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The Interferences Of English Towards Indonesian


Academic year: 2016

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It has been proved by Supervisor,

NIP: 19610204 198601 2 001 Dra. Persadanta br Karo, M.Hum

Submitted to the Faculty of Culture Study University of North Sumatera

in partial fulfillment of the requirements for English Study Diploma III Program.

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Head of Diploma III English Study,

NIP : 19521126 198112 1 001 Dr. Matius C.A. Sembiring, M.A.


Accepted by :

The Board of Examiners in Partial Fulfillment of the requirement for the DIII examination of the Diploma III English Study Program, Faculty of Culture Study of University of North Sumatera.

The examination is held on October 2013

Faculty of Culture Study University of North Sumatera


Dr. Syahron Lubis, M.A. NIP : 19511031 197603 1 001

Board of examiners:

1. Dr. Matius C.A. Sembiring, M.A. (Head of ESP) ____________

2. Dra. Persadanta br Karo, M.Hum. (Supervisor) ____________



I am, EMMA LISTIAWATI, declare that I am the sole of author of this paper.

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First of all, I would like to give all honor and praise to Allah SWT who

has been my inspiration and my strength in life. He has given me the ability to

complete this paper. I realize that without his grace, I can’t finish this paper well. I

believe that I’m nobady without Him.

Furthermore, I find so many supports from people around me to complete

this paper. I realize that this paper is not perfect yet. I would be grateful if readers

of that it will be useful as material for Diploma III English Study Program

students who are interested in literature.

I would like to thanks:

1. Dr.Syahron Lubis,M.A as the Dean of Faculty of Culture for his leadership

2. Dr.Matius C.A.Sembiring, M.A as the Chief of Diploma III English Study

Program for his guidance,criticism and helpful suggestions.

3. Dra.Persadanta br Karo,M.Hum as my Supervisor for the knowledge,

advice,comments,corections,and motivations.

4. Dr.Siamir Marulafau,M.Hum. as my Reader for the advice and the precious

time in reading and correcting this paper completeness.

5. My lovely parents, my father Alm.Sulastono and my mother Fatmawati

thanks for your prayer,love,patience,supporting me morally, spiritually, and

financially. I love you more than anything. I present this paper for you.

6. My eldest sister Mira Lestari,S.S. You are the most important people in my


prayer,patience,support,conviced and encouraged me to be able to complete

this paper. You know how many drops of my tears. Your greatest gift in my


7. My brother Eko Wilastra, for your presence in my life.

Medan, October 2013

The Writer,







1.1 The Background of the Study

This writing is talking about the interferences of English towards

Indonesian. English is the first foreign language in Indonesia. It is taught to the

students of Indonesia at the private or public schools. Indonesian is the national

language. Language is the medium among the people of Indonesia when they are

communicating on their lives.

The title of this paper is ‘The Interferences of English Towards

Indonesian’. So in this paper the writer will show the readers some of the

Indonesian which are interfered by the English. The data analyzed are taken from

written text, so it means that the method used to write this paper is library


The writer of this paper has some reasons in writing or using this title.

First of all she wants to say that this title is relatively new. This title has never be

written by the senior students who have finished their study from the Faculty of

Culture Study of the University of North Sumatera. So the writer is interested in

writing it. Other reasons for the writer to write the interferences of English

towards Indonesian because the facts always come to her mind while she is going

around. She can find it at the public services, hotels, hospitals, government’s

office, etc. For examples, at the doors of some saloons and restaurant written the

words ‘open’ and ‘closed’. The terms may mean ‘buka’ and ‘tutup’. On this

situation can be seen clearly the process of interferences because Indonesian still


hospital we can see the written text ‘toilet’, ‘entrance’, ‘exit’, etc. These three

English terms have interfered the Indonesian words. For the purposes of the words

the Indonesian has its terms, they are ‘kamar keci’ instead of ‘toilet’, ‘pintu

masuk’ instead of ‘entrance’, ‘pintu ke luar’ instead of ‘exit’.

1.2 The Problems of the Study

There are some Indonesia words or phrases interfered by the English

words or phrases, therefore the problem of the study is ‘How far the English

interferences the Indonesian?’

1.3 The Scope of the Study

While we are writing something there can be large things to be discussed,

so to do this activities of course time, money, and knowledge must be available.

To these situations the writer of this paper does not own so much , money, and

knowledge, therefore she wants to limit her study just deal with the words or

phrases used by Indonesian in writing text. To know it more details that she has

six months period of time to write it and so her understanding about interferences

are also a little bit small beside the financial she owns is not a lot and so the

knowledge. So her writing about the interferences of English towards Indonesian

she limits only deal with the words or phrases only.

1.4 The Purposes of the Study

As a student of the English Study Diploma III Program, she wants to

finish her study, therefore she is required to write a paper to be submitted to the

board examination of the Faculty of culture Study. The other r4eason for her to


seemed not to be realized by the people who did the interferes of the English

towards Indonesia. The subjects she wants to write down is the fact. Many people

can see the interferences although they do not realize it. So the last aim of the

writer to write this type of paper if to apply the k knowledge she received from the

lecturers in the last three years during the class.

1.5 The Method of the Study

There are various of techniques can be applied in order to write a skill

writing, or in this circumstances it is called a paper as the final duty for any

student who wants to finish his or her study from the English Study Diploma III

Program at the Faculty of culture Study at the University of North Sumatera. For

examples, field research method, library research method, or experimental

method. These three different methods are differentiate by the techniques applied

by the writer to have the data of the writing. In order to write this paper the writer

take written text as the data to be analyzed. Therefore the technique applied by

the writer is library research. The required data were taken from written text.


Weinreich (1953) defines interference as the term interference implies

the rearrangement of pattern that result from the introduction of foreign elements


seemed not to be realized by the people who did the interferes of the English

towards Indonesia. The subjects she wants to write down is the fact. Many people

can see the interferences although they do not realize it. So the last aim of the

writer to write this type of paper if to apply the k knowledge she received from the

lecturers in the last three years during the class.

1.5 The Method of the Study

There are various of techniques can be applied in order to write a skill

writing, or in this circumstances it is called a paper as the final duty for any

student who wants to finish his or her study from the English Study Diploma III

Program at the Faculty of culture Study at the University of North Sumatera. For

examples, field research method, library research method, or experimental

method. These three different methods are differentiate by the techniques applied

by the writer to have the data of the writing. In order to write this paper the writer

take written text as the data to be analyzed. Therefore the technique applied by

the writer is library research. The required data were taken from written text.


Weinreich (1953) defines interference as the term interference implies

the rearrangement of pattern that result from the introduction of foreign elements


phonemic system, large part of the morphology and syntax, and some areas of the


Stork (1972:115) defines that interference is the errors made by carrying

over the speech habits of the native language or dialect into second language.

Features of pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary may cause interference when

a person is learning to master the patterns of a second language. Therefore we can

obtain that interference occurs when two or more language are used by a speaker

during communication. Interference may occur in dialects of a language, and it

may also occur between a native language and a foreign language. There is a very

important thing we can conclude from language interference, that is that language

contact has taken place. In terms of their frequency of usage, language

interferences can be divided into three types:

- Active interference

- Passive interference

- Variation interference

Sociologists say that human beings are social creatures. A man does not

live alone. He lives in a society. He communicates with other by using language.

Human beings use language to interact with other members of the same speech

community. Language is not instinctive and is merely human activities. An

outstanding linguist, Edward Sapir, defines that language is purely human and

non—distinctive method of communicating ideas, emotions, desires by means of


Language is the most fundamental means of human communication. This

does not mean that other means of communication which are not important. In

communication human beings can also use signals, clapping, codes, whistling,

winks, and so on. But these tools of communication are not as perfect as language.

Language, as used when two or more people are in communication, is a social

event. Neither of the two speakers has invented the means he is using, but each of

them has received and then learned the language front the group or society to

which he belongs.

Language is mostly a collection of a system of conventional symbols

with possibilities for learning. The symbols are considered as the unitary elements

of transmissions. And symbols are primarily vocal which are produced by organ

of speech, and secondary system such as writing. The understanding of a language

is a big event that helps to make the culture of the human beings magnificent.

Since the language is an achievement to the transmission of states of emotions,

and purposes. Furthermore it is because of the language that human beings are

able to use his knowledge.

A language, which is not a dead language, extends as the progression of

community or people who use the language. A highly developed language gives a

capacity for conveying ideas about variety of things. A life language must have

potentialities for expressing new terms and new concepts. A life language is

forced to respond the reality in the situation or in the manner that suits its own


expressed in a developed language. If a language shows no new life, the country

or the community will lag behind.

The progression of industry, science, and technology make people from a

certain society or community possible to interact with people from different

language, culture, and background. For example, an Englishman, who comes here

and interacts with our community, of course needs a medium of communication

which is understood by himself and by the people he meets. In this case one must

switch the language.

In our country, there are three categories of language. The first category

is the ethnic language. The second category is the national language, that is

Indonesian. And the third category is foreign languages. The mastery of a

language, whether it is an ethnic, national, or foreign language is very important.

It is virtually used on the principle that language is learned to get more perfect in

using it. The mastery of a language, particularly a foreign language, is not merely

knowing its grammar. It is not an easy task, since it involves situations or extra

linguistic factors such as behavior of speakers, regional background, and culture.

The mastery or the use of a language corresponds to the ability of speakers who

use the language. The use of a foreign language may occur when someone meets a

foreigner. And the use of a foreign language is often affected by many factors

such as the ability, prestige, requirements etc. In short, the mastery and the use of

a language, especially a foreign language, is much dependent on the ability and

the situation or the context. And the use of the second language besides the native


This writing is based on sociolinguistics. The focus of this writing is on

language contact. Language contact often results in language interference. The

major discussion will be about the understanding of language contact and

language interference, pattern of language contact, and language capability. The

languages in contact here are English and Indonesian. Even though the focus of

this thesis is sociolinguistics, it would be misleading to say that the role of other

aspects of language can be ignored. Language cannot be described without the

reference to all other parts. That is why the writer includes the relationship

between sociolinguistics with other branches of language study. Not all aspects of

sociolinguistics are English and Indonesian. Even though the focus of this writing

is sociolinguistics, it would be misleading to say that the role of other aspects of

language can be ignored. Language cannot be described without the reference to

all other parts. That is why the writer includes the relationship between

sociolinguistics with other branches of language study. Not all aspects of

sociolinguistics are covered in this analysis, only the one which is involved is

taken into account.

There are reasons why the subject matter analyzed in this writing is

significant in the understanding of language and language development. The

reasons are as follows:

- Languages interchange and affect each other when they come into contact.

- English, as a foreign language, is an international language. It is used all over

the world. And there are many countries which use English as their medium of


- English is widely learned by our people. It is learned in formal and in informal

education. In formal education English is learned from junior high school up

to university. And in informal education English is learned such as in English


- Our people are mostly bilinguals. We usually speak more than one language

such as the ethnic language and the national language. But here we deal with



Dealing with the discussing of this writing, the writer is concerned with

the sociolinguistic concept and theory, especially in the case of language contact

and language capability. In this writing, the writer attempts to reach the following

purposes :

To explain the relationship between language contact and language capability.

To give an explanation of how the use of foreign. languages occurs in our daily


To know the reasons why people of our speech community (Indonesian) use

English language.

To know bow foreign languages, particularly English, involve in the development

of our national language.

To fulfill one of the requirements to finish her study from the Diploma Three

Program of English Department at the Faculty of Culture of North Sumatera


Theory is a way or a guide to aim an analysis or research. The objective

of the theory is to explain the relationship between the problem and the analysis.

An appropriate theory, which is applied in the appropriate problem and time, is

very help full to find the way out of the problem. A theory should be selective and

relevant to the object being analyzed. There are steps to analyze an object. The

first step is to identify, and the second is to study precisely, so that it can be


It is important that every scientific analysis has a theory as a starting

point. Even though it is realized that a good theory is concerning with the

relativity. One theory may be good in one particular period of time, but is left in

another time. The-basic theory used in this writing is mainly based on Weinreich

(1953) monumental work. The writer also takes other relevant concepts from the

related field relevant to the analysis. In other words, it can be said that the theory

above is basic while the others are only complements.

The term of bilingualism comes front the word bilingual that means the

use or involving two languages in an event of communication. Bilingualism may

occur in regional languages or in dialects of a language. A nice example of

bilingualism can be seen in our community. We have our own national language,

that is Indonesian, and we also have many regional languages and dialects. We

usually combine Indonesian with our own regional languages or dialects in

communication, especially with people from the same community and to whom

we have intimate friendship. Bilingualism may also involve different languages or

roots of languages. It usually occurs because of the ability of speakers.

There are at least two sources of bilingualism. Language capability

means having ability and capacity to use the elements of a language, such as its

grammar, phrases, dictions, etc. Capacity is taken by learning and intention..

Someone cannot do much if he is not capable to speak or to use a language

properly. It is impossible to master a language — especially. Foreign language —

if someone is not eager to pay attention much. Bilingualism can take place if two


participants and the degree of intimacy. If the relationship between speakers is not

an intimate one, the probability of using a language besides the native language is

smaller than that if they have an intimate One.

Borrowing means to take possession or use things from another source.

In linguistics, borrowing means the introduction of elements of a language into

another language. The development of a language has a very close relationship to

the matter of borrowing. As we know, new terms come up proportionally with the

development of science, technology, and industry. A language has to absorb terms

from other sources in order to make the language in the process of development.

A language will be left behind if it does not follow the nature of the development.

With regard to Indonesian language, there are many Indonesian vocabularies

which are absorbed from languages of the same roots or from the different roots

(foreign languages), such as from English, Arabic, Sanskrit, etc.

There are three ways of absorbing vocabularies of English to Indonesian:

Immediate absorption means that there is no medication or replacement of words

of the target language. The words of the target language are directly absorbed.

This means that the phonological units of the target language are changed into the

host language. The change, however, has to be made necessarily, so that the result

still can be traced to the original.


English Indonesian

Interference - interferensi


Information - informasi

icecream - eskrim

Loan shift means that words of the target language translated into the

host language. Loan shift has a relationship with translation and the use of

dictionary. Loan shift occurs in the matter of increasing one’s vocabularies. By

increasing vocabularies one can easily use alternative words for a term in an event

of communication. In Indonesian to say ‘bilingualism’, for instance, one can say

‘bilingualisme’ or ‘kedwibahasaan’. Or one who does not remember the

Indonesian term for ‘to come into the end’ he can say ‘expired date’ instead of

‘masa berlaku’.

Active interference means the habits of one language which are

transferred into another language. The habit may occur because of prestige


Example :

A : Why you terlambat?

B : Sorry Pak. Ban kreta saya tadi bocor di jalan..

A : Kalau ban kreta you itu bocor tidak perlu ditambal dulu baru ke kantor,

tetapi titipkan dulu kretanya, lalu naik angkot saya you ke kantor. You tau

next time, kan? Terima kasioh banyak Pak. Saya sudah tahu next time

untuk tidak terlambat lagi.

A : Okay. Jangan janji tinggal janji, tetapi usaha.

The word you in the conversation is called active interference, because the


Passive interference means when words, terms, or sentences of the target

language are used in the host language during communication. It is assumed that

the use of the target language is more adequate to what will be expressed.

Example :

Perumtel bakal go public, yang berarti juga harus mengikuti ketentuan Bapepam

seperti lazimnya. Di antaranya adalah: harus terbuka dengan posisi keuangan yang

jelas dan bias diikuti umum.

Go public

Variation interference means the use of words, terms, or sentences of the target

language to vary words, terms, or sentences of the host language for the same

meaning or explanation.

is a term in business. It means the expansion of a company to gain

capital by selling its shares to the public.

The English words surprise, capability, capabile, and acceptable vary

Indonesian words kejutan, kemampuan

- Phonic interference

, mampu, and cocok. Besides the types of

interference described above. Language interferences can be analyzed in terms of

their structural patterns. Such interferences can be divided into three types:

- Grammatical interference

- Lexical interference

Grammatical interference is the transference of the grammatical system

of a language to another language. There are many cases that the grammatical

structure of the native language tends to be transferred to the foreign language,


Example :

In English, modifiers precede in a modification structure and in general

that position constitutes ths signal of modification. Sometimes, however, English

has the modifiers which occur after the head words. In Indonesian in general we

have the head words which occurs before the modifier. kucing manis

2) Case pattern

English Indonesian

some books - beberapa buku

some pens - beberapa puplpen

In English, the plurality of countable noun is often shown by modifier

and suffix-s such as in the examples above. But in Indonesian it is wrong to say

beberapa buku-buku or beberapa pulpel-pulpen. It is hypercorrect. Lexical

interference is the transference of the lexical items of a language into another

language. Lexical interference refers to the lexical items which are associated with

the meaning and the sense relation between them. And meanings refer to semantic


varies considerably from culture to culture. Some meanings found in one culture

In English speaking countries, the sentence good evening means that we

are going the sleep or we ask someone to go to sleep. If we translate it literally

into Indonesian it can be Selamat malam. However, it does not always mean what

we intend. It can be a greeting. Good evening must be interpreted

Patterns of language contact between English and Indonesian can be

divided into the manner and kind. Manner of language contact refers to how the

contact takes place which can be divided into the situation and the habit of the

contact. Meanwhile, kind of language contact includes code switching and code


selamat malam

Situation deals with the context in relation to the existence or the

environment of a speaker to use a language. And context means where a speaker

have to organize and recognize himself in an event of communication. With

regard to language, it varies not only according to the characteristics of a speaker,

but also according to the context in which he finds himself. The same speaker uses

different linguistic varieties in different situations and for different purposes. The

kinds of subject matter, for example will have an effect on the language produced,

or topics such as academic lecturers are more likely to select relatively formal


The underlined English words knock out, ring, fit

Examples of the use of English as the habit of the speakers:

are commonly used in

sport context, especially in boxing. Habit expresses repetition of an action, or an

automatic response to a specific situation acquired as a result of repetition. With

regard to the use of English, habit is one’s behavior that makes himself familiar in

using or selecting words, terms, or sentences of English. He perhaps is more

comfortable in using English rather than his mother tongue. It is known that there

are many people of our country, especially those who have involved in learning

English, use that language as their characteristics.

- Well

-, minggu depan kita sambung lagi. Untuk eskarang cukuplah sekian dulu.

Thank you very much

-. Kau memberikannya pada saat yang kuinginkan

Allright, allright,

- Kau harus bersikap sedikit

kita pergi ke tempat itu malam ini juga


- Bersahabat itu artinya saling pengertian dan saling

, jangan jadi pengecut

-take and give

I’m sorry

- Kedua laki-laki yang berada di samping bintang film itu adalah , aku lupa membawanya. Kebetulan tadi malam ada tamu


That’s right

- Itu tidak

Apa yang dikatakannya itu sesuai dengan apa yang kulihat


- Kalau aku dapat undian harapan aku mau beli rumah, tanah, mobil,

perabot-perabot mewah,

. Kita sama-sama bekerja disini tapi gajiku lebih kecil

-and so on, -and so on


- Anda tidak boleh

pergilah kau ke rumahnya. Katakana bahwa kau memang bersalah

complain. Semua ini semata-mata karena biaya yang tidak


- Dari mana kau dapat income

- Jangan marah-marah. Itu soal biasa

kalau kau tidak bekerja?

just take it easy

- Oh ya, sekarang usdah jam 10.00 pagi. Aku pergu dulu, .

- Model pakaian itu sudah


out of date

-, jangan dipakai lagi. Kita bias malu

karena kau nanti pasti ditertawakan orang.


-, akan saya laksanakan. Tapi mana uang kopinya? Saya tidak bisa lancar

bekerja kalau tidak ada uang kopinya.

No, no

-. aku tidak bias menerima alasanmu itu-. Besok kau tidak perlu datang

lagi. Mulai hari ini kau kupecat.

Very good

- Wah film-film

, kau memang orang yang paling bisa kuandalkan, Sharif


Code mixing is the interchange between two or more languages in an

event of communication. Code mixing can occur because of the ability and the

habit of speakers to use more than one language when they are communicating

with others.

semua. Sayang sekali aku tidak punya uang untuk


Example of code mixing:

A : Hello, how are you?

B : Fine. Thanks.

A : Mengapa kah kamu tidak masuk kuliah?

B : Saya terlambat bangun. Tadi malam saya menonton video di rumah

tetangga. Filmnya hot.


B : Aku sudah lulus mata kuliah itu

A : Kau sudah lulus?

B : Yes

A : Kapan?

B : Tahun yang lalu

A : Kenapa kau tidak beritahu aku?

B : You never ask me

In the example above, A and B involved in two languages. They

interchange English and Indonesian. The process of code mixing and also code

switching not only occur in the case of transferring of a foreign language into

another language. Code mixing and code switching can also occur in one

language, such as in its variations. In real communication, a speaker never uses on

variation in communication. He may change from a variation to another variation,

such as from his dialect to his idiolect, or vise versa.

It has been mentioned that language contact, or the use of a language

other than the mother tongue or native language has a relationship with the

competence of the speaker. Someone is not born with a language. He must learn

it, and someone cannot directly master two languages all at once. He must also

learn the second language. It can be said the language capability means having

ability and capacity to master a language. And the mastery of a language, weather

it is a foreign language or a native language, must be taken by teaching and

learning. The mastery of a foreign language (in this case we deal with English) is


involves the culture of the foreign language. Many linguists say that a language

has a relationship with the culture to which that language belongs.

There are three aspects of foreign language capability:

- Teaching

- Learning

- Motivation

Teaching English can be divided into two types:

a. Teaching English as a second language (TESL)

b. Teaching English as a foreign language (TEFL).

Both a second and a foreign language refer to the target language, that is

English. This distinction is based on the social function of the language in the

country where it is taught.

Second, language situation prevails in the countries which are used by

have been existed until recently protectorates or colonies. In such countries the

language of the ruling power is the official language, which is used for

government, education, commerce, and international communication. In other

words, the language is used for social intercourse within, the country. A second

language is not often only taught as a subject but as a medium of instruction as

well. The second language is needed for communication with one’s own


In TESL situation, the learners have greater exposure to the language

since it is used in the country, and there is a greater motivation to learn the


The target language is a foreign language when it is taught in the country

where it is not the mother tongue of every group within it. Furthere more, the

language is not used for communication within the country. The language is

taught to cater to a wider social needs out side the country. There is often the need

to expand overseas trade or to increase understanding between countries by

increasing ease of contact through common language. English, being an

international language, is widely taught as a foreign language.

In TEFL situation, there is a little exposure to the language out side the

classroom, and since the language is not used in the community, there is a little

social pressure to learn the language. he problem of motivation becomes greater if

English is a compulsory subject for every One in a TEFL situation, In our country

English is a compulsory subject from junior high school up to university.

There are some principles of teaching:

- Importance of motivation to the learners,

The most important and the basic tasks of teaching are to release, instigate,

and increase motivation such as interest, desire, and wish to learn.

- Personal relevance

Teaching materials are effective in an ordered manner depending on the

degree of their personal relevance to individual students. The production and the

use of teaching materials require judgments of their relevance to individuals to be

taught,. such as interest, abilities, etc.

Successful English language learning depends on. elaborate interaction of


takes place. The motivation for English language learning is likely to be

influenced by general climate of opinion in the learners home community about

English language learning. This may or may not be favorable. The learner may

come from a social background which regard that English language learning as a.

waste of time and no practical value. On the other hand, he or she may come from

a social group which accepts English language learning as culturally desirable,

and possession of English language as a mark of the educated person. Re or she

may come from some communities which value the knowledge of English

language highly, and regard it s social, professional, and economic assets.

It is agreed that motivations always help particularly when one is

learning a complex and difficult skill. Mastery of English is certainly that.

successful English language learners are always motivated to learn the language

and they persist in. spite the complexity that accompanying the learning. This

means that they are able to tolerate and accept the difficulties, particularly in the

early Stages when they are unable to communicate in English language because of

their lack of mastery.

Motivation relates to the personality of the learners. The most successful

English language learners tend to find interest in their ideas, experiences,

attitudes, and costumes. Open and friendly people are likely to have this kind of

motivation than persons who have close mind and rely only on. their own ideas

and way of doing things.

Motivation of learning a foreign language can be divided into:


Instrumental motivation is a motivation when the students learn a foreign

language for instrumental purposes. For example, it may be a compulsory school

subject or it may be required for post—graduate work, for his career, or for travel

abroad. Instrumental motivation is the commonest among adults.

b. Integration motivation

Integration motivation means learning a foreign language because of the

learner needs or wishes to identify with or become integrated into the society

whose language it is. Integration motivation takes place in the case the students

learn a particular language with desire to identify with the native speakers and to

enrich their life by contact with another culture.

Learning is defined as an increased probability of occurrence of a

response when its stimulus is presented. Learning is a progressive change from

low to high expectancy of response occurrence. The change may take place

gradually, over a long period of time, or it may occur rapidly. A person who finds

himself with a subject such as English language may at first unable to speak but

after suitable training and practice is able to master the language.

Linguistic behaviorists interpreter human behavior as connections

between stimuli and response. This stimuli Response is the pattern of learning.

Each specific reaction of human beings is are exact response to a stimulus.

Spoken and written words, and pictures are example of stimuli.

The process of learning is an individual experience of every human

being. Learning takes place whenever an individual behavior is modified, such as


new skill. Using symbols, deducing, referring, and concluding are all the activities

involved in learning.

Language learning has been categorized into two kinds: mother tongue or

native language learning and second or foreign language learning. Learning

mother tongue or native language usually begins when a child born arid then he

enters the formal education and guided to master his own. Whereas second or

foreign language learning usually begins when someone has mastered his mother

tongue or his native language, or it may be as a compulsory subject when he

enters formal education.

Successful English language learners are those who master the language

to the point of using the language comfortably and effectively for whatever

purposes they may have in mind. Those purposes are varied such as some English

language learners are interested mainly in reading materials written in English.

Linguistic change refers to the modification or replacement of features of a

language. The change is divided into two kinds internal change and external

change. Internal change is the change in a language concerning its history.

Whereas external change is the change in a language caused by foreign languages.

The change, weather it is the internal change or external change, may affect the

sound system, grammatical system, or the vocabulary.

Language contact can be resulted from the interference of a language to

another language. According to the frequency of the usage, interference can be

divided into : active interference, passive interference, and variation interference.


interference, grammatical interference, and lexical interference. Basically, patterns

of language contact can be divided their manner and kinds. Manner of language

contact refers to how the contact between two languages Can take place. in this

case the contact is divided into the situation and habit, Situation is affected by the

context in relation to the existence of a speaker. And habit is the one’s behavior

that makes himself familiar in using a language besides his mother tongue. Habit

is acquired as a result of repetition.

Kind of language contact refers to the types of the contact. Code

switching and code mixing are types of language contact. Code switching is the

process of changing from one language to another language. The change can be

caused by the environments or attitudes of a speaker. Code mixing is the

interchange or combination between two or more languages in communication. In

daily communication, code mixing and code switching can occur in the case of

transferring a foreign language to the mother tongue. The switching and the

mixing process can also occur within a language, such as in its variation, dialect,



4.1 Conclusion

The writer may give a conclusion to it that the most dominant English

words interferences the Indonesian are exit, information, open, closed, toilet, café,

room, bill, saloon, beauty, no smoking, sale, discount, travel, movie, seat, queen

bed, super market, money changer, fly over, service, door smeer, chef, porter,

flight, destination, take off, landing, etc.

From the description in written in the previous chapters, it can be

concluded that language is the expression of ideas, emotions, and drives.

Language is merely human. Language contact is a natural process when a speaker

from a speech community communicates with people of the different community.

Language contact can take place when a speaker uses more than one language in

communication, or when he has to change a language to another language. The

contact can be within a language, such as in its variations or dialects, or it can be

the mother tongue with a foreign language. Language contact may result in

bilingualism, borrowing, translation, and linguistic change.

Bilingualism means involving two languages in an event of

communication. Borrowing means the introduction into a language of elements

from another language. The borrowing words can. exactly the same with the

original or it can be modified. Translation, is also part of language contact. The

aim of translation is to reproduce as accurately as possible all the grammatical and

lexical features of the target language. There are three sides involved in translation


emitter receives information in the host language which is done by interpreter or


The event of language contact can be caused by the ability of a speaker to

use more than one language. The ability can be obtained by teaching, motivation,

and learning. Teaching and learning are the activities of teachers and learners.

Whereas motivation is learners’ personality. And motivation is the key to help

learners in learning a complex and difficult skill. Motivation of learning a foreign

language is divided into two purposes: instrumental motivation and integrative

motivation. Instrumental motivation means when a learner learns a foreign

language for instrumental purposes. Integrative motivation occurs in the case

when a learner learns a foreign language with desire to enrich his life by contact


4.2 Suggestion

As it has been mentioned in the previous chapters that English is the first

foreign language taught to the students in Indonesia though the school is private

or public. Besides the English as a foreign language there also other foreign

languages taught to the students at school, such as Germany, French, Dutch,

Japanese, and Mandarin. So the writer on this occasion encourages the other

students to write about the interferences of those languages towards Indonesia. It

will help the readers understand that there some words or phrases have been



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