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Submitted to the Board Examiners as a Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirement for the Degree of

Sarjana Pendidikan Islam

(S.Pd.I) in

English Teacher Training and Education Faculty

Directed By:


NIM 11311009







ميحرلا نحمرلا الله مسب

“In the name of Allah the Most Gracious and the most Merciful”

Hereby the writer fully declares that this graduating paper is made by the

writer and it is not containing materials written or has been published by other

people except the information from references and also the writer is capable of

accounting for this graduating paper if in future this is can be proven of containing others‟ ideas or in fact, the writer imitates the others‟ graduating


In addition, the writer really hopes that this declaration can be understood

for all human being.

Salatiga, August 25th 2015

The Researcher




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Website: www.stainsalatiga.ac.id email: administrasi@stainsalatiga.ac.id

Salatiga, August 23th 2015

Rr. Dewi Wahyu Mustikasari, M.Pd. The Lecturer of English Education Department State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga


Case: Nurul Kusuma Wardani‟s Graduating Paper


Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty

Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

After reading and correcting Nurul kusuma Wardani‟s graduating paper



IMPROVE STUDENTS’ WRITING SKILL (A CAR of the Eighth Grade Students of SMP Al-Uswah Semarang)”. I have decided and would like to propose that if it could be accepted by the Teacher Training and Education Faculty, I hope it would be examined as soon as possible.

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.








NIM: 113 11 009

has been brought to the board of examiners of English and Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty at State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga on August 29th 2015 and hereby considered to complete the requirements for the degree of Sarjana pendidikan Islam (S.Pd.I) in English and Education.

Board of examiners Head : Moh. Khusen, M. Ag., M. A.

Secretary : Rr. Dewi Wahyu Mustikasari, M. Pd. 1st Examiner : Mashlihatul Umami, S. Pd. I., M. A. 2nd Examiner : Setia Rini, M. Pd.

Salatiga, August 29th 2015

Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty


NIP. 19670121 199903 1 002


ااهاعۡس ُو هلَِّإ اًسۡفان ُ هللَّٱ ُفِّ لاكُي الَ


Allah does not impose upon any soul a duty but to the

extent of its ability



This graduating paper is whole intended dedicated for:

1. My beloved parents (Dady Sumaksono and Isnaini)



Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Alhamdulillahirabbil‟ alamin, thanks to Allah because the writer could

complete this research as one of the requirements for getting Educational Islamic

Studies (S.Pd.I) in the English Education Department of State Institute for

Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga in 2015.

Peace and solution always be given to our last prophet Muhammad SAW

who has guided us from the darkness to the brightness. However, this success

would not be achieved without support from individual, people and institution.

For all guidance, the researcher would like thanks to:

1. Dr. Rahmat Hariyadi, M.Pd, as the Rector of State Institute for Islamic

Studies (IAIN) Salatiga.

2. Suwardi, M.Pd., as the Dean of Teacher Training and Education

Faculty of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga.

3. Noor Malihah, Ph. D., as the Head of English Education Department of

State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga.

4. Rr. Dewi Wahyu Mustikasari, M.Pd., as the counselor who advice,

support, suggestion, direction and guidance from the beginning until


5. All of lecturers in English Education Department and all staffs who

helped me to process the thesis administration.

6. My beloved parents who always give support, trust, finance,

encouragement, and all of your prayers for me. You are the best

parents in this world. I love you.

7. My beloved brothers (Vendy and Bekti). Thank you for all of your

prayers and support. I love you.

8. My friends Dewi, Niken, Fadilah, Dyah, Dewi N, and Ambar. Thank

you for your help and support.

9. Mrs. Chabibah, the English teacher of SMP Al-Uswah Semarang,

thanks for your guidance and support.

10.The big family of SMP Al-Uswah Semarang, thanks for your attention

and support.

11.My friends in TBI who cannot mention one by one. Thanks for your


Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Salatiga, August 25th 2015

The Researcher

Nurul Kusuma Wardani



TITLE ... i












A. Background of the Study ...1

B. Problems of the Study ...4

C. Limitation of the Problems ...4


E. Benefits of the Study ...5

F. Definition of Key Terms ...6

G. Graduating Paper Organization ...8


A. Previous Studies ...9

B. Related Theories...10

1. Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC) ...10

a. Cooperative learning ...10

b. CIRC Method ...12

c. Advantages of Using CIRC ...14

d. Weaknesses of Using CIRC ...15

2. Picture ...15

a. Medium of Teaching ...15

b. Definition of Picture ...17

c. Advantages of Picture ...19

d. Disadvantages of Picture ...20

3. Writing ...21

a. Definition of Writing ...21

b. Purpose of Writing ...22

4. Simple Past Tense ...23

a. Simple Pattern Sentence ...23

b. Simple Past Tense ...25


A. Research Setting ...30

1. General Description of Location ...30

2. Research Schedule ...31

B. Research Methodology...32

1. Definition of CAR ...32

2. Characteristics of CAR ...33

3. Principles of CAR ...33

4. Procedures of CAR ...34

a. Cycle1 ...35

b. Cycle 2 ...37

C. Objects of Research...39

D. Techniques of Collecting Data ...39

1. Observation ...39

2. Interview and Questionnaire ...39

3. Test ...40

4. Documentation ...40

E. Role of the Research ...40

F. Analysis of Data ...41

1. Qualitative Data ...41

2. Quantitative Data ...41


A. Implementation of CIRC Method and Pictures ...44


2. Cycle 2 ...57

B. Description of Students‟ Writing Skill Improvement ...70

1. Test Analysis ...70

2. Observation Analysis ...73


A. Conclusion...75

B. Suggestions ...76




Table 2.1 Minimal Sentence ...25

Table 2.2 Basic Sentence ...25

Table 2.3 Statement of Simple Past Tense in Form of to be ...26

Table 2.4 Statement of Simple Past Tense in Form of Verb ...27

Table 3.1 Research Schedule ...31

Table 4.1 Result of Pre-Test and Post-Test Cycle1 ...53

Table 4.2 Result of Pre-Test and Post-Test Cycle 2 ...65

Table 4.3 Result of Pre-Test 1, Post-Test 1, Pre-Test 2 and Post-Test 2...70

Table 4.4 Students‟ Mean Score ...71





Wardani, Nurul Kusuma (2015): The Implementation of Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC) Method and Pictures to Improve Students‟ Writing Skill (A CAR of the Eighth Grade Students of SMP Al-Uswah Semarang).Consultant: Rr. Dewi Wahyu Mustikasari, M.Pd.

Keywords: Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC)Method, picture, and writing skill




A. Background of the Study

Learning language has four parts of skill. They consist of reading,

writing, listening, and speaking. All of these language skills have

relationship each other. If students only have mastering one of skill, they

may not do the assignment well. For example, to write the narrative text,

students must understand about the generic structures and language

features of it. While, to understand about them, students have to take the

reading comprehension previously. From this, they can write good

narrative text correctly.

In the teaching-learning process, the teachers are responsible for

executing the process. Teaching is one of the competences of teachers, and

they have to master it. To assist the four skills (reading, writing, listening, speaking), it needs teachers‟ proficiency to teach pedagogically. From that

students can understand and comprehend the material being taught.

However here are not just the teachers who participate in the process,

students also have participated in it.

In the 1975 curriculum, implementation of teaching-learning

process is still concern in teachers, where students are just listening to the

explanation from the teachers (teacher centering). Then, in the period of

approximately 19 years, the curriculum was renewed. In the 1994


(CBSA)", where students are expected to be active in the classroom

(students centering), for example asking question, share their idea, group

working, etc. For long time, students centering-based curriculum has some

alteration, there are 2004 curriculum (KBK), 2006/school based

curriculum (KTSP), and up to now, the 2013 curriculum which

implemented character education in the system of education in school.

Although, some schools have been back to the 2006/school based

curriculum (KTSP) in second semester, because The Minister of Education

stopped it. Therefore, between teachers and students have responsibility each other. Thus, in this context, it needs the teachers‟ creativity to teach

the language for students. That it will be useful to stimulate students to be

more active in the classroom.

The writer takes the data questionnaire for students and interviews

the English teacher to know what the problems are. It carries out when the

writer take the observation in this school. In writing lesson, students in the

eighth grade of SMP Al-Uswah often faced some problems. The problems

are the lack of mastering vocabularies, the lack of comprehending

structure, difficulty to find proper words, and difficulty to continue the

words were made. Some of these problems cause students cannot improve

their writing ability. Therefore to overcome these problems, teachers

should use their creativity to assist students in writing sentence or


Teachers can use many ways in language teaching, for example

using method of language teaching. By using it, the teaching-learning

process in the classroom is more comfortable and makes class enthusiasm. The methods are used should match with the students‟ necessary.

Cooperative learning is the most appropriate solution for students, because

from learn cooperatively they can help each other to comprehend the material easily from their friends‟ spoken. Many kinds of method of

language teaching that included in cooperative learning, one of them is

Cooperative Integrated Reading and composition (CIRC). This method is appropriate to improve students‟ writing skill. How students reached their

comprehension after reading and discussing then implemented into

compose a sentence or paragraph are the first points on this method. It

includes cooperative learning which concern in group working.

Typically, the involvements of friends rarely become the central activity, but in the CIRC program, students plan, revise, and edit their essays in closely collaboration with their teammates (Slavin, 2005: 204).

To support the implementation of the CIRC method, it also takes

other media. In this case the picture is suitable to assist students in writing

a sentence or text. Picture can provide an imagination or overview so

students can easily explore their ideas and implement it into a sentence or


Starting from this problem, the writer wants to research how the method and media are implemented can improve students‟ writing skill. In


Reading and Composition (CIRC) method typically used to students in 2-6

at elementary school. This time the writer tries to apply it in Indonesian

students (their mother tongue is Indonesian) at junior high school.

Therefore, the writer makes this research entitled “The Implementation

of Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC) Method

and Pictures to Improve Students’ Writing Skill (A CAR of the Eighth Grade Students of SMP Al-Uswah Semarang).”

B. Problems of the Study

In this research, the writer would like to focus on the following


1. How is the implementation of CIRC method and pictures improve students‟ writing skill of the eighth grade students of SMP Al-Uswah


2. How is the students‟ writing skill improvement after being taught using CIRC method and pictures of the eighth grade students of SMP

Al-Uswah Semarang?

C. Limitation of Problem

This research is concentrated on the implementation of

Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC) method and pictures to improve students‟ writing skill. The object of this research is

the eighth grade students of SMP Al-Uswah. The topic must be limited in

order to investigate and solve the problems more accurately, clearly and


students‟ writing sentence. The pattern of sentence is simple sentence on

simple past tense. The contribution of students‟ writing is on writing recount and narrative text. Therefore, this research especially would be

focused on how far students mastering writing skill to write simple past

tense using CIRC method and pictures.

D. Objectives of the Study

Based on the problems of the study above, objectives of the

research are as follow:

1. To describe the implementation of CIRC method and pictures to improve students‟ writing skill of the eighth grade students of SMP

Al-Uswah Semarang.

2. To describe the students‟ writing skill improvement after being taught using CIRC method and pictures of the eighth grade students of SMP

Al-Uswah Semarang.

E. Benefits of the Study

In this research, benefits of the study are:

1. Theoretical

This research may useful for other English teachers in teaching and

improving their creativity by using method of language teaching

(CIRC) and medium of language teaching (picture).


a. By using CIRC method and pictures, students‟ writing skill is more advanced than before use this method.

b. This research will help the writer herself to improve teaching

English, especially in writing.

F. Definition of Key Terms

This research is composed of four main terms which are essential

to be described. The writer wants to explain the meaning of the title

consideration briefly:

1. Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC) Method

CIRC is a comprehensive program for teaching reading and writing

in the upper elementary and middle grades (Stevens et al., 1987(David

et al., 2014: 116)). It can also implement in junior or senior high

school Indonesian students. Although the objects of this method are

different, but the basic activities of CIRC program are same. It is

clarified by Slavin:

The main objective of the developers of CIRC program to writing lesson and language arts is to design, implement, and evaluate the approach of writing process for teaching writing and language arts that will take advantage of the presence of many friends (students) of the class. (Slavin, 2005: 204).

It means that main objectives of CIRC program are on the reading

and writing. The activities are done by group, but its evaluation is

individually. The students will increase their reading or writing skill,

if their friends are present.


In most knowledge, picture is meant as a representation of

something. It can made by painting, drawing, engraving, or


The purpose of providing picture is to enhance and hone the visual perception of students. Without the "critical looking" and "educated seeing" that students develop when visuals are used to support their writing skill, then students' creative writing capabilities will be significantly impaired and retarded (Scrivener, 1994: 134).

Picture can increase students‟ writing skill, because it helps

students to tell about how the picture‟s condition easily. It also enhance the students‟ interesting.

3. Writing Skill

Writing can also, of course, be used as an integral part of a larger

activity where the focus is on something else such as language

practice, acting out, or speaking (Harmer, 2004: 33).

Writing is represent of ideas into composing words become

sentence, then sentence become paragraph. In this research, writing is

focused on write simple pattern sentence. The pattern of simple

sentence usually consists of subject, predicate, and object (optional).

G. Graduating Paper Organization

In this section, the writer discusses about some parts of graduating


the study, problems of the study, limitation of problem, objectives of the

study, benefits of the study, definition of key terms, and graduating paper

organization. Chapter II discusses about review of related literature, it

contains of previous studies and related theories. Chapter III is method of

research, consists of school and students profile, research methodology,

the role of this research, technique of collecting data, and analysis of data.

Chapter IV describes about research finding and discussion, consists of implementation of CIRC method and pictures and description of students‟

writing skill improvement. Chapter V is closure, it contains conclusions




A. Previous Studies

The researches which almost same with writer‟s research has ever been done by other researchers. First, the research entitled “Using an Analytical Rubric to Improve the Writing of EFL College Students” by

Hui-Chuan Liao and Lina Hsu, 2014, the students of National Kaohsiung

University of Applied Sciences, Taiwan. This research had purpose to improve students‟ writing skill trough analytical rubric which used as both the

writing guide and the scoring criteria. The object of this research was EFL

College students. It was a descriptive quantitative research which using

ANOVA to analyze the data and t-test in addition to descriptive statistic. Data

were collected using a self-reported questionnaire and pre-, mid-, and post-test

writing. Besides that, error feedback and writing comments from other

students are used to support collecting data. From that, students would be

motivated toward English writing so improved their writing performance.

The secondary was taken from journal of University of Macau,

China by Sylvia Sao Leng Ieong, 2003. The title was “Using Picture Dictation Exercises for Practising All Four Skills”. This research had purpose to make students mastering four skills; listening, speaking, reading, and writing using

picture dictation. The object of this research was pre-intermediate students of

China. It was a classroom action research. This research focused on choosing


dictation, which involves learners in all four skills of listening with attention,

fun and interest, speaking with confidence, reading with care and purpose and writing with accuracy. Data were collected from the result of students‟

assignment: drawing a picture (from listening), writing the story by their own

sentence, and retelling story (reading and speaking).

The differences between the writer‟s research paper and the other

researchers above were the writer‟s research focused on the implementation of CIRC method and pictures, while research from Hui-Chuan Liao and Lina

Beside that, the writer used method of language teaching to support the media

which is used.

B. Related Theories

1. Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition

a. Cooperative learning

Cooperative learning is a method of instruction that has students

working together in groups, usually with the goal of completing a

specific task. This method can help students develop leadership skills

and the ability to work with others as a team.


one another learnt academic content. In academic

friends. It overcomes the students who have less confidence. It is why

cooperative learning is important for students.

Support from Vygotsky's theory of constructivism has put the importance of cooperative learning model. Vygotsky's constructivism emphasizes that knowledge is built and constructed mutually, learners within the context of socio-histories.Involvement with others opens the opportunity for them to evaluate and improve comprehension. In this way, the experience in a social context provides an important mechanism for the development of students‟ thinking. (Suprijono, 2011: 55).

From Vygotsky‟s theory, it can conclude that cooperative

learning has many advantages for students, such as build and construct knowledge, evaluate and improve students‟ comprehension, and develop students‟ thinking. Students who learn cooperatively have

high responsibility than others, it means that they have to finished

their work, because each student in group certainly has responsibility.

Cooperative learning has several methods which often used by

teachers. There are five methods of Cooperative learning according to


1) Student Team Achievement Division 2) Team Game Tournament

3) Jigsaw II

4) Team Accelerated Instruction

5) Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition(Slavin, 2005:11)

Those methods often implemented on the teaching-learning

activity from elementary up to senior high school even in the college.

They emphasize on the grouping students in order to make students

learn cooperatively. From cooperation, students can share their idea as

a contribution of individual responsibility in group. For example,

STAD and JIGSAW II, although students take a group working, but

each member responsible to answer the assignment. Then, if their

group do their assignment well, teachers give reward for that winner


b. Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC) Method

CIRC is a comprehensive program for teaching reading and

writing in the upper elementary and middle grades (Slavin, 2005:16).

In CIRC, teacher use novels or basal readers. Students are assigned to

team composed of pairs of students from two or more different reading


The point of CIRC is instruction in reading comprehension,

integrated writing, and language arts using writing process approach.

Heterogeneous teams are composed of members of at least two

different reading groups who read to one another, practice spelling and


course or also write the main idea of the story if the topic is about

genre. As Slavin (2005: 18) Team members receive points based on

individual performance on quizzes and composition which are "added"

to produce a team score. Achievement criteria are specified; teams that

meet the criteria receive certificates.

Reward is needed when the students be able to do the assignment from teacher. It can influence students‟ learning

motivation. It is not just about what they attained, but also how to

engage students to be active in the classroom.

Related to that, the stages in this method can help students to

increase their brave and activeness during learning process. Learning

stages in the CIRC by Suprijono (2011: 130) are as follows:

1) Forming groups of four members in heterogeneous 2) Teacher giving a discourse/ clipping/ other tasks in

accordance with the topic of learning

3) Students work together to read each other, finding the main ideas or discussing the point/problem of task and give feedback on discourse/ clipping/ other tasks, and then write sentence or paragraph on paper. 4) Presenting/ read the results of the group 5) Teacherand students make conclusion together 6) Closing


All of these measures, the teacher may add to or modify, in accordance

creativity of each teacher.

c. Advantages of using CIRC

According to Suyitno (2005: 6), CIRC method has many

advantages for students and teacher, there are:

1) CIRC is ideal to enhance students' skills in problem solving to solve problems

2) The dominance of the teacher in the learning decreases 3) Students are motivated on the results carefully, because

working in groups

4) Students can understand the meaning of questions and check each job

5) Helping weak students

6) Improving learning outcomes especially in solving the problem in the form of problem-solving

7) Experience and learning activities students will always be relevant to the child's developmental level

8) All learning more meaningful for the students so that the learning outcomes of the students will be able to last longer.

From the explanation above, the writer can conclude that some

advantages of CIRC are students can solve the problem, help the weak students, increase students‟ activeness, and others. All those

advantages are gotten by students if they did the CIRC program

seriously and teacher be able to give direction for them.

d. Weaknesses of using CIRC

Each method of language teaching has disadvantage, likewise

CIRC. Suyitno (2005:6) add two weaknesses of CIRC:


2) It is difficult to set the class to be quiet so that the classes tend to

be crowded

If the teacher not to be able organize students, it can make

teaching-learning activity is not effectively, but weakness of CIRC is

not too influence teaching-learning process in the classroom. It

depends on creativity of teacher to carry the methods are used. That is

why they must have pedagogical skill as a teacher.

2. Picture

a. Medium of Teaching

The basis of the teaching - learning activity in the classroom is

making communication itself between teacher and students, they are

sharing opinion each other to increase ideas and knowledge. In the

communication process often creates a problem, so it can cause the

communication results are not efficient. One attempt to overcome that

is by using the medium of teaching, in this case the medium of

language teaching.

Association for Education and Communication Technology (AECT) define that medium is all forms which used for a process of information distribution. .... Medium is something that is channeling messages and can stimulate the mind, feel, and the willingness of the audience (students) so it can encourage the learning process of themselves (Usman and Asnawir, 2002:11).

From the explanation above, the writer can say that medium


willingness of the course. By using medium, it helps teachers to

develop their creativity to extend the material for students. Medium

also make circumstance of the classroom is not monoton. This caused students‟ interest is advance.

Rudi Bretz (1977) as quoted by Usman and Asnawir (2002:27)

classifies the main characteristic of the medium in the eight

classifications: audio-visual motion; audio-visual silence; audio-semi

motion; visual motion; visual silence; visual of audio-semi motion;

and print.

Students can receive the message through these medium if

teachers use it appropriate with the necessary and material. Therefore,

teachers must be able to choose a good and suitable media to teach

their students.

Along with the steady of these conceptions, functions of

medium are not only as model/assist tools, but as carriers of

information or message of teaching to students (Usman and Asnawir,


Dick and Carey as quoted by Usman and Asnawir (2002:126)

states that there are four criteria in the selection of medium:

1) The availability of local resources, it means that if the media is not found on the source, then it should be bought or made their own;


3) Factor is related on the flexibility, practicality, and durability of the medium which is used for long time, it means can used anywhere and anytime;

4) The effectiveness and cost for long time, even if it seems expensive but probably cheaper than any other medium that can only be used for disposal

However, teachers can ask to the students about the selection of

medium. By sharing information about this, students feel that they

involve on the lesson plan and programs of education. Besides, the medium is suitable for students‟ necessary.

b. Definition of Picture

Picture is one of media of language teaching which easily to get

it, cheap, helpful, and easily to understood. Usman and Asnawir

(2002:47) state that picture is the original form of reproduction

medium in two dimensions. It is an effective visual tool because it can

be visualized that will be described in more concrete and realistic.

Through picture, students comprehend the meaning easily

because it is like a real things. They also can predict the action of

object in the picture or may determine the message of picture directly.

All ESL writing teachers can find a valuable resource in picture:

drawings, photographs, posters, slides, cartoons, magazine

advertisements, diagrams, graphs, tables, charts, and maps (Raimes,

1983: 27). Pictures are needed also easily to looked for from the


Using picture as a topic for several writing classes not only to

develop a wide variety of tasks but also a sequence of task, gathering

more vocabulary, knowledge of idiom and sentence structure, and

organizational skills as they proceed (Raimes, 1983: 34). The picture

can be used as a guidance for students to discuss a cultural

phenomenon and their own experience related to the topic.

Usman and Asnawir (2002: 49-50) explained that choose a good

picture is required the following things:

1) The authenticity of picture, avoid using counterfeit picture.

2) Simplicity, especially in determining the color. Keep students interested in the picture used.

3) Forms of items, students receive the proper response of objects in picture.

4) The pictures are used let show the point is being discussed or being done.

5) Pay attention the value of photography. 6) The artistic aspect is also noteworthy.

7) The picture must be quite popular, it is known by students in part or in its whole.

8) The image should be dynamic, it showed a specific activity.

9) The image should carry a message that is suitable for teaching purposes are being discussed.

All manner to choose pictures above are very useful for

teachers. Teachers can use this media for students group or students

individual working. The selection of picture must be pay attention. Such determining the color, if its color too incisive, students‟

interesting is not arise. The important to select the picture is it must


c. Advantages of Picture

When using picture as media of language teaching, it has some

advantages, which are:

1) More concrete and realistic to raise the point, if compared with

verbal language.

2) It is beyond space and time.

3) To overcome the limitations of the eye.

4) Clarify the problem in any field, and can be used for everyone

regardless of age (Usman and Asnawir, 2002: 50).

Besides that, if teachers use the interesting picture may stimulate students‟ motivation to learn more about the topic or event being

present. It also can influence the students‟ comprehending the meaning or message of picture.

d. Disadvantages of Picture

However, picture has some disadvantages when it uses as media

of language teaching. Usman and Asnawir (2002: 50-51) decribe it,

that are:

1) Teachers‟ explanation may different with interpretations according to each student‟s knowledge.

2) The material which coveredis not complete enough, because

picturejust showing the eyes sensory perception.

3) Students who sit in the behind can not see the picture clearly


When the picture is shown to students, they may have different

imagination or interpretation automatically. To overcome this

problem, teacher should to explain clearly before giving the picture

for students. The other problem is when the picture is too small, it

makes students who sit in the behind cannot see it clearly. Teacher

should to make it bigger or reduplicate it.

3. Writing

a. Definition of Writing

In the language learning, students learn some of language skill.

There are four language skills: speaking, writing, listening, and

reading. Writing is one of language skill that should be given for

Junior High School. In this chapter, the writer tries to explain the

definition and purpose of writing.

Some definitions are given by linguists about writing. According

to Gelb (1952: 11), writing began at the time when man learned how

to communicate his thoughts and feelings by means of visible signs;

understandable not only to himself but also to all other persons more

or less initiated into the particular system.

It means that the person must be able to represent his thoughts


Other linguists, White as quoted by Nunan (1989: 36) said that:

Writing is not a natural activity. All physically and mentally normal people learn to speak a language. Yet all people have to be taught how to write. This is a crucial difference between the spoken and written forms of language. There are other important differences as well. Writing, unlike speech, is displaced in time. Indeed, this must be one reason why writing originally evolved since it makes possible the transmission of a message from one place to another.

From White‟s statement, the writer can said that there is crucial

difference between writing and speaking, it is about whether natural or

unnatural process of them. It makes students think that writing rather

difficult than speaking.

According to Prior as quoted by Hyland (2002: 31) observes:

actually writing is formed of tools (material and semiotic) and

populated with others (past, present, and future).Writing does not

stand alone as the discrete of a writer, but emerge as an influence of

many streams of activity: reading, talking, observing, acting, making,

thinking, and feeling as well as transcribing words on paper.

The notion of writing is people not write directly without

experience a long time process and through by various activities.

When people write, they have to know the time of event. Such it is

took place on the present, past, or future. Thus, the result of their

writing is good and interesting.


The purpose of writing, in principle, is the expression of ideas

the conveying of a message to the reader; so the ideas themselves

should arguably be seen as the most important aspect of the writing

(Penny Ur, 1996: 163). It means that purpose of writing is express writer‟s idea to carry the message for reader. Then it useful for reader

in the future.

Most of such writing activities result the real purpose tasks

(teacher can predict their students will probably need to perform at

some stage) versus invented purpose tasks (however engaging, are unlikely to be directly relevant to their students‟ future needs)

(Harmer, 2004: 39).

Teacher should to know what the students‟ needs when they got

an assignment to write sentences or paragraph. Then inform to

students, what the purpose of their writing. From it, certainly students

do the assignment disciplinary.

4. Simple Past Tense

a. Simple pattern sentence

The meaning of simple pattern sentence is described by some

linguists. This pattern is the basic of all sentences, before continue to

the compound then complex sentences.

Simple pattern sentence is also called independent clause,

consist of a subject and a verb, and it states the complete thougths


sentence is understood by involved subject and verb. Both have

importance wich related each other. From subject and verb, people

understand what happen at that time, and they respond it directly.

Bossone (1981: 4) said that ... you will have found the two basic

elements in all sentences: the subject and the verb. The subject will

name who or what is involved, and the verb will tell you what is

happening in the sentence.

Subject and verb are related each other. They support the

sentence by explained the meaning of a sentence. The subject refer to

who or what an agent of the sentence. While the verb explained the

action or event of the sentence.

In English, the structure of a basic sentence is relatively easy to

teach because English has rigid word order. Hinkel (2004: 65) states


The essential sentence elements and their position relative to one another are sometimes called slots, and in many sentences some slots can be empty (the verb is intransitive –does not require an object). However the verb slot is


In general, the breakdown of a sentence into ordered and

sequential slots is based on three fundamental principles. Hinkel

clarified that:

The first principle states that sentence units occur not in isolation, but in relationship to other sentence elements (Hinkel, 2004:

66). This is a table of a minimal sentence example:

Table 2.1 Minimal Sentence

The second principle, the contexts in which sentence elements occur determine the variation among them. The third principle of the unit organization in a sentence specifies that sentence elements are

organized according to a hierarchy based on their importance for a

sentence to be grammatical (Hinkel, 2004: 68). This is a table of the

basic sentence example:

Table 2.2 Basic Sentence

Sentence Slots

Adverb/ prepositional

phrase Subject noun Predicate verb Object noun


required) (Hinkel, 2004: 68)

b. Simple Past Tense

Simple past tense used to state the past event (Risdianto, 2010:

77). For example, Marry brought her English book.

According to Quirk et al., as quoted by Hinkel (2004: 148) verb

used in the past tense refer to actions, events, or states that took place

or existed in the past and no longer continue in the present.

It means that verb in past tense (verb2) refer to specific

past-time activities and it is not happen again in the future. The pattern of

simple past tense form of to beis in the table below:

Table 2.3 Statement of Simple Past Tense in Form of to be

Positive Statements Negative Statements Interrogative Statements

I was I wasn‟t Was I?

They were They weren‟t Were they?

(Risdianto, 2010: 79)

The past form of verbs are regular verbs, take the marker –d or

ed and irregular verbs. Complete lists can found in practically every


Irregular verbs can not recognized from markers, but it can

memorized or understood by accustom in using it. The pattern of

simple past tense form of verb is in the table below:

Table 2.4 Statement of Simple Past Tense in Form of Verb

Verb Invinitive Positive Statement

From the table 2.3 and 2.4, the writer summarize that:

Simple past tense form of to be (see table 2.3):

(+) I/He/She/It + was + noun/adj

They/We/You + were + noun/adj

(-) I/He/She/It + was not + noun/adj

They/We/You + were not + noun/adj


Were + They/We/You + noun/adj

For example: (+) You were beautiful

(-) You were not beautiful

(?) Were you beautiful?

Simple past tense form of verb (see table 2.4):

(+) I/He/She/It/They/We/You + verb 2 + object/complement

(-) I/He/She/It/They/We/You + did not + verb 1 + object/complement

(?) Did + I/He/She/It/They/We/You + verb 1 + object/complement

For example: (+) The students learnt about tenses

(-) The students did not learn about tenses

(?) Did the students learn about tenses?

The consistent usage of a tense in a context framed by adverbial

phrases or other types of time switch markers is important to establish

textual cohesion in the flow of discourse and information (Hinkel,

2004: 149). In the using of simple past tense, it can adding adverb or

types of time to emphasize that the event of sentence was happen on

the past.

The switch time can take many forms, such as adverbs and


today‟s society/in the early days) as well adjectives (e.g., new/old,

recent/past, current/previous/early) or even other verbs with a

different tense (Hinkel, 2004: 150).

Based on the statement, the writer can say that sometimes,

simple past tense also need an adverbial of time, such as the following





A. Research Setting

1. General Description of Location

The research was held in SMP Al – Uswah Semarang. The basic

of this school is islamic which is one location with Islamic Boarding

School. The school is under of foundation, namely Al-Uswah Islamic

Boarding School Foundation.It is located in the rural area of Semarang

Municipality, at Mr. Koesbiono Tjondro Wibowo Street, Pakintelan.

This school is in Gunungpati Sub district and it is about 8 km

southward of UNNES. This school was established and started to

operate (teaching-learning activity) in academic year of 2000/2001. It

was built on a land area of 10.630 m2 with a building area of 8000 m2.

SMP-Al-Uswah has some visions and missions. The visions are “Sturdy in Faith and Piety” and “Progress on Knowledge and Technology Science”. Whereas, the missions are: develop students‟ competence and teachers‟ professionalism, optimize the teaching learning process to increase students‟ academic/nonacademic achievement, and others. It also has purpose to: form students‟ bahaviour become “Akhlaqul Kharimah”, develop the learning

instruments which appropriate with local or national necessary, and


The school has three classrooms consist of first grade, second

greade, and third grade. The other rooms are library, computer

laboratory, science laboratory, and teacher room. Whereas counseling,

UKS, and OSIS room still become one area. This school has 23 staffs,

consist of 20 teachers and 3 clericalists. In academic year 2014/2015

this school has 67 students (see appendix 1).

2. Research Schedule

There is the sequences of research are done by researcher, it can

see on the table below:

Table 3.1 Research Schedule

No Activities Time

1 Preparing the research proposal January, 7th 2015

2 Propose to the Headmaster of SMP Al-Uswah‟s

permission to take the research in there January, 13



3 Observe the teaching-learning process between English

teacher and eighth grade students January, 19



4 Interview to the English teacher and take data

questionnare for eight grade students January, 19



5 Cycle 1 implementation January, 26th 2015

6 Cycle 2 implementation February, 3th 2015

7 Data analysis August 2015

8 Concluding the research August 2015


In this research methodology, the writer uses Classroom Action

Research (CAR).

1. Definition of CAR

Some definition about CAR is described by linguists. They are:

a. According to Stephen Kemmis as quoted by Hopkins (1993:

44), Classroom Action Research is a form of self-reflective

enquiry undertaken by participants in social (including

educational) situations in order to improve the rationality

and justice of (a) their own social or educational practices,

(b) their understanding of these practices, and (c) the

situations in which the practices are carried out.

b. Whereas, Dave Ebbut as quoted by Hopkins (1993: 45)

states that CAR is about the systematic study of attemps to

improve educational practice by groups of participants by

means of their own reflection upon the effects of those


c. The third is from John Elliot as quoted by Hopkins (1993: 45), CAR might be define as „the study of social situation

with a view to improving the quality of action within it.

d. The last come from Suhardjono (2006: 58), define that CAR

is action research that carried out with purpose to repair the


From the definitions above, the writer can conclude that CAR is

educational research that undertaken by teacher (researcher) in order

to improve quality of learning, social practice, and other aspect of

education in the class.

Through CAR, the writer can know students‟ ability: what they

are needed, how far they understand about the material, and what the

way of their study. In Classroom Action Research, the writer

focuses attention on a problem or question about classroom.

2. Characteristics of CAR

There are two main characteristics of CAR, those are: first, the problem will be carried is the teacher‟s problem which is faced in the

classroom. Second, there is certain action to repair the process of

teaching-learning in the classroom (Supardi, 2006: 108-109).

Those characteristics will support the success of CAR, that is

improve the quality of learning. If the teacher (researcher) does not know what are the students‟ problems in the class, automatically there is no certain action which aprropriate with students‟ needs, so

objectives of CAR will not attained.

3. Principles of CAR

Hopkins (1993: 57) suggest the following six principles for CAR:

a. The teachers‟ primary job is to teach, and any research method should not interfere with or disrupt the teaching commitment.


c. The methodology employed must be reliable enough to allow teachers to formulate hypotheses confidently and develop startegies applicable to their classroom situation.

d. The research problem undertaken by teachers should be one to which the are committed.

e. Teacher-researchers to pay close attention to the ethical procedures surrounding their work.

f. As far as possible classroom research should adopt a „classroom exceeding‟ perspective.

By comprehend those principles above, CAR researchers are

expected to be able overcome the problems occur in the class and

help students to develop their progress during learning activity. The

problems of those usually are the lack of students‟ spirit to follow the process of CAR, teachers‟ unconvident during undertaken the

CAR, and others.

4. Procedures of CAR

The writer carried out the research for two cycles. They called

cycle 1 and cycle 2. Cycle 1 was held on January 26, 2015. Whereas

Cycle 2 was held on February 3, 2015. This is a figure of CAR



a. Cycle 1

1) Planning

The writer would organize some preparations to start the

action (the teaching-learning process using CIRC method and

picture), such as :

a) Interview to their English teacher.

b) Observe the school especially class to know how to teach

the eighth grade students and how much the capability of


c) Give data questionniare for the eighth grade students.

d) Adjust and determine the material will be teach based on

the syllaby from the English teacher, it is simple past

tense (positive statement).

e) Make cycle 1 lesson plan with English teacher guidance.

f) Prepare teaching instrument.

2) Action

The action was realization of language teaching using

CIRC method and picture in writing skill. The

teaching-learning process is divided into some sections based on the

lesson plan:

a) Give pre-test 1 for students.

b) Explain the material using CIRC method and picture.


d) Give the group assignment for students.

e) Give the opportunity for students to present their


f) Give post-test 1 for students.

3) Observation

The writer invited an observer to observe activities of

teacher and students, it was wrote in observation sheet that

explain about steps of teaching-learning activity which

suitable of the lesson plan, the inhibit factors, support factors, and the solution. It also explain the students‟ responses to the

teacher or the opposite. The lists of observation sheet of the

activity in the class (see appendix 2), include:

a) Give greeting for students before start the lesson.

b) Pray together before start the lesson.

c) Check the students‟ attendance.

d) Apperception.

e) Inform the learning objectives.

f) Explain about simple past tense on positive statement.

g) Use CIRC method and picture to teach simple past tense.

h) Ask students to present their assignment

i) Give reinforcement for students.

j) Make conclusion together.


In reflecting, the writer reflect on, evaluate, and describe

the effects of the action. The action of cycle1 was reviewed by

writer, observer, and the English teacher. This described about

problems and real issue in action. It also seeks to memorize

sense of process Moreover, the purpose of reflection is to

understand the issue which have explored more clearly and

decide to do further cycles of action research in order to

improve the situation.

Students minimum score (KKM) was 70. It means that students passed the test when students‟ score was 70 or above.

The writer expected that 85% students could pass the test in

the cycle 1. When the number of students who pass the KKM

was below from 85%. Writer would take the cycle 2 in order

to reach 85% students who passed the KKM.

b. Cycle 2

1) Planning

The writer would take planning of Cycle 2 as some steps


a) Reselect the material by disscussing with the English


b) Choose simple past tense on positive, negative, and


c) Make lesson plan of cycle 2 and prepare teaching


2) Action

The action of cycle 2 is almost similar with cycle 1, the

activities are:

a) Give pre-test 2 for students.

b) Explain about simple past tense on positive, negative, and

interrogative statement.

c) Give post-test 2 for students.

3) Observation

The writer invited an observer again to observe activities

of teacher and students, it is wrote in observation sheet. The

lists were similar with cycle 1.

4) Reflection

The writer evaluated the students writing skill

improvement. After teach, the writer make a consultation

with English teacher. English teacher gave suggestion and

advised for the future teaching performance. Besides, the

writer asked about the students writing progress according to

the English teacher. When the English teacher felt that the writer‟s research was not enough, the writer would to conduct


achieve, the result of cycle 2 was below than 85%, the writer

would to conduct cycle 3.

C. Objects of research

The research objects in this study werethe eighth grade students of

SMP Al-Uswah in academic year 2014/2015. They were in the second

semester of the year. The numbers of students were 28 students. They

studied English four times a week in class lasting 40 minutes in each


D. Techniques of Collecting Data

In collecting data, it was conduted trough several steps:

1. Observation

The writer got the headmaster‟s permission to collect data by doing observation in the school, it was January 13, 2015. After the

permission was given, the writer met the English teacher to make

appointment to do the observation. Then, the writer observed the

teaching-learning activity in the classroom to know how to teach the

eighth grade students and how much the capability of students.

2. Interview and Questionnaire

The writer interviewed the eighth grade‟s English teacher at January 19, 2015. Beside that,the writer also gave data questionnaire

for students. Interview and questionare had function to know the


grade students) and students (when students learn English in the

classroom) (see appendix 3).

During took an interview with teacher, the writer asked all about

eighth grade. Such as how much the “KKM”, what was the syllabus, and what the material was given. Then the writer checked off it with

the material which used in the research. Between writer and teacher,

they agreed that the material which used was “Simple Past Tense”, it included in Recount and Narrative point.

3. Test

The writer used pre-test and post test. Pre-test gave for students

before the lesson (implementation of CIRC and picture) was begin.

Whereas post-test gave for students after the teaching-learning

activity. Those were, pre-test and post-test, used to know the differencess of students‟s comprehension in writing simple past tense

between before and after the teaching-learning activity (see appendix


4. Documentation

The writer took documentary during research, to add data

collection. The documents were profile of school, list of eighth grade students‟ name (see appendix 5), syllabus (see appendix 6), printed

material (see appendix 7), pre- and post-test answer sheet (see appendix 8), the students‟ score (see appendix 9),and photos (see


E. Role of the Research

In this research, the writer as a teacher. It was agreed by the

English teacher and the headmaster. To observe the process of learning

(research), the writer invited an observer of research. The observer of

research was one of student at IAIN Salatiga, named Nurul fadilah. She

was in English Education Department 2011th.

F. Analysis of Data

To find out the effectiveness of the implementation of CIRC method and picture to improve students‟ writing skill. The writer analyze

the data using qualitative and quantitative research.

1. Qualitative Data

The qualitative data of this research consists of interview, data

questionnare, and documentation. Those are used to analyze data by

descriptive technique.

2. Quantitative Data

The quantitative data of this research are the result of pre- and

post-test from Cycle 1 and 2. Those were analyzed by statistical


a. Mean calculation

Mean is the technique to calculate the average of the students‟ score. The formula is:




M : Mean

Fx : The sum of student‟s score

N : The total number of students

b. Deviation Standard (SD) Calculation

As Hartono (2004: 167), the formula used to calculate SD is as


SD =




SD : Deviation Standard for one sample t-test

D : Different between pre-test and post-test

N : The total number of students

c. T-test Calculation

After calculate the SD, the writer will calculate t-test with

= 0,05 which the t-table = 2,76. As Hartono (2004: 167), the formula of t-test as follow:

to =

( ) ( )


to : T-test for the differencess of pre-test and post-test

SD : Deviation Standard for one sample t-test

D : Different between pre-test and post-test


d. Percentage Calculation

The percentage calculation shows the class percentage of

students who pass the KKM. The formula is:

P = x 100%


P= percentage of students who pass the KKM

F= number of students who pass the KKM




In this chapter, the writer explaine about the implementation of research and description of students‟ writing skill improvement . These answer the

problems of this research.

A. Implementation of CIRC Method and Pictures

In this implementation of research, the writer devide it into to

cycles. They called Cycle 1 and Cycle 2. Each cycle consisted of planning,

acting, observing, and reflecting.

1. Cycle 1

a. Planning

In this activity, the writer planned some activities:

1) Prepared the material of teaching that was simple past tense

in positive statement.

2) Prepared the lesson plan as a guidance in teaching-learning

activity (see appendix 10).

3) Prepared the students‟ list attendance.

4) Prepared the teaching instrument, it was pictures and example

of simple past cards.

5) Prepared pre- and post-test for students.

6) Prepared the observation sheet.


The writer did the research on Monday, January 26th 2015

at 07.05. It was in the class of VIII which consists of 26 students

because 2 students were not present. The condition of class was

quiet when the English teacher, the writer, and the observer came

to the class. Then the English teacher gave greeting for the

students and introduced writer and observer. Furthermore the

writer just introduced the observer, because last week, when the

writer observed the learning-teaching activity in the class, she was

introduced herself. Before started the lesson, the writer gave

pre-test for students. After it, the writer explained simple past tense.

The situation was follow:

Mrs. Chabibah : “Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb

Students : “Wa’alaikumussalam Wr. Wb

Mrs. Chabibah : “Good afternoon students. How are you today?”

Students : “Good afternoon mom, I‟m fine, thank you and you?”

Mrs. Chabibah : “I‟m fine too, thank you. Let‟s we start the lesson today by reciting basmallah together

Students : “Bismillahirrahmanirrohiim”


Salatiga. Have you remember with mbak


Students : “Yes mom, I masih ingat.

(“Yes mom, I still remembered)

Mrs. Cabibah : “Kalau yang mbak satunya? Tahu tidak?

(“If the other girl?Have you know?”)

Students : “Tidak tahu bu.”

(“We don‟t know mom.”)

Mrs. Chabibah : “Nah, nanti mbak Nurul akan

memperkenalkan temannya dan mereka

akan melakukan apa, biar mbak-mbak saja yang


(“Later Ms. Nurul will introduce her friend

and what will they do, they will explain it for you.”)

Students : “Ok mom”

Mrs. Chabibah : “Ok, Ms. Nurul and Ms. Fadilah, time is yours”

Writer : “Good morning class”

Students : “Good morning miss”

Writer : “Once more, you have less of spirit. Good morning class”


Writer :”Wow, that sounds morning spirit. It still in the morning, so you must answer my greeting

with your power.”

Students : “Miss, jangan pakai bahasa Inggris to,

tidak mudeng miss.

(“Miss, don‟t use English. We don‟t understand.”)

Writer : “Ok, I will use English and Bahasa.” Students : “Temannya namanya siapa miss?”

(“Miss, what is your friend‟s name?”)

Writer : “O ya, ini teman saya, yang akan

membantu mengamati kegiatan

belajar-mengajar kita selama penelitian,

namanya Ms.Fadilah . Kami dari IAIN

Salatiga akan melakukan penelitian untuk

skripsi. Maka dari itu, kami mohon

bantuan dari adik-adik kelas VIII agar

penelitiannya berjalan lancar.”

(“She is my friend who help me to observe

teaching-learning activity during the

research is going on, her name is Ms.

Fadilah. We come from IAIN Salatiga and


paper. Furthermore, we hope all of you can help us in order to do the research.”)

Students : “Jadi, di sini menjadi bu gurunya kita miss?”

(Thus, here you are to be our teacher miss?)

Writer : “ Yes, absolutely, but just during research. Ok, before we started the lesson, let me check

your attendance first.” Then the writer check students‟ attendance.

Writer : “Ok class, still remember the last material?”

Students : “Yes miss, it is about simple past.”

Writer : “Good! Do you know what is it?

Students : “Yes miss, We know”

Writer : “Would you like to explain what is simple

past tense?”

Students : “Kalimat yang menyatakan kejadian yang sudah lampau miss.

(Simple past tence is the sentence that

described the past event miss)


Students :“Saya coba ya miss, I ate fried rice yesterday”

(“I will try miss, I ate fried rice


Writer :“Yes, it is correct. I ate fried rice yesterday,

adalah contoh dari kalimat simple past,

yang menyatakan bahwa ia sudah makan

kemarin, dan tidak terulang lagi hari ini

maupun di waktu selanjutnya.”

(Yes, it is correct. I ate fried rice yesterday,

is the example of simple past tense which

explain that she ate yesterday and no

repeated this time or next time.)

“Ok class, i give you an assignment, this is a

pre-test. It consists of five questions, please

do it by yourself.

Students : “Sulit-sulit gak miss solnya?

(“Miss, are those questions difficult?)

Writer : “No, those are easy questions for you” Then students did the assignment until the time is up.

Writer : “Ok class, the time is up, please submitted your work . Next, attention please...., now I


Table 2.1 Minimal Sentence
Table 2.3 Statement of Simple Past Tense in Form of to be
Table 2.4 Statement of Simple Past Tense in Form of Verb
Table 3.1 Research Schedule


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