

and love, and laid his hands on the little children’s head to

bless them. Such was always his custom on the Sabbath day. Strange and bewildered looks repaid him for his courtesy” (Minderop, 2005:13-14).

The data above tells the character of Mr. Hooper, the preacher who is

honorable, friendly, loving children, but mysterious. In contrast with showing

method which is presented by dialogue or action like Pickering and Hoeper

says in Minderop:

“The other method is the indirect, the dramatic method of

showing, which involves the author’s stepping aside, as it



We can analyze the characteristic of the character by an action and

dialogue from the character itself. By an action and dialogue, we can get: apa yang dikatakan penutur, jatidiri penutur, lokasi dan situasi percakapan, jatidiri tokoh yang dituju oleh penutur, kualitas mental para tokoh, nada suara, penekanan, dialek, kosakata, tingkah laku dan ekspresi wajah para tokoh (Minderop, 2005:23). The below is an example of the showing method that quoted from Mourning Becomes Electradrama by Eugene O’neil:

Ames. “Secret lookin’-‘s if it was a mask she’d put on.

That’s the mannon look. They all has it. They grow it on their wives. Seth’s growed it on too, didn’t you notice- from

bein’ with ‘em all his life. They don’t want folks to guess their secre” (Minderop, 2005:24)

The data above shows the character of Ames who makes a gossip

about his master and his wives. He vilifies his master and wives who make

scandal that has become an open secret in Mannon family; even though they

always try to conceal the scandal itself. From his dialogue, he can be

categorized as a servant who fond of gossip.

2.2 Marxism

Marxism is the theory developed by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels; they are

philosophers from German. The ideology of Marxism is based on economic and

social system. It criticizes capitalism that becomes foundation of economic and

social problem, like social class, exploitation of the labor, and alienation. The

purpose of Marxism is to make classless society- a society without classification



(Barry, 2010: 183). The theory that will be used in this research is alienation by

Karl Marx relates to the social class.

2.2.1 Alienation

Working is one of the way to achieve self-actualization that human

have. Human are free individual and universal who realize themselves

through the work. When they lose their self-actualization and lose a power to

empower themselves to be autonomous individual, it means that they are

alienated. Alienation is someone who loses his self-actualization as a human

that is to be free and universal. Since Marx criticizes economic problems, he

criticizes an alienation that happened in work or industry. Marx states that

alienation happened when the worker becomes an object in his work,

unsatisfied with his work; since he feels that his job cannot be used as media

to objectify himself and cannot be used as media to social interaction

(Novianto, 2011:65-66). Marx also claims that work is the most basic of

human action. They represent themselves by their work, and they can see

themselves from the result product (Nugraha, 2011: 73). For example, a

painter objectifies himself by his paint or a mother objectifies herself by

cuisine. Marx stated that alienation is caused by capitalist who makes a

system in industry.

In capitalist system, work is divided into several divisions. Each worker

has each own portion from the whole production. It is called division of labor.

Marx criticizes that the division of labor makes the worker alienated. The



belong to the capitalist who has power and mode of production. It makes the

worker looses the meaning of the act of the production. Nugraha explain that:

“Disinilah, pekerjaan tidak mengembangkan, namun

malahan mengasingkan manusia dari diri sendiri dan orang lain. Keterasingan ini terwujud dalam produk pekerjaannya. Sebagai buruh, ia tidak memiliki hasil pekerjaannya. Produknya adalah milik pabrik. Karena hasil pekerjaan terasing darinya, tindakan bekerja itu sendiri pun

kehilangan arti bagi buruh itu” ( 2011:74).

The statement above also implies that working is an essential activity

of a human to show his existence. Because of that, the meaning of an act of

production is important for the worker. Being alienated makes the worker

unhappy, suffer, weak, and estrange from his activity, or another man. Marx

divides the alienation into four:

“An immediate consequence of the fact that man is estranged

from the product of his labor, from his life activity, from his species being is the estrangement of man from man. If a man is confronted by himself, he is confronted by another man. What applies to man’s relation to his work, to the product of

his labor and to himself, also holds of man’s relation to the

other man, and to the other man labor and object of labor. In

fact the proposition that man’s species nature is estranged

from him means that one man is estranged from the other, as

each of them is from man’s essential nature” (Mcszaros, 1970:15).

According to the statement above, there are four kinds of alienation;

alienation from the object of production, alienation from the act of production,


12 Alienation from the Object

In capitalist society, the worker becomes an object and the product is

treated as a subject. As an object, he is considered as unimportant thing than

the product which is produced. For example, when the worker gets an

accident while working, he is only given three days to get a rest without any

consideration if he has been cured or not. In his statement Marx says that:

“the object which labor produces – labor’s product – confronts it as something alien, as a power independent of the producer. The product of labor is labor which has been embodied in an object, which has become material: it is the objectification of labor. Labor’s realization is its objectification. Under these economic conditions this realization of labor appears as loss of realization for the workers” (1959:29)

The statement implies that the worker loses his realization in his work.

Since there is objectification where the worker is made an object and he is

treated as property; he is regarded as a production tool not as a human. Alienation from the Act of Production

Alienation from the act of production occurrs when the work of

someone does not belong to him but belongs to the other man. Moreover, he

is forced by another man to do the work. When he does the work, he feels

suffers and unhappy with it, and he feels that life begins when the work end.

It is reflected from the statement below:

“labor is externalto the worker, i.e., it does not belong to his intrinsic nature; that in his work, therefore, he does not affirm himself but denies himself, does not feel content but unhappy, does not develop freely his physical and mental energy but



From the data above it shows that the worker does his job without

refers to intrinsic nature- the job must give the worker happiness and

satisfaction; but it refers to the outside force. He works just for getting money

for life. It is the example of the alienation from the act of production. The

cashier in supermarket is forced to stay in his place to do the work for hours.

He suffers and wants to go out from there, and feels that his life begins after

ending his job.

“The relation of labor to the act of production within the labor process. This relation is the relation of the worker to his own activity as an alien activity not belonging to him; it is activity as suffering, strength as weakness, begetting as

emasculating, the worker’s own physical and mental energy, his personal life – for what is life but activity? – as an activity which is turned against him, independent of him and not belonging to him” (Marx, 1959:31)

It is another example to explain the meaning of alienation from the act

of production; when the shoe maker makes the shoes by his own hand he can

proudly say that it is his shoe. It means that he is not alienated. But, if he is in

industry and he contributes a little part of production in producing the product,

he will be alienated from the product itself because he does not know the

whole part of the product or what he has produced. Thus, when he sees his

shoes are used by someone, he will not proud of the shoe. It is caused by the

feeling of estrangement from the product they produced. The worker thinks



Marx argues that the worker must get satisfaction from his product

since the product will become the part of his life and he identifies the life by

what he produces. Alienation from the Species Being

Alienation from the species being relates to the theory of man in nature.

Man differs animal, it includes about way of thinking, feeling, and acting.

The most important thing that makes human a human is know how to a play.

That means that when we work we have a plan in our head. When we work

without a plan because it is being arranged then we are alienated.

“Man’s species-being, both nature and his spiritual species-property, into a being alien to him, into a means of his individual existence. It estranges from man his own body” (Marx, 1959:32)

The alienation from the species being more involves to the existence as

human. Human have to be universal and free being in doing the activity. It

means that their activity is based on their free will; it is not arranged by

someone to do it.

If their activity is being arranged by others, they cannot develop

themselves to their fullest extent. Moreo ver, they might fail to recognize their


15 Alienation from the Fellow Man

Alienation from the fellow man relates to the social relation between men.

“When man confronts himself, he confronts the other man.

What applies to a man’s relation to his work, to the product of his labor and to himself, also holds of a man’s relation to the other man, and to the other man’s labor and object of labor” (Marx, 1959:32)

Division of labor is the cause of the alienation from the fellow man

because there is no social interaction between the workers. They are too busy

with their job to interact to other because they have different position. The

capitalist feels that he is an upper class who has a power then he can

command the worker as he wishes. Instead, the worker feels that he is a lower

class then he thinks he does not feel comfort to interact with the capitalist.

Being alienated from the fellow man also makes him be alienated from


2.2.2 Social Class

Social class is status that had by someone in the society which is

presented by his work. If people have a good job, they will have a good social

status and rather to the people who have a bad job (Muepae, 2011: 16).

According to Marx, the capitalist society has three social classes, they are

upper (landowners), middle (Capitalists), and lower class (worker). Because

landowner and capitalists have the same power which Marx calls it as capital,

he makes specific division of the social class itself into two c lasses, and they



have a capital in production, and lower class is class which consists of people

who do not have a capital in production (Konsupap, 2011:6-7).

Capitalists as upper class are people who have capital in production: they

are people from aristocrat or bourgeois, because they have a capital.

Aristocrat and bourgeois are classes where the people have education, smart,

and have much money. In contrast, lower class is people who do not have a

capital in production, and they are just a worker in the work. Proletariat,

farmer, villager, and worker are people who can be lower class, because they

are uneducated, fools, and poor. They have to obey to the capitalist as people

who have power and their boss. Based on the class, Marx states that the

alienation just happened to the labor that has been controlled by the capitalist

who has the power in the industry. It means that people who are a lower class




This chapter describes about the research objects and methodology used in

analyzing the data.

3.1 Research Object

This study is conducted to analyze the alienation problem which appears in

novel The Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum. The alienation problem ana lyzed focuses on the characters who are alienated from four aspects such as alienated

from the object, the act production, species being, and fellow man. The main

characters who make adventure to Emeralds City are Dorothy, Scarecrow, The

Tin Woodman, and The Lion. Dorothy is a little girl from Kansas who comes to

Oz land by cyclone. In Oz land, there are four witches, two of them, those who

live in the North and South, are good witches. And two more those who live in the

East and the West are wicked witches. Besides four witches, there is a great

Wizard who lives in the city of Emeralds. He has more powerful than all the

witches in the Oz land and also will grant any wish.

The Scarecrow wants to get a brain, the Tin Woodman wants to get a heart

and the Cowardly Lion wants to get courage have been told by Dorothy that the

great Oz can help them to solve their problem. They decide to follow her and

make an adventure together to Emeralds City for meeting Oz who can give what



They go to Emeralds City solely to get the thing that they think it can

resolve their problem. The problem which they face is alienation. Each of them

has different but the cause is the same, it is alienation. The alienation which The

Scarecrow faces is different from The Tin Woodman, and The Lion.

3.2 Research Method

The writer uses descriptive method in the analysis. According to Gay

(1987: 12) says that: “The descriptive method is a method of research that

involves collecting data in order to test hypothesis or to answer question

concerning the current status of the subject of the study”. The method is available to use in this research, because the writer describes the data to answer the question

that appears after reading the novel.

3.2.1 Data Collection

The process of collecting the data for this research is first the writer

search the novel and buy The Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum for analyzing,

this novel exist of alienation problem that is faced by the main character.

Second, the writer read the whole novel, and finds the alienation problem

which divided into four aspects. Third, the writer collects the data and starts

to analyze the problem of the alienation itself. Then, the alienation problem



3.2.2 Data Analysis

The data analysis shows the alienation problem that is faced by three

main characters. They have different problem that make them be alienated,

such as alienated from the product, from the act of production, from species

being, and from the fellow man. Based on the problem, Marxism is the





In this chapter, the writer analyzes the alienation and overcoming faced by

three main characters in the novel by using Marxism.

4.1 The Alienation and Overcoming Faced by The Scarecrow Character

In capitalist system, there are divided into two classes in industry. First, a

capitalist is the people who have a power to control the labor and they also have

mode of production. Since they have both a power and mode of production, they

categorize as upper class. Second, a labor is the people who do not have either

power or mode of production. They just have controlled by the capitalist to do

their job. Because of that, they categorize as lower class.

The Scarecrow is a labor of the Munchkin who has a problem with his job.

Since he is a labor and does not have means of production, he can be categorized

as a lower class and the Munchkin is the upper class who has power to control the

Scarecrow. At first, Scarecrow thinks that he has an important role in his job

because he succeeds to scare the crows which come near to the cornfield. As

showed in this data “Many crows and other birds flew into the cornfield, but as soon as they flew away again, thinking I was a Munchkin, and this pleased me

and made me feel that I was quite an important person” (Baum, 1993:27). However, as the time goes by he started to think that he cannot develop himself to



enough to do his job. Moreover, when the crows have already eate n all the corn,

he feels really sad because it shows that he is not a good enough Scarecrow. “I felt sad at this, for it showed I was not such a good Scarecrow after all“ (Baum, 1993:28). The data also imply that Scarecrow dissatisfied with his job. It leads

him to be alienated from his own existence. The reason why he feels alienated

because he thinks that he is forced to do his job. It is not the thing that he wants to

do for his life.

‘I’m not feeling well,’ said the Scarecrow, with a smile, ‘for

it is very tedious being perched up here night and day to scare

away crow.’ (Baum, 1993:22)

The data above shows Scarecrow’s thought on his job. He is made by Munchkin and put him in the cornfield to scare the crow who comes there. He

passes his daily life with loneliness, and he never move on from there just stuck

stay on that pole. “It was a lonely life to lead” (Baum, 1993:27). It reflects that he feels so tedious with his job. Every day he scares away the crow without knowing

the result of his job. He does not know why he must do it and for what he does.

He just knows that the Munchkin has made him to scare the crow. His dialogue is

also showing that he feels tortured with his job “I tried to walk after them, but my feet would not touch the ground, and I was force to stay on that pole” (Baum, 1993:27). He is forced to do it, and it makes him unsatisfied with his job. His

activity solely belongs to the Munchkin, not for himself. His dissatisfaction with

his job, his loneliness, and his pressure reflect that he is alienated from his



The alienation from the act of production according to Marx is a condition

where the labor feels that his labor is not voluntary, but coerced; it means that his

activity belongs to somebody else. His activity is solely for somebody else, not

for himself. It makes the labor unsatisfied with his job (Marx, 1959). Besides, the

Scarecrow also alienated from the objet because the corn that he watched does

not belong to him, but belongs to the Munchkin.

The alienation faced by scarecrow is not only alienation from the object

and the act of production but he is also alienated from the species being. He is

alienated because he does not have a free will to choose what he wants. It means

that every human do their activity especia lly in working without being arranged

by someone else. But in this case, Scarecrow’s activity has been arranged by the Munchkin to scare the crow away from his cornfield. Because of that, he cannot

develop himself according to his ability and what he wants to be.

The Scarecrow has been alienated from his species being which leads to

the alienation from himself. He thinks that he is a fool man because he is from

lower class and he does not have a brain like human. He never uses his head that

stuffed with straw to think. “I had nothing to think of, having been made such a little while before” (Baum, 1993: 27). Munchkin has made the Scarecrow thinks that he must scare the crows away from the cornfield only. It makes the

Scarecrow never think anything. Until one day, many crows and other birds fly

into the cornfield, but as soon as they saw the Scarecrow and they fly away again,

thinking he is a Munchkin. But an old crow fly near him, and after looking at him



not a Munchkin. Then he hops down at Scarecrow feet and ate all the corn he

wanted. The other birds, seeing he is not harmed by the Scarecrow, and come to

eat the corn too. Because of that, the old crow says that he is a fool man “If you only had brain in your head you would be as good a man as any of them, and a

better man than some of them” (Baum, 1993:28). Implicitly in his dialogue, the

old crow says that if the Scarecrow had a brain like another, he will have a way to

make the crows go from the cornfield. Besides, it also implies that brain or

intellectual is an indication from which social class someone is. Since Scarecrow

is a lower class, he is considered fool and has little knowledge because lower

class people are uneducated. No wonder if he also thinks the same about himself.

He keeps considering himself as a fool man like he thinks and the other man


‘That is true,’ said the Scarecrow. ‘You see,’ he continued,

confidentially, ‘I don’t mind my legs and arms and body being stuffed, because I cannot get hurt. If anyone treads on

my toes or sticks a pin into me, it doesn’t matter, for I can’t

feel it. But I do not want people to call me a fool, and if my head stays stuffed with straw instead of with brains, as yours

is, how am I ever to know anything?’ (Baum, 1993:23)

From the quotation, it can be seen that Scarecrow does not dispute if his

body made from straw, but he does not want if someone call him a fool. He thinks

if his head still stuffed with straw, he will not know anything and still become a

fool. Therefore, to overcome his problem, he decides to go to Emerald City fo r

asking a brain to the great Oz “I’m going to the great Oz to ask him to give me

some,‘ remarked the Scarecrow, ‘for my head is stuffed with straw” (Baum,



fool man again. Essentially, brain is the strongest part of the body. It uses to learn,

to know the feeling; happy, sad, or angry, and to know who we are. Besides, it also

uses to arrange the thought and the action (Simpson, 2008: 13&19). The Scarecrow

asks Dorothy many times about Oz’s power that can give every thing, including a

brain. “Do you think,’ he asked, ‘if I go the Emerald City with you, that Oz would

give me some brains?” (Baum, 1993:23). He makes sure that Oz can truly give him

a brain because Scarecrow thinks that get the brain is the only way to be smart. In

fact, he is smart because he is the one who gives a brilliant idea to solve the

problem that he and his friends face when they are going to the Emerald City as

shows in the following quotation.

So they sat down to consider what they should do, and after

serious thought the Scarecrow said, ‘Here is a great tree,

standing close to the ditch. If the Tin Woodman can chop it down, so that it will fall to the other side, we can walk across

it easily.’ (Baum, 1993:45)

The datum explains when he gives an idea while they face a ditch and

there is no bridge that can be used to cross the ditch. The idea shows that

Scarecrow is smart because there is no one of his friends who can give an idea as

he does. He even can help his friends from two monsters that chase them.

‘Wait a minute!’ called the Scarecrow. He had been thinking what was best to be done, and now he asked the Woodman to chop away the end of the tree that rested on their side of the ditch. The Tin Woodman began to uses his axe at once, and, just as the two Kalidahs were nearly across, the tree fell with a crash into the gulf, carrying the ugly, snarling brutes with it, and both were dashed to pieces on the sharp rocks at the bottom. (Baum, 1993:46)

The Scarecrow gives his idea when two mo nsters Kalidash chase him and



ideas, they can cross the ditch and survived from the monsters. He also gives an

idea how to cross the river “That is easily done,’ replied the scarecrow.’ The Tin Woodman must build us a raft, so we can float the other side” (Baum, 1993:47). His idea makes them can continue their adventure to the Emerald City. There are

many hurdles which face them beside the ditch and the two monsters, and the one

is deadly poppy.

‘Run fast,’ said the Scarecrow to the Lion, ‘and get out of this deadly flower-bed as soon as you can. We will bring the little girl with us, but if you should fall asleep you are too big

to be carried.’ (Baum, 1993:53)

The Scarecrow commands the Lion to run as fast as he can, when they

encounter a deadly poppy field. The field covered by poppy which ooze the smell

that can make anyone to fall asleep when smelling it and if the sleeper is not

carried away from the scent of the flowers he sleeps on and on forever. Dorothy

or the Lion and the Tin Woodman do not know the effect of flowers scents but

the Scarecrow can find out that the scents of the flowers are dangerous. It shows

that Scarecrow is smart because he is the only one who thinks of it after Dorothy

and Toto; her dog, fall asleep. He even gives the idea to bring Dorothy and her

dog out from the deadly field.

‘Let us make a chair with our hands, and carry her,’ said the

Scarecrow. So they picked up Toto and put the dog in

Dorothy’s lap, and then they made a chair with their hands

for the seat and their arms for the arms and carried the sleeping girl between them through the flowers. (Baum, 1993:53)

The Scarecrow and the Tin Woodman make a chair by their hands to save



death and arrive to Emerald City safely. The Scarecrow’s cleverness in giving the idea to solve the problem is also seen in their journey to the West.

‘Take out my straw and scatter it over the little girl and the dog and the lion,’ he said to the Woodman, ‘and the bees

cannot sting them.’ This the Woodman did, and as Dorothy

lay close beside the Lion and held Toto in her arms, the straw covered them entirely. (Baum, 1993:81)

The Scarecrow gives an idea when he and his friends go to the West to

kill the Wicked Witch as requisite from the Oz to get what they want. The

Wicked Witch uses the bees to kill and to prevent them to come into her palace,

but she fails to throw her plan and try to kill them again with another way but she

still fails because the Scarecrow gives his idea to solve it. Finally, they can kill

the Wicked Witch and go back to the Emerald City to ask help from the Oz.

All of the explanation above clearly shows Scarecrow’s cleverness, he

gives a great idea in the terrible situation happed to them. However, he still thinks

himself a fool. It is because he is alienated from himself. Thinking himself a fool

man makes him asks the Oz to give him a brain. But the fact, Oz cannot give

what they want because he does not have a power of magic as what they think.

When the Scarecrow protests to the Oz because he cannot give him a brain, he

just says:

“You don’t need them. You are learning something every day. A baby has brains, but it doesn’t know much.

Experience is the only thing that brings knowledge, and the longer you are on earth the more experience you are sure to

get.” (Baum, 1993:106)

The Scarecrow gets an important lesson from the Oz. The Oz makes him



learned from experience. The experience during the journey to the emerald city

make Scarecrow realizes his own ability. Finally, he considers that he is not a

fool as he thinks or people say. Then, he becomes governor in Emerald City.

“When I remember that a short time ago I was upon on a pole in a farmer’s

cornfield, and that now I am the ruler of this beautiful City, I am quite satisfied

with my lot “ (Baum, 1993:117). The data shows he is very happy and satisfied

with what he got because he can do what he wants without arranging by the

Munchkin or somebody else.

Based on the analysis, it can be concluded that his social class as a lower

class makes the Scarecrow alienated from himself, so that he cannot recognize

himself. From his adventure to the Emerald City, he realizes that thing which he

wants is already in him.

4.2 The Alienation and Overcoming Faced by The Tin WoodmanCharacter The Tin Woodman is the son of a woodman who chops down trees in the

forest and sells the wood for a living. When he grows up he becomes a

wood-chopper too. After his father died, he takes care of his old mother as long as she

lived. The Tin Woodman can be categorized as lower class because he is a labor

who works to get money for living. Like the Scarecrow character, the Tin

Woodman is also alienated from the act of production because his job does not

make him satisfied; he does his job solely to get money for living.

Being alienated in his job makes he thinks that marriage can lighten his



with all his heart. The Munchkin girl loves him too. They promise to get married

after the Tin Woodman earns enough money to build a better house for them.

Because the Tin Woodman is a lower class, the old woman who lives with the

Munchkin girl disapproves the attachment. Then the old woman asks the Wicked

Witch of the East to prevent the marriage by promises two sheeps and a cow if

the wicked witch succeeds to prevent their marriage. The Wicked Witch tries to

kill him using her magic. She makes his axe slips and cut Tin Woodman’s left leg. He does not give up and he works harder than ever. The Wicked Witch thinks

another way to kill his love for the beautiful Munchkin girl “The Wicked Witch then made my axe slip again, so that it cut right through my body, splitting me

into two halves” (Baum, 1993:34).The Wicked Witch makes the Tin Woodman’s body spilt into two parts; it purposes to kill his love for the Munchkin girl and to

prevent their marriage. His status as a lower class is the caused of the alienation

faced by Tin Woodman. He cannot marry girl who has higher position from him

and makes him dissatisfied with his social status.

Since The Tin Wood man has been alienated from the fellow man because

of his social class, he is being alienated fromanother alienation, that is alienation

from himself. He thinks that he loses his heart because the Wicked Witch has split

his body into two parts. “It was a terrible thing to undergo, but during the year I stood there I had to think that the greatest loss I had known was the loss of my

heart. While I was in love I was the happiest man on earth; but no one can love

who has not a heart“(Baum, 1993:35). The Tin Woodman believes that he cannot



The heart taken indicates that lower class does not have the right to love,

especially to someone who has a higher position from them. There is no time for

them to care of it because what they have to do is working to get money then they

spend their times to work from the morning until the night. The quotation below

reflects that the Tin Woodman sure that he does not have a heart like others.

‘You people with hearts,’ he said, ‘have something to guide

you, and need never do wrong; but I have no heart, a nd so I must be very careful. When Oz gives me a heart of course I

needn’t mind so much.’ (Baum, 1993:41)

The quotation shows that he compares himself with his friends that since

they have a heart, they must never do a mistake like him who has killed the ant

inadvertently. By the accident, it supports him to be assured that he does not have

a heart and asks to his friends if Oz can give him a heart. “Do you suppose Oz

could give me a heart?” (Baum, 1993:32). He is sure that his heart has lost

immediately. He decides to ask to the Oz for giving a heart after he knows that the

Oz can give what people ask to him. After getting his heart, he can love the

Munchkin girl again. He does not realize that he was really had a hart. Even he

gets accident; he treads the ants. He does not realize that he is a loving person.

Once, indeed, the Tin Woodman stepped upon a beetle that was crawling along the road, and killed the poor little thing. This made the Tin Woodman very unhappy, for he was always careful not to hurt any living creature; and as he walked along he wept several tears of sorrow and regret. (Baum, 1993:41)

The Tin Woodman feels guilty, sad, and even cries when he knows that he

has killed the little thing on the ground. These tears ran slowly down his face and



his jaw rusted after killing them accidently. It shows that he still has a heart

although his body has been split into two parts. His love is also reflected when the

Lion offers to kill the dear for Dorothy’s dinner, the Tin Woodman begs to the Lion to void his plan; to kill the dear. “Don’t! Please don’t,” begged the Tin

Woodman. “I should certainly weep if you killed a poor dear, and then my jaws would rust again”(Baum, 1993:42). He said that it will make him cry make his

jaw rust again by his tears if the Lion kill a poor dear. He cannot control his

emotion in his heart when he faces something that makes him sad. Crying is Tin

woodman’s way to express his sadness. Since a heart is part of body which

controlling an emotion and feeling. Basically, emotion and felling will flare up

because of two case; gladness and disaster (Al-Qarni, 2004:72). We express our

emotion and feeling by crying when we feel sad instead we smile if we are happy.

When we are sad a heart feels hurt and when we are happy a heart also feels good

because the heart is a thing that feels our emotion and feeling. Besides, the Tin

Woodman is also sad when the Scarecrow gets an accident that make him might

lose his change to get a brain as he wants.

‘Goodbye!’ he called after them, and they were very sorry to

leave him; indeed, the Thin Woodman began to cry, but fortunately remembered that he might rust, and so dried his

tears on Dorothy’s apron. (Baum, 1993:49)

It shows the Tin Woodman’s grief when the Scarecrow swept away while crossing the river to go to the Emerald City. He is very sad because he cannot help

the Scarecrow from the river and he thinks that the Scarecrow cannot also get a

brain which he really wants. Actually, it shows if the Tin Woodman has a heart



good, he is also a good person if his heart is bad, he will be also a bad person

(Al-Qarni, 2004:7). The Winkies were sorry to have them go, and they had grown so

fond of the Tin Woodman that they begged him to stay and rule over them and

Yellow Land of the West (Baum, 1993:92). Since the Tin Woodman is good man

who full of heart, The Winkies ask him become their ruler in the Yellow Land of

the West after he and his friends succeed to kill the Wicked Witch who has

oppressed them in a long time. It becomes a real; he becomes the ruler, after

Dorothy succeeds to come back to Kansas; her town, by Glinda instruction how to

go there.

“’My second command to the Winged Monkeys,’ said Glinda, ‘will be that they carry you safely to the land of the

Winkies. Your brain may not be so large to look at as that of the Scarecrow, but you are really brighter than he is – when you are well polished – and I am sure you will rule the

Winkies wisely and well” (Baum, 1993:140)

The data shows that the Tin Woodman finally back to the West by helping

the Winged Monkeys who have been commanded by Glinda the Good Witch

from the South and he become the governor in that land.

From the analysis, it can be concluded that his social class as lower class

makes the Tin Woodman alienated from the fellow man and himself, so that he

does not realize that he has already have what he wants.

4.3 The Alienation and Overcoming Faced by The Lion Character

The alienation that faced by the Lion is same with the Scarecrow and the



the Lion is a K ing, he can be categorized as an upper class. He is alienated from

the fellow man because people always judge him a brave and a wild man.

‘It’s a mystery,’ replied the Lion. ‘I suppose I was born that

way. All the other animals in the forest naturally expect me to be brave, for the Lion is everywhere thought to be King of Beast.’ (Baum, 1993:39)

The data shows that the Lion has been judged as wild and brave man

because he is born as a King of beast. People think that as King, he surely must

have a superior ability; he should be brave, wild, wise, and powerful. Since the

people think him like that way, everybody is afraid of him. They usually go away

from him when he roars or comes to them.

I learned that if I roared very loudly every living thing was frightened and got out of my way. Whenever I’ve met a man

I’ve been awfully scared; but I just roared at him, and he has always run way as fast as he could go” (Baum, 1993:39)

From the data above, it shows that he is actually coward. If he meets a

man, tiger, elephant or someone else, he is awfully scare but he can scare them by

his roar. However, making others afraid of him does not make him think himself

brave, as follow, “But that doesn’t make me any braver, and as long as I know

myself to be a coward I shall be unhappy” (Baum, 1993 : 40). Lion can make

other beast run by his roaring, but it does not make him brave. Instead, it just

makes him realize that he is coward.

He thinks that people judgment is a burden because he thinks himself

coward. “I’m such a coward; but just as soon as they hear me roar they all try to

get away from me, and of course I let them go’ (Baum, 1993:39). He tries to



that isn’t right. The King of Beasts shouldn’t be a coward,’ (Baum, 1993:39).

Scarecrow believes that a King of beast is definitely brave and it makes the Lion

completely sad. All of the people judgment burdens him and makes him alienated

from himself because he thinks that he is coward.

Since he feels that he is a coward, he decides to get the courage to

conform to the people judgment. ‘Do you think Oz could give me courage?’ (Baum, 1993:40). He begs to the Scarecrow, the Tin Woodman and Dorothy to

let him go with them to the Emerald City to meet the Oz. He hopes that Oz will

give him courage because he does not want to be a coward. They let him go

together with them because they think he will help them to keep away the wild

beasts who prevent their adventure.

In fact, Lion is not as cowards as he thinks. During the adventure, he helps

his friends to face the hurdles. ‘I think I could jump over it,’ said the Cowardly Lion, after measuring the distance carefully in his mind. (Baum, 1993:43). The

Lion says that he can jump over the ditch and ready to carry them all over on his

back, one at a time to cross the ditch to continue their journey. Besides, he offers

to look for the food in the haunted forest for Dorothy’s dinner.

‘If you wish,’ said the Lion, ‘I will go into the forest and

kill a deer for you. You can roast it by the fire, s ince your tastes so are so peculiar that you prefer cooked food, and

then you will have a very good breakfast.’ (Baum, 1993:42)

The data shows his courage when he offers to go to the forest to kill a deer

for Dorothy’s dinner. It reflects that he is brave. When there is no one of her

friends who is brave enough to go to the forest to get the food for her, the Lion



her to go to the West to kill the Wicked Witch. ‘I will go with you; but I’m too

much of coward to kill the Witch,’ (Baum, 1993:76). Although he says that he

afraid to kill the Witch but he ready to go to the West with Dorothy. It also shows

that he is actually brave. Then the Lion gave a great roar and sprang towards

them, and the poor Winkies were so frightened that they ran back as fast as they

could (Baum, 1993:82). The data also tells his courage, he gives his great roar to

the Winkies bravely when they come to kill them b y order from the Wicked

Witch. Because of his courage, he and his friend get off from the death. Even he

brave to refuse the Wicked Witch command.

So after that she took no food to the imprisoned Lion; but

every day she came to the gate at noon and asked, ‘Are you

ready to be harnessed like a horse?’ And the Lion would

answer, ‘No. If you come in this yard I will bite you.’

(Baum, 1993:86)

The Lion refuses the Wicked Witch command to make him to be a

conveyance that can be driven like a horse. He can bravely refuse the Wicked

Witch command, even though he will not get the food. Besides, he is ready to

fight with the monster who leaves in the forest by begging from the Tiger. ‘Take

good care of these friends of mine,’ said the Lion, ‘and I will go at once to fight the monster’ (Baum, 1993:132). The Tiger comes to him for asking him to kill

the monster that has disturbed the peace of the all animals in the forest over the

hill of the Hammer-Head. The Tiger promises if the Lion successes to kill the

monster, he and all of the animals will bow down and obey him as a King of the

forest. He agrees with the tiger and goes to the forest to kill the monster.

He gave a great spring and landed directly upon the



armed with sharp claws, he knocked the spider’s head from its body. Jumping down, he watched it until the long legs stopped wriggling, when he knew it was quite dead (Baum, 1993 : 133).

The data tells how the Lion fight and kill the monster bravely, until he

successes to make the monster dead. Finally, according to the agreement between

he and the Tiger, he become the King of the forest and he also realize s that the

courage that he wants has already have by him; it because of the all experience

during the adventure.

Although the Lion from the upper class, he can also alienated from

himself that arisen by people judgment about the ability that must be had by a

king. Then he goes to the Oz for asking courage. The adventure to Emerald City






There are different alienation that faced by each character in the novel.

The Scarecrow character has been alienated from the object since the object is

treated as subject and he is treated as object, it is called objectification. He also

alienated from the act of production because he is forced to do a job by the

Munchkin. Since he feels unsatisfied with his job he cannot develop himself.


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