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The Effectiveness of Using Total Physical Response toward the Students' Imperative Sentences Mastery"(An ExperimentaSl tudya t the Fir,ct Yearo f SMPN 2 Tangse


Academic year: 2017

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The "Skripsi" (Scientific Paper) entitle "The Effectiveness of Using Total Physical Response toward the Students' Imperative Sentences Mastery"(An Experimental Study at the Fir,ct Year of SMPN 2 Tangsel), written by YULIS TIANINGSIH, student's registration number 208014000085 was examined in the examination session ot the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers' Training, SyarifFlidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta on September,'24th 2013. The "skripsi" has been accepted and declared to have fulfilled one of the requirements for the degree of Strata I (S.Pd.) in English I-anguage Education at the Department of Enelish Education.

Jakarta, September 24!h 201.3'


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I i ri 't I


(An Experimental Study in thefirst year of SMPN 2 Tangsel )

A "Skripsi"

Presented to ihe Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher's Training in a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of S.Pd. (Bachelor of Art) in English Language Education



Approved by the Advisor

IP.19690912200901 1 008 NIP.









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: YTILIS TIANINGSIH : Lebah 4 November 1988 : 208014000085

: Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

: The Effectiveness of Using Total Physical Response tou'ard the Students' Imperative Sentences Mastery (An Experimental Study at the First Year of SMPN 2 Tangsel) : Dr. H. M. Farkhan M.Pd.

Yenny Rahrnawati I\4-Ed. Tempat/Tgl.Lahir

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Study at the first year of SMPN 2 Tangerang selatan) Skripsi, English Education Department, the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta. Advisor: Dr. H. M. Farkhan. M.Pd. and Yenny Rahmawati M.Ed.

This research has aim to know the effectiveness of using TPR toward

students’ imperative sentences mastery for the first year class students of SMPN 2 Tangsel. The subjects of this study were consisted of 80 students. 20 students for experimental class from VII.VI class, and 20 students for control class from VII.V class who were chosen randomly.

The method used in this study was an experimental study and including in quantitative by collecting data from the test. The researcher taught Imperative sentences using TPR in VII.VI class whereas the researcher taught Imperative Sentence without using TPR in VII.V class. The study carried out in six meeting during two months. The data were gathered in this study through observation and test (Pre-test and Post-tes).

From the statistical calculation, it was obtained that the value of to (t-observation) was 4.25 and the value of tt (t-table) from the df = 38 on the degree of significance of 5% and 1% was 2.02. it means that the value of to is higher than the value of tt. Based on the result, the null hypotheses alternative hypothesis (Ha)

is accepted, it means that using total physical response is effective toward the students’ imperative sentences mastery. Null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected, it means




YULIS TIANINGSIH. 2013. The Effectiveness of Using Total Physical Response toward the Students’ Imperative Sentences Mastery (An Experimental Study at the First Year of SMPN 2 Tangerang selatan) Skripsi, Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan, Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. Pembimbing Dr. H. M. Farkhan, M.Pd. dan Yenny Rahmawati, M.Ed.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keefektifan dalam menggunakan TPR terhadap penguasaan siswa dalam imperative sentences pada kelas satu SMPN 2 Tangsel. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada 80 siswa, 20 siswa untuk kelas experiment dari kelas VII.VI, dan 20 siswa lagi untuk kelas control dari kelas VII.V yang dipilih secara acak.

Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode eksperimen dan mencakup dalam bentuk quantitative dengan mengumpulkan data dari test yang diberikan. Peneliti mengajarkan imperative sintences menggunakan total pisikal respon di kelas VII.VI, sebaliknya peneliti mengajarkan imperative sentences tanpa menggunakan total pisikal respon di kelas VII. V. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dalam delapan kali pertemuan selama kurang lebih dua bulan. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini melalui observasi dan test ( Pre-test dan Post-tes).



All praise be to Allah SWT the Almighty, who gives the writer chance in

seeking HIS blesses, and guidance always given to the writer so she could finish

this “skripsi”. Peace and blessing be upon our prophet Muhammad SAW, his

family, his companions and his followers.

This skripsi is presented to the English Education Department of Tarbiyah

and Teaching Sciences Faculty of UIN SyarifHidayatullah Jakarta as a partial

fulfillment of the requirements for Strata 1 (Bachelor of Art).

The writer would like to extend best regard and his gratitude to her beloved parents Mr. Dulmuin and Mrs. Siti Robia’h and the whole of her family who have give her all of their love, prayer, and support to finish this paper. She also would

like to express her great respect and gratitude to Dr.H Farkhan M.Pd and Yenny

Rahmawaty M.Ed as her advisor who have patiently aimed during guidance until

finishing this paper.

Her gratitude also goes to those who helped her in finishing her work,

among others:

1. Nurlena, M.A., Ph.D., the dean of the faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher’s

Training Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta.

2. Drs. Syauki, M.Pd., and Zahril Anasyi, M.Hum. as Head and Secretary of the

English Department.

3. Drs. Nasrun Mahmud, M.Pd. who accept writer’s paper title.

4. All lecturers in the English Department, for teaching and sharing knowledge,

motivation and patient. Thank you for amazing study experience.

5. Drs. H. Antasa, M.Pd, the head master of SMPN 2 Tangsel who has allowed

the writer to conduct this research in SMPN 2 Tangsel, and all teachers and

administration staffs of SMPN 2 Tangsel who have helped and supported the

writer in finishing this research.Especially for first grade students (7 6 and 7



6. Marfu’ah S.Pd, the English teacher of SMPN 2 Tangsel who has given her

ideas and times and also has guided, advised the writer in the process of

doing this research.

7. Her best gratitude to her beloved little brother Risqi Firmansyah and beloved

cousin Siti Aisyah and beloved close friend Muhammad Nasir Al-Khatiri,

who always pray, remind her and give supports, motivation, to finish this

research paper completely.

8. Her best friends in English Education Department, Aisyah Annas, Nurhayati Syafi’i, Lulu Fauziati Hidayat, Fajriah Amali, Reni Raudatul M, Nur Rif’atul Izzah, Yuni Fitria, thank you for being helping, sharing many knowledge and

the happiness that felt together andEnglish Education Department Students

2008- C Class.Last, but not least thank to all the writer’s friends and teachers

in Jakarta.

May Allah, the Almighty bless them all. Amin.

Finally, the writer realizes that this “skripsi” still has some weaknesses and lacked. Therefore, she would be grateful to accept any suggestions and corrections

from anyone for better writing.

Jakarta, September 2013






CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study ... 1

B. Scope and Limitation of the Problem... 4

C. Formulation of the Research ... 4

D. Objective of the research ... 5

E. Significance of the Study ... 5


1. Definition of Imperative Sentences ... 6

2. The Form of Imperative Sentences ... 8

3. Verb in Imperative Sentences ... 11

B. Total Physical Response ... 13

1. Background of Total Physical Response ... 13

2. Design of Total Physical Response ... 14

a. The Objectives ... 14

b. The Syllabus ... 14

c. Type of Learning and Teaching Activities ... 14

d. Learner Roles ... 14

e. Teacher Roles ... 14

3. Principles of Total Physical Response Method ... 15

4. Procedure of Total Physical Response Method ... 15

5. Advantages of Total Physical Response ... 15

6. Disadvantages of Total Physical Response ... 16

C. Teaching Imperative Sentences By Using Total Physical Response ... 16

D. Conceptual Framework ... 18


B. Place and Time of the Research ... 19

C. Method of the Research ... 21

D. The Population and Sample ... 21

E. The Techniques of Collecting Data ... 21

F. The Techniques of Analyzing the Data ... 22




A. Data Description ... 24

B. Data Analysis and the Test of Hypotheses ... 25

1. Data Analysis ... 27

2. The Comparison between t-score and t-table ... 29

3. The Test of Hypotheses ... 29

C. Data Interpretation ... 30


B. Suggestions ... 32





Appendix 1 Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran



research, formulationof the research, objective of the research, significance of the

study, method of the research.


Background of the Study

Language is one culture that is an integral part of human life. According to

Edward Sapir in Rianti (2007) “There is a close relationship between culture and

language, it will be difficult to understand other people's culture without having

the knowledge of the languages and vice verca”.1. It is the truth that there is a

close relationship between culture and language that people should have the

science to understand the culture of others.Languageis also one of the tools to

communicate with every one in this world.

Nowadays,English has an important role in this world. Many countries

apply it as a first language while other countries apply it as a foreign language. In

Indonesia, English is also functioned as a foreign language. As a foreign language

English has become an important part in educational system in the country as it is

taught from primary to university level.In addition, English has been applied into

the curriculum and be mastered by the students whether they like it or not. As

Jeremy Harmer stated that "Probably the greatest number of language students in

the world do it because it is on the school curriculum whether they like it or

not".2It means whether the student likes or not in mastering English but in other

they must be learning English in their school.

As we know, basically the studentshould be able tomaster thefourbasic

skills of English, namely listening, reading, speaking, andwriting. The four basic

should be completely understood well by students. There are manyfactors that

influence students' improvement in English; one of them show students

understand the learning strategies, because the roleis very importantin the learning


Rahayu Dwi Rianti, dkk., Cross Cultural Understanding,( Jakarta: English Education Departmen 2007), p. 12.




strategies and language learningas Rebecca L Oxford said “learning strategies are

step taken by students to enhance their own learning. Strategies are especially

important for language learning because they are tool for active, self directed

involvement, whish is essential for developing communicative competence”.3

Therefore, teaching strategies are always options for a teacher to apply it

because will make the learning environment more effective and more fun until the

students felt comfortable when they were learned as said by Rebecca L. Oxford

"learning strategies are specific actions taken by the learner Easier, faster, more

enjoyable, more self-directed, more, and more transferrable to new situations".4

Second , the teacher and methodology are also factors contributing to the

development of English language methodology Because without them being two

things are important in improving the English languages, students will have

difficulty or even seem bored in understanding the subject.

In addition, the fact shows that learning English is not easy, because the

students felt bored and finally made them in pressure, whereas the most important

in learning English is avoid of stress as said by Jack C. Richard and Theodore S. Rodgers “An important condition for succesful language learning is the absence of stress”.5

Therefore, there must be a solution to make the pupils to be easy to

understand and create a good atmosphere and learning environment must be

improved. For this reason, the teacher must be able to adjust materials in teaching

methods which are suitable to needs of students.

Based on above explanation there is significant methods used in teaching

foreign languages. Total Physical Response (TPR) is one of various methods and

created by Dr. James Asher. It functions on the same as principles as the children

learn their mother tongue. In the classroom the role is taking by the teacher, the

teachers say an instruction and demonstrate it.Afterwards the teacher says it again


Rebecca L. Oxford, Language Learning Strategi, What EveryTeacher Should Know, ( New York: Heinle & Heinle Publisher, Inc. 1990), p. 1.


Ibid., p. 8. 5


and all the students are to do theaction. After a few repeating processes, students

are able not only demonstrate thephrase but also to repeat it in words. It surely

improved in classroom and reduces the stress of students when they studying

foreign languages and it called TPR method, as said by Diane Larsen-Freeman “Total Physical Response method was developed in order to reduce the stress people feel when studying foreign languages and thereby encourage students to

persist in the is study beyond a beginning level of proficiency”.6

This paper is trying to show the benefits of using one method. According

to Jack C Richards and Theodore S. Rodgers, Total Physical Response ( TPR ) is

a language teaching method built around the coordination of speech and action; it

attempts to teach language through TPR activity.6

There are many kinds of material for grammar, such as structure and

sentences, one aspect in grammar is Imperative sentences.There are many

problems in learning Imperative Sentences. First; Many student felt difficult when

they learn Imperative sentences by listing and memorizing the verbs as their

teacher has been teaching them,because between both listing and memorizing will

be boring. Students can easily get what they learn if they are interested in material

and the way it is presented to them. Second; many students in Indonesia have

difficulties in learning grammar, especially in imperative sentences. This

condition makes the students not being be able to read, speak, listen, and write

well. Therefore, Imperative sentences are suitable for using in TPR method

because imperative drills are fundamental in the classroom activity. Jack, C.

Richards and Theodore S. Rodgers noted that “Imperative drills are the major classroom activity in Total Physical Response”.7

Finally from the background above the writer used the experimental study.

In this case the writer used TPR method in teaching imperative sentences.. the

title of the research is :


Ibid., p. 87. 7



“The Effectiveness of Using Total Physical Response toward the Students’ Imperative Sentences Mastery”(An Experimental Study at the First Year of

SMPN 2 Tanggerang Selatan).


Scope and Limitation of the Research

The writer limits the problem and focuses of on”teaching imperative

sentences by using Total Physical Response method at SMPN 2 Tangsel”.


Formulation of the Research

Based on the descriptions above, the writer formulated the problems as:“Is

there any effect of using TPR technique toward of students’ imperative sentences mastery?”

This skripsi formulated by the specific research as follow ; “ Is using

TPRtechnique effective toward the students’ imperative sentences mastery.


Objective of the Research

According to the formulation of the problem stated above, the general

objective of this study are :

1. To know the effect of using TPR and the effectiveness toward students’

imperative sentences mastery for the first year class students of SMPN 2



Significance of Study

It is hoped that the result of this research will give advantages for

peoplewho read it, especially:

1. For Researcher

To provide beneficial information about implementation of TPR in teaching

imperative sentences at SMPN 2 Tanggerang selatan.

2. For Teacher

To enrich the teachers’ knowledge in teaching English using TPR method and


Tanggerang selatan. It can inspire the English teachers to develop their

teaching strategies to make students easy in learning grammar, especially

Imperative sentences.

3. For Students

To give better and useful input for the students and their English language




In this chapter, the writer explained about definition imperatives sentences

which consist of kinds of imperative sentences and verb in imperative sentences,

Total physical response and teaching Imperative sentences by using Total physical

response andconceptual framework.

A. Imperative sentence

1. Definition of Imperative Sentence

There are many explanations in imperative sentence. According to Betty Schrampfer Azar “Imperative Sentences are used to give command, make polite requests and give direction.”1

It seems that the uses of imperative are wide and

many variety. Another explanation from Eugene J. Hall Imperative Sentences are

used to give a command or to make the request. The word imperative comes from a Latin verb meaning “to command”.2

Another assumption from James R. Hurford “An Imperative Sentence is of the sort typically used to give a command or order.”3 It means that many specific to give a command or order to other people.In

English, imperatives are normally missing of subject, though all othe normal parts

of the sentence are present.the verb in an English imperative is base form of the

verb, without endings of any kind.Another explanation comes from John E.

Matriner in English Grammar and Composition “An Imperative sentence gives a command or makes a request”.4

It seem with the first explanation from Betty.

From those explanations above, it can be concluded that imperative

sentences are used in several utterances. It can be used for giving command,

giving request, giving direction, giving order.


Betty Schrampter Azar, Fundamentals of English Grammar: Third Edition, (New York: Pearson Education,2003 ), p. 213.


Eugene J. Hall. Grammar for Use: A Realistic Approach to Grammar Study For Immediate and Practical Application (USA: Natural Textbook Company, 1993), p. 224.


James R. Hurford, Grammar a student’s guide, (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1994), p. 95.



We have known that sentences consist of subject and predicate and

imperative sentencealso consists of a subject followed by a subject

andpredicate.5Automatically imperative sentence, it consists of subject and

predicate. As noted, English imperatives lack subjects, but in them an implicit

second person subjectyouis normally understood.6It means whether we say please go

away, the person or the people we are speaking to naturally understands that he or

she is the person who is to go away, even though we don’t say you.

2. The Form of Imperative Sentence

The simple form of a verb is used in imperative sentences. The understood

subject of the sentence is you (meaning the person the speaking is talking to


The simple imperative, as in give, open, antedates inflection form which

along with interjection, like O! Ouch! belong to the oldest forms of spoken

speech.8Although the oldest imperatives form, it is still used wide, but now it is

only one of many forms. For today the expression of one’s will is no longer a

simple matter as in the earliest period when men were less differentiated and less


Traditional grammarians have referred to underlying subject of imperative

sentence as the “understood you.” In other words, the subject always missing of

an imperative is the second person singular or plural subject pronoun, you.9

The basic forms of imperatives are:

a. The imperative does not usually have a subject, but it can be used with one a

noun or pronoun if it is necessary to make it clear who is being spoken to.10

Example : Somebody clean the window


Rodney Huddleston and Geoffrey K. Pullum, A Student’s Introduction to English

Grammar, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005), p. 12.


James R. Hurford, loc. cit.


Betty SchrampferAzar, Fundamentals of English Grammar, (Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice hall, 1985), p. 70.


George O. Curme. English Grammar, New York: Barnes and Noble, Inc., 1966), p. 249.


Marianne Celce - Murcia, Diane Larsen Freeman, the Grammar Book: an ESL/EFL Teacher course: second edition (New York:Heinle and Heinle publishers, inc, 1999), p. 228.




Acing, come forward

b. An imperative can be made more emphatic by putting do before it.

The form with do is also employed in entreaties and as an emphatic

prohibition or negative command, here usually with stressed.11

Example : Do clean up

Do sit down

c. Negative imperatives are constructed with do not or don’t

Example : Don’t open the door

Do not, my friends, consider that all is lost.12

Negative imperative are somewhat more complicated than their affirmative

counterparts. Three types of negative imperatives occur.13

1) Don’t you be late

2) Don’t be late

3) Do not be late

d. Always and never come before imperative.14 A final observation is that it is

possible to produce negative imperative by using the preverbal adverb of frequency. “never” in initial position without the do verb.15

Example : Always remember me

Never be late again!

e. Although do is not normally used with be to make questions and negatives,

do is used to make negative or emphatic imperatives of be. Example : Don’t be lazy!

Don’t be late! Don’t be noise


Curme,op.cit, p. 250.


Randolph Quirk, Sidney Greenbaum, Geoffrey Leech, Jan Startvik, A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language, (New York: Longman Inc., 1985), p. 830.


Murcia, op. cit., p. 140.


Swan, loc. cit.



f. Some languages have a first person plural “imperative” form used to suggest

that the group one is with should do something. English does have not this, but there are stucture with let us (or let’s + infinitive which has a similar meaning.16

Example : Let’s go to the movies Let’s have a party

Negative form let’s not go to the movies

g. Passive imperatives are often constructed with get

Example : Get vaccinated as soon as you can

h. There is some question tag that is used in imperative sentence, the question tag are will you? Won’t you? Would you? Can you? Can’t you? And could you?

Example : Open the window, would you?

Do sit down, won’t you?

i. There is a special way os using the imperative (followed by and....) in which

it is similar to and if-clause.17

Example: Walk down our street any day and you’ill see beautiful panorama.

1. Verb in Imperative Sentences

There are five signals show that a sentence is an imperative.18

1. Many imperatives do not have grammatical subjects. Unlike that other

sentence, there is nothing in the subject (s) part of the clause.

Write your name at the top of the page.


The imperative is, incidentally, the only pattern in formal English where the

subject is not expressed. In other environments, the subjects might be omitted

in informal speech in a conversational context. Where sentence fragments, or

utterance, were being used in place of complete, formal sentences.19


Swan, op. cit., p. 315.




Irwin Feigrnbaum. The Grammar Handbook, (Oxford University Press, 1985), p. 32.




2. The verb form is the simple form (sometimes called the base form or the

infinitive without to)

Be on time for the test

Answer all the questions on the test

The negative is formed by adding do not or don’t

Don’t begin to work before 8.30

3. Polite words or phrases are often used in imperative sentences, especially if

they are requests or suggestions.

Please bring me your note book

Sometimes the word “let’s” is used in an imperative sentence. This shows that the person who is speaking plans to join the action.

4. The usual end punctuation for a written imperative sentence is a period.

However, when the imperative is very strong, the end punctuation is an

exclamation mark.

Sit down!

5. The usual intonation for an imperative is falling intonation at the end

Be on time for the interview

However when the imperative has grammar structure of a yes no question,

the intonation may be rising of falling.

The imperative commands and request takes no subject as 'you' is the implied

subject. The imperative form ends with either a period (.) or an exclamation point


Open the door, Finish your homework, Pick up that mees

As mentioned above, in the second signal, the verb that is used in

imperative sentence is the simple form. Here are some verbs that are used in

imperative sentence:

Stand up—close







B. Total Physical Response

1. Background of total Physical Response

Total physical response is a language teaching method built around the

coordination of speech and action; it attempts to teach language through physical

(motor) activity, developed by James Asher, a professor of psychology at San Jose

State University, California. Total physical response method was developed in

order to reduce the stress people feel when studying foreign languages and

thereby encourage students to persist in their study beyond beginning level of


In a developmental sense, Asher sees successful adult second language

learning as a parallel process to child first language acquisition. He claims that

speech directed to young children consist of commands, which children respond

to physically before they begin to produce verbal responses. Asher feels adult

should effort to processes which children acquire their mother tongue.

TPR has become a command and effective means of introducing children

and adults to a foreign language, and in particular to listening, especially in early

stages of instruction. By using physical response is usually a lot of fun for

students and provides excellent practice in both listening comprehension and


In TPR, teachers interact with students by delivering commands, and

students demonstrate comprehension through physical response.22


Rebecca L. Oxford, Language Learning Strategy, What Every Teacher Should Know, ( Boston: Heinle and Heinle Publishers,1990), p. 108.




From the statemennt above, the writer concluded that TPR ( Total Physical

Response) is a language teaching method built around speech and action, which

the teacher give a command and the student can respond physically.TPR combines a number of other insight in it’s rationale.23

2. Design of Total Physical Response

a. The Objectives

The general objectives of Total Physical Response are to teach oral

proficiency at a beginning level.24

TPR was developed to improve the better score of teaching learning

process of a new language; also the teacher who use TPR method believe that the

students enjoying their experience in learning the new language.

Freeman stated that “TPR was developed in order to reduce the stress people feel when studying foreign languages and there by encourage students to

persist in their study beyond a beginning level of proficiency. Based on statement

above, there are some objectives of Total Physical Response.

b. The Syllabus

The type of syllabus Asher uses can be inferred from an analysis of the

exercise types employed in TPR classes. This analysis reveals the use of the

sentences – based syllabus, with grammatical and lexical criteria being primary in

selecting teaching items.

c. Types of learning and teaching activities

1) Imperative drills; these are the major classroom activity in TPR. They are

typically used to elicit physical actions and activity on the part of the learners.

2) Conversational dialogues; but these are delayed until after about 120 hours of instruction. Asher’s rational for this is that “everyday conversations are


H. Douglas Brown, Teaching by Principle an Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy, (San Pransisco: Prantice Hall-Inc; 1994), p. 64.



highly abstract and disconnected; therefore to understand them requires a

rather advanced internalization of the target language” (1977:95).

3) Role-play; it centers on everyday situations.

4) Slide Presentations; these are used to provide a visual center for teacher

narration, which is followed by commands. And for questions to students, such as “which person in the picture in the salesperson?”

5) Reading and writing activities; it may also be employed to further consolidate

structures and vocabulary, and as follow-ups to oral imperative drills.

d. Learner Roles

Learners in TPR have the primary roles of listener and performer. They

listen intensively and response physically to commands given by the teacher in

the school. Learners are required to response between individually and

collectively. Learners monitor and could evaluate their own progress. They are

being able to speak when they ready to speak that is. When a sufficient basis in

the language has been internalize.

e. Teacher Roles

The teacher plays an active and direct role in TPR. It is the teacher who

decides what to teach who models and present the new materials, and who selects

supporting materials for classroom use.

f. Principles of Total Physical Response Method

The principles of TPR method are very important to be noticed and here

are several of them that stated from Dian Larsen-Freeman:

1) Meaning in target language can be often be conveyed through action memory

is activated through learner response.

2) The students understanding of the target language should be developed before




4) Students should not be made to memorize fixed routines

5) Spoken language should be emphasized over written language.

6) Students are expected to make errors when they first begin to speak.25

g. Procedure of TPR

The course was for adult immigrants and consisted of 159 hours of

classroom instruction. The sixth class in the course proceedge in the following


1) Review. This was a fast-moving war-up which individual students were

moved with commands.

2) New command. These verbs were introduced

3) Role reversal. Students readily volunteered to utter commands that

manipulated the behaveiour of the instructor and other students.

4) Reading and writing. The instructor wrote on the blackboard each new

vocabulary item and a sentence to illustrate the item, then she spoke each

item and acted out the sentence. The students listened as she read the

material. Some copied the information in their notebooks.

h. Advantages of Total Physical Response

TPR has some advantages and disadvantages. Its advantages include:

1) It is a lot of fun. Learners enjoy it, and this method can be a real stirrer in the


2) It is very memorable. It does assist studnets to recognize phrases or words.

3) It is good for kinesthetic learners who are required to be active in the class

4) It can be used both in large or small classes. In this case, it isno matter to

have how many students you have as long as you are prepared to take the


5) It works well with mixed-ability classes. The physical actions get across the

meaning effectively so that all the learners are able to comprehend and apply

the target language;



6) It is no need to have a lot of preparation or materials using the TPR. In this

regard, as long as you are competent of what you want to practice (a rehearsal

beforehand can help), it will not take a lot of time to get ready;

7) It is very effective with teenagers and young learners; and

8) It involves both left and right-brained learning.26

i. Disadvantages of Total Physical Response

1) Students who are not used to such things might find it emberrasing. This can

be the case initially but I have found that if the teacher is prepared to perfome

the action. The students feel happier about copying.

2) It is only really suitable for beginner levels.

3) Whilst it is clear that it is far more useful at lower levels because the target

language lends itself to such activities I have

4) also used it Successefully with intermediate and advanced levels.27

C. Teaching Imperative Sentences By Using Total Physical Response

TPR is a method that requires students to listen to teacher’s command comprehensively. Later, students observe teacher’s performance and perform what teacher commands. The role is taking by the teacher; he said an instruction

and demonstrates it. Afterwards the teacher says it again and all the students are to

do theaction. After a few repeating processes, students are able not only to

demonstrate the phrase but also to repeat it in words. It can be seen while the

students learnedin classroom moreover it can reduces the stress of students when

they studying foreign languages.

TPR is a kind of method that involves students’ body in performing the action; they listen to teacher’s command, and then perform it well.


http://.wordpress.com/2012/02/21/teaching-children-using-a-total-physical-response-tpr-method-rethinking/downloaded on August 15th 2012 at 01.50 p.m Tuesday




The statement above is based on Thornburry stated that reinforcing a

situational presentation with picture, board drawings, or gesture makes it more

intelligible, and perhaps more memorable.28

In addition,the mainof this method are very lively lessons and students

who easily retrieve the language. This method makes the students listen and

respond to the spoken target language commands of their teacher. They can perform the teacher’s instructions it means that they knowing the words. there are many endorser of TPR believe in the importance of having their students enjoy

their experiences in learning target language, it can reduce their stress in learning

foreign language.

TPR method surely influence students in learning foreign language, it is

able to understanding in learning target language through its principles, such as students observe teacher’s performance, listen to teacher’s command, perform teacher’s command, and they can reduce the stress through its activity.

D. Conceptual Framework

There are many method used in language teaching. Total Physical

Response is a method developed by Asher and suitable for using in the classroom

and students can learn through observing actions as well as by performing. It can be presented by using game that is reasonable to learners’ character. Total Physical Response was developed to reduce stress people when studying foreign

language. The teacher use TPR also believe in the importance having the students

enjoy the experience in learning how to communicate in a foreign language. As

one of grammatical structures, imperative sentence should be taught and

practiced along in communication. To realize the goal and learning process of

imperative sentence should be visible in context of students’ life. By using the

Total Physical Responses, it can hoped that the teacher be able to motivate them

in learn and pay attention to the material are given by the teacher in classroom.



Finally, the students are able to understand well and encourage toe learn

English more hard. As the whole, the students will understand the concept of





A. Research Design

The researcher used the subject of this experiment is students at

grade VII of SMPN 2 Tangsel, the researcher also used 2 classes at grade

VII which is VII 6 and VII 5 . the class VII 6 as an experiment class while

VII 5 as a control class.

In addition, for this affect the researcher decided to choose of

treatment that is VII 6 class as an experiment class and for this class the

researcher used Total Physical Response in her teaching English Imperative

Sentences, beside that, VII 5 class as a control class for this study and in this

class the researcher didn’t use Total Physical Response in teaching english

imperative sentences.

B. The Place And Time of The Research

The research of this study was held at SMPN 2 Tangsel, Banten,

which is located on Jl. Cirendeu Raya, Tanggerang, Banten. The writer

conducted this research about eight days for two meeting.The reseacrh was

held February,4th to 28 March 2013 for eight meeting every

class(experiment and contolled classes), consisting fo presenting and giving

the test. After data were collected, the writer began to analyze them.

C. Method of the Research

In doing the research, the writer used experimental research by

teaching imperative sentences in two different teaching techniques. In the

experiment class, the writer taught using TPR (Total Physical Response)

technique and in control class, the writer taught without using TPR method.

D. Instrument of the Research


E. Population and Sample

In this research the writer takes a role as the researcher which is take

the population at VII grade students SMPN 2 Tangsel. The quantity students

of seventh grade students SMPN 2 Tangsel Banten, are 400 students,

namely class VII 1, VII 2, VII 3, VII 4, VII 5, VII 6, VII 8, VII 9, VII 10

which consist of 40 students every class. In This research, the writer takes

sample of research is two classes, they are 80 students. The writer was taken

random aboutsample technique decide the sample. Class VII 6 which is

employed 40 students as the experiment class and VII 5 which is employed

40 students as the control class. It will be taken only 20 students from each

class. The writer collect the data by giving the students the same test 20

questions for both experiment class and control class.

F. The Technique of Collecting Data

One the important thing in this research is collecting data. To collect

the data, the writer used the test. The test was done to know the effectiveness of using TPR toward students’ imperative sentences mastery. It can determine the result of the research. In the experiment and control

class the writer gives the pre-test to the students both of two classes. While

the post-test arranged to determine to growth of learning outcomes with two

methods used in this research. This some explain about the writer doing in

collecting data:

1. Pre-test

The writer gave the pre-test to the students in the beginning of

attending both experiment and control class. The test consist of 40 items multiple choices. This test used to know the students’ knowledge of the material which will be taught

2. Post-test

The writer gave the post-test to the students experiment class and

control class in the end of lesson. The tests are similar with the test in



multiple choices. There are 40 ( forty ) items in the test and the whole

are multiple choices. If students answered a question correctly, they

would be given score 2.5 for complete sentences. So the score of

students for the whole, if they answered are 100.

G. Technique of Analyzing the Data

Analyzing the Data is the last step in the procedure of experiment, in

this case, processing the data. Data processing is the step to know the result

of both the experiment class and control class and also their differences.

In analyzing the Data, the writer compares the score between pre-test

and post-test of bot the experiment class and control class to find out the differences score of student’s achievement in teaching imperative sentences by using TPR. This research was analyzed by using T-test.1

��= �1 −�2 ���1−�2

M1 = Mean of variable X

M2 = Mean of variable Y

SE = Standard Error

The procedures of calculation were as follows.

a. Determining Mean of Variable X, with formula:

M1= X


b. Determining Mean of Variable Y, with formula

M2= Y


c. Determining Standard of Deviation Score of Variable X, with formula:

SD1 = X2




d. Determining Standard of Deviation Score of Variable Y, with formula:

SD2 = Y2


e. Determining Standard Error of Mean of Variable X, with formula:

SEM1 = SD1


f. Determining Standard Error of Mean of variable Y, with formula:

SEM2 = SD2


g. Determining Standard Error of Mean of Mean of variable X and

variable Y, with formula:

SE M1-M2 = SEM 1 1

+ SEM 22

h. Determining to with formula:


M1−M2 SEM 1−SEM 2

i. Determining t-table in significance level 5% and 1% with degree of

Freedom (df)

df = (N1+N2)-2

H. The Testing of Hypothesis

The statistic hypothesis stated:

 Ha : Using total physical response method is effective toward the students’ imperative senteces mastery.

 Ho : Using total phyisal response is not effective toward the students’ imperative sentences mastery.

According to the statistiacl hypothesis, Ha accepted if the average

score of calculation to (t-observation) is higher than tt (t-table). Meanwhile,

Ha rejected if the average score of calculation to (t-observation) is smaller





A. Data Description

The writer collected the data from students pre-test and students post-test from both of classes. The data described into two tables. The students’ score imperative sentences mastery presented in table 4.1 and the students’ score

imperative sentences mastery presented in table 4.2.

The pre-test same as with post-test consist of 40 (forty) items in the test. It’s all question are multiple choice, if students answered a question correctly, they would given 2.5 for multiple choice. Then the scores for the whole of items


are 100. To know the scores of the test, it was presented in table below.

Table 4.1The Scores of the Students in Experiment Class

No Students Pre-Test (X1) Post-Test (X2) Gain (X2-X1)

1 65 72 7

2 60 77 17

3 60 77 17

4 75 82 7

5 67 75 8

6 65 72 7

7 67 75 8

8 67 75 8

9 65 72 7

10 75 77 2

11 70 77 7

12 62 75 13

13 75 85 10

14 60 75 15

15 67 80 13

16 65 74 9

17 55 72 17

18 70 85 15

19 67 77 10

20 65 72 7


Note :

X1 : Pre-test Score X2 : Post-test Score Gain : X2—X1

From the table above, it can be seen that, in pre- test there is one student

who got score 55, three students who got score 60, one student who got score 62,

five students who got score 65, five students who got score 67, two students who

got score 70, and three students who got score 75, and there wasn’t any student

who didn’t get a gained score.

The students’ scoresin post- test were higher than in the pre- test. It can be

seen in the table above that the highest score in post- test was 85 and there wasone

student who got it. There were three students who got 72(the lowest score).

The next following table is the result of the students in Control Class


without using Total Physical Response.

Table 4.2 The Scores of the Students in Control Class

No Students Pre-Test (X1) Post-Test (X2) Gain (X2-X1)

1 55 60 5

2 55 57 2

3 60 65 5

4 50 57 7

5 55 60 5

6 60 67 7

7 52 60 8

8 55 60 5

9 60 67 7

10 50 65 15

11 62 67 5

12 65 72 7

13 55 60 5

14 60 72 12

15 55 60 5

16 50 55 5

17 45 55 10

18 40 60 20

19 50 57 7

20 57 70 5



Based on the table above,, in pre-test there was onestudentwho got 40, one

student who got 45, four students who got 50, one student who got 52, six

students who got 55, one student who got 57, four students who got 60, one

student who got 62, and the last one student who got 65.

After post- test, their scores were higher than pre- test. It can be seen that

the highest score in post- test was 72(two students who got it) and the lowest

score was 55(there were two students who got it). Whereas their average score for

the pre-test is 54.55, and the average score for the post-test is 62.3. Moreover, the

average gain score is 7.35.

From the table above the writer can summarize the experiment class

(learning imperative sentences using TPR method) got the higher score than the

control class (without TPR method when they learnt imperative sentences).

The next table shows the result calculation of the post-test both Experiment

Class using Total Physical Response and Control Class without using Total

Physical Response.As mentioned before, that in analyzing the data from the result

of pre- test and post- test, the writer used statistic calculation of the t- test formula


with the degree of significance 5 % and 1 %.

Table 4.3 Standard Deviation Table

No X Y x y x2 y


1 7 5 -3.2 -0.35 10.24 0.1225

2 17 2 6.8 -5.35 46.24 28.6225

3 17 5 6.8 -2.35 46.24 5.5225

4 7 7 -3.2 -0.35 10.24 0.1225

5 8 5 -2.2 -2.35 4.84 5.5225

6 7 7 -3.2 -0.35 10.24 0.1225

7 8 8 -2.2 0.65 4.84 0.4225



X = the students’ gained score in experimental class Y = the students’ gained score in control class x = X – MX

y = Y – MY

A. Data Analysis and Test of Hypothesis

1. Data Analysis

The procedures of calculation were as follows.

a. Determining Mean of Variable X, with formula:


X N1

= Σ





No X Y x y x2 y


9 7 7 -3.2 -0.35 10.24 0.1225

10 2 15 -0.2 7.65 0.04 58.5225

11 7 5 -3.2 -2.35 10.24 5.5225

12 13 7 2.8 -0.35 7.84 0.1225

13 10 5 -0.2 -2.35 0.04 5.5225

14 15 12 4.8 4.65 23.04 21.6225

15 13 5 2.8 -2.35 7.84 5.5225

16 9 5 -1.2 -2.35 1.44 5.5225

17 17 10 6.8 2.65 46.24 7.0225

18 15 20 4.8 12.65 23.04 160.0225

19 10 7 -0.2 -0.35 0.04 0.1225

20 7 5 -3.2 -2.35 10.24 5.5225



b. Determining Mean of Variable Y, with formula:


Y N2

= Σ





c. Determining Standard of Deviation Score of Variable X, with formula:

SD1 =





102 2






52.02 = 7.21

d. Determining Standard of Deviation Score of Variable Y, with formula:

SD2 =

Y2 N2



7.35 2 20





2.701125 = 1.64

e. Determining Standard Error of Mean of Variable X, with formula:

SEM1 =

SD1 N1−1


7.21 20−1





0.37 = 0.61

f. Determining Standard Error of Mean of variable Y, with formula:

SEM2 =

SD2 N2−1


1.64 20−1





0.08 = 0.28

g. Determining Standard Error of Mean of Mean of variable X and variable Y,

with formula:

SE M1-M2 = SEM 1 1

+ SEM 22


0.61 2+ 0.28 2

0.3721 + 0.0784 = 0.45 = 0.67

h. Determining to with formula:




SEM 1− SEM 2


10.2−7.35 0.67






i. Determining t-table in significance level 5% and 1% with degree of Freedom


df = (N1+N2)-2 = ( 20 + 20 ) – 2 = 38

The writer gained t-table:

Degree of significance 5% = 2.02

Degree of significance 1% = 2.71

2. The comparison between t-score and t-table

In the table of significance or in t-table , we can see on the df = 38 and on

the degree of 5% and 1%, the result is 2.02 and 2.71 t-score is 4.25 so we see the

differences between t- score and t-table, and t-score is higher than t-table,there is

affect of using TPR in experimental class, it can be concluded that the null of

hypothesis (Ho) is rejected and the Ha is accepted.

3. The Testing of The Hypotheses

To give evidence the hypothesis, the data obtained from the experiment

class and the control class was calculated by using the t- test formula with the


The hypotheses to be tested areas follow

t0>tt : The alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted and the null hypothesis

(H0) is rejected. It means,using total physical response method is no effective toward the students’ imperative sentences mastery.

t0<tt : The alternative hypothesis (Ha) is rejected and the null hypothesis (H0)

is accepted. It means, using total physical response method is effective toward the students’ imperative sentences mastery.

Based on the result of calculation above, it is obtained that the value of tois

4.25 and ttvalue on degree of significance of 5% and 1 %, are 2.02 and 2.71. The

comparison between the value of ttand the value of to is 2.02 < 4.25 > 2.71. It can



rejected. In other words, it can be said that there is effectiveness of using TPR in

the experimental class and the control class scores.

A. Data Interpretation

The writer using Total Physical Responsemeans to help the students cope

with difficulties when they learn Imperative sentences by listing and memorizing

the verbs as their teacher have been taught them. The role is taking by the teacher;

he said an instruction and demonstrates it. Afterwards the teacher says it again and

all the students are to do theaction. After a few repeating processes, students are

able not only to demonstrate the phrase but also to repeat it in words. It can be

seen while the students learnedin classroom moreover it can reduces the stress of

students when they studying foreign languages.

Total Physical Response is based on expert that the more active learning

and more effective in teaching Imperative sentences. Firstly, this method suits the

kinesthetic learners who need to be active in the class. The TPR help them pay

attention and listen to the teacher and behave in appropriate way. This method can improve the students’ courage especially for some shy students in the classroom of SMPN 2 Tangsel, it can more helpful.

Secondly, the mainof this method are very lively lessons and students who

easily retrieve the language. This method makes the students listen and respond to

the spoken target language commands of their teacher. They can perform the teacher’s instructions it means that they knowing the words.

Thirdly, using TPR is usually a lot of fun for the students in SMPN 2

Tangsel, this method become the alternative in teaching Imperative Sentences; the

students become more interesting and enjoying in learning Imperative Sentences.

It can seen from the forth chapter

Fourthly, According to the result of hypothesis, it is known that teaching

Imperative Sentences by using TPR can give a significant achievement to the first

year of SMPN 2 Tangsel especially in their understanding. In other words, the


(TPR) students has enjoyed and can reduce their stress in learning Imperative


Finally the writer concluded that using TPR method in teaching imperative





A. Conclusions

By having conducted this research, then the writer presents some

conclusions as follow:

After analyzing the result of the research, the writer got the data that using

total physical response is effective toward the students’ imperative sentences

mastery.The value of ttand the value of to is 2.02 < 4.25> 2.71. It can be seen that

tois higher than tt, so it is concluded that alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted, it

means that using total physical response is effective toward the students’

imperative sentences mastery. Null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected, it means that using

total physical response is no effective toward the students’ imperative sentences mastery

B. Suggestions

Considering the result of this study, the writer would like to give some

suggestions. They are as follows:

1. The English teacher should create a good atmosphere in the classroom to

make their students felt happy and comfort, and it not only just felt and

comfort but make them surely understand about the material especially in

mastering grammar (Imperative Sentences).

2. The English teacher should make their student’s spirit increased in learning

Imperative Sentences even though they felt tired and sleepy because by

learning Imperative Sentences make the students fun and relax to response the

command by their action.

3. The English teacher should not only focus on the new verb for beginner level,

but also how to apply and conditioned Imperative Sentences by using TPR in

intermediate levels.

4. To help students to understand the new vocabulary toward students’


5. The teacher should motivate the students by giving rewards so that students

are able to do the task correctly.

6. School should prepare a right tool and a kind labor to achieve and support in




Azar, Betty Schrampter, Understanding English Grammar, Englewod Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice – Hall, Inc., 1989.

_____, Fundamentals of English Grammar, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice hall, 1985.

Brown, H. Douglas, Teaching by Principle an Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy, San Pransisco: Prantice Hall-Inc., 1994.

Celce, Murcia and Diane Larsen Freeman, The Grammar Book: An ESL/ EFL Teacher’s Course Rowly, Massachusetts: Newbury House Publishers, Inc., 1983.

Curme, George O, English Grammar, New York: Barnes and Noble, Inc., 1996.

Edward L. Vockell and J. William Asher, Educational Research, New Jersey: Englewood Cliffs, 1995.

Feigrnbaum, Irwin, The Grammar Handbook, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1985.

Fraenkel, Jack R and Norman E Wallen, How to Design and Evaluate Research in Education Second Edition, New York: McGraw- Hill Inc., 1993.

Hall, Eugene J, Grammar For Use: A Realistic Approach to Grammar Study For Immediate and Practical Application, USA: Natural Textbook Company, 1993.

Harmer, Jeremy. The Practice of English Language Teaching Third Edition Completed Revised and Updated. Essex: Longman, 2001.

Harmer, Jeremy. English Language Teaching, Edinburg Gate: Pearson Education Limited, 2001.

Helena Anderson Curtain and Carol Ann Pasela, Language and Children-Making The Match: Foreign Language Instruction in the Elementary School, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc., 1988.

Hornby, A.S, Oxford Advenced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English, Oxford University Press, 2000.

Khaeruddinhsb—wordpress, “Sentences”, www.khairuddinhsb.wordpress, 17th April 2013.


L Oxford, Rebecca, Language Learning Strategi, What Every Teacher Should Know, New York: Heinle & Heinle Publisher, Inc., 1990.

Marianne Celce - Murcia, Diane Larsen Freeman, The Grammar Book: An ESL/EFL Teacher Course Second Edition, New York: Heinle and Heinle publishers, Inc., 1999.

Pullum, Geoffrey K and Huddleston Rodney, A Student’s Introduction to English Grammar, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005.

Rahayu Dwi Rianti, dkk., Cross Cultural Understanding, Jakarta: English Education Departmen, 2007.

Randolph Quirk, Sidney Greenbaum, Geoffrey Leech, Jan Startvik, A Comprehensive Grammar of The English Language, New York: Longman Inc., 1985.

Richard,Jack C., and Theodore S Rodgers, Approach and Methods in Language Teaching Description and Analysis, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1986.

R Hurford, James, Grammar a Student’s Guide, New York: Cambridge University Press, 1994.

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Thornbury, Scott, How to Teach Vocabulary, London: Pearson Education Limited, 2002.

TPR world, "Total Physical Response", www.tprworldbenefit.html, 17th April 2013.




(Eksperiment class)

SMP/MTs : SMP Negeri 2 Tangsel

Kelas/Semester : VII (Tujuh) / 2

Standar Kompetensi : 1. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional

pendek sangat sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan

lingkungan terdekat

Kompetensi Dasar : 1.1 Mengungkapkan makna gagasan dalam teks tulis

fungsional pendek sangat sederhana dengan menggunakan

ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima

untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat

Indikator : Siswa dapat:

 Siswadapatmengerjakan soal-soal yang telah diberikan mengenai materi yang berkaitan dengan “Imperative Sentences” dengan benar. (pre test)

 Siswa dapat merespon ungkapan – ungkapankalimatperintah (imperative sentence) dalambentukmemberiperintah (giving command).

 Siswa dapat membuat ungkapan-ungkapan kalimatperintah (imperative sentence)dalambentuk memberi perintah (giving command).

 Siswa dapat menentukan pola kalimat imperative dalam bentuk larangan

atau (prohibition).

 Siswa mampu membuat contoh kalimat imperative dalam bentuk larangan atau prohibition sesuai dengan artinya.

 Siswa mampu melengkapi kalimat dengan kata kerja yang sesuai.

 Siswa mampu memperagakan beberapa kalimat imperative (polite request) sesuai dengan artinya.

 Siswa mampu menyusun pola yang diacak dalam imperative sentence (politerequest).

 Siswa dapat menentukan pola kalimat imperative yaitu : suggestion.

 Siswa mampu memberikan respon yang tepat mengenai imperative

sentence yang diberikan guru tentang suggestion.

 Siswa dapat menuliskan contoh kalimat imperative suggestion.

Tema : Command, Prohibition, Polite Request, Suggestion

Aspek/Skill : Vocabulary, Speaking, Listening,



Untuk memberi perintah kepada seseorang atau sesama sebaya, dapat

dilakukan dengan cara berikut

Kalimat positif (positive imperative sentence)

1. Verb -1 = go, hurry, open 3. Verb – 1 + preposition

2. Verb-1 + noun sit down, stand up , get

out, come in

Open the door 4. Verb – 1 + adverb

Open the window stop here, stay here, stay here

5. Be + adjective

Be quite, be diligent, be nice , be calm

Kalimat negatif ( negative imperative sentece)

Untuk membentuk negative imperative cukup menambahkan don’t di depan

verb 1 atau be

Prohibition (negative imperative)

a. Don’t + V – 1

Don’t go, don’t wait, don’t stop, don’t run b. Don’t + V- 1 + Noun

Don’t open the window Don’t open the refrigulator Don’t close the door c. Don’t + V-1 + preposition

Don’t sit down Do’t come in

Don’t get out Don’t stand up

d. Don’t + V-1 + keterangan tempat Don’t come here

Don’t stop here Don’t stay here

e. Don’t be + adjective / kata sifat




Pola request menambahkan please didepan atau dibelakang kata perintah

(command )

Please close the door

Close the door please.

Request dengan will dan would

Polanya : will + would + S + V infinitive without to + O/C

Would + S + mind + verb+ing +O/C

Examples :

Will you come to my house? Will you come to my house please?

Would you show shuflle dance?

Would you mind singing beside the class?

Untuk merespon bisa menggunakan ungkapan-ungkapan dibawah ini

- Yes, alright Kecuali dengan would you mind untuk merespon

dengan ungkapan

- Yes, certainly No, not at all

- Yes, of course

- Yes, sure

 Using Let’s to express the suggestion

Pattern : Let’s (let’s us) + infinitive + verb 1 = positive imperative


Example : Let’s go to the library

Pattern : Let’s (Let’s us) + not + infinitive + verb1 = negative imperative (suggestion)

Example : Let’s not go to the library

 See the dialogue about suggestion, then practice it

Ami : what happened with you ? are you sick?

Uliz : it is ok, I just have a stomachache

Ami : Let’s go home

Uliz : No, I will finish my exercise first Nini : It’s rain today


2. Metode Pembelajaran: TPR

3. Sumber belajar

Sumber : Buku teks yang relevan dan internet

Alatpembelajaran : Gambar – gambar relevan, infocus.

4. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan

Pertemuan pertama

a. Kegiatan pendahuluan

b. Mengucapkan salam pembuka dan memberikan cerita singkat kisah

kesuksesan seseorang seperti Chairul Tanjung

c. Kegiatan inti

 Guru memberikan soal pre-test tentang Imperative Sentences.

 Guru memeriksa hasil pre-test dari siswa.

 Guru dan siswa berdiskusi tentang soal pre-test tentang Imperative

Sentences yang telah diberikan kepada murid.

d. Kegiatan penutup

 Guru menjelaskan apa itu Imperative Sentences

Pertemuan ke - dua

a. Kegiatan Pendahuluan

 Mengucapkan salam pembuka dan bernyanyi sebelum dimulainya


 mengkondisikan siswa untuk belajar.

 Guru menanyakan kembali apa itu imperative sentences (giving command)

b. Kegiatan Inti

 Siswadimintauntuk mendengarkan terlebih dahulu sebelum


Table 4.1The Scores of the Students in Experiment Class
Table 4.2 The Scores of the Students in Control Class
Table 4.3 Standard Deviation Table


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Media yang diterapkan dalam pembelajaran ini adalah kertas warna, ini merupakan relevansi dari peneliti sebelumnya, dalam meningkatkan kemampuan motorik halus pada anak dengan

Thus, the aim of this study was to test whether NADPH-oxidase activity and ROS production within arteries of ischemic and adjacent brain regions is altered following stroke induced

Uji normalitas terhadap skala stres remaja dalam keluarga dengan menggunakan uji Kolmogorov-Smirnov yang.. Hasil uji normalitas variabel stres remaja dalam

Lampiran D.2 Data Skala Awal dan Skala Akhir Disposisi Berpikir Kreatif Siswa Kelas Kontrol