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Academic year: 2017



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Elfina Putri Setiawan

Learning language cannot be separated from learning vocabulary because the language itself consists of vocabulary. From that statement above, it is clear that people who learn a language will automatically learn its vocabulary.

The objective of this research is to find out whether there is any significant increase of the students’ vocabulary mastery at the fifth grade of SDN 2 Metro Selatan after they are taught by using flashcard especially content word in term of verb, noun, and adjective. This research used one group pre test post test design. The population of this research was SD N 2 Metro Selatan. The sample of this research was VA in academic year 2010/2011. In collecting the data the writer administered the pretest, treatment, and post test. Vocabulary test in multiple choices forms was used as the instrument of the research. The data was analyzed by using repeated measure t- test in Statistical Package For Social Science (SPSS) version 15.0 for windows program in which the significance was determined by p<0.05.

The test result showed that the mean of pretest in the class that is given the treatments is 64.44 meanwhile the means score of post test is 80.47. After comparing the result of the pretest and post test scores, it was found that there is an increase of students’ vocabulary mastery: the gain of pretest and post test is 16.04. The result of T-test computation shows that t-value is higher than t-table that is (13.273 > 2.060). The hypothesis test showed the value of two tail



Alhamdulillahirobbil ‘alamin, Praise is merely for The Mightiest Allah SWT for the gracious mercy and tremendous blessing that enable me to accomplish this script entitled “Increasing Students’ Vocabulary Mastery Through Flashcard at the Fifth Grade of SDN 2 Metro Selatan Kota Metro”. This script is submitted as compulsory fulfillment of requirement for S1 degree of English department at Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Lampung University.

It is necessary to be known that this script would never have come into existence without any supports, encouragement, and assistance by several outstanding people and institutions. Therefore, the writer would like to address her respect and gratitude to:

1. Dra. Hartati Hasan, M.Hum. as the writer’s first advisor for her guidance, constructive correction, and comment in guiding this script into existence. 2. Drs. Huzairin, M.Pd. as the writer’s second advisor for his kindness,

suggestions, guidance and help to improve this script be better.

3. Drs. Hery Yufrizal, M.A.,Ph.D. as the writer’s examiner who has given her inputs, advices and guidance during completion the script.

4. All lectures of English Program, who have contributed their guidance and knowledge for the writer.

5. Surtiyati, S.Pd. as the Headmaster of SDN 2 Metro Selatan for giving her permit to conduct the research.

6. Istiyana, A.Ma.,Pd. as the English teacher of SDN 2 Metro Selatan who has supported the research and all the students in VA and VB.

7. The writer’s beloved parents (Urip Setiawan and Vevin Rusmiati. S.Pd) and my sister and brother (Arya Mertha Yusneli, and Surya Tri Laksana). Thanks for giving never ending love, pray, trust, and support.



9. All English ’07 generations: Jannah, Betty, Harits, Hary, Doni, Dwi, Desi, Amah, Mesi, Yuyun, Nursartika, Ariful, Lisa, Winda, Vera, Seftia, DJ, Nisa, Kharisma, Leni, Vita, Tati,Sulis, Nopri, and all my friends who cannot be mentioned one by one (thanks for everyting).

10. The writer’s appreciation is also addressed to Emi Handayani, Ni Ketut Apriyani, and Nadia Natania for never ending help and support.

Finally, the writer has a great belief that this script would give positive contribution to educational development, the reader and those who want to accomplish further research.

Bandar Lampung, 8 February 2012 The writer,



Elfina Putri Setiawan was born in Metro on February 8th, 1988. She is the second child of a harmoniuous couple, Urip Setiawan and Vevin Rusmiati. S.Pd. She has one elder sister; Arya Mertha Yusneli, and a younger brother, Surya Trilaksana.

She started her study in 1995 year in Elementary School at SD Negeri 5 Metro Selatan and she graduated in 2001. She continued her study to SMP Negeri 1 Metro and finished in 2004. In the same year she continued her study at SMA Negeri I Metro and graduated in 2007.



With love and appreciation, this script is proudly dedicated to: 1. My beloved family at home:

 Ibu and Bapak, who always care, protect and support me, so I can be what I want to be: I love you forever.

 Mbak Ria, Dek Yayak, you are the best sister and brother who always hear my stories and help me to solve my problems.

2. My Dearest:

 Briptu Ogi Septian, who always cares, supports me and makes me strong when I feel down. Thank you so much for your love that you always give to me.

3. My great Almamater:



Don’t see the past time with regrets. Don’t see the future with fears.




Arikunto, S. 1997. Dasar-Dasar Evaluasi Pendidikan, Jakarta: Bina Aksara. Flyn, Elizabeth and Lafaso, John. 1972. Group Discussion as Learning Process.

New York: Paulust Press.

Fries, Charles. 1974. Teaching and Learning English as a Foreign Language. Michigan: The University of Michigan Press.

Hatch, E. and H. Farhady. 1982. Research Design and Statistic for applied Linguistic. London: New Burry House. Inc.

Heaton, J. B. 1975. Writing English Language Test. London: Longman.

Jarolimek, John. 1980. Social Studies Compentities Skill. New Jersey: Michigan Press.

Kustarjo, Sukirah. 1988. Reading Techniques for College Students. Jakarta: Proyek Pengembangan Lembaga Tenaga Kependidikan.

Lado, Robert. 1964. Language Teaching. A scientific Approach. New York: M.C Graw Hill. Inc.

Lamb, A. 1963. Word Studies. Ohio: South Western Publishing.

Lismayanti. 2000. A Comparative Study of Students Vocabulary Achievement Who are Taught Through Flash Cards and Through Translation at the Second Year of SLTP Muhammadiyah 1 Pekalongan 2000. Unpublished Script. Bandar Lampung: Lampung University.

Nuryanto. 2000. Improving the students’ vocabulary Achievement through Flashcard at the first year of SLTP Negeri 2 Sukoharjo Tanggamus. Unpublished Script. Bandar Lampung: Lampung University.

Rivers, W. M. 1970. Teaching Foreign Language Skill. Chicago : Chicago University Press.



Setiyadi, Ag. Bambang. 2006. Metode Penelitian untuk Pengajaran Bahasa Asing: Pendekatan kuantitif dan kualitatif. Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu Publish.

Shohamy, E. 1985. A Practical Handbook in Language Testing for the Second LanguageTeachers. Tel Aviv: Tel Aviv University.

Tarigan, Henry Guntur. 1991. Metodologi Pengajaran Bahasa Inggris. Bandung: Angkasa.

Trask, R. L. 1999. Key Concept in Language and Linguistics. New York: Routledge.

Universitas Lampung. 2010. Format Penulisan Karya Ilmiah. Bandar Lampung: Universitas Lampung.

Wallace, Michael J. 1988. Teaching Vocabulary. New York: Heineman Educational Books Ltd.

Wilkin, D. A. 1993. Second Language Learning and Teaching. London: Edward Arnold Publisher Ltd.



5.1 Conclusions

Finally, after conducting the research at the fifth grade SDN 2 Metro Selatan Kota Metro, the researcher concluded as follow:

1. The flashcard can significantly increase students’ vocabulary mastery at the fifth grade of SDN 2 Metro Selatan. It is proved by the increase of students’ mean score in posttest that was higher that mean score in pretest.

The mean score increased from 64.44 to 80.47. The gain of pretest and posttest was 16.04. The hypothesis test 0.000 < 0.05 is accepted. Therefore, it can be concluded this flashcard could increase students’ vocabulary significantly.

The implementation of flashcard can increase students’ vocabulary

mastery more significantly. Therefore we can conclude that teaching learning through flashcard creates more conducive condition and situation for the students’ at the fifth grade of SD2 Metro Selatan. The students’



2. The researcher could see that the students’ vocabulary mastery increased, especially in content word: Noun, Verb, and Adjective. And the high score in content word was Noun (84) from 227 into 311. In verb there was also a high increase (29) from 175 into 204. And the last aspect was adjective (19) from 108 into 127. Furthermore for adjective, this was lowest score of vocabulary that increase only was (19) from 108 into 127. So, the better aspect of vocabulary among verb, noun, and adjective is noun because it is easier, and easy to find the real example in our daily life.

5.2 Suggestion

Considering the result and the conclusion the research, the writer would like to propose some suggestion as follow:

 For the teacher

1. In this research, the researcher found out that Flashcard can be applied to increase students’ vocabulary mastery. Therefore, the English teachers are

recommended to apply flashcard as one of the way in teaching because it can help the students who still have problem in vocabulary mastery in content word that are noun, verb, and adjective. Flashcard can encourage the students to be more active and creative in teaching learning process, and it is also applicable for beginner students.






1.1 Background of the Problem

Vocabulary is one of the language components in English. It is important for learners in learning a language especially English as foreign language that should be mastered. It has a very important role in communication. Rivers (1970:462) states that it is impossible to learn a language without vocabulary. It means that the ability to speak English needs the mastery of adequate vocabulary. Hornby (1984:11) states that adequate is satisfactory, sufficient or satisfying a requirement. It means that vocabulary is required to increase our ability to communicate in English and it is very important to support our development, especially concerning science and technology. Harmer (1991: 161) says that, language structures are to make up the skeleton of language, and then it is vocabulary that provides the vital organs and the flesh. However, Effendi (cited in Restina, 1997: 1) says that one of students’ weaknesses in using English is they lack of vocabulary.

Vocabulary is one of language components that are presented in the classroom during the process of language teaching, Walace (1986: 1) states that ‘vocabulary is the vital element of the language”. Vocabulary has been considered important


Based on the guideline of KTSP 2006 curriculum of English local content for elementary school, the target of English vocabulary that should be reached by the fifth grade of

elementary school students is 250 – 400 words, and one of the objectives of teaching English

at elementary school is that the students should master a number of vocabularies in order to be able to understand and make simple sentences in English. Besides, the students are expected to be able to communicate at least in very simple conversation.

From the explanation above, the researcher assumes that mastering an adequate vocabulary might enable students to communicate well. It means that vocabulary is important to learn. Language cannot be separatedfrom vocabulary, because the language itself consists of vocabulary.

When the researcher observed at SD N 2 Metro Selatan, there were a gap between the target curriculum and the reality, the result in the field did not reflect to the target, In fact, the students who learn English as a foreign language find it difficult to learn the vocabulary of English. They do not understand some of the English words that they listen, read, speak, and write. They cannot pronounce some words and find difficulty to define the meaning of a word or some words.

To overcome the problem, in teaching English for children the teacher should be able to select the material, and choose proper techniques of teaching and that are relevant to the students’ condition, needs, and age. They make the students more interested in the subject


In this case, the researcher found a media or visual aid that seems suitable for students of elementary school that was flashcard. Flashcard may became a good choice as a medium to teach vocabulary and an alternative aid for helping students’ vocabulary achievement. The

researcher saw that flash cards contain vocabulary or word that made the students became easy to learn the vocabulary. As a linguistic, Lado ( 1964:153)in Lismayanti (2000:2) defines that flashcard is set of card with a word or phrase on one side and its meaning usually on the other. The card also included picture, the native language word and its meaning. And we could buy them easily in bookstore if we want to have them. Further, Lado (1964:198), states that flashcard can be very helpful in teaching and studying language. By using flashcard, the teacher helped the students to transfer their knowledge in practicing their vocabulary.

Based on explanations above, the researcher was interested in applying this aid for teaching vocabulary at elementary school. So, the researcher conducted the activities of teaching learning process through flashcard at the fifth grade of SD Negeri 2 Metro Selatan.

1.2 Formulation of the Problem

Based on the background of the problem, the writer formulates the problem as follow:

1. Is there any significant difference of students’ vocabulary mastery before and after they are taught by using Flashcard?

2. Which one is aspect of vocabulary to gain better after being taught by using Flashcard?

1.3 The Objectives of the Research


1. “To find out whether there is any significant difference of students’ vocabulary mastery before and after they are taught by using flashcard”.

2. “To know what the aspect of vocabulary gain better after being taught by using flashcard”.

1.4 The Uses of the Research

This research is useful both practically and theoretically.

1. Theoretically, this research can be used as a contribution to support the idea that teaching vocabulary through flashcard can increase the students’

vocabulary mastery.

2. Practically, to see whether flashcard is applicable for teaching vocabulary.

1.5 Scope of the Research

The research conducted at fifth grade of SD Negeri 2 Metro Selatan Kota Metro in the first semester of academic year of 2010/2011. The writer focused the research on teaching on teaching vocabulary by using the flashcard as a technique of vocabulary teaching. There were three times of treatments. The class got the material and evaluation based on curriculum competency.

1.6 Definition of Terms

 Vocabulary is a set of lexeme include a simple word, compound word, and idiom.


 Flashcards are set of cards with a word or phrase on one side and its meaning rarely in

translation on the other.

 Vocabulary mastery is a number of words that have already been mastered by



2.1 Concept of vocabulary

Vocabulary is the number of words, which is used to communicate. Learning vocabulary do not mean learning to understand the meaning of the words only, spelling and pronunciation and word family should become an integral part of learning activity. Correct pronunciation is required in oral communication because it can make our partner understand what we say.

Vocabulary is a set of lexeme include a simple word compound word, and idiom. Lamb (1963: 19) defines a simple word as a single word that may or may not have a prefix and/ or suffix, for instance: table, chair, door, etc. while a compound word is a word join from two or more other words. Trask (1999: 120) also says that compound word can be written as one word, two words or as hyphenated word, for instance: classroom, textbook, policeman, etc. Idiom is a group of words with a meaning which is different from the individual words, for instance: look up, look at, give up, etc.

Vocabulary is important for learning a language, if the students cannot master a sufficient amount of vocabulary: the students will fail in using the language satisfactorily both in oral and in written form.

Furthermore, Wilkin (1993) says that without grammar little thing can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed. It means that the students will not be able to


enable the message to be expressed clearly. The more vocabulary the students have, the more achievement of the language they perform.

As stated by Fries (1974:4), vocabulary can be classified into some types namely: 1. Content words represent:

a. Name of subject or things, that is: nouns. According to Frank ( 1972:6), based on the meaning, noun can be classified into five types, proper noun(Mr. John Smith, Paris, Dutchman, Thanksgiving Day), concrete noun(flower, girl), abstract noun

(beauty, justice), countable(chairs, tables) or non countable noun (sugar, sand), and collective noun( committee, class, crew). Here are the examples of above types.

Paris is the center of world’s fashion.

The girl likes the flower.

He likes her beauty.

They put some chairs in the room.

The committee looks tired after the event.

b. Action done by with those things, that is: verbs. Frank (1972:47) mentions that verbs can be classified into five types. The predicating or linking verbs (be, seem, look), transitive verbs (give, write) or intransitive verbs (go, come), reflexive verbs

(express oneself, wash oneself), auxiliary verbs (be, have, do), and finite or non-finite verbs, e.g.:

He looks confused.

My sister writes a letter for me.

They go this morning.

He washes his car himself.


c. Qualities of the things, that is: adjectives. Frank (1972:109) categorizes the types of adjectives into three determiners [article ( the, a, an). Demonstrative adjectives (this, that), possessive adjective (my, your, the girl’s), numeral adjective (four, twenty, fourth, twentieth), adjective of indefinite quantity (some, few), relative and

interrogative adjective (whose, which)], descriptive adjective [proper adjective (a French dish, a Catholic church), participial adjective (an interesting book, a

bored student), and adjective compounds (a good-looking girl, absent-minded, a

wall-to-wall carpet, a never-to-be-forgotten plot)]. Here are the examples of

above types.

We will visit the museum today.

I bought this book yesterday.

She left her purse.

Four students cannot join the examination.

My mother gives me some money.

My mother cooked a French dish for dinner.

Sarah is a good-looking girl.

d. How the action done, that is: adverbs. Frank (1972:148) summaries the category of adverbs into five, adverbs of manner (slowly, silently), adverbs of place (inside, there), adverbs of time (yesterday, tomorrow), adverbs of frequency (sometimes,

often) and adverbs of degree (completely, very), e.g.:

She walks slowly.

He put the present inside the box.

We will visit an orphanage tomorrow.

We sometimes go swimming.


2. Function words are those words, which one is used as a means of expressing relation of grammar structure, such as conjunction (and, but, however), e.g.:

 Ogi is as clever as Putri but Setiawan is not like them. (Conjunction)

 Ririk and Naura have a cat. (conjunction)

3. Substitute words, those which represent the individual things or specific action as substitutes for whole form classes or words, that is: identities (anybody, anyone, somebody, and someone), e.g.:

Everyone has left the room.

Nobody is perfect.

4. Distributed words, those are distributed in use according to grammatical matter as the presence or absence of a negative, such as: some, any, neither, either, too or yet, e.g.:

 You do not allow passing this line and neither do I.

 She cannot finish the task and I don’t either.

In this research, the researcher focused on Content words. Fries (1974:4) mention that noun, verb, adjective, and adverb belong to content words. The researcher taught vocabulary of concrete noun, command and request verb, and then possessive adjective; those are used things in the classroom and student’s school equipment. Content words consist of words that

can be well associated. Moreover, other types of words such as function word, substitute word, and distribute word cannot be well associated since they were limited in meaning.

2.2 Concept of Visual Aids


Visual aids can be useful to the language teacher by helping him create situation which are outside the classroom walls, introduce students to unfamiliar cultural aspects, give the reality to what might be misunderstood verbally by the students, change situation quickly and easily in drill, and decoration for the classroom (Kreidler, 1968).

The visual aids were applied to all material used in the classroom or in other teaching situations to facilitate the understanding of the written or spoken word. Those visual aids were more affective when visual aids were correlated with the materials of curriculum. We could see visual aid would not substitute the textbook or teacher, but the would supplement and increase the effectiveness of a teacher.

Concerning the need of teaching learning process, there are various kinds of visual aids that can be used to aid in teaching learning process. The classifications of visual aids stated by Walton (1966:186) in Nuryanto (2000:7) are as follow:

1. Symbolic aids, those aids that supplement the written and spoken words. Symbolic aids are picture, maps, globes, charts, flashcards, graphs, etc.

2. Equipment, those aids that can be used for example, blackboard, projector, television, etc.

In reference to the statement above, the researcher considers that flashcards were good way to introduce new vocabulary and by using flashcard the students would be able to understand the new vocabulary without any kind of translation or definition. Flashcard could be very helpful in increasing vocabulary of students and used effectively in a drill or review of words that have been known or learned.


Flashcard that show quickly, briefly, instantly, at once, and card: piece of stiff paper or thin cardboard which is used for various purposes. Flashcard which sizes vary according to picture or word shown displayed may have a picture or native language on the bottom of the picture.

Flashcard is printed with words and picture which can be handled easily by the

Teacher (Wright, 1968:73) in Nuryanto (2000:8). It means that the teacher could create the flashcards and the sizes of the flashcards could be determined.

Basically, they were of a size easy for the teacher to handle and to flash at the students.

Lado (1964:197) states that flashcards are set of cards with a word or phrase on one side and its meaning rarely in translation on the other. From the statement that flashcard includes word or phrase. We know that vocabulary was very essential in learning English language so words in flashcards could be used to learn and teach vocabulary.

Lado (1964:198) states that flashcards have a picture or the native language word on one side and the second language word on the other. There were set of flashcards where picture, words in the native language and the second language or translation on one side. We could find them easily in the bookstore.

While Wallace (1982:61) says that technique that has been advocated in the use of vocabulary cards as a preferable alternative to the vocabulary notebook. It means that students could actively collect or make themselves flashcard if they want to make them to know their difficult words. So in this case, flashcards could be used as a dictionary.

According to Lismayanti (2000:15) applying flashcards in the teaching learning process has some value advantages and disadvantages.


1. Flashcards help students in remembering what they have learned.

2. Flashcards give variation on teaching. Teacher is not only to teach and to explain the lesson verbally, but also students are asked to express words on their own sentence. 3. Flashcards can be brought everywhere because the size of the cards is not too big so

that students can use her time to learn vocabulary easily.

4. This activity, on presenting materials of flashcards, has one thing in common that is they focused in process of vocabulary development, rather the product or answer it than include the process of a sentence built.

5. Flashcards are very helpful to refresh the mind of students’ previous lesson before starting the new lesson.

Based on the advantages of flashcard above it could be concluded that flashcard was a good technique for student be more easy in learning vocabulary as specially for concrete noun, command and request verb, and then possessive adjective. And that using of flashcard could help the student to memorize easily.

B. The disadvantages of using flashcards are as follows:

1. Flashcards are not suitable uses at all level. For those who already have a large number of vocabulary flashcards are not effective.

2. Teacher who wants to make flashcards have much time in presenting flashcards as well as making the cards.

Based on the disadvantages flashcard above it could be concluded that flashcard only could be used for the beginners who are still studying English because the beginners’ flashcard can


2.4 Concept of Teaching Learning Vocabulary

The purpose of learning vocabulary was to make the students understand the meaning of the words. Finnochiaro (1967) suggests that teaching and learning vocabulary is an activity where the teacher and the students reintroduce some vocabulary items with all the structure and in the entire situation in which they can logically be used.

Wallace (1988:13) says that learning vocabulary is something more than memorizing list of words. It is supported by Kriedler (1963). Wallace states that in modern methods of language teaching, vocabulary learning no longer consists of memorizing words, instead words are usually introduced in meaningful context and practiced in an appropriate sentence patterns.

In teaching learning process, the teacher may also use gesture or commands because it would make the students able to infer the meaning of the word easily.

Teaching vocabulary should fit into a language learning course in any of four ways: 1. Material is prepared with vocabulary learning.

2. Words are dealt with as they happen to occur.

3. Vocabulary is taught in connection with other language activities. 4. Time is spent either in class or out of school. ( Nation, 1990:3-4)

Based on statement above, in teaching vocabulary teacher should be aware that learning vocabulary was not only to memorize the words. It should be taught and practiced in meaningful contents. Learning vocabulary was something more than memorizing list of words and it was the teacher’s responsibility to determine technique, so that the students find


Allen and Vallete (1983:116-117) in Gnainoska (1998:12) state that teaching vocabulary can be meaningful if the teacher can conduct the teaching process by combining the available technique of teaching. It was hoped that a good technique would be more enjoyable,

interesting, and motivating, so that the students would not be bored in the teaching learning process. It would help them to get the materials stayed longer. It means that the teacher had to be aware the kinds of teaching technique that she would use to come to her goal.

Therefore in this case appropriate techniques would determine the learning process of

students. Rivers (1970:362) explains teaching learning process of foreign language especially new vocabulary must be emphasized on the class of

Words: it is nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverb, or all of these aspects; therefore, the writer would like to say that learning vocabulary concerns in learning the real language which is learnt in useful utterance where the students employ immediately in communication and play in classroom. That was why in teaching new vocabulary English teachers needed interesting way or technique.

Kustardjo (1988:24) states that there are five ways of teaching vocabulary:

1. Teaching vocabulary through creativity.

The teacher lets the students decide many choices by themselves what they want. The teacher can choose any techniques which are able to their students to be creative in producing vocabulary, for instance: game, flashcards, picture, drama, etc.

2. Teaching vocabulary through context clues


3. Teaching vocabulary through guessing

The teacher can encourage the students to guess and to consult the words learned. To guess correctly, a student should have a good rationale. The teacher can give example by pronouncing a sentence, and then the students guess the word the teacher means. 4. Teaching vocabulary through translation

This method is considered as ancient one. Here, the teacher teaches the meaning of the words through translation. For example the word ‘doctor’ in Indonesian means ‘dokter’.

5. Teaching vocabulary through derivation

The teacher involves the four classes of word in the position of occurrence in English sentence patterns. The teacher can give noun, verb, adjective and adverb. Then the teacher asks the students to derive the words, for instance: to employ (verb), employer (noun), employable (adjective), etc.

All of the possible ways above can be used in teaching vocabulary but in this research the researcher would use the teaching vocabulary through creativity by using flashcards the researcher assumed that the flashcards technique was interesting and suitable for students at elementary school level.

2. 5 Teaching English in Elementary School

Children between the ages of four to eleven were believed to be better at learning second language more easily. This belief seems to come from the critical period hypothesis: the claim that human beings are only capable of learning language between the age two and the early of teens (Cook in Setiyadi, 2003:162).


A technique is the implementation, which actually takes place in a classroom is particular trick strategy or contrivance use to accomplish an immediate objective. In the process of teaching and learning English in the class, the teacher has the important role in developing the students’ achievement in order that the student can absorb the information in English.

According to Corder (1973) in Saptorini (2006) we should answer two important questions, what to teach and how to teach. Teaching involves the materials and the methods or


In language learning context, it is believed that students would learn a foreign language more effectively under certain conditions. Therefore, there were some assumptions about language learning that should be considered when teaching English as a foreign Language to Children (Larsen-freeman, 2000: Mackey, 1975 and Richards and Rodgers, 2001 in Setiyadi,


1. Learning should be fun and natural for children.

2. The language should show with the first is presented through sound, not written symbol. Listening and speaking are worked on as the learners produce meaningful utterances concerning physical objects and their own experience. After the children understand what people speak and are able to produce the language, it will begin to read the symbols in the target language.

3. Children are more sensitive to anything that touches the senses: they react easily to physical object. Language is taught by having the students use their sense: touch see, listen, smell, and even taste if necessary.


5. The idea that teaching should start from what the students already know in order to encourage association processes seems to favor children.

The methods for teaching children should maintain the characteristics of children in order that the students could learn the target language optimally. One of the common principles that might be considered to develop or choose methods for children is that learning a foreign language should be fun and natural.

Teacher in Elementary school said that the learners felt strange with the language and difficult to utter the words. It maked the learners did not want to learn this language. As teacher, they should improve student’s motivation to learn the language. We have to consider

the material that would be given to the students. We can use many things as the materials to teach the students, such as game, flashcard, picture, etc. In this case, the writer would like to apply flashcard as the technique to teach vocabulary to them, because it could make the teacher became easy in describing or deliver the material, and make the students become easier in understanding the material given by the teacher.

Flashcard is printed with words and picture which can be handled easily by the teacher (Wright, 1968:73) in Nuryanto (2000:8). It means that the teacher could create the flashcards and the sizes of the flashcards could be determined.

Basically, they were of a size easy for the teacher to handle and to flash at the students.

Based on statement above, the researcher thought that teacher can create the flashcard to make a good atmosphere in the classroom. It would be able to bring the students into interesting situation and they would not realize that they were actually learning. It was supported by the basic educational local curriculum objective that was to raise the students’


situation of the school. In this research, the researcher would emphasize on teaching vocabulary things around the school.

2.6 Teaching Vocabulary for Elementary School

Before teaching vocabulary for elementary school, especially in the fifth grade that the research was going to be carried out, elements in the way children learn their first language should be known because the way of learning a foreign language was not as different from learning the first language. It would be easier to teach a new language if the teacher has known the way children gain their first language. As Asher (1984:35) identifies that there are three critical elements in the way children learn their first language:

1. Listening skill produces speaking, with children often able to comprehend many complex utterances before they produce any intelligible speech.

2. Many of the utterances that are directed at an infant relate to actions, and more than 50% are in the form of command.

3. Listening seems to produce a” readiness” for speaking, but it appears that the process cannot be rushed. When the child has internalized an adequate. Cognitive map of the language through listening, s/he will spontaneously begin to procedure utterances.


1. The children ask question all the time.

2. They rely on the spoken word as well as the physical world to convey and understand the meaning.

3. They have definite views about what they like and do not like doing.

4. They have developed sense of fairness about what happen in the classroom and begin to questions the teachers’ decisions.

5. They are able to work with others and learn from others.

From the characteristics of the children above, the researcher thinks that when teaching English as foreign language the teacher should create situation which provides the students facilitation to ask question, a lot of fun for physical activities in teaching learning process.

2.7 Procedures of Implementing Flash Cards in Teaching Vocabulary

Flashcard is printed with words and picture which can be handled easily by the

Teacher (Wright, 1968:73) in Nuryanto (2000:8). It means that the teacher could create the flashcard and the sizes of the flashcard can be determined.

Basically, they were of a size easy for the teacher to handle and to flash at the students.

Flyn and Lafoso (1974: 4) group work is a group of people who recognize themselves one another and who meet in face to face situation to accomplish some purposes. The members of the group will help each other in order to accomplish their purposes. This statement

supported by Jarolimek (1980: 215) states that group work is a case point, working together cooperatively involving students in a process through which they learn and apply many important human relation skills.


In the process of teaching learning vocabulary through flashcard the researcher focused on group activity. In the group activity the students divided into small group that consist of three until four students who worked cooperatively and discussed the answer of flashcard game together that should be finished in 15 minutes. After the students finished the flashcard game sheet in the group work activity the students changed their flashcard game sheet with the others then discussed it in the class.

She also says that the procedures of teaching vocabulary through flashcard technique were as follows:

First, she asked them to remember the pictures and words. Then she picks one up, conceals the pictures and asked them to say what it is. Each student made a guess. Then the teacher looked at the picture on the card she has taken and asked the students again,”what did you say?”The students repeat to say what the picture is.

In this research, the research used the following procedures of teaching vocabulary through flashcard technique:

Pre-Activities (10”)

 Teacher greets the students.

 The teacher asks the students to pray before starting the activity.

 The teacher checks the students’ attendance list.

 Teacher conducts routine (asking about student’s health, their last experience, the weather, the day, and so on).

 The teacher asks the students to prepare the book, pen, etc.

 The teacher introduces the rules of the activity. While-Activities (50”)

 The teacher gives the leading question by asking what they have known about the things around the school.


 The teacher shows the flashcard of the things around the school. In the case, the teacher shows the flashcard one by one. For example: the teacher shows a flashcard of a blackboard.

 The teacher asks the students to name the flashcard. The teacher says” what is it in English? And then, the students try to guess the name of the flashcard.

 If there are no students who are able to name the flashcard, the teacher tells the name of the flashcard, for example: this is a blackboard. In the case, the teacher shows the flashcard.

 If all of students have known the name of the flashcard, the teacher changes to other flashcards one by one.

 Next, the teacher shows the flashcards with the words below the flashcard. The teacher shows a flashcard then pronounces the flashcard clearly. And then, the students try to pronounce the words after the teacher pronounces it.

 After the students are able to pronounce the word on the flashcard correctly, the teacher guides the students to spell the word.

 After that, the teacher changes to other flashcards and shows the flashcard one by one.

 If all the students are able to pronounce and spell all of the words on the flashcards, the teacher shows the flashcards without words once more. In this case, the students are asked to mention the name of the flashcard one by one and try to spell the name of the shown flashcard.

 After that, the teacher shows two different flashcards and asks the students to guess the right name of the flashcard that is asked by the teacher. For example: the teacher shows the flashcards of a blackboard and a map, and then the teacher says “which one is a blackboard? The flashcard on my right hand or my left hand”.

 After the students are able to name all of the flashcards, the teacher asks the students whether they have question or not.

 Next, the teacher points students randomly to demonstrate what they have got after the teacher’s explanation.

 After the teacher considers that the students already understand the material, she then asks the students to write down the words on their note books.

 The students divided into small groups consisting of three until four students.


 Each group was asked to answer the worksheet in 15 minutes.

 In implementing flashcard game the students were not allowed to say the word or show their worksheet to the others. If the time was over the students and the teacher discussed the answer together. The group that answered it correctly and got the highest score was the winner of game.

Post-activities (10”)

 Reflecting (giving explanation again related to the material in short)

 Asking the students’ difficulty about the material.

 Saying salam and thank you for the students attentions.

2.8 Theoretical Assumption

Vocabulary is one of important part in learning a language, because without vocabulary it is difficult to communicate with each other. Students who did not master sufficient number of vocabularies would fail in using language satisfactorily either in oral or written form.

Teaching vocabulary could be defined as teaching in which students deal with words through various ways used by teacher. However, not all of ways was appropriate for the students’

level and needs, therefore teacher should have the ability to choose the appropriate way and implement in teaching learning process to obtain the goal. The use of interesting aids was necessary to motivate the students to learn.

English teachers are expected to be able to motivate their students in learning English. They should use the suitable teaching technique. Flashcard gave a variety in teaching vocabulary to increase students’ vocabulary achievement. The students were hoped to motivate themselves

in learning vocabulary that is by using the word in real situation actively.


new vocabulary without any kind of definition or translation. Furthermore, the researcher believed that teaching vocabulary through flashcard technique would create a good

atmosphere in the classroom. It would be able to bring the students into interesting situation and they would not realize that they are actually learning. So, the researcher assumed that teaching vocabulary through flashcard in helping the students to increase their vocabulary and to use them when they were needed to create sentences.

Finally, the researcher assumed that flashcards could increase students’ vocabulary mastery.

2.9 Hypothesis

The line with the theoretical assumption above, the researcher formulated the hypothesis as follows:

1. There was any significant difference of students’ vocabulary mastery before and after they were taught by using flashcard.



3.1 Research Design

This research is a quantitative research used one group pretest-posttest design. This usedone class where the students would receive pretest before three-time treatments and after the treatments they received posttest. The pretest would be used to find out the students’ preliminary ability and the posttest was used to look how far the increase of the students’ vocabulary mastery after the treatments. The

treatments are given to the students by applying flashcards. It was intended to find out whether there was a significant difference of the students’ vocabulary mastery

related to content words at the fifth grade of SD N 2 Metro Selatan Kota Metro before and after being taught through flashcards. The research design was described as follows:

T1 X T2

T1 = Pretest X = Treatment T2 = Posttest (Setiyadi, 2006:133)

3.2 Population and Sample of the Research


school, namely VA and VB. Class VA would be chosen as the experimental class through lottery drawing. This class consisted of 26 students. Class VB then chosen as the tryout class.

3.3 Data Collecting Technique

The data of the research was the student` vocabulary achievement before and after the treatments.

The instrument of the research would be test; the test was objective vocabulary test in the form of multiple choice items. Where the researcher would give pretest and posttest in order to evaluate, to measure the vocabulary achievement.

In collecting Data, this research used the following procedures:

1. Pretest

The pretest conducted before treatments. It was used to how far the students have masteredthe vocabulary before the treatments were given. The pretest used by the researcher wasan objective test in the form of multiple choices. The objective test was used because it encourages flashcard was applied which focused on


2. Posttest

The posttest wasconducted after the researcher conducting the treatments. It was used to know how far the students had mastered English vocabulary after being taught through flashcard. Similar to the pretest, in the posttest the researcher used an objective test in the form of multiple choices items. The questions were the same as the pretest. But, the order of the questions and the distracters were changed from those in the pretest in order that the students not only memorize or remember the order of the answer for each question but they canreally understand the questions. The posttest consisted of 30 items with four options of answer for each (A, B, C, D). One was the correct answer and the rest were the distracters. This posttest had the same difficulty as the pretest.

3.4 Procedure of Collecting Data

1. Determining the subjects of the research

The subject of the research was selected using simple random probability through lottery drawing. The subjects of the research follow pretest, treatment, and posttest. There were 26 students that become the subject of this research.

2. Selecting instrument materials.


students’ handbook that was based on the educational unit level


3. Conducting try out.

The try out conducted in the different class at first class VA of SD Negeri 2 Metro Selatan Kota Metro. Try out was conducted to measure the reliability of pretest and posttest. It was administered for 40 items in 70 minutes. The aim of try out was to know the quality of the test which used as the instrument of the research, and determine which item should be revised for the pretest and posttest. This research used the result of the try out test to measure the level of difficulty and discrimination power, to find out the validity and reliability.

4. Conducting the pre test.

Pretest was conducted for 30 items in 70 minutes to measure student’s basic ability.

5. Conducting the treatment.

After giving the pretest to the students, the researcher conducted the treatment for three meetings.

6. Administering post test.

The post test was administered after the application of Flashcards. It was conducted for 30 items in 70 minutes and the aim was to find out the students` vocabulary mastery after they are being taught Flashcards. 7. Analyzing the data.


package for social science) version 15.0 for windows). It would test in order to find out whether there was a significant difference of learners’ vocabulary achievement before and after being taught through Flashcards. 8. Concluding the results

After analyzing the results of both pretest and posttest, the conclusion explained based on the result.

9. Reporting the results

In reporting the result, the data would be arranged systematically based on the pretest and posttest to see whether there is an increase on the students` vocabulary mastery.

3.5 Instrument of the Research

The research instrument in this research is vocabulary test in the form of objective test.


The instrument was held for pretest and posttest. Pretest was given before the treatment in order to know how far the students` competence in vocabulary and posttest was given after presenting the treatment in order to know the

improvement of students` vocabulary. Then, the researcher found out whether there wasdifference increase on the result between pretest and posttest.


In this research, to prove whether the test has good quality, it must be tried out first. The test can be said have good quality if it is has a good validity, reliability, level of difficulty, and discrimination power.

3.6.1. Validity

The test could be said valid if the test measures the object to be measured and it is suitable with the criteria (Hatch and Farhady, 1982:250). To measure whether the test has a good validity, this research usedcontent and construct validity.

a. Content validity is concernedwith whether the test is sufficiently


valid test from the point of view (shohamy, 1985:74). The content validity was constructed by including vocabulary material presentedin the

training; they were noun, verb, and adjective. The researcher tookthose three aspects since it was appropriate with flashcards. The content of try out test is presentedin the table of specification below:

Table1. Table of specification of try out test No Word


Percent Number Item numbers

1 Noun 50% 20 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,18, 19,20,21,23,26.

2 Verb 27,5% 11 15,16,17,22,24,25,27,28,29,30,31.

3 Adjective 22,5% 9 32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40. Amount 100% 40

b. Construct Validity

Construct validity is concerned to know the certain language knowledge skill. To know the test was true reflection of language which was being measured, the writer would examine whether the test question actually reflect what is meant to know a language. To get the construct validity, the test was adopted from student’s hand book. Then, the test determined according to the material

that was taught to the students. In other words, the writer wrote and made the test based on the material in the 2006 English curriculum for Elementary School.


Reliability of test can be defined as the extent to which a test produces consistent result when administrated under similar conditions (Hatch and Farhady,

1982:243). To estimate the reliability of the test this research used split-half technique. To measure the coefficient of the reliability between odd and even group, this research used the person product moment formula as follows:

r1 =

r1 : coefficient of reliability between odd and even groups x : total numbers of odd group

(Lado (1961) in Hughes, 1991:32)

Then to know the coefficient correlation of whole items, the researcher used Spearmen brown`s prophecy formula:

The formula is as follows:


0.80- 1.00 : very high 0.60 – 0.79 : high 0.40 – 0.59 : average 0.20 – 0.39 : low

0.00 – 0.19 : very low

(Hatch and Farhady, 1982:246)

3.6.3. Level of Difficulty

Difficulty level related to how easy or difficult the item is from point of view of the students who take the test. This was important since test items, which are too easy, tell us nothing about differences is discarded. To see the level of difficulty of the test, this research used the following formula:

LD = N




LD : level of difficulty

U : Number of the Upper group who answer correctly L : Number of the Lower group who answer correctly N : Total number of students following the test

The criteria are:

00.0 – 0.30 = difficult LD = 0.30 – 0.70 = average

LD > 0.70 – 1.00 = easy

(Arikunto, 1997; 121)


The discrimination power (DP) refers to the extent to which the item differentiates between high and low level students on the test. A good item according to this criterion is one which good students do well on and bad students fail.

To know the discrimination power of the test, the writer used the following formula:

DP : discrimination power

U : the proportion of upper group students L : the proportion of lower group students N : total number of students

D: - (Negative)= bad items (should be omitted) (Heaton, 1975:180)

1. If the value is positive discrimination a large number of more


2. If the value is negative, means that more low-students than high level students got the item correct.

3. In general, the higher the discrimination index, the better. In classroom situation most items should be higher than 0.20 indexes.

(Shohamy, 1985:81)

3.6.5. Scoring System

In scoring the students result of the test, this research usedArikunto`s formula. The ideal higher score is 100. The ideal higher scores of pretest and post tests was calculated by using formula as follows:

S = 100 N R


S : the score of the test

R : the total of the right answers N : the total items

(Arikunto, 1997:212)

3.6.6 Data Analysis

After conducting pretest and posttest, the researcher analyzed the data. It was used to know whether there was significant different increase of the student’s mastery.


2. Tabulating the score of student’s vocabulary test results using Repeated measures T-test. The formula manually was as follows:

� −�

� � in which






X1 = mean of the pretest X2 = mean of the posttest

S = standard error of differences between two means (denominater) SD = standard deviation

n = number of students

(Hatch and Farhady, 1982: 116)

3. Drawing conclusion from the tabulated result of the pretest and posttest administering, that was statistically analyzed using SPSS (statistical Program for Social Sciences) in order to test whether increase of the students gain was significant or not.

3.6.7 Hypothesis Testing

Ho = There is no significant difference of students’ vocabulary mastery before and after they were taught by using flashcard.


The hypothesis testing was used to prove whether the hypothesis proposes in this research is accepted or not. The hypothesis analyzed by using Repeated measure T – Test through computing with statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS)


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