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An Analysis Of Figurative Expressions Found In Enrique Iglessias’s Selected Songs Lyrics


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Alhamdulillah, praise to the Almighty Allah SWT, the Most gracious, the

Most merciful, for giving me guidance, the power, the patience, and the ability to

finish this thesis.

First of all, I would like to express my sincere gratitude and appreciate to

Dr. Eddy Setia, M.Ed TESP, as my supervisor and to Dra. Roma Ayuni Lubis,

M.A, as my co-supervisor, for sharing times, critical assistance and valuable

suggestion with me and the best efforts they have given to me.

Then I would like to thank the Dean of Faculty of Letters, Sumatera Utara

University, Drs. Iwan Syaifuddin, M.A. Phd.D., the Head and the Secretary of

English Department, Dra. Swesana Mardia Lubis, M.Hum; and Drs. Yulianus

Harefa, M.Ed TESOL for giving all facilities and opportunities during my

academic affairs and in completing the thesis.

I would also like to thank to all lecturers of English Department for giving


My best and deep appreciation and love are dedicated to my mom, Rani

Siregar, and my brother Kharol Bakhri Tambunan, also for vina for giving a never

ending pray, moral, spiritual support, and endless love. I also thank to Nurdin

Gang; Nova, Tuti, Ninta, Ara, Irman Atong and Irvan Cupenk for their support

during my academic years.

Finally, thanks to all 2004’s students who have shared all the moment

during my academic years.

May the Almighty Allah preserve and bless them all. Amiin.

Medan, December 2008



Judul skripsi ini adalah An Analysis of Figurative Expressions Found in Enrique Iglessias’ selected Songs Lyrics. Ini adalah suatu analisa pengklasifikasian terhadap makna yang terkandung pada suatu lirik didasarkan atas pegklasifikasian melalui Figurative Expression. Bahasan dalam analisa ini mencakup hiperbola, metapora, personifikasi, sinekdok, simile, irony, dan oksimoron terhadap lagu-lagu Enrique Iglessias yang sudah dipilih. Dari analisa yang dilakukan ditemukan 57 ungkapan figuratif yang terdiri dari 20 ungkapan figuratif hiperbola (35%), 24 ungkapan figuratif metapora (42%), 6 ungkapan figuratif personifikasi (10%), 4 ungkapan figuratif sinekdok (7%), satu ungkapan figuratif simile (2%), satu ungkapan figuratif ironi (2%), dan satu ungkapan figuratif oksimoron (2%). Dengan ini, muncul metapora sebagai ungkapan yang paling dominant, diikuti oleh hiperbola, personifikasi, sinekdok, simile, ironi, dan oksimoron.

Ditemukannya metapora sebagai ungkapan figuratif yang paling dominant di lagu-lagu Enrique Iglessias mengimplikasikan bahwa dalam lirik-lirik lagunya banyak terdapat kalimat atau kata-kata yang menggunaka linking verbs (is, are,

were dll). Perbandingan yang digunakan merupakan perbandingan dua ide; ide







1.1.The Background of Analysis

1.2.The Problem of Analysis

1.3.The Objectives of Analysis

1.4.The Scope of analysis

1.5.The significances of Analysis

1.6.The Research Method

1.7.Review of Related Literature


2.1. Semantics

2.2. The Scope of Semantics

2.2.1. Meaning

2.2.2. Sense and Reference


3.1. Definitions of Figurative Expression

3.2. Kind of Figurative Expressions

3.2.1. Hyperbole


3.2.3. Personification

3.2.4. Synecdoche

3.2.5. Simile

3.2.6. Irony

3.2.7 Oxymoron



4.1. The Types of Figurative Expression

4.2. The Literal Analysis of the Figurative Sentences

4.2.1. Hyperbole

4.2.2. Metaphor

4.2.3. Personification

4.2.4. Synecdoche

4.2.5. Simile

4.2.6. Irony

4.2.7. Oxymoron

4.3. The Result of Analysis


5.1. Conclusions

5.2. Suggestions




Judul skripsi ini adalah An Analysis of Figurative Expressions Found in Enrique Iglessias’ selected Songs Lyrics. Ini adalah suatu analisa pengklasifikasian terhadap makna yang terkandung pada suatu lirik didasarkan atas pegklasifikasian melalui Figurative Expression. Bahasan dalam analisa ini mencakup hiperbola, metapora, personifikasi, sinekdok, simile, irony, dan oksimoron terhadap lagu-lagu Enrique Iglessias yang sudah dipilih. Dari analisa yang dilakukan ditemukan 57 ungkapan figuratif yang terdiri dari 20 ungkapan figuratif hiperbola (35%), 24 ungkapan figuratif metapora (42%), 6 ungkapan figuratif personifikasi (10%), 4 ungkapan figuratif sinekdok (7%), satu ungkapan figuratif simile (2%), satu ungkapan figuratif ironi (2%), dan satu ungkapan figuratif oksimoron (2%). Dengan ini, muncul metapora sebagai ungkapan yang paling dominant, diikuti oleh hiperbola, personifikasi, sinekdok, simile, ironi, dan oksimoron.

Ditemukannya metapora sebagai ungkapan figuratif yang paling dominant di lagu-lagu Enrique Iglessias mengimplikasikan bahwa dalam lirik-lirik lagunya banyak terdapat kalimat atau kata-kata yang menggunaka linking verbs (is, are,

were dll). Perbandingan yang digunakan merupakan perbandingan dua ide; ide



1.1 The Background of Analysis

Language has an important role of communication in human life. People

use language as a tool to express ideas and feelings. By using language, people are

able to describe their feelings, emotions and thought easier than using other

elements. Hornby (1972:473) says, “Language is human and non-instinctive

method of communicating ideas, feelings, and desires by means of a system

sounds and sound symbols. People use language to communicate and interact to

each other. It is easier to convey information to another people in order to share

knowledge. Bolinger (1975:14) states, “Human-language is a system of

vocal-auditory communication, interacting with the experiences of its users, employing

conventional signs composed of arbitrary patterned sound units and assembled

according to set rules.”

Palmer (1976:6) says, “I have suggested that linguistics is the scientific

study of language. Linguistics has important role to components of language that

include sound, the arrangement of words, and meaning.” In its broadest sense,

linguistics can also be refried as the study of human language: how it is structured,

how it is used to represent meaning, how it is used to communicate ideas, how it

is formed, how it is decoded. Linguistics tries to look for commonality across all

human languages, and should not be confused with 'Language Teaching’, which

aims to teach a single language.

There are four branches of linguistics study; they are Phonology,


(1976:1) says, “Semantics is technical term used refer to the study of meaning.” In

addition, semantics focuses on the meaning of words, phrases, or sentences in the

language. The meaning of phrases, sentences depend on the meaning of its words

and the structure. System for analyzing language divides linguistics expression

into two classes: literal meaning and non-literal meaning. Uses in non-literal are

called figurative expression. Literal meaning denotes the speaker mean according

to common or dictionary usage, while non-literal meaning (figurative expression)

connotes additional layers of meaning. When the people eye or ears receive a

message, the mind must interpret the data to convert it into meaning. This set of

memories will give prominence to the most common or literal meanings, but also

suggest reasons for attributing different meanings, e.g., the reader understands that

the author intended it to mean something different, as can be seen the examples of

literal meaning below:

− Let me be your friend

− I want to hold you

Both of the examples express the literal meaning as the real meaning

according to dictionary usage.

Look at the examples of non-literal meaning (figurative expression) below:

− You can take my breath away

− Sad eyes never lie

Both of the examples are figurative expression, they express additional

layer of meaning. In first sentence, “you can take my breath away” implies that


Moreover, the second sentences, “sad eyes never lie”, lie in this sentence

represented human being ability.

Every sentence that contain of figurative expression could make the reader

or hearer confused and try to imagine what the real meaning of it. Richard Taylor

(1981:165) cites: “Figurative languages surprises the reader because the

statements or ideas expressed does not make sense on the surface level, and, since

literal meaning is denied, an act of imagination is required before the intended

meaning becomes clear.”

It is important to understand figurative expression meaning because it

shows the speaker’s mastery of politeness in English language which at the

sometimes show the speaker’s high-level mastery of the language. Even the

scholar that want to improve his communication skill, he should study about the

meaning and non-literal meaning, because it is one of the most difficult subject to

be studied. So in this analysis I try to reveal the non-literal meaning as my object

because I think it is worthy to the reader who are interested in the meaning

especially figurative expression.

There are so many kinds of literary works which use the figurative

expression, such as a Lyrics song and Poetry. All of them use it to beautify their

sentences and give the magnificent words to interest the reader or hearer.

Songs is the most common thing in people daily life because songs can

give various impacts to its reader. In a song, we can find lyrics which complete

and beautify the song and makes the hearer more interested in hearing it.

In this thesis, I am interested in analyzing the figurative expression that


their idea and feeling through the song. The idea and feeling becomes difficult to

understand because the composers adopted figurative expression to beauty theirs

lyrics. This thesis will discuss figurative expression that found in lyrics of song

and try to interpret the meaning by using Semantics theory.

The lyrics of song that I analyze are Enrique Iglessias songs. I chose these

songs because there are so many figurative expressions are found in the lyrics.

More over these lyrics have the magnificent words and the poetic aspect. In spite

of it’s, he is a top singer in the world. Enrique Miguel Iglessias Preysler was born

May 8, 1975. He is a Spanish pop singer-songwriter. His career started in Mexico

on Indie label Fonovisa who helped turn him into one of the most popular artists

in Latin America and in the Latin market in the United States, selling more

Spanish albums than any other artists in that period of time.

1.2 The Problem of Analysis

The focuses of this thesis are:

a. What the types of figurative expressions that are found in song

lyrics of Enrique Iglessias?

b. What are the literal meanings of each types of figurative expression

in the song lyrics?

1.3 The Objectives of Analysis

The objectives within this analysis are based on the problems, they are:

a. To find out the types of figurative expression which are found in


b. To find out the literal meaning of each types of figurative

expression found in the songs lyrics.

1.4 The Scope of Analysis

To make focus of the analysis and easy to analyze of the matter being

analyzed and easier to understand, the scope of analysis is focused on semantics

component, i.e. figurative expressions: Hyperbole, Metaphor, Personification,

Synecdoche, Simile, Euphemism and Oxymoron that I used to analyze the songs

lyrics. Here I choose 14 songs of Enrique Iglessias’s songs as object of analysis.

Title of the songs: Escape, Hero, Could I have this kiss forever, Addicted, Live it

up tonight, Be yourself, Somebody’s me, I have always loved you, One night

stand, She be the one, Don’t turn off the lights, Sad eyes, Wish I was your lover,

and Wish you were here.

1.5 The Significances of Analysis

A study on figurative expressions is very interesting and challenging

because it is one of the aspects of the language used. In this case, the research

finding will useful for:

1. The English teacher, the investigation on the figurative expressions will

add the variation of teaching the meaning through the Enrique Iglessias’

songs lyrics.

2. The students, it would provide better and clearer understanding on the

types of figurative expressions in the songs lyrics and for the student who


them in enriching their knowledge and increasing their language


1.6 The Research Method

The object of this thesis is 20 songs of Enrique iglessias’s songs. I choose

those songs because they are quite familiar to me. This analysis will help the

reader to understand deeply about what Iglessias wants to tell through his songs.

The followings are the steps in doing the analysis of this thesis. Firstly, I

collect several albums of Enrique Iglessias, and then I select some songs as the

samples of the analysis. Secondly, I choose lyrics which have figurative

expression then I analyze them. Afterward, I classify them into each type of

figurative expression and describe them. Finally, I conclude the result of analysis

into how many of each figurative expression are found in those 20 songs.

1.7 Review of Related Literature

In completing this thesis, I use some theories which are relevant to basic

principle of Semantics to support the idea of the analysis. In addition, the focus is

figurative expressions.

A figurative language is the opposite of literal language. In figurative

language, we do not mean exactly and completely what we say. In our everyday

speech and writing, we are usually use figurative expression to add vividness or

clarity of our ideas. In this thesis, I focus on eight component of figurative

expression: Hyperbole, Metaphor, Personification, Metonymy, Synecdoche,


In addition to above linguists’ theories, I also read thesis: Saiful Saleh KS



SEA.” He concludes that simile is the most dominant (39%) Figurative

Expression used in that novel. Followed by Personification (31%), Metaphor

(11%), Synecdoche (10%), Hyperbole (6%) and Oxymoron (2%). There is no

Irony used in this novel. I use this thesis as my reference because I found the

slight similarities of what he had analyzed to what I want to do in my analysis.

Furthermore, he also analyzes about the figurative expression, but he used

different object.

In addition, Tiodor O. B. Manalu (2006), in her thesis “THE ANALYSIS


NEW DAY HAS COME.” She concludes that the most dominant figurative

expression in this album is Hyperbole (35%), followed by Metaphor (18%),

Personification (13%), Metonymy (11%), Synecdoche (8%), Paradox (6%),

Simile (5%), and Euphemism (4%). It is the same with Saiful Saleh thesis, I also

use this thesis as my reference because there are slight similarities with my




2.1 The Definition of Semantics

Semantics was introduced in English at the end of 19 century. The term

semantics in English adopted from French term semantique, which was coined

from the Greek. Before introduced in 1890’s, the semantics was once used in

phrase Semantick Philisophy to mean ‘Divination’. This term is not refers to

meaning but refers to its development, which is later known as ‘Historical

Semantics’. Then the term Semantics was treated as the science of meaning until

M. Breal released a book entitled Semantics: Studies in the Science of Meaning in

1900. In the book, Semantics was not only concerned with historical change of the

meaning, but also treated as the science of the meaning.

Semantics generally Defined as the study of meaning. It deals with all

linguistics aspects from words, phrases and sentences in language. It is also

redefined clearly that semantics limits its study to the nature of meaning only. It

can be relevant or relative when it is study on where it has its own contextual

meaning. Meaning becomes the problem that discus in semantics. To define about

the meaning it is necessary to define semantics in to more specific definition.

These more specific definitions have let us to an important basic assumption that

meaning is part of speaker knowledge about their language.

For more clear understanding on Semantics, some linguists have also


a. Katz (1972:1) states, “Semantics is the study of linguistic meaning. It

concerned with what the sentences and other linguist object express, not

with the arrangement of their syntactic parts or with their pronunciation”.

b. Palmer (1976: 1) defines, “Semantics is the technical term used to refer to

the study of meaning”.

c. Hornby (1972: 789) defines, “Semantics is Branch of linguistics

concerned with studying the meaning of words and sentences”.

d. Lyons (1979:1) Semantics is generally defined as the study of the


All these definitions given above are different in some respect but

principally semantics is a division of linguistics dealing with meaning of words, it

is study concerned with meaning of linguistics string. It means that we must focus

our attention to what sentences or other linguistic objects express not to

arrangement of their syntactic part of their grammatical form

2.2 The Scope of Semantics

Although the study of meaning becomes more significant at the early

twentieth century, many linguists study language without reference to meaning.

There is no very general agreement about the nature of meaning or the way in

which it should be described and no one knows which facts are relevant to

semantics. However, the linguists have investigated the way of structuring

meaning in language. There are at least two major approaches to the way in which

meaning in language is studied. Each of these is often influential in determining


This approach investigated semantics structure of the sentence. The second is

Philosophical approach. Philosopher has investigated the relation between

linguistic expression such as the word of language, person, and things and event in

the world to which these words refers. Although there are maybe different

approaches to semantics, three basic terms seem to be widely mentioned in each

of this approach. I.e. Meaning, Sense, References.

2.2.1 Meaning

Meaning of words absolutely plays a role in communication since without

meaning there will be no good desired interaction.

There are some definitions, which are given by semanticists about what

meaning is, they are:

a. Leech (1969: 5) says,” The aim of semantics is to explain and describe

meaning in the natural language”.

b. Lyons (1979: 2) says, “The meaning can be distinguished by the

technique of substituting others word in the same context and enquiry

whether the resulting sentence are equivalent.”

Meaning is described as the message that is intended or expressed or

signified; and the idea that is intended. The term meaning is simple derived from

the word mean. It is a fact that the verb to mean and the noun meaning have many

distinguishable meanings. In every day English, we use the word mean in a

number different ways:

a. That was no mean ( insignificant ) accomplishment


c. This will mean ( result in ) the end of the second class citizen ship

d. Without ice cream, life wouldn’t mean anything ( have any purpose )

e. I mean ( intend ) to help[ if I can

f. Keep of the grass, this means ( refers to ) you

g. His losing his job means ( indicates ) fine tobacco

h. Lucky strike means ( indicates ) fine tobacco

i. Those clouds mean ( are a the sign of ) rain

j. She doesn’t mean ( believe) what he said

k. Procrastinate means (?) “ to put this thing of”

l. In saying that, she meant (?) that we should leave.

The word mean in (a) to (j) has their “equivalence” in another word, while

in the same word in (k) or (l) does not. The last two sentences, in fact, exemplify

two importantly different short of meaning, i.e. Linguistic meaning and speaker

meaning. In (k) procrastinate has a linguistic meaning of to put things off While in

(l) meant refers to speaker intention or what message the speaker intends to say in

her word.

Speaker meaning can be said as speaker means in producing utterance. In

some form of language, generally, linguistics meaning of an expression is simply

the meaning or meaning of that expression we can see it below:

a. He likes to run.

b. The machines run well.

c. They run a mail-order house.

From the example above, it can be seen that the word run has more than


Then, in the second sentence means ‘work’, and in the third run means ‘manage

or organize’.

However, in using language, a speaker may use a word to mean something

different from what it literally means as understood in the following:

Gray (1984: 114) says, “Literal meaning of statement is its most exact, precise and

limited, meaning, without attention to secondary or symbolic meaning

metaphorical meaning, etc”

Based on the quotation above, it can be said that each meaning of words

used in utterances or expression has lexical meanings or most exact to what the

dictionary says, without attention to figurative meanings. If a meaning of an

expression used is literal sense, of course, it can be easily interpreted.

2.2.2 Sense and Reference

Word and phrases normally both have sense and reference. In order to have

a better understanding of a word and references, there should be a distinction

between its sense and reference.

A German philosopher and mathematician, Frege, proposed the senses of a

word is the additional meaning attached to the word. Other linguists who

contributed the meaning of sense and reference in his book is Lyons (1979: 197)

says “sense is the term used by a number of philosopher for what others would

describe simply as their meaning or perhaps more narrowly as their cognitive or

descriptive meaning”.

According to Palmer (1976: 30), “Reference deals with the


etc, and the nonlinguistic world of experience. Sense related to the

complex system of relationships that hold between the linguistics

elements themselves (mostly the word); it is concerned only with

intra linguistic relations.”

Base on the Palmer’s idea, we can say that the reference of word is the

object designated by the word for example, the reference of the word ‘chair’ is the

object designated by the word, which can be pictured as an upside down number


According to Lyons (1979: 177) “ to say that sentence

contains a referring expression is to say that it contains and

expression is to say that it contains and expression which on some

occasions of the utterance of the sentences may be used to refer”.

Reference can be said as a link of signifier and signified by words. The

signifier is a word in the language and the signified is the object in the worlds that

stands for, refers to or denotes. It is an obvious fact that reference is the centre of

symbol and object. Through reference, the language being mentioned is associated

to the world.

At present there are two major theories or references, they are the

Description theory and the Historical Chain theory. In description theory, an

expression refers to its referent because it describes the referent. For instance, the

phrase the first person to set foot in the moon refers to Neil Amstrong since the

description fits him. The Historical Chain theory says that an expression refers to

referent by a certain historical relation between the words uttered and some initial


Charles de Gaulle it refers to the person christened by that name, provided there is

a chain of uses linking the current speaker’s reference with the original


The difference of sense and reference can be seen in the phrase “the man

who is my father” and “the man who married my mother”. Both of these sentences

have the same reference; they refer to ‘my mother’s husband’. Nevertheless, the

sentences of those phrases are different. The first phrase refers to ‘the person who

is my (biological) father’, while the second one refers to ‘the person who

necessarily my father’.

In short, a word / phrase might be having more than one sense. When some

one is speaking about the meaning of word, he / she usually speaks about one of

its senses, which is usually believed as the primary senses. By this, we can say

that in order to understand a phrase, it must have sense. A phrase would still be

understandable even though it has no reference, but without sense, we would not

able to understand it. We can see it in this sentence: ‘the king of the United States

has two daughters’. The meaning of this sentence is understandable, even though



3.1. Definition of Figurative Expression

In semantics, there are two important different kinds of meaning, such as

speaker meaning and linguistics meaning. Speaker meaning is what a speaker

means in producing an utterance either literally or nonliterally. We mean exactly

base on the dictionary usage when we are speaking literally. We are speaking

nonliterally when we mean something different from what our words mean.

When the sentence has hidden meaning, nonliteral meaning or figurative

meaning exist beside it. Nonliteral meaning would be more difficult to understand

without knowing the context, i.e. the situation or atmosphere of the sentence being

expressed. David Crystal (1999: 116) states, “Figurative of speech is an

expressive use of language where words are used in a nonliteral way to suggest

illuminating comparison and resemblances.”

Figurative language is the opposite of literal language. In literal language

we mean exactly and completely, we do not in figurative language. In our

everyday speech and writing we often using figurative expression to add vividly

and clarity to our idea. Some of them have become so commonplace that we do

not realized that literal meaning of the words id different from our meaning, and

that we are making a demand

Figurative language is form of expression other those normally used. They

serve to intensify meaning. They make their point indirectly by stating things

vividly in terms of something else. They are not literally meant or interpreted.


comparison, and contrast, figure of speech are especially useful in translating the

unknown into terms of known. There are two purposes of figurative expressions;

its referential purpose and its pragmatic purpose. Its referential purpose is to

describe a mental process or state, a concept, a person, an object, a quality or an

action more comprehensively and concisely than is possible in literal language. Its

pragmatic purpose is to appeal to senses, interest, to clarify, to please, to delight,

and to surprise.

3.2 Kinds of Figurative Expression

There are many kinds of figurative expression. Taylor (1981: 167)

classified figurative expression into three groups, they are:

1. Comparison and Substitution: simile, allusion, metonymy, analogy,


2. Representation by substitution: synecdoche, personification, symbol.

3. Contrast by discrepancy and inversion: overstatement, understatement,

paradox (oxymoron), irony: verbal, situational, dramatic.

While, Tarigan (1995: 114) has also classified figurative expression into four

groups. They are as below:

1. Majas perbandingan terdiri dari perumpamaan, kiasan, penginsanan,

sindiran, dan antithesis. (Comparison consists of simile, metaphor,


2. Majas pertentangan terdiri dari hiperbola, litotes, ironi, oksimoron,

paronomasia, paralipsis, dan zeugma. (Contrast consist of hyperbole,

litotes, irony, oxymoron, paronomasia, paralipsis, and zeugma).

3. Majas pertautan terdiri dari metonimia, sinekdoke, alusi, eufedimisme,

elipsis, inversi, dan gradasi. (linkage consist of metonymy, synecdoche,

allusion, euphemism, ellipsis, enversion and gradasion).

4. Majas perulangan terdiri dari aliterasi, autanaklasis, kiasmus, dan repetisi.

(repetition consist of alliteration, autanaklasis, chiasmus, and repetition).

In this thesis, I analyze seven types of figurative expression that it base on

Tarigan theory. They are Hyperbole, Metaphor, Personification, Metonymy,

Synecdoche, Simile, Euphemism, and Oxymoron that exist in Enrique Iglessias’

songs lyrics.

3.2.1 Hyperbole

The word hyperbole derives from Greek words; ‘hyper’ means over and

‘ballien’ means to throw, so hyperbole means an exaggerated form that is used to

achieve an effect and figurative expression that consist of non-literal truth.

Tarigan (1995: 129) says, “Hiperbola adalah sejenis majas yang

mengandung pernyataan yang berlebih-lebihan, jumlahnya, ukurannya, atau

sifatnya dengan maksud memberi penekanan pada suatu pernyataan atau situasi

untuk memperhebat, meningkatkan kesan dan pengaruhnya (hyperbole is a kind of


size, or number of something, sometimes for a fantastic degree in order to

emphasizes the point more.”

Consider the following example:

Cause when you around me everything’s right

In this sentence, the hyperbole is everything’s right. It is impossible

everything become right if someone always beside us, nobody perfect. It is show

the exaggeration which means he wants the girl (you) always beside him.

3.2.2 Metaphor

Metaphor expresses a kind of figurative expression, which a comparison is

made between two objects by identifying one with the other. Etymologically,

metaphor is derived from Greek word metaphora that it consists of ‘meta’ means

over and ‘phrein’ means to carry. Metaphora simply means carrying from one

place to another.

Tarigan (1995: 121) says, “Metapora adalah sejenis majas perbandingan

yang paling singkat, padat, dan tersusun rapi. Didalam nya terlibat dua ide; yang

satu adalah suatu kenyataan, sesuatu yang dipikirkan, yang menjadi objek, dan

yang satu lagi merupakan perbandingan terhadap kenyataan tadi, dan kita

menggantikan yang belakang ini menjadi yang terdahulu tadi. (Metaphor is the

most concise, condensed, well ordered kind of comparative figurative expression.

Two ideals are involved inside; the one is the reality or the object, something

thought, and the other is the comparison to the reality, we substitute the latter with

the former). Considering the example below:


In this sentence, Ronaldo is directly compared with playboy. Ronaldo is

human being who is status is male. Playboy is used to describe Ronaldo as male

characteristic that not satisfied with one woman. He always cheats his girlfriend.

3.2.3 Personification

The word personification derives from Latin words; ‘persona’ means

person, actor, or mask used I the theatre and ‘fic’ means to make. Therefore,

personification is a kind of figurative expressions in which an inanimate object

given a human quality.

According to Webster Dictionary (1971: 123), “Personification is a kind of

figurative expression that personifying an object as an attribution of personal

qualities (as a form characters) representation of a thing or abstraction as a person

or by human form.”

Consider the following example:

Sad eyes never lie

In this sentence, we can see that sad eyes as a condition, can lie which

have features like human being. As we know, sad eyes do not mouth that it can

say something as human. The possible interpretation for this expression is the

conditions of being crying cannot deceit people who see the sad eyes, everybody

absolutely will know that the condition of it is being sad.

3.2.4 Synecdoche

The word synecdoche derives from Greek word synekdechesthai, consists


Therefore, synecdoche means taking or giving something what has been


Taylor (1981: 189) states that as a kind of metonymy, synecdoche is the

use of a part of a thing to stand for the whole of it or vice versa.

Consider the following example:

Indonesia against England in soccer game now

In this sentence, we know that in soccer game, only 22 people are plying

on the field, eleven Indonesian people against eleven England people, not all of

the Indonesian people and England people are plying soccer on the field,. We can

see that the use of a part of a thing to stand for the whole of it or vice versa.

3.2.5 Simile

. Tarigan (1995: 118) says, “Simile adalah perbandingan dua hal

yang pada hakekatnya berlainan dan yang sengaja kita anggap sama. (Simile is a

comparison between two unlike objects that are regarded similar or almost


Simile expresses a comparison between two things, which have one or

more points. The objects must be in dissimilar kinds. Simile is usually indicated

by like and as.

Consider this example:

Bush is running like Ferrari

We can find the simile in the expression above indicated by word like.

This expression compares two things, he and Ferrari. The ability of Bush in


being). Ferrari is a fast car that can reach 300 km/hour speed. So, the sentence

means that Bush can run fast.

3.2.6 Irony

The word irony derives from Greek word ‘eironeia’ means deception or

trick. Irony represents a kind figurative expression in which real meaning is

completely opposed to its surface meaning.

Gray (1984: 108) says, “Irony is a manner of speaking or writing that is

dispered through all kinds of literature. Irony consists of saying one thing while it

means other.”

Irony can be said as a way of speaking or writing by saying something

while the meaning is another. It refers to a situation in which reality differs from

appearance. It occurs in sentence or words when they imply contrast or opposite


Consider this example:

You are a diligent boy, you didn’t come yesterday.

The expression above can considered as irony when the expression is

uttered to a student who a lazy to present in the class.

3.2.7 Oxymoron

Oxymoron can says as a kind of figurative expression that uses two words

are contradictory in meaning to produce a rhetorical effect by means of a concise



You are idiotic genius

In this sentence, we can see that the word ‘idiotic’ and ‘genius’ show an




4.1 The Types of Figurative Expressions

The data from the analysis is the Enrique Iglessias’s selected songs lyrics.

I choose 14 songs that it quite familiar to me. I have given code ‘A, B, C, up to T’

to each song. The lines of lyrics or the expression are ascended by ordinal number

1, 2, 3, and so on. Both codes go together to display certain cases that can be

found in certain line of songs lyrics. For instance, the code “E12” means that case

is found in data “E”, line “12”.

Before the analysis, let sees the list of figurative expression that found in

the data.

I. Hyperbole

1. (B6) Would you tremble if I touched your lips?

2. (B9) Now would you die for the one you loved?

3. (B13) I will sand by you forever.

4. (C6) I never want to let go.

5. (C7) I wish that this night would never end.

6. (C9) Could I have this kiss for a lifetime.

7. (C13) Could I hold you for all time.

8. (C16) Over and over I’ve dreamed of this night.

9. (C25 & C26) I just want all my days spent being next to you.


11.(D17) I made a millions mistakes.

12.(E13) I’m so sick and tired of crying.

13.(E14) So tonight, it’s time, just fly.

14.(E20) Though it hurts so bad.

15.(G10) I’m going through hell.

16.(G15) Somebody can’t breathe without you it’s lonely.

17.(H9) I knew you before I knew my self.

18. (K17) It’s so hard to even try.

19.(M5) When you get close I shiver.

20.(M20) All I need is to love you girl.

II. Metaphor

1. (B5) And would you save my soul tonight?

2. (B12) I can kiss away the pain.

3. (B14) You can take my breath away.

4. (B15) would you swear that you’ll always be mine?

5. (B19) Have I lost my mind?

6. (C11) Could I have this night to share this night together.

7. (D11) But you’re the drug.

8. (D19) There is a storm in my head.

9. (D20) Its rain on my bed.

10.(D28) ‘till I hit reality.

11. (E22 & E23) I know my love for you is still alive.


13.(G24) Cuz you're always right here in my thoughts.

14.(H4) Since I felt your pain.

15.(I5) Says what a crazy night I had.

16.(I14) Now I’m left up in my lonely room.

17.(J15) She be the one

18.(J17) She’s gonna take you high, take your love,

19.(J19) She be the bomb.

20.(K3 & K4) ‘Cause baby half the fun is in us figuring it all out.

21.(L16) That shy smile’s sweet, that’s a fact.

22.(N1) Funny how the years.

23.(N7) I was runnin' free.

24.(N13) You died in me.

III. Personification

1. (D25) Love is going through to me.

2. (F5) Do the thoughts in your head keep you up.

3. (I7) But her kiss tells me it's goodbye.

4. (L5) Sad eyes never lie.

5. (L12 & L13) Well if something in the air feels a little unkind, Don't worry

darling, it'll slip your mind.

6. (N1 & N2) Funny how the years, They just pass us by.

IV. Synecdoche


2. (F14) would you want all the world to know.

3. (H18) We never made time for you and I.

4. (J22) She hits a club.

V. Simile

- (I25) Baby like a blind man I rushed in.

VI. Irony

- (E4) To tell the truth, we lie.

VII. Oxymoron

- (N26) Why was i too blind to see.

4.2. The Literal Analysis of the Figurative Sentences

As the cases have already listed, the following are the analysis of the


4.2.1 Hyperbole

1. (B6) Would you tremble if I touched your lips?

The word you tremble is attached to exaggerate. It is impossible to see

human become tremble caused being touched by someone. The right

interpretation of this figurative expression is would you really excited if I

touched your lips?


The phrase would you die is attached to exaggerated. The meaning of

would you die is give everything. It is impossible to see a man want to die for

his mate. The right interpretation of this figurative expression is now would

you give everything for the one you loved?

3. (B13) I will stand by you forever.

This expression is an exaggeration. It is impossible to be always beside

someone else forever without separated for a moment. The right interpretation

of this figurative expression is I will always love you.

4. (C6) I never want to let go.

It is impossible never let somebody go. We cannot prohibit someone to

doing activity, such going to work, traveling, etc. The right interpretation is I

never let you go away and never back.

5. (C7) I wish that this night would never end.

The phrase night would never end is an exaggeration, because after night

there is day, it is always changing. The figurative expression of this sentence

means I wish that I never forget this night.

6. (C9) Could I have this kiss for a lifetime.

This sentence is hyperbole because it attaches to exaggerate. The phrase

kiss for a lifetime is exaggerated, because it is impossible to have an abstract

thing forever, for our life until dead. The literal meaning of this sentence is

could you love me forever.


The phrase hold you for all time is an exaggeration. It is impossible to hold

someone for all time. The interpretation of this figurative expression is could I

live with you for all time.

8. (C16) Over and over I’ve dreamed of this night.

This expression is also categorized as hyperbole. If we read this

expression, we may wonder how someone always dreams the same thing

every single night, it is impossible to happen. Figuratively, this expression

means I always remember this night.

9. (C25 & C26) I just want all my days spent being next to you.

This expression is also categorized as a hyperbole because it is an

exaggeration. We cannot always beside someone who we love whatever she

do and wherever she go, it is impossible. Figuratively, the expression has a

meaning I just want to live with you.

10.(D1) Have I told you how good it feels to be me.

This expression is also categorized as hyperbole because is uses as

exaggerate to emphasize a simple thing. The phrase how good it feels to be me

is an exaggerated aboutbeing proud. Figuratively, this expression means have

I told you its better to be me.

11.(D17) I made a millions mistakes.

This expression is also categorized as hyperbole because it uses an

exaggerated form to emphasize a number of mistakes. The phrase a millions

mistakes is an exaggeration. No one always counts every mistakes that he

made until a million. Figuratively, this expression means I made many


12.(E13) I’m so sick and tired of crying.

The phrase so sick and tired of crying actually has one meaning do not

want crying anymore. Figuratively, this expression means I do not want to cry


13.(E14) So tonight, it’s time, just fly.

The word fly is not appropriate to be attached with human, but here a

person is described as thing can fly. The fly is attached to human to exaggerate

the freedom. Figuratively, this expression means just free to do anything.

14.(E20) Though it hurts so bad.

The using a double word that has the same interpretation is an

exaggeration. The using hurts and so bad is the same interpretation.

Figuratively, this expression means it is bad

15.(G10) I’m going through hell.

This expression is categorized as hyperbole because is uses an

exaggeration to emphasize experience by adding hell in this sentence. There is

no human have been in hell and tell someone that he through hell. The phrase

through hell represents a bad experience. Figuratively, this expression means I

have a bad experience.

16.(G15) Somebody can’t breathe without you it’s lonely.

This expression is also categorized as hyperbole because it uses an

exaggerated form to emphasize simple thing. The sentence can’t breath

without you is refer to life, it means he really need “you” here in his life.

Figuratively, this expression means somebody really need you.


This expression is also categorized as hyperbole because it exaggerates the

condition. It is impossible to know other person without knowing ourselves

first. Figuratively, this expression means I knew you more.

18.(K17) It’s so hard to even try.

This expression is also categorized as hyperbole because it exaggerates the

situation. It is easy to “try”, because it is only trying. The hard is to get what

we wanted by trying something. So, the means of this figurative expression is

I do not want to try.

19.(M5) When you get close I shiver

This expression is also categorized as hyperbole because it exaggerates the

situation. We are shiver because there is a cold thing next to us or the situation

is cold, not because next to someone who we loved. Figuratively, this

expression means when you get close, I nervous.

20.(M20) All I need is to love you girl.

There are a lot of thing that we need in our life, not only a women like in

the sentence. We need food, clothes, home, etc. so, this expression means I

really need you girl.


4.2.2 Metaphor

1. (B5) And would you save my soul tonight?

In this sentence, soul is an abstract so, it is impossible to save someone

soul. Soul in this sentence is refer to always remember. Figuratively, this

expression means and would you remember me tonight.


This expression is categorized as a metaphor because it have a contrast

meaning. It is impossible to kiss the pain, because we only kiss the real thing

not an abstract thing. So the figurative meaning of this expression means I can

chase away your pain.

3. (B14) You can take my breath away.

This expression is categorized as a metaphor because is have a contrast

meaning. We cannot take something an abstract thing such breath like in this

sentence. The literal meaning of this sentence is you can have anything I have.

4. (B15) would you swear that you’ll always be mine?

The word You is directly compared with mine. You is the second person

form of personal pronouns. Mine means to have something. It is impossible to

have a person. The literal meaning of this expression is would you swear that

always love me.

5. (B19) Have I lost my mind?

This expression is categorized as a metaphor. The phrase Lost mind means

losing the ability to thinking (intelligence). If we lose our ability to think, it

means we are crazy. The literal meaning of this sentence is have I lose my


6. (C11) Could I have this night to share this night together.

This expression is categorized as metaphor. People cannot have an abstract

thing like in this sentence. A person cannot have night to share with someone.

The literal meaning of this expression is could you with me until the end of this



The person in this sentence is directly compared to the drug. Literally, this

expression may be odd and clumsy if we related a person and drug. Drug is

thing can cure someone sickness. The figurative meaning of this expression

means he became strong if the girl with him.

8. (D19) There is a storm in my head.

This expression compares storm with head. Literally, it seems odd and

clumsy because there is a storm in somebody head. Strom is a natural

condition that the wind is twister. It could make a big disaster. The literal

meaning of this expression is I had a headache.

9. (D20) Its rain on my bed.

This expression is categorized as metaphor because it is odd and clumsy if

there is rain only on someone bed. This expression means something makes

the bed wet.

10.(D28) ‘till I hit reality.

This expression is categorized as metaphor. It seems odd and clumsy if

somebody can hit reality(abstract).it is impossible to that. The literal meaning

of this expression is he can do something out of his capability.

11. (E22 & E23) I know my love for you is still alive.

This expression compares love and alive. Love is an abstract thing, so it is

not alive. The sentence is odd and clumsy. The figurative meaning of this

expression means I know I still love you.

12.(F4) Because you built a wall around your heart.

This expression compares built a wall and heart. Literally, it seems odd


impossible. The literal meaning of this sentence is you do not accept anybody

to be your boyfriend.

13.(G24) Cuz you're always right here in my thoughts.

In the expression above, the word you is compared with thought. It seems

odd and clumsy if someone being in other’s head. Thought is represent head

of human, because only human can think. The literal meaning of this

expression is because I always remember you.

14.(H4) Since I felt your pain.

In this sentence the word I is compared with your pain. I is first person of

personal pronoun. Your pain isthe other person pain. It is odd if a person can

feel other person pain, it is something impossible. The literal meaning of this

sentence is since I know your pain.

15.(I5) Says what a crazy night I had.

This sentence is categorized as metaphor. In this sentence, the word crazy

is compares with night. It is odd and clumsy if something an abstract claimed

as crazy. The figurative expression of this sentence means says a wonderful

night I pass.

16.(I14) Now I’m left up in my lonely room.

This expression is categorized as metaphor. In this sentence, the words

lonely room seemed odd and clumsy. So, the figurative expression of this

sentence means now I left up alone in my room.


In the expression above, the word she is compared with the one. She is

third person of personal pronouns. So, this figurative expression means only


18.(J17) She’s gonna take you high, take your love,

This sentence is seemed odd and clumsy. We cannot take and bring

anything an abstract, like in this sentence take your love. So, the figurative

expression of this sentence is she is going to take you to something high and

love you.

19.(J19) She be the bomb.

This expression is compares the word she and the bomb. She is the third

person of personal pronouns. The bomb is a thing can explode. It is odd and

clumsy. The figurative meaning of this sentence is she makes everybody

happy, fun, and enjoy.

20.(K3 & K4) ‘Cause baby half the fun is in us figuring it all out.

This sentence is seemed odd and clumsy. Abstract thing (half the fun)

cannot divide in to half. The figurative expression of this sentence means

cause baby the less fun is in us figuring it all out.

21.(L16) That shy smile’s sweet, that’s a fact.

Based on the context, the word smile is compared with sweet. Literally it

looks strange and clumsy. That’s why we need interpret it figuratively. The

figurative meaning of this expression is she is smile coyly.

22.(N1) Funny how the years.

In the expression above the word funny is compared with years. Funny is


consisting of 365 days, it is an abstract thing. It is odd to say something an

abstract thing is funny. The figurative expression of this sentence is he does

not realize that a couple years have elapsed.

23.(N7) I was runnin' free.

In the expression above the word I is compared with free. Free is being

unimpeded, no hindrance, and there is no problem. The figurative expression

of this sentence means I was running without anything hindrance and problem

in my life.

24.(N13) You died in me.

This expression is categorized as metaphor. In this expression, we can see

that it seems odd and clumsy if human can die in other human body. The

figurative expression of this sentence means you cannot do anything wrong in

front of me.

4.2.3 Personification

1. (F5) Do the thoughts in your head keep you up.

This expression is categorized as personification. Literally, the listener will

grasp the meaning that the thought keep someone up. It is illogical and clumsy

that the thought can keep someone up. The figurative meaning of this

expression means something make us up is what we thinking.

2. (I7) But her kiss tells me it's goodbye.

From the expression above, the listener will grasp the meaning that kiss


human. Figurative meaning of this expression means she kiss the man for the

last time.

3. (L5) Sad eyes never lie.

This expression is categorized as personification. Sad eyes considered a

person that cannot lie. It is illogical and clumsy. Sad eye is not a person that

can do human ability. The figurative expression of this sentence means the

feeling of being sad can see from eyes

4. (L12 & L13) Well if something in the air feels a little unkind, Don't worry

darling, it'll slip your mind.

These expressions are also categorized as personification. It is illogical and

clumsy if something in the air can feel and it (Well if something in the air feels

a little unkind) will slip someone mind. Both are human ability. So, the

meaning of these figurative expressions are the situation is unknown and you

will be tricked.

5. (N1 & N2) Funny how the years, They just pass us by.

This expression is also categorized as personification. It is illogical and

clumsy that something unreal (the years) can pass people (us). The expression

of this sentence means they are realized that times never stop.

4.2.4 Synecdoche

1. (C1) Over and over I look in your eyes.

This expression is categorized as synecdoche because the using of eyes is

to represent a person, it is a part is used to mean the whole. The literal


2. (F14) would you want all the world to know.

In this expression, the words all the word indicates a synecdoche that is

the whole is used to mean a part. All the word means everybody in the world.

The literal meaning of this sentence is would you want every one who knows

us to know.

3. (H18) We never made time for you and I.

In this expression, the word time is represent a date. It is indicates

synecdoche that a part is used to mean the whole thing. So, the literal meaning

of this expression is we never made a date.

4. (J22) She hits a club.

This sentence is also categorized as synecdoche because a club is

representing every people in the club; it is the whole to mean a part. The literal

meaning of this sentence is she entrancing everybody in the club.

4.2.5 Simile

- (I25) Baby like a blind man I rushed in.

In this sentence, I is compared with a blind man. Actually, there is no

connection between I and blind man. Blind man is a person who cannot see

anything by his eyes. If they walk or run, they can rush anything in front of

them because they cannot see it. In the sentence above, he compares himself

with a blind man. The meaning of this expression is he is going in without

considering anything.


1. (E4) To tell the truth, we lie.

This sentence is categorized as irony because it is saying one thing while it

means other. In this sentence, we can see that to tell the truth, he lies. We

should say true to tell the truth, not the opposite.

4.2.7. Oxymoron

- (N26) Why was I too blind to see.

This expression is categorized as oxymoron because it uses two words

contradictory in meaning. Blind is contradictory in meaning with see. Blind is

a condition cannot see anything. The expression of this sentence means he

cannot realize the condition around him; he missed something supposed to



5.1 Conclusions

It is obvious that song can be categorized as a way of human

communication. A song is not only enjoyed as a form of art, which is music, but

also gives information through lyrics. Such as poem, or daily conversation, in

songs lyrics can be found figurative expressions that make the communication

became more interesting. And it is not easy to be able interpreted the expression

especially that used in a song. To be able to interpret well, someone is also

demanded to have information and more experience to understand base on the

author context.

The following is the result of the analysis of figurative expressions found

in Enrique Iglessias’s songs lyrics. Through this table, we know how many cases

each type of figurative expressions have, based on their rank from the most

dominant type to less one.

No Type Number of Cases Percentage

1 Hyperbole 20 35%

2 Metaphor 24 42%

3 Personification 6 10%

4 Synecdoche 4 7%

5 Simile 1 2%


7 Oxymoron 1 2%

Total = 57 100%

Having completed the analysis of figurative expression in Enrique

Iglessias’s selected songs lyrics, finally I draw some conclusions as below:

1. There are 57 cases of figurative expression in Enrique Iglessias’ selected

songs lyrics. They are 20 cases of hyperbole, 24 cases of metaphor, 6 cases

of personification, 4 cases of synecdoche, 1 cases of simile, 1 cases of

irony, and 1 cases of oxymoron.

2. The most type of figurative expression in Enrique Iglessias’ selected songs

lyrics is metaphor which represents 42% of whole cases, followed by

hyperbole (35%), personification (10%), synecdoche (7%), simile (2%),

irony (2%), and oxymoron (2%).

5.2 Suggestions

Trying to understand and studying the figurative language is an interesting

subject. I think that the best suggestion for the readers, especially the students of

English literature, is to analyze the subject more deeply on the other objects.

Figurative expressions are possible found on other object such as novel,

advertisements, poems, etc. In analyzing the figurative expressions, a writer

should understand and pay attention to the context of the object, learn the context



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Bollinger, D. 1975. Aspects of Language. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.

Bungin, H.M.B. 2005. Metodologi Penelitian Kuantitatif. Jakarta: Kencana Prenada Media Group.

Crystal, D. 1988. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Crystal, D. 1999. The Penguin Dictionary of Language 2nd edition. London: Penguin.

Gray, M. 1984. Dictionary of Literary Terms. London: Longman Group UK Limited.

Hornby, AS. 1995. Oxford Advance Learner’s of Current English 3rd Edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Katz, J. J. 1972. Semantics Theory. New York: Harper & Row Publisher.

Leech, G. 1969. Towards A Semantic Description of English. London: Hazel Watson and Viney, Ltd.

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Lyons, J. 1979. Semantics I. London: Cambridge University Press.

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1. Here’s how it goes

2. You and me

3. Up and down

4. But maybe this time

5. We’ll get it right

6. Worth the fight

7. ‘Cause love is something

8. You can't shake

9. When it breaks

10. All it takes is some trying

11. If you feel like leaving

12. I'm not gonna

13. Beg you to stay

14. Soon you'll be finding

15. You can run

16. You can hide

17. But you can't

18. Escape my love

19. So if you go

20. You should know


22. Forget the past

23. So fast

24. It was good

25. It was bad but

26. It was real and that's

27. All you have In the end

28. Our love mattered

29. Here's how it goes


1. Let me be your hero

2. Would you dance if I asked you to dance?

3. Would you run and never look back?

4. Would you cry if you saw me cryin'?

5. And would you save my soul tonight?

6. Would you tremble if I touched your lips?

7. Would you laugh?

8. Oh please tell me this

9. Now would you die for the one you loved?

10. Hold me in your arms tonight

11. I can be your hero, baby

12. I can kiss away the pain

13. I will stand by you forever


15. Would you swear that you'll always be mine?

16. Or would you lie?

17. Would you run and hide?

18. Am I in too deep?

19. Have I lost my mind?

20. I don't care, you're here tonight

21. Oh, I just want to hold you

22. I just want to hold you, oh yeah


1. Over and over I look in your eyes

2. You are all I desire

3. You have captured me

4. I want to hold you

5. I want to be close to you

6. I never want to let go

7. I wish that this night would never end

8. I need to know

9. Could I have this kiss for a lifetime

10. Could I look into your eyes

11. Could I have this night to share this night together

12. Could I hold you close beside me

13. Could I hold you for all time


15. Could I could I have this kiss forever, forever

16. Over and over I've dreamed of this night

17. Now you're here by my side

18. You are next to me

19. I want to hold you and touch you taste you

20. And make you want no one but me

21. I wish that this kiss could never end

22. Oh baby please

23. I don't want any night to go by

24. Without you by my side

25. I just want all my days

26. Spent being next to you

27. Lived for just loving you

28. And baby, oh by the way


1. Have I told you how good it feels to be me,

2. when I'm in you?

3. I can only stay clean

4. when you are around.

5. Don't let me fall.

6. If I close my eyes forever,

7. would it ease the pain?


9. Maybe I'm addicted,

10. I'm out of control,

11. but you're the drug

12. that keeps me from dying.

13. Maybe I'm a liar,

14. but all I really know is

15. you're the only reason I'm trying.

16. I am wasted away,

17. I made a million mistakes.

18. Am I too late?

19. There is a storm in my head;

20. it rains on my bed

21. when you are not here.

22. I'm not afraid of dying,

23. but I am afraid of losing you.

24. When you're lying next to me

25. love is going through to me.

26. Oh it's beautiful.

27. Everything is clear to me

28. 'till I hit reality

29. and I lose it all...

30. I lose it all...


1. We're strong, we're weak, we're tired

2. We're straight, we're gay, we're bi

3. We're black, we're white, why

4. To tell the truth, we lie

5. We get so trapped inside our little lives

6. They disappear, before our very eyes

7. So come on live it up tonight

8. Live it up tonight, move on

9. It's time we gave it up tonight

10. Live it up tonight

11. We won, we lost, we tried

12. Be a saint, I'm fine cos I died

13. I'm so sick and tired of crying

14. So tonight, it's time, just fly

15. So now we got so close

16. Caught up in the deal

17. The only thing we had is real

18. So we can keep it, make it real

19. Can't you feel

20. Though it hurts so bad

21. To say goodbye

22. I know my love for you



1. Well, I am what I am

2. what I am could be who you are

3. Yes, you're pained when you smile

4. because you built a wall around your heart

5. Do the thoughts in your head keep you up

6. cause you feel alone

7. And are you strong enough to be yourself

8. Papa used to say you're just a loser

9. and you're never gonna have what it takes

10. Mama used to say all that loud music you play

11. ain't gonna get you nowhere

12. You gotta be yourself

13. If you cried would you hide

14. would you want all the world to know

15. And if you believed in love

16. would you let it show

17. How you win

18. How you hate

19. Are you cool

20. Do you try too hard

21. or are you strong enough to be yourself

22. If you can't, can't be yourself


24. what are you living for

25. You're gonna find someday

26. you're gotta run away


1. You

2. Do you remember me

3. Like I remember you

4. Do you spend your life

5. Going back in your mind to that time

6. Cause I

7. I walk the streets alone

8. I hate being on my own

9. And everyone can see that I really fell

10. And I'm going through hell

11. Thinking about you with somebody else

12. Somebody wants you

13. Somebody needs you

14. Somebody dreams about you every single night

15. Somebody can't breathe without you it's lonely

16. Somebody hopes that one day you will see

17. That somebody's me

18. How


20. It was so good and now it's gone

21. And I pray at night

22. That our paths soon will cross

23. What we had isn't lost

24. Cuz you're always right here in my thoughts

25. You will always be in my life

26. Even if I'm not in your life

27. Cause you're in my memory

28. You

29. When you remember me

30. And before you set me free

31. Oh listen please


1. Since the beginning of time

2. Since it started to rain

3. Since I heard you laugh

4. Since I felt your pain

5. I was too young, you were much younger

6. We were afraid of each other's hunger

7. I have always loved you

8. There's never been anyone else

9. I knew you before I knew myself


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