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Academic year: 2017



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By :

Febby Faudina Nestia ID 4123312008

Bilingual Mathematics Education Study Program


Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of The Requirement for The Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan





Febby Faudina Nestia was born in Medan on July, 4th 1994. Her Father’s name is

Iklanuddin and her mother’s name is Jetty B. Pardede. She is the third child of

three siblings. She has brother and sister. In 1999, she started her study in TK

Melati Medan and graduated in 2000. In 2000, she continued her study in SD

Muhammadiyah 30 Medan and graduated in 2006. In 2006, she continued her

study in SMP N 12 Medan, then moved to SMP N 13 Medan in 2007 and

graduated in 2009. In 2009, she continued her study in SMA N 8 Medan and

graduated in 2012. In 2012, she continued her study in State University of

Medan, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Department of






Febby Faudina Nestia (ID. 4123312008)


The aim of this research is to know whether students’ Mathematical Problem Solving Ability taught by Cooperative Learning model NHT type is higher than Cooperative Learning model TPS type in Grade IX at SMP Negeri 13 Medan. The population is all students of grade IX in SMP Negeri 13 Medan Academic Year 2016/2017. Sampling Techniques that is used in this research is random sampling. There are two samples in this research namely, Class A is IX-5 taught by NHT and Class B is IX-2 taught by TPS. Each of class consist of 32 students. Technique of analyzing data is consisted of normality, homogeneity, and hypothesis test. Based on normality and homogeneity test, the data was taken from normal distribution and homogeneous population. Hypothesis test is done by using analysis of T-test. The result of T-test show that tcalculated = 2.297 and t(0.5)(62) = 1.669. Consequently tcalculated > ttable, then H0 is rejected. So, we can conclude that students’ mathematical problem solving ability taught by cooperative learning model NHT type is higher than cooperative learning model TPS type.




Praise and thanks to Allah Subhanallahu Wata’ala Who has give for all

the graces and blessings that provide health and wisdom to the author such that

the author could finish this thesis well. This thesis which entitled “The

Comparison of Students’ Mathematical Problem Solving Ability taught by

Cooperative Learning Model of Numbered Heads Together and Think Pair Share

in Grade IX SMPN 13 Medan Academic Year 2016/2017” is submitted in order to

get the academic title of Sarjana Pendidikan from Mathematics Department,

FMIPA Unimed.

In this part, the author would like to thank for all supports which gained

for completion of this thesis. Special thanks to Dr. Edy Surya, M.Si., as thesis

supervisor who has provided guidance, direction and advice from the beginning

until the finishing part of this thesis. Great thanks are also due to Prof. Dr.

Mukhtar, M.Pd., Dr. KMS Amin Fauzi, M.Pd., and Denny Haris, S.Si, M.Pd., as

thesis examiners who have provided builded suggestion and revision in the

completion of this thesis. Thanks also extended for Dr.Izwita Dewi, M.Pd as

academic supervisor and also for all lecturers in FMIPA Unimed.

The author also expressed sincerely thanks for Prof. Dr. Syawal Gultom,

M.Si as Rector of Unimed, Dr. Asrin Lubis, M.Pd as Dean of Mathematics and

Natural Sciences Faculty, Dr. Iis Siti Jahro, M.Si as Coordinator of Bilingual

Program, Dr. Edy Surya, M.Si as Head of Mathematics Department, Drs. Yasifati

Hia, M.Si as Secretary of Mathematics Education, and all staff employess which

supported in helping author.

Appreciation also present to Drs. Jaya Ginting as Headmaster in SMP

Negeri 13 Medan, Drs. Simaremare as Mathematics teacher who has provide

guidance when the research was held and all teachers and staff employes who



author to all of students in SMP Negeri 13 Medan for cooperative and helping

when the research.

Most special thanks especially would like to express for my beloved

father Mr. Iklanuddin, SE., and my mother Mrs. Drs. Jetty B. Pardede also older

brother Fajar Ferdian Nugraha S.Kom and older sister Fanny Fairinanadya

Ningrum S.Kom and all family who have supported, material, prayed, and gave

the author encouragement and funding to complete the study in Mathematics


The author also thanks to Girls’ Generation members Shinta Bella G.S,

Rahima Azzakiya, Mutiara Naibaho, Windy Erlisa, Aisyah Tohar, Aida Syahfitri,

Erika A. Simbolon, and who have made my life was happy, enjoyable and

memorable. Also big thanks for second family of BilMath 2012: Adi, Desy,

Friska Elvita, Friska Simbolon, Bowo, Rudi, Dillah, Rani, and Totok for all

support, sadness, happiness and togetherness during first semester until eight

semester. Thanks for author’s bestfriends when author was in school until now

angkatan Sepuluh, Derin P. Sianipar and Ririn Darianto then the oldest friend

Riza Fadillah. For all of PPLT Unimed 2016 SMA Negeri Plus Matauli Pandan

especially Anggi, Anis, Miyzan, Nida, Lia, Rosyadi and also all of my students

when I was doing practice. Thanks for the supports and the motivation.

At last, the author has finished and maximally to complete this thesis. But

certainly there are still some imperfection in this research. The author welcome

any suggestions and constructive criticism from readers for this thesis perfectly.

The author also hope the content of this research would be useful in enriching the reader’s knowledge. Thank you.

Medan, January 2017 Author,

Febby Faudina Nestia



1.3 Problem Formulation 7

1.4 Problem Limitation 7

2.1.1 Problem in Mathematics 9

2.1.2 Mathematical Problem Solving 10

2.1.3 Mathematical Problem Solving Ability 11

2.1.4 Cooperative Learning Model 14 Component of Cooperative Learning 16 Learning Theories of Cooperative Learning 17 The Benefit of Cooperative Learning 18


vii Advantages and Disadvantages of NHT 21

2.1.6 Cooperative Learning TPS 22 Advantages and Disadvantages of TPS 25

2.2. Conceptual Framework 25

2.3 Relevant of Research 26

2.4 Hypotesis Research 24


3.1 Type of Research 28

3.2 Location and Time of Research 28

3.3 Population and Sample 28

3.3.1 Population of Research 28

3.3.2 Sample of Research 29

3.4 Variable and The Instrument Research 29

3.4.1 Variable of Research 29 Independent Variable 29 Dependent Variable 30

3.4.2 Instrumens of Research 30

3.5 Design of Research 35

3.5.1 Procedure of Research 36

3.6 Techniques of Analysis Data 38

3.6.1 Problem Solving Ability 38

3.6.2 Data Analysis by Inferential Statistics Technique 38 Normality Test 38 Homogeneity Test 39 Hypothesis Test 40


4.1 The result of Students’ Mathematical Problem Solving 42

4.1.1 Posttest Class A and Class B 42



4.1.3 Homogeneity Test of Students 44

4.1.4 Hypothesis Test of Students 45

4.2 Discussion of Result


5.1 Conclusion 49

5.2 Suggestion 49






Table 2.1 Indicators Problem Solving Ability Based on Phase

Problem Solving by Polya 13

Table 2.2 Steps of Cooperative Learning 16

Table 2.3 Example of Steps Cooperative Learning Model of

Numbered Heads Together in a Class 20

Table 2.4 Example of Steps Cooperative Learning Model of

Think Pair Share in a Class 23

Table 3.1 Guidelines of Scoring for Problem Solving

Ability Test 31

Table 3.2 Criterion of Stuents’ Problem Solving Ability 32

Table 3.3 Criterion of Validity 33

Table 3.4 Result of Validy Test 33

Table 3.5 Criterion of Reliability 34

Table 3.6 The Reliability Confirmation 35

Table 3.7 Design of Research

Table 4.1 Statistics Data of Post-test Students 42

Table 4.2 Data of Post-test Student’ Class A and Class B 43

Table 4.3 Result of Normality Data Posttest Both Classes 44

Table 4.4 Homogeneity Test of Student’ Mathematical Problem

Solving Ability 44

Table 4.5 Hypothesis Test of Students’ Mathematical Problem









Appendix 1. Lesson Plan I Class NHT 53

Appendix 2. Lesson Plan II Class NHT 56

Appendix 3. Lesson Plan I Class TPS 59

Appendix 4. Lesson Plan II Class TPS 62

Appendix 5. Worksheet I 65

Appendix 6. Worksheet II 70

Appendix 7. Blueprint of Post Test 75

Appendix 8. Post Test 76

Appendix 9. Alternative Solution of Post Test 77

Appendix 10. Statistical Validity of The Test 82

Appendix 11. Reliability of The Test 85

Appendix 12. Procedure to Calculate Normality Test 87

Appendix 13. Procedure to Calculate Homogenity Test 89

Appendix 14. Procedure to Calculate Hypothesis Test 90

Appendix 15. List of Critical Value for Liliefors 92

Appendix 16. Table of t-Distribution 93

Appendix 17. F Distribution Values 96

Appendix 18. Critical r-table 106





1.1 Background

Mathematics is a study that be the basic of science and technology that is

very important in every aspect of human life. Threfore, mathematics is very

important to teach in every level of educatioan such as SD, SMP, SMA and

university. Beside of that mathematics is mother of all science, so mathematics is

very important to teach. The statement is supported by the statement Cockroft (in

Abdurrahman, 2012:204) said that :

Matematika perlu di ajarkan kepada siswa karena (1) selalu digunakan dalam segi kehidupan; (2) semua bidang studi memerlukan keterampilan matematika yang sesuai; (3) merupakan sarana komunikasi yang kuat, singkat dan jelas; (4) dapat digunakan untuk menyajikan informasi dalam berbagai cara; (5) meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir logis, ketelitian, dan kesadaran keuangan; dan (6) memberikan kepuasan terhadap usaha memcahkan masalah yang menantang.

Beside that statement above, Cornelius (in Abdurahman , 2012:204) also

said that:

Lima alasan perlunya belajar matematika karena matematika merupakan (1) sarana berpikir yang jelas dan logis; (2) sarana untuk memecahkan masalah kehidupan sehari-hari; (3) sarana mengenal pola-pola hubungan dan generalisasi pengalaman; (4) sarana untuk mengembangkan kreativitas; dan (5) sarana untuk meningkatkan kesadaran terhadap perkembangan budaya.

Meanwhile, based on the outcomes of mathematics, Lerner (in

Abdurrahman, 2012: 204) argues that "mathematics studies curriculum should

include three elements: (1) concept, (2) skills and (3) problem solving ".

From the above statement, one aspect that is emphasized of the

curriculum is to improve students' problem solving ability. Problem solving is a

part of mathematics curriculum which very important because in the learning



and skills already possessed to be applied to solve problems that are not

considered routine.

The importance of problem solving ability was explained too by Hudojo (2005: 133)

Pemecahan masalah merupakan suatu hal yang esensial dalam pembelajaran matematika di sekolah, disebabkan antara lain (1) siswa menjadi terampil menyeleksi informasi yang relevan, kemudian menganalisisnya dan akhirnya meneliti kembali hasilnya; (2) keputusan intelektual akan timbul dari dalam merupakan hadiah intrinsik bagi siswa; (3) potensi intelektual siswa mengingkat; (4) siswa belajar bagaimana melakukan penemuan dengan melalui poses melakukan penemuan.

Cooney et.al (in Hudojo, 2005: 130) states that:

Bila seorang siswa dilatih untuk menyelesaikan masalah, maka siswa itu akan mampu mengambil keputusan sebab siswa itu menjadi mempunyai keterampilan tentang bagaimana mengumpulkan informasi yang relevan, menganalisis informasi dan menyadari betapa perlunya meneliti kembali hasil yang telah diperolehnya.

And then in additional Husna, dkk (2013 :82) state that :

The purpose of teaching problem solving in general is to (1) build knowledge of new math, (2) solve problems that arise in mathematics and in other contexts, (3) implement and customize a variety of appropriate strategies to solve problems and (4) monitor and reflect on the process of mathematical problem solving.

Thus, problem solving should get more attention, considering the role in

developing the intellectual potential of students. To find a solution of

mathematical problem solving the students must utilize their knowledge, and

through this process they will often develop new mathematical understanding.

A student is called having problem solving ability in mathematics when

students have criteria, or commonly known as the indicator. There are four

important phase to solve mathematics problem. In this research problem solving

ability will be measured through students' ability to complete a problem by using



1. Understanding the problem

In this step, students should be able to point out the principal parts of the problem include the unknown and the data.

2.Devising a plan

In second steps, there are some alternatives to do include students can find the connection between the data and the unknown.

3.Carrying out the plan

Students be able to implementing problem solving strategies based on plan and operate of integers correct.

4.Looking back

Student be able to look back at the complered solution, by reconsidering and reexamining the result and the path that led.

(Polya, 1973).

During the learning of mathematics impressed not touching the substance

of problem solving. Students tend to memorize math concepts, so that the

students’ ability to solve problems is lacking. Because students are not always

motivated to want to look for his own ideas, only the teacher who has always

played an active role in the learning process.

And in other occasions, Arends said that (in Trianto, 2009 : 90) “it is

strange that we expect students to learn yet seldom teach then about learning, we

expect student to solve problems yet seldom teach then about problem solving.”

The above statements are also supported by researcher’s preliminary of

students at SMP Negeri 13 Medan in eighth grade. In this observation, students

given problem indicating the mathematical problem solving. There are 23 students

who took the test, the students are not able to fulfill the indicator of mathematical

problem solving ability from the problem given. It can be seen from students’

answer sheet when the students have the test about students’ mathematical

problem solving ability where the average score is 37,39. While based on the

mastery level in problem solving ability, there is none get very high level (0%), 1

person (4,34%) who has high ability, 1 person (4,34%) who has medium ability,

12 person (52,17%) who have low ability, and 9 persons (39,13%) who have a

very low ability. There are only 2 persons (8,69%) who achieve the learning



Based on the above explanation that became one of the main problems is

the students are not taught about the steps to resolve mathematical problems and

questions given is a problem that can be resolved through existing procedures.

There were indications that the mathematical problem solving ability of students

is still relatively low.

To anticipate such problems, a teacher should be able to choose

appropriate learning models that can improve students' mathematical problem

solving abilitiy. The learning model used must be able to make students active,

because the student activity capable of influencing their knowledge.

And the statement above added by Zulkarnain (2016 : 390), he said that :

In this case students who possess basic skills require teachers’ ability to shift their

teaching from traditional to become active and innovative so that the learning

process runs according to educational development that suits the present needs.

Innovative learning leads the students to become creative, independent and able to

develop their thinking to overcome existing problems.

Duren and Cherrington (in Yusuf, 2002 : 82) investigated the effects of

cooperative group work versus individualistic effort on the learning problem

solving strategies. They summarized that students in cooperative groups were

more active in problem solving process and more open to solve the problems in different ways”

In group problem solving has the advantage, among others: (1)

problem-solving strategies, which are arranged more powerful and complex. Problem

solving in groups give students the opportunity to practice the strategy; (2) the

group can resolve more complex problems than individuals (3) each member can

practice planning and monitoring capabilities they need to make himself a better

problem solver; (4) in the discussion, each member of a turn in the opinion and

can double check their misconceptions; (5) when it got into trouble, the students

are not so afraid to deal with it, because basically they do not independent but in



Maheady, dkk (2006) said that:

A clear and consistent finding of educational research has been the importance of active student responding. During lectures and discussions, active responding most often takes the form of student responses to teacher questions. This whole group responding to questions, however, does not permit every student to respond and does not assure that all students are actively engaged. Previous research has shown that Numbered Heads Together is an afficient and effective intructional technique to increase student responding and to improve achievement.

In mathematical problem solving, can be done by working together. One model of learning that applies the principles of cooperation is a cooperative learning model of Numbered Heads Together (NHT).NHT is a model of learning by using a problem-solving approach, which is also able to involve students actively in learning. By using NHT, students are expected to help each other in order to develop mathematical problem solving abilities that increase their academic achievement (Dalud, 2014 : 303).

NHT learning model is the kind of cooperative learning that is designed

to influence the pattern of interaction of students and as an alternative to the

traditional class structure.Numbered Head Together (NHT) developed by spencer

Kagen in 1993 to involve more students in reviewing the material covered in the

lesson and check their understanding of the subject content (in Trianto 2009: 82) .

Teachers divide students into three to five member teams and have them number

off on them so each student has a number between 1 and 5. Teachers ask students

a queation. After that, students put their heads together to figure out and make

sure everyone knows the answer. Finally, the the teachers call a anumber an

dsyudent from each group with that number raise hands and provide answer to the

whole class(Arends, 2011 :371)



Cooperative learning model TPS (Think Pair Share) is a type of

cooperative learning designed to influence students' interaction patterns. First

developed by Frag Lyman and colleagues at University of Maryland accordance

Arends in 1997, states that think pair share an effective way to create an

atmosphere of variation patterns of a class discussion. "Assuming that all of

recitation or discussion needs settings for controlling the class as a whole, the

procedure used in think pair share can give a better student to think, to respond

and help each other" (in Trianto 2009: 81). Thinking : the teacher poses a question

associated with the lesson and ask students thinking alone about the answer.

Pairing :the teacher asks students to pair off and discuss what they have been

thinking about. Sharing : in teh final step, the teacher asks the pairs to share what

they have been talking about with the whole class. It is effective to simply go

around the form pair to pair and continue until about fourth or half of the pairs

have had a chance to report ( Arends, 2011 : 370-371).

Based on the above background, the researcher intends to conduct a

research entitled : “The Comparison of Students’ Mathematical Problem

Solving Ability Taught by Cooperative Learning Model of Numbered Heads

Together and Think Pair Share at SMP Negeri 13 Medan Academic Year 2016/2017”.

1.2 Problem Identification

Based on the background of the problems that have been described

problem identification in this research are

1. Most of students in SMP Negeri 13 Medan had low mathematical problem

solving ability

2. The conventional way is often used in SMP Negeri 13 Medan student

centered learning has not been applied fully in the teaching and learning

process of mathematics.

3. Teacher in SMP Negeri 13 Medan rare using cooperative learning in Learning



1.3 Problem Limitation

This research needs to restrict to get targets as expected. The limitation of

this research are :

1. Students’ problem solving ability on the topic of Similarity for Class IX in

SMP Negeri 13 Medan for odd Semester 2016/2017.

2. The learning activities for this study are given by using numbered heads

together and Think Pair Share.

1.4 Problem Formulation

Based in the background above, the author formulates the problems of

the study as follows :

1. Is students’ mathematical problem solving ability taught by cooperative

learning model of Numbered Heads Together is higer than cooperative

1. To know whether students' mathematical problem solving ability taught by

cooperative learning model of Numbered Head Together is higer than

cooperative learning model of Think Pair Share in IX grade SMP Negeri 13

Medan Academic Year 2016/2017.

1.6 Research Benefit

After the research is expected to result of research can provide significant

benefits, namely:

1. For the teacher, as a material consideration in choosing a model of learning

that can improve students' mathematical problem solving ability.

2. For students, it can make-students having enthusiasm to improve mathematical

problem solving ability.

3. For the school, it can be used as consideration and suggestion to improve the



4. For researchers, as reference materials to improve teaching and learning as

future teachers and as study materials for further research.

1.7 Operational Definition

To avoid differences or lack of meaning clarity, the following operational

definition are important terms in this research :

1. Students’ mathematical problem solving ability is students abilities in solving

mathematical problem with regard the process of understanding the problem,

planning to solving the problem, implement solving plan and looking back.

2. The syntaxes of NHT are:

a. Phase 1 : Numbering : teachers divide students into three to five member

teams and have them number off so each student on them has a number

between 1 and 5.

b. Phase 2 : Questioning : Teachers ask students a queation.

c. Phase 3 : Heads Together : After that, students put their heads together to

figure out and make sure everyone knows the answer.

d. Phase 4 : Answering : Finally, the the teachers call a anumber a student

talking about with the whole class. It is effective to simply go around the

form pair to pair and continue until about fourth or half of the pairs have




5.1 Conclusion

Based on the result and discussion of research in the previous chapters,

can be concluded that In Hypothesis test, the data are processed based on post-test

shows � � = 2.297 and = 1.669 then � � > which mean

H₀ rejected. So, can be concluded that students’ mathematical problem solving

ability taught by cooperative learning model of NHT is higher than cooperative

learning model of TPS.

5.2 Suggestion

Based on the conclusion and relevant study of this research, there are

some suggestions as follows:

1. For mathematics teacher, use cooperative learning model of Numbered Heads

Together or cooperative learning model of Think Pair Share as an alternative learning model in improving students’ mathematical problem solving ability. 2. For students, to cooperate with teachers by following the steps of learning

process and do not ignore the steps of problem solving ability.

3. For next researcher, base on problem solving ability aspect which will be

achieved, cooperative learning model of Numbered Heads Together is more

effective than cooperative learning model of Think Pair Share.

4. Because in this research the learning models are implemented to subtopic




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