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StudentsÂ’ Perception on the Influence of Peer Learning Technique in Improving the Writing Skill at SMA Muhammadiyah 3 Batu


Academic year: 2017

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Perception on the Influence of Peer Learning Technique

in Improving the Writing Skill at SMA Muhammadiyah 3 Batu



Ersa Anita Aulia








s’ Perception

on the Influence of Peer Learning Technique

in Improving the Writing Skill at SMA Muhammadiyah 3 Batu


This thesis is submitted to meet one of the requirements to achieve

Sarjana Degree in English Education


Ersa Anita Aulia








All is well when I believe, inshaallah I can reach my dream








In the Name of Allah, most Gracious, most merciful.

I am willing to present my thanks for everyone who has helped me,

especially in this thesis.

Alhamdulillah, all of honors are just for Allah Azza Wajalla, the almighty,

Then I want to express my sincere thanks to my beloved parents, H. Syaifuddin,

A.Md and Dra. Bakiyah, my future husband Riga Selfria Nanda Sutantara, my

beloved sisters Annisa Fajriana and Nur Aziza Ilmi Thank you so much for your

affection, advices, guidance, instruction and help in all my life, your love is

beyond any words.

Thanks for my First Advisor, Adityo, S.S., M.A his valuable guidance,

encouragement, patient, correlation, advice, and suggestion which are very helpful

in finishing this thesis. Then, thank you very much for your time to share your

great knowledge and great experiences to me. My Second Advisor, Erlyna

Abidasari, M.A., M.Ed who has guided me with his worthy, correction and

suggestion to improve the quality of this thesis.

All lecturers of English Department of UMM, who have transferred much

knowledge to me. For guidance, instruction and help during study at the

university. My Gratitude to Headmaster of SMA Muhammadiyah 3 Batu, who

gave me permission, help for present study. Mr Zainal Abidin S.S as an English



Special Thanks to my beloved cousin Hendra Purbaya, beloved friends

Rensiyana, Andriani Pratiwi, Novita Chandra Kusuma, Ingrid Sisilia, Ita Pujiati,

Bunga Navyani, Selva Selly Agustinsari, Dyah Tri Winarti, etc they all have given

me a cheerful and joyful world and beautiful togetherness. Finally, may Allah

SWT receive all their works and kindness Amiin.

Malang, August 9th 2016

Ersa Anita Aulia








ABSTRACT ... vii



LIST OF TABLE ... xiii



1.1. Background of Research ... 1

1.2. Statement of Problem ... 4

1.3. Purpose of the Research ... 4

1.4. Significance of Research ... 4

1.5. Scope and Limitation ... 5

1.6. Definition of Key Terms ... 6


2.1. Perception ... 7

2.1.1. Kinds of Perception ... 7

2.1.2 The process of Human Perception ... 8

2.1.3 The Factor Influencing Perception ... 8

2.2. Peer Learning ... 9

2.2.1. Types of Peer Learning ... 10

2.2.2. Benefits of Peer Learning ... 11

2.3. Writing ... 11

2.3.1. Theories of Writing ... 12




3.1. Research Design ... 14

3.2. Research Participant ... 15

3.3. Research Instrument ... 15

3.3.1. Questionnaire ... 16

3.3.2. Observation ... 16

3.4. Data Collection ... 17

3.5. Data Analysis ... 18


4.1. Research Findings ... 19

4.1.1. The Students’ Perception before the Implementation of Peer Learning Technique in Teaching Writing at SMA Muhammadiyah 3 Batu ... 19

4.1.2. The Students’ Perception after the Implementation of Peer Learning Technique in Teaching Writing at SMA Muhammadiyah 3 Batu ... 25

1.2.Identifying of the Implementation of Peer learning in Increasing the Students Achievement in Writing (Result of Observation) ... 28

1.3.The Strengths and Weakness of Peer Learning in Increasing the Students Achievement in Writing (Result of Observation) ... 29




Table 4.1 The Students’ Understanding on the Writing Materials ... 20

Table 4.2 The Students’ Interest on the Learning Technique used by the Teacher ... 20

Table 4.3 The Students Perception on the Advantages of Peer Learning ... 21

Table 4.4 The Advantages of Peer Learning for Students in Doing Writing ... 21

Table 4.5 The Students Cooperation on Learning Process ... 22

Table 4.6 The Students’ Relationship on Learning Process ... 22

Table 4.7 The Students’ Confidence on Learning Process ... 23

Table 4.8 The Students Understanding After the Implementation of Peer Learning Technique ... 24

Table 4.9 The Students Interest After the Implementation of Peer Learning Technique ... 24

Table 4.10 The Advantages after The Implementation of Peer Learning Technique ... 25

Table 4.11 The Students’ Difficulties After the Implementation of Peer Learning Technique ... 25

Table 4.12 The Students’ Cooperation after the Implementation of Peer Learning Technique ... 26

Table 4.13 The Students’ Relationship After the Implementation of Peer Learning Technique ... 26




Appendix 1: Photos of Teacher and Students Activity in Classroom ... 36

Appendix 2: Photos of Researcher in Collecting Data ... 38

Appendix 3: Observation Checklist ... 39

Appendix 4: Field Note ... 40

Appendix 5: Questionnaire ... 42



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This chapter presents background of research, statement of problems, purposes of research, significance of research, scope and limitation, and definition of key terms. Each part is presented as follows:

1.1 Background of Research

In teaching and learning process, the application of teaching technique is highly important to increase the students’ achievement. The success of teaching and learning process in classroom demands the effective use of certain technique. In this case, teacher has an important role in developing and applying ways in teaching. According to Diamond (2006), teachers need to possess both a good understanding of the subjects they teach and of the best ways to teach these subjects. Furthermore, by choosing and using the most appropriate technique, teacher can make the students more enthusiastic and enjoy varieties of activities in classroom. Accordingly, the implementation of suitable technique is a very important thing in teaching and learning process.

One of the other factors that influence the success of teaching and learning


2 process. If students have positive perception toward the teaching techniques, we know that they are interested in learning the subject. Therefore, the students will pay attention to the teacher in delivering the materials, and they have active roles in teaching and learning process and the purpose of learning can be achieved.

Writing is a really big challenge for many EFL and ESL students. Especially for EFL students, they have difficulties to express themselves in creative writing, one of the factors that has effect on students writing skill is technological progress that serve ready-made assignment (Muslim, 2014). The writing process involve creative idea and critical thinking, on the other hand, writing has important roles like grammar, spelling, and writing style. It may many students are difficult to process idea and try to get down on the paper.

There are many teaching techniques which can be used in teaching and learning process. However, the researcher wants to identify the implementation of peer learning technique in classroom to increase the student’s achievement in writing skill. Peer learning is a group of students that completed in learning materials, and helps other students which have difficulties to understand the learning material that they learn (Ischak and Warji in Suherman 2003:276). In this technique, students are not only becoming an object, but also the subject in learning process, it means that students are having the role for other students to ask something that they do not understand.


3 teachers by using peer editing. The finding of the study was expected to give more idea to students to consider the editing as an important stage in writing, besides

using the peer editing method to increase the student’s competence in writing. The

instruments used are observation and questionnaires about the value of peer editing in the process of learning writing.

Additionally, there was a research conducted by Megawati (2014) about

student’s response towards teaching technique used by teacher in teaching writing

to the eight grade class of SMP Negeri 1 Kepanjen. She found that the teacher used some techniques in teaching writing. Based on the observation and interview with teacher, the researcher found that there were two techniques used by teacher, those were techniques using picture and reading. The students generally had positive response toward the teaching technique used by teacher. The teaching techniques used by the teacher were effective to improve writing descriptive text ability. The students became easier to write descriptive text because the teacher used pictures as media, they could develop their ideas and become more focus on the topic and also could add more vocabularies.

The findings found in previous researches about the combination of

student’s perception and peer learning explained about the perception of students

toward teaching technique which was used in classroom has an impact toward


4 Based on the reason above, the researcher is interested in investigating

students’ perception and the influence of peer learning technique in increasing their writing skill.

1.2 Statement of the Problems

Based on the background of study stated above, this particular study is intended to answer the questions as follows:

1. What are the students’ perceptions toward the use of peer learning technique in teaching English writing skill?

2. What are the implementation of peer learning technique in students’ English writing skill?

1.3 Purposes of The Research

By knowing the statement of problem, the purposes of the research are: 1. To know the students’ perceptions toward the use of peer learning technique

in teaching English writing skill.

2. To identify the implementation of peer learning technique in students’ English writing skill.

1.4 Significance of The Research


5 peer learning technique in teaching and learning process based on student’s need, their students will have more comprehension in improving their skill and their achievement. Second, by knowing the students’ perceptions in learning process, it will be easy to find success and the obstacles of the learning process. Third, for the SMA Muhammadiyah 3 Batu, the result of this research can be used as an evaluation or as a consideration to improve the quality of teaching and learning process by using the suggested suitable teaching technique, and the fourth, for the next researchers, the researcher hopes this research can be used as a reference to do the similar research with different focus of study.

1.5 Scope and limitation

The scope of this research is the perception of the students of SMA Muhammadiyah 3 Batu towards the implementation of peer learning technique, the researcher will take two segment to give questionnaire before and after applying the teaching technique in four weeks conduct and the influence of peer learning technique in English writing skill.

The limitation of the participant for this research is sixty students of the second grade of SMA Muhammadiyah 3 Batu. The researcher is conducting this research in a series of four meetings to do the observation. The limitation of theories in this research are student’s perception of peer learning and the increase


6 1.6 Definition of key terms

In order to avoid misinterpretation between researcher and the readers, it is important to explain the meaning of the key terms used in this particular study as follows:

1. Perception is a set of internal sensational cognitive processes of the brain at the subconscious cognitive function layer that detects, relates, interprets, and searches internal cognitive information in the mind (Wang, 2007).

2. Peer learning is collaboration or study together with peers (Rasiban, 2010). 3. Techniques are the ways and means adopted by teacher to direct the learner

activities toward and objective. Techniques are tools of the teacher in teaching (Garlach, Ely, Melnick 1980:187).


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