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Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a Partial Fulfillment of Requirements for The Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd) in English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) of Salatiga


Academic year: 2019

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An Experimental Study of The Eighth Grade Students of MTs Yaspi

Pakis in The

Academic Year of 2017/2018)”


Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a Partial Fulfillment of Requirements for The Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd) in English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN)

of Salatiga










In the name of Allah the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful.

Hereby, the writer declares that this graduating paper is originally made by the writer

herself. It is not plagiarism nor made by others. The thing related to other people’s work are

written in quotation and included in the bibliography.

This declaration is made by the writer to be understood.

Salatiga, September 18th2017

The Writer





The writer dedicated this graduating paper to:

1. State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN ) Salatiga, especially for English Education

Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty.

2. Edi Mancoro Islamic Boarding House.

3. My beloved father and mother, Bapak Sumadi and Ibu Rubet who always love and

support me.

4. My beloved brother and sister, Mas Aminuddin and Mbak Nita Erawati. Thank for your

motivation, love and kindness.

5. My beloved close friend Isti wulan Khosidah and Siti Muzaiyanah who always give

support, motivation for me, and always by my side anytime I need.

6. My friends all members of TBI 2013, especially for class TBI E 2013 thanks for your


7. Kulliyatud Dirosah al Islamiyyah Wal Ijtima’iyyah (KDII) Edi Mancoro Boarding


8. My roommates of third room of Edi Mancoro Islamic Boarding House; Ismawati, Dewi





Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Alhamdulillahirobbil ‘alamin, all praise to Allah due to his protection, power and mercy

which are given to the writer, so she could complete her graduating paper entitled; The

Effectiveness Between Sequence Picture Technique and Lecturing to Teach Writing Skill of

Recount Text. (An Experimental Study of Eighth Grade Students of MTs Yaspi Pakis in The

Academic Year of 2017/2018). Secondly, Thanks a lot my prophet Muhammad SAW for his

guidance that leads the writer to the truth.

The writer would like to express her deepest gratitude and apreciation to:

1. Drs. Rahmat Hariyadi, M.Ag, the Rectorat of State Islamic Studies Institute (IAIN)


2. Mr. Suwardi, M.Pd as the Dean of Teacher Training and Education of State Institute

for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga.

3. Mrs. Noor Malihah, M.Hum.,Ph.D.,as the Head of English Education Department,

thanks for your guidance.

4. Mr. Ruwandi M.A., as the writer’s a counselor. Thanks for your advice, suggestion



5. All lecturers and staff of IAIN (Salatiga), the writer deeply thanks to you all for

your advice, knowledge, and kindness.

6. Almaghfurlah Mr.Mahfud Ridwan Lc and Mrs. Nafisah as the leader of Edi

Mancoro Islamic Boarding House (PPEM).

7. Muhammad Hanif M.Hum. as the counselor of Edi Mancoro Islamic Boarding


8. My parents and my big family who always support and advice me.

9. All of my friends in Edi Mancoro Islamic Boarding House (PPEM).

10.The Head master, teachers, staff and students of MTs Yaspi Pakis, especially for the

eight grade students in the academic year of 2017/2018.

Finally, this graduating paper is expected to be able to provide useful knowledge

and information to the readers.

Wassalamu’alaikum. Wr. Wb.

Salatiga, September 28th 2017

The writer



SAWITRI, 2017. The Effectiveness of Sequence Picture Technique and Lecturing to Teach Writing Skills of Recount Text (An Experimental Study of the Eighth Grade Students of MTs Yaspi Pakis in the Academic Year of 2017/2018). Graduating paper. English Department Teacher Training and Education Faculty.State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) of Salatiga. Consultant: Ruwandi, M.A.

Key Words : Sequence Picture, Lecturing and To Teach Writing Skills of Recount Text. The aims of this study are1)To find out the the profile of the students’ writing before using sequence picture technique and lecturing, 2)To find out the profile of the students’ writing after using sequence picture technique and lecturing, 3) To find out the effectiveness between sequence picture technique and lecturing to teach writing skills of recount text of the eighth grade students of MTs Yaspi Pakis in the A




Do Your Best at Any Moment that You






TITLE ... i




MOTTO ... v







CHAPTER I Introduction ... 1

A.Background of the Study ... 1


xi C.Objective of the Study

D.Benefit of Study ... 6

E. Limitation of the Study ... 7

F. Definition of Key Term ... 7

G.Paper Outline ... 8


A. Review of Related Study ... 10

B. Writing ... 11

1. Definition of Writing ... 13

2. Aspect of Writing ... 13

3. Purpose of Writing ... 16

4. Writing Strategies ... 19

C. Picture ... 23

1. Definition of Picture ... 23

2. Characteristic of the Picture ... 23

3. Kind of Picture ... 24

4. Role of Picture ... 25



6. Disadvantages of Picture ... 27

7. Picture Sequence ... 27

D. Lecturing ... 27

1. Definition of Lecturing ... 27

2. The Skill of Lecturing ... 30

3. Advantages and Disadvantages of Lecturing ... 30

4. The Purpose of Lecturing ... 30

E. Recount Text ... 31

1. Definition of Recoun Text ... 31

2. Generic Structure of Recount Text ... 31

3. Language Feature of Recount Text ... 32

F. Evaluation Rubric ... 32

G. Evaluation Criteria ... 37

H. The Minimum Completeness Criteria (KKM) ... 38

I. Conceptual Framework ... 40

J. Research Hypothesis ... 41

CHAPTER III Research Report ... 43

A. Setting of Research ... 43



2. Vissions and Missions of MTs Yaspi pakis ... 44

3. Observation Check List ... 45

B. Research Method and Design ... 45

C. The benefit of Experimental Research ... 47

D. Population and Sample ... 47

E. Technique of Collecting Data ... 52

F. Research Instrument ... 53

G. Technique of Analyzing Data ... 54

H. Statistical Hypothesis ... 55

CHAPTER IV Data Analysis ... 56

A. Data Presentation ... 56

1. The score of pre-test ... 56

2. The score of post-test ... 58

B. Data Analysis ... 60

1. The calculation of pre-test score ... 60

2. The calculation of post-test score ... 66

C. Discussion ... 72



A. Conclusion ... 74

B. Suggestion ... 75





TABLE 2.1 The List Kind of Picture ... 24

TABLE 2.2 Rubric Assessment of Writing Test (Content) ... 33

TABLE 2.3 Rubric Assessment of Writing Test (Organization)... 33

TABLE 2.4 Rubric Assessment of Writing Test (Vocabulary) ... 34

TABLE 2.5 Rubric Assessment of Writing Test (Language use) ... 35

TABLE 2.6 Rubric Assessment of Writing Test (Mechanic)... 36

TABLE 2.7 The Specification of Test ... 37

TABLE 2.8 Evaluation Criteria ... 37

TABLE 3.1 Observation Check List ... 45

TABLE 3.2 Technique of Sampling ... 49

TABLE 4.1 The score pre-test of experiment group ... 56

TABLE 4.2 The score pre-test of control group ... 57



TABLE 4.4 The score of post-test of control group ... 60

TABLE 4.5 The calculation of experiment group (pre-test) ... 62

TABLE 4.6 The calculation of control group (pre-test) ... 62

TABLE 4.7 The calculation of experiment group (post-test) ... 67







A. Background of the Study

Language is something to express our opinion, emotion, desires whether

in speaking or writing. Language has very important role in social relationship

among human being. It is a media of communication that can help people to

interact, converse, and to share with other people in the world. Language has

important role in our life, especially use English language. English is the important

language in the world, because English as an International Language. However,

English used to communicate with the people in other country. It is the reason

why many people want to study about English.

English has goals. It is popular all over the world including Indonesian

country. English has a compulsory subject in school that covers four skills namely:

listening, reading, speaking and writing. The English teaching should be focused

on the student’s ability to communicate well, through spoken and written.

Writing is one of the important skill in English subject beside speaking,

reading, and listening. Writing is an activity to create a note or some information

about something in our mind. Some people in the world make their note on media

using letter. Writing also defined as process of expressing ideas or thoughts in



have the ideas and the mean to achieve it. As one of the fours language skills,

writing has always occupational or academic purpose.

In addition, Heaton (1975:135) claims that writing is one of the language

skills have to be taught and trained continuously because it is more complex and

difficult to learn. Writing process, it does not only concern about grammar,

schematic structure and language feature, but writing also the concept and opinion.

In fact students may be able to speak fluently and their utterances can be

understood by interlocutors. It does not always mean that they will be able to

express it in the same way when they write it. Besides, written communication

becomes one of competences of English language teaching in Indonesian country.

Besides students must comprehend and understand the writing procedure

which one good and true. Student cannot do anything told way when they wrote,

but any procedures and rules, which must be applied when they made a sentence.

It is not enough with one procedure, but many kinds of the pattern that use. For

examples: When I told the last story, I used past tense. When the writer doing

something now and in process of something it, she used present continuous, and

when the writer do something and the same time so she used present tense, etc.

In fact, many students in junior high school still difficult to write. They are

very rare to write and most of them feel that writing is very difficult, because of it



words. In addition, they have to practice the other skill like speaking, listening or

reading to practicing writing.

Actually, some students at the eighth grade of MTs Yaspi Pakis still

confuse to write. Some of them are less successful in writing and they cannot write

properly. So, from this case we should be make the students on the eighth grade of

MTs Yaspi Pakis more interesting in writing.

The teachers’ motivation also needed by the students when they are learn.

Especially in study writing. Some of student feel shy when they asked to write in

the paper or book. From this case the teacher should be active to guided the

students in the class.

According to Davison (2000:27-28), quoted by Setiasih (2015:4), Writing

potencies is known and appreciate as a process activelly in our life. Therefore,

written text or paper is made not only as remembering tools, found ideas, make a

sentences and improving ideas or information, but writing also should be

interesting activity.

Writing in Junior High School is activity which need some way to do it,

because they are English learner as foreign language (EFL) and their skill in

writing is low. However, it is same with learner in first language or mother



Because writing is difficult to the student in Junior High School, therefore

teacher also has other interesting technique in teaching to give the students

motivation in study writing. Those technique in the form of technique of learning

that customized with student needs.

In this research, the writer would compare about two technique in teaching

learning especially in study writing. It has purposes to know about the difference

between two technique, when those technique used to the students in junior high

school especially to master writing in recount text. However there are picture

sequence and lecturing.

Picture sequence is one of techniques in English teaching learning

especially to improve their writing ability, so with the interesting technique the

students are not feel boring and keep have fun. The writer use the technique in

English teaching to support the student in study writing. They also need interesting

technique in study language to make their study more interesting.

Based on the explanation above, it is necessary to create a tecnique that can

involved both the teacher and students to participate in learning activities.

Teachers must to create technique in teaching language to make student more

partisipant in learning process. Technique in teaching also can be used in order to

help the students in gathering and developing their ideas in writing. It can also

make the students more involved in learning process that leads understanding. So,



motivated. So, from the case above, the research inspired to apply “ THE



eighth grade students of MTs Yaspi Pakis, Kab.Magelang in the academic year of


B. Statement of the Problem

Problem that will be discussed in this study are stated as follow:

1. How far is the profile of students’ writing skills before using sequence picture

technique and lecturing of the eighth grade students of MTs Yaspi Pakis in the

academic year of 2017/2018 ?

2. How far is the profile of students’ writing skills after using sequence picture

technique and lecturing of the eighth grade students of MTs Yaspi Pakis in the

academic year of 2017/2018 ?

3. How far is the effectiveness of sequence picture technique and lecturing to teach

writing skills of recount text of the eight grade students of MTs Yaspi Pakis in

the academic year of 2017/2018?

C. Objective of the Study

The objectives of study stated as follows:

1. To find out the profile of students’ writing skills of recount text before using sequence picture technique and lecturing of eight grade of MTs Yaspi Pakis in



2. To find out the profile of students’ writing skills of recount text after using sequence picture technique and lecturing of the eight grade students of MTs

Yaspi Pakis in the academic year of 2017/2018.

3. To find out the effectiveness of sequence picture technique and lecturing to teach writing skills of recount text of the eighth grade students of MTs Yaspi

Pakis in the academic year of 2017/2018.

D. Benefit of the Study

By the graduating paper, the writer expects that this research would give

several benefit, theoretically,practically and methodologically:

1. Theoretical Benefits

To produce a new knowledge in teaching foreign language, like English,

especially on writing skill by using technique in teaching English learning.

2. Practical benefits

a. For student

1) It can improve the students’ writing skill.

2) The student can learn English writing in interesting way.

b. For teacher

To improve their teaching competencies and teaching style especially in


7 3. Methodologically

The result from this study can be used to evaluate and reflect the way of

teaching writing in the institution. It should motivate teacher to change the

technique used for teaching writing.

E. Limitation of the Study

The writer would limit the effectiveness of using sequence picture technique

and lecturing to teach writing skills of recount text of the eighth grade students of

MTs Yaspi Pakis in the academic year of 2017/2018. This studies especially on

how the student of MTs Yaspi Pakis focus on writing skill and technique that used.

F. Definition of Key terms 1. Picture Sequence

Picture sequence is cartoon strip and instruction strips of picture are

potentially useful while the strip can be used to stimulate and guide writing for

the students (wright: 1989).

2. Lecturing

lecturing is a technique of imparting knowledge in the special way while

can be learned and improved upon (George and Madeleine :1987 that taken by


8 3. To teach writing skill of recount text

Writer can benefit from teachers who simply support and give them time

to write (NCTE: 2006) is quoted by Setiasih. Besides, recount text defines as

text tell experience in the past event (Ningrum: 2013). To teach writing skill of

recount text needed effort, because the students should write about their

experience in the past event and she/he must be used simple past tense.

G. Paper Outline

The paper consists of five chapters. Each chapter will be discussed as follows:

Chapter I tell about introduction and the writer will explain the

relationship related to the paper. It consist of background of study, statement of

the problem, objectives of the study, benefit of the study, limitation of the study,

review of related research, definition of key terms, and paper outline.

Chapter II describes the theoretical framework. In this chapter, the

writer would like to explain about writing, picture, sequence picture, lecturing,

and recount text and research hypothesis.

In the chapter III, the writer told about the research report that consist

of setting of research, observation check list, research method and design,

population and sample, and technique of collecting data, research instrument,

technique of data analysis, and statistical hypothesis.

Then, in the chapter IV, the writer would like to explain about data



The last is chapter V. In this chapter, the writer close the paper while




THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK A. Review of Related Study

In this study, the writer reviews several research papers from the previous


Mecca (2014) have conducted a research in line with the current research.

She conduct a research about the effectiveness of picture sequence in teaching

narrative text writing “(an quasi experimental study at the eight grade students of

SMP Islam l Syukro Universal Ciputat)”. She concludes that picture sequence is

effective in the teaching of narrative text writing, it showed by t-score.

Another research is also conducted by Naela (2011). She conducted a

research about the use of picture in narrative text to improve students’ attention in

learning in MAN Tengaran (a classroom action research in the first year students

of MAN 1 Tengaran in the academic year 2011/2012). After the research finished,

She said that by applying picture, the achievement of the students’ attention has


Jusman (2014) also conducted a research about developing students’ skill

in writing procedure text by using sequence picture of the ninth grade students at

SMP Negeri 8 Pasangkayu. In his research, the writer concluded that students’


11 B. Writing

1. Definition of writing

Writing is one of four skills in English learning. There are listening,

speaking, reading and writing. Four skills above are the important skill to be

mastered by students in Junior high school. Writing is one of the productive

English learning skill beside speaking. It means the student have to active to

improve their skill of writing and speaking. In writing skill, the student not only

produce the words, they can also make a sentence which are grammatically and

logically correct. So, the reader understand about the writer told through her/his

written and the purpose of the writer.

From the explanation above about writing, there are many defines about

writing in different though that can be explained how writing should be better


According to Gelb (1952:12), writing is clearly a system of human

intercommunication by means of conventional visible marks, but it is evident

from what has been said that what the primitives understood as writing is not

the same thing as what we do. The question of what lies at the basis of all

writing words or ideas is clearly the same as the question of what lies at the

basis of all human intercommunication. In other opinion from Layman and

Alike taken by Gelb (1952:13), wtiting is written language. In the same opinion



of functions in everyday life, it involve primarily for action, primarily for

information and primarly for entertainment. However there are examples for

each primarily, primary for action include publict sign, product labels and

instruction, and personal corespondence while the primarily for information

include newspaper and current affairs magazine, non fiction,book, and

advertisement and the last is primarily for entertainment include light magazine

, comic strip, film subtittle, poetry and drama.

Harmer (2004) states that writing has fewer sign and symbols than

speech but they can be just as powerful. In the first place, question marks and

exclamation marks can modify the import of what is written. For example You

are cold. You are cold? You are cold! or even you are cold from those sentence

has different meaning.

Harmer (2004) states that making good writing is more complex than

producing speaking. Writing is clearly a complex process and competent. It is

frequently accepted as being the last language skill to be acquired (for native

speakers of the language as well as for those learning a foreign/second

language). Writing is commonly seen as a three stage process: pre-writing,

writing, and rewriting. Although this is very much an over simplification, it is



To write is out down the graphic symbols of that represent language one

understand, so that other can read the graphic symbol, if they know the

language and the graphic representation (Lado,1982:143).

From the explanation above, the writer concludes that writing is one of

skill in English language learning, it is very complex and different with other

skill in English learning. Writing needs carefully and effort that must be

combined and arranged. Writing needs more attention in using of language as

correctly as possible. However, in writing, we also need hard work.

2. Aspect of writing a. A paragraph

Paragraph is a group of related sentences that develops one main idea

(Oshima,1988:55). A paragraph is made up from three kinds of sentences

that develop the writer’s main idea, opinion, or feeling about the subject.

These sentences are the topic sentence, supporting sentence , and concluding


a. Topic sentence

The topic sentence is general statement of the paragraph

(Oshima,1988:56). It is the key sentence because it names the subject and

the controlling idea. The topic sentence come in the beginning or in the



According to Whitaker (2009:14), topic sentence often further

describe the main idea of the paragraph. However, to introduces the

paragraph’s main idea, we have make a point about the idea related to

the topic. The topic sentence is not a fact, it has point of view and

connect to the previous paragraph.

b. Supporting sentence

Supporting sentence is developing a topic sentence by giving

specific detail about the topic (Oshima,1988:61). In order to choose

details to support the topic sentence, rephrase it as a question and then

answer the question with the supporting sentence.

c. Concluding sentence

The concluding sentence is like the topic sentence. It is like the

topic sentence because both are general statement. However, the topic

sentence is usually the first sentence, a general statement that introduces

the topic to be discussed in the paragraph. The concluding sentence is

also a general statement, but it is the last sentence and ends the

paragraph (Oshima,1988:63).

In the other opinion from Whitaker (2009:15), concluding

sentence is the last sentence. It review the body paragraph, emphasize


15 b. Sentence problem

Writing has purpose to express our message through written text.

For most beginning writer while english language is not the first language

or mother tongue, they are still confuse to write in english text. It is

something difficult to do. As beginning writer, usually they will find a

common place weakness at the sentence level. It is something that crucial

and must be overcome by the writer. There are :

a). Sentence structure

1. Independent Clause

According to Oshima (1998:153) said that independent clause

contains a subject and express a complete thought. It can stand alone

as a sentence by itself. An independent clause contain subject, verb

and complement.

2. Dependent Clause

According to Oshima (1998:153) said that a dependent clause

does not express a complete thought. It can not stand alone as a

sentence, it is depend on the other sentence. A dependent clause



To make a complete sentence, the writer must to connect an

independent sentence and dependent sentence together.

c. Comma splice.

Comma is a pause or break in a sentence. According to Oshima

(1998:33), there are three rules of comma: first is comma put after a time

order signal. It is located at the beginning of a sentence and dbefore a

subject. Then, Comma located after the first sentence in a compound

sentence while stay before coordinating conjunction. Finally, comma can

be put between the items in a series while consist of three or more items.

3. Purpose of writing

Everyone have the purpose when they write something. They want to

share their opinion or something through her/his mind in written form. Harmer

said that the reader should be able to understand what the writer’s purpose. It is

to give information, suggest a course of action, and make a judgment on a book

or play or express an opinion about world events (Harmer,2004:25).

According to Whitaker (2009:2), there are some principles of academic


a. Clear Purpose

The purpose in writing are to persuade, analyze or synthesize and to



In persuasive purpose, the writer should choose one answer to the question,

support the answer using reason and try to change the readers’ point of view

about the topic. Whether in analyzing writing, the writer has purpose to

explain and evaluate, choosing the best answer based on criteria that the

writer has. In informative writing, The writer has purpose to give new

information about the topic.

b. Audience Engagement.

The student occasionally interest about the topic that writer make,

but some of them also not. So, the writer have to engage them with the

interest ideas and catch their interest with the writing style.

1. Clear point of view.

The writer have to show about the the things in the writers’ mind

and support the original idea about the topic.

2. Single focus

The writer have to respond and critique with strengthen the

writers’ own point of view.

3. Logical Organization

Writing follows a standard organizational pattern. There are

introduction , body and conclusion.

4. Introduction

It is provide the background information, pick up the readers’


18 5. The body paragraph

It is to support the thesis statement. Every body paragraph has one

main point, its called the topic sentence. Each sentences in paragraph has

continuity before and after it.

6. Conclusion

It is ending of paragraph to summarize the paper.

7. Strong Support

It is consist of facts, examples, description, personal experience

and expert opinions and quotation. The support have relevant to the topic


8. Clear and Complete explanation

The writer and process of thought should be clearly and

completely explained.

9. Effective use of research

The writer will use her/his research to support the ideas, it is must

be integrated and not presented separately.

10. Writing Style

The writer should be used their own words. The writing also



From the explanation above they are some explanation about purposes

of writing. However, the writer must be known when they write about

something to get a good writing.

4. Writing strategies

A writing is not easy because it need study and practice to develop it.

For both native speaker and new learner of English have to know that writing

is a process. So, it is possible to review and revise, review and revise again as

to get a good writing (Oshima,1998:3).

According to Harmer (2004:4), process of writing involves planning,

drafting, editing and final draft. In the same opinion from Oshima (1998:3),

process of writing include prewriting, planning, and revising draft.

a. Pre-writing

Oshima (1998:3) said that prewriting is an activity to help generate

ideas on writing assignment. It is the stage to give motivation and

stimulation because its the important part of writing, so the writing process

will be carried out easily.

The writer should be tried and decide what he/she will say before

starting to write. They must to make a note before that. They are also make

a detailed notes. They should consider about the goal of writing, know about



information that they will write. According to Oshima (1998:3), preewriting

include choosing and narrowing a topic and brainstorming.

a) Choosing and Narrowing a Topic

Oshima said that when you are given a free choice of topics and

can write about something you are interested in, then you must narrow

the topic to a particular aspect of that general subject (1998:3).

Whitaker (2009:5) states how to choose a topic. However to

choose a topic you are thinking about things related to the course that you

are interested in, besides you can look from textbook, handouts, and

instructor-recomended resources for possible idea. After that, you should

narrow your idea from subject to topic. So, you can shown a topic in


b). Brainstorming

According to Whitaker (2009:6), brainstorming is the activity to

write about something on your mind after you get a topic. The activities

are to write down answer to your question, write down all the information,

opinion and question about your topic. This activity wiil help to know

what you think and what else you need to find out about your topic. The

activity of brainstorming would be explained more bellow:

1. Listing

Listing is technique in which you think about your topic and



your mind (Oshima,1998:4). The procedure of listing include, the

first is write down the general topic, then make a list depend on your

mind, the last is use words, phrases and sentence and do not worry

about the grammar and spelling it.

a. Freewriting

Freewriting is a brainstorming activity in order to write a

topic you are freely. It has a purpose to generate as possibility to

write many idea. So, you do not worry about the grammar,

appropriatness and spelling.

b. Clustering

A cluster is one of the activity in brainstorming. It is the

activity which you can use to generate idea. You can write the

topic in the center of paper and the those topic should be written

in the circle/ ballon. Then you should write whatever ideas that

you find in the ballon sorrounding it.

2. Drafting

In this stage, the students try to write the sentence and they

also begin to put their idea on paper. The students should be focus

on the content of the text while they will make. To write in the first

draft, the writer should focus on getting meaning, based on paper,



Harmer (2004:4) state that a number of drafts may be produced on

the way to the final version.

In the other opinion from Whitaker (2009:13), there are

many ways to write. How to use source material, keep going on your

written text, just write, it means that the writer do not worry about

the grammatical and perfection, do not waste the time because we

will need time to revise, edit, and proofread.

3. Revising and Editing

According to Harmer (2004:5), in this stage, revising look at

the organization , structure and content of the writing, while editing

look at the grammar and mechanic in the writing. In this stage looked

very different from original plan and first draft.

In other opinion from Whitaker (2006:17), when the first draft

is complete, you should be revised your paper. However, before you

can revise, you need to know what to fix. To fix the paper include

get feedback, make a cheecklist and mark, make an outline of the first

draf, focuse to read the paper, read each body paragraph and support,

and the last is re-read a paper carefully to know that a paper is good,


23 C. Picture

1. Definition of picture

Picture is a flat visual representation of an object, person or view and it is

main purpose is to draw attention to or emphasize a certain thing (Zenger,

1977:69). According to Lado (1983:19), picture can be used to provide more

systematic cultural experience necessary for a full understanding and use of the

language. According to Wright (1989:2), pictures are not just an aspect of method

through their representation of places, object and people. They are an essential

part of the overall experiences, we must help students to cope with.

From explanation above, the writer assumed that picture can help the

students to understand the meaning of the words when they want to use it. Trough

picture, the student know about the place, people, things and other object without

they know it directly. They can see from out of their own experience.

2. Characteristic of the picture

There are some characteristic of picture. A picture has various in colour

while based on the people needed. Picture also has various sizes, from small

untill big size for example magazine, calendar, wallchart etc. Picture can be

drawn on the board, the overhead projector, large paper, flashcard, handout


24 3. Kind of picture

According to Wright (1989: 202), there are 21 kinds of pictures based

on the form, they are will be shown in the table bellow:

Table 2.1

The list kind of picture

1 Checkchart for pictures 12 Sequences of picture

2 Picture for single objects 13 Related picture

3 Picture of famous people 14 Single stimulating picture

4 Picture of several Picture 15 Picture of maps and symbol

5 Picture of people in action 16 Pair of picture

6 Picture one person 17 Picture and texts

7 Picture of the news 18 Ambigious picture

8 Picture of fantasies 19 Bizzare picture

9 Picture of places 20 Explanatory picture

10 Picture from history 21 Students and teachers drawing

11 Picture with a lot of information

4. Role of picture in language teaching.

Picture have some role in learning process especially in writing.

According to Wright (1989:17), there are five roles for picture in speaking and



a. Giving motivation to the student. So, the student feel interesting in the class

and they want to pay attention about the material.

b. Support the context when the language is being used.

c. It can be described in an objective way or interpreted or respond it.

d. Picture give the motion of a respond toward question through controlled


e. Giving stimulate and information in the form of conversation, discussion

and stories.

5. Advantages of picture

When we use picture as the media or strategy in language teaching, it

has some advantages. According to Zenger (1977:70), there are some

advantages in using picture, they are:

a. Picture can be used individually or in a group.

b. Picture is up to date to use, it is shown reality into classroom so student easy

to understand about the object.

c. It is also have a fuction to introduce , supplement or summarize.

d. Picture more cheaper when we used it, its also easy enough to locate.

e. Giving stimulate and motivation to the students and will be thorough to

express themselve.

From the explanation above the writer concludes that picture is very



have motivation to learn more about the topic. It also can advance the students’

comprehending the meaning of those picture.

6. Disadvantages of picture

As we know about the advantages from picture. Beside that, picture has

disadvantages to. According to Zenger (1977:70), there are some advantages of

using picture as media or technique in teaching language.

a. It does not describe motion as film because picture has a small scope so it is

only explain briefly.

b. It become uninteresting to the students if presented in simple form. Picture

should be made more interesting and unique.

c. Students who sit behind the class cannot look at the picture clearly. It is

different with the student who sit in front of the class Usman and Asnawir


When the picture is used in the class, They have different interpretation

automatically. So, teacher should be creatively to used it and explain to the

students clearly. Teacher also make a picture bigger, so the student who sit both

in front or behind the class clearly to see.

7. Picture Sequence

According to the Morgan (1973:28), picture sequence as a series of



events. Wright (1989:201) said that picture sequence also be described as

cartoon and instruction strips of pictures are potentially useful. Experience will

show the teacher which strips are the most useful. The strip can be kept as they

are and used to contextualize a story or description of a process. Strip can be

used to stimulate and guide writing.

Wright (1989:130) said about the procedure in using a sequence picture

especially for pairgroup and groupwork. To each pair, teacher give a sequence

picture without a text. They study the picture and then work out a dialogue to

go with them. Pairs take it in turn to act out their dialogue for each other.

From explanation above, the writer assumed that students have more

motivation to write English language through sequence picture. The students

also easy to use it, because the picture more interesting and challengging.

C. Lecturing

1. Definition of lecturing

According to Bligh taken by Aryani, Zaini (2008:89), lecturing or

lecture method is continuous expositions by a speaker who wants the audience

to learn something. So, lecture method also called instructor-centered method


According to Hamdani (2011:156), lecture method told about concept,

princip, and fact is covered by giving question and answer between teacher and



Nunan (1991:189) also said that teacher method is a crucial importance,

not only for the organisation of the classroom but also for the process of

acquisition. It is importance to organize and manage of the classroom.

According to Edward (2004) taken by Tracey Garrett, to help the teacher

maintain control over students, in structional methods that promote a focuse on

the teacher are frequenly use, such as lectures, guided discussions and


George and Madeleine (1987) are taken by Faroq, Abbasi, Qadir states

that lecturing is a technique of imparting knowledge in the special way while

can be learned and improved upon.

From definition above, it can be concluded that lecturing is one of

method or technique of language teaching. It also called lecture-instructor

method. It focused on teacher- centered, so teacher give some materials to the

students as the guided or speaker and the students as listener.

2. The skill of Lecturing

Faroq, Abbasi, and Qadir (2013) said that there are five of the major

skill of lecturing, those are explaining, presenting, information, generating

interest and lecture preparation.

3. Advantages and Disadvantages of lecturing

Barbareta and Scarupa 1995, Bligh 2002, Renner 1999 said that there


29 a. Advantages of lecturing

1) It is Efficient and economical because it can be repeated from one

semester to the next, reducing planning, preparation and reviewing.

2) It can be given in large or small groups and varied in length.

3) It can be controlled, instructor can control of study totally.

4) It is flexible because adjustments to content can be easily made.

5) The content can be tailored to students’ interest and background


6) It give motivation to the students. The teacher conveyed students’

enthusiasm and helping to stimulate students interest.

7) Teacher can served as role model.

8) Timely, teacher can present new and unpublised matherial.

b. Disadvantages of lecturing

1) The students are passive in the class because students are not

required to actively participate which detracts from learning.

2) It lack of teacher skill, effectiveness is contingent upon the writing,

speaking, and modelling skill of teacher.

3) Limited style of students varying learning paces, styles level of

understanding may be not be considered.

4) Poor of organization and lack of focus, it caused the students



5) Lower level of learning, because few opportunities for higher level

of learning.

6) Students’ concentration may decrease as the teacher lengthens.

4. The purpose of lecturing

Faroq, Abbasi, and Qadir (2013) said that the lecture method

have any purposes, there are:

a. To transmit information to the studnets

b. To stimulate interest among students

c. To foster understanding among students.

D. Recount Text

1. Definition of Recount Text

According to Knapp (2005:224) taken by Pardede, Silalahi and

Saragih, Recount text is a written out to make a report about an experience

of a series of related event. A recount text is written out to inform an event

or to entertain people.

Anderson (1997) taken by Ningrum (2013) said that recount text

defined as a pieces of text that retells events in sequence of time recount

text has aim to give the audience a description of what occured and when it


Based on the definition above, it can be concluded that recount text



and related in particular relation. It has purpose to give the audience a

description of what happened and when it happened.

2. Generic structure of recount text.

According to Ningrum (2013), a recount text consist of three

component, there are orientation, event and reorientation.

a. Orientation

It is located in the first paragraph that provided the setting and

introduces the participants. An orientation explained about background

and give information about who, what, where and when.

b. Event

It is located in the middle of paragraph and retell what happened in

what sequence.

c. Reorientation

It also called concluding paragraph because it located in the last of

paragraph. A reorientation is optional or closer of event. Actually,

content of individual comment.

d. Language Feature of Recount Text

According to Ningrum (2013), there are language feature of recount text:

1. Use simple Past Tense

2. Focus on temporal or sequence (when, after, then etc).



4. Focus on specific participant ( I, we, the fourth grade).

E. Evaluation Rubric

The students’ ability in writing can be measured (Heaton 146). To

measure the writing achievement is needed the component, such as content,

organization, vocabulary, language use and mechanics.

Table 2.2

Rubric assessment of Writing test CONTENT

Score Level Criteria

30-27 Excellent to very good Knowledgeable, substantive, relevant to

assigned topic etc.

26-22 Good to average Some knowledgeable of subject, adequate

range, limited development of thesis,

mostly relevant to topic, but lacks detail

21-17 Fair to poor Limited knowledge of subject, little

substance, inadequate development of topic

16-13 Very poor Does not show the knowledge of subject, no

substantive, not pertinent, not enough to



Table 2.3

Rubric assessment of Writing test ORGANIZATION

Score Level Criteria

20-18 Excellent to

very good

Fluent expression, ideas clearly stated/ supported,

well organized, logical sequencing, cohesive

17-14 Very good to


Somewhat choppy, loosely organized but main

ideas stand out, limited support, logical but

incomplete sequencing

13-10 Fair to poor Non-fluent, ideas confused or disconnected, lacks

logical sequencing and development

9-7 Very poor Does not communicate, no organization, not

enough to evaluate

Table 2.4

Rubric assessment of Writing test VOCABULARY

Score Level Criteria

20-18 Excellent to

very good

Sophisticated, effective range, range word/ idiom,

choice and usage, word from mastery, appropriate


17-14 Very good to


Adequate range, occasional errors of word/ idiom



13-10 Fair to good Limited range, frequent errors of words/ idiom

form, choice, usage, meaning confused or obscured

9-7 Very poor Essentially translation, little knowledge of English

vocabulary, idioms, word form, not enough to


Table 2.5

Rubric assessment of Writing test LANGUAGE USE

Score Level Criteria

25-22 Excellent to

very good

Effective complex constructions, few errors of

agreement, tense, number, word order/ functions,

articles, pronouns, preparations

21-19 Very good to


Effective but simple constructions, minor problems

in complex constructions, several errors of

agreement, tense, number, word order functions,

articles, pronouns, prepositions but meaning never


17-11 Fair to poor Major problems in simple/ complex constructions,

frequent errors of negation, agreement, tense,

number, word/ order/ functions, articles, pronouns,

prepositions and or fragments, deletions, meaning



10-5 Very poor Virtually no mastery of sentence construction rules,

dominated by errors, does not communicate, not

enough to evaluate

Table 2.6

Rubric assessment of Writing test MECHANICS

Score Level Criteria

5 Excellent to

very good

Demonstrates mastery of conventions, few errors of

spelling, punctuation, capitalization, paragraphing

4 Very good to


Occasional errors of spelling, capitalization,

paragraphing, but meaning not obscured

3 Fair to poor Frequent errors of spelling, capitalization,

punctuation, paragraphing, poor handwriting,

meaning confused not obscured

2 Very poor No mastery of conventions, dominated by errors of

spelling, punctuation, capitalization, paragraphing,

handwriting illegible, not enough to evaluate.

Based on the table above, there are five aspects to measure writing

ability namely content, organization, vocabulary, language use, and



Table 2.7


No Writing skill The higher score

1. Content 30

2. Organization 20

3. Vocabulary 20

4. Language use 20

5. Mechanism 10

Total 100

F. Evaluation Criteria

Evaluation is the systematic process to determine the goal of learning.

According to Sudijono (2011), there are some criteria to evaluate the students.

It would be seen in the following table

Table 2.8

No Student’s Score Mark Interpretation

1. 91-100 A Excellent

2 79-89 A- Very Good



4 65-69 B- Good Enough

5 55-64 C Enough

6 45-54 D Bad

7 < 45 E Very Bad

G. The Minimum Completeness Criteria (KKM)

The Minimum Completeness Criteria (KKM) is a set of minimum that

must be achieved by the subject teachers. It determined before a school is

started. To determined the students achievement, teacher have to find any

criterias by itself.

Minimum Completeness Criteria (KKM) is done based on national

Educational department (Depdiknas) criteria. There are material complexity,

Capacities, and intake or students comprehension.

Asmani (2010:197), states that Minimum Completeness Criteria

(KKM) every subject based on following criteria, There are explained as


a. Minimum Completeness Criteria (KKM) should be set in the first academic


b. A Minimum Completeness Criteria (KKM) is determined by MGMP



c. It showed in scoring number form about 0-100.

d. School institution determine a Minimum Completeness Criteria (KKM)

under completeness study maximum.

Figure 2. 1

Procedure or mechanism to determined Minimum Completeness Criteria


According to Asmani (2010:199), it is form to determine a Completeness

Criteria Minimum (KKM) would be explained as follow:

Interpreting criteria to the score. It is giving a point to each criteria which is determined.

a. Complexity : High = 1

Middle = 2

Low = 3

b. Capacity : High = 3

Middle = 2

Low = 1

c. Intake : High = 3




Middle = 2

Low = 1

From those design can be explained, when indicator has low compexity,

high capacity , and student’s intake in the middle, so score @ is (3+3+2) x 100

= 88.899. So, from explanation above, teacher determined a Completeness

Criteria Minimum (KKM) based on those guide. Besides, the researches also

know about Criteria minimum in subject would be researched whereas, English

teacher has determined that 7 is a score minimum in their subject.

H. Conceptual Framework

According to Purwanto (1996:102), learning is influenced internal and

external factor. Internal factor is the factor comes from themselve which include

physical and psychological factor. Phsycal factor involve healt condition,

nutrition, and tired. Besides, psychological factor involve intelligent,

motivation, mood, confidence, and intention.

An external factor is the factor from individual outside. It include social

and non social factor. A social factor comes from individuals. For the examples

like family, friend, teacher, and parent. While non social factor comes from

media, strategy, place, and method.

Based on theoritical above, the writer concluded that study English

involve writing, speaking, listening and reading. Four skill above to be taught



to write down in the paper because they lack of motivation and they also feel


Study of writing is not just combining some words or sentence. It has

form and rules that not equal with something we use in conversation or in

speaking. Because writing is not same with other skill. So the teacher have to

make a study of writing enjoyful. It needed more attention and interesting

technique in order to make the students antusiasme, so the teacher get a goal to


The writer has assuming that sequence picture technique can help the

students to study writing easier. A sequence picture is the picture which tell

about the event in sequence. So the student more focus on the story that they

will write.

I. Research Hypothesis

Based on the problem statements presented by the writer, the research

hypothesis as follows:

Ha :There is effectiveness of sequence picture technique and lecturing to teach

writing skills of recount text of the eighth grade students of MTs Yaspi in

the academic year of 2017/2018.

Ho :There is no effectiveness of sequence picture technique and lecturing to

teach writing skill of recount text of the eighth grade students of MTs





In this chapter, the writer tries to describe about the method that used in this

research. The writer explains about research setting, research method and design,

technique of data collection, research instrument and technique of analyzing data.

A.Setting of Research

1. The location of MTs Yaspi Pakis

This research is carried out at MTs Yaspi Pakis. It is located on Jl.

Magelang –Kopeng km 15 Magelang. It is established on January 1988. MTs

Yaspi Pakis stand up on the lead above 2.10 M2. The total number of the students of MTs Yaspi Pakis about 364 in the academic year 2017/2018. They are consist

of 114 students of seventh grade, 114 students of eight grade and 136 students of

ninth grade.

MTs Yaspi has 12 classrooms, based on level for each grade has 4 rooms.

The seventh grade has 4 rooms, the eight grade has 4 rooms and the ninth grade

has 4 rooms. MTs Yaspi Pakis is applying religious foundation such as in other


42 2. Vissions and Mission of MTs Yaspi Pakis

a. Vissions

“Memberikan Dasar-Dasar Pengetahuan dan Pengertian Dalam

Pembelajaran Yang Bertumpu Pada Dasar- Dasar Berpikir Kreatif

Dengan Kecerdasan Emosional dan Spiritual Yang Lebih Tinggi”.

“ To provide the base of knowledge and understanding about the study which

is basiclly focused on creative thinking with emotional achievement and


b. Missions

1) Mengembangkan kemampuan dasar siswa menjadi muslim yang taat

beribadah dan memiliki kepekaan sosial yang tinggi.

2) Mengembangkan pemahaman agama yang toleran dan demokratis

3) Mengembangkan kemampuan berfikir kritis dan sistematis dalam

memahami dan mengamalkan ajaran Islam.

4) Membangun Budaya Madrasah sebagai salah satu ciri khas.

1. Improving the students competence basicly to be a muslim that obedient

and have social sensitively.

2. Improving tolerant and democratic religion.

3. Improving creative thinking and systematic in understanding and practice

the Islamic thought.


43 B. Observation Check List

Table 3.1

No Date Activity

1. June 15th 2017 Permission

2. July 25th 2017 Observation

3. August 14th2017 Pre-Test of experiment group

4. August 14th2017 Pre-test of control group

5. August 28th 2017 Treatment of Experiment group

6. August 29th 2017 Treatment of control group

7. September 2nd 2017 Post-Test of experiment group

8. September 2nd 2017 Post-test of control group

C. Research Method and Design

Accordin g to Kothari (1990:8), research methodology is a way to

systematically solve the research problem. Research methodology is a way to

find out the result of a given problem on specific matter or problem that is also

referred as research problem.

Research methodology means to get some knowledge and to overcome the



the problem solving. However to solve the problem, the researcher needs a

method. The methodology of the research is way to find, develop and examine

the truth of science systematically.

In this study, the writer uses quantitative research. Quantitative is a process

of getting knowledge by using a number of data as instrument to have

explanation about what will know. To collect the data, the researcher using

mathematically or in statistically.

The writer apply an experimental design. According to Jannah and Prasetyo

(2011), experimental design is kind of quantitative research, it has aim to

measure cause and effect.

In this study, the writer will compare between two variable. One group as

the experimental group which given treatment, pre-test and post test. Besides,

other group is control group or comparation group while also given treatment,

pre-test and post test.

Figure 3.1

Procedures of the research

Experiment Group Control Group



In this study, the writer has two classes which is one as experimental class

and another is controlled class. The experimental class is given treatment by

sequence picture and in controlled class is taught by lecturing.

D. The benefit of experimental research

Jannah and prasetyo (2011: 158) said that the benefit of experimental

research is to measure causes and effect. While, in experimental research the

researcher can manipulate the situation or created the condition of the research

subject. The researcher also can give treatment/ stimulate to the subject of the


This study has benefit to measure the effectiveness between two variable.

While, the writer compare between two technique in teaching learning. So, the

result of the study given benefit to the English teacher in using technique of

teaching, whereas it is good or not when it is would be implemented to the


E. Population and Sample 1. Population

According to Hadi (1989: 79), populatin is the whole subject that are

researhed and observed. Population is the subject of the research object that



According to Nasehudin and Gozali (2012: 121), population is the

whole of units or the individuals that characteristic are expected. In other

opinion from Putrawan (1990) taken by Nasehudin and Gozali (2012: 120)

said that population is the number of data while the time and place is

determined. So from the explanation above can be concluded that

population is the total of the subject to be researched.

The population in this study is the students of the eighth grade of MTs

Yaspi Pakis in the academic year of 2017/2018.

2. Sample

According to Arikunto (1992: 117), sample is part of population, it is

an object of the research. Sample is a part of population that has the same

characteristic as the data source. Nasehudin and Gozali (2012) said that to

find out the sample, the researcher have to selected it. The sample from this

study are two classes. There are students for class VIII D and VIII C of the

eighth grade of MTs Yaspi Pakis in the academic year of 2017/2018.

3. Techniques of Sampling

According to Prasetyo and Jannah (2011:122), there are two techniques

of selected the sample, random sampling or probability sampling and non



Table 3.5

Technique of Sampling

Probability Sampling

 Simple Random Sampling

 Systematic Random Sampling

 Stratified Random Sampling

 Cluster Random Sampling

Non Probability Sampling

However, probability sampling is a technique of simple ramdom, it

is consist of simple random sampling, systematic random sampling,

tratified random sampling, cluster ramdom sampling. It was explained as


a. Simple random sampling

It is very simple technique to found a sample, because to get a

sample we should be made a sample drafting then give a serial number

in their sample draft. Then selected a sample through randoming or used

table of random number.

b. Systematic Random Sampling

Systematic randoming sampling is a technique to found a sample

when population in large scale and homogen. Sample can be taken in



arranged sample draft into group while divided in population and

respondent then choose one group in randoming.

c. Stratified Random Sampling

It is technique to find a sample when population has variation

characteristic or heterogen , so we must be stratified in sub population.

Whereas the proceudure to get a sample, first is determined

characteristic or group of population then determined a sample from

group and the last is choose a sample group from group used technique

randoming or systematic sample.

d. Cluster Random Sampling

It it technique to find a sample when researcher has not a sample

draft but has a complete data about those group. Then, to get a sample,

researcher must be make a unit of group namelly cluster. Cluster is a

sample was taken.

Besides, non probality sampling consist of some varieties. According

to Prasetyo and Jannah (2011:134-136), there are accidental sampling,

purposive sampling, quota sampling, and snowball sampling.

a. Accidental Sampling

It is a technique sampling based on covenience. Therefore, sample


49 b. Purposive Sampling

Purposive sampling also called judgment sampling, while it used

to determined specific criteria toward a sample.

c. Quota sampling

It is technique of sampling which is same with stratified sampling.

Therefore, in quota sampling a researcher get a sample from randoming

each stratified.

d. Snowball Sampling

It is a technique to found a sample in minimum informations

about population, so a researcher only has one name in those

population. From this name a researcher get other names of population.

From the explanation above, the writer concluded that to find out the

sample, the writer use simple cluster random sampling. It is kind of randoming

technique while to find out a sample, a researcher must to divided into some

units namelly cluster.

Whereas population in this research is the students of eigh grade of Junior

High School and the sample is part of population, while a writer toke 50% from


Table 2.1
Table 2.2 Rubric assessment of Writing test
Table 2.3 Rubric assessment of Writing test
Table 2.5


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