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Sistem Informasi


Academic year: 2017

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Sistem Informasi


Teknik Informatika



Sistem Informasi

 Pengajar : Irfan Maliki

 Email : sisteminformasi09@gmail.com

 Bobot : 3 SKS

 Penilaian

• Kehadiran : 10 % (min hadir 70%)

• Tugas : 20 – 25 %

• UTS : 30 – 35 %

• UAS : 30 – 35 %

 Mahasiswa masuk ruang kuliah sebelum pengajar

masuk ruang kuliah


Text Book

 Alter, Steven. (2002). Information System

Foundation of E-Business. Prentice Hall

 O’Brien, James A & Marakas, George M. (2008).

Introduction to Information System.


 Jessup & Valacich. (1999). Information System

Foundations. Que E&T.

 Stair & Reynolds. (2006). Principles of

Information Systems, 7th Edition.Thomson

 Davis & Yen. (1999). System Analysis and

Design. CRC

 Langer, Arthur. (2008). Analysis and Design of

Information Systems 3rd Edition. Springer.


Rencana Perkuliahan


Sistem dan Sistem Informasi

Klasifikasi Sistem dan Tipe IS

Proses Bisnis

Manajemen data



Software Development Life




What is a system?

 A system

• Is a set of interrelated components

• With a clearly defined boundary


Information System Definition

“...are combination of hardware,

software, and telecommunication

networks wich people build and use to

collect, create, and distribute useful

data typically in organization settings”


Work System & Information System

 A “frame work” is a brief set of ideas and

assumsptions for organizing a thought

process about a particular type of thing or situation

 A “frame work” is typically used to create


Work System & Information System

(Steven Alter, 2002)

Work System is system in which human

participants and/or machines perform a business process using information, technology, and other resources to produce products and/or services for internal or external customers.

Information System is a work system whose

business process is devoted to capturing,

transmitting, storing, retrieving, manipulating, and

displaying information, therby supporting other


Information System (IS) versus Information Technology (IT)

 IS is all the components and resources

necessary to deliver information and functions to the organization

 IT is hardware, software, networking and

data management

 In theory, IS could be paper based

 But we will focus on Computer-Based


What should a Business Professional know about IS?

 Foundation Concepts: fundamental behavioral,

technical, business and managerial concepts

 Information Technology: Hardware, software,

networks, data management and Internet-based technology

 Business Applications: Major uses of the IS in the


 Development Processes: How to plan, develop and

implement IS to meet business opportunities

 Management Challenges: The challenges of


Role and Goals of IS

1. Increase Employee Productivity

2. Enhace Decision Making

3. Improve Team Collaboration

4. Create Business Partnerships and


5. Enable Global Reach


Increase Employee Productivity

Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) the

gathering of input information, processing that information, and updating existing information to reflect the gathered and processed information

Transaction Processing System (TPS)

process transactions that occur within an organization

Customer Integrated System (CIS)

an extension of a TPS that places technology in the

hands of an organizations’s customers and allows


Enhace Decision Making

Online Analytical Processing (OLAP)

the manipulation of information to support decision making.

Artificial Intelligence

the science of making machines imitate human thinking and behaviour.

Neural Network


Enhace Decision Making

Executive Information System (EIS)

a highly interactive IT system that allows you to first view highly summarized information and then choose how you would like to see greater detail, wich may alert you to potential problem or


Improve Team Collaboration

Collaboration System

designed specifically to improve the

performance of teams by supporting the sharing and flow of information.



Improve Team Collaboration

 Groupware contains support for :

• Team dynamics

• Document management

Group document database – act as a

powerfull storage facility for organizing and managing all documents related to spesific teams.


Create Business Partnerships

and Alliances

Interorganizational System (IOS)

automates the flow of information between organizations to support the planning, design, development, production, and delivery products and services.

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)

the direct computer to computer transfer of transaction information contained in standard business documents, such as invoices and


Enable Global Reach

Business today is global business


the collective personality of nation or society, encompassing language,


Facilitate Organizational


Organizational transformation is

necessary to respond to the everchanging

needs (and wants of today’s marketplace


To Gain Competitive Advantage


Operations support systems

 What are they?

• Efficiently process business transactions

• Control industrial processes

• Support communications and collaboration


Types of Operations Support Systems

 Transaction Processing Systems

• Record and process data from business transactions

• Examples: sales processing, inventory systems, accounting systems

 Process Control Systems

• Monitor and control physical processes

• Example: in a petroleum refinery use sensors to monitor chemical processes

 Enterprise Collaboration Systems

• Enhance team and work group communications


Two ways to process transactions

 Batch Processing:

• Accumulate transactions over time and process periodically

• Example: a bank processes all checks received in a batch at night

 Online Processing:

• Process transactions immediately


Management Support Systems

 What are they?


Types of Management Support Systems

 Management Information Systems (MIS)

• Provide reports and displays to managers

• Example: daily sales analysis reports

 Decision Support Systems (DSS)

• Provide interactive ad hoc support for decision making

• Example: A what-if-analysis to determine where to spend advertising dollars

 Executive Information Systems (EIS)

• Provide critical information for executives and managers


Operational or Management Systems

 Expert Systems

• Provide expert advice

• Example: credit application advisor  Knowledge Management Systems

• Support creation, organization and dissemination of business knowledge throughout company


Classifications of IS by scope

 Functional business systems

• Focus on operational and managerial applications of basic business functions

• Examples: support accounting, finance or marketing

 Strategic information systems

• Help get a strategic advantage over its customers • Examples: shipment tracking, e-commerce web


 Cross-functional information systems

• Systems that are combinations of several types of information systems


Measuring success of an IS

 Efficiency

• Minimize cost, time and use of information resources

 Effectiveness

• Support business strategies

• Enable business processes

• Enhance organizational structure and culture


What is a system?

 A system

• Is a set of interrelated components

• With a clearly defined boundary

• Working together to achieve a common set of objectives

• By accepting inputs and producing


Systems have three basic functions:

 Input involves capturing and assembling

elements that enter the system to be processed

 Processing involves transformation process

that convert input into output

 Output involves transferring elements that


Cybernetic system

 All systems have input, processing and output

 A cybernetic system, a monitoring,

self-regulating system, adds feedback and control:

• Feedback is data about the performance of

a system

• Control involves monitoring and evaluating


Components of an IS

 People Resources

• End users: the people who use the IS or the information from the IS

• IS specialists: the people who develop and operate IS

 Hardware Resources

• All physical devices used in information processing

• Machines, data media, peripherals

 Software Resources

• All information processing instructions including programs and procedures


Components of an IS


 Data Resources

• Facts about the business transactions

• Processed and organized information

• Databases of organized data  Network Resources

• Communications media

• Network infrastructure: hardware and software


Data versus Information

 Data are raw facts about physical phenomena or

business transactions

 Information is data that has been converted into

meaningful and useful context for end users

 Example:

• Sales data is names, quantities and dollar amounts


IS Activities

 Input of data resources

• Data entry activities

 Processing of data into information

• E.g., calculate, compare, sort, classify, summarize

 Output of information products

• Messages, reports, forms and graphic images

 Storage of data resources

• Data elements and databases

 Control of system performance


Recognizing IS

 As a business professional, you should

be able to look at an IS and identify

• The people, hardware, software, data and network resources they use

• The type of information products they produce



Email dengan nama sebenarnya. Format subjek :

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A Brief History Of


Perkembangan Proses


The Age of the Crafts worker


The Age of the Factory


The Age of Specialist


The Age of Crafts Worker

 Terjadi pada kurun waktu pertengahan abad 18,

sebelum revolusi Industri

 Kebanyakan produk dihasilkan oleh pengrajin

 Proses dan produk tidak ada bedanya, sehingga

mengukur pekerjaan sama halnya dengan mengukur hasil dari pekerjaan itu.

 Seluruh pekerjaan dikerjakan di satu tempat.

 Satu pekerja dapat mengerjakan keseluruhan

proses, mulai dari membuat produk,


The Age of Crafts Worker


 Pekerja mengetahui dengan jelas siapa konsumen produknya, apa

barang dan jasa yang diproduksi, dan apa tujuannya.

 Konsumen hanya perlu menghubungi satu kontak untuk

permasalahan apapun.

 Perajin mengetahui proses yang terjadi dari awal hingga akhir.  Tidak terjadi miskomunikasi antara spesialisasi yang berbeda.


 Terdapat satu titik penyebab kegagalan.

 Kualitas menurun, pekerja tidak seluruhnya memiliki kemampuan

baik di semua aspek.

 Output terbatas,


The Age of Factory

 Didorong oleh penemuan mesin uap oleh

James Watt.

 Mulai ada pembagian pekerjaan

(spesialisasi) dalam organisasi.

 Jumlah produksi per pekerja meningkat

drastis. Efisiensi produksi meningkat.

 Suksesnya pembagian kerja


The Age of the Specialists

 Revolusi industri menyebabkan kebutuhan akan spesialis

pada organisasi meningkat. Spesialis yang dibutuhkan tidak hanya pada bidang manufaktur, tapi juga pada area-area seperti keuangan, akuntansi, hukum, sumber daya

manusia, pemasaran, dan lainnya.

 Mulai dilakukan usaha penyempurnaan produk dengan

pemanfatan research & development, teknik, dan perencanaan manufaktur.

 Mulai ada manajer professional yang bertugas untuk

melakukan perencanaaan, pengorganisasian, dan pengontrolan.

 Organisasi mulai dibangun dengan struktur yang


The Age of Factory & The Age

of Specialists

Kelebihan :

 Output bertambah dengan kualitas yang tetap konsisten.  Lebih mudah mengatur pekerja.

 Pekerja memiliki keahlian yang baik pada spesialisasi yang


 Spesialisasi dapat dikurangi/ ditambah dengan mudah.  Organisasi diatur dengan manajemen professional.


 Fokus pada efisiensi lokal

 Pelayanan menurun karena customer tidak dapat melihat proses.  Kurang komunikasi

 Merendahkan akuntabilitas individual


Kelemahan Organisasi


 Organisasi adalah struktur yang mengelompokan

manusia dan sumber daya untuk mencapai tujuan umum.

 Fungsionalitas adalah bidang usaha menyangkut

kerja, menggunakan keahlian tertentu, dan pengetahuan.

 Organisasi memiliki tujuan umum, sedangkan

orientasi fungsionalitas tidak memiliki tujuan

umum. Timbul masalah “sumbu kompor /

stovepipe”. Setiap bagian hanya peduli pada


Kelemahan Organisasi


 Organisasi dengan



memiliki beberapa kerugian :

• Proses yang kontinyu terbagi – bagi

(fragmented) antara fungsionalitas kerja. Masalah ini sering


Kelemahan Organisasi


Organisasi dengan orientasi

fungsionalitas memiliki beberapa

kerugian :

• Pekerjaan pada suatu divisi dapat

dinegasikan oleh divisi lain atau tidak menghasilkan nilai tambah apapun.

• Terjadi waktu tunda pada proses ketika pekerjaan pindah dari satu


Enter Reengineering :


 Reengineering dilakukan dengan mengidentifikasi dan

merancang ulang proses bisnis dari awal hingga akhir secara radikal untuk meningkatkan performansinya.

 Organisasi berorientasi proses mengurangi akumulasi

inefisiensi dan irrasionalitas.

 “Reengineering is undoing the Industrial Revolution

(Hammer). Dalam reengineering, proses-proses yang telah dibreakdown menjadi fungsi dalam organisasi fungsional yang muncul pada Revolusi Industri


Exit Reengineering : 1994-1995

 BPR tidak semenjajikan yang diharapkan.

Perancangan ulang proses memang

mudah, tetapi implementasinya sangat sulit.

 Banyak terjadi kegagalan, hampir 70 – 80

% proyek BPR gagal

 Bisa disimpulkan orientasi proses tidak


Orientasi Proses


 Fokus yang cukup terhadap customer dan outcome

 Keberulangan proses terdefinisi berarti proses terukur dan

dapat disempurnakan.

 Efisiensi meningkat jauh

 Birokrasi lebih sederhana sehingga persentase usaha yang

lebih besar dapat digunakan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan



 Lebih sulit diatur.

 Pekerjaan individu lebih luas  Sulit diimplementasikan



 “… a course of action or a procedure … a

series of stages in manufacture or some other

operation…” [the concise oxford dictionary] • A collection of activities that, taken

together, create value for customer

e.g. new product for customer. This tasks are inter-related tasks

 “… a series of actions, changes, or functions



 Business entity is any organization

whose aim is to create results of value

for someone who cares about those results.

 Purpose of any business entity is to act

as a transformation mechanism.

• When appropriate events and conditions trigger action, customer requirements and consumable resources (raw materials, money & information) are transformed into

goods, services, business outcomes for the customers’


• The results can have a physical component or



• At the same time that businesses are serving

their customer and consumer markets, their performance is measured in terms of

appropriate key performance indicators

(KPIs) and evaluated against the

requirements of the business owners and investors

• Satisfying customers and owners



The business applies a number of reusable resources to enable this transformation. These capabilities include:

• Cross-functional business processes. Interestingly, businesses might not recognize them as processes.

• Physical facilities. These include offices, factories, equipment, and tools.

• Computing and communications technology. These enable information flow, knowledge sharing, and communications.



A process is set of




performed to achieve a


Process definition

A process is a set of actions that take inputs,

and then add value to provide desirable



Customers Suppliers Internet Product

Inputs Outputs


Kind of Process

 Core – these are value added activities

that meet business and customer needs.

 Support – these are activities that


Business Process

 A business process as a series of tasks or activities

to achieve a given purpose or goal, which can be

completed either in sequence or in parallel, by

people or systems, either inside or outside an organization. [Butler Group]

 The task are pre-defined, and the process can be


 The sequence of tasks in any process is usually


Process Flow


Marketing Operation Finance/ Admin


Frame the Process

Langkah pertama dari metodologi

Paling penting

Kesalahan di tahap ini akan terbawa


Kesalahan-kesalahan Umum

Terjebak pada fungsi

struktur organisasi

functional silo

local efficiency

Lingkup proses yang terlalu sempit


Review Proses

Proses bisnis selanjutnya akan disebut

sebagai proses saja atau proses bisnis

Proses bisnis: “A business process is a

collection of interrelated work tasks,

initiated in response to an event, that

achieves a specific result for the


...that achieves a specific


proses ada karena diperlukan untuk

menghasilkan sesuatu: result

hasil bisa berupa produk atau jasa

result: countable dan identifiable

contoh proses:

develop new product; hasilnya new



...that achieves a specific


Bukan proses:

Research and development

Help desk

Apakah Research and development

yang sudah diselesaikan bisa


Apakah Help desk yang sudah


...for the customer of the


Customer adalah pihak yang

memperoleh hasil dari proses

Customer dapat menilai seberapa

memuaskan suatu proses

Contoh proses:

Menerbitkan SIM

Bukan proses:


...initiated in response to a

specific event...

proses seperti mesin yang diam

sebelum dinyalakan

harus ada event yang memicu

dimulainya proses



...work tasks...

kumpulan dari aktivitas, langkah,

task, aksi

aktivitas atau langkah akan sering


aktivitas dikerjakan oleh aktor

aktor dapat berupa orang, fungsi

kerja, departemen, atau sistem


jangan terjebak hanya melihat


...a collection of interrelated...

aktivitas atau langkah dalam proses

harus terkait, langsung maupun tidak


ada urutan mulai event pemicu


Karakteristik proses lainnya


customer mengukur result

aktor mengukur produktivitas


Karakteristik proses lainnya


proses bisnis mencakup aktivitas yang

dilakukan manual maupun yang otomatis



Karakteristik proses lainnya


internal atau eksternal

proses yang melayani customer

eksternal biasanya core process


Karakteristik proses lainnya


Karakteristik proses lainnya

Kesalahan identifikasi proses:

Capture service order

Assign Facilities

Install Service

Update Customer Records


Karakteristik proses lainnya


Framing the Process


Identify process and name in

verb-noun format;

Event that triggers the business


Result achieved by the process;

Customer that receives the result;


Framing the Process

• About five to seven major activities or milestones within the process;

• Actors with a role in the process;

• Mechanisms (systems, forms, equipment, etc.) that support the process;

• Process timing and frequency;

• Related (but out-of-scope) processes depicted on an overall process map.

• Assessment of current process performance;


Identifikasi Proses

Lakukan secara bottom-up

Identifikasi aktivitas atau milestone

yang ada

Lakukan dengan brainstorming

Untuk memperoleh bahan

Ingat aturan brainstorming: jangan ada

kritik dan evaluasi

Olah ide-ide yang diperoleh:

kelompokkan ide sejenis, hapus yang

tidak wajar dan mustahil


Identifikasi Proses

Lakukan Brainstorm milestone

Milestone adalah jika ada sesuatu yang

dihasilkan, baik antar aktivitas atau

pada akhir proses, contoh:

 Product is reserved

 Shipment is packed

 Inventory replenished

 Order is accepted


Identifikasi Proses

Ubah milestone menjadi aktivitas

Reserve Product;

Pack Shipment;

Replenish Inventory;

Accept Order;


Identifikasi Proses

Urutkan Proses

Identifikasi rasio

Kelompokkan proses berdasarkan


Identifikasi Proses

Beri nama proses dan aktivitas dengan



Menuangkan proses bisnis dalam

bentuk diagram, sehingga:

• Terdokumentasi

• Dapat disampaikan kepada orang lain

• Memudahkan pemahaman

Pemodelan dilakukan terhadap as-is


Standar Pemodelan

 Tujuan standar pemodelan adalah agar

mudah dikomunikasikan dengan pihak lain yang juga mengerti tentang standar itu

 Ada beberapa contoh standar:

• ASME (American Association of Mechanical


• Flowchart/Flowmap

• IDEF0 (Integration Definition For Function


• IGOE (Input, guide, output, enabler)

• BPMN (Business Process Modeling Notation)



External Roles Request Recipient Strategic Partner Resource Assigner Manage projects


Page 1



Mulai PERDIM 11 +Lampiran PERDIM 11 +Lampiran LENGKAP? Lengkapi PERDIM 11 +Lampiran Input data pemohon Cetak Bukti Terima PERDIM 11 Bukti Terima PERDIM 11 Bukti Terima PERDIM 11 Bukti Terima PERDIM 11

1 bulan Bukti Terima PERDIM 11 Cari Berkas Pemohon Berkas PERDIM 11 Berkas PERDIM 11 Wawanc ara cek dg dok asli Ada dalam daftar cegah? Cetak Form Bayar Passpor Form Bayar Passpor Form Bayar Passpor Bayar Ke Kasir 1 Bukti Bayar Passpor Bukti Bayar Passpor Berkas PERDIM 11 Persetujuan (Ditandatangani) Berkas PERDIM 11 Cetak Form Bayar Photo Form Bayar Photo Form Bayar Photo Bayar Ke Kasir 1 Bukti Bayar Photo Bukti Bayar Photo Berkas PERDIM 11 Update Data Pemohon + photo Cetak Passpor Passpor Passpor Berkas PERDIM 11 Pengam-bilan Contoh Sidik Jari Contoh Sidik Jari (àBerkas)

Berkas PERDIM 11 Passpor Berkas PERDIM 11 Passpor Pengesahan



Pengendalian Kebijakan perusahaan, hukum dll



(American Society of Mechanical Engineers)


Operation Indicates the main steps in a process we use 2 types; one for value-adding and one for non value-adding steps

Inspection Indicates a check on quality or quantity

Steps V Time Comment Steps A Steps B Steps C Steps D Steps E Steps F Steps G Transport Indicates movement of

people, materials, paper, information, etc Delay

Indicates a temporary storage, delay or hold-up between consecutive operations




No Aktivitas Waktu Keterangan

1 Periksa kelengkapan Berkas PERDIM 11 5 menit

2 Input Data Pemohon

10 menit 3 Cetak Bukti



P e m o h o n Start

Isi Formulir dan Berkas Permohonan D in a s P e m e ri n ta h D a e ra h T im S IU P S u b D in a s K a s ie K a d in T a ta U s a h a Cek Berkas permohonan Start Buat Permohonan Pemeriksaan Permohonan Pengesahan Permohonan Pengesahan Permohonan Pembayaran

(bank jabar) Penomoran

Pengesahan penandatanganan SIUP Pengesahan penandatanganan SIUP Pengesahan penandatanganan SIUP Lengkap Data Valid Tidak Lengkap

Proses Pembuatan SIUP menggunakan BPMN



Swimlane yang digunakan di buku

mirip dengan IGOE dan BPMN

Ada penyederhanaan notasi

• Hanya menggunakan kotak dan panah

• Lebih menekankan pada deskripsi pada proses

Tujuannya agar lebih mudah




• Roles: aktor yang melakukan proses

• Responsibilities: task yang dilakukan oleh aktor


Studi Kasus

PT XYZ adalah sebuah perusahaan

asuransi, yang bisnis utamanya

adalah manajemen resiko dan return

akibat dari ketidakpastian masa



selalu melibatkan dua

istilah, yaitu :

• Ketidakpastian

• Kerugian, entah kerugian fisik maupun




Proses bisnis yang dimodelkan

adalah berdasarkan


pengajuan klaim asuransi

yang ada

di PT XYZ.

Proses bisnis dimodelkan dilihat dari

sudut pandang perusahaan asuransi

bukan dari sudut pandang customer

atau sudut pandang perusahaan


Lazimnya perusahaan asuransi akan


klaim pertanggungan

dari para anggota pada waktu yang

tidak terkirakan sebelumnya

Ketika perusahaan berupaya untuk

meminimalisir jumlah kerugian,

perusahaan akan mengambil suatu

jumlah tertentu sebagai jaminan atas

resiko yang ditanggung, jumlah


Jika batas retensi yang telah

ditetapkan ternyata

lebih rendah


jumlah klaim yang harus dibayarkan,

maka perusahaan akan menghadapi

resiko reputasi sekaligus resiko

default yaitu perusahaan tidak

mampu menutup klaim yang


Suatu perusahaan asuransi pasti

akan mereasuransikan sebagian

resiko tersebut kepada perusahaan



biayanya lebih


dibandingkan dengan yang

dibebankan oleh perusahaan

reasuransi, dengan kata lain


expected loss

nya lebih tinggi dari

pada yang diperkirakan oleh




Head Office (HO)

Regional Office (RO) Regional Office (RO) Regional Office (RO)

Branch Office (BO) Branch Office (BO)

Branch Office (BO)

Branch Office (BO) Branch Office (BO)

Branch Office (BO)

Branch Office (BO) Branch Office (BO)



Masalah (3)

Proses pengajuan klaim yang

dimodelkan hanya klaim yang menjadi

wewenang Head Office (HO) meliputi

klaim kematian


polis kadaluarsa,

polis medikal, cacat tetap total, rawat

inap, klaim dari polis yang diajukan di

HO, klaim dengan nilai pertanggungan

diatas 50 juta rupiah (US$ 5000).

Proses pengajuan klaim dilakukan di

Branch Office (BO)

tempat objek




Klaim Diterima Manfaat Asuransi Dibayarkan Dokumen ter-validasi Desisi Klaim diterbitkan Surat Pemberitahuan Pembayaran Mafaat Asuransi dikirimkan Klaim Reasuransi diajukan Manfaat Reasuransi diterima Manfaat Asuransi terkalkulasi Rekomendasi Medis diterima Penerimaan Klaim Pembayaran Manfaat Asuransi Validasi Dokumen Penerbitan Desisi Klaim Pengiriman Surat Pemberitahuan Pembayaran Manfaat Asuransi Pengajuan Klaim Reasuransi Penerimaan Manfaat Reasuransi Kalkulasi Manfaat Asuransi Penerimaan Rekomendasi Medis

1:1 1:1 1:1




Klaim Asuransi

Event Subprocesses Result

Klaim diajukan Valida si Doku men Penerimaan Rekomendasi Medis Kalkulasi Manfaat Asuransi Pengajuan Klaim Reasuransi Penerimaan Manfaat Reasuransi Penerbitan Desisi Klaim Pengiriman Pemberitahuan Pembayaran Manfaat Asuransi Pembayaran Manfaat Asuransi Case for Action Vision

- Pengecekan berkas dilakukan berulang-ulang sehingga membuang waktu pemrosesan


- Pengiriman berkas klaim dilakukan dengan cara batch pada akhir bulan sehingga klaim

yang diajukan di awal bulan harus menunggu hingga akhir bulan untuk diproses

- Klaim reasuransi expired akibat waktu pemrosesan klaim melewati batas expirasi yang

ditetapkan oleh reasuradur

- Divisi Aktuaria menangani klaim asuransi yang merupakan tanggung jawab dari Divisi


- Informasi klaim yang direasuransikan tidak dimiliki kantor cabang sehingga identifikasi

klaim reasuransi tidak bisa dilakukan sejak awal

- Meningkatkan jumlah klaim yang diproses dan dibayarkan - Mengurangi rata-rata pengeluaran untuk pembayaran klaim - Mengurangi jumlah dan total biaya proses hukum akibat tuntutan hukum terkait dengan klaim

- Mengurangi biaya total pemrosesan klaim - Mendokumentasikan klaim dengan baik

- Memperbaiki rasio antara jumlah klaim dengan polis yang dikeluarkan

- Memperbaiki rasio antara klaim yang dibayarkan dengan klaim yang diterima

- Mengurangi komplain konsumen

- Mengurangi dampak penipuan asuransi

Actor Mechanism Metrics Pegawai seksi pelayanan nasabah

Kepala seksi pertanggungan BO Dokter penasihat medis


Kepala bagian pertanggungan RO Kepala divisi underwriting

Kepala divisi keuangan Perusahaan reasuransi (reasuradur)

Kepala divisi aktuaria Tertanggung

Perbaikan proses bisnis Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Reasuransi Perbaikan Standard Operational Procedure

- Pengecekan berkas hanya dilakukan satu kali

- Pembayaran klaim yang dikeluarkan perusahaan dibawah batas retensi

- Klaim yang direasuransikan dikirimkan dan diproses pada hari yang sama

- Waktu penanganan reasuransi klaim dibawah batas ekspirasi reasuradur


Tugas Kelompok

Lakukan analisis proses bisnis

terhadap perusahan/ organisasi

Tugas dikumpulkan dalam bentuk

print out dan file laporan+PPT dikirim



Tugas dikerjakan selama < 2 minggu


Case 1: Amazon, eBay, and Google:

Unlocking and Sharing Business Databases

 Companies such as Amazon, eBay and Google

are unlocking their databases and sharing their data with developers, entrepreneurs and their business partners.

 In the hands of top Web innovators, this data

could be the dynamo of new Web sites and

businesses that would expand the company’s

online footprint and ultimately drive more sales.

 This also involves risk in terms of misuse of

company’s data and companies will have to


Fundamental Data Concepts

 Character: single alphabetic, numeric or other


 Field or data item: a grouping of related


• Represents an attribute (a characteristic or

quality) of some entity (object, person,

place or event)

• Example: salary

 Record: grouping of all the fields used to

describe the attributes of an entity

• Example: payroll record with name, SSN


Fundamental Data Concepts

 File or table: a group of related records


Electric Utility Database


Database Structures

 Hierarchical

 Network

 Relational

 Object-oriented


Hierarchical Structure

 Early DBMS structure

 Records arranged in tree-like structure


Network Structure

 Used in some mainframe DBMS packages


Relational Structure

 Most widely used structure

 Data elements are viewed as being stored in tables

 Row represents record

 Column represents field

 Can relate data in one file with data in another file if both files share a


Relational Operations

 Select:

• Create a subset of records that meet a

stated criterion

• Example, select employees who make

more than $30,000

 Join

• Combine two or more tables temporarily

• Looks like one big table

 Project


Multidimensional Structure

 Variation of relational model

 Uses multidimensional structures to organize data

 Data elements are viewed as being in cubes


Object-oriented Structure

 Object consists of

• Data values describing the attributes of an


• Operations that can be performed on the


 Encapsulation:

• Combine data and operations

 Inheritance:

• New objects can be created by replicated


Object-oriented Structure

Source: Adapted from Ivar Jacobsen, Maria Ericsson, and Ageneta Jacobsen, The Object Advantage: Business Process Reengineering with Object Technology(New York: ACM Press, 1995), p. 65.


Object-oriented Structure

 Used in Object-oriented database management systems (OODBMS)

 Supports complex data types


Evaluation of Database Structures

 Hierarchical

• Worked for structured routine transaction processing

• Can’t handle many-to-many relationships

 Network

• More flexible than hierarchical

• Unable to handle ad hoc requests

 Relational

• Easily respond to ad hoc requests

• Easier to work with and maintain


Database Development

 Database Administrator (DBA)

• In charge of enterprise database development

 Data Definition Language (DDL)

• Develop and specify the data contents, relationships and structure

• These specifications are stored in data dictionary

 Data dictionary

• Data base catalog containing metadata


Data Planning Process

 Enterprise Model

• Defines basic business process of the enterprise

• Defined by DBAs and designers with end users

 Data Modeling

• Relationships between data elements

• Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)


Database Design Process

 Logical design

• Schema – overall logical view of relationships

• Subschema – logical view for specific end users

• Data models for DBMS

 Physical design


Data Resource Management

 Managerial activity

 Applies IS technologies like data

management and data warehousing to manage data resources to meet the


Operational Databases

 Store detailed data to support business processes


Distributed Databases

 Copies or parts of databases on servers at a

variety of locations

 Challenge: any data change in one location must

be made in all other locations

 Replication:

• Look at each distributed database and find changes • Apply changes to each distributed database

• Very complex

 Duplication

• One database is master


External Databases

 Databases available for a fee from commercial online services or

 For free from World Wide Web

 Examples, statistical databanks,


Hypermedia Database

 Website database


Data Warehouse

 Stores data that has been extracted from the

operational, external and other databases

 Data has been cleaned, transformed and cataloged

 Used by managers and professionals for

• Data mining,

• Online analytical processing, • Business analysis,

• Market research, • Decision support

 Data mart is subset of warehouse for specific use


Data Warehouse


Data Mining

 Data in data warehouse are analyzed to reveal hidden patterns and trends Examples:

• Perform market-basket analysis to identify new business processes

• Find root causes to quality problems

• Cross sell to existing customers


Traditional File Processing

 Data stored in independent files

 Problems:

• Data redundancy

• Lack of data integration

• Data dependence – files, storage

devices, and software are dependent on each other


Database Management Approach

 Consolidate data into databases that can be accessed by different


 Use a database management system (DBMS)


Database Interrogation

 End users use a DBMS by asking for information

via a query or a report generator

 Query language – immediate responses to ad hoc

data requests

• SQL (Structured Query Language) an

international standard query language

• Graphical Queries -- Point-and-click methods

• Natural Queries – similar to conversational English

 Report generator – quickly specify a report format


Graphical Query


Database Maintenance

 Updating database to reflect new

business transactions such as a new sale


Application Development

 Use DBMS software development tools to develop custom application



System Development


Major Attributes of the Life Cycle

The Project

• Moves systematically through phases

where each phase has a standard set of outputs

• Produces project deliverables

• Uses deliverables in implementation

• Results in actual information system


Project Phases


(Why build the system?

How should the team go about

building it?)


(Who uses system, what will

it do, where and when will the

system be used?)


(How will the system work?)



Garis besar

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