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Comparative Analysis between Audio-lingual and Total Physical Response Methods in English Language Learning for Kindergarten Students


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Comparative Analysis between Audio-lingual and Total Physical Response Methods in English Language Learning for Kindergarten Students

A Thesis By:

Fikry Prastya Syahputra Reg. No. 100705027

Supervisor, Co. Supervisor,

Drs. H. Chairul Husni, M.Ed. TESOL Drs. Bahagia Tarigan, M.A. NIP. 19570803 198404 1 004 NIP. 19581017 198601 1 001 Submitted to Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara Medan in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Sastra in Department of English



Approved by the Department of English, Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara (USU) Medan as thesis for The Sarjana Sastra Examination.

Head, Secretary,


Accepted by the Board of Examiners in partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree of Sarjana Sastra from the Department of English, Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara, Medan.

The examination is held in Department of English Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara on Thursday, 17th April 2014

Dean of Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara

Dr. H. Syahron Lubis, MA NIP.19511013 197603 1 001

Board of examiners

Dr. H. Muhizar Muchtar, M.S

Rahmadsyah Rangkuti, MA. Ph.D

Dr. H. Syahron Lubis, MA

Prof. Dra. Tengku Silvana Sinar, M.A., Ph.D













Signed :















Signed :



Alhamdulillah, in the name of Allah SWT, the writer would like to thank

Allah SWT, for all the mercy and blessing that I have. Also for the chance and power

that given to me to complete this thesis. Praises and greets to Muhammad SAW who

has brought us to the luminous era and lead us to the goodness of mankind.

The writer sincere gratitude also goes to the Dean of Faculty of Cultural

Studies, University of North Sumatera, Dr. Syahron Lubis, MA, the Head and the

Secretary of English Department, Dr. H. Muhizar Muchtar, M.S and Rahmadsyah

Rangkuti, MA. Ph.D for all the facilities and opportunities given to the writer during

the study.

First and foremost, the writer would like to thank the writer supervisor and

co-supervisor, Drs. H. Chairul Husni, M.Ed. TESOL and Drs. Bahagia Tarigan,

M.A.for the guidance, support, advice, and constructive comments during the writing

of this thesis.

The writer special thanks are expressed to the writer beloved parents, Freedy

Syahputra and Supiah Mansyur and also beloved brother Al Gery Prayudi for giving

the writer support and attention. The other special thanks goes toFitri Annisa for her

kindness, support, time and love all the time.

Big thanks are addressed to the writer best friends Rizki Andrian,WinaViqa,

Annisa Musa, Yuni Erika, Nadia Marchelina, and also to all my friends in English

Department attended year of 2010. For all people in IMSI‟s big family and for my

friend Hary Utomo who edited the video, Uke Tri for letting me uses her laptop and

Dian Putra who accompanied me in any occasion. Thank you everyone.

Finally, the writer has to admit that this thesis is far from being perfect. Thus

any comments, suggestions, and criticism will be humbly accepted. May Allah SWT

bless us. Amin.




This thesis entitled; “Comparative Analysis between Audio-lingual and Total Physical Response Methods in English Language Learning for Kindergarten

Students” is a study of linguistic. This study appeared because of the issue about government policy to eliminate English subject in Elementary school. This emerged

many opinions and claims that interested to be analyzed. Those opinions / claims are;

age predictor in language learning and teaching methods effect in the successful of

language learning, especially foreign language learning. This study / thesis focus on

the language learning and language acquisition of children age of five. The objects of

the study are language learning activities in a kindergarten. And discuss the

phenomena of language acquisition within the process of English language learning

as foreign language.

The study is based on Krashen claims that comparing two teaching methods

will lead to an experiment of language acquisition. So this study conducted a

research which compared two teaching methods. The methods are; Audio-lingual and

Total Physical Response. The teaching material created by the researcher and the

teachers. The researcher recorded the teaching-learning activities to recognize the

progress of study.

This thesis concluded that Audio-lingual was more effective applied in the

TPA/TKI Ad-Dirasa (kindergarten). The conclusion was based on the analysis of the data supported by teachers‟ opinions. There is still a chance of different result regarding the same research with a different object (kindergarten). Because this

research is not the final answered of issues related to the topic. This research is a

supporting evidence of the writer claims within the topic discussed and a reference to



Skripsi yang berjudul “Comparative Analysis between Audio-lingual and Total Physical Response Methods in English Language Learning for Kindergarten

Students” ini adalah study mengenai linguistik. Studi ini muncul karena adanya

perdebatan mengenai rencana pemerintah untuk menghapuskan pelajaran bahasa

Inggris di Sekolah Dasar. Perdebatan tersebut memunculkan spekulasi-spekulasi

yang menarik untuk diteliti, antara lain pengaruh umur dan metode pengajaran

bahasa dalam keberhasilan suatu pengajaran bahasa terutama bahasa asing. Dalam

study ini berfokus pada pembelajaran bahasa dan pemerolehan bahasa pada anak –

anak umur 5 tahun. Objek penelitian adalah pembelajaran bahasa di sebuah taman

kanak-kanak dan membahas fenomena-fenomena pemerolehan bahasa di dalam

proses pengajaran bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa asing (foreign language).

Penelitian berdasarkan pendapat Krashen yang menyatakan bahwa

membandingkan dua metode pembelajaran bahasa akan menuju kepada sebuah

penelitian bahasa. Metode yang digunakanadalah Audio-lingual dengan Total

Physical Response. Materi yang digunakan rancangan bersama antara guru-guru dan

peneliti. Untuk mengetahui kemajuan dalam pembelajaran penilti merekam kegiatan


Dalam study ini Audio-lingual dianggap lebih berhasil diterapkan pada

anak-anak. Hal ini berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang berpedoman pada keberhasilan para

siswa menyerap materi pembelajaran serta didukung oleh pendapat guru-guru . Akan

tetapi tidak menutup kemungkinan di tempat yang lain dengan jenis penelitian yang

sama akan mendapatkan hasil yang berbeda pula. Sebab dari itu hasil dari penelitian

ini bukan akhir. Hasil studi ini melainkan sebagai bahan pertimbangan untuk para



2.5 Applied Linguistic Research………... 13

2.6 Relevant Studies ………. 14


3.1 Research Design………. ……… 21

3.2 Data and Data Source……….. ……….. 22

3.3 Data Collecting Method………. 23

3.4 Data Analysis……….. 24


3.4.2 Data Display……… 25

3.4.3 Conclusion Drawing and Verification……… 25


4.1 Analysis……….. 26

4.2 Findings……….. 42


5.1 Conclusions……… 52

5.2 Suggestions……….. 53



This thesis entitled; “Comparative Analysis between Audio-lingual and Total Physical Response Methods in English Language Learning for Kindergarten

Students” is a study of linguistic. This study appeared because of the issue about government policy to eliminate English subject in Elementary school. This emerged

many opinions and claims that interested to be analyzed. Those opinions / claims are;

age predictor in language learning and teaching methods effect in the successful of

language learning, especially foreign language learning. This study / thesis focus on

the language learning and language acquisition of children age of five. The objects of

the study are language learning activities in a kindergarten. And discuss the

phenomena of language acquisition within the process of English language learning

as foreign language.

The study is based on Krashen claims that comparing two teaching methods

will lead to an experiment of language acquisition. So this study conducted a

research which compared two teaching methods. The methods are; Audio-lingual and

Total Physical Response. The teaching material created by the researcher and the

teachers. The researcher recorded the teaching-learning activities to recognize the

progress of study.

This thesis concluded that Audio-lingual was more effective applied in the

TPA/TKI Ad-Dirasa (kindergarten). The conclusion was based on the analysis of the data supported by teachers‟ opinions. There is still a chance of different result regarding the same research with a different object (kindergarten). Because this

research is not the final answered of issues related to the topic. This research is a

supporting evidence of the writer claims within the topic discussed and a reference to



Skripsi yang berjudul “Comparative Analysis between Audio-lingual and Total Physical Response Methods in English Language Learning for Kindergarten

Students” ini adalah study mengenai linguistik. Studi ini muncul karena adanya

perdebatan mengenai rencana pemerintah untuk menghapuskan pelajaran bahasa

Inggris di Sekolah Dasar. Perdebatan tersebut memunculkan spekulasi-spekulasi

yang menarik untuk diteliti, antara lain pengaruh umur dan metode pengajaran

bahasa dalam keberhasilan suatu pengajaran bahasa terutama bahasa asing. Dalam

study ini berfokus pada pembelajaran bahasa dan pemerolehan bahasa pada anak –

anak umur 5 tahun. Objek penelitian adalah pembelajaran bahasa di sebuah taman

kanak-kanak dan membahas fenomena-fenomena pemerolehan bahasa di dalam

proses pengajaran bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa asing (foreign language).

Penelitian berdasarkan pendapat Krashen yang menyatakan bahwa

membandingkan dua metode pembelajaran bahasa akan menuju kepada sebuah

penelitian bahasa. Metode yang digunakanadalah Audio-lingual dengan Total

Physical Response. Materi yang digunakan rancangan bersama antara guru-guru dan

peneliti. Untuk mengetahui kemajuan dalam pembelajaran penilti merekam kegiatan


Dalam study ini Audio-lingual dianggap lebih berhasil diterapkan pada

anak-anak. Hal ini berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang berpedoman pada keberhasilan para

siswa menyerap materi pembelajaran serta didukung oleh pendapat guru-guru . Akan

tetapi tidak menutup kemungkinan di tempat yang lain dengan jenis penelitian yang

sama akan mendapatkan hasil yang berbeda pula. Sebab dari itu hasil dari penelitian

ini bukan akhir. Hasil studi ini melainkan sebagai bahan pertimbangan untuk para




1.1. Background of the Study

Indonesia government always concerns the national education. As we know

that well educated people will create a better nation. Indonesia as a developing

country needs to focus more on education side in order to enrich the human


There is a policy in the blueprint of 2013/2014 curriculum to eliminate

English subject for elementary school students. This policy is quoted from the news.

“JAKARTA (Pos Kota) - Kementerian Pendidikan dan

Kebudayaan (Kemendikbud) belum dapat memastikan apakah akan menghapus mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris dari kurikulum Sekolah Dasar (SD). Mendikbud Mohammad Nuh bahwa penghapusan mata pelajaran untuk SD itu masih belum final.

„Masih belum final. Tapi kemungkinan untuk itu ada dan terbuka.

Sebelum diputuskan mata pelajaran dan kurikulumnya, kami uji publik dulu. Karena hasil diskusi kan belum bisa dijadikan pegangan,‟ kata Mohammad Nuh di kantornya, Kamis (11/10).”

The Ministry of Education said that the policy is not final yet. There are still

some things to be tested for this policy. The reason for this policy said that the

children did not focus in other lesson when they study English. Kunjana Rahardi a

socio-linguist (2012) in an interview with a local radio said that

“Menurutnya sudah selayaknya anak di usia kelas 1 sampai kelas 3 SD memang tidak dikenalkan dengan bahasa asing lebih dahulu. Sebaliknya harus difokuskan pada bahasa ibu


The other reason is stated by the vice ministry of Education Ministry of

Indonesia Government Mr. Musliar Kasim.

“Bahasa Inggris mungkin dihapuskan dari kurikulum wajib siswa SD yang akan diberlakukan pemerintah pada tahun ajaran 2013-2014. Alasannya, keberadaan mata pelajaran tersebut membuat siswa tidak fokus mendalami kemampuan belajar Bahasa Indonesia.”

The government policy is not coherence with the need of English language

for Indonesia future. In 2014-2015 Indonesia will face AFTA (Asean Free Trade

Association) and AEC (Asean Economic Community). The need of English is an

important issue. It is stated in newspaper of Wall Street English Thailand “For

people over 30, there‟s a danger of being “outdated” compared to those who are AEC

ready. Unfortunately, it may be harder to find a new job. The only solution is to learn

something new –such as English”

The news also mentions other opinion about English “English will be the

language for business in AEC 2015. In the near future, China, Japan, and South

Korea, will join the AEC as well. This means learning English will become even

more crucial”

Meanwhile, parents have some arguments too about the government policy to

eliminate English subject in the elementary school. Most of them disagree with this


“VOA Indonesia - Sebagian orangtua mempertanyakan rencana penghapusan pelajaran Bahasa Inggris dari sekolah dasar oleh Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. Keputusan Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Indonesia untuk menghapuskan pelajaran Bahasa Inggris dari sekolah dasar mulai tahun ajaran 2013-2014 dipertanyakan oleh para orangtua yang menganggap bahasa asing semakin mudah diajarkan pada

anak-anak jika dilakukan sejak dini.”

“Sayang jika Bahasa Inggris dihapuskan. Sekarang [anak-anak] sudah pada bisa, tiba-tiba dihapuskan. Kasian mereka, mengapa jadi mundur ya,” ujar Lita Anggraeni, seorang pegawai negeri sipil di Jakarta.“Biar bagaimana juga pengetahuan umum itu sumbernya bahasa asing, terutama Bahasa Inggris,” tambahnya.

Pendapat serupa disuarakan seorang pegawai bank

bernama Inggrid yang mengatakan, “Bahasa Inggris sebenarnya

dasar ya. Ke depan nanti Bahasa Inggris banyak dipakai, jadi menurut saya lebih baik dikenalkan sejak dini.”

Most of them strongly disagree with the government policy to eliminate

English in elementary school.

Parents‟ ideas and responses about the government policy to eliminate

English from elementary school are in compliance with some linguists and scholars

ideas about studying second languages. The writer agrees with the idea that „children

are more effective to achieve second language in a long term study‟. These ideas

came from people who disagree with this policy and some linguists statements which

stated below.

Krashen (1995:43) says “It has been popularly assumed that age itself is a

predictor of second language proficiency, that younger acquirers are better at second

language acquisition than older.” Krashen (1995:43) also says “Acquirers who begin

natural exposure to second languages during childhood generally achieve higher


Ellis (1997:68) states that “Studies of immigrants in the United States show

that if they arrive before puberty (+ 12 years old) they go on to achieve much higher

levels of grammar proficiency than if they arrive after.” Ellis (1997:68) also argues

that age is an important matter in language acquisition and learning, “Interestingly,

age of arrival is as much better predictor of ultimate achievement than the number of

years of exposure to the target language. In the case of pronunciation, the crucial age

appears to be much earlier, possibly as early as six.”

Bialystok & Miller (1999; 143) say “There is no doubt that learners who

arrived in Canada at a younger age and began learning English earlier had a better

chance of doing well than learners who arrived later. This general trend was found in

our data for the Spanish learners and replicates numerous studies that offer empirical

support for the widely held view that children are more successful at learning a

second language than adults are.”

Parera (1986:84) says “anak – anak memperoleh bahasa lebih cepat dan lebih gampang dari pada orang dewasa karena

anak – anak secara biologis diprogramkan untuk belajar bahasa

sedangkan orang dewasa tidak.”

Based on the claim above linguists and scholars strongly argue that children

are able to learn language better in younger ages.

The policy to eliminate English in the elementary school provokes many

politicians, scholars and teachers. Some agree while others oppose this policy.

English is very important to Indonesian students. English is one of the subjects in

National Examination from junior to senior high school. In the higher level of


English is very important to graduates too. Some job vacancies require

applicants who can speak English. Therefore English is very important to Indonesian

students. The government policy to eliminate English subject from elementary school

is not wise. Based on the arguments, ideas and opinions stated above, the writer

believes that learning English from childhood will achieve a better result in acquiring

them. That‟s why the writer is interested in observing and analyzing children who

learn English language in early childhood. The research attempts to prove that

children can learn English, as a second or foreign language. This research is aimed at

finding out a better language teaching method for children.

This paper has a focus on Language Acquisition and Language Learning.

Language acquisition is a study on how people acquire language and use the

language. Language acquisition combines many aspects of linguistic in the study. As

the fundamental aspects of human being, language is very important.

Language will be useless if no one uses it and like what Chomsky (1968) says

that language is unique to human. Chomsky (1968) in Jendra (2010: 2) says that

“when we study language, we are approaching what some might call „human

essence‟, the distinctive qualities of mind that are so far we know, unique to man.”

Halliday (1973) also says that “all uses of language, however abstract and

however complex the social structure with which they associated, were to be

explained in terms of certain elementary functions. Language acquisition or language


In Indonesia if the L1 is their native language like Javanese so the L2 is

probably Bahasa, but if their L1 is Bahasa there is a change that their L2 is their tribe

language or any other foreign languages. English, Arabic and Mandarin are

commonly learned by Indonesian people.

Based on the explanations above it can be argued that second language

acquisition is a systemic study of how people acquire a second language (L2). Ellis

(1997:3) says “L2 acquisition; then can be defined as the way in which people learn a

language other than their mother tongue, inside or outside of classroom”.

The writer uses Applied Linguistics Research in this paper by comparing two

Language Teaching Methods. Those teaching methods are Audio-lingual Method

and Total Physical Response Method. In order to be able to get a better teaching

method, the writer compares these two teaching methods.

Krashen (1995) also agrees by comparing two teaching methods, an

experiment of language acquisition is likely to occur. Krashen (1995:3) says “An

example that will be important to us in our discussion of language teaching consists

of experiments that compare teaching methods.” These experiments are not going to

attack one method or another but to find a better teaching method for language


1.2. Problems of the Study

Based on the background above, here are the problems in this research:

a) Which Learning / Teaching Methods are more suitable for kindergarten


b) How children response to both methods?

1.3. Objectives of the Study

Related to the problems above, the writer state some objectives to answer it:

a) To find out what Learning / Teaching Methods are more suitable for kindergarten

students who learn English.

b) To find out the response of children in learning English language using TPR and

Audio-lingual methods.

1.4. Scope of the Study

There are many studies in language acquisition and language learning but the

writer makes a limitation in order to make the analysis more specific.

The writer makes a scope of analysis which focuses on English as the

second/foreign language being learned by children attending kindergarten or pre –

school (around 4 – 6 years of age). The writer compares Audio-lingual Method with

Total Physical Response Method. The data of the observation are the results of

learning process taken from those two methods.

1.5. Significances of the Study

The writer hopes the findings of this study will help teachers, especially

kindergarten teachers who teach English in the class. This study hopefully can

provide some necessary information about a better Language Teaching Method for

young language learners. It is also hoped that the finding of this research can give




2.1. Behaviorism

Ellis (1997:31) stated that during 1950s and 1950s behaviorist learning theory

was dominant in psychological theory of language acquisition. This theory says;

“language learning is like any other kind of learning that involves habitual action.

Habits are formed when learners respond to stimuli in the environment and

subsequently have their responses reinforced so that they are remembered. Thus, a

habit is a stimulus – response connection.” As a concept of acquiring language

behaviorism plays a great part in the development of language acquisition study.

Children under seven years old are mostly influenced by the behaviorism theory in

acquiring the second language. Hanafia (2013) in his lecture stated that children

under seven years old tend to memorize the words that they always heard. He gave

an example of a mother who taught her baby to say „ibu/mama‟. The word from the

mother is the stimulus and the word from the baby is the response. The concept of

behaviorism matches the discussion in this research, because the object of study

mainly or mostly captures the behaviorism theory and concept in acquiring language.

The object of study is also children under seven years old.

Another example of acquiring second language (behavioral) by children is

when they learn to read Qur‟an. Qur‟an is the holy book of Islam religion. Muslim

children tend to learn how to read Qur‟an since childhood. Holy Qur‟an used Arabic


The way of learning Qur‟an is coherence with Krashen (1988) opinion in

acquiring language. Krashen (1988) says "Language acquisition does not require

extensive use of conscious grammatical rules, and does not require tedious drill."

Thus, children do not require some extensive grammatical rule to understand

the language. They just listen and repeat it. When the „Ustadz‟ (a teacher of Islam

religion) say „alif‟ (آ), „ba‟ (ب) „ta‟ (ت) for this sign, the children simple listen the

sound from the „Ustadz‟ and they acquire it. They pronounce it again after listening

to the sound (utterances) from the „Ustadz‟ this activities is called memorize and

mimicry in behavioral study. It is an example of language acquisition by children in

Arabic language. The writer program and objective in this research is to observe the

same activities but in the different object of study, English instead of Arabic.

The writer focuses on the first stage of acquiring language, vocabulary

acquisition. The children listen to the sound (utterances), and pronounce it again.

This is very much similar to the behavioral strategy mentioned above; repeating the

word loudly to remember it. This is also the reason why Audio-lingual is adopted as

one of the teaching methods in this study. Because some patterns and conditions to

learn / acquire language in audio-lingual methods similar to behaviorism theory.

They are; form habitual activities and force the learner / acquirer to memorize and


2.2. Nativism

The writer uses another language acquisition theory to support this thesis.

Beside behaviorism the writer also mentioned nativism theory in this thesis. Ellis

(1997:32) says “the obvious inadequacies of behaviorists explanations of L2

acquisition led researchers to look towards an alternative theoretical framework.”

Linguists and scholars who opposed behavioral theory began to see another theory.

Ellis (1997:32) “From a preoccupation with the role of „nature‟ (i.e. how

environmental factors shape learning), researchers switched their attention to „nature‟

(i.e. how the innate properties of human mind shape learning). This new paradigm

was, therefore, mentalist (or „nativist‟) in orientation.”

In difference to behaviorism, nativism holds that language is not the result of

general learning mechanisms, but rather innate capacity. This special capacity is

belong only to human and not include to the sound or any other being

communication (animal, etc).

Ellis (1997:32) says “in the 1960s and 1970s a mentalist theory of first

language (L1) acquisition emerged. According to this theory:

- Only human beings are capable of learning language.

- The human mind is equipped with a faculty for learning language, referred to

as a Language Acquisition Device (LAD). This is separate from the

faculties responsible for other kinds of cognitive activity (for example,

logical reasoning).


- Input is needed, but only to „trigger‟ the operation of the language acquisition


The explanations above showed the principals of nativism theory. This theory

mentions in this thesis because, some of the principals similar to some principals in

Total Physical Response methods. In TPR the input is a trigger to an acquisition. The

pattern drill activities in TPR produce an understanding of language by children, as if

they already have the language. This pattern drill is also similar to the existence of

LAD in human brain that nativists belief.

2.3. Audio-lingual Method

Krashen (1995:129-130) says “Audio-lingual; the lesson typically begins

with dialogue, which contains the structures vocabulary of the lesson. The student is

expected to mimic the dialogue and eventually memorize it (termed „mim-mem‟).”

This method focuses on remembering and uttering the words that have been

taught. Teacher is the role model in class that conducts dialogue contains new

vocabulary to learn. Krashen (1995:130) “The dialogue is followed by pattern drill

on the structures introduced in the dialogue. The aim of the drill is to „strengthen

habits‟, to make the pattern automatic.” From this statement, Audio-lingual method

matches with behavioral theory in the term of „strengthen habits‟. Along with it, the

writer chooses Audio-lingual method because of it coherency with behaviorism

theory. So the writer hopes this method suit for children.

Noori (2001) describes the principles of the Audio-lingual method as follows:


- language forms occur within a context

- students‟ native language interferes as little as possible with the students‟

attempts to acquire the target language

- teaching is directed to provide students with a native –speaker like model

- analogy provides a better foundation for language learning than analysis

- errors are carefully avoided because they lead to the formation of bad habits

- positive reinforcement helps the student to develop correct habits

- students are encouraged to learn to respond to verbal and non-verbal stimuli

- the teacher is regarded as an orchestra leader conducting , guiding and

controlling the students‟ behavior in the target language

- Learning foreign language is treated on par with the native language.

This method focuses on mimicking and memorizing the new vocabulary

similar to what the kindergarten teachers used to teach the children. The role of

grammar is less. Using dialogues and group works. The writer chooses this method

because the principals can be modified to be used for children. The matters of study

between Audio-lingual and TPR are made in the similar difficulties.

2.4. Total Physical Response Method (TPR)

Krashen (1995:140) says “Total Physical Response (TPR) consists basically

of obeying commands given by the Instructor that involve an overt physical

response.” This method used actual body response to the words given. The learners


Moreover, Asher (2003) says “TPR (total physical response) is a method of

teaching language using physical movement to react to verbal input in order to

reduce student inhibitions and lower their affective filter. It allows students to react

to language without thinking too much, facilitates long term retention, and reduces

student anxiety and stress.” Asher (2003) also mentions how to implement TPR

effectively; “it is necessary to plan regular sessions that progress in a logical order,

and to keep several principles in mind.” The terms of logical order in TPR principals

is similar to nativism theory of language acquisition.

Asher (2003) also mentions that some principles in doing TPR are as follows:

- Prepare a script

- Build on what has gone before

- Recycle language and review extensively

- Don‟t change the target language

- Be good-natured and positive. In order for students to relax and feel

comfortable, during TPR practice the teacher should project a friendly and

positive manner.

- Introduce limited number of new items and manipulate them extensively

- Incorporate some humor

- Students don't speak


The writer chooses TPR because it is easy to practice and the principles can

be adapted to use for children. Widodo (2005:240) mentions some disadvantages of

using TPR “it is only really suitable for beginner level.” That is why the writer is

interested to use this method.

2.5. Applied Linguistics Research

Krashen (1995:3) says “Applied Linguistics Research: a great deal of

research goes on in linguistics that is not aimed at supporting or attacking any

coherent theory. This research, rather, is aimed at solving practical, real problems

that confront society. A few examples will hopefully make this category clear.” The

research method that is used in this paper is to compare two teaching methods. The

two teaching methods will be used in two different classes but in the same level. The

teaching methods will be used are Audio-lingual & Total Physical Response. The

students will be researched are children who attend kindergarten school. The basic

research hypothesis is adapted from Krashen‟s statement stated in his book; Krashen

(1995:3) says “An example that will be important to us in our discussion of language

teaching consists of experiments that compare teaching methods.” Children are

assumed to have a better ability to grasp language.

In order to optimize their potential, a better teaching method must be applied

to them. Thus, this research aim is to give a supporting evidence of above

assumption. The result of research and observation are data of children ability in

studying English using those two methods. Therefore, the data will be the supporting

evidence and references to choose a better language teaching method for young


2.6. Relevant Studies

The writer of this thesis quoted some research of language acquisition and

language learning applied for children. Ellis (1997:8) conducted a research of SLA in

two immigrant child. J was a ten year Portuguese boy and R was an eleven year boy

came from Pakistan. Both of them moved to England and studied English. Ellis‟ goal

for both of them was to make them able to use „request‟ sentence. Ellis (1997:11)

says that “My goal was narrower; I was concerned with how J and R acquired the

ability to perform a single language function (request).”

This research was focused on J and R ability to perform request in time to

time. The first attempt showed that both of them performed simple words to show

request. They just pointed and objects for the hints, Ellis (1997:9) said that “their

requests were verb less”. When J needed a rubber he just said rubber. So did R. Their

progress showed some time after when they performed request using „give me‟ and

„can‟. Then Ellis assumed that (1997:10) “both learners are capable of successfully

simple request even when they knew very little English.”

There was also research conducted by Wagner-Gough and Hatch (1975). In

the research they determined the progress of acquirer by comparing the data from


The subject was Paul five years old boy and the object was English as second

language. According to Wagner-Gough and Hatch (1975) in Krashen (1988: 119) “at

least some of Paul‟s progress can be attributed to the fact that he had the benefit of

input that was more appropriate for language acquisition. He engaged in

conversations such as this one”:

Adult Paul

Paul, are you writing? Yeah

What are you doing? I‟m write

Paul, are you writing? Yeah

What are you doing? I‟m writing

Is the baby crying? Baby is crying

The research showed that Paul was able to communicate using English. Paul

understood the grammar rules in the second conversation. The researcher determined

Paul progress by his capability in doing this conversation.

Aini (2013) introduces direct method and natural method of English Beginner

as a Second Language for Children of 4-5 Years Old (Kindergarten).

Her thesis focuses on the same object with this thesis object. The object was

students who learn English in kindergarten school / period. The research has different

problems of study and teaching method. However, the writer can learn something


Aini used Parera (1986) concept as the anchor of analyzing the data and

problem. The writer can get many aspects from Aini‟s thesis to support his research.

Aini introduced English by using the Direct Method and Natural Method. She

acted herself as the observer. The activity is as follows:

Subject Matter TK.A Greeting

Teacher said, “Good morning students?” and then students answered, “Good

morning Mom”. Teacher said, “How are you students?” and then students answered,


This method indicates that teacher uses vocabulary in daily life with a simple

structure so that children can understand the meaning and they know when they can

use it as greeting. (According to Parera, direct method point 1)


Children were assigned to learn colors by using English such as red, green, yellow

and blue as primary colors. The teacher taught the students with visual aid in front of

the class room and repeated each color three times by showing the visual aid.

This method according to Parera is called natural method by showing the meaning

with some objects or pictures.


The Students were assumed familiar with number one to ten (1-10). Teacher wrote

number 1 to 10 in the blackboard and pointed to each number and then said it with

correct pronunciation and the students repeated it after the teacher. The teacher


natural method, showing the meaning by using pictures in front of the class. In this

case teacher wrote it down on the blackboard and asked each student what the

number was.


Students were already familiar with the parts of body, such as: eyes, hands, nose, and

ears. Teacher showed the parts of body with the visual aid. This method is in

accordance with natural method which uses many objects in order to make it easier

for the children to understand new vocabularies that they have just got. This method

is also in accordance with direct method point 5which shows concrete meaning with

reference. Students knew the meaning of each vocabulary because they know the real

object that they had seen. In this case students were not yet taught singular or plural


Subject Matter TK.B Color

Students were familiar with colors such as: red, yellow, green and blue. The teacher

asked the students about colors by visual aid in front of the class every time the

teacher began the lesson. The teacher always repeated the lesson in order to make the

student remember the lesson that they had got before. This method is adapted from

direct method point 7where the students listen and imitate generously and then the

vocabulary appears automatically.


Students had known number one until twenty (1-20). Teacher wrote number 11 to


number they were randomly. Teacher usually repeated the number three times for

each number. This method applies natural method that uses some pictures or

drawings to show the meaning of vocabulary. This method is adopted from direct

method point 1that uses vocabulary in daily life.


Students knew parts of their body such as: hands, nose, ears, eyes, mouth, leg, neck,

hair, cheek. This method is adopted from direct method point 1that uses vocabulary

in daily life.


Students were assigned to write and to spell number 1 until 20.For example 1 =

O-NE, 2 = T-W-O, 3 = T-H-R-E-E etc. The students wrote it in the class room not as a

home work so each student had a book for English. The teacher always repeated the

lesson in order to make students always remember the lesson for several weeks or

hours and focus on utterance. Most activities were done in the class and the teacher

just met the students when she was teaching them. In introduction English for

beginner specifically for kindergarten, grammar was not introduced, the teacher just

introduced vocabularies about daily life.

The activities used in Introduction English for four and five years old

beginners (kindergarten) are as follows:

- Teacher taught vocabulary about daily life such as: color, number and body.

- Teacher used visual aid to show the vocabulary so that the students

understood what the teacher said.


- Students found it easy to understand each vocabulary by using picture and

visual aid.

All the conclusions are in accordance with Parera: 160

Although Aini‟s thesis is using different methods in introducing English, the

writer gets something from this thesis. The writer finds supporting evidence that

children are able to learn English as second or foreign language. Language teaching

method can be modified for children, depending on the teacher‟s capacity to use it.

Bachrie (2011) in his study shows the level of competence in Using "Must"

and "Have To" for The Eighth Grade of SMPN 1” for children of 12 – 14 years old in

acquiring English. Those students did not just study the language but had a focus on

using the language. The writer of this thesis directly examines the students by giving

some questions around the use of “must” and “have to”.

The test took place in MTs. ULIL AL-BAAB. Mts is in the same level of junior

high school. Mts or „Madrasah Tsanawiyah‟ is a junior high school based on Islamic

way of teaching. In spite of under Indonesia education and cultural ministry

(MENDIKBUD), Madrasah Tsanawiyah is under the Indonesia Islamic ministry.

In this research, the findings show that the second year students of MTs. ULIL

AL-BAAB, “fail” in using modal “must and have to”. It can be seen from the result of

student‟s score in using “must and have to” at the second year students of MTs. ULIL


From 20 students` writing, the researcher concluded that 1 student that was

classified “excellence”, 1 student got “good” in writing task, then 7 students were

classified “fair”, and 11 students were classified “poor”. In the other word, 5% of

student excellence, 5 % got good score, then 35% of students got fair score and 55%

of students got poor score, which meant that they were failed. From the interview,

The writer shows the findings above to show how poor the ability of junior

high student in English. Based on this supporting evidence, the government‟s policy




3.1 Research Design

The writer uses qualitative method in this paper. Miles and Huberman (1994)

define the way of qualitative research is to find the meaning of data based on the

goals stated by the researcher. “Qualitative modes of data analysis provide ways of

discerning, examining, comparing and contrasting, and interpreting meaningful

patterns or themes. Meaningfulness is determined by the particular goals and

objectives of the project at hand: the same data can be analyzed and synthesized from

multiple angles depending on the particular research or evaluation questions being


This research may use any other discipline in analyzing the data. The

researcher focuses on the goal of research. Miles and Huberman (1994) “The

varieties of approaches - including ethnography, narrative analysis, discourse

analysis, and textual analysis - correspond to different types of data, disciplinary

traditions, objectives, and philosophical orientations.”

Based on ideas above, the writer uses qualitative method in this study to

make it easy to be understood by directly in touch with the source of data. Here are

the steps applied in doing the research:

- The observation is done by recording the teaching / learning activity.

- The result of the observation is the data which will be analyzed.


- The two teaching methods are Audio-lingual and Total Physical Response.

- The target language is English.

- The materials of teaching are made to fit with the children ability.

- Observer does not take part in the teaching – learning activities.

- The data of the teaching and learning progress will be converted from

recorded file to transcript form.

- Giving conclusion and suggestion will be the final point of the observer‟s


The writer uses library research and field research for gathering the data. The

writer search for some books, thesis or articles related to the topic and makes them as

the references. In field research the writer gathering the data by the actual

observation of teaching – learning activity, recorded audio and visual.

3.2 Data and Data Source

The data are transcript file of actual observation in a class while studying

English. The data source is kindergarten student in TKI/TPA AD – DIRASHA. The

writer will record the audiovisual of the teaching and learning activities. The samples

are the students and the informants are the teachers. The texts which will be analyzed

and discussed are based from the recorded activities. The recorded activities are the

teaching and learning activities in the kindergarten and the subject of study is English


From the recorded activities the writer will make a script of dialogues

between students and teacher (teaching and learning process) and every utterance

will be recorded by the recording machine. The writer records it with audiovisual


In this regards, the writer adopts Krashen‟s statement. Krashen (1995:3) says

“An example that will be important to us in our discussion of language teaching

consists of experiments that compare teaching methods.” the writer uses this

hypothesis to find out the ability of children in understanding English.

3.3 Data Collecting Method

Data collecting method used in this thesis is documentary technique through

observation. The data are the document and the document is the recorded files that

will be converted into script, these are the steps administrated in collecting the data:

- Asking permission to the headmaster to observe in her/his place.

- Cooperating with the teachers there for the observation.

- The teaching process is designed by the observer and taught by the

kindergarten teacher.

- Recording the teaching and learning activities.

- Observing the recorded files and understanding all utterances. Converting all

utterances into a script that will be the document for the analysis.

- Classifying the data: classifying the important data based on the scope of the

analysis. Only the use of English language or the teaching – learning


- Identifying the data: the data individually will be classified within the context

- Conclusion: making a conclusion is the final step of the research.

3.4 Data Analysis

Miles and Huberman (1994) in their book „Qualitative Data Analysis: An

Expanded Sourcebook‟ suggest that qualitative data analysis consists of three

procedures; data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing and verification.

3.4.1. Data Reduction

Miles and Huberman (1994) say “data reduction refers to the process of

selecting, focusing, simplifying, abstracting, and transforming the data that appear in

written up field notes or transcriptions. Not only do the data need to be condensed for

the sake of manageability, they also have to be transformed so they can be made

intelligible in terms of the issues being addressed.”

In collecting the data, observer might capture utterances that do not belong to

English usage being investigated or simply say it out of the scope of the analysis.

This is the raw data. The raw data have to be reduced in order to be more specific


3.4.2. Data Display

Data display is the second stage of analyzing the data, after the writer gets the

data from reducing the raw data before. The data need to be displayed as the writer

needs to analyze the data intensively. The data will be displayed as a script of

dialogues (teaching – learning process). Miles and Huberman (1994) say “a display

can be an extended piece of text or a diagram, chart, or matrix that provides a new

way of arranging and thinking about the more textually embedded data.”

3.4.3. Conclusion Drawing and Verification

This step is to gain validity of the data; the final step is conclusions. In

analyzing the data, the results of analyzing should be concluded in order to inform

people about the subject. The data analyzed are expected to meet the goal and

purposed of the research.

In order to analyze the data, the writer determined the possible condition

whether the teaching – learning activities succeeded or failed. The writer stated the

purposes of teaching – learning first. Based on Schmidt in Ellis (1997) and

Wagner-Gough and Hatch (1975) researches, the writer stated the goal of each method. The

goal is for students to perform all words that have been taught by the teacher.

The goal for each method is different. For Audio-lingual the purpose is to

make the children able to perform „thank you‟ and „you are welcome‟. This is to

acknowledge them on how to thank and give regard in English because it is essential


Total Physical Response, the writer aim is to make the children be able to

perform „stand up‟ and „sit down‟. They are expected to understand those words and

can perform the action. These words can be used when they start the lesson every

morning to perform greetings. This research is not designed to understand English

grammar yet, just some words that are familiar with them and can be used later after

the research. To claim whether the purpose of this research is fulfilled or not the

writer combines his opinion with the teachers‟ opinion. And the basic idea is simply

to determine the progress; whether the students are able or unable to perform the




4.1. Analysis

In this chapter, the writer analyzed the data to make some conclusions and

suggestions. The data are dialogues of teaching – learning activities. The writer gave

a brief explanation about what has happened during the class, plus to transcribe the

teaching – learning activities. The video recorded wass the real condition of

teaching-learning activities, without any addition, deduction, schemes and still mixed

with Bahasa.

The observation took place from November, 11 to 14 2013. At first, the

writer wanted to take or shoot the activities all the time. But, the writer skipped it on

Wednesday. Also, there were events that were not captured by the writer in order to

keep the class‟ situation in a good order.

The writer displayed the full transcribed version first. The text is pure from

the video and the writer took some notes when the teaching – learning activity took

place. These were the raw data.

The writer made the sentence in bold mode at some dialogues which show the

progress of the children learning / acquisition. These bold sentences determined the

goal in each method. The findings of this research determined the suggestion in the


The first day, (Monday 11 of November 2013) the writer just took the daily

activity of children. Fortunately, the writer captured a moment when they used


Monday 11 of November 2013

The children sang a song about the colors in Indonesia and English. The

colors inside the song were; Red Yellow Black Blue Green Pink. The transcript of

the song is as follows:

Students : “… dalam bahasa Inggris, red merah, yellow kuning, black hitam,

blue biru, green hijau, pink merah jambu.” (this was the song that the

students sang)

Teacher : “Siap!”

Students : “Siap!” (while jumping)

Teacher : “Siap!”

Students : “Siap!” (while jumping)

The teacher then asked about numbers while showing her fingers, like

making the sum of numbers, one finger pointed for one, two for two and so on.

Teacher : “bahasaInggris satu?” (while showing her finger for „one‟ mark)

Students : “one”

Then the teacher just showed her fingers and the students already knew what


Students : “two”

Students : “three”

Students : “four”

Students : “five”

Students : “six”

Students : “seven”

Students : “eight”

Students : “nine”

Students : “ten”

Teacher : “satu, dua, tiga”

Students : “satu, dua, tiga. One, two, three [some of the students and with a

very low sound]” (the teacher wanted the students to reply it in

English language)

Teacher : “Satu, dua, tiga”

Students : “satu, dua, tiga.”

Teacher : “one, two, three.”


Teacher : “kalo ibuk bilang satu, dua, tiga anak ibuk bilang bahasa Inggrisnya.

Satu, dua, tiga”

Students : “one, two, three.”

Teacher : “heh, empat, lima, enam.”

Students : “four, five, six.”

Teacher : “tujuh, delapan.”

Students : “seven, eight.”

Teacher : “Sembilan, sepuluh.”

Students : “nine, ten yes.”

From the observation script above it can be concluded that the children were

familiar with English. However, after the practice, they learned English words. They

knew colors and could count from one to ten. After the practice the writers met with

the teachers. The writer then showed the teachers some videos of teaching – learning

activities with TPR and Audio-lingual methods. The teachers then agreed to adopt

the methods.

Tuesday 12 of November 2013

The first method being used was Audio-lingual. The activity was to say

thanks and response. In sort, saying; „thank you‟ and gave the response; „you are

welcome‟. The teacher adapted behavioral technique, by repeating the words loudly.


going to do. She said that they would learn two new English words. She explained it

in Bahasa.

Teacher : “tambah 2 lagi”

Students : “Ada yang baru bu?”

Teacher : “iya tambah 2 lagi, kalo kemaren belom hapal tambah lagi gak pande- pande, lipet tangannya semua. „Thank you‟.” (the teacher wanted the students to say „thank you‟ too)

Students : “thank you” (in a very low voice)

Teacher : “mana suaranya?”

Students : “thank you” (much louder now)

Teacher : “sekali lagi”

Students : “thank you”

Teacher : “sekali lagi”

Students : “thank you”

Teacher : “apa artinya? Ada yang tau?

Students : “ada! Terima kasih” (a girl answered it)

Teacher : “o… paten … ada yang tau rupanya. Terima kasih. Sekali lagi „thank


Students : “thank you”

Teacher : “thank you”

Students : “thank you”

Teacher : “apa artinya?”

Students : “terima kasih!”

Teacher : “terima kasih apa artinya? Bahasa Inggrisnya?”

Students : “thank you” (they answered but not in cohesiveness)

Teacher : “gak denger. Rasya!” (the teacher wanted the students to be louder

and she also scolded one of her student)

Students : “thank you!” (each of them answered it loudly)

Teacher : “thank…”

Students : “you”

Teacher : “artinya?”

Students : “terima kasih”

After giving the first phrase „thank you‟, the teacher moved on to the second

one; „you are welcome‟. The teacher gave explanation about the phrase. She

emphasized this for the students that this phrase is the answer to the previous phrase.


In that situation they must say thanks and to response it. In short, to response

your friend gratitude (thank you), you can answer it with „you are welcome‟.

Students : “you are welcome”

Teacher : “apa artinya?”

Students : “terima kasih”

Teacher : “terima kasih kembali / sama-sama”

In the second phrase, the students still mixed it with the first phrase, but in the

fifth and the sixth attempts they had already got the meaning of each word.

The lesson from another class was using TPR method. The teacher said the

words / phrase while doing the action of what she said too. The words which would

be taught were „sit down‟ and „stand up‟. The role was to introduce the words to the

children with an actual response of their body.

Teacher : “sit down” (while sitting down on a chair)

Student : “sit down, duduk”

Teacher : “sit down”

Student : “duduk”

Teacher : “stand up” (the teacher got up)

Student : “berdiri” (they got up too)


Student : “duduk”

Teacher : “stand up”

Student : “berdiri”

Teacher : “sit down”

Student : “duduk”

Teacher : “stand up”

Student : “berdiri”

In doing the activities, some misunderstanding occurred. The students were

supposed to spell the English words not in Bahasa. From the data above it can be said

that the children had already known the meaning of the words. But they missed the

aim to utter the words in English.

Thursday 14 of November 2013

The writer did not come to the class on Wednesday. But the teachers there

still taught the words to the students. This day was the evaluation day. The writer

adapted other research on children second language acquisition and learning,

proposed by Schmidt (1997) and Wagner – Gough and Hatch (1975) to determine the

development of the children. They did a test in a simple conversation using the words

which had been taught to them. Here is the class with the audio-lingual method.

Teacher : “saya buk, saya pak, apa terima kasih?”


Teacher : “jawabannya apa? Yang tadi baru di bilang”

Students : “terima kasih”

Teacher : “iya terima kasih juga, kembali, apa jawabnya? Dah lupa?”

Students : “you are welcome” (only one student)

Teacher : “you are welcome, katanya si Danar.Pande si Danar.”

Students : “you are welcome” (the other said it)

Teacher : “laki-laki disini gak pande, si Danar pande dia. Apa jawabnya?

Students : “you are welcome”

Teacher : “apa jawabnya?”

Students : “you are welcome”


Teacher : “apa terima kasih?”

Students : “you are welcome” (false)

Teacher : “gak denger, apa terima kasih?”

Students : “you are welcome” (false)

Teacher : “terima kasih, thank …”

Students : “you”


Students : “thank you”

Teacher : “terima kasih kembali”

Students : “terima kasih kembali”

Teacher : “apa jadi jawabnya? Apa jawabannya?”

Students : (one student mumbling something)

Teacher : “kuat Bila, apa Bila?” (the teacher wanted the student to say it loudly)

Nabila : “you are welcome”

Teacher : “apa jawabnya Daffa?”

Daffa : “Belcome”

Teacher : “apa belcome-belcome. Apa jawabannya?”

Students : “you are welcome” (two students answered, one by one)

The teacher then asked the students who seems not saying it

Teacher : “coba Janar, apa Janar?”

Janar : “… welcome”

Teacher : “gak denger, coba apa?”


Teacher : “Rizki ajalah, apa Rizki? Apa tadi?

Rizki : “you are welcome”


Teacher : “apa si Saskia?

Saskia : “you are welcome”

Teacher : “apa si Kirana?”

Kirana : “you are welcome”

Teacher : “apa si Tiara?”

Tiara : “you are welcome”

Teacher : “hah, gak denger. Apa Tiara?

Tiara : “you are welcome” (the other student also said it)

Teacher : “hush, yang laen diem ibu nyuruh Tiara. Apa Tiara?

Tiara : “you are welcome”

Teacher : “Gilang? Apa Gilang?

Gilang : “you are welcome”

Teacher : “Bunga? Apa Bunga?

Bunga : “you are welcome”


Farish : (the student did not answered)

Teacher : “kan gak mau geleng-geleng”

The teacher gave some advice because some students answered it in a very

soft voice

Teacher : “Jaffa. Apa Jaffa?

Jaffa : “you are welcome”

Teacher : “sama –sama! Satu, dua, tiga apa?”

Students : “you are welcome”

Teacher : “sekali lagi”

Students : “you are welcome”

Teacher : “terima kasih”

Students : “terima kasih / thank you” (some students said „terima kasih‟ the other „thank you‟ but more were correct)

Teacher : “terima kasih”

Students : “thank you”

Overall the students had understood and could use the words in social life.

The avtivities in the TPR class were as follows;

Teacher : “ibu duduk bahasa Inggrisnya apa semalam? Bilang duduk, apa


Students : “sit”

Teacher : “sit down”

Students : “sit down”

Teacher : “apa?”

Students : “sit down”

Teacher : “stan…” (the teacher stand up while spell the word)

Students : “stan”

Teacher : “stand up”

Students : “stand up”

Teacher : “apa sekali lagi, duduk apa?” (the teacher do the „sit down‟)

Students : (the students do „sit down‟ too but keep silent)

Teacher : “apa? Sit down”

Students : “sit down”

Teacher : “apa duduk?”

Students : “sit down”

Teacher : “duduk apa?


Teacher : “berdiri, apa ya berdiri. Stand…” (The teacher does the „stand


Students : “stand” (do the „stand up‟ too)

Teacher : “up”

Students : “up”

Teacher : “stand up”

Students : “stand up”

Teacher : “apa berdiri?”

Students : “stand up”

Teacher : “apa duduk?” (the teacher does „sit down‟)

Students : (keep silent while do the „sit down‟ too)

Teacher : “duduk apa duduk? Apa duduk? Sit…”

Students : “sit” (one student say sit down in a very soft voice)

Teacher : “iya apa Fahri?”

Students : “sit down” (more students said it)

Teacher : “iya sit down pinter. Berdiri” (does the stand up)

Students : (they stand up but do not say the words)


Students : “stand up”

Teacher : “stand up”

Students : “stand up”

Teacher : “ibu ulangi lagi, sit down” (while sitting down again)

Students : “sit down” (do the „sit down‟ too)

Teacher : “apa sit down?”

Students : “duduk”

Teacher : “sit down apa?”

Students : “duduk”

Teacher : “stand up” (while standing up)

Students : “stand up” („stand up‟ too)

Teacher : “apa stand up?”

Students : “berdiri”

Teacher : “duduk (the student „sit down‟) apa duduk?

Students : “sit down” (a few students answered it)

Teacher : “iya sit down.Berdiri”

Students : “stand up” (do the stand up)


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