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Submitted to English Applied Linguistics Study Program in Partial Fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Magister Humaniora



Registration Number : 8146111060







Praise and thanks to God for His blessing, health and strenght He has given to her that she can finish this thesis. He always accompanies her to do what she has to do and directs her to do the decision that she has gone through.

The writer would like to express a deepest gratitude to Prof. Amrin Saragih, M.A., Ph.D, as her first adviser for her valuable guidance, consultation and supports during working this thesis and Prof. Dr. Sri Minda Murni M.S. as her second adviser for her valuable corrections and advices in finishing her thesis.

The writer would like to express the profound gratitude for her examiners, Dr. Zainuddin, M. Hum., Dr. Rahmad Husein M.Ed. and Dr. Anni Holila Pulungan M. Hum. for their detailed reviews, correcting, revising, and suggestions in her thesis.

Sincere thanks goes to Dr. Rahmad Husein M.Ed and Prof. Dr. Sri Minda Murni, M.S as the Head and Secretary of English Applied Linguistic Study Program, as Farid as the administration staff for completing the administrative procedures.


It is with affection and appreciation that she acknowledges her indebtedness to her beloved husband and daugthers, Robert M. Siahaan and Vanessa Rodinar Siahaan, Andrea Leona Siahaan for her affection, praying, motivation, supporting in financial and material during the preparation of this thesis.

The writer thanks to her beloved family (Almh. J. Silalahi and N. Siregar, as her beloved parents and P. Siahaan and M.E Marpaung as her beloved parents in-law.

The writer thanks to her best friends in LTBI A2 class who has accompanied her as long as this study in master degree program.

Finally, she is aware that nothing is perfect as well as this thesis. For that, any constructive critism, suggestions, or comments will be highly appreciated to bring this next to perfection.

Medan, 2016 The Writer



S, Sarma Dewi K. Nomor Induk Siswa 8146111060. System Network of Speech Function in the Texts of Toba Batak Wedding Ceremony. Sebuah Thesis. Linguistik Terapan Bahasa Inggris, Program Pasca Sarjana. Universitas Negeri Medan. 2016.



S, Sarma Dewi K. Nomor Induk Siswa 8146111060. System Network of Speech Function in the Texts of Toba Batak Wedding Ceremony. Sebuah Thesis. Linguistik Terapan Bahasa Inggris, Program Pasca Sarjana. Universitas Negeri Medan. 2016.

Fungsi interpersonal bahasa merupakan fungsi bahasa untuk berinteraksi, membangun, menegosiasi dan memelihara hubungan sosial antar penutur. Pemilihan fungsi ujaran dan realisasi mood adalah bagian dari fungsi interpersonal yang dapat mempengaruhi hubungan interpersonal antara pembicara dalam percakapan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah (1) untuk menggambarkan fungsi sistem jaringan pada ujaran ditemukan dalam texs acara adat pernikahan masyarakat Batak Toba yang digunakan oleh Partisipan Dalihan natolu filosofi hidup masyarakat Batak Toba, dan (2) untuk menganalisis bagaimana fungsi ujaran yang digunakan oleh Partisipan dalihan natolu filosofi hidup masyarakat Batak Toba direalisasikan kedalam mood pada acara pernikahan masyarakat Batak Toba, kemudian (3) untuk menguraikan alasan pemilihan fungsi ujaran yang digunakan oleh partisipan dalihan natolu filosofi hidup masyarakat Batak Toba. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Sumber data penelitian diambil dari acara adat pernikahan masyarakat Batak Toba yang diadakan oleh Bapak P. S pada tanggal 19 november 2015 bertempat di Wisma Menteng Indah Medan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa fungsi ujaran yang terdapat dalam ujaran acara adat pernikahan masyarakat Batak Toba adalah statement (73.19%) dimana support (26.80%) adalah sistem network yang paling dominan digunakan oleh Partisipan Dalihan natolu filosofi hidup masyarakat Batak Toba dan diikuti oleh clarification (21.64%), praise (8.24%), information (7.21%), advisement (6.18%), reason (2.06%) dan hope (1.03%). Jaringan sistem berikut nya yang paling dominan yang digunakan oleh Partisipan Dalihan natolu filosofi hidup masyarakat Batak Toba adalah command (29.89%), yang paling dominan adalah positive command (22.68%) dan di ikuti oleh negative command (1.03%). Dan yang terakhir adalah question (3.09%), wh- question (2.06%) dan y/n question (1.03%). Statement, command, question, dan dimana statement direalisasikan oleh declarative mood, command direalisasikan oleh imperative mood, question direalisasikan oleh interrogative mood dan setiap kalimat direalisasikan pada speech function dan juga speech function dalam semantic telah direalisasikan dalam sistem mood dalam lexicogrammar. terdapat dua sistem network speech function pada statement sebagai penemuan baru yang ditemukan dalam penelitian ini, yaitu sistem network Praise statement dan Advicement statement. Kesimpulan nya adalah ujaran Partisipan Dalihan natolu filosofi hidup masyarakat Batak Toba sebagai objek penelitian yang direalisasikan dalam speech itu menjadi yang dominan digunakan dalam speech function. Maka itulah alasan kenapa speech function dominan digunakan dalam ujaran Partisipan Dalihan natolu filosofi hidup masyarakat Batak Toba.



Table of Contents





CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study ... 1

1.2 The Problems of the Study ... 6

1.3 The Objectives of the Study ... 6

1.4 The Scope of the Study ... 7

1.5 The Significance of the Study ... 7

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF LITERATURE 2.1 Interpersonal Functions ... 9

2.1.1 Speech Functions... ...11

2.1.2. Realization of speech function...17

2.1.3. Mood... 21

2.2 Text... ... 30

2.3 Philosophy of Toba Batak ... 30

2.4 Toba Batak Weddin Ceremony...31



2.4.2 Marhata Sinamot & Marpadun Saut (Discussion on the Bride’s

Price)... 32

2.4.3. Marunjuk (marriage ceremony... 33

2.5. Dalihan Natolu...34

2.6 Relevant Studies...35

2.7 Conceptual Famework...37

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD 3.1 Research Design ... 40

3.2 The Data and the Source of Data ... 40

3.3 The instrument of Data Collection ... 41

3.4 The Technique of Collecting of The Data ... 41

3.5 Techniques of Data Analysis ... 42

3.6 Trustworthiness of The Study... 44

3.6.1 Credibility...45

3.6.2 Transferability...45

3.6.3 Dependability...46

3.6.4 Confirmability...46

CHAPTER IV DATA ANALYSIS 4.1 Data Analysis ... 48

4.1.1 System Network of Speech Function the Toba Batak Wedding Ceremony...49


iii Command... ...55 Question... ...56

4.1.2 The Realization of Speech Functions in Moods used by Three Pillars in Toba Batak wedding ceremony...60

4.1.3 The Speech Function are coded by the Participants Dalihan natolu...63

4.2 Research Findings...65

4.3 Discussion...67


5.2 Suggestions...72



List of Tables


Table 2.1 : Giving or demanding, goods-&services or information...12

Table 3.1. Table 3.1. Summary of Technique for Estabilishing Trustworthiness...44

Table Initiating of Statement in the Texts...54

Table Initiating of Command in in the Texts...55

Table Initiating of Question in the Texts...56

Table System Network of Speech Functions Used By The Participants of Dalihan natolu utterances In the Texts Toba Batak Wedding Ceremony...58

Table Realization of Speech Functions in Moods used ...60



1.1.The Background of the Study

SFL is an approach to linguistics proposed by Halliday which sees the language used in social context. This approach is based on the theory of grammar which considers language as a resource used for communication not as a set of rules. It is explored how is the use of language in different context, and how language is structured for use as a semiotic system. Martin (1992:2) noted that the model of language in a systemic functional can be characterized in terms of language as a source. It means that language is a network of relationship. On the other and means that SFL is especially concern with the system, relationship between linguistics unit of various kinds and concerns with the speakers might tend to do.



There are two terms mostly involved while interacting or communicating, they are speaker and listener or audience. In the act of speaking, the speaker adopts for her/him self a particular speech role, and so in doing assigns to the listener a complementary role which s/he wishes to adopt in her/his turn. For example, in asking a question, a speaker is taking on the role of seeker of information and requiring the listener to take on the role of supplier of the information demanded. The most fundamental types of speech role are just two (1) giving and (2) demanding. Besides that, there is another distiction, equally fundamental, that relates to the nature of the commodity namely goods and services or information. These two variables define the four primary speech functions of statement, question, offer and command. These in turns are matched by a set desired responses: acknowledging a statement, answering a question, accepting an offer, and carrying out a command.

Halliday, 1985 stated that a system network is a theoretical tool to describe the sets of options available in a language variety; it represents abstract choice and does not correspond to a notion of actual choice or make psychological claims. Formally system networks correspond to type lattices in formal lattice theory, although they are occasionally erroneously mistaken for flowcharts or directed decision trees.



of customs and social life in society of generations. Wedding ceremony should watched by Dalihan natolu from parboru (bride) side and Dalihan natolu from paranak (groom) side in every step of ceremony. In wedding ceremony, there are

some steps from begin until in the end will pass, these are ; Marhusip, Marhata Sinamot, Marulaon unjuk (Pesta Pernikahan). Each step has a ritual that need

Dalihan natolu role to giving the signs that commonly used in the ceremony.

Toba Batak wedding ceremony used many signs such as ; ulos, ikan mas ‘dengke simudur udur’ , uang ‘hepeng’ , beras ‘boras sipir ni tondi’ , nasi ‘indahan na

las’ , air putih ‘aek sitio-tio’ , sirih ‘napuran’ , pinggan , sarung ‘mandar hela’ ,

daging ‘jambar’.

Here is the preliminary data of the texts used by Participants Dalihan natolu in Toba Batak wedding ceremony built interpersonal function in various

ways in the texts. Here is an example of the texts transcript:

Bohado Raja nami?

Wh / Complement Finite Subject Complement


Mood : Finite ᶺ Subject = Interrogative

Speech Function : Question

Markedness : Unmarked

Gabema angkupni na horas.

Subject Predicate Complement



Mood : Subject ᶺ Finite = Declarative

Speech Function : Statement

UnMarked : Unmarked

The four speech functions (statement, offer, command, and question) are initiated by the speaker or the addressee responds to the speech functions produced by the speaker or the addreser. When both Orientation (initiating and response) of both speakers and addressers are taken into account, there are some are derived.

1. Giving-information- initiating = Statement

When we give information to someone with the orientation of initiating, it shows that the result will be initiating statement or expression.

For example :

a. Gabe ma jala horas, dipangido hamu panuturion sian hami ima taringot dinamarpangidoan raja ni pamoruaonta, Disinamot

natapangidohon ima rambu pinungu godang na dua pulu juta rupiah.

2. Giving-Information & Response = Response to Acknowledgement Statement.

When we want to give information to someone with orientation of responding. It shows that the result responds the statement or expression.



a. Gabema angkup nanihoras, Molo sian hami ruhut dohot uhum nian

naung pinangidom alai di naung marpangidoan amang borunta

marsomba halak namarsomba tongdo oloan.

b. Emma tutu....

These examples were taken from the speech function used by Participants Dalihan natolu in the texts of Toba Batak Wedding Ceremony.


6 1.2. The problems of the Study

Based on the background stated above the problems of the study are formulated as the following.

1. What are the the system networks of the speech function used by Participants Dalihan natolu in texts of the Toba Batak wedding Ceremony?

2. How are the system networks of speech function realized in moods in texts of the Toba Batak wedding ceremony?

3. Why are the system networks of speech function coded by the Participant Dalihan natolu in the way they are?

1.3. The Objectives of the Study

In relation to the problems, the objectives of the study are

1. to elaborate the system networks of speech function used by the Participants Dalihan natolu in texts of the Toba Batak wedding ceremony, 2. to describe realization of the speech function in texts of the Toba Batak

wedding ceremony, and


7 1.4. The Scope of the Study

This study attempts to investigate

1. The system network of speech function used by the Participants Dalihan natolu in the texts of Toba Batak wedding ceremony.

2. The main aspect to be reasonable is the system network of speech function and the realization in the mood which occured on the texts. 3. The focus is on the meaning or system network of speech function as

they are realized in the Toba Batak language.

1.5. The Significant of the Study

Findings of the study are expected to be significantly relevant theoretically and practically.






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Table 2.1 : Giving or demanding, goods-&services or information...............12


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