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Some difficulties in practicing speaking : a case study at english center (EC) english course,kemayoran,central Jakarta


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(A Case Study at English Center (EC) English Course, Kemayornn, CentralJakarta)

A "Skripsi"

Presented to the Faculty ofTarbiyah and Teachers' Training

in a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Strata-I (S-I)



NIM: 101014020788






examination s...'Ssion of tile Faculty of Tarbi):ab and Teacllers' Training ofUIN "SyarifHidayarullah"JakartaonThursday, March


2006. ThisBsォイゥーウゥセ has fulfilledtile lL'quirements for tile Degree of Strnta-l (&-1) at tile English Department.

Examination Committee

"TheHead of Committee,

NIP. ISO 231


Examiner I,

Drs.Nasnm Mahmud.M. Pd. NIP. 15004] 070

Tile Secretary of Committee,





In The Name ofaャャ。ャセ The Beneficellt, Tile Me;r;;ifili.

All prdise be to Allah fm His blessing, belp lmd gmdmlce, so this "Skripsi" elm be finished properly. Peoce lmd blessing be lipan Mllhammad SAW, the fiMI prophet intheworld.

The \witer wOlild like to express his greatest honor to litis beloved family: his セGゥャエウL Abdwrocmm lmd Soolidm, his brofuel:s (<mg Ma'mmu., ang Mahrus& family lmd<mg Nln"awi& family), m"ld his sisters (Y11 Musliila& fml1lily lmd yll Uswabm HlISllIIlih) who always give their supports lmd mom eocourngement to finish his study.

Tbe writer would like to address his thanks lmd great grnlib"lde to his ad"'isor, Drs. H. Atiq Susilo, MA. for his patience, l,'l.iidanre, valliable helps and corrections during developing lmd completing this "Skripsi".

His gratitude lmd appreciation are also addn.,.,;sedill:

1. Prot: Dr. Dede Rosy. MA. as tbe Delm ofthe jOaclllty of Tmbiyah mMl Teachers' Training, State islamie University "SyarifHidayatlillal;" Jalrnrta 2. Drs. Nasnm Mallmml, M.Pd. as the Head of English Deparblfient and Om.

Nida Husll:ill, MA. as tbe Secretary of Englisb Department



5. Uncle 7Ainuddin&.family for living during doing tbe セセG、ャN

6. His beloved sisters in Islam, Neng Lala, neng Fie, neng Nmhayati, and nok Uly for giving helpandsupport.

7. All PUAS facilitators andmembersandalso his sweet heart neng Firda Militia &.familyandall Aeel1nC5e people who always in his mind.

8. All his friends of TBE 2001 A and B (Rib., Desy, Amel, Pili, Ika, Ertin, Yeni, Dayah, Teguh at:. aI.) and also Lula for giving their motivation and Teal friendship and his close friend Topik 'Ula' and Acep fOT keeping the computer is always in a good cOl1ditiol1.

May Aliall The Almighty bless them all, Amin.

Jakarta, March



The Writer







A. Background of Study I

B. Limitation and FonnuJation of Study 3

C. oセゥ・」エゥカ」 of Study 3

D. Research Methodology 3

E 0. rgam2atlOn' , 0f''SkripSI., 4.


A, Speaking 5

l.General Views of Speaking 5

2. Types of Speaking 7

3. Purpose of Speaking 7

4, Element of Speaking ()

a. Vocabulary 9

b.Grammar 12

c. Pronunciation , 14

B, factors Affecting Lemning 17

l. Internal Factor... I 7



L Purpose ofthe research 26

2. Placc and Time 26

3. Population and Sample 26

4. Method nfllie research 27

5. Data collection 27

a. Rescarch InstrulnenL 27

b. Data analysis 27

B. Research Findings 32


A. Conclusion .33

B. Suggestion 34






A. Baekgmlllmi of Study.

Language has functions as a commooication tool among the users of the same commooity, and as a tool to mmsfer thought and feeling. The language role is clear in mmslemng the feeling of salutation and changing solidarity among human beings, like in this condition they do not only exchange their thollght bllt afro their feeling.

Many learners want to speakand interact to other people in English especiafly to the foreigners for it is an international language of commnnication

There are tbur skills when we learn a language: listening, speaking, reading,and writing. Speaking which one ofthe tbm language skills is to commumcate either face to face or throllgh media at long distallce.

In recent years, ollr government emphasized one approach that will hopefully meet great success. The governmq>t planned to schedule English as one subject tbr the4'10 class of elementary school students in year 1994.Itseems tlIat the


, When children are very young, parents understand their needs from the way they behave, If children cry, they could be hWlgry, thirsty, lonely, frightened orinneed of clean clothes. As they get a little older, chiloccn learn to express their needs through facial expressions, gest1llreS (stich as nodding andpointmg) and sounds. Benveen 12-Ig months of age, they begin to nse words. From a very early age, children also leml1 to understand other people. Tirey learn that words, voice tone, facial expressionsand

gestures are all part ofthe messages other people give them:Sometimes children do not develop speech as easily as others. Sonretimes, they do not find it easy to wldcrstand the nreaning of words or gestures. These problems are examples of communication difficulties.セ

Through the ",nter's experience also in his teaching learning and practicing speaking at EC and other places, he fuund himselfand also the learners have.sonre difticllities like feeling shy to say something in a foreign language, afraid to make a mistake, etc.2

Withthe problems above, tile WI'iter is eager to know more deeply about some difticulties in practising speaking that faced by D I student of English Center (EC) English Course at Kemayoran, Central Jakarta, so the writer will do the research by the title" Some Difficulties in Practicing Speaking", A Case Stndyat English Center (EC) English Conrseat Kemayoran, Central Jakarta.




B. Limitation and Formulation of Study.

The writer limits the discussion on some ditliculties in pmcticing speaking faced by 0 I students of English Center (EC) English Course.

The formulation of the study is: セwィ。エ llJre some difficulties in practicing

speaking faced by 0 I student.,> of English Center (EC) English Course?"

C. Objediveof Study.

The general objectives of this study is10find out some difficulties in pmctising speaking faced by OJ student.,> of English Center (EC) English Course and how to solve or overcome those difficulties.

D. Research Methodology.

The writer does two kinds of イ・ウ・セイ」ィL libmry and field research. Library research is to get some information and theories of this research concerning to tire topicbasedonthehooks, issues, texthooksandalso visit some webs dealing \vith the topic of the 'Skripsi'.


E. Organizationof'Skripsi'.

TIlis 'Skripsi' consists of four chapters. The Is!chapter is introduction consisting

of the background of study, the limitationand formulation of study, the objective of study, research meiliOOology, and the organization of 'Skripsi'.

The 200 chapter is theoretical framework discussing Speaking, Factors Affecting LC"dmingandSome Possible Difficulties in Practising Speaking.

The::l'd chapter is research methodology and findings, including the purpose of the research, place and time, population and sample, the method of the research, research instrument, data analysis and research findings.




A. Speaking

1. Genenlviews of Speaking.

A man is a social being wlID always needs friend in his life. In orner to facilitate their efforts to prmn\de tl1<."'IDsdves \vith tbe necessities to live, numlm beings have to coopemte for one anotber, which can only be carried Olllt in oommooity. With commooication a man can express his ide'.. and wishes to otber people such as when he needs help, thtmgh we may wish to hide what we think or IIDw we feel, om speaking givesliSa way.

Mackey stated that, " ...speaking is the most complex of lingillstics skill, since it involves thinking of what is to he said w-nile saying w-nat has been エィッオァィエセNQ

Meanwhile, Ralph Mackey in his hook said, " ...speaking is an activity or skill of language as reality. it is not something that comes before doing, oeitber something that goes on instead of action. Itis 、ッゥョァBNセ Certainly, it means that speaking is an action of tbe speaker that comes when he is doing.

I W.P. Mackey,Language Teaching Analysis,(London: Longman, 1914), p. 263

2R.M. Mackey,Speakingfor Result:A Guide for BusinessandProfessional Speaker, (Cambridge:


Henry G. Tarigan noted that, " ...speaking is a skill of conveying words or sounds of articulation to express or to deliver ideas, opinions, or feelings."s And he also defines tbat: "speaking is a tool to communicate the well-managed ideas and to extend them according to the need oflisteners.,,6

Meamvhile Jolm


Wilson stated in his book., "Speaking is defined as tool of social adjustment, which reflects the eflicient personality, and as psychological technique of modifYing hmrum behavior by means of body voice, thollght and language.,,7

According to AS Hornby in tile Oxford Dictionary, "Speak is to make lise of language in ordinary, not a singing, to state the views, wishes, etc., or an act of spokesman.,,8

In the Chassell Dictionary& Thesaurus, it is said that speaking is I. The activity or an installce of uttering words etc.

2. Able to speak.

3. (In comb.) able to speak a specific language, or having a specific langnage as one's native tongue.

4. Transmitting speech.

5. Giving an estimate or opinion from a specified angle.9

5Henry Guntur Tarigan,Berbicara Sebagai Sualu Ketrampilan Berbabasa, (Bandung: Angkasa, 1988), p. IS


JJohn F. Wilson,Public Speaking as a Liberal Art. (Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1965),p.8

8AS Hornby,Oxford Dictionary,(New York Oxford University Press, 1991), p. 398



Since language is a means of communication, it is not enough for students to learn words, phrases, and grammatical features, if they are not able to producethese

ones in their daily communication.

The different types of speaking are:

a. Extended individual contribution, where you speak for some time on your own. You will need to be confident, Huent and interesting to do well, and be dear about what your audience will want to listen to.

b. Drama activity. This could include all sorts of things but probably not acting out a script. You will need to be able to stay in role, developing your character and keeping the audience's interest

c. Group discussion. Yon will nced to make a full and positive contribntion to the discussion, having plenty to say but being aware of other people's need to contribute too.

d. One-to-One (Interpersonal) for example: Conversation, Dialogue, and Interview.

c. One-to-a-Fc'W (Small GrnuplJl) for example: Talking Cirele, Guided Discussion, Group Talk, Discussion Group, Response Circle, Seminar, and Meeting.

f. One-to-Many (pnblic Spealilllg) for example: Question and Answer, Panel Discussion, Business Meeting, Speech or Presentation, Announcement, Debate, Role Play, Storytelling, Readers Theatre, Improvisation, Choral Reading, Introduction, and Toast.10

3. Purpo8C of Speaking.

Whatever we talk to the others, even a single word comes out from our mouth mnst contmn some purposes, as G. Hence said that: "Most of the speaking you do-no matter what you say-has some purposes. Even in the idlest conversation, you are


The purpose of speaking usually depends on its type.

I). Introducing a speaker, the purpose is to ereate a friendly, receptive attitude in the audience toward the speaker, to present him as an authority in his field, and to stimulate a desire to listen to him.

2). Making an announcement, the purpose is to give precise information about same fact., or to present reasons for supporting a certain cause, idea, or event. The announcer hopes to make his listeners under,;1mld and reach favorably.

3). Word or welcome, the purpose is to establish a rapport., a feeling of harmony between the visitor and the host group.

4). Talk paying tribute, the purpose is not only to express appreciation but also to help bring the subject and his achievement wider recognition.

5). Response to tribute, the purpose is to express appreciation for the tribute, and for the award or gift, if any; also to establish or strengthen a friendly relationship withthesein wbose name the tribute is paid.

6). Radio speaking, the basic purpose of radio speaking is the same as that of any other sbort-talk speaking. Standing before microphone, the speaker talks to a listener, at his receiving set, and the airwave and radio equipment arc the technical means oftransmission.

7). Television speaking, the purpose is same as radio speaking.12

Meanwhile, according to Tarigan, the main purpose of speaking IS to



" ibid,p. 266-272



4. Element of Speaking

There are elements in speaking, but the writer previews only vocabulary and grammar, for both and also the pronunciation is the main problems faced by students in acquiring the English speaking ability.

a. VMahalary

Vocabulary is considered as the most important part in learning a language. Without a sufficient vocabulary we cannot communicate effectively or express ideas. Having limited vocabulary is also a barrier that prevents students from learning a fiorelgn anguage.. I 14

As it is stated by Penny Dr that:

" ...Vocabulary can be defined as the "words" in foreign language. Words are perceived as the building blocks upon which knowledge of a second language can be built. However, a new item of vocabulary may be more than a single word: for example,post officeand mother in law which are made up of two or three words but express a single idea. There are also multiword idioms such as call it a day,

where the mea..'1ing of the phrase cmmot be deduced from an analysis of the component words".15

It is mentioned in Oxford Dictionary that vocabulary can simply be defined as the total number of words, '\vbich make up language. So, it is true that vocabulary play a very important role in building up English ability especially speaking. Someone is able to say words in English by having a lot of vocabularies.

14Yang Zhihong,Learning Words; English Teaching Forum,(London:July2000), vol. 34, no. 3,



Vocabulary is a collection of words arranged alphabetically fm reference and defined or explained as the special stock of words employed by an individual in a business, an author, etc.

Vocabulary is a list of words, which are listed in dictionary as inventories for learners in beginning to learn a language. In learning a foreign language, especially English., a !>-peaker has to attempt to achieve a large vocabulary as well, so that he is able to express ideas precisely.

I).Kinds of Vocabulary

There are various kinds of vocabulary. They are:

a). Kinds of vocabulary based on the characteristic of the words and the kind of acquiring skill.

According to 10 Ann Aeborsold and Mary Lee Field, vocabulary is divided into two kinds based on the characteristic of the words and the kind of acquiring skill, they are:

(I). Active Vocabulary

It refers to put items, which the le'Mners can use appropriately in speaking and writing. Active vocabulary is also called as productive vocabulary.

(2). Passive Vocabulary

It refers to language items that can be recognized and understood in the context ofreading and listening. It is also called as receptive vocabulary.16

16Jo Ann Aeborsold and Mary Lee Field,From Reader to Reading Teacher, (Ne\v Yorlc



b). Dealing with the user ofthe language.

Furthenuore, dealing with the user of the language, vocabulary is divided into: (I).General Vocabulary

The words that are used in general things. There is no limited of field and user. (2). Special Vocabulary

The words that are used in a certain field, job, profession or special science and technology.17

c). Based on its fonu and function.

Me-dllwhile, John Read in his book, Assessing Vocabulary, mentioned five kinds of vocabulary based on its fonu and function, they are: function words, content words, lemma, word family, homographs and corpus.IS

(I).Function Words

These are the words, which only have a full meaning when they integrate with other words. It includes articles, prepositions, pronollilS, conjunctions, auxiliaries, etc.

(2). Content Words

These are the words, which have a full meaning and provide links ",,<ithin sentences. It inclndes UOllilS, full verbs, adjectives and adverbs.

17SyahDjalius and Nous Azimar,Tala Bahasa lnggris Modern Datam Tanya Jawab. (Jakartll:

CV Miswar. 1980), p.l

.. Jolm Read,Assessing Vocabulary, (Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2000), p.


(3). Lemma

This is the base and inflected fonns of a word such as leak, leaks, leaking and leaked.

(4). Word Family

This is a set of word which closely related in fonn and meaning. It includes the basewords ....ith its inflectionsand derivations.


Thesearesingle word forms that have more ihan one meaning. (6). Corpus

This is a list of wordsbasedon a frequency count of words in a long text b.Grammar

Grammar is sometimes defined as ihc way words are put up together to make correct sentenee. Thus, in English 1am a student is grammatical, while 1a student

andI are studentarenot.

A specific instance of grammar is usually called a "structure". It is necessary to Imow ihc structure whether someone tries to express ideas, feelings, opinion, or the experiences he had in a certain time. Grammar does not affect of how units of language arecombined in order to look right, it also affects their meaning.19 It is not good to know how to construct a new tense of a verb if someone does not Imow



exactly what difference it makes to meaning when it is used. Itoften happens that the meaning of structures create difficulties for foreign learners.

Grdmmar, in schools, is used in the matter of how students speak and write including their choice of words, their construction of sentences and phrnses and even their pUIICtuation and capitalization abilities.

Fromkin has defined grammar "The sounds and sound patterns, the basic units of meaning sllch as words and the rules to combine them to fomi new sentences constitute the grammar of a langnage. These rules are internalized and sllbconsciously learned by native b-peaker.20

In brief, grammar represents one's linguistic competence. Grammar, therefore, inclooes many aspects of linguistic knowledge: the sound system (phonology), the system of me-.ming (semantics), the rules of word formation (morphology),the rules of sentence fommtion (syntax), and tile vocabulary of words (lexieon).

From definition ahove, learning grammar is a セLNエオ、ケ of the formal properties of language about a system of rule governing the conventional arrangement and relationship of words in a sentence.

20Fromkin, V.et.llIL,Anlnlroduclionlo Language.2'd Ed, (Sydney: Holt, Rinehart & Winston,


c. Pronunciation.

Pronunciation is the way in which a word is pronOlmced. Spelling does not determine pronunciation.21

Pronunciation is the pronouncing or uttering of a word or words in which a word is pronounced, oratorical, utterance; elocution; delivery; elegant or eloquent delivery. The Pronunciation is also the action of pronouncing authoritatively or proclaiming, declaration, promulgation, a pronouncement.22

Pronunciation is the act or a manner of pronouncing words, sounds, letters. Pronunciation is also the correct way of pronouncing a word, sound in a given language a set of symbols indicating how a word is to be pronounced.23

Pronunciation is also the act or manner of pronouncing; articulate utterance or the way or ways in which a unit of language is usually spoken or on the basis of aualogy probably would be spokenbypersons qualifiedbyeducation or otherwise to be speakers worthily or imitation.24

In learning English pronunciation, learners tirstly must know the alphabetical phonemic. Based on Robert Lado's statement, he said that phonemic alphabet is a

21Judy Pearsall,The New Oxford Dictionary ofEnglish,(Loudon: Oxford University Press,

1999), p. 1485

22J. A. Simpson and E. S.C.Weiner,11,e Oxford English Dictionary, (2"d edition, vol. XII),

(Clanrendon Press, 1989), p. 26

23Chambers,21""Centary Diclionary, (Cambridge University Press, j997),p. j110

24 Webster, Webster Third New International Dictionary, (USA: G and C Merriam Company,



systematic representation of the distinctive sound units as they are found in meaningful contrast with each other language.25

From the definition above, it can be said that phoneme distinguishes the sound features of two separ-lIe words. Itis used as contrasting features which is distinctive, foe eXanlple, the word 'path' is distinguished in sound from the word 'bath' by '\Fibrnting of the vocal cords for theIblsound, oonverrely,00"ibration in theIplof the first word 'path'.

There is very little help that learners can get from the spelling of the words in teaching English pronunciation, but by Irnowing the difficulties in teaching and learning English pronunciation, it can become one of other reason why teachers or learners must teach and learn it.

According to Jeremy Harmer there are two particular problems 111 much

pronunciation teaching and learning.26 1). What students can hear

Some students have gre-at difficulty hearing pronunciation features, which teachcrs want them to reproduce.

2). The Intonation

For many tC'dChers the most problematic area of pronunciation is intonation. Some of people and many learners find it extremely difficult to hear 'tunes' or to

" Robert Lado and Charles C. Fries,English Pronunciation,(USA: The University of Michigan Press, 1958), p.ii

26Jeremy Harmer, The Practice ofEnglish Language Teaching, (3"1 edition),(Cambridge:


identify the different pattern of rising and falling tones. Then according to Penny Ur, conventionally linguists have broken language down intothreemain components:the

phonologyor the sound system of the language, the lrodsor the words phrnses which

express concepts and the structure or the way words or bits of woms are strung together to make acceptable sentences or phrnses. And the concepts of pronunciation itself are:

a). The sound ofthe language or phonology. b). Stress and rhythm.

c). Intonation.

For the sounds system of English, it is quite difficult to teach for the first time, it takes a good deal of prnctice and learning to he able to transcrihe quickly and accurately?7 Meanwhile, stress, rhythm and intonation involved rnte of delivery, pausing, loudness, pitch, voice quality, the speaker's intention, attitude, mood, etc.28 Rhythm itself is a product of word stress and characterized by the alternation of strong and weak syllables.29 And intonation will show expressing meaning of speaker's feelings (surprise, anger, dishelief, ete). However, intonation patterns are quite complex, and it is hetter for students to acquire them naturally rather thantryto

TlPenny Ur,A Course in Language Teaching-Practiceand Theory,op.cit.,p.44

21:Allan Malley,Prommciati"",(New York Oxford University Press, 1995), p. 40



learn them consciously. There are two basic intonations, patterns that must be learned, they are rising tone and falling tone.30

C.Factors Affecting Learning

Globally the factors affecting students' learning may be divided into three kinds, the internal factor (from the inside of students), the external factor (from the outside of students), and learning approach.3l

L Internal Factor

The factor comes from inside of students including two aspects; physiologist aspect and psychologist aspect.32

a Physiological Aspect

This aspect is about the condition of students' body from every part of the body. The common condition of physic and tOUIlS that affect the level of part of body and its joints could influence students' intensity and spirit in studying.33 If their bodies are healthy they will study well, can receive the information about

30Adrian Doff, Teach English, (USA: Cambridge University Press, 1990), p. 119

31Muhibbin Syah,Psikologi Belajar,(Jakarta: Logos Wacana IImu, 2001), p. 130 (me original

text is in Bahasa Indonesia and translated into English by the wriler)

"Ibid., p. 131


what they are learning. However, if they are not, it will influenee too.

b. Psychologieal Aspect

It emphasizes on the inside conditions of the students, which consists of students' intelligence, attitude, aptitude, interest and

• • 34


I). Students' intelligence

The level of intelligence that the students have, give very big influences. As Clark said (qooted by Nana), that students' achievement at school 10 % is influenced by stud{''llts' intelligence and 30 % is influenced by environment.35 So the higher intelligence that students have, the higher achievement theywill get.

2). Students' Attitude

Attitude is the ability to givc assumption about something that brings someone to what s/he assumed?6 By the assumption, students can receive, reject, or ignore the subjects because

34Ibid,p. 132

35Nana Sudjana,Dasar-dasar Proses Belajar Mengajar,(Bandung: Sioor Bam Algensiudo,

2000), p. 39 (the original text is in Bahasa Indonesia and translated into Englishbythe writer)

36Dimyati, Mudjiono,Be/ajar dan Pe11lhe/ajaran,(Jakarta: PT Rind", Cipla, 2001), p. 239 (the



they like or dislike or another reasons based on their assnmption.

3). Students' Aptitude

Aptitude is one of human abilities to do an activity and ithas been exist since they were bom.3? If the students have a

special attitude toward a special subject, they will be able to follow the subject well beside they study as well.

4). Students' Interest

Interest is a tendency and a high spirit or a big desire to something.3& For those who have high interest, they will study hard to get what they wanl Nevertheless, for those who have less interest, they will study just as long as they want.

5). Students' Motivation

Students will succeed in learning if they have strong motivation. According to Me. Donald; Motivation is the ehange of energy inside someone with the appearing of feeling and previously by responding toward a purpose.39 Furthermore, there are two kinds of motivation, intrinsie and

37Sardiman A.M.,lnteraksi dan Motivasi Be/ajar Mengajar. (Jakarta: Rajawali Press, 2003), p.

46(the original text is in Bahasa Indonesia and translated into English by the writer)

38Muhibbin Syah,Psikologi Be/ajar, op.cil.,p. 136


extrinsic. Intrinsic motivation is a motivation that comes from the inside students that can force them to study or do sometning, in addition, extrinsic motivation is the verse of intrinsic motivation that is motivation comes from outside students that give energy to study. Parents, teacners, friends, etc, belong to extrinsic that influence students in their learning.

2. External Factor

There are two factors m external factor, social environment and nonsocial

• 40


a. Social Environment

Tbe meaning of social environment here is the human environment outside students that have a contact directly with them such as in their school, neighbors and family as well. Social environment in a school such as teacbers, staff administration and classmates ean influence the students. The teacbers who alW1Jlys care of their students, guide them, have nice attitudes e;;pecially in teaching learning process could become the motivation foe them and then give influences in their Icsson.41Moreover,

""Muhibbin Syah, M. Ed.,PsikologiBe/ajar, ap.cil.,p.138



the neighbors or people surrounding them can also influence students in their learning activities.

In family environment, also gives an influence to the students' learning activities even it is the most. The characteristics of parents in educating their ehildren would give a big influence. If in one family environment, for example, a child is often underestimated if s/he could not do something well, so unconsciously slhe would become in doubt in learning something new or difficult.42

b. Nonsocial Enviromuent

The factors that helong to nonsocial enviromncnt are the school's buildings and the locations, students' house where they live and the locations, learning instruments, the weather and the time they use. All ithese factors are ithought could he the intluences for students' achievements.43

3. Learning Approach

This factor is students' efforts to study that include method and strategy used by them to do learning activities of materials.44 On the other hand, it is about how students use ways to study.

42M. Nga1im I'urwanto, MI',limn Pelldidikan Teoritis dan Prakiis,(Bandung: PT Remaja Rosda

Karya,2003),p. lI5 (tlIe original text is in Bahasa Indonesia and trnnslated into English by the writer)

43Mnhibbin Syah, Psikologi Be/ajar, op.cU.,p. 139


D. Some Possible Difficnlties in Practising Speaking It is said that difficulty means:

I. Tmuble: an effort that is iocOlweniellt.

2. A factor causing trouble in achieving a positive result or tending to produce a negative result.

3. A condition or state of affairs almost beyond one's ability to deal with an requiring great effort to bear or overcome.

4. The quality of being difficult:15

As Penny Ur. Said that there are some problems with speaking activities in her teaching, as follows:

1. Inhibition. Unlike reading, writing and listening activities, speaking requires some degree of real-time expOSUl'e to an audience. Learners are often inhibited about trying to say things in a foreign language in the classroom: worried about making mistakes, fearful of criticism or losing face, or simply shy of the attention that their speech attracts.

2. Nothing to say. Even if they are not inhibited, you often hear learners complain that they cannot thing of anything to say: they bave no motive to express themselves beyond the guilty feeling that they should speak.

3. Low or an even participation. Only one participant can talk a time if her or she is to be heard; and in a large group this means that each one will bave only very little talking time. This problem is compounded by the tendency of some learners to dominate, while others speak very little or not at alL

4. Mother tongue use. In classes where all, or a number of, the learners share the same mother tongue, they may tend to use it: because it is easier, because it feels unnatoral to speak to one another in a foreign language, and because they feel less 'expnsed' if they are speaking their mother lungue. If they are talking in small groups it can be quite difficult to get some classes rcularly the less disciplined or motivated ones-to keep to the target langnage. 6




Students are truly speaking when they are generating their own sentences. In the classroom the teacher should try to allow for some truly activity, either guided conversation or, at later stages, free conversation in every ooit. Foreign language is oneCOill'SCin the curriculum where students should he encouraged to talk a great deal

in class and to express their own ideas, not simply what the teacher tells them to say. ( The word 'communication' is used to talk ahout how people share information (including their tboughts and feelings). Often when people tIlink ahout commooication, they think ahout talking and listening. However, people also send information by: the tone of their voice, tile look on their face (facial expression), the way they IliSCtheir hands (gestures), the way they move and hold their body (body


A communication problem occurs when children have difficulty with: speech sounds (saying the words dearly or correctly), speaking fluently (without hesitating too much or stuttering), using words and grammar (rules about word order and use), putting words together to let others know what they think or ,,,mit, understanding what others say.


and listening with adults and other children help children to develop their communication skills.

Communication problems may affect a child's ability to speak (speech disorders/impairments) and/or the ability to UlIliliderntand and UlIlie spoken language (langillllge disorders/impairments). Professionals talk about these as expressive and receptive commooication difficulties.

Children with an expressive commooication or language problem have trouble giving (or expressing) information to other people in a ''\>'llY that other people can easily ooderstand. They may have trouble learning and remembering:

- Words, such as the names of things

- The rules of grammarandhow to connect words to make sentences

- How to usc language to meet their needs (such as to ask questions, describe events, give instructions or tell a story).

A n:ttptive commooication problem means that children have trouble understanding (or receiving) the meaning of information being givcn to them. TIlere may be difficulty with ooderstanding:



- Phrases

- Information when it is put into sentences - Questions

- Longer instructions - Descriptions.

(Note: receptive communication problems can be due to hearing problems) Many children with receptive communication problems rely on facial expressions, tone of voice, gestures or body langllage to understand what they are told. TileY may also gain understanding from ,,,'lltching other people and from the nse of routines.47

Based on those problems the writer will find ont whether D I students of English Center (EC) English Course faced them or not and also will ask them about their opinion and feeling about some difficulties in practicing speaking that faced by them during their study at English Center (EC) English Course which is known by 'special for conversation'_


1. Purpose "ftherセョィ

It hllS been mentioned in chaptcr I that the gcnernl objectives of this smdy is to find out somc difficulties in practicing speaking that faced by 0:1 sIDdents of English Ccnter (EC) Ellglish Courseandbow to wive or overcome those difficulties.

2. Piau land Time

III preselltillg this 'Skripsi', the writer did both of library research and field ョMセィN The research \V'dS carried out from Septcmher 2005. Tile writer started

collecting dataandreferences from the libmry. Thc library researchW,IStaken at


Jakarta librMY and The British Council library. It_s mClant to get thc theories and relevant information onthedescription ohhe topic. Andthe field researchW'llStakcn at English Center (EC) English Course lit Kemayornn, CentralJakllrtll.

On October 21" - 2200 2005 and on February 25u, 2006, the writer gave OJ students of English Centcc (EC) English Course some questionnaires. Trough tbis method, the writer wanted to know Ol students' opinion and their feelings lIOOut some difficuiiies in practicing slileaking and also interviewed the students.

3. Population and Sample



4. Method of the Research

As e""plaine<! in the previous discussion, the activities of this ョNNセィ included two main activities, collecting data and infonnation trom the libraries related to the problemand giving tire qllCStimmaire to


smdents of English Center (EC) English Course at Kemayoran Central Jakarta aud also interviewing the smdents.

5. Dlda Collection

a. rセイ」ィ Instrument

In evaluating the reseaICh the writerusedquestionnaires to collectthedata..Tire _iter used this mellmd due to his aim at Imowing the smdents' opinionandfeeling about some difficulties in practising speaking.

The questionnaires given to the ウュ、・ョエセ consist of 15 items about the students' opinion and feeling about sonre difficulties in prnctising speaking. The writer gave the students choice. TheI'C are: Ya, Tedak omd Hdak TahM, lIDd consists of 20 items abont the sIDdents' nnderstaOOing in English grammm-or temes. The "linter gave the students a mnltiple-chniee an.<;wer. Tlrere are: a, h, c Of[' d, and 20 items about the students nnderstanding in vocabularies. (The complete set of the qllCStionnaires elm he seen in the appendix).

The writer also interviewed the students to get companson of stooents' information deeply aboutSOfllCdifficulties in practising speaking faced by them.

b. Data Analysis


proportion, percentage and ratio; it is also called simple statistic anaiysis.4sHence he makes the table of percentage from the frequency of information and the number of students divides it. Its formula is:

P=F x 100 N

P: Percentage F: Frequency

N: Nmnber of Students49

The procedures of the data analysis are: I. Calculating the score of tbe questionnaires 2. Tabulating the result ofthe questionnaires

3. Analyzing and interpreting the result ofthe questiomwres.

The questionnaires were given on Friday and Saturday, October 21£1_ 22!M12ooS, and on Saturday, February 2Stl1 2006 to the students of DI class of English Center (EC) English Course. The data is collected from 20 persons as the respondents. The description of each statement is as follow:

" Suharsimi Arikunto,Dasar-dasar Eva/nasi Pendidikan,(Jakarta:Bumi Aksara, 1995), p. 246


1. Students' opinion and feeling about some difficulties in practising speaking.





- - - _ .

F % F % F %

I Alida malu mcngungkapkan 8 40"/0 12 60% 0 0%

sesuatu dalam bahasa lnggris

2 Anda takut membuat kesalahan 9 45% 10 50"/0 1 5% dalam berbahasa 1nggris

3 Alida takut dikritik ketika 8 40% 10 50% 2 10%

berbicara dalam bahasa luggris

4 Anda tidak tabu apa yang anda 3 15% 17 85% 0 0%

katakan dalam bahasa Inggris

5 ADda belajar berbicara bahasa 19 95% 0 0"/0 1 UセGo

Inggris karena keinginan sendiri

6 Alida belajar berbicara bahasa 12 60% 8 40% 0 0"/0 Inggris karena tuntutan


7 Alida belajar berbicara bahasa 18 90% 2 10% 0 0%


8 Alida paham ucapan orang yang 16 80"/0 2 10% 2 10% berbahasa lnggris

9 . Alida latihan berbicara bahasa 13 65% 5 25% 2 10% 1nggris sendirian

10 Alida latihan berbicara bahasa 18 90"/0 1 5% 1 5% lnggris dengan ternan

11 Alida latihan berbicara bahasa 13 65% 6 30"/0 I 5% 1nggris dengan keluarga

12 Alida kesulitan dalam 13 65% 7 35% 0 0%

rnengucapkan kata dalam bahasa Inggris

-13 Anda kesulitan dalum 17 85% 3 15% 0 0%

menyusun ka1imat dalam bahasa Inggris

14 Alida rnernpunyai sedikit kosa 11 55% 6 30"/0 3 15% kata dalam bahasa lnggris

15 Alida kesulitan dalam 18 90"/0 2 10'% 0 0%


2. Tenses Test


F %


F %

I Alex didn't come to see the film last night 2 10% 18 90% because he - it before.

2 A cold wind for the lastthreedays. I 5% 19 95%

3 I asillas I do now for a long time. 3 15% 17 85%

4 I wish I younger. 7 35% 13 65%

5 She said she to me, but she didn't. 4 20'7;' 16 80"/0

6 [fhe lucky, he could get the job. 3 15% 17 85%

7 She told him that if he _ _ his promise, she 2 10"10 18 90% speak to him again.

8 You _ _ a six-month contract when you are 5 25% 15 75% nffcred a permanent position elsewhere. What

will yon do?

9 I'll see youinaオァオセQZ when I back. 1 5% 19 95%

10 They claimed they the law. 2 10% 18 90%

11 My friend when the lesson started. 3 15% 17 85%

12 He _ _ on the bank fishing when he _ _ a 6 30% 14 70% man's hat floating down the river.

13 lilly 10lh is my wedding anniveTSllTY. Next 2 10% 18 90% month, my husband and I will for twenty


14 Who the boss tell him that? I 5% 19 95%

15 Something extremely strange yesterday 6 30% 14 70% while we were out jogging.

16 I this letter around for days and baven't 7 35% 13 65% even looked at it.

17 Ouch! I my thumb! 4 20% 16 80%

18 I the flowers yesterday morning. 3 15% 17 85%

19 As soon as you _ _ that,I'dlike you to go to 2 10% 18 90"/0 bed.

20 By then I my driving test, I hope.


10% 18 90"/0

3. Vocabularies Test


F % F %

1 The building next to the railway line where 6 30% 14 70% people take / catch a train from is called a ...




Queen Elizabeth


and most other kings and 4




queens live in a ... ..._ - - - _..

-3 Eskimos traditionally live in a house made of





ice called an ...

4 A lightweight portable shelter used when 2




camping is called a ...


A place where lots of people sleep in the same 1




room is called a ...


A set of rooms for living which are part of a





larger building and are usually all on one floor is ealled a ...


The World Cup is ... every four years. I





He lost the badminton mateh because a string





broke on his ...


The person in charge of a foothall match is 6




called the ...

10 David Beckham kicked the ball into the ...





II The person who tries to stop the other team 2




scoring in football is called the ...


Where do you usually find a kettle, fridge and





saucepan? ...

13 Where do you find a television, a settee and a





coffee table? ...


Where do you find coat hangers and clean 2




clothes? ...


Where do you find bicycles, the car and various 3




odds and ends? ...


Where do you find a washing machine, soap 4




powder and dirty clothes? ...


A person who owns a building or flat and rents





it out for others to use is called a ...


The person who owns or take cares of a farm is II




called a ...


A person who lIIlIkes things out of wood is





called a ...

20 A person whose job IS to carry things






B. Research Findings

From the result of all questionnaires above, the writer got some data about students' opinion and their feeling about some difficulties in practicing speaking. '.

Because those difficulties are too huge and difficult enough to be proven so the writer only givestileproof on some difficulties, they are on tenses and vocabularies

First, most of D I students of English Center (EC) English Course get difficultin using an appropriate tensesV\lilCil they are practicing speaking, tIley are confused to

differenciate the tenses in the correct timeandthe com.."Ct form.

Second, they get difficult in arranging words to become a good sentence and understandable by others, especially when they don't have vocabularies that they need when they are in speaking times, and they are confused also about the word order.

Third, as mentioned above that tIley get difficult in practicing speaking when they have limited vocabularies.

Those difficulties are the san1e lIS stooents' answer when the writer interviewed




The re-search results discussed in chapter In are the answer to the problem formulated in chapter I. And bl!llilL"Id on these results, then, conclusion is mawn; suggestion is also provided.


!3<l"oo on tile rcscmcll results, mO'.it of DI l>tooeJrnts of English Cenrer (EC) English Course have some difficulties in:

I. Usiltlg altl appropriate rense in tile correct timeandtile correct form. 2. Fiooing an appropriate vocabularies in speaking times.

3. AllJf'anging words to lJecome a good sentence and Imdernilmdable by otllern especially when they don't have vocabularies that tbey need wilen they me in speaking times,andtlrey feel confu"oo also aoorntileword order.

4. Finding a pmtner for prndising speaking. 5. Getting an interest to tire topic that is talked. 6. UooclfStlmding the English idioms.

7. Prooouncingtilewords. 8. Being corrected by otllers.


A. Suggestion

Itis said that a good lesson is important, a good method is more important hut a good teacher is Ihe mool imlJOl1JlIUt, so, the leael1leJr ill teachiug leaming oclivi,ies, especially teaching leaming spe'<iking sOOldd assure the slodents:

L 1'10110worry aboul making mistakes. If once you lilillo speak well in fro", of yow friends,tryandtryagain. Be sm<:


lliSl you ,willウセN

2. To creme 1II1 Euglish Conversaliou club in yow· neighoornooiL By doil;g so you ,will Mve a place10practice yom English.

3. 1'0 leam by "trial lIIld elIDr". By joining soch a grollp, yOIl will Mve good opportunities to enlarge your vocabulmies ood beside that, you will find somebody else10correct your mistakes.

4. To time their e'M 10 English. Speak to umive English speakelfS lIS often lIS possible lIIld also walch ne,,,'S and w_ther reports on television or listen 10



A.M., Sardiman Interalesi dan Motivasi Belajar Mengajar, Jakarta: Rajawali Press, 2003

Dimymi, DR., Drs. Mudjiono, Bel,ym- dan Pembelajm-an, JairnJrla: PT Rinekacゥセ 2001

Djalim, Syab and Nom Azimar, Tata Bahasa l"ggu'is l.!odem Dalalll Tanya Jawab,

Jakarta: CV Miswar, 1980

Doff Adrian,Tetucll English, USA: Cambridge University Press, 1990

Frumkin, V. d.ld, An J11ImdIKctic)J1 to Language, 2",0 Ed, Sydney: Holt, Rinehart &

Winston, 1990

Hance Kenneth G., et.al., Principle of Speaking, Belmont, California: Wadsworth Publishing Company, Inc" 1962



Henner, Jeremy, The Practice of English Language Teaching, Third Edition, v

England: Longman, 2001.

KenWOrdl}'Joanne, Teaclaing Egoglish Pmmmciadion,New York: Longmall, 1994 Lado Robert and Charles C. Fries, English Pmmmciation, USA: The Ulliversity of

Michigan Press, 1958

Mackey R.M., SpeakiDog for ResoDld: A Guide for Bw;iness and Professional Speaker, L'

Cambridge: The RiversidePress, 1958

l\4ackey W.F.,Language Teaching Analysis,Loooon: Longman, 1974 .,,' Malley Allan,PmmmciadilJDI, New York: Oxford University Press, 1995

Pmwanto M. Ngalim, MP, Drs.,Ilm,e Pendidikan Tearitis dan Praktis, Bandung: PT Remaja Rosda Karya, 2003

Read John, aウウ・jZセゥョァ Vocabulmy, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press,



Appendix I


Based on the research for 'Skripsi' you are chosen as a r,espondent in this research. We need your cooperation to fill this questionnaire. Fill this questionnaire honestly without asking and influence from other.

Name JoblLevel:.--:--:- -:-,-- _

Read all the questions that given carefully and give a cross (x) as your answer to one of these choices:

Y :Ya

T : Tidak TT . Tidak Tahu






I Anda malu mengungkapkan sesuatu dalam bahasa Inggris 2 Anda takut membuat kesalahan dalam berbahasa Ing{!fis

Allda takut dikritik ketika berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris


4 Anda tidak tahu apa yang anda katakan dalam bahasa Im!{!fis

5 Anda belajar berbicara bahasa Inggris karena keinginan sendiri

6 Anda belajar berbicara bahasa Inggris karena tuntutan


7 Anda belajar berbicara bahasa Inggris karena Anda butuh 8 Anda naham ucanan oran!! vang berbahasa Ingmis

9 Anda latihan berbicara bahasa Inggris sendirian

t -10 Anda latihan berbicara bahasa In!!gris dengan ternan

II Anda latihan berbicara bahasa Inggris dengan keluarga 12 Anda kesulitan dalam mengucapkan kata dalam bahasa


13 Anda kesulitan dalam menyusun kalimat dalam bahasa


14 Anda memnunyai sedikit kosa kata dalam bahasa Inggris 15 Anda kesulitan dalam men!!!!Unakan TENSES yang benar


1, Alex didn't come to see the film last night because he _ _ it before,

a, saw

b, had seen

c. has seen

d. was seen

2, A cold wind _ _ for the last three days.

a. has been blowing

b, blows

c. is blowing

d. blew

3. 1_ _ as ill as I do now for a long time.

a. wasn't feeling

b. haven't been feeling

c. didn't feel

d. haven't felt

4. I wish I _ _ younger.

a. had been

b. would be

c. were

d. have been

5, She said she to me, but she didn't.

a. would have written

b. will have written


d. will write

6. If he _ _ lucky, he could get the job.

a. IS

b. had been

c. would be

d. would have been

7. She told him that if he _ _ his promise, she _ _ speak to him agam.

a. break - would never

b. break - will never

c. broke -will never

d. broke - would never

8. You _ _ a six-month contract when you are offered a permanent position elsewhere. What will you do?

a. have just started

b. had started

c. were starting

d. started

9. I'llsee you in August when I _ _ back.

a. will come

b. came

c. will have come

d. come

10. They claimed they _ _ the law.


11. My friend- -when the lesson started. a. hasn't arrived

b. wasn't arrived

c. hadn't arrived d. wasn't arriving

12. He on the bank fishing when he _ _ a man's hat floating down the river.

a. has sat - had seen

b. was sitting - saw

c. sat - was seeing d. was sitting - has seen

13.July 10th is my wedding anniversary. Next month, my husband andI

will _ _ for twenty years.

a. marry

b. have married

c. be married

d. have been married

14. Who the boss tell him that? a. did hear

b. does hear

c. hears


15. Something extremely strange _ _ yesterday while we were out jogging.

a. was happened b. happened

c. has been happening d. has happened

16. I _ _ this letter around for days and haven't even looked at it. a. carry

b. have been carrying c. am carrying d. was carrymg

17.Ouch! I _ _my thumb! a. have cut

b. am to cut c. had cut

d. had been cut

18. I _ _the flowers yesterday morning. a. have been watering

b. watered c. have watered d. did watered

19. As soon as you _ _ that, I'd like you to go to bed. a. did

b. willdo


b. will have passed c. will be passed d. have passed

2. Vocabularies Test

I. The building next to the railway line where people takeIcatch a train from is called a ...

2. Queen Elizabeth II and most other kings and queens live in a . 3. Eskimos traditionally live in a house made of ice called an . 4. A lightweight portable shelter used when camping is called a .. 5. A place where lots of people sleep in the same room is called a ..

6. A set of rooms for living which are part of a larger building and are usually all on one floor is called a ...

7. The World Cup is ... every four years.

8. He lost the badminton match because a string broke on his ... 9. The person in charge of a football match is called the ... JO. David Beckham kicked the ball into the ...

11. The person who tries to stop the other team scoring in football is called the 12. Where do you usually find a kettle, fridge and saucepan? ..

13. Where do you find a television, a settee and a coffee table? .. 14. Where do you find coat hangers and clean clothes? ...

15. Where do you find bicycles, the car and various odds and ends? ...

16. Where do you find a washing machine, soap powder and dirty clothes? ... 17. A person who owns a building or flat and rents it out for others to use is called

a ...

18. The person who owns or take cares of a farm is called a ... 19. A person who makes things out of wood is called a ...





1 Desty Marisa



2 Falma



3 Esty



4 Vinny



5 Lutfi Barbie Sui i F

6 Maria VIfal1



7 Dwi F

8 Saveera Kayla Rarnadhan



9 Fen-i Fatara K i M

10 Tri Febri Wulandari , F

11 Riyall i F

12 Feny Ridwall H



13 LonaOlavia



Rangga Hennansyah i


-14 M

15 Risma Retno Putri LY F

16 Suherwanti i F

17 Achmad Malliana S M

18 Achmad FinnansyalJ M

19 Nunnala Dewi F._


The students:

I. Desty Marisa, "I think the difficult problems is we sometimes lazy to use our English in environment."

2. Fatma, "kesulitan dalam mengucapkan kala dalam bahasa Inggris, menyusun kalimai, menggunakan tenses yang benar dan kosa kata sedikit."

3. Esty, "kosa kata !idak terlaJu banyak, susunan grammar, lawan bicara tidak mengerti dan tidak menyukai topik yang dibicarakan."

4. Vinny, ''vocabulary and granunar."

5. Lutfi Barbie Sui, "I have only limited vocabularies, not very good in Grammar and not very good in pronunciation."

6. Maria Ulfab, "vocabulary, grammar and translation."

7. 01\';, "the opposite of speaker, when the mind is blank, do not like the tope and do not know the vocabulariesI need."

8. Saveem Kayla Ramadhan, "I have only limited vocabularies and oot very good


9. Ferri Fatam K., "sulit daJam mellggwlakml temes yang bellar, menyusun kalimat, rnengucapkan dan mengeja serta tidak mempunyai metode yang benar."

10. Tri Febri Wulandari, "taknt salab dalarn berbicard dalarn bahasa Inggris, sulit mengungkapkan sesuam daJam babasa Inggris dan menyusun kalimat yang sesum dengan tenses."

II.Riyan, "tensesandgrammar."

12. Ferry Ridwan H., "kesulitan daJarn mengucapkan kata daJarn bahasa Inggris, meny"s"n kalimat, menggllnakan tenses dan tidak tallu apa yang dikatakan."

13. Lona Olavia, "udak ta1:ln 'trnnslate'nya ke hahasa Inggris (kosa kata), penyusunan kalimat, pengucapan ケ。ョAセ benar, listening dan kurnng begimpahamtensesnya.'

14. Rangga Hermansyab, "tenses and grammar."

15. Risma Retoo Putri LY., "sulit untuk menyusun kalimat, talmlsalahatan mgu-ragu dalarn berbicara dan dalarn mengucapkan kata-kala."

16. Suhen.wnti, "kurang dalarn menguasai tenses, vocabulary, taknt salah dalarn pengucapan dan kurang percaya diri dalarn berbicara."

17. Acbmad Maulana S., "mengungicapkan suam kalimat (tenses).

18. AchmJld Firm3lllsyah, "menggumkan tenses amI maln berbicara dalarn bahasa Inggris."

19. Nurmala Dewi, "Grammar or lell.'lCS, menyl.lsun kalimat, mengucapkan kata-kata, dan pngejaan babasa Inggris."


Nomor : Istimewa Lamp

Hal :Penglljusn JudulSkl"ipsi

Ciputat, 12 September 2005 Kepada Yth,

Ketus J1I rIlSlm

Tlldris Ballasll Inggris Di

Tempat Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wh.

Salam silaturraluni kami sampaikan semoga Bapak dalam keadaan sehat dan selalu berada dalam lindungan Allah SWT, Amiin.

Sehubungan dengan akan berakhimya masa studi Program Strata 1 (S1) yang sedang saya tempuh, maka saya yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini :

Nama NIM Jurusan

: Ali Mmtadlo : 101014020788

: Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Bermaksud mengajukan judul skripsi sebagaimana tertera eli bawah ini : "SOME DIFFICULTIES IN PRACTICING SPEAKING" (A Case Study at EC English Course Kemayoran Central Jakarta) Sebagai bahan pertimbangan saya lampirkan :

L Outline 2. Abstraksi

3. Daftar Pustaka Semental"a

Demikian juelul ini saya ajukal1, beSlll" harapan saya Bapak berkenan menyetujuinya dan sekaligus menentukan dosen pembimbingnya.

Atas perhatiannya saya ucapkan terima kasih. Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wh.

Ketua Jurusan Penelidikan Bahasa Inggris



i Murtadlo




tQ-\ ,,\




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amar :ETITL.02.21 IX12005



Kepada Yth.

Dr. H. Atiq Susilo, MA Dosen Pembimbing Skripsi

Fakultas Hmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan UIN SyarifHidayatuliah Jakarta

Telp. ,(62·21) 7443328, 7401925, Fax. (62-21) 7402982

Email: uinjkt@cabLnet.id

Jakarta, 12 September 2005

Assalamu 'alaikum Wr. Wh.

Dengan ini cliharapkan kesediaan Saudara untuk menjadi Pembimbing (materi/teknis) penuIisan skripsi mahasiswa:

Nama NIM

: Ali Murtatllo : 101014020788

JurusaniSemester : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris1IX

Judul Skripsi : "Some Difficulties in Practicing Speaking (A Case Study at EC English Course Kemayoran Central Jakarta) "

Juclul tersebut telah clisetujui oleh Jurusan yang bersangkutan pada tanggal 12 September 2005 dengan abstraksi 1outline sebagaimana terlampir. Bimbingan skripsi ini diharapkan selesai dalam waktu 6 (enam) bulan, yakni sampai dengan tanggal 12 Maret 2006.

Demikian, atas perhatian dan kesediaan Saudara kami ucapkan terima kasih.

Wassalamu 'alaikum Wr. Wh.


Pembantu Dekan Bid. Akademik,

'embusan: Dekan FITK Ketua Jurusan ybs.



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Nama tersebut benar telah melaksanakan riset/wawancara dengan judul "Some Difficulties in Practicing Speaking (A Case Study at English Centre (EC) English Course, Kemayoran, Central Jakarta)" pada tgl: 21-22 Oktober 2005 dan 25 Februari 2006.

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