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Form of Presentation Practice Publipreneur Based Language Learning (PBLL) (Student Centered Learning)


Academic year: 2021

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1---Publipreneur-Based Language Learning (PBLL) for Advertising Business Form of Presentation Practice

Publipreneur Based Language Learning (PBLL) (Student Centered Learning)

Adjudicator’S Name Speaker’s name Moderator’s Name Day And Date Presentation Subject


90-100 80-89 70-79 60-69 50-59

A Team Work

1 Time Consuming 2 Problem Solving 3 General IT User 4 Partnership

Total Average B Presenter 5 Voice 6 Language 7 Body language 8 Eye contact 9 Content

Total Average

C Moderator

10 Time management 11 Conclusion

Total Average



Adjudicator/ Students


Adjudicator’s verbal verification

Marking Ranges

90-100 = Excellent 80-89 = Very good 70-79 = Average 60-89 = Poor


2---Publipreneur-Based Language Learning (PBLL) for Advertising Business STUDENTS’ ACHIEVEMENT OF


Name Department Study Program Year

LANGUAGE AND TECHNICAL SKILLS IN PUBLISHING PROCESS (SB=Sangat Baik; B=Baik;C=Cukup; K=Kurang; KS=Kurang Sekali) Aspek yang

Dinilai Skor Klas Penjelasan

Kualitas Isi

5 SB Ide cerita memberikan gambaran sesuatu yang tajam, menunjukkan kesatuan bentuk yang utuh, alur mengalir, latar rinci dan cerita hidup

4 B

Ide cerita memberikan gambaran sesuatu yang tajam, menunjukkan kesatuan bentuk yang utuh, alur mengalir, latar rinci, tetapi cerita kurang hidup.

3 C

Ide cerita memberikan gambaran yang cukup tajam, menunjukkan kesatuan bentuk yang utuh, alur kurang mengalir, latar kurang rinci, cerita kurang hidup.

2 K

Ide cerita menggambarkan sestau hal, tetapi tidak tajam, tidak menunjukkan kesatuan bentuk yang utuh, alur tidak mengalir, latar tidak rinci, ceritapun tidak hidup.

1 SK

Ide cerita tidak menggambarkan sesuatu hal, tidak tajam, tidak menunjukkan kesatuan bentuk yang utuh, alur tidak mengalir, latar tidak rinci, ceritapun tidak hidup.

Tata Bahasa

5 SB Tata bahasa sempurna, tidak ada kesalahan sedikitpun.

4 B Tulisan nyaris sempurna, hampir tidak ada kesalahan tata bahasa.

3 C Masih ada kesalahan tata bahasa tapi tidak begitu sering.

2 K Sering melakukan kesalahan tata bahasa.

1 SK Tidak ada satupun kalimat yang benar.

Pemilihan Kata

5 SB Tulisan menggunakan diksi dengan tepat, mampu membuat cerita menjadi hidup, gamblang dan menarik tanpa dipengaruhi bahasa ibu.

4 B Tulisan menggunakan diksi dengan tepat, tetapi membuat cerita kurang hidup, kurang gamblang dan kurang menarik.

3 C

Tulisan menggunakan diksi yang kurang tepat, membuat cerita kurang hidup, kurang gamblang dan kurang menarik. Masih banyak

menggunakan kata-kata yang dipengaruhi bahasa ibu.

2 K Tulisan menggunakan diksi yang tidak tepat, membuat cerita tidak hidup, tidak gamblang dan tidak menarik.

1 SK

Tulisan menggunakan diksi yang sangat tidak tepat karena menggunakan bahasa ibu, membuat cerita tidak hidup dan tidak menarik.

Jumlah Kata

5 SB 1000—1500 kata 4 B 500-1000 kata 3 C 300-500 kata 2 K 200-300 kata


3---Publipreneur-Based Language Learning (PBLL) for Advertising Business 1 SK 100-200 kata


4---Publipreneur-Based Language Learning (PBLL) for Advertising Business .

Rambu Penilaian

Prewriting, Drafting, Revising, Editing,Publishing, Marketing, Delivering.



Department Study Program Year

EDITORIAL SKILLS IN PUBLISHING PROCESS (SB=Sangat Baik; B=Baik;C=Cukup; K=Kurang; KS=Kurang Sekali) Aspek yang

Dinilai Skor Klas Penjelasan


5 SB Membuat sinopsis atau rangkuman buku yang dikuasai dan diminati diatas 10 judul

4 B Membuat sinopsis atau rangkuman buku yang dikuasai dan diminati antara 7-9 judul

3 C Membuat sinopsis atau rangkuman buku yang dikuasai dan diminati antara 5-6 judul

2 K Membuat sinopsis atau rangkuman buku yang dikuasai dan diminati antara 2-4 judul

1 SK Membuat sinopsis atau rangkuman buku yang dikuasai dan diminati antara 0-1 judul


5 SB

1. Menjelaskan masing-masing buku dengan baik dalam bentuk sinopsis buku.

2. Memberikan gambaran sesuatu yang tajam, menunjukkan kesatuan bentuk yang utuh, alur mengalir, latar rinci dan cerita hidup.

3. Tata bahasa sempurna, tidak ada kesalahan sedikitpun.

4 B

1. Mampu menjelaskan masing-masing buku dengan baik dalam bentuk sinopsis buku.

2. Gagasan memberikan gambaran sesuatu yang tajam, menunjukkan kesatuan bentuk yang utuh, alur mengalir, latar rinci, tetapi cerita kurang hidup.

3. Tulisan nyaris sempurna, hampir tidak ada kesalahan tata bahasa.

3 C

1. Mampu menjelaskan masing-masing buku dengan baik dalam bentuk sinopsis buku.

2. Ide cerita memberikan gambaran yang cukup tajam, menunjukkan kesatuan bentuk yang utuh, alur kurang mengalir, latar kurang rinci, cerita kurang hidup.

3. Masih ada kesalahan tata bahasa tapi tidak begitu sering.

2 K

1. Mampu menjelaskan masing-masing buku dengan baik dalam bentuk sinopsis buku.

2. Ide cerita menggambarkan sestau hal, tetapi tidak tajam, tidak menunjukkan kesatuan bentuk yang utuh, alur tidak mengalir, latar tidak rinci, ceritapun tidak hidup.

3. Sering melakukan kesalahan tata bahasa.

1 SK 1. Mampu menjelaskan masing-masing buku dengan baik dalam bentuk


5---Publipreneur-Based Language Learning (PBLL) for Advertising Business sinopsis buku.

2. Ide cerita tidak menggambarkan sesuatu hal, tidak tajam, tidak menunjukkan kesatuan bentuk yang utuh, alur tidak mengalir, latar tidak rinci, ceritapun tidak hidup.

3. Tidak ada satupun kalimat yang benar.


5 SB Tulisan menggunakan diksi dengan tepat, mampu membuat cerita menjadi hidup, gamblang dan menarik tanpa dipengaruhi bahasa ibu.

4 B Tulisan menggunakan diksi dengan tepat, tetapi membuat cerita kurang hidup, kurang gamblang dan kurang menarik.

3 C

Tulisan menggunakan diksi yang kurang tepat, membuat cerita kurang hidup, kurang gamblang dan kurang menarik. Masih banyak

menggunakan kata-kata yang dipengaruhi bahasa ibu.

2 K Tulisan menggunakan diksi yang tidak tepat, membuat cerita tidak hidup, tidak gamblang dan tidak menarik.

1 SK Tulisan menggunakan diksi yang sangat tidak tepat karena menggunakan bahasa ibu, membuat cerita tidak hidup dan tidak menarik.


5 SB Naskah sangat sempurna secara substantif, mekanik, piktorial (1000—

1500 kata)

4 B Naskah sempurna secara substantif, mekanik, piktorial (750-1000 kata) 3 C Naskah cukup sempurna antara 21-30 kata

2 K Naskah kurang sempurna antara 11-20 kata 1 SK Naskah tidak sempurna antara 1-10 kata


5 SB Layout naskah rapi

4 B Layout naskah masih ada kesalahan 3 C Layout naskah banyak kesalahan 2 K Layout naskah jelek

1 SK Layout naskah sangat banyak kesalahan


5 SB Kemampuan meyakinkan pelanggan melalui pendekatan kompetensi inter personal dan kompetensi komunikasi sangat baik,

4 B Kemampuan meyakinkan pelanggan melalui pendekatan kompetensi inter personal dan kompetensi komunikasi baik

3 C Kemampuan meyakinkan pelanggan melalui pendekatan kompetensi inter personal dan kompetensi komunikasi cukup baik

2 K Kemampuan meyakinkan pelanggan melalui pendekatan kompetensi inter personal dan kompetensi komunikasi kurang baik

1 SK Kemampuan meyakinkan pelanggan melalui pendekatan kompetensi inter personal dan kompetensi komunikasi tidak baik


5 SB Waktu penyerahan tepat waktu

4 B Waktu penyerahan mundur satu (1) hari 3 C Waktu penyerahan mundur dua (2) hari 2 K Waktu penyerahan mundur tiga (3) hari 1 SK Waktu penyerahan mundur empat (4) hari Catatan Penilaian:

1. Nilai akhir dinyatakan dengan angka dalam desimal (contoh 86) dan sebutan mutu dengan huruf A, B, C, D, E.

2. Konversi nilai angka dihitung dari skala nilai angka 1 s.d 100 adalah sebagai berikut:

(86-100) = A (Sangat Istimewa dengan 7 SB) : P, D, R, E, P, M, D (80-85) = A – (Istimewa dengan 6 SB)

(75-79) = B+ (Lebih dari baik dengan 5 SB) (70-74) = B (Baik dengan 4 SB)

(65-69) = B - (Cukup Baik dengan 3 SB) (61-64) = C + (Lebih dari Cukup dengan 2 SB) (56-60) = C (Cukup dengan 1 SB)

(46-55) = D (Kurang dengan 0 SB) (1-45) - E (Gagal dengan 0 SB)


6---Publipreneur-Based Language Learning (PBLL) for Advertising Business


7---Publipreneur-Based Language Learning (PBLL) for Advertising Business PRACTICE


Please find a book with complete accessories then try to identify the manuscript based on the dummy with it’s accessories in it.




Class is deveided into four group consisting of: writers, editors, publishers, readers. Please make your own understanding about the definition of NASKAH. Be independent please!!!

Students’ Name Students’ Identity

No Functions Names’ Definition

1 Writer 2 Editor 3 Publisher 4 Reader

5 Lexical Take Home Assignment

Terminolgy Description of NASKAH

(Names, Accessories, Sources, Kinds/Qualifications, Anatomy, How) Judgment

Red. Leg. Acc. Con. Prod. Rules Time


Originality Elaborative Faithfullness


Title Franch title Copy right Acknowledgment Texts

Maps Picture Running head Page number Chapter and sub Synosis


Personal Formal Infomal

Exchange sources Hunting sources


8---Publipreneur-Based Language Learning (PBLL) for Advertising Business Kinds/ Qualifications

Fiction Non-Fiction Faction


Cover and Jacket Pre-liminary pages In-Liminary Pages Post-Liminary Pages


How to access How to register How to file How to consider How to edit How to budget How to How to print How to market How to revise How to reprint

Media Target Book Publishing Press Publishing Electronic Publishing Name of Proposed

Publishing Industry

Check the list:




Explanation: Code of Conducts in Ethical Terms of Editorial Skill or Competencies Read Readibility

Leg Legibility Acc Accuracy Cons Consistency Rules Rules flowy Prod Production

details Notes:

No Marks Meaning

1 90-100 Excellent to flawless. The standard of speech and writing you would expect to see from a students. This student has much strength and few, if any, weakness.

2 80-89 Above average to very good. The standard you would expect to see from a sstudents. This speaker has clear strengths and some minor weakness.

3 70-79 Average. The student has strengths and weakness and roughly equal proportion.

4 60-89 Poor to average. The student has clear problems and some error strength.


9---Publipreneur-Based Language Learning (PBLL) for Advertising Business

5 50-59 Very poor. This student has fundamental weakness and view, if any, strength.


10---Publipreneur-Based Language Learning (PBLL) for Advertising Business


11---Publipreneur-Based Language Learning (PBLL) for Advertising Business STUDENTS’ ACHIEVEMENT OF


Name Department Study Program Year


Here the students are expected to rethink about activities of reading, writing, listening, and speaking taught through publipreneur based approach of “prewriting-drafting-revising- editing-publishing-marketing-delivering with it’s simulation of presentation “Presenter and Moderator” and “Writer versus Editor”. All materials are taken from the choosen subject by its indidual students based on publishing competence ranging from commissioning, right, contract, design visual, editorial management, design structural, editing, production, marketing and direct sale. Review what you have done to learn what works well and what doesn’t. For your career in publishing business after graduation, please use the experience of language acquisition to improve future performance by classifying the following criteria.

1 Rethink what you did. What could you have done differently?

2 Examine the simulation. Was the structure right? Were the visual aids useful?

3 Think about the delivery. Did you use focus and energy effectively?

4 This about response How did the Question and Answer go?

5 Language skills influence Rank the language competencies (the most 1-2-3-4-5 the less)?.

6 Technical skill influence Rank the technical skills (the most 1-2-3-4-5 the less?


Prewriting is the first stage of the writing process, typically followed by drafting, revision, editing and publishing. Elements of prewriting may include planning, research, outlining, diagramming, storyboarding or clustering (for a technique similar to clustering, see mindmapping). Prewriting usually begins with motivation and audience awareness: what is the student or writer trying to communicate, why is it important to communicate it well and who is the audience for this communication.

Writers usually begin with a clear idea of audience, content and the importance of their communication; sometimes, one of these needs to be clarified for the best communication. Student writers find motivation especially difficult because they are writing for a teacher or for a grade, instead of a real audience.Often lecturers try to find a real audience for students by asking them to read to younger classes or to parents, by posting writing for others to read, by writing a blog, or by writing on real topics, such as a letter to the editor of a local newspaper.

What were the two or three things you did very well with the prewriting?


12---Publipreneur-Based Language Learning (PBLL) for Advertising Business




Rank the language competencies (the most 1-2-3-4-5 the less)

Language Skills Before Learning After Learning

1 writing skills 2 reading skills 3 listening skills 4 speaking skills

Rank the technical skills (the most 1-2-3-4-5 the less) of language acquisition in Pre-writing

No Technical Skills Before Learning After Learning

01 Team working skills 02 Oral communication skills 03 Problem solving skills 04 Customer handling skills 05 Management skills 06 General IT User skills 07 Technical and practical skills 08 Office administration skills 09 Written communication skills 10 literacy skills

11 Numeracy skills 12


IT Professional skills Foreign language skills 14 Grappling with grammar skills 15 Note-taking skills

16 Negotiation skills

17 Speed Reading Skills (skimming, skipping, scanning)

2 DRAFTING (Get your ideas down on paper)

Drafting means getting your ideas down on paper. A rough draft is a late stage in the writing process. It assumes that students have adequate information and understanding, are near or at the end of gathering research, and have completed an exercise in prewriting.

What were the two or three things you did very well with the drafting your idea?




Rank the language competencies (the most 1-2-3-4-5 the less)

Language Skills Before Learning After Learning

1 writing skills 2 reading skills 3 listening skills 4 speaking skills


13---Publipreneur-Based Language Learning (PBLL) for Advertising Business

Rank the technical skills (the most 1-2-3-4-5 the less) of language acquisition in Drafting

No Technical Skills Before Learning After Learning

01 Team working skills 02 Oral communication skills 03 Problem solving skills 04 Customer handling skills 05 Management skills 06 General IT User skills 07 Technical and practical skills 08 Office administration skills 09 Written communication skills 10 literacy skills

11 Numeracy skills 12


IT Professional skills Foreign language skills 14 Grappling with grammar skills 15 Note-taking skills

16 Negotiation skills

17 Speed Reading Skills (skimming, skipping, scanning)

3 REVISING (Share and reflect on your first draft)

Revising means to share and to reflect on your first draft. This will help writer review how effectively readers communicate the message.

What were the two or three things you did very well with the revising?




Rank the language competencies (the most 1-2-3-4-5 the less)

Language Skills Before Learning After Learning

1 writing skills 2 reading skills 3 listening skills 4 speaking skills

Rank the technical skills (the most 1-2-3-4-5 the less) of language acquisition in revising.

No Technical Skills Before Learning After Learning

01 Team working skills 02 Oral communication skills 03 Problem solving skills 04 Customer handling skills 05 Management skills 06 General IT User skills 07 Technical and practical skills 08 Office administration skills 09 Written communication skills 10 literacy skills

11 Numeracy skills


14---Publipreneur-Based Language Learning (PBLL) for Advertising Business 12


IT Professional skills Foreign language skills 14 Grappling with grammar skills 15 Note-taking skills

16 Negotiation skills

17 Speed Reading Skills (skimming, skipping, scanning)

4 EDITING (Find and correct any mistakes you have made)

Editing is the process of selecting and preparing written, visual, audible, and film medium used to convey information through the processes of correction, condensation, organization, and other modifications in various media, performed with an intention of producing a correct, consistent, accurate, and complete output. The editing process originates with the idea for the work itself and continues in the relationship between the author and the editor. Editing is, therefore, also a practice that includes creative skills, human relations, and a precise set of methods.

What were the two or three things you did very well with the editing?




Rank the language competencies (the most 1-2-3-4-5 the less)

Language Skills Before Learning After Learning

1 writing skills 2 reading skills 3 listening skills 4 speaking skills

Rank the technical skills (the most 1-2-3-4-5 the less) of language acquisition in editing.

No Technical Skills Before Learning After Learning

01 Team working skills 02 Oral communication skills 03 Problem solving skills 04 Customer handling skills 05 Management skills 06 General IT User skills 07 Technical and practical skills 08 Office administration skills 09 Written communication skills 10 literacy skills

11 Numeracy skills 12


IT Professional skills Foreign language skills 14 Grappling with grammar skills 15 Note-taking skills

16 Negotiation skills

17 Speed Reading Skills (skimming, skipping, scanning)

5 PUBLISHING (Share your idea in written form)


15---Publipreneur-Based Language Learning (PBLL) for Advertising Business

Publishing is the process of production and dissemination of literature or information—the activity of making information available to the general public. In some cases, authors may be their own publishers, meaning: originators and developers of content also provide media to deliver and display the content. Traditionally, the term publishing refers to the distribution of printed works such as books (the "book trade") and newspapers. With the advent of digital information systems and the Internet, the scope of publishing has expanded to include electronic resources, such as the electronic versions of books and periodicals, as well as micropublishing, websites, blogs, video games and the like. Publishing includes the stages of the development, acquisition, copyediting, graphic design, production – printing (and its electronic equivalents), and marketing and distribution of newspapers, magazines, books, literary works, musical works, software and other works dealing with information, including the electronic media.

What were the two or three things you did very well to publish your idea?




Rank the language competencies (the most 1-2-3-4-5 the less)

Language Skills Before Learning After Learning

1 writing skills 2 reading skills 3 listening skills 4 speaking skills

Rank the technical skills (the most 1-2-3-4-5 the less) of language acquisition in publishing.

No Technical Skills Before Learning After Learning

01 Team working skills 02 Oral communication skills 03 Problem solving skills 04 Customer handling skills 05 Management skills 06 General IT User skills 07 Technical and practical skills 08 Office administration skills 09 Written communication skills 10 literacy skills

11 Numeracy skills 12


IT Professional skills Foreign language skills 14 Grappling with grammar skills 15 Note-taking skills

16 Negotiation skills

17 Speed Reading Skills (skimming, skipping, scanning)

6 MARKETING (Get your idea in to market)


16---Publipreneur-Based Language Learning (PBLL) for Advertising Business

Marketing is the process of communicating the value of a product or service to customers. Marketing might sometimes be interpreted as the art of selling products, but selling is only a small fraction of marketing. As the term “marketing” may replace

“advertising” it is the overall-strategy and function of promoting a product or service to the customer.

What were the two or three things you did very well to market your idea?




Rank the language competencies (the most 1-2-3-4-5 the less)

Language Skills Before Learning After Learning

1 writing skills 2 reading skills 3 listening skills 4 speaking skills

Rank the technical skills (the most 1-2-3-4-5 the less) of language acquisition in marketing.

No Technical Skills Before Learning After Learning

01 Team working skills 02 Oral communication skills 03 Problem solving skills 04 Customer handling skills 05 Management skills 06 General IT User skills 07 Technical and practical skills 08 Office administration skills 09 Written communication skills 10 literacy skills

11 Numeracy skills 12


IT Professional skills Foreign language skills 14 Grappling with grammar skills 15 Note-taking skills

16 Negotiation skills

17 Speed Reading Skills (skimming, skipping, scanning)

7. DELIVERING (Share your idea to publics).

Delivering is a report issued by a or group of learners with seven main step of learning, such as: prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, publishing, marketing, delivering. Here the learners can deliver their learning portfolios in two forms. First, online delivering of e-product (proposal, business letter, dummy) by putting them into students’

personal blog and link with lecturers’ www.granezhapubly.blogspot including the video share. The learning portfolios can be a book, leaflet, flier or brochure for personal or individual work, while the magazine, tabloid, or newspaper for a group work.

What were the two or three things you did very well to deliver your products?



17---Publipreneur-Based Language Learning (PBLL) for Advertising Business



Rank the language competencies (the most 1-2-3-4-5 the less)

Language Skills Before Learning After Learning

1 writing skills 2 reading skills 3 listening skills 4 speaking skills

Rank the technical skills (the most 1-2-3-4-5 the less) of language acquisition in delivering.

No Technical Skills Before Learning After Learning

01 Team working skills 02 Oral communication skills 03 Problem solving skills 04 Customer handling skills 05 Management skills 06 General IT User skills 07 Technical and practical skills 08 Office administration skills 09 Written communication skills 10 literacy skills

11 Numeracy skills 12


IT Professional skills Foreign language skills 14 Grappling with grammar skills 15 Note-taking skills

16 Negotiation skills

17 Speed Reading Skills (skimming, skipping, scanning)


18---Publipreneur-Based Language Learning (PBLL) for Advertising Business


19---Publipreneur-Based Language Learning (PBLL) for Advertising Business


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