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Submitted to the English Applied Linguistics



In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of

Magister Humaniora



Registration Number : 082188330041










E nglish Applied Linguistics Study Program Postgraduate School State

First Adviser



NIP. 195704121984031001

University ofMcdan

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This thesis was examined on March 3rd, 2011 by the Board of Examiners

Board of Examiners

Dr. Eddy Setia, M.Ed, TESP.

NIP. 195704121984031001

Prof. Tina Mariany A, M.A., Ph. D.

NIP. 19440302 196902 2 001

Prof. Amrin Saragih, M.A., Ph. D.

NIP. 19550113 198203 1 002

Dr. Syahron Lubis, M.A.


Dr.Didik Santoso, M. Pd.



It is really very difficult for the writer to begin expressing her thankfulness that at last, this academic work can be completed in due course. She has to confess

that all problems can be solved and especially the problem in the process of writing

this thesis. It would be impossible to mention all the names but some should be stated in the following.

First and foremost, a since gratitude to Allah Swt, for this B lessing, and

Guidance, and also the health and luck that has always been given to her.

Next, she would like to express her thankfulness to Dr.Drs.Eddy Setia, M .

Ed. TESP: her first Adviser, for his criticism, suggestion and valuable comments that

have slaped this thesis.

A very special appreciation is offered to Prof.Hj. Tina Mariany Arifin M.A.

Ph.D., for her marvelous idea, support and attention especially sharing her valuable

time for the completing of thesis. She is a special lecturer with a very good knowledge of how to handle the student problems

To Prof. Dr. Busmin Gurning, M.Pd ., and Prof. Dr. Lince Sihombing,

M.Pd., as the head and secretary of English Applied Linguistics Program who have

assisted me in processing all administrative requirements during the process of my

studying this program.


Special thanks to Prof. Amrin Saragih, M.A.-·Ph.D.,Dr.Syahron Lubis

M.A., and Dr.Didik Santoso M.P.d., as reviewers and examiners for the valuable

inputs to be included in this thesis.

Her sincere indebtedness is rendered to her beloved father, Aim. Suwito,

and her mother, Hj. Syamsidar for their endless love, and her lovely sister,Novalia

Sari AM.Keb. who is always annoying her.

Her appreciation goes to all her friends Intake XIV at the English Applied

Linguistics Study Program, Post Graduate School, especially Herina and Surya who

are a lways fight together for this "green table" (Thesis Examination). All of her

friends that always give wann supports,K'Indri,Yeni,K'Susan,Imah,Dian,Uti,Anim

and Dian.It seems impossible to name all those who are very helpful to her,but they

deserve her special thankfullness.

May God Bless us!

Medan, March 3,2011

The "WTiter,

Nirung Sudarwita

RegistrationNwnber: 082188330041



Sudarwita Nining. A Translation Analysis ofThematization in Bilingual Science Textbooks of Grade X. A Thesis. English Applied Linguistics Study Program. Postgraduate School.State University ofMedan.2011.



Nining Sudarwita. Analisis Tematisasi dalam Proses Penerjemahan Buku Ilmiah Dwibahasa (Bahasa lnggris-Bahasa Indonesia) yang

Digunakan Oleh Siswa Kelas X SMA. Linguistik Terapan Babasalnggris.Pasca Sarjana. Universitas Negeri Medan.2011

Penelitian ini tentang analisis tematisasi dalam proses penerjemahan buku ilmiah dwibahasa (bahasa Inggris-bahasa Indonesia) yaitu Biologi, Fisika, dan Kimia yang digwmkan oleh siswa kelas X SMA. Ada empat tujuan utama penelitian ini.

Yang pertama adalah mendeskripsikan dan menemukan tipe-tipe tematisasi apasaja yang dijumpai dalam ketiga buku teks baik teks sumber(TS) maupun teks target (TT). Kedua,tipe tematisasi apa yang mendominasi kedua jenis teks yang dimaksud.Ketiga, mendeskripsikan alasan tema tertentu yang mendominasi ketiga buku teks tersebut. Dan terakhir, mendeskripsikan pergeseran tema topical dalam proses penerjemahannya. Metode yang digunakan dalam kajian ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif dan lebih difokuskan pada analisis isi. Objek kajiannya adalah klausa yang terdapat dalam teks sumber untuk melihat perubahan pergeseran penerjemahan yang dilakukan. Dari analisis yang diperoleh dapat disimpulkan bahwa empat tipe tematisasi (l) Tema Bermarkah Tunggal ( TBT), (2) Tema Takbermarkah Majemuk (TIM) ditemukan di ketiga buku teks. Yang kedua, tipe tema pertama, yaitu TBT merupakan tipe tema yang mendominasi ( Biologi


57,6%; Fisika


43,2%; dan K.imia = 54,6%). Ketiga, tipe tematisasi TBT merupakan tipe yang kerap dipakai dalam teks yang berkaitan dengan definisi dan klarifikasi. Dan yang terakhir, adanya bcberapa pergeseran topik dalam proses penexjemah ketiga buku teks yang dimaksud. Jadi implikasinya adalah (i) menganalisa tematisasi pada buku ilmiah dari bahasa ( bahasa Inggris - bahasa Indonesia) adalah sangat dibutuhkan agar dapat mengidentifikasi tipe - tipe tersebut; (ii) identifikasi yang dominan dari tipe - tipe tematisasi adalah ketiga buku teks yang menghasilkan pemahaman yang baik; (iii). Tipe - tipe tematisasi yang mendominasi pada buku teks menunjukkan tipe dari buku teks tersebut. Kesimpulannya adalah bahwa teks dianalis dengan menggunakan metode texjemahan harafiah karena jumlah pergeserannya tidak banyak dijumpai.




Page ABSTRACT .. ... ... ... .. ... .. .... ... ... . . ... ... .. .... ... . . ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ... ... II

TABLE OF CONTENTS ... ... ... ... .. ... ... .... .. .. ... .. ... ... ... tv LIST OFT ABLES .. . . . .. .. . . .. . .. .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . VII

LIST OF APPENDICES .. . ... ... ... ... .. ... .... ... vm

CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION ... ... . .... ..

l.l Background of the Study ... .. ... ... ... .. ... .

1.2 Focus of the study ... ... .. .... ... .. .. .. ... ... . . . .. . .. .... .. .. 5

1.3 Objective of the Study ... . ... .. . .. . .. ... .. . .. . . . .. . .. ... 6

1.4 Scope of the Study.. .. ... .. ... ... .. ... ... 6

1.5 Significance of the Study ... ... .. . ... .. .. . .. ... . . . .. . .. ... 6


2.1 Translation . .... ... .... .. .... . ... ... ... .... ... ... . . 2.2 Types ofTranslation ... : . ... ... ... . 2.3 Translation Shift 2.3.1 Equivalence in Translation .. . .... .... .... ... .. . 2.4 Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) ... ... . 2.4.1 Language as a System of Choice ... ... . 2.5 Language Metafunction ... ... ... ... ... .. .. ... ... .. . 8 9 12 13 17 19 23 2.5.1 Ideational Metafunction .. . . ... .. ... ... ... . . .. . ... 24

2.5.l.l Experiential Function ... .. .. .. ... . . ... . .. 24

2.5 .1.2 25 2.5.2 Interpersonal Funct ~ on .. ... ... ... ... . ... . . ... 26

2.5.3 Textual Metafunction . . . .. . . ... . . 26

2.6 Thematization . . . 29

2.6.1 Types of Theme 34

(9) Marked Theme . . . . .. . . .. ... .... . 35 Unmarked Theme .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 36

CHAPTER III: RESEARCH METHOD . .. .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . ... . .. .. . ... . . .. . . .. .... 37

3.\ Research Design . . . . .. . .. . .. .. . . .. . .. .. . . ... . . .. ... 37

3.2 Data Source . .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. . .. . . . .. .. . .. . .. .. . .. . . .. .. . . .. .. .. . 3 8 3.3 Technique of Data Collection.... ... .. .. .. ... 39

3.4 Technique of Data Analysis... ... .. 39


4.1.1 Types ofThematization... .... 40 Single Marked Theme (SMT) .. .. .. .. .. .. 40

- Single Unmarked Theme (SUT) ... 46

4.1. 1.3 Multi Marked Theme (MMT) ... . 49 Multi Unmarked Theme (MUT) ... . 52

4.1.2 Dominant Thematization ... . 55

4.1.3 Dominant of Theme ... . : ... . 61

4.1.4 Topical Theme Shift... 61

4.2 Findings... 67

4.3 Discussion ... :... 69



5.2 Implications -~· . . . ... . . ··~- . ... . . 0 • ••• • • 73


5.3 Suggestions . . . ... .. . . 73


LIST OF APPENDICES ... ... .. ... ... ... ... ... 79-136





2.2 The Classification of Theme and Its complexity and Markedness... 35



4.1 The Percentage ofTypes of Thematization ... .. .. ... .... .. .. ... 56







A Biology ... .... ... ... .. ... .... .... ... 73

B Physics ... .. ... . ... . ... . ... . ... .... . . ... . ... .. . ... . . .. ... I 07

C Chenlistry ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... .. .. ... ... 120


1.1 Background of the Study



The translation of scientific texts is an essential need in the modem Indonesian context since most of the scientific texts are written in English and most

of all, at present, there are tendencies of establishing international schools in the

levels of primary up to university. The foreign language development (especially

English) not only mean as the development of vocabulary but also the uses of

language in the domains of science and technology. Within the Indonesian context,

whenever the scientific texts are translated, the gap in the terminology are filled either

by coining terms through borrowing or adapting English words into Indonesian

language system. The gap can also be found in the translating system (from the level

of morpheme, word, phrase/group, clause, and even text) where the bilingual

scientific textbooks are composed.

English language development must be an integral objective of all science

instruction. It is important to incorporate vocabulary development into science

lessons both to ensure that students understand the science and to improve their

English language skills. Teachers should review the English terms or names to be

used in a lesson before it is begun; help students label with stickers items to be used


appropriate to the students; proficiency level. They should follow up by asking

students to repeat the activity and describe it in their own words.

One way for students to develop English language skills is for them to carry

out investigations within a group of students with varying levels of English

profiCiency, and to engage in follow through activities that motivate them to use

English. Examples of such activities include writing swnmaries of the procedures

used and results of their investigations, preparing a verbal presentation on it, and

drawing a picture of it and explaining the picture in writing or verbally. By using

bilingual textbooks, the studen!S are expected to be able to explain items related to the

subject matters through the English translation versions.

Related to composing or writing scientific textbooks, it is known that the

basic ground of a scientific study is the continuous relationship between a cause and

its effect. In other words, wherever there is a cause there is an effect. In the modem

context the term 'Science' is moved away from its original definition and is presently

used for areas of study which do not show the relationship between cause and effect

in a traditional sense. Sciences such as political science, psychology, etc. fall under

this category. In the modem world the areas of knowledge are divided mainly in three

categories, i.e. (1) Natural Sciences, (2) Social Sciences, and (3) Humanities. The

Natural Sciences study, natural phenomenon which are not man-made. Social

Sciences concentrate on the study of human behavior and humanism. The areas under

Humanities try to explore aesthetic and creative aspects of human mind. In fact, these

three categories are not mutually unrelated but one finds a narrowness of approach in


these areas-·of study. For instance, Psychology on one hand is related to the

Neuro-science and on the other to Social Sciences since the human being is created as the

result of a natural process and the society controls his/her social behavior. Related to

this research, the bilingual scientific textbooks as the data resources are Physics,

Chemistry, and Biology textbooks that are used for Grade X of Private Senior High

School (Sekolah Menengah Atas: SMA) Dwitunggal, which is located on Jalan

Tanjung Morawa km 14.5 Tanjung Morawa, Medan.

Scientific text, whether in original or in translation, is different nom other

texts because scientific text is factual and information-oriented. The language of a

scientific text is clear, simple, and unambiguous. Since science is an objective In its

approach, the language of a scientific text is also more objective and subjectivity of

the author is kept out of it (Fries, 2001 :2-19). Within science itself, the language

may vary according to the area under study. For example, the language of Physics

may vary from the language of Chemistry. However, both are objective in their

presentations of the subject. In other words, the language of scientific texts is more

specific, making the texts more clear and unambiguous as opposed to the literary text

where language is often subjective. The language of a scientific text, as opposed to

the language of literary texts, is factual in its content. Every word is concrete and real.

The style is not figurative and the language is semantically single layered and less

ambiguous. But, in the process of transferring the contents of the original text written

in Indonesian language as the source text (ST) into English as the target text (TT),

especiaHy those that are related to thematization there are some difficulties found




which are caused by the difficulties are caused by the differences in grammatical

rules of the STand IT.

Apart from describing the fundamental elements of translating and setting

translation into the context of historical changes in principles and procedures over the

last two centuries, and with his/her emphasis on text being understood within their

central contexts, it is believed that translating a scientific text contains familiarity

with sentences in different languages. It is also believed that if translating scientific

materials from a language contributing to the progress of science is diffic ult, then

translating scientific materials from a language that is outside the domain of science

would extremely difficult.

The focus of the analysis in this thesis is on the process of translation

especially those that are related to thematization (the process of constructing theme

and rheme in each clause of the texts). Before proceeding to the thematic analysis in

part three, it is necessary to define the terms and method used to discuss

thematization at each level of discourse, starting with the clause level and moving

upward to the paragraph level. The discussion on thematization is under the

umbrealla of functional grammar. Thomson, (2004:118) explains that in functional

grammar, repetition, conjunction and thematization are regarded as three of the main

ways in which textual meanings are constructed in a text. In "this analysis the writer

just concentrates in analyzing thematization. Repetition and conjunction are not

included in the analysis.





Yule (1983:133-134) mention that thematization as a discoursal

rather than simply a sentential process. What a speaker or writer puts first will

influence the interpretation of everything that follows. A more general, more

inclusive term than tematization (which refers only to the linear organization of text)

is callec 'staging' .

Theme, according to Halliday (1994:38) thematization is one element in a

particular structural configuration which, taken as a whole, organized the clause as a

message; this is configuration of Theme + Rheme. A message consists of Theme

combined with Rheme. Within that configuration, the Theme is the starting-point for

the message; it is the ground from which the clause is taking off. (for detail, see

chapter 2: Review of Related Literature).

1.2 Focus of the Study

As mentioned in the background of the present study, the ultimate goals of

this study are three folds, i.e. ( 1) translation analysis, (2) thematization, and (3)

bilingual scientific textbooks. Thematization is the core subject that will be analyzed.

In line with this, the problems of the study can be formulated as the followings,

1) What types of thematization are there in source text and target text?

2) What is the dominant thematization type found in source text (ST) and

target text (TT)?

3) Why the certain theme can be dominant?

4) How is the topical theme shift in source language and target language?


1.3 Objective


the Study

Finding the answers of the research questions is the most important objective of

this study. This study is mainly intended for the following objectives.

(I) to describe the themes


source text and target text,

(2) to describe the dominant theme found in STand TT,

(3) to describe why certain theme is dominant,

(4) to describe the topical theme shift in STand TT.

1.4 Scope of the Study

The study in this thesis is limited on the discussion of thematization in the

process of transla~ion of source text (ST) to target text (TT). All types of thematization, i.e. marked and unmarked themes will be analyzed in bilinguals

science textbooks. There are three science textbooks altogether that are anal:yzed as

the data source, i.e. Physics, Chemistry, and Biology.

1.5 Significance of the Study

The results of the analysis are expected to have both theoretical and practical

importance to both translation as a process and product, especially within the frame

of translating themes in ST into the IT.

I. Theoretically, the results of the analysis are expected to enhance the

theories of translation studies and to support the empirical evidences



the importance


translation studies in transforming messages from

one linguistic aspect, i.e. thematization.

2. Practically, the results of the analysis are expected as an informative


feedback to the Indonesian - English or vice versa concerning on


3. The results of the research are also intended to be used as a reference

in translation studies.













5.1 Condu.sions

From the results of thematization research on three bilingual scientific books

for grade X. Le. Biology. Chemistry, and Physics, therefore it can be concluded that:

(1) There are four types of thematization that can be identified in analyzing the

theme of the clauses. They are (1) Single Marked Theme (SMT), (2) Single Unmarked Theme (SUT). (3) Multiple Marked Theme (MMT). and (4) Multiple

Unmarked Theme (MUT).

The four types of thematization are found in the three bilingual textbooks being

anaiyzes- Biology, Physics. and Chemistry.

(3) From the identification of the types of Thematization from 300 hundreds clauses

of both SL and TL in the three bilingual textbooks (=900 clauses altogether), it is

found that the dominant type of thematization is as the following:

The percentage of Single Marked Theme (SMT) types for both Biology SL and

TL text are the same, i.e. (57%);

(i) The percentage of Single Marked Theme (SMT) types f~r both Physics SL and TL text are the same, i.e. (43,2%);

(ii) The percentage of Single Marked Theme (SMT) types for


Chemistry SL and TL text are the same. i.e. (54.6 %);

(4) A theme is something other than the subject, in a declarative clause is called

marked theme. This type of theme is identified by (I) adverbial group (suddenly,

today, etc.), (2) prepositional phrase (in the other hand, at last, etc.) functioning

as adjunct in the clause. For multiple marked theme (MMT) the elements that

tend to occur thematically are (I) conjunctive and modal Adjuncts, (2)

conjunctions and relatives.

(5) Single Marked Theme (SMT) as the dominant type of theme in scientific

textbooks because it is used for defining and describing something. One of the

types of scientific textbook is descriptive explanatory texts. This type of text

functions to describe one topic discussion chronologically. The thematic

structure used in chronological events begin with such kinds of adverbial group

and prepositional phrase that function as adjuncts. The function of these adjunct

is to make the texts cohesive and coherence. As a result, the flow of events can

be understood easily.



The implications· are (i) analyzing thematization in bilingual scientific textbooks

is very needed in order to identify the its types; (ii) the identification of the dominant

thematization types in textbooks may result the ease in understanding them; (iii) the

dominant of thematization types in a textbook as the indication of the genre type of

the textbooks.


5.3 Su_ggestions

The research about thematization in the process of translation in bilingual

(English-Indonesian) scientific textbooks is mainly for proposing the process of

translating the theme (subject) of the clauses. Besides. identifying the types of

thematization of the textbooks is also very important because it can be a way of

understanding textbooks easily.

It is hoped that similar kind of research can be done by anyone about any kinds of textbooks since this type of research will be benefit for those who are

interested in both translation process and analyzing themes of the clauses.


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