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A GRADUATING PAPER Submitted to the Board of Examiners in Partial Fulfilment of theRequirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd) English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) S


Academic year: 2019

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(A Study of the Ninth Grade Students of MTs N Salatiga

in the Academic Year 2017/2018)



Submitted to the Board of Examiners in Partial Fulfilment of

theRequirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd)

English Education Department of Teacher Training and

Education Faculty

State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga










In the name of Allah, the Most gracious and Merciful.

Hereby, the researcher declares that this graduating paper is written by

thewriter herself. This paper is not contain any materials published by otherpeople

and it is not cite any other people‟s idea except the information from the references.

The researcher makes this declaration, and she hopes this declaration can

be understood.

Salatiga, September8th 2017 The Writer



Salatiga, September 8th 2017

Noor Malihah, Ph.D

The Lecturer of English Education Department State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga


Case: AnikAriyanti’s Graduating Paper


Dean of Teacher Training

and Education Faculty

Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

After reading and correcting AnikAriyanti‟s graduating paper, entitledTHE CORRELATION BETWEEN STUDENTS’ MASTERY OF IMPERATIVE SENTENCE AND THEIR ABILITY IN WRITING PROCEDURE TEXT(A Study of the Ninth Grade Students of MTs N Salatiga in the Academic Year 2017/2018), I have decided and would like to propose that this paper can be accepted by the Teacher Training and Education Faculty. I hope that this paper will be examined as soon as possible.

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.


Noor Malihah, Ph.D






(A Study of the Ninth Grade Students of MTs N Salatiga in the Academic Year 2017/2018)


ANIK ARIYANTI T.M 113 13 027

Has been brought to the board of examiners of English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty at the State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga on September27th2017 and hereby considered to have completed the requirements for the degree of SarjanaPendidikan (S.Pd) in English Education

Board of Examiners

Head :Moh.Khusen, M.Ag., M.A. ______________

Secretary : Noor Malihah, Ph.D. ______________

First Examiner :SetiaRini, M.Pd. ______________

Second examiner :Mashlihatul Umami, M.A. ______________

Salatiga, September27th 2017





Seek the fellowship of those who enjoy fellowship with the Lord.




Special dedicated for:

My beloved parents,Dahlan and Komsiti.Thanks for everlasting praying.

My beloved family, brother and sister. Thank for support to my success.

My beloved partner, Ervanto. Thanks foreverlasting care.





In the name of Allah SWT, the most gracious and the most merciful who

always bless and help the writer, so the writer can finish the graduating paper.

Bless and mercy is upon the great Prophet Muhammad SAW for his guidance that

leads the writer to the truth.

However, this paper will not be finished without support, advice, help and

encouragement from individual and institution. Hence, the writer would like to

express thanks to:

1. Dr. Rahmat Haryadi, M.Pd. as the Rector of Institute for Islamic Studies

(IAIN) of Salatiga.

2. Suwardi, M.Pd. as the Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of

State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) of Salatiga.

3. Noor Malihah, Ph.D. as the Head of English Education Department and as

the counselor of this paper, who gives great attention, suggestion afor this

paper from beginning until the end. Thanks for your patience and care. 4. All of lecturers and staffs of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN)

Salatiga who have bestowed their knowledge to me and have helped me in

processing administration.

5. Faisal Bahar Susanto, M.Ag as a English teacher of Mts N Salatiga and all

of the students IX E and IX F who have helped me in processing the


6. All of my friends in TBI 2013, thanks for the relationship we have.

Salatiga, September 8th 2017

The Writer

AnikAriyanti T.M




Maghfiroh, A.A.T. 2017.The Correlation between Students’ Mastery of Imperative Sentence and Their Ability in Writing Procedure Text (A Study of the Ninth Grade Students of MTs N Salatiga in Academic Year 2017/2018).A Graduating Paper.English Education Department, Teacher Training and Education Faculty, State Institute for Islamic Studies of Salatiga. Advisor: Noor Malihah, Ph.D

Key Words:Correlation, imperative sentence, procedure text

The objective of this study was to find out the correlation between








A. Background of the Study ... 1

B. Problems of the Study ... 4

C. Objectives of the Study ... 4

D. Significance of the Study ... 5

E. Definition of Key Words ... 5

F. Statistical Hypothesis ... 6

G. Paper Outline ... 6


A. Previous Researches ... 8

B. Review of Related Theories ... 10

1. Writing ... 10

2. Procedure Text ... 14

3. Imperative Sentence ... 19


A. Type of Research ... 24

B. The Location and Time of the Research... 25

C. Population and Sample ... 25



E. Technique of Analyzing Data ... 26


A. Description of data ... 35

B. Analysis of Data ... 39

C. The Hypothesis ... 45


A. Conclusion ... 47

B. Suggestions ... 48 REFERENCES





Table 3.1: Rubric Assessment of Writing Test (Content) ... 27

Table ‎3.2: Rubric Assessment of Writing Test (Organization)... 27

Table ‎3.3: Rubric Assessment of Writing Test (Vocabulary) ... 28

Table ‎3.4: Rubric Assessment of Writing Test (Language Use) ... 29

Table ‎3.5: Rubric Assessment of Writing Test (Mechanics) ... 30

Table ‎3.6: The Specific of Score ... 31

Table ‎3.7: The Interpretation of Correlation Pearson Product Moment ... 33

Table ‎4.1: Scores of Imperative Sentence ... 34

Table ‎4.2: Scores of Procedure Text Writing ... 36

Table 4.3: Descriptive Statistics ... 37

Table ‎4.4: Data Analysis ... 38

Table ‎4.5: Correlations ... 42

Table ‎4.6:Table of Correlations ... 42





This chapter presents about background of the study, problems of

thestudy, objectives of the study, significance of the study, definition of key

words and organization of the study.

A. Background of the Study

English is one of the international languages. Indonesian uses

English language for communication, from elementary school until senior

high school, English is recognized as a subject in their schools. Many

students argue that studying English is not easy. Even, some students argue

that they dislike English subject. There are four English language skills, they

are listening skill, speaking skill, reading skill and writing skill. As English is

important, so the students have to master the four language skills well. In this

study, the writer would like to discuss writing as one skill which students find


Writing is one of four skills in English language. According

toHeaton (1975:135), “writing skills are complex and sometimes difficult to

teach”. It means that the writing is one of difficult subject for the students.

Although writing is difficult, but writing can be learnt and measured (Heaton,

1975:146). Besides that, according to Brown (2001:336), as quoted by



thinking process”. In other words, writing as defines as expressing idea or their feelings. Furthermore, writing is uses to give information and also

develop what they think, so they can produce the good written. In writing, the

students have to choose the correct vocabulary, use punctuation correctly and

also master grammar well.

In fact, the students of MTs N Salatiga, still confuse or do not

know how they start to write. It is because the students arenot familiar with

English vocabulary. Sometimes the students get mistakes to write the words

and also the students make the grammatical errors. So, they get difficulty to

produce English writing. In Junior High School, the students learn about

kinds of text, such as narrative text, descriptive text, recount text, procedure

text and also products of them. In this study, the writer focuses on the

procedure text and conducts the research about it. To know about procedure

text, the students have to learn about the structure of the text. For example,

the students have to understand the grammatical features of the procedure


Procedure text is written using verb 1 or action verbs and

imperative sentences. So, to produce paragraph of procedure text, they have

to master about them. Actually, the students of MTs N Salatiga get difficulty

to apply the grammar on the procedure text, or confuse to apply verb 1 in

writing procedure text, and also they getdifficulty to arrange the imperative



In the next section, the writer would like to discuss about

procedure text and imperative sentence. In general, Procedure text is one of

the short text that provides instructions or commands on how to do

something. Knapp (2005:180) states that “procedure text is to tell someone what to do or how to do it, this can be achieved through a range of textual

forms”. In daily life, usually we use the procedure text. For example, when

we follow the instructions of a recipe, steps to make a food, how to turn on

computer, etc. To write procedure text, imperative sentence should be

mastered. It seems that to be able to write procedure text, students should be

able to produce imperative sentence.

According to Azar (1985:70), “imperative sentence is used to give

commands, make polite request and give directions”. It means that imperative sentences are not only used to command, but also have the function to give

the request for someone to achieve the something. The writer concludes that

imperative sentence is a kind of sentences to give a command or request to

another person, usually ended by exclamation. So, in imperative sentence,

there are speakers and listeners. The speakers command other person to do

something and the listeners get a command from the speaker as the

instruction. So, it seems that there may be a correlation between imperative

sentence and writing procedure text.

Based on the description above, the writer is interested to know






MTs N Salatiga”.

B. Problems of the Study

Based on the background above, the writer decides some problem

questions as follows:

1. How are the scores of the ninth grade students‟ of MTs N Salatiga in mastering imperative sentence?

2. How are the scores of the ninth grade students‟ of MTs N Salatiga in writing procedure text?

3. Is there any correlation between the students‟ mastery of imperative sentences and their ability in writing procedure text?

C. Objectives of the Study

The objectives of the study are:

1. To know the scores of the ninth grade students‟ of MTs N Salatiga in mastering imperative sentence.

2. To know the scores of the ninth grade students‟ of MTs N Salatiga in writing procedure text.

3. To find out whether there is any correlation or not between the students‟ mastery of imperative sentences and their ability in writing procedure



D. Significance of the Study

This research can be beneficial as follows:

1. The lecturer

Hopefully, this research will be beneficial for the lecturers to enrich the

references of imperative sentences that is found in procedure text.

2. Other researchers

The result of this research can be used as a reference to further researches

with wider scope, hopes they will get basic information from this


3. The readers

For any readers who read this research, hopefully it can bring the

information concerning in imperative sentences and procedure text.

E. Definition of Key Words

To avoid misunderstanding about this study, the writer clarifies the

key words as follow:

1. Correlation

According to Ary (2010:27), “correlation means the extent to which the

two variables vary directly (positive correlation) or inversely (negative

correlation)”. It means that correlation consists of two or more parts


6 2. Procedure Text

According to Knapp (2005:180), “procedure text is to tell someone what

to do or how to do it, this can be achieved through a range of textual

forms”. It means that procedure text is explains about how to achieve the

something in textual form.

3. Imperative sentence

Imperative sentence has the function to give the request for someone to

achieve the something, besides it imperatives sentence is used to give

commands and give directions (Azar, 1985:70).

F. Statistical Hypothesis

1. If is as same as or higher than , so Ha is accepted. It means that

there is correlation between imperative sentence mastery and ability in

writing procedure text.

2. If is lower than , so Ha is rejected or H0 is accepted. It means

that there is no correlation between imperative sentence mastery and

ability in writing procedure text.

G. Paper Outline

This study is divided into five chapters. Each chapter explains

different matters in line with the topic that is discussed.

Chapter I is introduction. It consists of the background of the

study, problems of the study, objectives of the study, significances of the



Chapter II is theoretical framework. It consists of the previous

research, review of related theories they are writing, procedure text and

imperative sentence.

Chapter III presents of the research methodology. It consists of

type of research, location and time of the research, population and samples,

technique of data collecting and technique of data analysis.

Chapter IV is research finding. It is the analysis to answer theproblems of

the study.

Chapter V is conclusion. It is conclusion of the result of this

research and the suggestion which writer makes from the findings that writer





A. Previous Researches

In this research, the writer takes a review from several previous

researches (Azizah, 2017; Azmi, 2011; Rosdiana, 2011).

First, Azizah (2017) conducts a research about the correlation

between English vocabulary mastery and writing ability in descriptive text.

The subject of Azizah‟s research is seventh grade students of SMP Islam

Sudirman Semarang. To analysis the data, she uses two ways they are

analysis the data by classify the students into three criteria and analysis the

data by pearson product moment correlation formula. The results of Azizah‟s research is there is a correlation between the students‟ vocabulary mastery

and writing ability in descriptive text. So, the writer concludes that to be able

to writing of descriptive text, the students have to mastery of vocabularies.

Second, Azmi (2011) conducts a research about a correlation

between students‟ mastery of past tense and their ability in writing recount

text.The subject of Azmi‟s research are eleventh grade of MA Hasanusholihat

Jakarta. To analysis the data, He uses pearson product moment correlation.

The results of Azmi‟s research is there is a correlation between the students‟

past tense mastery and their ability in writing recount text. So, the writer



Third, Rosdiana (2011) conducts a different research from Azizah.

Rosdiana‟s research is Developing Students‟ Ability in Using Imperative Sentences Through Total Physical Response (TPR). She uses Classroom

Action Research (CAR) as a method to conducts the research. The subject of

Rosdiana‟s research is the VII grade students of

MTsIslamiyahSawanganDepok. To analyze the data, she uses qualitative

data. In Rosdiana‟s research, shows that there is a difference of the students‟

average in pre-test, post-test 1 and post-test 2. The result of Rosdiana‟s

research is using TPR can develop students‟ ability in using imperative

sentences. So, the writer concludes that using Total Physical Response (TPR)

method is easy and interesting for the students in learning imperative


Those previous researches, are used as comparisons of this

research. This research is the correlation between students‟ mastery of imperative sentence and their ability in writing procedure text. It is different

from Azizah‟s research, the differences are the variables and also in analysis

the data. In this research, the writer only uses the person product moment to

analyze the data. Then, this research is different from Azmi‟s research. Azmi uses grammar mastery to achieve the writing ability of recount text, while this

research uses imperative sentences mastery to achieve the writing ability of

procedure text. But, this research has similarity to Azmi‟sresearch, they are the method and analysis the data. Besides it, this research also has differences



tofind the correlation with procedure text, and this research uses quantitative


B. Review of Related Theories

1. Writing

a. The Nature of Writing

Generally, writing is one of the parts of language skills

besides listening, speaking and reading. According to Heaton

(1975:135), “writing skills are complex and sometimes difficult to

teach”. It means that the writing is one of difficult subject for the

students. Although writing is difficult, but writing can be learnt and

measure (Heaton, 1975:146). It can be seen, that the students have to

master about using vocabulary, language use, content, and also


According to Harmer (2004:33), “writing is used to help the

students perform a different kind of activity (in this case speaking

and listening)”. In other words, Harmer states that writing is used as a base to help the speaking and listening skill. It means that before

starts to listens or speaks, the students can write the idea first, and

also can express the feelings on the paper first. Besides it, writing

also has relations with reading skill. The writer cannot write without

reading first. Because through reading, the writer understands how



word choices, spelling and other elements. So, writing cannot stand

alone and has relation with other skills.

b. The Process of Writing

Writing is never one action, it is an ongoing act. According

to Harmer (2004:4), the process of writing has four main elements:

1) Planning

Planning is a way to get ideas. Before starting to write or type,

the writers try and decide what it is they are going to say. When

planning, they have to think about three main issues. In the first,

they have to think about purpose. Secondly, audience they are

writing for. Thirdly, have to consider content structure of the


2) Drafting

The second process is drafting. In this process, begin to make

the rough outline of what will be addressed.

3) Editing

Process correcting mechanical errors to know the writing is clear

or not. Usually the result of writing is not clear, perhaps the

order of information is not clear, perhaps the way something of

written is ambiguous or confusing. So, they move paragraph or

write a new paragraph. Therefore, the editing process will help


12 4) Final version

When the writers have edited their draft, they produce their final

version. So, the writer is ready to send the written text to


Based on the explanation above, the steps of writing

process help the learners to make the good writing. The learners

believe that writing will be more successfully if through the

steps of writing process.

c. The Purposes of Writing

There are three purposes of writing. They are to persuade,

analyze and inform (Whitaker, 2009:2). The explanation is as


1) Persuasive purpose

Is to persuade the readers to do something. It efforts to

influences others and initiate action or change. This type of

writing includes evaluation of book, movie, consumer product.

2) Analytical purpose

Is to analyze a topic and to persuade the reader that the opinion

is correct and supported by arguments. Analytical writing



In informative academic writing, the purpose is to share

knowledge or information, give directions, and state ideas.

Informative writing involves describing events or experiences.

d. The Components of Writing

According to Heaton (1975:135), there are five components

of successful writing. They are:

1) Language use

Is the ability to write correct and appropriate sentence.

2) Mechanical skills

Is the ability to use correctly those conventions peculiar to the

written language. Such as punctuation, spelling.

3) Treatment of content

Is the ability to think creatively and develop thoughts, excluding

all irrelevant information.

4) Stylistic skill

Is the ability to manipulate sentences and paragraphs, and use

language effectively.

5) Judgement skills

Is the ability to write in an appropriate manner for a particular

purpose with a particular audience in mind, together with an

ability to select, organize and order relevant information.

For the students of MTs N salatiga, they have recognized



and procedure text. One that is taught in ninth grade is procedure

text. So, the writer focuses on procedure text and conducts the

research about it.

2. Procedure Text

a. Definition of Procedure Text

Generally, procedure text is one of the short text that

provides instructions or commands on how to do something. Knapp

(2005) mentions the procedure text as the procedural instruction,

but both have the same meaning. According to Knapp (2005:180),

“procedural instructions are organized in temporal sequences that are identified by: the use of numbers such as 1, 2, 3 and so on, or

temporal conjunction such as then, when, next, before and so on”.

Besides it, Knapp also states the purpose of procedure text is to tell

someone what to do or how to do it, this can be achieved through a

range of textual forms. It means, that to achieve the something of

procedure text, it need the sequence conjunction.

Mustriana (2005:83) also explains about procedure text. He

states that “procedure text is designed to describe how something is

achieved through a sequence of actions. It usually uses imperative

sentences such as mix, take, press, etc”. From the statement, the

writer concludes that the procedure text is one of text that describe



b. Generic Structures of Procedure Text

Procedure text such as recipes and directions are concern

with telling someone how to do something. According to Knapp

(2005: 157), there are three generic structures of procedure text:

1) Goal. It is states as a heading.

It means, that in procedure text the goal is put on the title of

text. Example: How to Make a Sandwich.

2) Materials

Materials require to complete the task of procedure text.

3) Steps

Steps concern on how to achieve the goal.

c. The Grammatical Features of Procedure Text

Every text has the different of grammatical features.

Grammatical features are the characteristics to distinguish between

one text and another text. According toKnapp (2005:156), there

are six the grammatical features of procedure text, they are:

1) Action verbs

Action verbs are used to represent the processes involved in

completing a task. Examples: walk, cross, go, etc.

2) Simple Present Tense, especially imperative form.

Simple present tense is to create a sense of timeless- ness. In



verbs uses to give orders, commands and instructions.

Examples: use, keep, don‟t touch. 3) Adverbs

Adverbs are often used to qualify verbs and to provide extra

information about how a task should be completed. Examples:

(1) quickly. Walk quickly across the road.

(2) slowly. Slowly, add the remaining ingredients.

4) Temporal connectives

Are used in procedure to ensure processes are placed in the

correct order of time. It means that procedure text uses

connectives to put the steps in order. Examples:first, then, after

that, next, finally.

5) Conditional connectives

Used to provide a premise upon which a command or

statement is based. Example: Ifyou mix the ingredients

carefully, there won‟t be any lumps.

6) Modality

Modality is uses to lessen or heighten the degree of obligation

in completing a task.


(1) You should save your document before closing.

(2) You could read the next section of the book after



Based on the explanation above, Wardiman (2008:59) also

explains about the grammatical features of procedure text. It

issimilar to Knapp, but Wardiman proposes fewer grammatical

features. They are:

1) Use imperative sentences. Example: Cut the paper.

2) Use action verbs. Example: cut, mix and put.

3) Connector to show chronology. Example: then and while.

4) Adverbials to show when or how. Example: For a view

minutes, two centimeters from the top.

In this research, the writer uses the Wardiman‟s

grammatical feature to conducts the research about procedure


d. The Examples of Procedure Text

Based on the definition of procedure text, the generic

structures and the grammatical features discussed earlier, Knapp

(2005:158) also shows the examples of procedure text. He

illustrated the examples of procedure text as in (1) and (2).

(1) How to Play Snakes and Ladders


1. Snakes and Ladders board game

2. 1 dice

3. 2, 3, 4 players


18 Steps:

1. Put all counters on start.

2. First person rolls the dice and moves his counter in

counting order the number of places shown on the dice.

3. Other players take their turns

4. If a counter land on the bottom of a ladder, the player

moves the counter to the top of that ladder

5. If a counter land on a snake‟s head, the player moves the

counter down to the bottom of that snake‟s tail. 6. The winner is the first player to reach Finish

So, example 1 consist of three generic structures. They are

goal, materials and steps.

(2) How to Make a Salad Sandwich


1. 2 pieces of bread

2. Butter

3. Lettuce

4. Tomato

5. Beetroot

6. Cucumber


1. First, take 2 pieces of bread.



3. Next, put in your lettuce, tomato, beetroot and cucumber

or any other ingredients.

4. Put the other piece of bread on top.

5. Finally, put on plate and sandwich is ready to be served.

3. Imperative Sentence

Based on the Knapp‟s and Wardiman‟s grammatical

features,the most prominent is the use of imperative sentence. Because

the imperative sentence is one of the characteristic of procedure text, so

the writer interested to know about the students‟ mastery of imperative sentence.

a. Definition ofImperative Sentence

According to Celce (1999:232), “imperatives are

commands, also known as directives, whose function is to get

someone to do something”. It is similar to Azar (1985:70), “imperative sentence is used to give commands, make polite

request and give directions”. It means that imperative sentences not

only used to command, but also has the function to give the request

for someone to achieve the something.

In addition to Celce, Swan (1995:314) also states that

“imperative has exactly the same form as the infinitive without to.

It is used for giving orders, making suggestions, and encouraging



Based on the definition above, the writer concludes briefly

that imperatives sentences are sentences that is used by someone to

give commands, request, directions to other people for doing


b. Types of Imperative Sentence

Swan (1995) divides the types of imperative sentence based

on the forms of imperative sentence. While, Pardiyono (2006)

divides types of imperative sentence based on the function.

According to Swan (1995:254), types of imperative sentence are:

1) Emphatic imperative

Emphatic imperative is common in polite requests.

Can make an emphatic imperative with do + infinitive.


(1) do sit down!

(2) do forgive me!

2) Passive imperative

Is to tell people to arrange for things to be done to them. Use

get + past participle.Example: get vaccinated as soon as you


3) Negative imperative

Are constructed with do not (or don’t). Do used before be.



21 (2) don’tbe silly!

4) Subject with imperative

The imperative does not usually have a subject, but it can be

used with a noun or pronoun to make it clear who are speaking.

Example: Jhon come here!

5) Question tags

After imperatives, the question tags are „will you?‟ „Won‟t you?‟ „Would you?‟ „Can you?‟ „Can‟t you?‟ And „could you?


(1) give me a pencil, will you?

(2) be quite, can’t you?

(3) sit down, won’t you?

(4) Get me something to drink, can you?

6) „Always and never‟, come before imperative Example:

(1) always remember to smile!

(2) never speak to me like that again!

7) Let

Is used to suggest that “I” or “we” should do something. The structure with Let us (or Let‟s). Example: (1) let’spray.



8) An imperative followed by andandor’, can have a similar

meaning to IF-clause. Example:

(1) Walk down our street any day and you‟ll see kids playing


Based on the explanation above, it shows that types of

imperative sentence divides based on the forms of imperative


Different from Pardiyono, He divides types of imperative

sentence based on the function of imperative sentence. According

to Pardiyono (2006:197), types of imperative sentence are:

1) Command

People orders another to do something. It can be preceded by

using the verb-1.


(1) mix the eggs and sugar!

(2) turn on the lamp!

2) Prohibition

Prohibition is a negative command that is formed by adding the

word don‟t.

The formula: Don‟t + Verb-1. Examples:

(1) don’t whisk quickly!


23 3) Request

The sentence is started with auxiliary. The request usually using

“please” before verb 1.

The formula: Auxiliary + S + Verb-1 + O/C


(1) do you want to help me?

(2) please, close the door!





A. Type of Research

This research is used quantitative research. Quantitative research is

much demanded by using number, beginning from collecting the data,

interpretation toward data, and the result (Arikunto, 2002:10). The design

used in this research is correlational research. According to Kothari

(2004:130), “correlation research is studies the joint variation of two or more

variables for determining the amount of correlation between two or more

variables.”. In addition, Ary (2010:27) states “the correlation research gathers

data from individuals on two or more variables and then seeks to determine if

the variables are related (correlated)”.

From definition above, the writer collects and analyzes the data

statistically from the students‟ scores of variables to find out the correlation between students‟ mastery of imperative sentences and their achievement in

writing procedure text of the ninth grade students of MTs N Salatiga in

academic year 2017/2018.

There are two variables in this research, they are: independent (X)

and dependent variable (Y). In this research, the independent variable is



B. The Location and Time of the Research

This research was conducted at MTs N Salatiga that located at

JlTegalRejo no 1 Kota Salatiga and the data were taken from July 25-26,


C. Population and Sample

Population is defined as all members of any well, defined class of

people (Ary, 2010:148). The population in this study was the ninth grade

students of MTs N Salatiga. The total numbers of ninth grade are about 264

students, in 8 different classes.

According to Ary (2010:149), sample is part of population. The

sample taken was 20% from the population because if the population is more

than 100, the researcher should take the sample between 10% 15% or 20%

-25% or more (Arikunto, 2002:112). The writer used random sampling

technique to conducted this research. Among 8 classes, the writer selected the

IX E and IX F class.

D. Technique of Collecting Data

In this research, the writer used a test as a technique to collect the

data. The writer organized two kinds of test. Namely imperative sentence test



1. The imperative sentence test consists of two kinds of questions. First,

multiple choice items have fifteen questions. Second, rearrange the

sentence of imperative sentence have five questions (see appendix).

2. Procedure text writing have one instruction to write one paragraph for

about 20 minutes (see appendix).

E. Technique of Analyzing Data

In analyzing the data, the writer used Pearson‟s Product Moment

Correlation formula. The steps to analyze the data, were:

1. Calculating the score of two test using rubric assessment

2. Calculating the data used Pearson‟s Product Moment Correlation formula 3. Interpreting the data using an index table of correlation and table of

significant 5% or 1 %

Each variable was analyzed by the rubric of assessment or formula.

To measure the students‟ answer in imperative sentence mastery test, the

data were analyzed by using the formula:


(Arikunto, 1997:242)

S : Score for the test

T : true answer

N : Total of the questions

Besides found the score of imperative sentence, the writer also



achievement in writing can be measured (Heaton, 1975:146). To measure

the writing achievement is needed the component, such as content,

organization, vocabulary, language use and mechanics.

Table 3.1

Rubric Assessment of Writing Test


Table 3.2

Rubric Assessment of Writing Test


Score Level Criteria

30-27 Excellent to very



to assigned topic.

26-22 Good to average Some knowledgeable of subject,

adequate range, limited

development of thesis, mostly

relevant to topic, but lacks detail.

21-17 Fair to poor Limited knowledge of subject, little

substance, inadequate development

of topic

16-13 Very poor Does not show the knowledge of

subject, no substantive, not

pertinent, not enough to evaluate



Table 3.3

Rubric Assessment of Writing Test


Score Level Criteria

20-18 Excellent to very


Sophisticated, effective range, range

word/ idiom, choice and usage, word

from mastery, appropriate register

17-14 Very good to


Adequate range, occasional errors

of word/ idiom form, usage but

meaning not obscured 20-18 Excellent to very


Fluent expression, ideas clearly

stated/ supported, well organized,

logical sequencing, cohesive

17-14 Very good to


Somewhat choppy, loosely

organized but main ideas stand out,

limited support, logical but

incomplete sequencing

13-10 Fair to poor Non-fluent, ideas confused or

disconnected, lacks logical

sequencing and development

9-7 Very poor Does not communicate, no

organization, not enough to



13-10 Fair to good Limited range, frequent errors of

words/ idiom form, choice, usage,

meaning confused or obscured

9-7 Very poor Essentially translation, little

knowledge of English vocabulary,

idioms, word form, not enough to



Rubric Assessment of Writing Test


Score Level Criteria

25-22 Excellent to very


Effective complex constructions,

few errors of agreement, tense,

number, word order/ functions,

articles, pronouns, preparations

21-19 Very good to


Effective but simple constructions,

minor problems in complex

constructions, several errors of

agreement, tense, number, word

order functions, articles, pronouns,

prepositions but meaning never




constructions, frequent errors of

negation, agreement, tense,

number, word/ order/ functions,

articles, pronouns, prepositions and

or fragments, deletions, meaning

confused or obscured

10-5 Very poor Virtually no mastery of sentence

construction rules, dominated by

errors, does not communicate, not

enough to evaluate


Rubric Assessment of Writing Test


Score Level Criteria

5 Excellent to very


Demonstrates mastery of

conventions, few errors of spelling,

punctuation, capitalization,


4 Very good to


Occasional errors of spelling,

capitalization, paragraphing, but

meaning not obscured



capitalization, punctuation,

paragraphing, poor handwriting,

meaning confused not obscured

2 Very poor No mastery of conventions,

dominated by errors of spelling,

punctuation, capitalization,

paragraphing, handwriting illegible,

not enough to evaluate.

So, the specification of the test can be based on the following table:


The Specification of Score

No Writing skill The higher score

1. Content 30

2. Organization 20

3. Vocabulary 20

4. Language use 25

5. Mechanics 5

Total 100

In analyzing the result of two variables, the writer used pearson‟



the symbol of correlation product moment is “r”, the formula of correlation as follow:

∑ ∑ ∑

√ ∑ ∑ ] ∑ ∑ ]

The interpretation of the symbols is:

N : number of participants

X : scores of students‟ mastery of imperative sentence Y : scores of students‟ ability in writing procedure text

∑X : students‟ mastery of imperative sentence sum score

∑Y : students‟ writing ability of procedure text sum scores

∑ : the sum of the squares cores of students‟ mastery of

imperative sentences

∑ : the sum of the square scores of students‟ writing procedure text

∑XY : the sum of multiple scores between X and Y

Besides the Pearson Product Moment formula, the writer also used

SPSS program to analyzed the data. According to Cramer and Bryman

(2003: 16):



Based on the statements above, the advantages of SPSS program

are to analyze and examine quantitative data really fast in various ways.

The writer used version 16 to analyze the correlation of imperative

sentence and procedure text.

Furthermore, the writer was interpreted the scores of , using the

table of index correlation and table of correlation at significant 5% or 1%.

Sudijono (2010:193), proposes a table to interpret the index scores of

correlations “r” product moment between variable X and Y, such as follow:


The Interpretation of Correlation “r” Pearson Product


The Score of “r”

Product Moment


0.000 –0.200 There is correlation between X and Y, but the correlation is very weak or little. So, it considers

no significant correlation in this rating.

0.200–0.400 There is correlation between X and Y, but it is very weak or little.

0.400 – 0.700 There is correlation between X and Y, the value is medium.







A. Description of data

In this chapter, the writer discusses about the results of data that

writer got from this research. There were two kinds of test, imperative

sentence and procedure text writing. The writer demonstrated the results of

the imperative sentence test in the following table:

Table 4.1

Scores of Imperative Sentence

Students Score Students Score

Student 1 95 student 27 75

student 2 95 student 28 95

student 3 95 student 29 90

student 4 80 student 30 90

student 5 95 student 31 50

student 6 95 student 32 90

student 7 90 student 33 100

student 8 85 student 34 100

student 9 100 student 35 95

student 10 95 student 36 80



student 12 90 student 38 90

student 13 80 student 39 95

student 14 80 student 40 90

student 15 95 student 41 70

student 16 100 student 42 80

student 17 80 student 43 95

student 18 95 student 44 90

student 19 95 student 45 95

student 20 85 student 46 95

student 21 95 student 47 95

student 22 90 student 48 95

student 23 95 student 49 90

student 24 95 student 50 85

student 25 95 student 51 90

student 26 90 student 52 95

Total Score ( ∑ ) 4670

Besides the imperative sentence scores, the writer also

demonstrated the scores of procedure text writing. Scores about procedure




Scores of Procedure Text Writing


student 1 81 student 27 81

student 2 82 student 28 89

student 3 75 student 29 94

student 4 80 student 30 78

student 5 90 student 31 61

student 6 82 student 32 85

student 7 82 student 33 86

student 8 84 student 34 86

student 9 84 student 35 83

student 10 82 student 36 91

student 11 82 student 37 76

student 12 80 student 38 76

student 13 78 student 39 78

student 14 75 student 40 84

student 15 84 student 41 75

student 16 80 student 42 65

student 17 82 student 43 80

student 18 81 student 44 84

student 19 85 student 45 88



Based on the result above, the writer obtained mean of the scores,

minimum score and maximum score. The calculation of SPSS is described

such as follow:

Table 4.3

Descriptive Statistics

From the data above, the writer used the scores of imperative

sentence and scores of procedure text writing to see there is any correlation

or not between the Students‟ mastery of imperative sentence and procedure

text writing in the next section.

student 21 84 student 47 84

student 22 74 student 48 86

student 23 87 student 49 82

student 24 81 student 50 88

student 25 80 student 51 83

student 26 89 student 52 85

Total score ∑ ) 4257

N Minimum Maximum Mean

imperative 52 50,00 100,00 89,8077

procedure 52 61,00 94,00 81,8654



B. Analysis of Data

In this section, the writer analyzed the result of imperative

sentences test and test of procedure text writing. In analyzing the data,

the writer calculated the scores of two tests, where the score of

imperative sentences is variable X and the score of writing procedure text

is variable Y. The analysis of data can be seen in the table below:

Table 4.4 Data Analysis

Students X Y XY X2 Y2

student 1 95 81 7695 9025 6561

student 2 95 82 7790 9025 6724

student 3 95 75 7125 9025 5625

student 4 80 80 6400 6400 6400

student 5 95 90 8550 9025 8100

student 6 95 82 7790 9025 6724

student 7 90 82 7380 8100 6724

student 8 85 84 7140 7225 7056

student 9 100 84 8400 10000 7056

student 10 95 82 7790 9025 6724

student 11 90 82 7380 8100 6724

student 12 90 80 7200 8100 6400



student 14 80 75 6000 6400 5625

student 15 95 84 7980 9025 7056

student 16 100 80 8000 10000 6400

student 17 80 82 6560 6400 6724

student 18 95 81 7695 9025 6561

student 19 95 85 8075 9025 7225

student 20 85 80 6800 7225 6400

student 21 95 84 7980 9025 7056

student 22 90 74 6660 8100 5476

student 23 95 87 8265 9025 7569

student 24 95 81 7695 9025 6561

student 25 95 80 7600 9025 6400

student 26 90 89 8010 8100 7921

student 27 75 81 6075 5625 6561

student 28 95 89 8455 9025 7921

student 29 90 94 8460 8100 8836

student 30 90 78 7020 8100 6084

student 31 50 61 3050 2500 3721

student 32 90 85 7650 8100 7225

student 33 100 86 8600 10000 7396

student 34 100 86 8600 10000 7396



student 36 80 91 7280 6400 8281

student 37 80 76 6080 6400 5776

student 38 90 76 6840 8100 5776

student 39 95 78 7410 9025 6084

student 40 90 84 7560 8100 7056

student 41 70 75 5250 4900 5625

student 42 80 65 5200 6400 4225

student 43 95 80 7600 9025 6400

student 44 90 84 7560 8100 7056

student 45 95 88 8360 9025 7744

student 46 95 85 8075 9025 7225

student 47 95 84 7980 9025 7056

student 48 95 86 8170 9025 7396

student 49 90 82 7380 8100 6724

student 50 85 88 7480 7225 7744

student 51 90 83 7470 8100 6889

Student 52 95 85 8075 9025 7225

N=52 ∑X=4670 ∑Y=4257 ∑XY=383765 ∑X2=423350 ∑Y2=350187

From the table, writer got the score of N= 52, ∑X = 4670, ∑Y



will be calculated to find out the index of correlation “r” between variable X

and Y ( ) used this formula:

√ ] ]


√ ] ]


√ ] ]




From the calculation above, it was found that the index of

correlation “r” between variable X and Y ( ) is 0.563.

To make sure the result of the calculation above, the writer also

used SPSS program. The using of SPSS is to know whether the calculation

that writer did manually was correct and to make sure that there is not

mismatching calculation between scores that the writer counted. The

calculation of SPSS is described such as follow: ∑ ∑ ∑



Table 4.5 Correlations

The result of those two calculations (manual calculation and SPSS

calculation) are same, in which show the value of correlation “r” between variable X and Y ( ) is 0.563. It means that there is no mismatch in the

process of calculating the data.

To interpret the score of correlation “r” between variable X and Y ( ) that has found 0.563. The writer used two ways, they are:

1. Interpretation using index scores of correlations “r” product moment. Sudijono (2010:193) proposes a table to interpret the index scores of

coefficient correlations “r” product moment between variable X and

Y, as in table 4.6

Table 4.6 Correlation

The score of “r” Interpretation

0.00 – 0.20 There is correlation between X and Y, but the correlation is very weak.

0.20 – 0.40 There is correlation between X and Y, but little

imperative procedure

Imperative Pearson Correlation 1 ,563**

Sig. (2-tailed) ,000

N 52 52

Procedure Pearson Correlation ,563** 1

Sig. (2-tailed) ,000



0.40 – 0.70 There is correlation between X and Y, the value is medium.

0.70– 0.90 There is high correlation between X and Y.

0.90- 1.00 There is very high correlation between

Xand Y.

Based on the result of correlation product moment ( ), the final

score is 0.563 or 0.57. It is categorized by using coefficient correlation

criteria above. It is known that 0,563 or 0,57 is classified interval 0.40 – 0.70 on the indexes of correlation, so it means that two variables have

correlation with medium value.

2. Interpretation using the table correlation of significance 5% and 1 %

( )

Table 4.7

“r” table of significance

Df 5% 1%

45 0.288 0.372

50 0.273 0.354

60 0.250 0.325

(Sudijono, 2011: 480)

Before interpreting, the writer needs to calculated the degrees of


45 df = N – nr

= 52 – 2 = 50

The interpretation of the symbols in the table, is as follow:

df : degrees of freedom

N : number of participants

nr : number of variable

From the formula above, df score is 50. Based on the table

correlation ( ), if df=50, the value of significance 5% is 0.273, while

value of significance 1% is 0.354. So, > , or table index correlation

higher than value of table significant 5% and 1%.

So, the writer used the interpretation above to found the hypothesis

of two variables in the next section.

C. The Hypothesis

In this section, the writer described the hypothesis:

1. Null hypothesis (H0): there is no significant correlation between

students‟ mastery of imperative sentence and their ability in writing procedure text.

2. Alternative hypothesis (Ha): there is significant correlation between

students‟ mastery of imperative sentence and their ability in writing procedure text.

The statistical hypothesis as follow:


46 2. If < , so Ha is rejected

From the result of interpretation, it indicates that > ,

(0.563>0.273) or (0.563>0.354). It means that Ha is accepted or in other

word there is correlation between imperative sentence mastery and writing

procedure text.

So, there is correlation between students‟ mastery of imperative sentence and their ability in writing procedure text at the ninth grade





A. Conclusion

Based on the data analysis explained in the chapter IV, the

researchabout the correlation between imperative sentence mastery and

writing procedure text at the ninth grade students of MTs N Salatiga, finally

comes to the conclusion as follows:

1. Based on the result of the data, sum score of imperative sentence test is

4670, mean of imperative scores is 89. From that calculation, it

concludes that most of students in this case iscategorized into very good

level in mastering imperative sentence.

2. Based on the result of the data, sum score of writing procedure test is

4257, mean of the procedure text writing is 81. From that calculation,

procedure text writing in this case is categorized into good level.

3. From the analysis uses Pearson Product Moment Correlation formula and

SPSS, it can be seen that the result is 0.563. It is higher than r table either

at level 5 %= (0.273) or 1 %= (0.354) or (0.273<0.563>0.354). It can be

concluded that Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. It means that there is a

correlation between students mastery of imperative sentence and their

ability in writing procedure text at the ninth grade students of MTs N



B. Suggestions

1. For Students

For English education students, the result of this research shows that

there is correlation between imperative sentence and writing of procedure

text, so the students can be interested to learn about imperative sentence

and apply it in procedure text.

2. For Further Researcher

This research can be beneficial for further researcher, which intends to

find out the correlation of two variables. This research may also become

relevant previous research that uses to other researchers to conduct a



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Teacher’s Course. USA: Heinle and Heinle Publishers

Harmer, J. 2004. How to Teach Writing. England: Pearson Education Limited

Heaton, J. 1975. Writing English Language Test- A Practical guide for teachers of English as a second or foreign language. Longman : Longman Group Limited

Jusman., Marhum Mochtar., and Muhsin. 2014. Developing Students' Ability in Writing Procedure Text by Using Sequence Picture.International Research Journal of English Language Teaching Society(ELTS). Vol. 2 (2) : 1

Kothari, C. R. 2004. Research Methodology: Methods & Techniques. New Delhi : New Age International

Knapp, P., and Watkins, M. 2005. Genre, Text, Grammar. Australia: University of New South Wales Press Ltd

Mustriana, B. B. 2005. Let's talk. Bandung: Tim Penyusun dan Pakar Raya


Rosdiana. 2011. Developing Studens' Ability in Using Imperative Sentence Through Total Physical Response. Jakarta: UIN Syarif Hidayatullah

Sudijono, A. 2010. Pengantar Statistika Pendidikan. Jakarta : Rajawali Pers

Sudijono, A. 2011. Pengantar Evaluasi Pendidikan. Jakarta : Rajawali Pers

Swan, M. 1995. Practical English Usage . New York: Oxford Univrsity Pers

Wardiman, A. 2008. English in Focus: For Grade VII Junior High School (SMP/MTs). Jakarta: Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional


Imperative Sentence Test

A. Choose the best answer of these questions!

1. Give the right imperative form.

Please …. your hand (to raise)

a. Raising c. Have raise

b. Raised d. Raise

2. Give the right imperative form.

…. the police now! (to call)

a. Calling c. Has call

b. Call d. Called

3. Give the right imperative form.

…. to the blackboard! (to go)

a. Going c. Go

b. Went d. Gone

4. Give the right imperative form.

Please, ... me your phone number! (to give)


Based on the dialogue above, choose the correct prohibition


a. Don‟t come late! c. Don‟t sleep in the class ! b. Don‟t coming late! d. Don‟t sleeping in the class!

6. Jhon : “Hi Marcel, I want go to the market” Marcel : “Ok Jhon. Please,…. (careful)

Based on the dialogue above, choose the correct request! a. Can careful! c. Be careful!

b. Carefully d. Don‟t careful

7. The right command sentence is….

a. My mother went to Jakarta two days ago. c. Sit down!

b. Don‟t talk in this room! d. Are you



8. The right prohibition sentence is….

a. Don‟t take the jacket! c. Be quiet please! b. Shut the door, won‟t you? d. Lending him the


9. “Eat more vegetables or fresh fruits!”

Change the command above into correct prohibition sentence.

a. Don‟t eat more vegetables or fresh fruits! b. Don;t eaten more vegetables or fresh fruits!


10. “Please buy a novel!”

Change the request sentence above into correct prohibition


a. Buy a novel! c. Please, buy a novel!

b. Don‟t buy a novel now! d. Don‟t buy a novel!

11. Choose the correct imperative sentence!

1) Raise your hand, please!

12. Choose the correct imperative sentence!

1) My father is a teacher.

13. Choose the correct imperative sentence!

1) Please, bring this book!

2) Don‟t bring this book! 3) Take off your shoes!


5) Why you cry?

a. 1,2 and 3 c. 3,4 and 5

b. 2,3 and 4 d. 2,4 and 5

14. You will examination tomorrow. You want to be a success student.

Choose the suitable sentence based on the above sentence!

a. Don‟t be lazy! c. Please, don‟t study hard!

b. Do you want to be a good student? d. Don‟t be late!

15. You are at the kitchen. You want some more juice.

What will you say? Choose the suitable sentence based on the

above sentence!

a. Please, give me some juice! c. Why you give me

some juice?

b. Give me some juice! d. Don‟t give me

some juice!

B. Put the words in the correct order to make imperative sentence!

1. Not / sit /do / down!

2. Not / close / window / do / the!

3. Careful / be / please!

4. Don‟t/ sugar / the / mix!


Writing Test


Answer Key

Imperative Sentence Test

A. Multiple Choice

1. D

2. B

3. C

4. A

5. A

6. C

7. C

8. A

9. A

10. D

11. C

12. C

13. A

14. B

15. A

B. The correct sentence

1. Don‟t sit down!

2. Don‟t close the window! 3. Please, be careful!

4. Don‟t mix the sugar!


Procedure Text Writing



1. A piece of mango

2. A half glass of water

3. A glass of ice pack

4. A spoon of sugar


1. First, Peel the mango and clean it.

2. Second, cut the mango into pieces and put into blender.

3. Then, put water, ice and sugar.

4. After that, blender for about 15 seconds

5. Next, pour the mango juice into a glass


Writing Assessment Rubric

26-22 Good to average Some knowledgeable of subject, adequate range, limited development of thesis, mostly relevant to topic, but lacks detail.

21 – 17 Fair to poor Limited knowledge of subject, little substance, inadequate development of topic

16 - 13 Very poor Does not show the knowledge of subject, no substantive, not pertinent, not enough to evaluate

Fluent expression, ideas clearly stated/ supported, well organized, logical sequencing, cohesive.

17-14 Very good to average

Somewhat choppy, loosely organized but main ideas stand out, limited support, logical but incomplete sequencing

13-10 Fair to poor Non-fluent, ideas confused or disconnected, lacks logical sequencing and development


17-14 Very good to average

Adequate range, occasional errors of word/ idiom form, usage but meaning not obscured

13-10 Fair to good Limited range, frequent errors of words/ idiom form, choice, usage, meaning confused or obscured

9-7 Very poor Essentially translation, little knowledge of English vocabulary, idioms, word form, not enough to evaluate

Effective complex constructions, few errors of agreement, tense, number, word order/ functions, articles, pronouns, preparations

21-19 Very good to average

Effective but simple constructions, minor problems in complex constructions, several errors of agreement, tense, number, word order functions, articles, pronouns, prepositions but meaning never obscured

17-11 Fair to poor Major problems in simple/ complex constructions, frequent errors of negation, agreement, tense, number, word/ order/ functions, articles, pronouns, prepositions and or fragments, deletions, meaning confused or obscured

10-5 Very poor Virtually no mastery of sentence construction rules, dominated by errors, does not communicate, not enough to

Demonstrates mastery of conventions, few errors of spelling, punctuation, capitalization, paragraphing

4 Very good to average


3 Fair to poor Frequent errors of spelling, capitalization, punctuation, paragraphing, poor handwriting, meaning confused not obscured



Table 3.2 Rubric Assessment of Writing Test
Table 3.3 Rubric Assessment of Writing Test
Table3.7 The Interpretation of Correlation “r” Pearson Product
Table 4.1


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