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Academic year: 2017



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By :

Wita Loka Rizki Siregar Reg.Number : 4123332020

Bilingual Chemistry Education Study Program


Submitted to fulfill The Requirement for Getting The Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan






Wita Loka Rizki Siregar (Reg. Number: 4123332020)


The purpose of this research is determine the students achievement on Solubility and Solublity Product is learned by problem based learning based on collaborative with macromedia flash.The population of this research was all of student in SMA Negeri 10 Medan grade XI Science. The samples were 2 class from student in SMAN 10 Medan by purposive random sampling methods. The experimental class was learned by problem based learning based on collaborative with macromedia flash and control class was learned by direct instructional method. The instruments are using multiple choice test to see the student’s achievement. The instrument of research was stardardized by expert validators and empiric validity . Data analysis using Microsoft Excel for Windows 2007. The result of test standardized is 20 items with reliability 0.78. The result data shows that the student’s achievement taught by problem based learning based on collaborative with macromedia flash give higher significant difference than taught by direct instructional model. It can be seen from the average of gain and also proved with z-test, the normalized gain in experimental class (0.88±0.10) and control class (0.67±0.09) The statement support the data research result of hypothesis test is zcount = 18.363 and ztable = 1.645. The calculation shows that Ha is received and Ho is refused, so the student’s achievement taught by using PBL based on collaborative with macromedia flash is higher than direct instructional model. In addition, the formation of collaborative group can increase the activity of student to working together in the learning process, it shown from the percentage of observation collaborative which there are 8 indicator of collaborative and the percentage of them is more than 50% of students become active in learning process . And the last is cognitive aspect which improve by implementation of problem based learning based on collaborative is C1, C2, C3, and C4. The most level of cognitive aspect improved are C1 (Knowledge), C2 (Comprehenssion), C3(Application), C4 (Analysis) : C1 is 0.62 (medium score), C2 is 0.87 (High score), C3 is 0.77 (High score), C4 is 0.86 (High score),




Praise and Gratitude must be prayed to Almighty God for all the graces

and blessings that provide health and wisdom to the author so writer can finish

this thesis.

The title of this thesis is “The Implementation of Problem Based Learning based on Collaborative with Macromedia Flash to Increase Studen’s Achievement on Solubility and Solubility Product In SMA“. This research is done in SMA N 10

Medan in academic year 2015/2016 that prepared to get degree Sarjana

Pendidikan of Chemistry Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural

Sciences, State University of Medan.

On this occasion, the author also conveys a respect and gratitude to:

 Prof.Dr.Retno Dwi Suyanti, M.Si., As a thesis supervisor who has provided guidance and suggestions to the author since the beginning of the study until

the completion in writing this thesis.

 Give thanks also to Prof.Dr.Albinus Silalahi, M.S , Drs. Eddyanto, Ph.D , and Agus Kembaren, S.Si, M.Si who has provided suggestions from the plan until

the completion of this thesis.

 The award was also presented to Mr. Drs. H. Sufrizal Tanjung, M.Si as a school principal of SMA N 10 Medan and Mrs. Dewi, S.Pd as a teacher and

staff which assist in this implementation of this research.

 Special gratitude no limit to best ever parents in my life, my father Krosbin Siregar and my mother Luse Desemberina Simanungkalit who always caring,

raising and educating me with love and affection. Thanks to pray, motivation

and sacrifices for both of them.

 My thanks also for my beloved sister Winanda Andryani Siregar, and my brothers Michael Sebastian Siregar and Jeanclau Vanderick Siregar who

always giving love, support, motivation, and laugh until the completion of this


 Thanks for Nicea Konstantinopel Malau, a special man for 7 years who always give me support, cares to me, and make me enjoy to finish this thesis.  For my friends in Field Experience (PPL) who always be my part, Lady, Evy,

Rina, Putri Wita, Febrina, Findi, Is Wibowo, Aisyah, and Aldo. Thanks for

our friendship and everything that we passed together.

 For my crazy friends, Fridayuni, Rolina, and Ivana thanks for unlimited laugh, craziness, folly, madness, and experience that make me more

confidence and brave in my life. Thanks for that friendship but feeling more

than family.

 This CESP’12 the most crazy and enjoyable class ever, full of ambition but full of fun, Frida, Lady, Evy, Rina, Ivana, Rolina, Novelita, Haryati, Nova,

Lisna, Lestari, Fany, Seruni, Nursaadah, Mely, Biuti, Arif, Suditro, Rimbun, Ernita. Thanks for this 4 years guys and let’s go to the next ambition.

 Do not forget also thanks for my friends in Senior High School Dessi, Sribunga, Rina, Novia, and Roy. Thanks for suggestion, support, experience,

laugh until the completion of this thesis.

Actually the author has doing the maximal effort in the completion of

this thesis, but the author is aware there are many weaknesses in terms of both

content and grammar. Authors hope the suggestions and constructive criticism

from readers for completeness the thesis perfectly. At least, Author hope this

thesis can be useful to enrich the readers in science education.

Medan, July 2016 Author

Wita Loka Rizki Siregar




1.1. Research Background 1-4


2.1. Theoretical Framework 7

2.1.1. Learning 7

2.1.2. Students Achievement 8

2.2. Teaching Model 8

2.2.1. Problem Based Learning 8-10

2.2.2. Collaborative Learning 11-12

2.2.3. Guidelines for implementation of Collaborative Learning 12 2.3. Problem Based Learning Based on Collaborative 12-13

2.3.1. The procedures of PBL based on Collaborative 13-14

2.4. Macromedia Flash 14-16

2.5. Description of Learning Material 16

2.5.1. Solubility 16-17

2.5.2. Solubility Product 17-19

2.5.3. Relation between Solubility and Solubility Product 19-20 2.5.4. Predict The Occurence of Sedimentation when Two Solutions are

Reacted Each Other 20-21

2.5.5. Effect of Common Ion on Solubility 21-23

2.6. Conceptual Framework 23

2.7. Hypothesis 24


3.1. Research Location and Time of Research 25

3.2. Population and Sample of Research 25

3.3. Research Variable 25

3.3.1. Indenpendent Variables 25

3.3.2. Dependent Variables 25


3.4. Research Design and Procedures 26-28

3.5. Research Instrument 29-32

3.6. Data Collection Techniques

3.6.1. Validity of Test 32-33

3.6.2. Reliability of Test 34

3.6.3. Difficulty Index of Test 34

3.6.4. Discrimination Index of Test 35

3.7. Data Analysis 35

3.7.1. Normalized Gain 36

3.7.2. Normality Test 36

3.7.3. Homogenity Test 37

3.8. Hypothesis Testing 37-38


4.1. Research Result 39

4.2. Data Analysis of Research Instrument 39

4.2.1. Validity of Item Test 40

4.2.2. Difficulty Level of Item Test 40

4.2.3. Discriminating Index of Item Test 40-41

4.2.4. Reliability of Item Test 41

4.3. Achievement of Research Result 41

4.3.1. Data Analysis of Student’s Achievement before Teaching Treatment 41-42 4.3.2. Data Analysis of Student’s Achievement after Teaching Treatment


4.3.3. Normalized Gain of Research Data 43

4.4. Normality Test 44

4.4.1. Normality Data of Pretest 44

4.4.2. Normality Data of Posttest 44

4.5. Homogenity Data 44

4.5.1. Homogenity Data of Pretest 44-45

4.5.2. Homogenity Data of Posttest 45

4.5.3. Homogenity Data of Normalized Gain 45

4.6. Hypothesis Testing 45-46

4.7. Cognitive Aspect Improvement 46-47

4.8. Observation Sheet Result 47-48

4.9. Discussioon 48-51


5.1. Conclusion 52

5.2. Sugestion 52-53




Table 2.1. : Syntax of Problem Based Learning Model 10

Table 2.2. : The Formula of Ksp and s 19-20

Table 2.3. : The Ratio of Qc to Ksp Values to Form Sediment 20

Table 3.1. : Research Design 26

Table 3.2 : Instrument Criteria of Student’s Achievement 30

Table 3.3 : Observation sheet of PBL based on Collaborative 31

Table 4.1 : Pretest data analysis 42

Table 4.2. : Posttest data analysis 42

Table 4.3 : Average value of normalized gain 43

Table 4.4 : Percentage of student’s achievement 43

Table 4.5 : Result of Hypothesis Testing 46

Table 4.6 : The average gain of cognitive aspect in experiment class 46



Appendix 1 : Syllabus 57-59

Appendix 2 : Lesson Plan 60-75

Appendix 3 : Instrument Test 76-86

Appendix 4 : Research Instrument 87-90

Appendix 5 : Instrument Criteria of Student 91

Appendix 6 : Observation Sheet of PBL based on Collaborative 92-93

Appendix 7 : Validity Test Result 94-95

Appendix 8 : Calculation of Validity 96

Appendix 9: Tabel Difficulty Level 97

Appendix 10 : Calculation of Difficulty Level Test Result 98

Appendix 11 : Table Discriminating 99

Appendix 12 :Calculation of Discriminating Index Test Result 100

Appendix 13 : Table of Reliability 101-102

Appendix 14 :Calculation of Reliability Test Result 103

Appendix 15 : Final Result of Multiple Choice 104

Appendix 16 : List Value of Pretest and Posttest 105-106

Appendix 17 : Normality Test Result 107-110

Appendix 18 : Homogenity Test Result 111-112

Appendix 19 : Hypothesis Test Result 113

Appendix 20 : Calculation of Improvement of Cognitive Aspect 114

Appendix 21 : The Value of Collaborative Observation 115

Appendix 22: R-Product moment table 116

Appendix 23 : Chi Quadrate Value 117


1 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1.Research Background

As we know, education is one of important sector in the building of

our country, it can be as a invest for a human in a long term. Beside that,

education is also one of the effort to develope potencies that have by all students through learning process. That’s why the learning process should be able to make the students potency for future of the students, due to the knowledge can be implemented as long the student’s life.

Teacher is the special one in increasing the quality of education. As

the main subject in the front line in learning process, so the education and

guidance that is given by teacher to the students be who determines in

carrying the succesfull of education (Huda, 2012).

For this time, at school , there are many teachers just focus on the

subject matter and the result of learning. They were just bustled in some

activity to decide the competence goal that would be achieved, to arrange

the material that would be taught, and to design the evaluation (Hamruni,

2009).And also in teaching, especially in teaching chemistry topic faces

many difficult to get the objective of the teaching. One of the problems is

the satiation of students in learning if the teacher just explain in front of

class and the students just sit on their own seat with different intellegence

of the students one to each other. (Tzu-Pu-Wang, 2012)

Based on researcher’s experience in PPLT at SMAN 1 Matauli Pandan observation, in learning chemistry topic, the students just listen

without understanding the topic. Some of them who have high intelligence


other reasons are being shy to ask to the teacher due to social reason, it

can be they are being afraid if the other friend will know about their

ignorance. While, the learning process of the students in school is not only

get the knowledge from the teacher, also through the interaction and learn

with other student, so she can develop her thinking ability, expression and

keep the social interaction with other, so that as the final result, they can

have good academic achievement. (Chunta.2010)

Based on problem above, the learning process must be implicated

well to make the students involved actively. Teacher must be thought and

planned a strategy or method to increase the learning process of students.

In this case, teacher must be able to do a dynamic process in organizing a

class, and using the method and strategy in teaching learning process.

Teaching is demanded to be able to manage the teaching-learning process

which give stimulation to the students so that th students will learn

(Daryanto, 2012).

Basically , the topics learning in Chemistry have 3 characteristics

that is the decomposition of concepts, mathematical calculations, and

execution experiments. All of these characters suppport each other in the

full mastery on topic of learning in Chemistry (Zebua, 2009). Solubility

and solubility product is one of chemistry topic in Senior High School at

the second semester class XI. In this topic, students will learn solubility

and solubility product, common ion effect and solubility product

relationship with pH. Material solubility and solubility product is a

concept that is not enough, but there are only memorize the concepts that

need to be observed through the teaching and learning activities with

learning models and learning media to find the right concept. Problem

Based Learning (PBL) based on collaborative is one of model that can be

used in this topic, where in this topic have many discussions and



Boud and Felleti (1991) said, PBL is away of constructing and

teaching course using problem as a stimulus and focus on student activity.

The student are expected to have motivation to study , not only just listen

and remember but also trained to explain their explorer another and traine

to solve the problem when they learn chemistry. In PBL, students are

trained in develope their skills include asking the questions, answer the

questions, active listening, communicate ideas/opinions, being in the task

and so on. (Tosun.2013)

Research conducted by Awang (2008), concluded that the

problem-based learning approach can improve the creative ability of the

students though students find difficult problem-based learning, but they

said that they did more thinking than memorize, understand the lessons

better through discussion.

Efforts to improve the quality of education continuously carried

out both conventional and innovative. Government has also made efforts

to improve the education system either via software (software) and

hardware (hardware). Mellyzar and Silaban (2013), stating the use of

learning strategies better when integrated with appropriate instructional

media, such as carrying out practical lab or in observations through

computer-based video strung together. Innovative learning with computers

becoming one variation of the use of modern learning media that can

improve student learning outcomes.

Dirckinck research results (2009), concluded that the

problem-based learning that is integrated with the ITC is a way to change for the

better approach.One medium thatcan be used are media Macromedia

Flash. Through Macromedia Flash, learning activities can more intractive

and can provide visual experience to students in order to provide the

motivation to learn, clarify and simplify the complex and abstract concepts


Based on background above , the researcher will make research which its title is : “The Implementation of Problem Based Learning Model Based On Collaborative With Macromedia Flash To Increase Student’s Achievement on Solubility and Solubility Product In SMA”.

1.2.Problem Indentification

Based on the background above, the problem can be identified as


1. Is the learning approach used by teacher already eligible in learning


2. Are the students interaction between one to other students still passive

and low social?

Based on Collaborative with Macromedia Flash can increase the student’s

achievement on solubility and solubility product topic to students grade XI

in science program in academic year 2015/2016.

1.4.Problem Statement

The problem statement of this research are :

1. Is the student’s achievement by using PBL model Based On

Collaborative with Macromedia Flash is higher than using direct



2. Do the formation of Collaborative group can increase the activity of

students to working together in the learning process?

3. What is the cognitive aspect will be improved by implementation

learning solubility and solubility product with Problem Based Learning

Based on Collaborative learning with Macromedia Flash ?

1.5.Research Objectives

According the problems, so the objectives of this research are :

1. To know the student’s achievement by using PBL based on

collaborative with Macromedia Flash is higher than using direct

instruction model .

2. To Know the formation of collaborative group can increase the activity

of students to working together in the learning process.

3. To know the cognitive aspect will be improved by implementation

learning solubility and solubility product with Problem Based Learning

Based on Collaborative learning with Macromedia Flash .

1.6.Research Benefits

The benefits of this research are :

1. For the teacher especially chemistry teacher, this strategy can be

implemented in class to increase the learning quality especially in teaching

solubility and solubility product

2. For student, it can increase the student achievement in learning can

increase the students brave to ask and to discuss to their student, in other

word, it can students social interraction to each other, this can be affect to

students achievement in learning especially in solubility and solubility


3. This research can increase the experience and the knowledge of the


1.7.Operational Defenition

1. Problem Based Learning is a way of constructing and teaching course

using problem as a stimulus and focus in student activity. Problem Based

Learning is a learning model with a principal that problem can be used as

beginning for reaching or for integrating a new knowledge (Boud &

Felleti, 1991)

2. Collaborative learning is a situation which two or more people learn or

attemp to learn something together. Collaborative learning is based on the

model that knowledge can be created within a population where members

actively interact by sharing experience and take on ashymetry roles.

3. Macromedia Flash is a software program that is able to present an

audivisual message is clear to students that the material is abstractand can

be illustrated in a move interesting to students with a variety of animated

that can stimulated student interest.

4. Student’s achievement is an ability that is obtained by students after doing

learning activity (Abdurahman, 1999)

5. Solubility and solubility product is one topic of subject matter in chemistry

lesson that taught in SHS grade XI in even semester. The subtopics in this

subject matter consist of solubility, solubility product (Ksp), the relation of

Ksp to solubility, determination of solubility based on Ksp, value, and the





5.1. Conclusion

Based on the objective of the research that was conducted, there are some

conclussions that gotten, they are :

1. The students achievement by using PBL based on collaborative with

macromedia flash is higher than using by direct instructional model. It can be

seen from the result of average of post-test and average of the gain. The

comparison between experiment class with control class, the experiment class

(post-test = 88.82 ; gain = 5.63) is higher than control class (post-test = 77.23;

gain = 0.67).

2. The formation of collaborative group can increase the activity of students to

working together, it shown from. the percentage of observation collaborative

which there are 8 indicator of collaborative and the percentage of them is

more than 50% students become active in learning process.

3. The instrument that used to measure the student’s achievement is consisting

of cognitive aspect level from C1 to C4. Each of the cognitive aspect level is

calculated to know the improvement of students inexperiment class by PBL

model based on Collaboratve and it is improve each C1 0.62, C2 0.87, C3

0.77, and C4 0.86. And the most improve in experiment class is the level of


5.2. Suggestion

Based on the result of this research, the researcher suggest as follows:

1. For teacher, to get the success student’s achievement, the teacher is expected

to perform the learning by using Problem Based Learning based on Collaboratve because this model can improve the student’s achievement.

2. For researcher who want to do the same research must be manage the time to

implement this model and must be creative in designing the lesson plan and

also creative in manage the classroom.

3. It is needed to do the research with the same model but apply it in different

topic to increase the quality of education especially in teaching students or in




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