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Genre Analysis On Reading Passage Of English Textbook “English In Focus” Based On The School-Based Curriculum


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Judul Skripsi : Genre Analysis on Reading Passage of English Textbook

“English in Focus” Based on the School Based Curriculum

Dosen Pembimbing : 1. Drs. Syauki, M.Pd 2. Desi Nahartini, M.Ed

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FOCUS” BASED ON THE SCHOOL-BASED CURRICULUM, Skripsi, Department of English Education,

Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training, Syarif Hidayatullah

State Islamic University, Jakarta.

Advisor: Drs. Syauki, M.Pd. & Desi Nahartini, M.Ed.

Key Words: Genre, Reading Passages, English Textbook, Curriculum

This research is aimed to find out whether the genre of reading passage of

English textbook “English in Focus” which is published by National Education

Department covers the demands recommended by the School-Based Curriculum. This research used the textbook that is used by the third grade of Junior High School as a handbook for the students. The method used in this research was descriptive method by using content analysis. In conducting the research, the writer analyzed the reading passages provided in the textbook by analyzing the characteristics of the passage and determined the genre of the passages. Then, the writer check the analyzed data to the School-Based Curriculum to find out whether or not the genre of reading passages provided in the textbook corresponds to the curriculum which are procedure text, report text, and narrative text. Throughout the analysis, the writer also found the social function, the generic structure, and grammatical features of each genre. The result of the research shows that the “English in Focus” textbook presents all genres recommended by the School-Based Curriculum and also the characteristics of each genre (social function, generic structure, and grammatical features) but the distribution of the characteristics doesn’t spread up well in all reading passages of “English in


FOCUS” BASED ON THE SCHOOL BASED CURRICULUM, Skripsi, Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan, Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif

Hidayatullah, Jakarta.

Pembimbing: Drs. Syauki, M.Pd & Desi Nahartini, M.Ed

Kata Kunci: Genre, Wacana, Buku Teks Bahasa Inggris, Kurikulum

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan apakah genre pada wacana

dalam buku teks bahasa inggris “English in Focus” yang diterbitkan oleh

Departemen Pendidikan Nasional merujuk pada tuntutan yang direkomendasikan oleh Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan. Penelitian ini menggunakan buku teks yang digunakan di kelas tiga Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP) sebagai buku pegangan siswa. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif dengan menggunakan analisis isi. Dalam melaksanakan penelitian, penulis menganalisis wacana yang tersedia dalam buku teks dengan menganalisis karakteristik pada wacana dan menentukan genre pada wacana tersebut. Selanjutnya, penulis melihat kembali data yang dianalisis pada Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan untuk mengetahui apakah genre pada wacana yang tersedia dalam buku teks bahasa Inggris merujuk pada Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan yang jenis genre nya adalah teks prosedur, teks laporan, dan teks naratif. Melalui analisis, penulis juga menemukan fungsi sosial, struktur generik, dan ciri kebahasaan pada setiap genre. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukan bahwa

buku teks bahasa Inggris “English in Focus” menyajikan semua genre yang direkomendasikan oleh Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan dan juga karakteristik pada setiap genre (fungsi sosial, struktur generik, dan ciri kebahasaan) tetapi penyebaran karakteristik pada setiap genre tidak merata pada


All praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, the Al Mighty who has

given the writer a chance and health to finish her “skripsi”. Peace and blessing be

upon to the prophet Muhammad S.A.W., his families, and his companions, and his


This scientific paper is presented to the Department of English Education,

in the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta as a Partial Fulfillment of the requirements for the

degree of S.Pd. (Bachelor of Arts).

In this occasion, the writer would like to express her greatest honor and

gratitude to all those who gave her support, motivation, and advice in finishing

her paper.

The writer, firstly, would like to express her greatest gratitude and honor

to her beloved parents, Mr. Ugih and Mrs. Utin, and also her young sister

Sayyidah Alfiani, who always give love, support, and advice in finishing her


The writer also would like to express her gratitude to her advisors, Drs.

Syauki, M.Pd and Desi Nahartini, M.Ed, for their time, advices, guidance, and

correction in writing her skripsi.

Her gratitude also goes to those who helped the writer in finishing her


1. Nurlena Rifa’i, Ph.D., Dean of Faculty of Tarbiya and Teachers’


2. Drs. Syauki, M.Pd., the Chairman of English Education Department

3. Zaharil Anasy, M.Hum., the Secretary of English Education


not be mentioned one by one, (especially for my classmates and my

roommate, Shaumi Fitriyanti and Ismi Putri Rahmah)

6. My beloved friend who always support me in writing this skripsi, Arif Prasojo.

The writer hopes this scientific paper will be useful for other researcher

and she also realizes that this paper is still far from perfection, so it needs critics

to be more perfect. Thank you.

Jakarta, April 2014


ABSTRAK……….. ... ii



LIST OF TABLES……….. ... vii

LIST OF FIGURES……… ... viii

I. CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study……… ... 1

B. Focus of the Problem……… ... 5

C. Research Question……… ... 5

D. Objective of the Study……….. ... 5

E. Significance of the Study………. ... 5


1. Definition of Reading………. ... 6

2. The Objectives of Reading……… ... 7

B. English Reading Text……… ... 9

1. Definition of Text……… ... 9

2. Genre of Reading Text………. ... 10

C. English Textbook………. ... 18

1. Definition of Textbook………. ... 19

2. Characteristics of a Good Textbook……… ... 19

3. Selection of a Textbook………. ... 20

D. Curriculum……… ... 22

1. Definition of Curriculum……….. ... 22

2. School-Based Curriculum……… ... 24


C. Method of the Study……… ... 29

D. Instrument……… ... 30

E. Technique of Data Collection……… ... 30

F. Technique of Data Analysis……… ... 30

IV. CHAPTER IV: RESEARCH FINDING A. The Data Description of English in FocusTextbook………..32

B. The Analysis of the Data……… ... 36

C. Discussion………. ... 52


B. Suggestion……… ... 56



Table 2.3 Standar Kompetensi Bahasa Inggris pada Keterampilan Membaca

Kelas 3 SMP………..25

Table 4.1 Reading Passages in the textbook……….35

Table 4.2 The Conformity of Characteristics in Reading Passage 1………37

Table 4.3 The Conformity of Characteristics in Reading Passage 2………38

Table 4.4 The Conformity of Characteristics in Reading Passage 6………39

Table 4.5 The Conformity of Characteristics in Reading Passage 7………40

Table 4.6 The Conformity of Characteristics in Reading Passage 3………41

Table 4.7 The Conformity of Characteristics in Reading Passage 4………42

Table 4.8 The Conformity of Characteristics in Reading Passage 5………43

Table 4.9 The Conformity of Characteristics in Reading Passage 10…………..45

Table 4.10 The Conformity of Characteristics in Reading Passage 11…………46

Table 4.11 The Conformity of Characteristics in Reading Passage 8…………..47

Table 4.12 The Conformity of Characteristics in Reading Passage 9…………..49

Table 4.13 Genre of Reading Passages in the Textbook………...50

Table 4.14 The Conformity of Genre in the Textbook……….51


Figure 4.3………33

Figure 4.4………33


A. Background of the Study

Reading is one of language skills in learning a language. It is a language

skill that is really important to be taught to students because it can help them to

understand all written text in their school. Most of materials which are taught in

school are to read several texts and students are expected to understand and to

analyze all written texts. Students are also expected to be able use it in their daily


In reading, the students usually get some problems in reading the text. These

problems cause the students hardly to comprehend the message of a text. The

problems that are usually found are lack of vocabulary, less motivation to read,

and lack of knowledge about genres of text. Based on Gillet et al said that to

comprehend a text, the reader has to know the meaning of words or vocabulary.1

The written text consists of many kinds of words. If the students do not know

many words of a text, they will not understand the content of it. As like Geoffrey

Broughton, et al stated that in understanding a text, the reader should understand

the individual words in the text.2 Similarly, the students’ motivation can also

cause a difficulty in reading. Another factor which can cause a difficulty is lack of

knowledge about genres of text. Having knowledge about genres of text, it means

that the students know about the characteristics of a text such as how the text is

organized. It makes students easily understand the text.

One of problems that students face in reading is their knowledge about

genre of text is less. According to Alderson, he said that the cause which makes a


Jean Wallace Gillet, et al, Understanding Reading Problems (Assessment and Instruction), (Boston: Pearson Education, Inc., 2012), p. 98



difficulty to comprehend a text is involved to genre of text.3 Genre provides a text

with some characteristics that can facilitate students to process information in a

text. By knowing genre of a text, it means that knowing how the text are

organized, what linguistics feature of a text, the topic of a text, and also what

function of text.

Genre is a reading material that students learn at school. As like what

School-Based Curriculum stated that one of goals of teaching English in Junior

High School is students are able to comprehend various genres of written text

such as narrative, descriptive, recount, report, and procedure text. Each genre of

text has distinctive characteristic such as social function, generic structure, and

grammatical features. This characteristic of genre can facilitate the students in

comprehending the text.

Material that will be learned by students should in line with the curriculum

used that is School-Based Curriculum. According to Cunningsworth, he stated in

his book “it is very important that teaching materials used should take the learner

forward as directly as possible towards his objectives.”4 Curriculum functions as a

guideline for teacher to include the material that should be taught for a period of

time. As what Armstrong stated that curriculum purposes to select what content

that should be included in instructional program and what content should be

eliminated, besides, it also purposes to order the content to be introduced.5

Therefore, a school classifies the materials that should be learned by the students

based on what the students’ need which is reflected in the curriculum.

School-Based Curriculum is one of curriculum which is used in Indonesia.

In this year, this curriculum is still used for the second and third grade in Junior

High School. However, the first grade of Junior High School has used a new

curriculum that is curriculum 2013 (Outcome Based Curriculum). As stated in the


J. Charles Anderson, Assessing Reading, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000), p. 64


Alan Cunningsworth, Evaluating and Selecting EFL Teaching Materials, (London: Heinemann Educational Books Ltd, 1984), p. 5



document of this curriculum that the implementation of curriculum is not

implemented at all classes in a school.

“Pelaksanaan kurikulum di seluruh sekolah dan jenjang pendidikan yaitu”:

- Juli 2013: kelas I, IV, VII, dan X

- Juli 2014: kelas I, II, IV, V, VII, VIII, X, dan XI

- Juli 2015: kelas I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, dan XII6

The School-Based Curriculum is still used because this is a part of planning

in implementing the new curriculum, Outcome Based Curriculum (Kurikulum 2013). As what Ministry of Education and Culture says that this curriculum is implemented in phases and it is the first phase, therefore, if there are mistakes and

weaknesses in implementing the Outcome Based Curriculum (Kurikulum 2013), they can handle it.7 The government also has some criteria to choose school in

which this curriculum will be implemented. The criteria are the school should get

qualified rank A and the school should be ready in distributing the textbook of this

curriculum. If the school does not get qualified in rank A but they are able in

distributing the textbook for student, so the school can implement the new


Teacher can get reading material from many books; one of the books is the

textbook that is usually used at school. In this book, it provides some reading text

that the teacher can use for students. The textbook used for teaching English is

usually written by some group of people, such as publisher and educator.

According to Gebhard, he stated “materials used in EFL/ESL classrooms are

created by four groups of people: publishing companies, government agencies,

curriculum development teams at the school level, and classroom teacher.”8 In

Indonesia, textbook is written by publishing companies and they sell it at the


Kemendikbud, Dokumen Kurikulum 2013, 2012, (http:/www.bsnp.indonesia.org)





market to be bought by teacher or student for their learning media. The Ministry

of Education in Indonesia also publishes a textbook. They buy the copyright of the

book from the publisher and then they publish it online in order to the teacher can

download it and use it as their source material.9 The textbook that are published

by the Ministry of Education is signed by mark of “BSE” (Buku Sekolah Elektronik). Before they published this book, they have done the evaluation of this book based on the criteria that they have designed. Therefore, this textbook will

usually be claimed compatible with the curriculum.

There are various textbook sold at the market. It has different interesting

cover book which attract the buyer to buy it. However, they do not know how the

content of the textbook presented whether it is compatible with the curriculum

used or not. So, the school should be careful in selecting textbook to be used at

school. Therefore, the government provides the textbook which have been

evaluated. Since this textbook is published by the government, the school claimed

that it is compatible with the curriculum used. And the teacher use it without

check it.

The writer is interested in this topic because she wanted to know whether

or not the reading material on the textbook is in line with the curriculum, which is

KTSP (School-Based Competence). The writer knows that textbook is the important thing in teaching and learning process. It is the main source for the

student to learn the material in the classroom and it is a guide for a teacher to

teach. In addition, the textbook which will be analyzed is a textbook

recommended by the government and it is claimed that it is already compatible

with the curriculum. So, the writer will proof whether or not the analyzed

textbook is compatible with the curriculum. Because all of the reasons above, the

writer intends to discuss and to observe it to know more detail about the textbook

under the title Genre Analysis on Reading Passages of English Textbook

“English in Focus” Based on the School-Based Curriculum”



B.Identification of the Problem

1. A factor that can cause a difficulty in reading is lack of knowledge

about genres of text.

2. Material learned by students should in line with the School-Based


3. Genre of reading passage should be in line with the School-Based


C.Focus of the Problem

This research is focused on the analysis on genre of reading passage in the

textbook whether or not the genre of the reading passage is in line with the

curriculum. The characteristic of each genre is also analyzed.

D.Research Question

After stating the background of the study, the researcher formulates research

questions. The research question of this study is whether the genre of reading

passages presented is in line with the School-Based Curriculum?

E.The Objective of the Study

The objective of the study is to know whether or not the genre of the reading

passage in the textbook is in line with the School-Based Curriculum.

F. The Significance of the Study

The result of this research hopefully will increase teachers’ awareness in

choosing a textbook for the students and it can be a guide for teacher to choose the

suitable textbook to be used. It can be a consideration because a textbook has the

important role in the process of teaching and learning.Beside that, the result of

this study can be a consideration for the headmaster at school in choosing a

textbook as a media in teaching and learning used by the student. Finally, it


A. Reading

1. Definition of Reading

Reading is one of language skills that should be developed. It is really

important to be taught because by reading, a student can get much information

from any written text such as book, magazine, newspaper, or something else.

Reading is also important for students in their daily activities such as read the

instruction, direction, or advertisement. As students, they are expected to read the

text related to their academic context to fulfill their task. According to Grabe,

“reading…may be quite demanding in educational, professional, and occupational


Some linguists define reading to many definitions. As stated by Harmer that

reading acts as message receiver, so it can be called as a receptive skill.2 By

reading, people usually get some information about what they need, therefore,

reading is believed as a receptive skill. Another definition about reading comes

from Linse’s book edited by Nunan, she said that “reading is a set of skill that

involves making sense and deriving meaning from the printed word.”3

It explains

that in reading, there are some skills that the reader should have in order to

understand the meaning of text itself, such as recognizing the symbol of language.

Nuttal defines reading into groups of words:

a. understand, interpret, meaning, sense etc.

b. decode, decipher, identify etc.


William Grabe, Reading in a Second Language: Moving from Theory to Practice, (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2009), p. 5


Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching, (New York: Longman, 1996), p.16



c. articulate, speak, pronounce etc.4

From those definitions above, it is clearly mentioned that reading is needed to

obtain some information from a written text and the reader should have some

skills in reading.

People sometimes claim that reading is a passive activity, because they

believe that reading is only getting the information. But reading is not truly a

passive activity because reading does not only receive information but also

construct the meaning of the written text they read. As like Karen’s book edited

by Griffiths says that reading “….is the concept of meaning construction that

characterizes reading not as a passive way of getting information, but as an active

process of constructing understanding.”5

It can be concluded that reading is an activity that is usually done in the

academic or occupational context in achieving its objectives. Reading is also an

activity that the reader needs to build the meaning from the printed text in order to

understand the content of the text. To understand it, the reader should have some

skills needed in reading, one of them is recognizing the symbol of language that

the reader want to read.

2. The Objectives of Reading

In reading a text, people usually have their own objectives why they read the

text. They, sometimes, read it because they need the information from a book,

magazine, newspaper, or something else. They also read it for pleasure, for

example, reading a novel. Nunan cited in Linse, there are two objectives why

people read, those are reading for pleasure and reading for information.6


Christine Nuttal, Teaching Reading Skills in a Foreign Language, (Oxford: Heinemann, 1989), p. 2


Carol Griffiths (ed.), Lessons from Good Language Learners, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008), p. 231



a. Reading for pleasure

Reading is a joyful activity when the text that the people read is not a hard

text to be comprehended such as a story. People, usually, read some stories in the

form of short stories, novel, or something else. People can read those kinds of text

with pleasure because they should not think hard to understand it. It also consists

of easy level of vocabulary.

b. Reading for information

Commonly, people’s objective in reading is to get information that they need.

They will read the text if they need its information as like a student who want to

know about the content of a book to fulfill his task at school. Level of reader that

usually read for getting information is the reader who can think in high level. For

children, they usually read for pleasure.

In addition, Brown also says that reading “… provides information and

pleasure and it is useful and significant part of everyday life.”7 In everyday life,

people can not be separated from reading activities. In reading, it understands not

only a written text, but also signs, symbols, or graphic. There are many texts or

symbol that people need to complete their activities. For example, people have to

read a letter or a message from their family or friends. They also need to read

some signs, symbols, or/and graphics to know what they should do when they are

lost at the street. It means that people need to read and they read for their needs.

Therefore, it is really useful for the people themselves.

Furthermore, there are also some objectives in reading cited from Grabe.

Grabe stated that there are six purposes for reading in academics settings. Firstly,

one of purposes in reading is reading to search for information. To search the

information, the reader needs to scan and skim the text. Scanning and skimming

are two of skills in reading. Second purpose in reading is reading for quick

understanding. Sometimes, reader needs to read for quick understanding if they



have only a limited time to read or in the situation that makes them should

understand the text. Next purpose is reading to learn. In this purpose of reading,

kind of information is really important for the reader to complete his task. The

fourth purpose is to integrate information. This kind of purpose of reading is for

high level in education because it needs the reader to integrate the information

from any text. The fifth purpose is reading to evaluate, critique, and use

information. It is needed by high level of reader as same as reading to integrate

information. And the last is reading for general comprehension. This purpose is

the most common purpose for reading among fluent reader.8

From those objective mentioned above, it means that reading is really

important in daily life. People need to read to get any information that they need.

By reading, people can get information from any sources such as book,

newspaper, magazine, journals, and articles. Reading can also be an interesting

activity, it could loss stress by reading a nice story or some jokes. In reading,

people should also know how they read, what skill needed in reading based on the

situation people read. So, people should be able to read.

B. English Reading Text

1. Definition of Text

Text related to the language that people say in every day, either spoken or

written. People always produce text to communicate with other people in any

situation. In other words, text has a meaning in order to be coded as a message for

the readers or listeners. As Halliday and Ruqaiya Hasan stated that “text is any

instance of living language that is playing some part in a context of situation.”9 It

means that text always related to its context in getting the meaning or

interpretation. They also mentioned text as a product and a process, “the text is a

product in the sense that it is an output, something that can be recorded and

studied, having a certain construction that can be represented in systematic terms.


William Grabe & Fredricka L. Stoller, Teaching and Researching Reading, (Essex: Pearson Education, 2002), p. 10-13



And it is a process in the sense of continuous process of semantic choice, a

movement through the network of meaning potential, with each set of choices

constituting the environment for a further set.”10 So, text has a wide definition in

the context that it is used. It is an important part of language in which text is used

to derive a meaning.

Many reading theorists, linguists, and specialists analysis defined text on

their own way. Text can be defined as a verbal or non-verbal record of

communication. As Brown & Yule stated in their book, “a text is a verbal record

of communicative event.”11 It means that text is restricted only for verbal form. In

contrast, Wallace in Hedgcock and Ferris’s book mentioned that “a text is the

physical manifestations of language which include not only orthographic symbols

such as letters of the alphabet or characters but also non verbal elements such as

capitalization, punctuation, paragraphing, and format.”12

It shows that text is not

only verbal form of language, it is also a form of symbols in a language such as

letters or characters which can construct a meaning to convey.

From the definition above, it can be concluded that text is a record of

verbal or non- verbal in communication. In other words, it is not only in the form

of written, but also it can be in the spoken form.

2. Genre of Reading Text

There are some definitions proposed by some linguists about the term of

genre. And all of those definitions related to the text which have different

characteristic. According to Anne Freadman,

First, genre is an organizing concept for our cultural practices; second, any field of genres constitutes a network of contrasts according to a variety of parameters; third, genre is place occasion, function, behavior and interactional structures: it is very rarely useful to think of it as a kind of ’text’; fourth,




Gillian Brown & George Yule, Discourse Analysis, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988), p.190



cultural competence involves knowing the appropriateness principle for any genre, knowing the kind of margin you have with it, being able to vary it, knowing how to shift from one to another and how many factors would be involved in any such shift.13

Genre is really important in reading skill. It will affect the student’s

comprehension in reading skill because it provides the feature of a text to help the

student identify a text. Understanding genre means that the student is easier to

interpret a text because each genre has different social function, generic structure,

and linguistic feature. This characteristic is really useful for a reader to

understanding a text because it explains how text is organized. According to

Alderson that having knowledge about organized text is as same as having

knowledge about how the information is signaled and how changes of content

might be marked, and it facilitates the reader to read.14

In the School-Based Curriculum of Junior High School, there are some

genres are mentioned here, those are: procedure, descriptive, recount, narrative,

and report.15 Those genres are taught at different level at Junior High School.

Students in every level learn only three kinds of genre. For instance, the third

grade of Junior High School must learn three genres such as procedure, report,

and narrative.

Here are the explanation about those genres which are learned in Junior

High School, those genres are procedure, descriptive, recount, narrative, and


a. Procedure text

Procedure text is a text that tells the reader or listener how to do

something. The social function of this text could be to provide instructions for

making something, doing something or getting somewhere. The structure that


Peter Knapp & Megan Watkins, Genre, Text, Grammar: Technologies for Teaching and Assessing Writing, (Sydney: University of New South Wales Press, 2005), p. 21


J. Charles Alderson, Assessing Reading, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000), p.39-40



constructs this text is the aim/goal (the introductory statement or title), materials

(things that needed to complete the goal), and steps (it is needed to achieve the

goal). Procedure text also has different grammatical features from other text such

as the sentence begin with the verb and stated as command, time words or number

that show the order for carrying out the procedure, adverbs to describe how the

action should be performed, and precise terms and technical language.16

Meanwhile, Knapp and Watkins also add the grammatical features of this

text such as the addressee may be referred to either directly or indirectly, using

action verb to represent the process, using simple present tense and imperative,

adverbs are used to provide the information how the task is completed, using

temporal connectives to ensure the task is completed in the order time, using

conditional connectives, using modality to state the obligation in completing


The following is the example of procedure text:

How to Play Snakes and Ladders

What you need

Snakes and Ladders board game

1 dice

2, 3, 4 players

Counters of different colors. 1 for each player

How to Play

 Put all counters on start.

 First person rolls the dice and moves his counter in counting order the number of places shown on the dice.

 Other players take their turns.

 If a counter lands on the bottom of a ladder, the player moves the counter to the top of that ladder.


Mark Anderson & Kathy Anderson, Text Types in English 3, (South Yarra: Macmillan Education, 2003), p. 28



 If a counter lands on a snake’s head, the player moves the counter

down to the bottom of that snake’s tail.

 The winner is the first player to reach Finish.18

b. Descriptive text

Descriptive text is a text that describes a particular person, place or thing. The

social function of this text is to tell about the subject by describing its feature

without including personal opinions. The structure that constructs the text is a

typical of description (opening paragraph that introduce the subject) and it is

followed by a series of each paragraph (it describe a feature of subject) and

conclusion as the signal the text ends. This text also has grammatical features

which consist of the use of present tense, adjective to describe the feature of the

subject and topic sentence to begin paragraphs and organize the various aspects of

the description.19

The following is the example of descriptive text:


The model of Deinonychus, a dinosaur of the Cretaceous period, can be found in the Museum of Natural Science.

Deinonychus is small by dinosaur standards. It is about 2.5 metres in length and stands about one metres high at the shoulder.

This reptile has a long tail, spindly legs and slender neck. The head is large and the jaws are lined with sharp teeth.

The tall, approximately 3 metres in length, has vertebrae surrounded by bundles of bony rods so the whole tail can be held stiff.

The toes of Deinonychus are unusual. The first toe is small and points backwards. The second toe has a huge sickle-shaped claw and is raised. The third and fourth toes are in the normal position.

Deinonychus is an interesting example of a fast-running dinosaur.20


Ibid., p. 158


Mark Anderson & Kathy Anderson, op. cit., p. 26



c. Recount text

Recount text is a piece of text that retells past events, usually in the order

in which they occurred. The social function is to provide the audience with a

description of what occurred and when it occurred. The structure of the text is the

introductory paragraph which tells who, what, where, and when. It is followed by

a sequence of events (retell the events in the order in which they happened) and

conclusion (it is an optional). The grammatical of this text is the use of proper

noun, use of descriptive words, the use of past tense, and words that show the

order of events.21

The following is the example of recount text:

My Adolescence

I had my adolescence when I was thirteen.

It started with acne that showed up on my face. It was very annoying. It lowered my self-esteem and I was embarrassed to come out of my house and play with friends.

Fortunately, my Mom gave me a good medicine. In three weeks, the acnes started to vanish although those showed some black spots in my face.

That was my bad experience with adolescence, though there was lots of good experience too.22

d. Report text

Report text is a text that reports information about a subject. According to

Mark Anderson & Kathy Anderson, report text is a piece of text that presents

information about a subject. The social function of this text is to classify and/or

describe using facts about the subject’s parts, behavior, and qualities. The generic

structure of this text is, the first is general classification (tells what the

phenomenon under discussion is) and then it is followed by the description (tells

what the phenomenon under discussion is like in term of part, qualities, habits

behaviors). Mark & Kathy Anderson also add that the grammatical features


Ibid., p. 24



usually found in a report text are the use of term that related to the subject, general

term, and use of present tense.23

This is the example of report text:


A galaxy is a collection of stars and other astronomical bodies, including planets, comets and asteroids, held together by gravity.

Galaxies come in different shapes and sizes. These include the spiral, barrel-spiral and elliptical. Our galaxy, alled the Milky Way, is approximately 100 000 light years in width and contains over 100 billion stars.

The centre of galaxies can contain many young, very hot stars as well as older stars. Swirling clouds that have been energized by magnetic forces also exist in the centre.

At this point in time, no one knows the exact number of galaxies in the universe. Astronomers are, however, learning more and more about them everyday.24

e. Narrative text

Narrative text is a text that tells the story or experience to the reader. Based

on Mark Anderson & Kathy Anderson, a narrative is a text that tells a story and,

in doing so, entertains the audience. The social function of this text is to entertain

or to amuse the reader. The generic structure of this text is orientation,

complication, sequence of events, resolution and coda. They also mention that the

grammatical features of narrative are nouns that identify the specific characters

and places in the story, adjectives that provide accurate descriptions of the

characters and setting, verbs that show the actions that occur in the story, and time

words that connect events, telling when they occurred.25

According to Knapp and Watkins that narrative does not only have one

purpose to entertain the reader, but also narrative is a medium of entertainment


Mark Anderson & Kathy Anderson, Text Types in English 2, (South Yarra: Macmillan Education, 2003), p. 88


Mark Anderson & Kathy Anderson, Text Types in English 3, op. cit., p. 19



and medium for changing the social opinions and attitudes. The grammatical

features of this text are using action verb, temporal connectives, action verb are

used, narrative often use rhythm and repetition to create particular effects, play

with sentence structure (a short phrase is used to create poignant effects).26

This is the example of narrative text:

The Legend of Rawa Pening

Once upon a time, there was a little poor boy came into a little village. He was very hungry and weak. He knocked at every door and asked for some food, but nobody cared about him. Nobody wanted to help the little boy.

Finally, a generous woman helped him. She gave him shelter and a meal. When the boy wanted to leave, this old woman gave him a “lesung”, a big wooden mortar for pounding rice. She reminded him, “please remember, if there is a flood you must save yourself. Use this “lesung” as a boat”.

The “lesung” was happy and thanked the old woman. The little boy

continued his journey. While he was passing through the village, he saw many people gathering on the field. The boy came closer and saw a stick stuck in the ground. People challenged each other to pull out that stick. Everybody tried, but

nobody succeeded. “Can I try?” asked the little boy. The crowd laughed

mockingly. The boy wanted to try his luck so he stepped forward and pulled out the stick. He could do it very easily. Everybody was dumbfounded.

Suddenly, from the hole left by stick, water spouted out. It did not stop until it flooded the village. And no one was saved from the water except the little boy and the generous old woman who gave him shelter and meal. As she told him,

he used the “lesung” as a boat and picked up the old woman. The whole village

became a huge lake. It is now known as Rawa Pening Lake in Salatiga, Central Java, Indonesia.27

The table below is the summary of the characteristics of genre. It tells the social function, generic structure, and grammatical feature of each genre.


Ibid., p. 221-222 27


Table 2.1 The Characteristics of Texts

The Aim/goal: the title of the text or an



- Focus on general noun - Use simple present tense

- Technical Language

Resolution: the crisis is resolved, for better or for worse

Coda: a moral message to be learned from the story (optional)

- Adjectives that provide accurate descriptions of characters and settings - Use past tense

C. English Textbook

In teaching and learning, there are some media which is used to facilitate

the teachers and the students in the process of teaching and learning. One of them

is a textbook. According to Ministry of Education and Culture, they say that a

commercial publishers and then they evaluate their textbook based on the content


should have.28 When a textbook is claimed as a good textbook, the government

can spread the textbook to be used in the school.

1. Definition of Textbook

There are some definitions of textbook. Simply, a textbook is a book

which contains some information to be read by the student or people. According

to Wirawan,“Buku teks adalah buku yang secara formal dipergunakan untuk mempelajari mata pelajaran atau mata kuliah di sekolah atau perguruan tinggi.”29 A student or learner uses textbook to learn something related to the content of the textbook. In each textbook, it has different content which will be

learned by someone. Textbook is also can be distinguished by age. Someone can

read a textbook based on their age. For example, textbook for children will be

different with textbook for adult. So, everyone can read a textbook based on their

interesting topic of textbook. Another definition of textbook comes from

Cunningsworth, he says that a textbook is “…. as a resource in achieving aims and

objectives that have already been set in terms of learner needs.”30

From the definition above about textbook, it can be concluded that a

textbook consist of materials that will be taught by the teacher to student which is based on the student’s needs, it is also an aid to achieve aims and objectives in teaching and learning process.

2. Characteristics of a Good Textbook

When a school uses a textbook, they should know the quality of textbook

that will be used. A textbook should have some characteristics that can make a

good result of teaching and learning process. Cunningsworth proposes four

criteria for evaluating textbook:


Kemendiknas, Buku Sekolah Elektronik, 2013, (http://puskurbuk.net/web/bse/)


Wirawan, Evaluasi: Teori, Model, Standar, Aplikasi, dan Profesi, (Jakarta: Rajawali Pers, 2011), p. 260.



1. The materials should correspond to the aim and objectives that is firstly determined. The aim and objectives are required from the learner’s need. 2. They should correspond to what the learner should learn and it also should

facilitate the learner to use language effectively for their own purposes

3. They should arrange the learning units which are related to each other and

it should enable to stimulate the learner.

4. The materials should keep the relation between the language, the learning

process and the learner. The three aspects should keep constantly without

neglect each other.31

3. Selection of a Textbook

Varieties of textbook which has an interesting cover are available at the

public market. A buyer will be deceived by its cover without knowing how good

the content of the textbook is. Therefore, it is really important to select a good

textbook for a good result of teaching and learning process. In selecting a good

textbook, there are many considerations that should be thought in order to getting

the best textbook. According to Harmer, there are some aspects which should be

considered in choosing a textbook, those are:

Table 2.2 The aspects in Choosing a Textbook32

Area Question to consider

Price How expensive is the textbook? Can the student afford it? Will they have to buy an accompanying workbook? Can they afford both? What about the teacher; can he or she pay for the teacher’s book and tapes?

Availability Is the course available? Are all its components (students’ book, teacher’s book, workbook etc) in the shops now? What about the next level (for the next term/semester)? Has it been published? Is it available? What about tapes, videos etc.?

Layout and Design

Is the book attractive? Does the teacher feel comfortable with it? Do the students like it? How user-friendly is the design? Does it get in the way of what the textbook is trying to do or does it enhance it?


Alan Cunningsworth, Evaluating and Selecting English Foreign Language (EFL) Teaching Materials,(New York: Macmillan, 1995), p. 10



Methodology What kind of teaching and learning does the look promote? Can teachers and students build appropriate ESA sequences from it? Is there a good balance between Study and Activation?

Skills Does the book cover the four skills (reading, writing, listening, and speaking) adequately? Is there a decent balance between the skills? are there opportunities for both study and activation in the skill work? Is the language of reading and listening texts appropriate? Are the speaking and writing tasks likely to Engage the students’ interest?

Syllabus Is the syllabus of the book appropriate for young students? Does it cover the language points you would expect are they in the right order? Do the reading and listening texts increase in difficulty as the book progresses?

Topic Does the book contain a variety of topics? Are they likely to

engage the students’ interest? Does the student respond to them

well? Are they culturally appropriate for the students? Are they too adult or too childish?

Stereotyping Does the book represent people and situations and a fair and equal way? Are various categories of people treated equally? Is there stereotyping of certain nationalities? Does the book display conscious r unconscious racism or sexism?

Teacher’s guide

Is there a good teacher’s guide? Is it easy to use? Does it have all

the answer the teacher might need? Does it offer alternatives to lesson procedures? Does it content a statement of intention which the teacher and students feel happy with?

Cunningsworth also designs a quick reference checklist for evaluation and

selection of textbook, those areas are:

a. aims and approaches,

b. design and organization,

c. language content,

d. skills,

e. topic,

f. methodology,

g. teacher’s book,

h. and practical considerations.33



In short, there are many considerations in selecting a good textbook to be

used as media learning at school. Since the textbook is one of learning media that

provide materials, it is really important to make it appropriate with such aspects

that has stated above. Those aspects should be applied in selecting the textbook

because it affects the result of the process in teaching and learning at school.

D. Curriculum

1. Definition of Curriculum

Curriculum is closely related to education field. In a curriculum, it consists

of goals or objectives of a course and also the content or materials which will be

taught in a course. In designing a curriculum, firstly curriculum designer should

analyze the situation or environment in which the course will be held. In this

environmental analysis, based on Tessmer in Nation & Macalister’s book, it

involves to find some factors which will affect on the decision about the goal of

the course, the materials which will be taught, the method, and also the evaluation

of this course.34 After analyzing the environment, analyzing the learner needs is

also necessary to know what the learner know and what the learner should know.

The last is about the principles. These three aspects are really influenced in

designing a curriculum. Nation and Macalister state that:

The result of environment analysis is a ranked list of factors and a consideration of the effects of these factors on the design. The result of needs analysis is a realistic list of language, ideas or skill items, as a result of considering the present proficiency, future needs and wants of the learners. The application of principles involves first of all deciding on the most important principles to apply and monitoring their application through the whole design process. The result of applying principles is a course where learning is given the greatest support.35

It is clear that those three aspects in designing a curriculum really affect

how a course will be held. From the first one that is environment analysis, it finds

some factors that can influence the decisions in designing a curriculum of the


I.S.P Nation & John Macalister, Language Curriculum Design, (New York: Routledge, 2010), p. 14



course such as goals, method, materials, and evaluation. Furthermore, it is also

necessary to know what should be taught at a course and it should reflect what the

students/learners want to learn or what they need. So, it is important to analyze the student’s objectives in learning a language. The last is the availability of principle. Principle takes a role as a monitor in which the application is applied. They also

give a greatest support for a course that they have designed.

According to David G. Armstrong, “at one level, curriculum acts as a

filtering mechanism, which allows some content to survive to be included in

instructional programs and other content to be eliminated. At another level, it

functions as an ordering mechanism.”36 It means that the curriculum identify

which one the instructional content that should be included in a course. Ornstein

& Hunkins add a definition of curriculum, they say that a curriculum is “… a plan

for action or a written document that includes strategies for achieving desired

goals and ends.”37

Littlewood, in a book edited by Bowers and Brumfit, defines

the curriculum into a broad sense and a narrower sense. In its broad sense the

curriculum used to refer to “all the learning experiences that a person encounters

at school, including those aspects which influence them only subconsciously. And in its narrower sense it refers to a person’s experience in one specific subject on the school timetable, such as the foreign language curriculum’ or the science curriculum.”38

Looking at those definition above, the writer conclude that curriculum is a

design or organization of what should be taught from the first time a course begins

to the end and what the objective that should be achieved for a period of time.


David G. Armstrong, Curriculum Today, (New Jersey: Merrill Prentice Hall, 2003), p. 4


Allan C. Ornstein & Francis P. Hunkins, Curriculum: Foundations, Principles, and Issues (Second Edition), (Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1998), p. 9



2. School-Based Curriculum (KTSP)

Indonesia has changed the curriculum for several times. It happens

because the changes of the students’ needs in Indonesia to follow the changing of

the globalization. Since Indonesian government designs the School-Based

Curriculum, all of schools in Indonesia should apply it. Either school in the

village or in the town, the government obligates all school to follow the decision

in applying the School-Based Curriculum. All levels of education, from

elementary school to university level, have to implement this curriculum.

In this year 2014, the School-Based Curriculum is used in the second and

third grade in Junior High School. The first grade of Junior High School has

implemented a new curriculum that is Kurikulum 2013. Based on the Minister of Educational and Culture decree No: 81A / 2013 dated June 27, 2013 states that the

implementation of curriculum in all school level is held in several phases which

started from 2013/2014 of academic years. For the first academic year 2013/2014,

the first grade will be the target of the implementation. Next academic year

2014/2015, the first grade and the second grade will be the target of

implementation. The academic year 2015/2016 will be the perfection of the

implementation of the curriculum. Therefore, the School-Based Curriculum is still

used in Junior High School because the students have already used it.

The government also chooses the school which can implement the

Kurikulum 2013 with some criteria. The first criterion is the school is should get qualified rank A because the school must be have good facilities. The second

criterion is the school should be ready in distributing the textbook of Kurikulum 2013 although the school does not get A in accreditation. So, the implementation is not only for school that is qualified rank A, it is also for all school. As what the

Minister of Education and Culture says that all school which has the criteria

should try to implement it in order to know the weaknesses of each school.39



In the School-Based Curriculum, English is also one of the lessons that are

learned by the students. By teaching English, it is expected to make students able

to communicate well in spoken and written form in the literacy level. It means

that they can understand and produce a spoken text or written text which is

reflected in four language skills, those are speaking, listening, reading, and

writing.40 The level of literacy that should be mastered by the students is different

from each level of education. For the level of Junior High School, the students are

expected to use the language in their daily life and the literacy level is in the

functional level.41

As stated in this curriculum that the objectives of teaching English in

Junior High School are:

1) To develop communicative skills in written and oral English to achieve

the functional level.

2) To increase the consciousness about the means and important of

English as one of foreign language used in the world.

3) To develop the student understanding about the relation between the

language and the culture.42

Table 2.3

Standar Kompetensi Bahasa Inggris pada Keterampilan Membaca Kelas 3 SMP

Standar Kompetensi Kompetensi Dasar

5. Membaca

Memahami makna teks tulis

fungsional dan esei pendek

sederhana berbentuk procedure

dan report untuk berinteraksi

5.1Membaca nyaring bermakna teks

fungsional dan esei pendek

sederhana berbentuk procedure dan

report dengan ucapan, tekanan, dan informasi yang berterima


BSNP, Standar Kompetensi dan Kompetensi Dasar SMP/MTs, (Jakarta: Puskur, 2006), p.277





dalam konteks kehidupan


5.2Merespon makna yang terdapat

dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek

bermakna secara akurat, lancer dan

berterima untuk berinteraksi dalam

konetks kehidupan sehari-hari

5.3Merespon makna dan langkah

retorika dalam esei pendek

sederhana secara akurat, lancer dan

berterima untuk berinteraksi dalam

konetks kehidupan sehari-hari dalam

teks berbentu procedure dan report

11. Membaca

Memahami makna teks tulis

fungsional dan esei pendek

sederhana berbentuk narrative dan

report untuk berintreksi dalam

konteks kehidupan sehari-hari

11.1Membaca nyaring bermakna teks

tulis fungsional dan esei pendek

sederhana berbentuk narrative dan

report dengan ucapan, tekanan dan

intonasi ynag ebrterima untuk

berinteraksi dalam konteks

kehidupan sehari-hari

11.2Merespon makna dalam teks tulis

fungsional pendek secara akurat,

lancer dan berterima untuk

berinteraksi dalam konteks

kehidupan sehari-hari

11.3Merespon makna dan langkah

retorika dalam esei pendek

sederhana secara akurat, lancer dan

berterima untuk berinteraksi dalam

konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dalam


E. Relevant Study

The first relevant study that the writer found is “An Analysis of Reading

Passages in Scaffolding 1 English Textbook based on the first year of SMP Al Fath School Curriculum” by Maya Kurniasari. This study is aimed to find the

conformity of reading passages of the textbook with the school curriculum. The

researcher used mixed comparative qualitative and quantitative method. She

analyzed the text types, indicators, structural and linguistic features and compared

it to the school curriculum syllabus. Then, she described the conformity of the

elements of the reading passages in terms of text type, indicators, structural and

linguistic features to the school curriculum syllabus. After that, she counted the

conformity by using simple statistic. The result of the study is the elements of

reading passages in the textbook 100% are developed from the school


The second relevant study is “A Grammatical Cohesion Analysis of

Reading Texts in Get Along With English published by Erlangga”. This study

analyzed the type of grammatical cohesion of the text. The method used by the

researcher is descriptive analysis by using qualitative approach. In choosing the

sample of text, the researcher used the cluster random sampling technique. She

clustered the text and took fifty percent of each genre randomly. The researcher

divided the texts into clauses, identified the grammatical cohesion within the

clauses, put the number of cohesive items into the table based on the text types,

and then counted the grammatical cohesion into the percentage. The result of this

research shows that all four grammatical cohesion (reference, substitution,

ellipsis, and conjunction) are found in the analyzed reading texts.44


Maya Kurnisari, An Analysis of Reading Passages in Scaffolding 1 English Textbook based on the School Curriculum”, Skripsi of State Islamic University Jakarta, Jakarta, 2012, Unpublished.


Karimatul Rofikoh, A Grammatical Cohesion Analysis of Reading Texts “Get Along With English” Published by Erlangga, Skripsi of State Islamic University Jakarta, Jakarta, 2013,


The third relevant study is “Content Analysis of the English Reading Text’s Authenticity in Student’s Book of Action Pack Eleven in Jordan” by Abeer Al-Ghazo and Oqlah M.Smadi. The aim of this study is to analyze the reading

texts of the student’s book of Action Pack Eleven to determine to what extent the

reading text are authentic. Besides, it also knows the match between the reading

outcome which is focus on communicative proficiency and the authenticity of

reading texts. The criterion of this study is the existence of the authenticity of

reading texts in Action Pack Eleven. The unit analyzed is the reading text of this

book. The categories of analysis are the article, the letter, the leaflet, and the short

story in the textbook. The findings of this study are that the reading texts in the

textbook have a high degree in authenticity. There is a strong match between the

reading outcomes and the reading texts authenticity in the textbook.45

Those three relevant studies are different in some ways to this study. The

first one is my study focus on the analysis of genre on reading passage in the

textbook to the curriculum used. The second is the subject and the place in which

the writer conducted the research. There is also the similarity to those relevant

studies that are the method used in the relevant studies are similar with this study.


Abeer Al-Ghazo & Oqlah M.Smadi, Content Analysis of the English Text’s Authenticity




A. The Objective of the Study

The objective of the study is to know whether or not the reading passages

of the English textbook “English in Focus” written by Artono Wardiman,

Masduki B. Jahur, and M. Sukirman Djusma published by National Education

Department are in line with the School Based Curriculum in terms of the genre

and its characteristics.

B. The Object of the Study

The object of the study is the genre of reading passages in an English

textbook which is used by third grade of Junior High School in learning English.

The title of this English textbook is “English in Focus” written by Artono

Wardiman, Masduki B. Jahur, and M. Sukirman Djusma and it is published by

National Education Department. This textbook is a handbook for student to learn


C. Method of the Study

The design of this study is content analysis because this study aimed to

describe and to analyze the genre of reading passages in the textbook used as a

handbook for students in Junior High School which have the title “English in

Focus” in the term of genre and its characteristics. The method used is the descriptive method. This study consists of the description and analysis of genre on

reading passages based on the demand of reading of School Based Curriculum for

the third year in Junior High School in the term of genre of reading passages and


D. Instrument

The instrument of the research is a worksheet which is designed by Mark

Anderson & Kathy Anderson. It describes the genre and its characteristics

according to the School-Based Curriculum, those are social function, generic

structure and grammatical features.

E. Technique of Data Collection

The researcher used document as her main source of data to be analyzed,

the document is the textbook which is used by the teacher to teach English at

school. Creswell says that document is valuable information used in qualitative

research which consists of public and private records that the researcher obtains

about a site or participants in a study.1 The writer analyzed it because she wants to

know whether or not the reading passages in the textbook which would be

analyzed are suitable with the demand of the school-based curriculum in terms of

the genre and the features of each genre. In the textbook, there are some reading

passages which are used by the teacher to teach reading skill. The researcher took

all of reading passages in the textbook to be analyzed.

F. Technique of Data Analysis

In analyzing the data, the researcher analyzed the reading passages in the

textbook by using documentary analysis because the research only used a

textbook and the curriculum as the document that will be analyzed. The researcher

did some steps as follows:

1. Firstly, the researcher design a worksheet that would evaluate whether the

reading passages on the textbook has all characteristics of genre

2. The reading passages are evaluated by checklist sign



3. After all reading passages are evaluated by analyzing the characteristic of

each genre, the researcher determines the genres of the reading passages and

compare them to the genres in the school based curriculum


Table 2.1 The Characteristics of Texts
Table 2.2 The aspects in Choosing a Textbook32
Table 2.3 Standar Kompetensi Bahasa Inggris pada Keterampilan Membaca Kelas 3
Figure 4.1 Genres in School-Based Curriculum


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