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The relatioship between student's interest in speaking and their speaking score (a correlational study at the second grade of MTsN Parung)


Academic year: 2017

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A ‘Skripsi’

Presented to the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers Training in a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of S.Pd. (Bachelor of Arts) in English Language Education

By Nana Nurjanah NIM: 104014000304







Advisor: Dr. H. Atiq Susilo, M.A

Key words: Interest, Speaking, Speaking Score

English is a language used in all aspects of communication, science, and technology. All of them can be actualized through speaking, beside other basic skill such as listening, reading, and writing. Many students do not realize the importance of speaking, therefore, the teacher are hoped to make the students interested in speaking and motivate them to speak. The students, who are interested in speaking, enjoy their learning. They always feel happy and ready to do any task given by the teacher. As a result, they can get a good score in doing the tasks.

This purpose of the research is to find out the question of: “is there any correlation between students‟ interest in speaking and their speaking score?”

The method used in conducting this research is correlational study. She takes only one class as the subject. She gave each of the students a questionnaire related to the students‟ interest in speaking to be collaborating with their speaking score.

The research itself takes place at MTsN Parung. It is located at Lebakwangi Parung-Bogor.



Kata Kunci: Minat, Berbicara, Nilai Berbicara

Bahasa Inggris merupakan bahasa yang digunakan di semua aspek komunkasi, ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi. Semua itu dapat diaktualisasikan melalui berbicara, dan kemampuan dasar lainnya seperti mendengarkan, membaca dan menulis. Banyak siswa yang tidak menyadari akan pentingnya berbicara, oleh karena itu, guru diharapkan membuat siswa tertarik dan memberikan motivasi mereka untuk berbicara. Siswa yang tertarik dengan berbicara menikmati proses belajar. Mereka selalu merasa senang dan siap untuk mengerjakan tugas yang diberikan guru. Hasilnya, mereka mendapat nilai yang baik dalam mengerjakan tugas tersebut.

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menjawab pertanyaan: “apakah terdapat hubungan antara minat siswa dalam berbicara dengan nilai speaking mereka?”

Metode yang digunakan dalam pelaksanaan penilitian ini adalah studi korelasi. Penulis hanya mengambil satu kelas sebagai subjek penelitian. Dia memberikan angket kepada masing-masing siswa terkait dengan minat siswa dalam berbicara yang kemudian digabungkan dengan nilai speaking mereka.

Penelitian itu sendiri bertempat di Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri Parung. Berlokasi di Lebakwangi Parung-Bogor.




All praise be to Allah, the lord of the worlds, a word gratefulness should come out from the writer to Allah for His Mercy and guidance. Without his blessing, the writing of this skripsi could never been finished. Peace and blessing be upon Muhammad SAW, his descendants, his companion and his followers.

This skripsi is written to fulfill one of the requirements for the degree of Strata I (SI) in English Language Education of the Faculty of Tarbiyah and teachers Training, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University.

In this occasion, the writer also would like to give her great appreciation, honor and gratitude to Dr. H. Atiq Susilo M.A as her advisor, for his time, guidance, kindness, contribution, and patience in correcting and helping her in finishing this skripsi.

The writer would like to say her great honor and deepest gratitude to her beloved parents, Satibi and Rukmanah, for their irreplaceable encouragement and patience to motivate the writer to finish her study, thanks for the guidance and support in her various endeavors, and especially to her beloved brother, Anwar, and sisters, Munawaroh, Nurhayati, Neneng Hasanah, Nining Muniroh, Een Nuraeni, Nurul Khoiriah, who always give support and moral encouragement in finishing her study.

The writer also realizes that she would never finish writing this skripsi without the help of some people around her. Therefore she would like to give special gratitude to:



Amalia, S.Pd, who have given the opportunity to carry out the research. 3. Drs. Syauki, M.Pd, the Head of English Education Department, and

Neneng Sunengsih, M.Pd the Secretary of English Education Department. 4. Prof. Dr. H. Dede Rosyada, M.A as the Dean of the Faculty of Tarbiyah

and Teachers‟ Training Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University


5. All her best friends in the English Department especially Tsuraya, Imas, Isna, Novi and the other friends which is unwritten in this paper, who have given support and motivation.

May Allah SWT the Almighty bless them all. So be it.

Finally the writer realizes that this skripsi is still far from being perfect. Therefore, it is pleasure for her to accept constructive criticism and suggestion in improving this skripsi.

Jakarta, June 18, 2011







CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. The Background of the Study ... 1

B. The Limitation and Formulation of the Study ... 3

C. The Method of the Study ... 3

D. The Objective of the Study... 3

E. The Organization of Writing ... 3


1. The Understanding of Speaking ... 5

2. The Elements of Speaking ... 7

3. The Goal of Speaking ... 8

4. The Difficulties of Speaking ...10

5. Types of Classroom Speaking Performance ……… 11

B. Interest ……... 13



speaking score ... 20


1. Purpose of the Study ... 23

2. Place and Time of the Study ... 23

3. The Method of the Research ... 23

4. The technique of sample taking ... 24

5. The technique of Collecting Data ... 24

6. The technique of Data Analysis ... 25

B. Research Findings ... 26

1. Data Description ... 26

2. Data Interpretation ... 32


B. Suggestion ... 34



Table 3.1. The Specification of Instrument……….. 24 Table 3.2. Students‟ Interest and Their Speaking score ... 27 Table 3.3. The Correlation between Students‟ Interest and Their Speaking Score




A. The Background of the Study

English is one of the well known languages in the world. It has become the most widely studied foreign language on the earth.1 English is a language used in all aspects of communication, science, and technology. All of them can be actualized through speaking and other basic skill such as listening, reading, and writing.

English plays an important role as a global language, for instance in educational field, many projects which aim to improve a better concept of education such as student exchanges, researches, seminars, workshops, etc. have been using English as their media of communication.

In Indonesia, the Ministry National of Education has decided that English, as the first foreign languages have to be taught in every school, taught from primary school to university.

The teaching-learning process of English language concentrates on four skills. They are listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

One of the four skills which play a significant role in mastering English language is speaking. Penny Ur stated that “…As a skill, speaking is the most used skill by people rather than the three other skills. People who know a language are referred to as “speaker” of that language, as if speaking including all other kinds of knowing; and many if not most foreign language learners are

primarily interested in learning to speak….”2

Learning speaking English skill is not only learning the language, but also learning how to speak. Learning the language means learning the forms of language grammatically and semantically. On the other hand, learning how to speak means something different because it deals not only with the efforts of the


Jack C. Richards and Theodore S. Rodgers, Approach and Methods in Language Teaching, (London: Cambridge University Press, 1986), p.1.


Penny Ur, A Course in Language Teaching Practice and Theory, (London: Cambridge


students to understand the patterns of speaking but also the psychological problems inside themselves.

One of the psychological problems is students‟ interest. According to the

writer‟s observation during PPKT, most of students feel shy or even scared to speak English. They cannot express their ideas orally. They are fear of making mistakes, fear of being laugh by their friends, and having less confidences of their own ability. However, English learning is more effective if the learners are actively involved in the process.3

Interest is one of psychological factors effecting students‟ achievement in quantity and quality.4 Interest is as a drive in successful learning.

From the quotation above, it shows that students‟ interest will drive people to do something. For example, a person who likes singing will sing more and more. Besides, he/ she might be eager to learn how to sing. The case is same as in speaking. If students like speaking, the will try to speak more and more. In learning English, in this case speaking, it is easier for the students if they have high interest. Because it can be made as a tendency to pay attention to and the students can enjoy activities in speaking.5

From the example above, the writer assumes that students with higher interest in speaking are supposed to speak more and learn how to speak more than those with lower interest. As a result, students with higher interest will get a better score in speaking than those with lower interest.

Based on that reason, the writer is interested in finding out whether there is correlation between students‟ interest in speaking and their speaking score. Based on the statement above, the writer intended to study more and choose the topic about “THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN STUDENTS’ INTEREST IN


Friederike. Klippel, Keep Talking; Communicative Fluency Activities for Language Teaching, (London: Cambridge University Press, 1984), p. 5.


Drs. Tohirin, Psikologi Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam, (Jakarta: PT Raja Grafindo Persada, 2005), p. 117.



SPEAKING AND THEIR SPEAKING SCORE (A Correlational Study at the Second Grade of MTsN Parung”.

B. The Limitation and Formulation of the Study

In this paper, the writer limits the study on the discussion on students‟

interest in correlation with students‟ speaking score. In this research, the object of

the study is limited on the Eighth Grade of MTsN Parung.

The formulation of the problem in this paper is; “is there any correlation between students‟ interest in speaking and their speaking score?”

C. The Methods of the Study

In this research the writer used correlational study as its method. She correlated the score of students‟ interest in speaking with their speaking score.

The data were collected by giving questionnaires to the students about

students‟ interest in speaking, and the speaking score was taken from the speaking


To get the result in the study, the writer used statistic calculation of the Pearson Product Moment. And the formula is:

� = N Σxy− Σx ∙(Σy)

N∙ Σx2(Σx)2 N∙ Σy2(Σy)2

D. The Objective of the Study

The objective of the research is to find an empirical evidence whether or

not the students‟ interest has any correlation with their speaking score.

E. The Organization of the Writing

This research is divided into five chapters as follow:


Chapter two is theoretical framework which consists of four parts; the first is speaking discuss about speaking, the elements of speaking, the goals of speaking, and the difficulties of speaking. The second is interest deals with the interest, the role of interest. And the third is affecting factors of interest in speaking at MTsN Parung, and the fourth is the correlation between students‟ interest and their speaking score.

Chapter three is the implementation of the research. It consists of two parts, first is research methodology which consists of purpose of the study, place and time of the study, technique of sample taking, technique of data collecting, and technique of data analysis. The second is research finding which consist of data description, and data interpretation.




A. Speaking

As stated before in the first chapter that speaking is one of the four skills that play a significant role in mastering English. The people learning speaking deal not only with their cognitive basis to learn the forms of language but also deal with some internal psychological materials that affect people in learning process.

1. The Understanding of Speaking

According to Widdowson speaking is defined as usage and use. Speaking, in the usage sense, involves the manifestation either of the phonological system or the grammatical system of the language or both by using the speech organs. In term of use, however, the act of speaking involves not only the production of sounds but also the use of gesture, the movement of the muscles of the face, and indeed of the whole body.1

According to Byrne speaking is a two-ways process.2 In the process of speaking a person does not only consider the informational content of what they are saying but also try to project their own ideas appropriately and effectively, and present themselves to the world of the listeners in a way which engages their attention.

Speaking ability is indeed an important aspect in learning a certain languages. However, speaking is an ability that is taken for granted, learned as it is through a process of socialization through communicating.3

In addition, to reach a high achievement of speaking ability, learner must practice more and more.


Didik Santoso, A Journal; Accelerated Leraning: An Alternative Approach in Teaching

English Speaking Skill, (Jakarta: Universitas Islam Negeri Jakarta, 2006), p. 42. 2

Donn Byrne, Teaching Oral English, (London: Longman, 1976), p. 8. 3

Glenn Fulcher, Testing Second Language Speaking, (London: Pearson Education


Like writing, speaking is a complex skill requiring the simultaneous use of a number of different abilities, which often develop at the different rates. Either four or five components are generally recognized in analyzing the speech process.

a. Pronunciation and intonation b. Grammar (accuracy)

c. Vocabulary d. Fluency

e. Comprehension

On the other hand, there is difference between spoken language and written language in some aspects. In contrast to the written language, where sentences are carefully structured and linked together, speech is characterized by incomplete and sometimes ungrammatical utterances and by frequent start and repetitions.4 For the purposes of most day-to-day talk, however, the grammar that is required is not as complex nor need be as accurate as the grammar that is required for writing.

Both speaking and writing is a process which takes place through the dimension of time. The difference is writing has inherent potential to persist through time and for different sections to be revisited in the same form. But speaking cannot persist through time without secondary apparatus, such as tape-recorder. When a word is spoken, it cannot be taken back or altered.

From many definitions explained above, speaking is a skill which deals not only the production of what the speaker says but also the expressions of the speaker in order people understand what he/she say. Speaking is a skill which is used in daily life and the skill is required by much repetition. Someone who speaks should have sufficient vocabulary to express what he wants to say.



2. The Elements of speaking

There are some elements in speaking that have to be considered by the speakers as follow:

a. Pronunciation

The outer manifestation of speech is sound. The speaker must first decide what to say, be able to articulate the words, and create the physical sounds that carry meaning. According to Oxford Advanced Learner‟s Dictionary, pronunciation is the way in which a word is pronounced, the way a person speaks the word of a language. In pronouncing the words, the learners regularly have problems distinguishing between sounds in the new language that do not exist in languages they already know. Problems with pronunciation may be distracting for the listener, but they rarely lead to miscommunication or misunderstanding.5

b. Grammar

H. Douglas Brown affirms that grammar is a system of rules governing the conventional arrangement and relationship of word in a sentence.6

In popular use, the term „grammar‟ describes what people-usually

native speakers-ought or ought not to say or write. This is called prescriptive grammar because it prescribes correct usage.

c. Vocabulary

“Vocabulary is defined as the “words” in foreign language. Words are

perceived as the building blocks upon which knowledge of a second language can be built. However, a new item of vocabulary may be more than a single word. For example, post office and mother-in-law, which are, made up two or three words but express a single idea. They


Glenn Fulcher, Testing Second LanguageSpeaking,…, p. 25. 6


are also multi-word idioms such as call it a day, where the meaning of

the phrase cannot be deduced from analysis of the word components”.7

d. Fluency

In fluency practice, the learners concentrate on communicating fluently, paying little attention to accuracy.8 Their attention on the information they are communicating than on the language itself. According to Scott Thornbury, fluency is primarily the ability to produce and maintain speech in real time. To do this, fluent speakers are capable of two things: first, appropriate pausing (their pauses may be long but are not frequent, their pauses are usually filled with pause fillers like erm, you know), second, long runs (there are many syllables and words between pauses).

e. Comprehension

“Comprehension is the process of understanding speech or writing. It results from an interaction between different kinds of knowledge. For example: a knowledge of words (including the way to spell and pronounce), and a knowledge of grammar. Comprehension also involves different psychological operations, including perception, recognition, and inference. Comprehension contributes to language learning and without comprehension there is no learning.”9

3. The Goal of Speaking

The main goal in teaching the productive skill of speaking will be oral fluency: the ability to express oneself intelligibly, reasonably accurately and without undue hesitation (otherwise communication may break down because the listener loses interest or gets impatient).


Penny Ur, A Course in Language Teaching: Practice and Theory, (London: Cambridge

university Press, 1996), p. 75. 8

Glenn Fulcher, Testing Second Language Speaking, … p. 26. 9


To attain this goal, the students will have to be brought from the stage where they merely imitate a model respond to cues to the point where they can use the language to express their own ideas.

According to Brown and Yule the intention of teaching speaking is that the students should be able to „express himself‟ in the target language, to cope with basic interactive skills like exchanging greetings and thanks and apologies, and to „express his needs‟ –request information, service etc.,10 in other word speaking classes should be directed to communicative activity.

Jeremy Harmer stated that when people speak they probably have some communicative purposes. It means that people say things because they want something to happen as a result of what they say. The speaker may want to charm his listener; he may want to give some information to express pleasure; he may decide to be rude or to flatter, to agree or complain. In each of those cases he is interested in achieving this communicative purpose- it is to say being successful at what he wants to convey.11

To help students develop communicative efficiency in speaking, instructors can use a balanced activities approach that combines language input, structured input, and communicative output. Language input comes in the form of teacher talk, listening activities, reading passages, and the language heard and read outside of class. It gives learners the material they need to begin producing language themselves. Structured output focuses on correct for. In structured output, students may have options for responses. But all of the options require them to use the specific form or structure that the teacher has just introduced. In communicative output, the learners‟ main purpose is to complete a task, such as obtaining information, developing a travel plan, or creating a video.12


Brown and Yule, Teaching Spoken Language, 1997, p. 27.


Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching, 3rd Ed., (London: Longman,1986), p. 42.



4. The Difficulties of Speaking

The ability to speak a second or foreign language is often equated with proficiency in the language. Indeed, one frustration commonly voiced by learners is that they have spent many years studying English, but still can‟t speak it. One of the main difficulties is that speaking usually takes place spontaneously and in real time, which means that planning and production overlap. If too much attention is paid to planning, production suffers, and the effect is a loss of fluency. On the other hand, if the speaker‟s attention is directed on production, it is likely that accuracy will suffer.13

Penny Ur describes some difficulties in speaking activities that faced by the learners as below:

a. Inhibition. Unlike reading, writing and listening activities, speaking requires some degree of real-time exposure to an audience. Learners are often inhibited about trying to say things in a foreign language in the classroom; worried about mistakes, fearful of criticism or losing face, or simply shy of the attention that their speech attracts.

b. Nothing to say. Even if they are not inhibited, you often hear learners complain that they cannot think of anything to say: they have no motive to express themselves beyond the guilty feeling that they should be speaking.

c. Low or uneven participation. Only one participation can talk a time if he or she is to be heard; and in a large group, this means that each one will have only very little talking time. This problem is compounded by the tendency of some learners to dominate, while others spend very their mother-tongue. If they are talking in a small group, it can be quite difficult to get some classes – particularly the less disciplines or motivated one – to keep to the target language.14

On the other hand, she also classified some characteristics of a successful speaking activity, as follow:

a. Learners talk a lot. As much as possible of the period allotted to the activity is in the fact occupied by learners talk.


b. Participation is even. Classroom discussion is not dominated by a minority of talk active participants: all get a chance to speak and contributions are evenly distributed.

c. Motivation is high. Learners are eager to speak: because they are interested in the topic and have something new to say about it, or because they want to contribute to achieving a task objective.

d. Language is of an acceptable level. Learners express themselves in utterances that are relevant, easily comprehensible to each other, and of an acceptable level of language accuracy.15

Speaking in a foreign language in front of the class for the students is quite difficult. Most of the students are afraid or shy if they make mistakes, afraid of being laugh by their friends. So, they prefer to be quite to speak in the classroom. On the other hand, in speaking they need to practice. Practicing what they have learned in the classroom.

On the other side the main problem that makes students difficult to speak in the classroom is lack of vocabulary. It is a common reason for students when the writer asks their difficulties in speaking; most of their answers are vocabulary. When they want to express their idea they do not know the word to use.

5. Types of Classroom Speaking Performance

According to Douglas Brown, there are six activities can be applied to the kind of oral production that students are expected to carry out in the classroom:16

a. Imitative

In this kind of speaking performance learners try to imitate what the teacher says. For example the learners practice an intonation or try to pinpoint a certain vowel sound. Imitation of this kind is carried out not for the purpose of meaningful interaction, but for focusing on some

H. Douglas Brown, Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language


b. Intensive

Intensive speaking goes one step beyond imitative to include any speaking performance, that is designed to practice some phonological or grammatical aspect of language. Intensive speaking can be self-initiated or it can even form part of some pair work activity, where learners are “going over” certain forms of language.

c. Responsive

This kind of speaking performance is short replies to the teacher or student-initiated question or comments. And these replies do not extend into dialogues. For example:

Teacher: How are you today?

Student: Pretty good, thanks, and you?

d. Transactional

Transactional language is an extended form of responsive language. The purpose of this kind of speaking performance is to delivering or exchanging specific information.

e. Interpersonal

The other form of conversation is interpersonal dialogue, carried out more for the purpose of maintaining social relationship than for the transmission of facts and information.

f. Extensive (monologue)

Students at intermediate to advanced levels are called on to give extended monologues in the form of oral reports, summaries or perhaps short speeches. Extensive (monologue) is more formal and deliberative.


techniques that are agreed by students and suitable with their level, whether beginner, intermediate or advanced students.

Beside those kinds of speaking activities in the classroom, we have to consider the aim of activity when we talk about it whether the activity is given to improve student‟s accuracy, or to improve student‟s fluency.

In accuracy activity, teacher perhaps want to make sure the students get enough practice in a particular point of grammar, vocabulary, or pronunciation, because their purpose is to make sure the students get something right. The teacher will often work with the whole class.

In fluency activity, teachers want to give the students opportunities to use the language they have learnt, to use it freely, even if they make mistakes. In this activity, the teachers want the students to work in groups or sometimes in pair more often with a whole class, such as “group discussion, or role play”.

B. Interest

When someone did some activities such as studying or other activities, he/she has to have a good reason to make him/her sure that the activities could be successful. It concludes that he is interested in that activity.

1. The Understanding of Interest

Many people fail to understand the true meaning of the term „interest‟. The meaning of interest is of many kinds, which is scientists give different definition about it.

In general, interest is related to intrinsic motivation and is centered on

the individual‟s inherent curiosity and desire to know more about himself or

herself and his or her environment.17 Elizabeth B. Hurlock said that “interests


Zoltan Dornyei, Teaching and Researching Motivation, (London: Pearson Education


are sources of motivation which drive people to do what they want to do when they are free to choose”.18

Interest is the factor which determines one‟s attitude in working or studying actively. The stronger he or she has, the harder he or she wants to learn. N.L. and David C. Barliner said:

“Students with an interest in a subject tend to pay attention to it. They

feel it makes a difference to them. They want to become fully aware of its character. They enjoy dealing with it, either for what it can lead to or for its own sake. Their attention level is high; their work output is sustained….”19

According to Hilgard which is quoted by Slameto, interest is persisting tendency to pay attention to and enjoy some activities or content. This definition tells us that an interest is shown by a pay attention and enjoyment in any activity. So, by having interest we are going to be able to get attention in learning fully. It means that when a person is interested in something he/she will pay it full attention and also feels enjoyable it. In other words, in teaching-learning process, a teacher needs paying attention on students‟ interest and need, because both of them caused an attention. Something interest and needed by students make them to learn seriously.

From the definitions explained above, we can get a point that interest is the internal power as sources of motivation in teaching-learning process. It makes students easier to involve in the subject because they will pay attention fully on that subject in this case is speaking. In term of mental condition, interest does not only form one‟s behavior but also support him or herself to the activity in speaking and as a result, one pays attention and makes him or herself to be a part in the activities.


Elizabeth B. Hurlock, Child Development, (Singapore: Mc. Graw-Hill Book Company.

1987) p. 420. 19

N.L. Gage and David C. Berliner, Educational Ps ychology, (Chicago: Rand McNally


From the definitions from many experts above, it can be shown that

students‟ interest will be shown by some aspect, they are: curiosity, attention,

and enjoyment. a. attention

Student will called interested in something, if he/ she has an attention toward it. Attention can be directed toward objects,

people, or one‟s own thought and emotions. To give attention is to

direct one‟s thinking toward a particular idea or to alert one‟s self to certain sound, sights, or other selective stimuli in one‟s environment. Many stimuli are present in the classroom, each competing for the attention of the learners. Therefore they need help from the teacher to enable them to bring their attention back to the subject of the lesson. The more interesting the subject matter and its presentation, the more likely are mental operation of the learners to focus on the ideas under consideration.20

b. enjoyment

Feeling like toward something or person will build an enjoyment to do the activities related to it. When students feel enjoy in learning, in this case learning speaking, it is easier for them to understand the material given.

c. curiosity

A curiosity is a strong desire to know or to learn. Curiosity is a willing to know the subject material. When someone interest to something, he/she will have a curios to know it more. He/she will search all the information related to it. Students, who are interested in speaking try to understand the lesson, practice the speaking material at class or outside the class.21


Lester D. Crow, Alice Crow, Educational Psychology: Revised Edition, (New York:

American Book Company) p. 256. 21

Ahmad Muhajir, Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Minat Siswa dalam Mengikuti


Those three kinds of aspect we can use to know whether students are interested in something or not.

2. The Roles of interest

Interest is a popular term in psychology because its relations to many terms.22 It has an important role in teaching and learning process. However, whether interest popular or not, it can affect the students‟ learning activities including speaking.

The important role of interest in a whole life is to: a. provide a strong motivation to learn

b. influence the form and intensity of children aspiration c. add enjoyment to any activity the individual engages in d. Lead the people to achievement.23

Related to the statement above, Crow and Crow said interest may refer to the motivating force that impels students to attend to a person, a thing, or an activity.24 In other words, interest is as a power to force students to learn. Someone who has interest in speaking will be forced to learn and practice it. But, someone who has no interest in speaking will have no motivated to learn moreover have no motivated to practice it.

C. Affecting Factors of Interest

As we know, interest does not exist itself. Interest cannot possessed by anybody just that way, but it is something that can be developed and trained. A child‟s experience interferes whether he or she is going to be interested in something or not.

According to L D Crow and Alice Crow (in Ahmad Muhajir, 2007: 11-12) there are three factors in raising students‟ interest:


Drs. H. Mahmud, M.Si, Psikologi Pendidikan Mutakhir, (Bandung: Sahifa, 2005), p. 95.


Elizabeth B. Hurlock, Child Development, … P. 420. 24

Lester D. Crow and Alice Crow, Educational Psychology, Revised Edition, (New York:


1. The factor inner urge: Rangsangan yang datang dari lingkungan atau ruang lingkup yang sesuai dengan keinginan atau kebutuhan seseorang akan mudah menimbulkan minat misalnya, cenderung terhadap belajar, dalam hal ini seseorang mempunyai hasrat ingin tahu terhadap ilmu pengetahuan. The stimulus which is come from the environment related to someone‟s desires and needs is easier for him/her to build the interest. Such as, someone who tends toward learning, in this case he has a higher desire to know knowledge.

2. The factor of social motive: Minat seseorang terhadap obyek atau sesuatu hal, di samping dipengaruhi oleh faktor dari dalam diri manusia juga dipengaruhi oleh motif social, misalnya seseorang berminat pada prestasi tinggi agar mendapat status yang tinggi pula.

Someone‟s interest in one object or something not only caused by something come from inside of him or herself but also caused by social motive. For an example someone who is interested in getting high achievement is in order to get a high social status also in the society. 3. The factor of emotional: Faktor perasaan dan emosi ini mempunyai

pengaruh terhadap obyek. Misalnya perjalan sukses yang dipakai individu dalam suatu kegiatan tertentu dapat membangkitkan perasaan senang dan dapat menambah semangat atau kuatnya minat dalam kegiatan tersebut. These factors of feeling and emotion have effects to the object. Such as someone‟s experience in getting success in his/her life, it can raise enjoyment and spirit or have more interest in that activity. (Translated by the writer).

According to Erwin Ridha Ardhi (2007:7), there are three factors affecting students‟ interest in speaking:

1. The Material


Some speaking materials have been designed in order for learners to become more closely involved with the materials so that they can have more meaningful things to talk about and thereby learn more readily and efficiently.

Some materials may seem attractive for the teacher but would not be very motivating for the learners. A balance therefore has to be sought. At this stage it is also useful to consider how the material may guide and frame teacher-learner interaction and the teacher-learner relationship.

Teachers in MTsN Parung use many kinds of speaking material. Usually it is taken from English text book.25 Sometimes it is taken from many kinds of article related to the subject learned. The important one is the teachers try to give speaking material which involved the students and make them have an eager to learn it.

2. The Teacher

Teacher is affected directly and indirectly. He/she has to be able to influence or even control. The role of teacher in the modern system of education is indeed a complex and important one. His/her duty is not merely assign lesson to the students and check to see whether the lessons have been learned.


c. the teacher as assessor, obviously the examiner role is one of our traditional functions

d. the teacher as participant (co-communicator) in an organized activity such as debate or role play

e. the teacher as resource (consultant, adviser), most obviously as language informant

These various roles can be put together under the „umbrella‟ idea of teacher as facilitator. Teacher is not only as an information giver in the learning process, but also he/she should have an ability to raise students‟ interest in subject (in this case raise students‟ interest in speaking). The

good teacher is ….. constantly striving for congruence among several

related variables: teaching materials, methodology, students, course objectives, the target language and its context, and the teacher‟s own personality and teaching style.

MTsN Parung has about five English teachers. Most of them have graduated from English Department of several Universities in Jakarta and Bogor such as State Islamic University “Syarif Hidayatullah”, Ibnu Khaldun University, and Pakuan University. But, one of them has graduated not from English Department. But, they have competence and experience in teaching English for several years.

In teaching speaking, theachers at MTsN Parung have their own technique in delivering speaking material. Most of them usually use “Role Play” technique to get students‟ attention. According to Ade Rahmalia (English teacher at MTsN Parung), it is not easy to make students have an interest in speaking especially having their attention, it is because English is not their own language.

3. Purpose


as a foreign or second language, then it seems fair to assume that speaking skills will play a large part in this overall competence. 26

Basically interest is as a causal of someone‟s experience, interest raise as a result from his/her activity and it will continue to the same activity.

D. The Relationship between Students’ Interest and Their Speaking Score

Building students‟ interest in English subject is not easy. Moreover

English is not student‟s own language so it is difficult to understand the subject. Especially in speaking skill, students not only have to understand language verbally but also non verbally.

Interest is something which drives the person to participate in some activities. Interest can motivate students to enjoy the lesson. Beside that, high interest in speaking English makes the students possible concentrate on learning

speaking. The more the students‟ concentration on the lesson, the better the score

they obtain, because concentration can increase the motivation. High motivated students can arise a feeling and emotional connection to the lesson. The students who have a feeling and emotional connection to the material, they are easier to activate previous experience, and then the retention can be enhanced. Therefore their speaking score is better.

According to David P. Harris, speaking score can be seen by the elements of the speaking. They are pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension27. And the speaking score can be rated by the following rules:

Table 2.1

The English Speaking Test Rating Pronunciation

Score Note

5 Has few traces of foreign accent

4 Always intelligible, though one is conscious of a definite accent


Jo McDonough and Christoper Shaw, Materials and Methods in English Language

Teaching, (Oxford: Blackwell Publisher), p. 152. 27


3 Pronunciation problems necessity concentrated listening and occasionally lead to misunderstanding

2 Very hard to understand because of pronunciation problem must frequently be asked to repeat

1 Pronunciation problem to severe as to make speech virtually


Score Note

5 Makes few (if any) not cable errors of grammar or word order

4 Occasionally makes grammatical or word order errors do not, however obscure meaning

3 Makes frequent errors of grammatical or word order which occasionally obscure meaning

2 Grammar and word orders make comprehension difficult. Most often word order so severe as to make speech virtually intelligible

1 Rephrase sentences and or restrict to basic pattern errors in grammar


Score Note

5 Use vocabulary and idioms is virtually that of native speaker

4 Sometimes use inappropriate term and or must rephrase ideas because lexical inadequacies

3 Frequently use wrong word; comprehension somewhat limited because of inadequate vocabulary

2 Miss use of word and very limited vocabulary make comprehension quite difficult



Score Note

5 Speech as fluent and effortless as that a native speaker

4 Speed of speech seems to be slightly affected by language limitation 3 speed and fluency are rather strongly affected by languge limitation 2 Usually hesitant; often forced into silence by language limitation 1 speech is so halting and fragmentary as to make conversation virtually



Score Note

5 appears to understand everything is that difficult

4 Understand nearly everything at normal speed, although occasional repetition maybe necessary

3 Understand most of what is said at slower – than-normal speed with repetition

2 Has great difficulty following what is said or comprehend only “social conversation” spoken slowly and with frequent repetition





1. Purpose of the Study This study is aimed to:

a. Know the students’ interest in speaking and their speaking score. b. Know the relationship between students’ interest in speaking and

their speaking score.

2. Place and Time of the Study

The research of this study was held at MTsN Parung. It is located on Jl. Raya Parung-Bogor Kp. Lebakwangi Bogor. This research was started on 14th March to 25th April 2009. It was conducted at the eighth year students of MTsN Parung.

3. The Method of the Research

In doing this research, the writer uses quantitative approach by using correlational study as its method. In this method, she measures students’ interest in speaking by distributing 25 item questions regarding with students’ interest in speaking.

After she got the score of students’ interest in speaking, she took the students’ speaking score. The speaking score was taken from the document of speaking test. It was taken from the two dialogues which are performed by the students.


4. Technique of Sample Taking

In this research, the writer took the population from the eighth year students of MTsN Parung. The whole population of second class is about 367 students, which is divided into eight classes.

Because the population is homogenous, the sample is taken only one class; consisting of 50 students in VIII.3 class. The writer used a purposive sampling to get representative data.

5. Technique of Data Collecting a. Questionnaire



3 Curiosity 6 2 2, 10, 17, 19, 20, 22, 23, 25.

Total 20 5

b. Speaking Test

As a research instrument to know the students’ score, the writer together with the English teacher gave speaking test. The test was based on the lesson that the students had learned. It was dialogue practice that they had to perform in front of the class. It was about the expressions had to be mastered by the student at the second term of the second grade. Such as giving and asking opinion, asking and giving information, asking and offering help, and so on.

6. Technique of Data Analysis

This analysis is to see whether there is relationship between score of students’ interest in speaking and their speaking score.

In this analyze, the writer used the formula of correlation product moment.2

The formula is:


: Correlation coefficient between students’ interest and their

speaking score

N : Number of Respondents

X : Distribution of students’ interest score



Y : Distribution of students’ speaking score : Total score of students’ interest distribution

: Total score of students’ speaking score distribution : Total numbers of X multiplied by Y

: Guarded from X : Guarded from Y

Significant critical value : 0.05 and 0.01

Criteria : If ro > rt means there is correlation and Hα is accepted, Ho is rejected. If ro < rt means there is no correlation and Hα is rejected, Ho is


Ho : There is no significant correlation between students’ interest and their speaking score.

Hα : There is a significant correlation between students’ interest and their speaking score.

B. RESEARCH FINDINGS 1. Data Description

As mentioned in the research methodology, to get the data, the writer conducted a research by giving a questionnaire about students’ interest in speaking to 50 students as a sample. After the data were collected, she analyzed them to know how many students having high interest and how many students having low interest.

Second, to get the data about students’ speaking score, the writer

took from the English teacher.

Finally, after the writer analyzed both data to see the correlation between students’ interest and their speaking score by applying the formula of Pearson Product Moment Correlation.


In this case, students’ interest in speaking is as independent variable (X). To know it, the writer gave questionnaire to 50 students as a sample.

2) Students’ Speaking Score

In this case, Students’ speaking Score is a dependent variable (Y). To know it, the writer took the students’ speaking score from the English teacher.

Below are the result of questionnaire about students’ interest in speaking and their speaking score:

Table 3.2

The Students’ Interest and Their Speaking Score


17 98 75

18 91 76

19 105 80

20 97 72

21 97 74

22 88 75

23 100 74

24 105 78

25 108 75

26 94 76

27 96 70

28 93 72

29 89 78

30 94 68

31 90 75

32 115 72

33 93 70

34 97 80

35 85 71

36 98 76

37 105 75

38 104 78

39 107 75

40 97 72

41 95 85

42 89 86

43 101 82

44 93 70

45 88 84


47 101 80

48 102 82

49 115 80

50 103 75

N= 50 ∑X= 4.869 ∑Y= 3.762

3) The Correlation between Students’ Interest and Students’

speaking Score

In this case, both the students’ interest and students’ speaking scores are related by using Pearson Product moment formula. The data are described on the following table:

Table 3.3

The Correlation between Students’ Interest and Their Speaking Score


1 101 72 7272 10201 5184

2 100 70 7000 10000 4900

3 95 70 6650 9025 4900

4 93 68 6324 8649 4624

5 104 80 8320 10816 6400

6 96 85 8160 9216 7225

7 98 74 7252 9604 5476

8 104 70 7280 10816 4900

9 84 72 6048 7056 5184

10 89 75 6675 7921 5625

11 93 74 6882 8649 5476

12 101 82 8282 10201 6724

13 96 70 6720 9216 4900

14 95 71 6745 9025 5041


16 94 70 6580 8836 4900

17 98 75 7350 9604 5625

18 91 76 6916 8281 5776

19 105 80 8400 11025 6400

20 97 72 6984 9409 5184

21 97 74 7178 9409 5476

22 88 75 6600 7744 5625

23 100 74 7400 10000 5476

24 105 78 8190 11025 6084

25 108 75 8100 11664 5625

26 94 76 7144 8836 5776

27 96 70 6720 9216 4900

28 93 72 6696 8649 5184

29 89 78 6942 7921 6084

30 94 68 6392 8863 4624

31 90 75 6750 8100 5625

32 115 72 8280 13225 5184

33 93 70 6510 8649 4900

34 97 80 7760 9409 6400

35 85 71 6035 7225 5041

36 98 76 7448 9604 5776

37 105 75 7875 11025 5625

38 104 78 8112 10816 6084

39 107 75 8025 11449 5625

40 97 72 6984 9409 5184

41 95 85 8075 9025 8075

42 89 86 7654 7921 7654

43 101 82 8282 10201 8282

44 93 70 6510 8649 6510


46 102 80 8160 10404 8160

47 101 80 8080 10201 8080

48 102 82 8364 10404 8364

49 115 80 9200 13225 9200

50 103 75 7725 10609 7725

N=50 ∑X= 4.869 ∑Y=3.762 ∑XY= 367240



∑Y²= 367240


From the calculation above, it was known that rxy = 0.55 and df = 48; if we compare with table of “r” values at the degree significance of 5% and 1%, then the correlation between students’ interest in speaking and their speaking score is significant (rxy: rt = 0.55 > 0.279; rxy : rt = 0.55> 0.361)

To summarize the result of the correlation is listed below:

“r” value of product moment Interpretation

0.00 – 0.20 Considered as no correlation

0.20 – 0.40 Low Correlation

0.40 – 0.60 Medium Correlation

0.60 – 0.80 Strong Correlation

0.80 – 1.00 Very strong/perfect Correlation

Based on the table above it can be seen that the correlation index (rxy = 0.55) is in the interval of 0.40 – 0.60, this means that the correlation belongs to “medium correlation”. In other words, there is a positive correlation between variable X and variable Y.

As mentioned before, from the result of calculation, the value of rxy is 0.55; df is 48. If it is compared with the rt at the degree of significance 5% (0.279) and 1% (0.361), the correlation between students’ interest in speaking and students’ speaking score is significant (rxy : rt = 0.55 > 0.279 ; rxy : rt = 0.55 > 0.361). So, the null hypothesis (H0) of the research is rejected and alternative hypothesis (Hα) is accepted. The meaning of this statement is the students’ interest in speaking has a significant relationship or influence with students’ speaking score.

2. Data Interpretation





A. Conclusion

According to the description of the data that mentioned in the previous chapter, the writer concluded that there is a significant correlation between the students’ interest and their speaking score. If the students do not have an interest of learning speaking skill they will have difficulty to absorb the lesson. Of course in doing the task of speaking they cannot do it well. And they will get bad score.

In other hand, the students with high interest tend to be more attentive in learning speaking, of course, with the high frequency of attendance, and finally they will get good score.

B. Suggestions

At the end of this paper, the writer would like to offer some suggestions, both for the teacher and the learner:

1. The English teachers are expected to motivate their students to increase their interest in speaking.

2. Make the atmosphere of the class more conducive in order to make the teaching-learning process more a live, full of fun for all students.

3. As the condition of students in speaking, they often shy or even scare being laughed by their friends. Give them motivation to be more relaxed in speaking and tell them do not to be afraid to make mistake, because that is a process to gain success.


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Crow, Lester D, Alice Crow, Educational Psychology, revised edition, New York: American Book Company, 1958

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Harmer, Jeremy, The Practice of English Language Teaching, Third Edition, London: Longman, 1986

Hughes, Rebeca, English in Speech and writing, London: Routledge, 1996

Leighton, David, Aptitudes and Interest – Who Learn a Language Best? : Journal of the Modern Language Association, London: Modern Languages, 1988


Muhajir, Ahmad. Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Minat Siswa dalam Mengikuti Kegiatan Ektra Kulikuler, Semarang: Universitas Negeri Semarang.

Nitko, Anthony J, Educational Test and Measurements, An Introduction, New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Inc. 1983

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Materi 1

A. 1. You can use these expressions to ask for an opinion.

 What do you think of …?

 What are views …?

 What are your feelings about …?

 What is your opinion about …?

 I’d be grateful to have your view/ opinion on ….

2. You can use these expressions to give an opinion.

 I think ….

 In my opinion ….

 My own view of the matter of the problem is ….

3. You can use these expressions to decline an opinion.

 Well, I’m thinking the opposite way ….

 I don’t think so. To my mind ….

 If I may so, ….

B. 1. To ask for things, you could use these expressions.

 Can I have …?

 Would you be so kind to give me ….?

2. To offer things, you could use these expressions.

 Will you have …?

 Do you want …?

 Would you like …?

3. To give things or something to someone, you could use these expressions.

 Take this ….

 Let me give you ….

C. 1. You can use these expressions to ask for a help.


 Would you mind if I ask your help to …?

 I do apologize, but would you kindly helping me to ….? (do


2. You can use these expressions to offer help.

 What can I do to help?

 May I help you?

 May I be assistance?

3. You can use these expressions to give help to someone.

 Let me ….

 You look like you could do with some help ….

4. You can use these expressions to decline someone’s help.

 No, thanks.

 That’s very kind of you, but ….

D. 1. You can use the expressions to ask for information.

 Do you know …?

 Can you tell me …?

 Excuse me Sir/Ma’am

 I’d like to know …?

2. You can use the expressions to give information.

 Yes. Just go …. (telling a place)

 Yes, I do know that. It ….

3. You can use the expressions to deny information.

 How do you know that?

 Are you sure? As far as I know ….


Materi 2:

A. 1. To ask for agreement, you can use these expressions.

 Do you agree?

 Would you agree with …?

2. You can use these expressions to give an agreement.

 That’s a good idea.

 We seem to be saying the same thing.

B. You can use these expressions to respond to a statement.

 Why not?

 Really

 How true

C. These expressions can be used to give attention to someone.

 Tell me what’s wrong?

 I suggest ….

 It’s okay. Let me ….. (giving help)

 Would you like any help?

 You look in trouble, may I help you, sir/ma’am?

D. 1. You can use these expressions to start a conversation.

 Hi! ... ● Excuse me, ……

 Hello! … ●Lovely/nice day, isn’t it?

2. You can use the expressions to extend a conversation.

 Really?

 By the way.

3. You can use the expression to end a conversation.

 Sorry, I’ve got to go now

 I’m afraid I must go now


 Hello. This is ….

 Can I speak to ….

 May I speak to ….

2. You can use the expressions to extend a conversation on phone.

 Hold on, please.

 By the way.

 Moreover, ….

3. You can use the expressions to end a conversation on phone.

 See you then. Bye.

 I’ll call you later.


teman anda atau dipengaruhi pihak lain.

Mohon isi data diri anda sebagai berikut:

Nama : ……….

Kelas : ……….

Bacalah pernyataan yang diberikan dengan hati-hati dan berikan jawaban dengan memberikan tanda (√) pada salah satu pilihan berikut:

SS : Sangat Setuju

1 Bahasa Inggris merupakan mata pelajaran yang saya gemari 5 Saya berlatih pronunciation dirumah untuk

menunjang speaking saya.

6 Jika guru mulai berbicara, saya akan memperhatikan apa yang diucapkannya. 7 Jika guru bertanya, saya berusaha

menjawab dengan Bahasa Inggris

8 Materi-materi speaking yang diberikan membuat saya ingin selalu memperhatikan dan mempraktekannya di luar sekolah. 9 Saya selalu mengerjakan tugas-tugas yang

diberikan guru.


materi speaking.

11 Apapun bentuk materi yang diberikan, menurut saya speaking sulit dipahami apalagi dipraktekan di dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.

12 Jika guru memberikan tugas speaking, saya akan senang melakukannya dan berusaha sebaik mungkin agar mendapat hasil yang saya berbicara dengan Bahasa Inggris karena akan melatih kelancaran speaking saya.

15 Semakin menarik materi speaking yang diberikan semakin saya ingin menguasai materi tersebut.

16 Saya lebih senang mengobrol dengan teman daripada memperhatikan materi speaking yang sedang diberikan.

17 Saya selalu ingin tahu materi speaking apa yang akan diberikan selanjutnya.

18 Saya senang mengerjakan tugas-tugas speaking yang diberikan oleh guru.

19 Untuk memahami materi pelajaran, saya harus mengulangi materi tersebut di rumah. 20 Terkadang saya sulit memahami materi


pelajaran yang penting untuk dipelajari. 22 Saya segan mengerjakan tugas-tugas

speaking, karena menurut saya itu sulit. 23 Jika materi yang diajarkan kurang

dimengerti, saya tidak segan bertanya kepada guru.

24 Saya harus berusaha dengan keras agar berhasil dan memahami materi pelajaran dengan baik.

25 Saya merasa malu dan takut jika harus berbicara dengan Bahasa Inggris di depan teman-teman.


SPEAKING TEST Speaking Test 1:

Choose one of these following expressions and make a dialogue with your partner based on the expression you choose!

1. Asking and giving an opinion 2. Asking and giving something 3. Asking and giving a help 4. Offering and declining a help 5. Asking and giving information

Speaking Test 2:

Choose one of these following expressions and make a dialogue with your partner based on the expression you choose!

1. Asking and giving a statement, and responding to a statement 2. Starting, extending, and ending a conversation

3. Starting, extending, and ending a conversation on phone


Table 2.1. The English Speaking Test Rating…………….……………………. 20
Specification of InstrumentTable 3.1
The Students’ Interest and Their Speaking ScoreTable 3.2
The Correlation between Table 3.3 Students’ Interest and Their Speaking Score


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